This 2b2t Clone Shouldn't Exist

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something i've noticed in minecraft is that much like the real world when something gets popular it doesn't take long for copycats to show up this is especially true for the oldest anarchy server in minecraft when 2b2t took off on youtube all their similar anarchy servers began popping up to try and capitalize on the popularity but today i'm focusing on one of these copycat servers in fact it's one of the biggest in the bedrock edition of minecraft now i don't normally play bedrock edition i'm not a fan of being able to fall through your minecraft world at any given time but i've had so many requests to make this video over the years that i felt it was finally time how different is the 2b2t experience in bedrock compared to java well today we're going to find out i'm going to join the largest 2b2t bedrock clone for the first time with the username fitmc just to see how the players react and to compare it to the original 2b2t in java edition i am completely out of my element today in a version of minecraft i don't even play what's the worst that could possibly happen but before we start today i'd like to thank dashlane for sponsoring today's video dashlane makes it easy to keep track of everything they fill in all of your personal info like addresses credit cards and so much more they have a vpn so you won't be tracked when browsing the internet and can access content in any country they generate super secure passwords plus the passwords that you store with them are encrypted making a password manager the safest place to store your info and the best part it's free to download and install on your first device try dashlane for free on your first device by going to fitmc it's a great way to support the channel now then let's do this can we talk about how appropriate the title screen splash is don't bother with the clones i feel like this is foreshadowing but here we are in the bedrock edition i'm about to join one of the largest 2b2t clones with the username fitmc in java my username is just fit but in bedrock you can name yourself whatever you want so we could we could be pop bob if we really wanted to but all right enough talk let's join and hopefully not die wow look at that floating bedrock how appropriate is it that the 2b2t clone on bedrock has a ton of bedrock at spawn and wait there's n portal frames down there okay the lunatics are running this asylum 100 there's no anti-cheat or anything oh but hey at least the lag is authentic i'm all the way back up all right so let's jump down i still need to get really all right second spawn in okay we're a few hundred blocks away this is looking better so let's just try and get some tools some food whatever we gotta find to survive now that is something you don't see in the java edition like that just floating nether portal frames like that just in completely different directions that is super bizarre and just like all the bedrock lying around if players are capable of pl and portal frame highway up there if these are the blocks they can place i don't even want to see their gear i've noticed this spawn region is not nearly as destroyed as 2b2ts but there are a lot of illegal blocks lying around that you wouldn't see in java i have no idea what this is what what is this supposed to be is this art is my brain too smooth to understand this well i mean look at this just nether portals placed every which way bedrock houses there is no anti-cheat here i'm expecting someone to fly hack next to me and just destroy me at any second but let's hop in the nether i feel like we'll have an easier time escaping this way and we are in a bedrock box all right this is not looking good oh would you look at that i am trapped in a bedrock box on both sides see if you've ever wondered why bedrock is illegal on 2v2t this is why this is why because how am i supposed to get out of this now jeez well hey maybe if i punch the obsidian we can break through maybe there's a hole [Music] and look at that because of the lag i broke it but it doesn't matter anyway so we are trapped i'm doing a slash kill back to spawn so we can try again um oh you gotta be kidding me slash kill doesn't even work i can't even commit sudoku to get out of this box this is the worst anarchy server i've ever played on as i starve myself to death in this box consider subscribing to the channel it would mean a lot to me ah just kill me already someone came through the portal let's punch him to death all right this is my first pvp action on bedrock edition i'm okay with this come here oh yeah come on there we go oh he dropped a gapple wait why did that new player have a gapple for no reason i am so confused and look at this this is the definition of irony starving to death with a gap in my hands not being able to eat it here we go sweet release all right uh are you kidding me just dropping me to my death this this and now i'm buried in netherrack [Music] literally how can this server get any worse than it already is all right i just all right come on at least let me live this time uh are we okay all right i think finally we're all right and we're not trapped anywhere we're good there's a portal all right this time please don't be a bedrock box please fingers crossed come on no whammies no whammies no whammies no whammies no emmys uh oh all right we're in a cave thank god we're out we're free so now let's try and get some resources so we can survive if you're one of those people that hates floating trees you should probably look away because it's it's all floating trees some guy in chat's like that is really cringe why is your name fit mc yeah dude i'm totally the real fit mc that's what i'm gonna type right now yeah see that's the thing about bedrock is that you can be anybody you can be anybody in bedrock all right that same dude said he wants to give me free items so we're actually gonna kill back to spawn here it's probably a trap but let's just find out you know let's spring the trap so this guy's clearly hacking right now this guy he's not the guy i was planning to meet at spawn but i just happen to stumble upon him he's using kill aura with his fists i've never seen a hacker in bedrock edition before oh my god look i'm just getting slapped around silly man oh yeah come on come on i'll fight back come on look oh my look at the reach hacks on that i can't i can't even i'm just gonna die in this hole right now to this hacker okay i'm in vanilla so what can i do man i just got clobbered all right now let's actually find this guy and hopefully we'll get some free items this is the rendezvous point these people are just blatantly fly hacking yeah anti-cheat what anti-cheat but they're actually giving me items i'm surprised i thought they were just gonna murder me right away oh my god look at this clinton steel yeah what anti-cheat what anti-cheat see this is what happens when you have an anarchy server that literally has no rules i mean this is absurd this is basically creative mode at this point what's even in the shulker i bet you the gears just oh my god there's 32k armor too so it's basically it's creative mode now but wait a minute look at this trident that okay i am not used to having tridents in anarchy servers the trident is my favorite weapon putting some of these kits into storage and then i'm gonna stab someone with the trident funny how a shulker is all it takes to go from the hunted to the hunter but since 2b2t is not even on the update aquatic yet even on this horrible knockoff i at least get to fulfill my dream of impaling someone with a sharp pointy stick look at that how convenient there's a new player right here but now i've got the trident let's uh let's get to the point clown down i mean it was a laggy kill but it was a kill nonetheless man this is fun considering spawn on 2b is just filled with water these days you know how amazing it would be to be able to just jump around like this oh my god i ah maybe someday maybe someday overall my opinion of this clone server is that it's an anarchy experience but this is completely foreign to what 2b2t actually is you know if you had no other options but you wanted to have an anarchy experience in minecraft i guess this server would be okay but i guess nothing compares to the original but hey at least i got to stab someone with the trident so overall the entire video was worth it for that sole purpose but anyway if you enjoyed today's video make sure to leave a like and hit that subscribe button also make sure to follow me on twitter and instagram but all right i'm out take it easy fit fam and we'll see you next week
Channel: FitMC
Views: 1,136,081
Rating: 4.9263654 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, history, update, mobs, creeper, raid, 1.16, nether, sea, monster, dragon, red, 2b2t, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, oldest, builds, tour, battle, spawn, grief, hack, client, incursion, tutorial, far, lands, dream, alpha, beta, herobrine, hacked, exploit, glitch, cheat, mojang, flying, machine, redstone, technoblade, smp, live, campfire, blast, furnace, parody, song, memes, house, piglin, hoglin, forest, compost, composter, 1.17, bastion, respawn, anchor, pvp, popbob, remnant, chests, brute, chest, rtx, animation, speedrun, duplication, bedrock, edition
Id: kJQRRzV10yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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