The AUG / AUSTRIAN SERVICE RIFLE, the best bullpup ever made?

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task 469 was all but dead the last remnants mercilessly hunted down and eliminated by an endless horde of ron jeremy's led by the alpha task force 420 though valiant in their efforts we're light years away come on come on sir if you continue at the speed you'll fly the ship apart fire apart impossibly one grantham trapped in time by the nameless one pushed through the barrier the pain horror and sadness overwhelmed him as he lived a thousand lifetimes in seconds he stood armed with an austrian death machine the only man capable of ending this once and for all [Music] the austrian weapon smoked from battle and delivered its final judgment ending ron jeremy but something was terribly wrong in this backwards universe [Music] how has he been released from his imprisonment [Music] free [Music] [Music] no god not like this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you've ever used the og and counter strike go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment the comment section is actually out of control youtube has asked me to calm you guys down not possible we'll see if i get removed because of it totally worth it by the way guys the biggest sponsor of this channel is brownells brownells are huge 2a advocates and they have an awesome two-way website go check them out link in the description right below we can't thank them enough and of course the sponsor for this video is for path now before you guys click forward i know we have e3's and e4's and i see you guys in the rail yard all the time playing mobile games why not give a mobile game that's sponsoring this video a little bit of love so we have warpath warpath is a free to play mobile strategy game that's both real time and incorporates a lot of the battles from world war ii so let's go ahead and talk about a little bit so the best part about warpath is that they just recently released an update including the air force which is important that we are recognized for our ice cream and bouncy house so big thank you to them on that and of course it's cool you get to have fun play with your friends have a good time here's the thing free to play include some sick guns jean-claude van damme is in it so why the hell just play go download the link is right below and of course the best part is you can form alliances so whether you only stick to playing with your army buddies or you make bloody bloody blood deals with local marines you can have good fun doing that and playing with your friends and as always the spear strategy will win and we can't thank them enough for sponsoring this particular video ladies gentlemen am i often forgotten but most certainly not by me ah1 zulus welcome to the channel today we're going to be talking about a very cool rifle we have the steyr aug otherwise to all the real ones out there known as the og i have been waiting to do a review on this guy for a long time and we've taken a lot of time in doing the review on it for good reason now before we get into the review it's going to be important that we go through our full disclosures because it's important that you know what a reviewer's relationship is with the company i think that's very important so with steyer this rifle was sent to me for review along with 3 000 rounds of ammunition we ended up doing about 5 000 rounds of ammunition on it so the extra 2k were from personal stores um this is pretty typical of reviews where ammunition is provided and it in no way affects what i think is my pretty impartial reviewing skills so good bad ugly will go through everything um of what i think of the og as well let's talk a little bit about some of the history behind it because obviously with these weapons have seen so much military service there's a lot to be said now i also want to give credit where credit is due i've had the very fortunate um experience of being able to talk with quite a few service members who have been able to use the og in-service both in combat and in civil use and anything from austrians to australians to new zealanders and i've been very thankful for their information on their experience of the og and it was definitely factored in into this particular review so a big thank you to them and to those guys out there they definitely kick ass now this the og is a really really interesting weapon because it falls into a category of a very well proven firearm since about the late 70s and early 80s we've had this firearm that has been used continuously in military service both within austria itself within australia and it's seen a whole lot of action not just from them but from other special operations groups all around the world so when we do a review of a weapon like this it should be noted that these weapons are known already for being very reliable and very durable weapons in fact we'll speak a lot to that as we go through it now perhaps what's not noted as much is how are the ergonomics how is it shooting it what is it like because obviously this is a weapon that can survive the military the question is for the private consumer out there does that matter compared to all the great options that you have out there is it really something that you want to get your hands on so i've definitely spent a lot of time taking my time shooting this i've taken it to a couple shooting courses and really tried to give it the due diligence because i will be honest and say that being an american um obviously a little bit biased against bull puffs so i try to be as open-minded as possible when i'm coming in to reviewing a bullpup type rifle and i think i did a pretty