2b2t's History of the Dragon Egg

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the dragon egg in every single Minecraft world there is only one if the egg is lost or destroyed it's gone forever with no way to get it back well what if I told you that on the oldest anarchy server and minecraft the dragon egg still exists despite the server being a decade old the egg has managed to survive but it almost didn't the chaotic journey the dragon egg has taken on to v2t is quite an unusual story from the egg first being found to its eventual use in exploits and as a weapon you heard that right a weapon I have a lot of explaining to do today so let's get started when to b2t began back in December of 2010 the dragon egg didn't exist yet this is because the end dimension and ender dragon were not added to Minecraft until late 2011 by the time Minecraft entered its 1.0 release phase including the dragon fight to be tuti was already almost a year old in a normal Minecraft world the end could be found by entering a portal in one of the three strongholds located near a world spawn region well on to b2t the chunks were the strongholds were supposed to be had already been generated meaning that the strongholds and their portals were missing players began asking the server's admin house master if he had any intention of adding the portals he said no it seemed that house insisted that to be to t continue on as normal without admin interference and without an end dimension but when you have a server with no rules players will always find a way to accomplish a goal especially one as lucrative as illegally entering the end dimension near the end of 2011 to b2t was backdoored giving select players access to every single block in the game including end portal frames pop Bob and police Mike were among the first players to obtain the blocks they traveled to the most established spawn base at the time the nfe and attempted to activate a portal deep underground however when they inserted the eyes of ender into the portal frames nothing happened they believed that house may have disabled to end portals entirely so they gave up on entering the dimension and abandoned their portal progress would stagnate for a while until March of 2012 when long time to be 2 T player xcc 2 came into possession of a stack of portal frames XC believed that a strongholds portal room had to be recreated blocked for block in order to make the portal activate so he went to the nfe and built an exact replica of a strongholds portal room underground not far from where pop Bob and Mike's failed portal was ax C invited police Mike to help him finish the replica portal room after placing all the blocks correctly and inserting the eyes of ender into the frames to their surprise the portal ignited pop bob and mike's original portal was not aligned properly so nothing happened when they placed the eyes sounds like a funny situation but remember that end portal frames as a block were not obtainable in survival so tutorials on how to create portals were basically non-existent in 2011 in early 2012 still in shock that the portal worked xcc - and police mike stepped in and became the first players in to b2t history to generate the end image after standing around watching the dragonfly they realized that they had jumped into the portal without the proper gear to fight so they jumped off the end islands that they could prepare xcc to invited his friend JD w99 66 to help him slay the dragon armed to the teeth XC and jdw entered the portal once more and fought the dragon after a hard-fought battle the dragon was defeated xcc - didn't really know about the dragon egg so he left the end after the battle was over but JD managed to grab the egg before leaving and this is where the long journey of to be to tease dragon egg begins in the months following the death of the ender dragon many other portals were built at bases all around to be - tea house had been inactive for several months so all of these things were happening without his knowledge when he finally returned and realized that the end had been generated illegally he became furious he began going around the server deleting every end portal that had been created and began removing portal frames from player inventories he also deleted all the end stone that had been brought back from the end and placed in the world and he made it so that any end stone that got placed would instantly vanish from here on out a plug-in was also installed so that right-clicking on a portal frame would make it disappear finally house went in and completely deleted - B - T's n dimension he effectively made it so that the original slang of the ender dragon never happened the end had been hard reset when it came to the egg house had no idea who was in possession of it he didn't have time to manually check every single players inventory he figured that it would get lost or destroyed on its own houses reasoning was that there was only one dragon egg it's likely to have already been lost while unknown to house the eggs still existed and there wasn't just one remember when jdw took the egg from the original dragon fight well in the months that followed JD had been duping it in early minecraft it was possible to use pistons to