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earlier this year the most ambitious and base into b2t history was griefed last night one of the griefers released a world download of the base i got in contact with Jack da Rippa the bassist builder and not only did he give me permission to tour the base but he handed me his original world download I present to you space vol crea 3 the day before it was griefed what's going on everybody it's fit MC and today we are touring space vol Korea 3 what is in my opinion one of the most impressive end bases I have ever seen not just in 2 V 2 T but in minecraft period Jack the Ripper out does himself every single time that he builds and his attention to detail is impeccable so we're taking a look at this base today now the first thing you're gonna notice is that this actually feels like a space station I mean we are enclosed in here there's very few parts of the base that are exposed to the open end now we're gonna go to the center and head down the main spiral and tour that first then we're gonna go around to the outer rim here there are rings all around the station that make it look like almost like a gas giant it's crazy so anyway let's get back in here and explore we'll end up with an electro flight around the base aw I can't wait it's gonna be sick so as we enter the main I want to call it the biome in here there's lots of luscious green everywhere here is where the illegal animals were held and by illegal I mean they weren't supposed to be here I mean you're not supposed to have cows and pigs this far out in the end but they found a way to do it it's crazy now here's the central spire area I mean you know the rest of this whole area is pretty self-explanatory I mean you know lots of green and trees and cool courts everywhere courts and the color purple are pretty much standard in all space of all Korea 3 you're gonna see these colors everywhere but here's the central area like I said I love just the luscious green coming down from the center here up here once again lots of quartz obsidian the color purple it looks amazing here Silver crowned King Oh silver man I haven't talked to you in a while alpha computer like two years ago at this point hermetic locks so there were a few base mates here at space of all Korea 3 it wasn't just Jack it's a I'm actually getting drops in framerate because there's just so many blocks to this build so now let's go down the central staircase here here is where the food reserves were they were growing tons of crops here I mean look you've got your uh your beetroot down here you've got your potatoes and it just goes down carrots they got wheat sugar cane pretty much every crop you could need they've got here and they're grown in pretty crazy now down here they've got almost what looks like Greek architecture just like with the water though it's interesting using the slabs to like control where the water goes I like it very very very cool all right so now let's get down here and of course the classic chessboard that Jack puts in a lot of his builds very very very cool ooh even put in an organ so here is where all the fun stuff is like the meeting table here it looks like an old cobblestone generator let's take a look at the or again yeah maybe we should play a little bit of music shall we [Music] yeah I still got it all right so now go even farther down into the base look at all these chests oh there's even some mob heads here so this is where a lot of the materials were stored but this is not even the main storage area just you wait till I show you that the end of the tour it is so many chests you would think that it was just trying to crash the server for real now to get down from here we have to take this staircase so you know this this space station it's almost like a maze just how intricate everything is and how to get from one place to another it definitely requires a little bit of memorization but down here though pig spawners just some illegal pig spotters in a space station no big deal no big deal so as we continue to wait to work our way down the spiral here there's even more crops growing down here I mean you've got cocoa beans you've got flowers wort cacti and it just goes down and down from here now it's cool is that you've got like all these green areas here you know you've got plenty of stuff growing it's almost like they actually try to treat it like a space station you know as we go down here you're gonna notice there's another biome not just a green biome but they've added a desert Mesa biome here with its own little bio dome and everything so they you know Jack really pulled out all the stops on this base tour you know like he is just the attention to detail I cannot state it enough it's insane now as we work our way down to the core of the space station here you're gonna notice right in here the entire station is built upon one of these end portals you know from 1.9 so it's kind of cool that they could go back to n spawn anytime they want just using a pearl there very cool I mean just look how massive the base is and when we get when we get to the bottom here it's really gonna give you a sense of scale of everything I'll turn off my Jesus hacks real quick all the way down and here's different levels you can get out at you know each level has something unique a different design pattern but I want to get to the very bottom here here we are the very bottom of space of all Korea I mean and I have even shown you the outer rim yet this is not even that like Jack how do you make these things so big I just don't understand it but anyway let's get back up to the top and let's explore the outer rim alright so we've explored the main core of the base and now we are going back to the perimeter to show you just what secrets it's hiding so let's get back through the airlock there we go now as we get down here you're really gonna see Jack's