good job of it in any case just kind of want to give that little preface there and uh without further ado i think it's about time we give the og the limelight now if you're not familiar with the og the og is very interesting it is a 5.56 by 45 caliber it would typically be an assault rifle if it was select fire unfortunately due to the atf and other stupid [ __ ] laws we have a semiautomatic version only it is a short stroke gas piston operated weapon and it is of course a bullpup where the trigger is in front of the action itself so there are of course good things and bad things that come along with having a bullpup type weapon the best part about having a bullpup type weapon is recognizing how long the barrel is because a lot of people look at these weapons and they're especially if you're new to firearms you might not understand what you're looking at the barrel on the og is actually very very long so if we take a look at it right here i have to unplug my light right here so that barrel is quite long in fact this barrel is 16 inches in a very very small package so it's something that is very cool about the og and about bullpups in general which is that you have a very small package no pun intended and you have a rifle that has all the ballistic advantages that come with having a 16 inch barrel in a package that is actually about the size of a mark 18. now the first time i heard that i didn't believe it because mark 18 seemed very small however and we'll even do the mark 18 a service and we'll collapse the stock all the way down they're about the mark 18 is just slightly shorter when the mark 18 has collapsed all the way in but they are remarkably similar in size and actually the typical way i run my mark 18 is by putting one click out on the stock just past the divot right there and in that case the mark 18 is actually slightly longer than the aug pretty incredible especially when you consider that the mark 18 is a 10.3 inch barrel and is on the bleeding edge of both reliability and lethality when it comes to the 556. we immediately compare that with the aug where we have a 16 inch barrel so we have both better reliability due to a better dwell time as well as much better lethality when it comes to the 556 cartridge which needs velocity to be the very best it can and there are other things to consider as well because the weapon is so short it's of course easy to maneuver it's easy to run with especially working around barricades and things like that it's easy to short stroke the thing if you really need to and move to different ports um it is a very maneuverable weapon it's very easy to run with it's very easy to tuck this in especially if you've played football something like that it's very similar to getting that ball in there tucking it in and just [ __ ] hauling ass this is a very cool very maneuverable weapon not to mention with the longer barrel compared to any other shorter barrels that are about the same length of it we get a whole lot less muzzle flash because we have more time for that power to burn and get those good ballistics so we have a lot of good things going on now there of course our problems the trigger because it is so far from where that sear is released you run into some issues and we'll talk about that as well there are problems with length of pull with the stock i can't of course adjust it now there are certain bullpups that have solved this problem but in general the length of that sock is what i got so it doesn't fit you well you're kind of screwed of course with ar-15s and many you know more conventional rifles you can of course adjust that stock depending on what's going on what you're wearing body armor all that good stuff which can be nice but if the og fits you and it fits you when you're wearing your armor or your kit well then you're in a good place now for me i'm six foot about 190 pounds and this thing fits me very well so for me the aug is just the absolute perfect right size so that is something that we can say that works out for me very well so the stock adjustments don't matter quite as much to me so with those things being said let's get into it let's do what the navy loves and let's go tip to bite maureen's getting excited out there too we have a very a2 like muzzle device those can of course be swapped out no problem we have a locking collar at the back there to push into it make sure it doesn't go anywhere great design used on many other rifles and yeah no problems with the muzzle device of course it is closed on the bottom to ensure that when you're prone and firing that you're not going to be kicking up dust and it works absolutely fine as far as keeping the rifle on track now what's really cool i think is the barrel the barrel on the styrog is cold hammer forge and that's much what you see with many different military type rifles and cold hammer forging is great because especially under sustained rates of fire such as automatic fire they have a very very long barrel of life so there's a lot to be said about the longevity of the sire og and the barrel is just one of the many components that comes into play of making this a weapon that is somewhat legendary as far as its durability and reliability are concerned now from there we have to talk a little bit about the gas system because i think this is a pretty interesting facet of the steirog now the cyrog is a short stroke gas piston system and you know you you have that very much so short stroke gas piston recoil impulse in fact compared to many conventional weapons such as the hk416 or the arx-160 or the g36 the cyrog is actually kind of snappy for a caliber weapon which surprised me given the long barrel