ACOG vs LPVO (Primary Arms ACOG with ACSS Aurora)

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around 1995 little bit earlier and it served all throughout the global war on terror and in fact is still serving both the Marine Corps and the army although the Marine Corps is looking to switch it out now with the purchase of different low-power variable optics now the question we're gonna be addressing today is in this world of low power variable optics and magnifiers a lot of stuff isn't the ACOG still King is it still a relevant optic or is it something that we can forget forget about and you know move on from now before we get into that let's do our full disclosures as we always do if you're new to the channel I always disclose my relationships of every company that I work with so first officer's gone no relationship although more importantly the ACOG that I have in this video was manufactured four primary arms by tragic on because it uses their a CSS Aurora reticle so understand that primary arms has provided that optic for me and they have provided many many optics to me in the past I do reviews for firing arms understand that there is a relationship there with other optics I'm going to be comparing it against like the Leupold mark six again I have received many many products from loopholes so understand I have a relationship with them I know a lot of those guys over there hung out them dinner all that kind of stuff I'm pretty good friends the Leupold guys same thing goes with vortex and Khali's and some of the other companies and their optics I'm gonna be pointing out so except for Trijicon I pretty much have a relationship with every other optic company out there and that's not a bad thing it's simply that I do a lot of reviews and that's just kind of the way it works I understand that despite having relationships at those companies I try to be as even-keeled and fair as possible when I do my reviews but it's important to me that you guys so you know the nature of my relationship with these companies unlike some other players out there whether it be review magazines or YouTube stars or whatever who don't disclose specifically their relationship with a couple of companies this is something that's important to me anyhow let's get into it so if you're not familiar with the dude you've got a cog the a cog is a fix for power optic absolutely has been used all over the world with no problem so when it comes to me in any way critiquing this other than to say that this thing has served and multiple areas and has dropped a lot of guys in fact a lot of people state they either the aim point or perhaps the ACOG have been the most widely used optics to put people into the ground where that's true or not I'm not sure but I think it's a pretty good supposition given that the ACOG and the aim point we're both used so extensively by the United States and military but in any case when I first started talking about this topic and you know thinking about how I wanted to review it I went way too in-depth on it and I've got way too complicated but in reality I think what makes this channel best is simply boiling it down to the basics what are some basic stats about these optics and how do they perform specifically while you're shooting them how do they feel because honestly you can go into stats as long as you can but until you actually use these products and get down in the field with them you might not know how they actually performed so let's get into it so starting with the most basic statistic by the optics we're going to wait now understand that the ACOG is going to be a very lightweight optic compared to the low power variable optics simply because there's less moving parts and that means less complexity less you know weight and all that kind of stuff now the reason I bring up weight is because a lot of people seem to be concerned or a lot of people seem to be confused on the weight of the ACOG I had somebody comment in one of my videos and multiple people actually not just one a lot of idiots out there he said the ACOG is a brick it is the heaviest optic he has ever held heavier than its hunting optics heavier than anything just the heaviest thing he had ever held before and I've seen that multiple times the ACOG is a very light weight optic in fact the ACOG weighs in around ten point nine ounces with the typical amount that you have from kerja Khan now with different mounts that can be way less or more depending on what you use but around ten point nine is where you sit now compare that against like the micro optics or main point you know it's about those are about half the weight of this but that being said they thought it's very lightweight because let's compare that against something like let's say that you're took on a cue point which is a 1 to 4 power optic that's also made by Georgia now the one two for a cue point weighs approximately sixteen point two ounces so quite a bit more than the church got an ACOG of course you have complexity you have anywhere from one power all the way up to four power because there's a low-power variable optic so there is more capability there but at the same time it illustrates the point at the ACOG is a very lightweight optic let's take that a step further a powerhouse of an optic that has been used worldwide by both police military and civilians has been the vortex razor Gen 2 now there are a couple different ones out there there are lighter ones nowadays but you're looking at around 21 or so on PSA's for that particular optic and to be clear both those are listed without mount so with the mount you're adding about another four to five maybe even more ounces so understand that these optics away quite a bit more in many times in many cases double with Dietrich on ACOG ways now understand that those optics are around the same price point of the anywhere from about 800 to about 1200 Japan reticles in that type of stuff now if we go much higher in price to something like the loophole mark 6 like we have right here on this Novus q rifle we have around 17 ounces on this particular optic now with the mount which is from ADM great mounts by the way you're looking at a little bit more about adding another 4 ounces so closer to round 21 or so but even still about double the weight of the church' con ACOG now of course you have more capability and something like the Leupold mark six of the vortex razor we have a one to six capability in fact many optics nowadays offer even more than that vortex has come out with a 1 to 10 power optic primary arms has a 1 to 