attention to detail because there are parts of the base that really serve no purpose but yet he puts in these little details all over the place it's insane let's take a little leap of faith here shall we or you know get a concussion that works too all right so what's kind of cool is we get out here there's a rainbow road just like in Mario Kart but this Rainbow Road goes around the entire perimeter of the base and it's all enclosed and as we move over here I'm going to show you the first little I almost want to call it a pit stop because this thing is like a legit road you know let's electrifly over to this first pit stop not hitting these lamps yeah as I run into them there we go yup stop here so as we enter you've got Jax banners and his traditional corner door designed like this he uses this all over the place he used this at Asgard to I mean it's it's sort of kind of like his signature doorway it's kind of cool now in here we've got almost like an observation platform that lets you look at the rest of the base so there's the main core there's the elevator shaft that we fell down and then this is the Rainbow Road that got us here so I mean it just goes to show you even up here this observation tower at the very top they've got like water elevators up and down what's cool is that they have the blocks in place for if to be to T was ever going to update to 1.13 which right now it still hasn't but it's cool that they put these blocks in place just to sort of anticipate the update coming now let's get back onto the Rainbow Road because there's so much more I need to show you of this base now I'm going to actually fly backwards this way because the rest of the tour we are going to do on the outside of the base just so I can give you a sense of scale of this bad boy now here's one of the few places where yes you actually can get out into the end now as I let me just see if I can fly up with my light truck there we go so you're gonna notice these massive rings stretching all the way out this way these rings are actually incomplete and Jack was in the process of covering them all in ports and I mean if you were to look at it from way above it makes it look almost like a planet you know I'm saying that like it's insane just the scale of this build but as we continue to fly around you're going to see that there are these observation towers and more elevator shafts just like the one we fell down and they just circle the entire base the entirety of it is insane now you're probably thinking where did Jack and the rest of the Builders store all these materials like how do you even transport this kind of stuff oh do you want me to show you their items storage well let me just say as I pull up to it I'm gonna lag so the frame rate of this video is about to drop hardcore take a look at this these are all the chests that they use to store the materials they were duped here and I might even be able to hear my computer fan running in the background it's just doing its best to just load all these chests but I could imagine that if you were to load all these chests on the server I could imagine that it would tax it quite a bit I would not be surprised if because the illegal plug in item checks chests all the time I would not be surprised if just loading this chunk drop the TPS a little bit and he just look at all these chests I I gotta get out of here before my computer gets fried let's move but let's go ahead and take a look at once again the central core of the base but from the outside this time using the Hydra oh man it's just so massive remember this was all built by hand this was not world downloaded and world edited and then put back on the server no this was all done by hand it's just it's it's insane to me that every time Jack the Ripper builds a base he just out does himself every single time this is the largest end base I've ever seen one of the most impressive I've ever seen in Minecraft yeah I'm just repeating myself at this point I I cannot state enough just how thoroughly impressed I am at the absolute magnitude of this base it is an absolute unit absolute unit and to think that this was built on the oldest Anarchy server and minecraft a server with no rules and you get beauties like this well I think I've shown you everything there is to be shown Jack the Ripper hermetic locks silver crown King alpha computer the base mates go on but they all contributed their hearts and souls to this base and it really paid off it's a shame that it had to be grief before it could be fully finished but even though it was not fully finished its beautiful nonetheless so Jack you continue to prove day in and day out that you are the best builder on to be Tootie I mean hats off to you my friend but that's it for today's video everyone if you enjoyed make sure to like the video and subscribe also make sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram and also follow me on Twitch for my weekly twit streams but that's it everyone what are you going to build here on the oldest anarchy server and minecraft I'm excited to see take an easy fit fam stay alive out there and we'll see you next time adios
Channel: FitMC
Views: 2,504,642
Rating: 4.9383664 out of 5
Keywords: 2b2t, minecraft, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, antvenom, popularmmos, phoenix sc, oldest, history, builds, tour, battle, war, museum, wall, spawn, grief, hack, client, 1.14, 1.15, queue, thecampingrusher, veteran, rusher, teamveteran, incursion, tutorial, far, lands, great, alpha, beta, herobrine, elrichmc, agentgb, face, hacked, exploit, glitch, cheat, project, mojang, fuze, fuzeIII, flower, flying, machine, redstone, ship, piston, sticky, sethbling, mumbo, jumbo, fortnite, popbob, smplive, space, valkyria, jacktherippa, smp, live, end
Id: BJc0mRX2K9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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