length and just kind of how everything feels pretty good i think it's a combination of several things i think the the weapon is over gassed of course like many other military weapons to ensure that it can power through that dust and that grind and notwithstanding certain mud tests that you've seen online from a couple different youtubers most military trials have shown the og to be either on par or much better than many other weapons out there as far as reliability is concerned in adverse conditions the australian military trials come to mind especially they did a lot of very in-depth studies of it beyond that i think it's due to the short length of pull overall the weapon isn't adjustable and i think of something like a mark 18. because the mark 18 collapse all the way is that about the same length of pull as what you're getting from an og so when i hold a mark 18 especially with the stock collapse all the way in one way to really mitigate recoil on a weapon is that when you have the stock out you're able to use your bone structure to kind of lock that weapon into your body to ensure that it's not going to be able to move so when you fire you know there's nowhere really for the weapon to go because everything on your body is kind of locked out it also makes it very comfortable to hold now you compare that with the aug and because the aug's so short kind of like that mark 18 you're not really locked out on anything now it is of course very comfortable to carry this thing over long periods of time especially when it comes to cqb that was something that i really enjoyed about the august how easy it is to hold this weapon up over extended periods periods of time because the weight distribution on this weapon is so far back it's just really easy to hold up but at the same time because i don't have any structures kind of locking this out when i fire it there's a little bit more movement so it's kind of a combination of that short stroke gas piston along with the fact that you can't really lock that weapon out like you can on more conventional weapons and perhaps the weapon is of course over gas as well leading to that snappier recoil than what you'd typically expect from a five five six caliber rifle beyond that a really important note in my mind is also of course going to be the bulk here group so if we go ahead and we break this down one more time so i can kind of show you what's going on so obviously this is a very easy weapon to take apart all right so yep that's the weapon apart you can also take out the trigger pack group but in any case the weapon this one has been shot approximately you know 5 000 ish rounds it's pretty clean and one thing that should be noted is that it's a very interesting design and beyond there is how much longevity you get from these bolts and these bolt carrier groups on the sire og these weapons have been known to go two to three times the amount that you'll see from an ar-15 as far as round counts from the bolt and bolt carrier group alone you know there are just certain weapons that end up being incredibly reliable weapons like the m4 family rifles the ak family rifles the glock 18 the pkm and the styrog these are just weapons that for whatever reason due to their design and just how well everything works together they tend to work for a very long period of time so a lot has to be said about the longevity you get with the steyr og it is just a superbly superbly durable weapon as far as lasting throughout time and so that kind of brings me to the end about talking about the reliability and durability but essentially with that long life bolt bolt care group cold hammer forged barrel and a well gas system that is of course combat gassed you just have a good very reliable system now there are a lot of quirks that come along with the siren we're about to talk about those right now so first off when it comes to this forward grip right here this forward grip does fold so to fold it you pull down and you push it forward and it can stow whether you want to shoot the rifle like that or what have you most people end up running that thing down now these of course can be replaced with lower rails from corvus defensio but for most people they're probably gonna be running the standard grip right here the problem with running one of these types of grips is that when you're shooting shooting hard moving between barricades there's a very it's very easy to pull down on the gun too much when you're trying to control recoil and kind of unlock that grip where it starts wobbling on you it's quite annoying so i haven't been a huge fan of the grip for that very reason i would definitely if you're gonna be shooting this a lot and some of the austrian soldiers have told me the same thing as getting that thing replaced or taping it down or making sure that that thing can't move so that's kind of my first gripe when it comes to the steyr aug now a lot of people have noted that on the aug there's not really a whole lot you can do as far as mounting night vision and that type of stuff and lights so this is of course a new rail from steyer that's on the side that's much longer than we typically see and these will be released quite soon i think this makes it a very compelling platform it allows me to add both a light and then on the top rail i have the be myers maul which is absolutely perfect because the buttons are right there so i need to reach for them all i do is i back my grip off under night vision and i'm able to get good grip on that maul and take the shots i need to internet vision or use that device as needed now the tape switch my light of course comes down to this forward grip so when i'm typically