make copies of any block that was affected by gravity such as gravel or sand the dragon egg happened to be affected by gravity as well and duping machines were used to make multiple copies of it hundreds of eggs were being produced each day and distributed amongst the elite players of to be to tea by the time house went on his rampage destroying all traces of the original end thousands of eggs were already in circulation without his knowledge despite there being thousands of eggs the N dimension was still off-limits to the playerbase xcc too got in a contact with house and suggested to him he go to the spots where strongholds should have generated on to be tooties map and used the slash regenerate command in order to create fresh chunks that would include strongholds and portals house actually listened and created the portals in the proper locations he formally reopened the end and players were finally publicly able to enter I Tristan Taillow and a few others went in and killed the second ender dragon Taillow was given ownership of the second egg which like the first egg would be duped into oblivion from 2013 to 2016 massive piles of eggs began to show up in random places all over the map likely being dumped by players that had too many of them during this time it wasn't uncommon for new players to stumble upon large piles of them while escaping spawn by this time both jdw and Talos eggs had been duped so many times that the originals could no longer be identified so I guess in a way you could say that both the original eggs had been lost at this point house installed a plugin that made it so that having dragon eggs in your inventory would cause them to turn into stone this plugin would be turned on and off throughout the years depending on whether house felt like it or not so it was never successful in preventing the spread of dragon eggs for a time nothing really changed regarding them and portals were often griefed to be too T could go months at a time without proper access to the N dimension at one point the only way to get in was using private portals still left over from the plug-in days regardless dragon eggs remained a fun novelty in collectible items but then the YouTube invasion of 2016 began and the server underwent massive changes that bring us into the next chapter of the dragon eggs journey in the summer of 2016 when war consumed the entire server it was a time of exploits chaos guerrilla tactics and griefing bases were falling every single week while at some point during this summer it was discovered that the dragon egg had a unique use that no other block in the game could do destroy bedrock from what I understand if you had a redstone circuit that stretched all the way out to an unloaded chunk and had a dragon egg above a redstone torch pushing it with a piston would cause it to delete the block directly under the torch including bedrock players would use this technique to delete illegal bedrock that had been placed by players years previously this included the bedrock comet Pyro's bedrock placed in the centre of wrath' outpost and Jack the Ripper's bedrock foundation at the original space fog the dragon egg went from a novelty to a weaponized griefing tool after word got out about the exploit house temporarily brought back the plugin that turned eggs into stone blocks but the damage had been done replicas of the very same egg jdw had claimed years previously had been used to grease something that used to be considered ungroup eventually the eggs would return to just being a fun novelty and trophy and nothing more that brings us to today the dragon egg is still widely distributed amongst the to be Tootie community currently the dragon egg has no real use in Minecraft but should the developers give it a use of some kind there's no telling what ramifications that could have on to be tuti considering just how many eggs there are it's fun to think about the dragon egg on to be Tootie was smuggled out of the end illegally duped countless times and was eventually used as a tool of destruction only on to b2t could a single egg have a history like this I hope you learned something today anyway that's it for more to b2t content make sure to subscribe also make sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram to stay updated on when new to e2t content is arriving that's it everyone take it easy and if you plan to play on to be Tootie just make sure to stay alive out there fit fam [Music] [Music]
Channel: FitMC
Views: 5,763,214
Rating: 4.9244986 out of 5
Keywords: 2b2t, minecraft, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, antvenom, popularmmos, oldest, history, builds, tour, battle, war, museum, wall, spawn, grief, hack, client, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, queue, thecampingrusher, veteran, rusher, teamveteran, incursion, tutorial, far, lands, great, alpha, beta, herobrine, face, hacked, exploit, glitch, cheat, project, mojang, conduit, proof, fuze, fuzeIII, flower, flying, machine, redstone, ship, piston, sticky, sethbling, mumbo, jumbo, popbob, egg, dragon, ender, portal, end, technoblade, 1.16, nether, biomes, update
Id: 1yig3MFAAOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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