8 optic vo-tech has a 1 to 6 so there are many companies coming out with optics that go beyond the capabilities of some of the optics I'm kind of focusing on in this particular video [Applause] now we understand the magnification but there's more that goes into magnification which is the field of view that is how much can I actually see when I'm at six power so the ACOG famously has an enormous field of view specifically around 36 a little bit more feet at a hundred yards at for power what's good about that is with that massive field of view you have a better picture of what is happening around your target this is important for a variety of reasons specifically it's important to have good situational awareness on what is happening so the massive field of view is definitely a great thing about the turkic on ACOG no other low-power variable optics don't match that huge field of view that the ACOG has they do come somewhat close but understand something like the acupoint for example at four power now it does have one to four but a four power at hundred yards it sees twenty four point two feet now that being said both the Leupold mark six and the vortex razor or the night force a tacher one day have better fields of view than does the acupoint but even still nothing matches the enormous field of view that comes along with the ACOG now there is a problem everything is a trade-off with that massive field of view we have a very very small eye relief on the trajectory is what the hell is eye relief and why does it matter to me so this is where it comes down to being a shooter and why that matters you tribute on ACOG has around an inch and a quarter of IRA leaf maybe a little maybe like an inch and a half or so not a lot of inch it's pretty pretty small so what that means is when I go to bring this up to my eye how close is my I need to be until I can actually see through the optic or how far can I get away from it or how close gonna get to it before I can no longer see that picture now with the ACOG if you're off of that inch and a half inch and a quarter you're not seeing through that optic so I'll show you so right here I have the perfect eye relief through the a clock you can see how close my eye is to the optic in fact in the Marine Corps many are taught to put their nose to the charging handle now specifically the ACOG was typically mounted further forward on the rifle so that your it would everything would line up now with mine you'll notice I had the ACOG mounted very far back a lot of people have asked me why do that that allows me to get a better length the pole to more easily control the weapon and allows me to be a little bit more comfortable with the rifle that way every time I pull the trigger I don't have that charging handle pushing my nose back just another distractor might as well get rid of that it's very simple by pushing the optic back why does the eye relief matter well why it matters is because it's very easy to of course get on the gun look through the optic and pull a shot and make a really good hit with the Trijicon ACOG but the problem comes into play when I'm looking through the optic and I'm trying to fire it from a non-traditional position let's say I'm firing two you know a crack in the wall or something like that if firing under a tire or finding firing around something as simple as a V tach barricade which kind of simulates a lot of the odd firing positions you could possibly find yourself in in adverse conditions when doing this you quickly see that the ACOG has many issues with the short eye release basically because in many of those positions you don't have a really good purchase on the weapon to where it moves a little bit more than what it typically would move when you fire it what happens is every time you fire it you're gonna lose that sight picture because Allah unless your eye is directly on that eye box you were losing your sight picture that makes it takes a little bit more time then to realign and reacquire target and take your shot now compare that that's something like the mark 6 which has a beautifully massive eye box so we'll demonstrate that right now so all the way from back here I can still see through the optic all the way through right there so I have a good three to four inches of eye relief on the Leupold mark six and that's very true also the vortex razor so also I can get off axis of that and still see through the optic that very generous I box makes it easier for me then to take shots from non-traditional positions and specifically once I've made those shots still be able to see through my optic and track and see what my target is doing because targets don't stand still targets and move people don't want to die so if you're taking shots through a loophole it's much easier or vortex or knife or attacker all those great optics out there it's much easier to track and see what's happening compared to the ACOG where it's a little bit more difficult now Ken training overcome that absolutely you can train hard the ACOG can be frickin good with it right well it's where it's gonna be no problem but at the same time you can train just as hard and be that much better using a little power variable optic so that is a quick note that we have to make now the biggest argument I see for a low-power variable optic is speed specifically at one power the low power radial optics can be used very close to a red dot where they're very fast at close ranges and because of that a lot of people think of that as being a just wonderful thing about the low power variable optics and that's kind of a problem with your joana ACOG where if I want to shoot close with it it's gonna be a little bit more difficult there are a couple ways to overcome that so let's talk about that and kind of talk about the realities of shooting mid to close range with these low power variable optics and fixed power optics like the ACOG so specifically with the ACOG there is a great principle called the bidden aiming principle all it is is when you're shooting you should be shooting with both eyes open when you're doing that you simply focus through your non-dominant eye in my case that's going to be my left eye so as I'm looking through this optic on gunas I'm keeping both eyes open and then I'm focusing on the target and what happens is my right eye sees the reticle my left eye sees a target and I get the reticle superimposed on the target it takes quite a bit of training and it's definitely a principle that you see in older optics like occluded red dot sights and the such you can certainly