shooting i'm not engaging it and if i need to use the light i can simply squeeze down on the pressure pad in order to turn that light on which brings us to a couple things we have a qd mount right here for a sling a sling on a nog has always kind of been a problem i like the qd point right here this worked quite well for me now right here we have a corvus defensio extended um charging handle i do like it quite a bit it allows me to manipulate the rifle pretty easily not that there's anything you know especially wrong with the charging handle but i like the feeling of the you know all metal very solid corvus charging handle that we have right there now the aug's kind of interesting now it is a non-reciprocating charging handle but if you need to clear malfunctions you can of course do it being on the left side perfect great design now you can also kind of lock it up very much like an mp5 so if you pull it back and you push it up that will lock the bolt back whether you need to clear malfunctions or do whatever and then technically if you really want to round in there you could actually mp5 slap that [ __ ] and load it around into there even though that's not specifically the way you're supposed to do it but it is a way of doing it now the optics rail on the top right here is awesome it is extended we have a lcan spectre on there and this is probably the only gun that the elk inspector looks good on but especially on this weapon the elk inspector just really works so will any other optic but i can just appreciate how good it all looks together and i haven't had any shift in zero zero or anything like that and all the time i've been using the aug now this brings us over to the safety the safety is pretty interesting and i like it quite a bit so to go from fire to safe all you're going to do is push this in right here now you're on fire and you go to safe you push it in so when you're ready to fire all you're going to do is push in with your hand and then you're good to go and you can fire your weapon at that point so again just pushing his finger and then you're in it's a pretty quick movement different from the ar-15 but i think just as good as far as a manual of arms is concerned and that brings us down to our space grip on the styrog what a bizarre grip very comfortable i will say and it brings us probably the worst part of the syrog so the trigger on a bullpup has been said to be pretty bad so as far as ranking triggers we would say like the best trigger being some type of very nice custom 1911 or korth revolver or something like that two good triggers like good aka triggers and good ar-15 triggers like triggers like the geissele ssae going down to kind of getting bad like glock and then going even worse to like a glock new york trigger going even worse like a g36 trigger i do believe that the aug is perhaps one of the worst triggers that is out there there are worse like the glx 160 the grenade launcher for the beretta 160 is probably a little bit worse but this trigger's pretty bad to be clear we do have an updated trigger pack from sire on a possible upgrade that they're looking at and even then um the trigger just really isn't that great so understand that we are using the upgraded trigger from steyr and even so there's a lot to be to be uh left to be desired when it comes to it so for i believe the third time on grantham we're gonna go ahead and ghost a bullpup trigger together so feeling that trigger right there we have a lot of pressure to release it and just a whole lot of mush and then we have our let off come forward a lot there we go there's our reset so trigger pound with this trigger pull with this updated trigger it's around five to six pounds or so it's just a mushy trigger and what's weird about it is it it looks light but it doesn't like push evenly to the rear it kind of like shimmies back and forth and it's plastic on plastic um when it's coming forward and most interestingly the trigger pack if you can take a look right here and pull that trigger pack out so the trigger pack is actually all plastic as you can see right here um it is an all plastic design and so that kind of explains why when you're pulling the trigger you can just really feel all of those plastic parts really flexing against each other now the actual automatic trigger from the og is really interesting where a half pole will get you semi-auto and then a full pull will get you that full auto it's a very interesting design but on a semi-automatic single shot weapon it just leaves a lot to be desired because it's a very odd feeling trigger and you know the question is like do i harp on triggers too much and honestly i probably do i'm a little bit obsessed with triggers i think that a good trigger can absolutely make the difference between good shots and bad shots um and so understand it's my bias but i do think that the thing that really holds the og back as a weapon overall is how terrible the trigger is on this particular weapon um it's slow to shoot whatever it's a military weapon right how fast you really need to shoot honestly as fast as i can but your splits are going to be slower and then as we get further out to distance as we keep walking targets out having to press kind of that uneven trigger pull it's just not great you can of course learn it but understand if you're going to be getting an og because you appreciate all of the things that you get with the aug such as reliability durability the compact size and all that understand that the trade-off is of course going to come down to how terrible that trigger pull is compared to most modern weapons out there now enough harping on the trigger one thing that i can say