The Unsolved Mystery of 2b2t's End Dimension

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Doesn't fit

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/gugk 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

9 minutes of this video is just filler

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/VariedPersonality3 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

block move. block history

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/b-tard-100 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
i found something on the oldest anarchy server in minecraft that doesn't seem to have an explanation in fact it shouldn't even be possible in minecraft and it involves 2b2t's chaotic end dimension let me give you some backstory recently i was looking at map data for all three of 2b2t's dimensions when looking at the end from above you'll notice these black lines that cut through the modern day terrain for those unaware these lines are empty void i'm the one that generated them over half a decade ago using piston airships back when everything past the main island was just void but during my farthest flight away from spawn as seen here i fell out of my ship and died when that happened the ship was supposed to be frozen in place considering that in minecraft whenever a chunk is not loaded time essentially stops but recently out of boredom i zoomed into the area where i fell and was shocked to see a small line of void chunks continue for over 800 blocks from where i fell at the end of this tiny chunk trail was what appeared to be the remains of my original ship from 2015 still there by all accounts this chunk trail shouldn't exist how could my ship fly for over 800 blocks with no pilot and with no one in render distance to load the chunks it's actually kind of creepy even technical 2b2t players i've spoken to didn't have an explanation for this phenomenon no one has been able to explain it so today we're taking a deeper look at this unsolved mystery by stepping inside 2b2t's end dimension retracing our steps and using some outside help to analyze how this could have happened over half a decade ago before we delve into this mystery i'd like to thank honey for sponsoring today's video online shopping is meant to be easy so why is finding coupon codes that actually work so hard with honey it doesn't have to be honey is the free online shopping tool that helps you find promo codes and applies them to your shopping cart automatically when you're checking out on websites such 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as much data as possible to figure out all the potential scenarios where the ship could have loaded chunks by itself so i'll be heading out to the crash site on 2b2t to gather as much info as i can about the surrounding chunks as well as recover what's left of my original ship but before heading out to the site i'll be making a stop at the ruins of my original end base and airship platform dfc to see it with my own eyes for the first time since 2015. now here's the hard part recently the server's admin housemaster has patched elytra hacks to prevent players from having infinite flight but in the process of patching them he's made flying without hacks far more dangerous you can get stuck in mid air take random fall damage and sometimes your wings just won't open it's probably the most dangerous time to be traveling in the end dimension but it's necessary if we want to solve this mystery hey my alt account got the achievement all right let's take a look around here this is actually my first time being back in the end dimension since 2008 so a lot has changed the entire end island has been flooded with a water cube a guy in just regular diamond armor this is not the place for you buddy this is kind of dangerous great a dragon just what i wanted to see not only is it a dragon it's a sea serpent too look at that you know in my 10 years of playing minecraft this is actually the first time i've seen the ender dragon swim we're on the south highway we've made it out of the water cube now you're gonna notice as we're walking in the end the highways in this dimension are not nearly as advanced as the ones in the nether all that's separating us from the void right now is just a thin layer of cobblestone looks like someone's been pushing the end crystals away from the main island using pistons because look how far away that trail goes another one and this one's even farther you can't even see the main end island anymore jeez excellent the first void chunk border let's get down there and take a look so this is what happens when old void chunks meet the new end islands you get these massive chunk borders that look just as crazy as 2b2ts overworld someone was kind enough to build this ice highway using a redstone machine but it'll take us far enough south where we can turn off towards our first destination we've reached the first turn off point look how massive these void chunks actually are in person i mean you can see both sides those end islands are cut off completely but from here we're gonna head west and see what's left of my original end base before we head out to the crash site this is the moment of truth house master please let my elytra open and work okay come on wow this is gonna suck this is easily gonna be the most dangerous part of the whole journey if we fall into the void we are toast hopefully this tower works all right there we go it's working so far hopefully it stays this way we just need to follow this chunk trail for another six thousand blocks this is easily the most uncomfortable i've ever been using an elite truck oh not good not good come on open open open all right i got pearls let's see if i can make it to one of those islands over there here we go oh the trajectory is super weird right now it's not doing the normal arc all right let's aim a little lower are you kidding me it won't even