train yourself to do it is it as fast or as intuitive as a red dot absolutely not but it does work and you can see in this video that I'm doing it in a lot of the shots I'm taking so understand it is absolutely possible is that the best practice no but it is very doable to practice that I'm sure you can talk to many Marines out there many army guys who spend hours and hours and days and days and months and years on the acog where it's very instinctual for them to take those snap midrange the close-range shots with the ACOG and of course this is solvable in many ways the ACOG has wings right here we can mount a trick on our mr now a lot of people say well then you're adding weight to the system I understand that the RMR weighs around one ounce and then the screws to mount it in way around it now so you're adding around two ounces to the system getting closer to 12 ounces even if you mount something like an offset red dot which is what I typically do with a lot of my rifles you can see the offset dot right here this is a loophole Delta Point Pro with the optic it's with the mount itself you're going to adding around 1.5 or so ants ISM with the optic another one-ounce so that definitely does add up but understand that there are a variety of ways to overcome the problems of sighting in on the Trijicon ACOG now some eight cogs actually come with all those on it the Trijicon eCos line comes with the arm arm mounted as well as offset iron sights just in case you want you know an optic on your optic on your optic so you have multiple ways of sighting that in now as far as mounting a top mounted red dot versus a offset red dot that's an entirely different video we'll go over that in the future now the question is is we have all these offset dots going is how does the low-power variable optics compare why would I want to put an offset dot with a low-power very well optic we can already do one power well a lot of people are attending to actually run their low-power variable optics at higher power so anything from three to ten or wherever they're a particular optical go and they're running an offset dot and there's a variety of reasons to do that so let's talk about them for a second a lot of the reason for mounting a dot of some type even on low power variable optics is due to low light shooting low-power variable optics are awesome and some of the you know higher price optics like the night force and the Leupold mark six and to some extent also the vortex razor they do very well at transmitting that light still not as quite as much as the ACOG the ACOG takes in a whole lot of light what's going on is in low-light situations it's a little bit more difficult to aim through a low-power variable optic or a fixed power optic like the ACOG and offset dot is a great thing to have also a good reason for having an offset dot is if you need to passively aim through your system and not use IR during night-vision shooting there you go all right good and hit this when you're in your night vision you are not going to be using your low-power variable optic unless you have a certain set up same thing goes for the ACOG because of that a offset dot specifically whether it be top mounted or top ring mounted on the low-power variable optics or in multiple companies that make top mounted optics that go on top right there allows you to passively aim through the dot because you need to have the dot a little bit higher in order to aim through it with a night vision system on also the offsets specifically the t-rex arms offset specifically the riser plate allows you to shoot very easily through night vision so I suppose my point to all of this is that while the ACOG does suck at mid to close range and although you can train through it I think an offset optic or a top mounted optic is absolutely necessary to run with an ACOG and my point beam was that with a low-power variable optic although many people think that at one power it then does everything there are many limitations to it so in most cases I actually end up map running a top mounted or a side mounted red dot because it simply adds one to two ounces obviously those ances do add up but it's a in my mind very vital an important piece of equipment to add so that I can shoot in low light and in passively through night vision and the follow-on to that then is that I don't find the close range to mid range to really be a handicap for the ACOG because already I'm running some type of offset dot on both of these rifles so it's kind of a moot point to me now when it comes to reticles it really matters for long-range specifically you need to be able to range targets figure out how far it's harder those away you also need to be able to do win holds the targets moving how do you calculate all that loophole mark six an awesome reticle the pork Tech's razor really does not in my opinion I love the attackers as well now if you're gonna get an ACOG brand new nowadays I think that there's little argument that the best reticle to get for it is the Aurora reticle from primary arms so for almost all my cogs I'm running Aurora's on them because it is in my mind the best reticle for the church econ system so kind of a quick overview of it because I really like it quite a bit it can be zeroed for a variety of different loadings anything from five five six seven six two different grain agile loadings the primary specifically has a chart that will tell you where everything is landing when user it for a particular loading that you're using so if you look at the reticle right here so if we take a look in the middle we have our cqp box it's for close-up and shooting with the Binda name concept on the lesson right we have our ranging and of course we have our medium-range now when it comes to the ranging those also correspond to distance from the center in millirads for all of my long distance gigs out there the millirads also correspond to speed of fast movers going left to right or right to left from 20 all the way up to 40 miles per hour [Music] the dots going down the BDC correspond to your wind holes they were from five to ten you can of course have those in between for 2.5 and 7.5 finally when it comes to ranging we have two different ways to range we have the ranging on the left and right side it's pretty simple you measure the height it's a typical target height being five foot seven in foreign countries and or just anywhere so you have going all the way from 400 measure from the feet all the way to the top and you have 400 now if you can only see half of it what you can do so you