that is really cool about the og are the magazines and the manual arms here so when you are going to be performing a reload on the skyrog what's really cool about it is the fact that we have a magazine release right here that is from corvus defensio so go to bolt lock of course turn handles on reciprocating all you're going to do is reach back hit your magazine release old mag out new mag in soon as that new mag is in you can drop that bolt no problem now if you didn't notice it's very very easy to reload this weapon in your shoulder compared to an ar-15 where most people end up breaking the weapon down when they reload and doing it from under the shoulder to give them leverage and that type of stuff with the aug it absolutely is not necessary you can 100 do everything off the shoulder because of how good the balance on the weapon is so this is something that i can say about how easy it is to perform a magazine change on the steyr og now a couple things on the magazines so of course we have the original steyrog magazines you can see one right here that is loaded to a full 30. so they are translucent you can see the rounds i do definitely find it easy with my stupid strength my [ __ ] strength to load above 30 to 31 or 32 rounds at which point when you load it in it has a tendency to shock around up into the chamber i don't think that's specifically a problem with the og as it is a problem with me just being a very unintelligent individual now that being said besides the star magazines we of course do have magpul og magazines which i love not to mention that i think that they look pretty bitchin in the gun itself any of these magazines are incredibly reliable they're noted to just work very well you can of course get the 42 rounders which are made for the lmg version of the styrag and there's a lot of options when it comes to that the final few things i will note about the cyrax we have a shell deflector from corvus defensio right there which is a good upgrade in my opinion of course we have the rear stock pin right here which can of course be reversed as necessary so where does that bring us with the styrog you know when the syrup came out in the 80s we had a really cool really cool design i think that there is there's some modernization that's needed and to be clear the australian army has done a lot of modernization on the og and has a really awesome weapon that i'd love to review at some point but i think the august we have it from steyer does leave a little bit to be desired because as durable reliable and as good as everything is on the og there are two problems that really play a huge role that's going to be the snappy recoil and the trigger combine those two together and you have a weapon that's actually a little bit difficult as far as getting follow-up shots especially when you're shooting at distance so with a service rifle of any type i believe that's going to be fairly important and it's certainly a little bit more difficult with the aug that's not called the og a bad weapon because there are trade-offs with everything so when it comes to sire to the cyrog i have to say that everything is a trade-off right you have that extremely short weapon awesome ballistics wonderful reliability and durability durability but of course you have a fairly bad trigger and a kind of snappier recoil so those are my overall thoughts on the og if you haven't og already you have an incredibly incredibly wonderful weapon if you're looking to get one it is a wonderful weapon i definitely recommend getting your hands on one shooting one and then if you have one continue to train with it because the honestly like you could have the guccious gun but if you're not training with it you're still going to die so i would 100 percent take a guy with an og who trains every day over a guy with like a geissele ar-15 who trains once a year or something like that the point is what's going to really matter is the training is this weapon going to fire when you pull the trigger every [ __ ] time and that's one thing you can't say about every weapon so i do have every confidence in the og being a completely serviceable weapon for bad situations you can't hate on it you gotta love it steyr does do great things i'm looking forward to further modernizations of this particular weapon can't wait to see what they have to come ladies and gentlemen get training training is gonna make you awesome with any weapon get training from a variety of people haley strategic cogworks bear solutions core vision pat mcnamara get training get better you are the weapon make sure that you sharpen that weapon guys thank you so much for watching i've got nothing else for you for real final thing for you guys if you don't have anything nice to say maybe word it in a way that's a little bit nicer constructive criticism goes a long way learn how to give it learn how to take it be better human beings ladies gentlemen thank you so much for watching a big shout out to my patreon people i've got nothing else for you
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 2,461,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, Aug, Steyr, Rifle, Guns, Gun review, Firearm review, Die hard, Movie guns, Pop culture, Popculture, Taskforce69, Task force 69, Administrative results, Onward, Onward research, Warpath, Leviathan, Leviathan group, Leviathan tribe, YouTube, Youtuber, Reviews, Air Force, Marines, Army, Navy, Military, Tactics, Tactical, Entertainment, Veteran, Police, Law enforcement, LEO, First responder, Airsoft, LARP, Gear, Tactical gear, Elcan
Id: W4L1d1hahR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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