register the pearl i think i've got an idea i'm gonna try to get a pearl to go right over the island and then i'll disconnect before the pearl actually hits all right let's right here all right please work moment of truth let's reconnect okay wings are open oh my god see this is why i told you it was gonna be a dangerous journey oh look at that we are actually not far from my end base but it looks like someone built something out here it i mean maybe it was an oasis at one point i don't know but hey there's trees there's flowers there's water let's check it out maybe this will give us some clues let's see merrick was here i was told to leave one area untouched so that must have been the griefer of this place rip and oasis okay so we don't know who built this thing originally but i bet when it was ungriefed it looked pretty crazy the moment of truth has come right out there should be my old end base let's do it flying an empty void is just so nerve-racking all right here we go look at that it looks like swiss cheese but it's still recognizable wow this is what it looked like five years ago and this is what it looks like now so i mean it's like i said it's recognizable but it's taken a beating you know this is what i love about 2b2t is that you can build things in the past and then come visit them in the future and they're still there in some form it's pretty wild all right that's enough nostalgia let's actually get to the crash site so we can finally solve this mystery we've reached the farthest south of the void chunks so now we head east we'll take a look at this here's the corner so this means we are actually near the location where i originally died five years ago when i fell i've located the chunk trail right here as i thought it's one chunk wide i c i still can't believe this thing is here it shouldn't be now there's this tiny little end island that's in the path of the chunk trail but i believe that's because of how the end islands actually generate and populate so that has nothing to do with this mystery coming up on the moment of truth is my airship still there at the end of this chunk trail oh would you look at that it still is that at least i believe that's the cobble but there's there's diamond horse armor on what's left of the cobble over here why would this be here that is the most bizarre thing wait hold up here once lay fit mc's old flying machine from before 1.9 claimed and used for further exploration by argonaut in november of 2016. wow all right i need whoever argonaut is i need to look them up right now you are not going to believe this i looked up argonaut and it turns out that four years ago he tried contacting my old twitter username to show he had discovered my ship i had no idea these photos existed and if you look closely they show that the ship never actually made contact with the end island which implies it somehow stopped on its own that's very useful information i'm going to take the cobble from my ship and then we can examine the chunk borders yup just as i thought the ship stopped short of the actual boundary so now that we've confirmed that it was the ship that generated these chunks it's time to compile all the info and send it to rey's works hopefully we can find an explanation for this weird phenomenon i just got done talking to ray's works after sending him all the info we had and without leaking our conversation i'll paraphrase our findings now it's impossible for us to know if this is the true cause but it seems most likely apparently in minecraft having enough piston activity in a chunk can keep it loaded without a player but only until the server performs an autosave which would then unload them a typical minecraft server auto saves every six thousand ticks or roughly every five minutes but the ship's speed was between six to eight thousand blocks per hour so for it to travel 800 blocks it flew for 10 minutes by itself that's a lot longer than a typical auto save so how did it keep flying according to ray if the ship was moving through two chunks at the same time while an autosave was happening it would prevent the chunks from unloading until the next auto save my ship must have been lucky enough to have been in two chunks at the same time the fact that it stopped before coming into contact with the island implies that the autosave finally got to it in a single chunk or the server simply restarted so to sum it all up the airship was complex enough to keep loading chunks without a person and it was flying at just the right speed to allow to be crossing over the chunk boundary whenever the autosave happened and the fact that it went 800 blocks means that it was incredibly lucky so has this mystery finally been solved i don't know it seems like a likely explanation but it's impossible for us to know the truth but maybe you have some ideas as to what really happened here well if you're one of my viewers and you enjoyed today's video consider hitting that subscribe button no pressure though also feel free to follow me on my socials but that's it for today everyone take it easy and make sure to stay away from ghost pilots
Channel: FitMC
Views: 1,943,558
Rating: 4.9406109 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, history, update, mobs, creeper, raid, 1.16, nether, sea, monster, dragon, red, 2b2t, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, oldest, builds, tour, battle, spawn, grief, hack, client, incursion, tutorial, far, lands, dream, alpha, beta, herobrine, hacked, exploit, glitch, mojang, flying, redstone, ship, technoblade, smp, live, campfire, blast, furnace, parody, song, memes, house, piglin, hoglin, forest, compost, composter, 1.17, bastion, respawn, anchor, pvp, popbob, remnant, chests, chest, animation, speedrun, duplication, bed, minecon, mc, unsolved, mystery, end
Id: PVa3Qh5pUCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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