can measure from the middle and then from the middle you can get the approximate distance like we see that one target it's partially exposed by grass and measured at the middle we find out he's at 700 now if you go to measure height and he fully stands only halfway between that doubles us who see the one guy right there by the 8 but he's so tiny he is only on the halfway line is then at 1600 meters now if you can't measure them by height you can also measure by width so the lines on the BDC correspond to the width is you can then get ranging off of that and again with the Aurora you can also zero it for a variety of different calibers whether it be seven six two five five six five four five there's a really handy chart included in primary arms they'll allow you to figure out your zero and all that kind of stuff so definitely go check that out but without a doubt I think that the Aurora and the acss is probably one of the best reticles you can get when it comes to a low poverty LOB's again it works extremely well in the ACOG but the final piece of the puzzle in the ACOG is what the hell powers it well the ACOG is powered by the [ __ ] Sun so the ACOG uses two things to power its reticle we have a fiber optic on the top right here and then within you have tritium for low light situations now on all of our low-power variable optics they are running batteries of some type and to be clear low-power variable optics don't have great battery life typically around give around 600 hours at the very top end now with the ACOG the ACOG is so bright it's like it's like burning your eyes out of your brain in the Saudi Arabian desert bright so it's meant to be used in those really bright environments and that's why you see so many people putting tape over the ACOG because the reticle is so obnoxiously bright if you don't tone it down you're just gonna blind yourself so I taped typically a little bit over 3/4 of the fiber-optic to try to tone down the amount of light that that fiber-optic is getting if I need more I can just rip that tape right off I can put it right back on but if you haven't used an ACOG before you'll see that it's quickly needed in these situations now there is a problem the tritium of course has a half-life tree diems half-life great game by the way is 10 years so after about 10 years you're gonna see the brightness begin to fade quite a bit replacing the tritium in a cogs cost a ridiculous amount of money so for the most part you're not going to be able to do that so understand that is one of the kind of problems of the ACOG now some people do use the battery-powered ACOG for that very reason but for me I like the ability of the ACOG just to be powered by ambient light and I think that's a lot of its appeal to me is just being an optic that I can use even when society fails even when everything fails the Trijicon had me sitting there powered by the [ __ ] Sun and it's still going to work so there's nothing that I have to worry about now for low light situations it does suck that the tritium will eventually fade but for most of my low-light situations I am running an offset dot or a top-mounted dot so it's not really that much of an issue so what does it come down to in the end low-power variable optics in many ways Eclipse the ACOG in terms of eye relief in terms of ability to change magnification levels and especially having more magnification there's a lot to be said about the low-power variable optics we're going all the way up to 10 power on many of these new low powered variable optics and that's incredible that it's never a bad thing to have more magnification on certain situations but especially if you can go all the way from 1 to 10 power awesome there's a lot to be said there but at the same time you have the ACOG the ACOG is a lightweight robust optic powered by the [ __ ] Sun there's a lot to be said about understanding some limitations if you're gonna get it especially nowadays and buy a new one definitely get the one with the primary arms a CSS Aurora reticle you'd be amazed at its ease and ability to range targets here's the thing as cool as these optics are it doesn't matter without training so get out there and actually practice with your optics train them shoot with them try ranging with them and you'll be surprised as some of the limitations of your knowledge and your talents so there are tons of great guys out there who can train you we have Bayer solutions kagra works Haley strategic not my dad batt McNamara core vision tons of great guys willing to give you their knowledge get out there train get good with what you have because as cool and as important as it is to have a good tool the most important tool not calling you guys a tool the most important thing is your mind without honing that without training that none of this matters guys love you guys so much thank you so much for watching I know we kind of went really into the weeds on this stuff appreciate you guys get some good optics out there take care yourself I got nothing else for you alright last thing for you guys we are getting pretty far into the quarantine now and I know some guys are losing their mind so my homework for you guys is going to be reached out to an old friend and actually talk to them I know a lot of you guys are hopping on war zone having a good time playing some games and escape from tarkov and you're talking anybody's in but there's nothing like good old social interaction FaceTime talk them actually engage with them because I know sometimes you kind of mindless when you're on those games so please engage with a friend talk with them everyone's losing their minds a little veterans getting a little bit antsy and there's nothing like some good old-fashioned conversation and social socialization to help bring the world together let's try to make this a better world now if you know you've gotten this far patreon can't think my patreon people enough you are directly supporting this channel in making it better you have made this a better channel and I am always grateful to you thank you link right below for patreon take care guys I've got nothing else for you
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 1,499,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, acog, trijicon acog, primary arms acss, primary arms acog, lpvo vs acog, acog vs lpvo, acog is best optic, special forces optic, 4x optic, fortnite scope, cod optic, cod scope, special operations scope
Id: 5XleEtjl5DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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