The History of 2b2t's MASSIVE Oceans

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what you're looking at is the spawn region of the oldest anarchy server in minecraft this chaotic wasteland is easily one of the most recognizable places in all of the minecraft community but let me show you something if we view this region from space and we get farther and farther away from the surface you're gonna start to notice something the desolate wasteland is actually a giant island surrounded by massive expanses of ocean the question is how did these oceans get to be so big in the first place where did they come from and how did they affect the history of 2b2t well it's actually a complicated explanation generated almost a decade ago these bodies of water are littered with chunk errors and can go on for tens of thousands of blocks without a major land mass in some cases these stretches of ocean can go hundreds of thousands of blocks out they played a huge role for early explorers of the server and ruins of island bases can still be found in the region to this day the massive oceans would also eventually become one of the fastest methods of overworld transportation during a time when elytras were banned from the server so today we're taking a look at the history behind 2b2t's massive oceans why they exist in the first place and how it affected both the veterans from nearly a decade ago and the modern day player base these oceans were not exactly the safest places laggy conditions could be deadly it's a lot to take in today so let's get started our story begins in 2011. the server was almost a year old at this point and the immediate spawn region had already been fully generated around 5000 blocks in each direction from zero zero but in september of 2011 the adventure update or beta 1.8 was released while it was an exciting time for the server this update changed world generation and caused oceans to be far more massive than you would expect as you traveled further and further from spawn which was usually a large land mass the world would be more likely to generate oceans until eventually it seemed like it was the only thing that would generate historically these unusually large oceans are often described as a bug or a glitch in this version of minecraft but this is not actually the case the massive oceans we see in this type of world generation were actually intentional for the adventure update worlds were considered continental back then meaning that land masses would be separated by oceans that could be anywhere from ten thousand to eighty thousand blocks long in a single line and potentially hundreds of thousands of blocks if navigating around land masses how big and how frequent oceans were depended on the world seat and it just so happened that seed heavily favored oceans but a 2b2t player from 2010 pyromaniac recalls how players discovered this quirk not long after the update came to the server and used boats to intentionally generate large amounts of these ocean chunks he describes spawn as being surrounded by glitched oceans like a water-shaped donut which is actually remarkable since he described it this way years before anyone even bothered to map the region using external programs but for a two year period 2011 to 2013 new players that joined would travel the oceans and ended up creating even more ocean chunks while it seems like this would be an incredibly easy way to escape from spawn the oceans specifically on 2b2t were actually quite dangerous if you weren't fully prepared anyone that played minecraft in alpha and beta remembers just how horrible boats used to be the controls were awful they wouldn't do what you wanted at times and combined with 2b2t's laggy conditions it turned these wooden boats into potential coffins for travelers sometimes it was possible to completely fall out of the world if the lag was bad enough while this was usually just a visual glitch and could be fixed by reconnecting there was a chance that you'd actually fall through into the void and lose everything another issue was the absolutely awful boat durability in older versions of minecraft if you were moving too quickly in a boat and you collided with land the boat would break into sticks and planks so you'd need to craft a new one to continue on with your journey but due to massive lag spikes on 2b2t sometimes your boat would just destroy itself in the middle of an ocean for no reason and if you didn't bring an extra or have a crafting table with you you'd often have to swim for thousands of blocks just to find an island and hope it had a tree on it when job edition 1.3 was released boats were changed so that they would drop themselves instead of sticks and planks but it didn't fix the boat breaking issue on 2v2t and i know this because when i was still a new player on the server this actually happened to me my boat broke for no reason and it fell to the bottom of the ocean where i couldn't find it i was forced to swim for a long time to find an island and of course it didn't have any trees it was not fun the world would continue to generate like this until java edition 1.7 which released in the fall of 2013. in addition to the brand new biomes added land became easier to find and oceans became way smaller over time this would cause massive chunk borders to start appearing all over the old oceans in the previously unloaded chunks giving them a strange appearance it made the old chunks more noticeable and you could follow them hundreds of thousands of blocks away from spawn they were easily recognizable since the old ocean floors consisted of dirt sand and clay whereas in all oceans after 1.7 only gravel can be found on the ocean bottom at least it would be this way until the update aquatic but in the years that followed many of the island settlements were pillaged or grieved but due to the size of the ocean several of them were able to survive at least for a while but eventually in 2017 two brand new hacks would be introduced to the server that would turn these old flat oceans into super highways entity speed and entity jesus entity speed allowed ridable animals to travel at insanely high speeds an entity jesus allowed them to walk on water when used in combination it made for incredibly fast transport across the old oceans when elytras were banned on the server for a while it caused even more players to use horses for transport and the ocean regions were explored even more than they already had been which caused the majority of the remaining settlements to be discovered and destroyed to this day almost none of the bases created from 2011 to 2013 exist on the ocean anymore at least in their complete forms all that's left of them are ruins and craters though the region is still popular for new explorers and finding newly built bases is quite common the two-year period of oceanic exploration and world generation doesn't really have a name and is not mentioned anywhere in the 2b2t timeline so i figured it was the perfect topic to make a video on so if you enjoyed it today make sure to leave a like and hit that subscribe button also make sure to follow me on twitter and instagram well that's it for today everyone take it easy and if you plan to play stay alive out there
Channel: FitMC
Views: 1,323,245
Rating: 4.9537258 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, history, update, mobs, creeper, raid, 1.16, nether, sea, monster, dragon, red, 2b2t, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, oldest, builds, tour, battle, spawn, grief, hack, client, incursion, tutorial, far, lands, dream, alpha, beta, herobrine, hacked, exploit, glitch, cheat, mojang, flying, machine, redstone, ship, piston, sticky, technoblade, campfire, blast, furnace, parody, song, memes, house, piglin, hoglin, forest, compost, composter, 1.17, bastion, respawn, anchor, pvp, popbob, remnant, chests, brute, chest, rtx, animation, speedrun, duplication, ocean
Id: DY0ekRZKtm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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