Unsolved Mystery of Herobrine

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herobrine minecraft bigfoot herobrine is widely looked at as being a myth but just like bigfoot there are tens of thousands of people that have claimed to have seen him there are people that go out and try and find him and there are many people that claim to have been haunted by him or that have just claimed in general that he's real so why is that this video is going to look into the unsolved mystery of herobrine who is he does he exists where did he come from and everything else involving herobrine also only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video consider subscribing it's free and you can always unsubscribe herobrine is a rumored hostile creature or player in minecraft that does a lot of creepy things to your world or to you the backstory to herobrine has a lot of differing opinions but it's commonly thought to be notch the creator of minecraft's dead brother or some sort of ghost the original reports of herobrine were players reporting that there were random two by two tunnels in the world pyramids in the middle of oceans and trees with no leaves and the earliest known mention of herbine is a post on august 30th 2010 almost 10 years ago it mentioned that herobrine had appeared in their single-player game littering the map with various pyramids and tunnels and just things that they didn't do and there was also an image on the post where you could barely see something that looked like a player in the bottom left but it wasn't a player it was a single-player world and the creature had white empty eyes and this post is where the rumor of herobrine started the post was meant to be more of a joke a creepy horror story it was as simple as that but many people seem to have experienced some of the stuff that was mentioned in the post even though they had never seen herobrine this post wasn't that popular and nobody was really talking about it after a short period of time but then a minecraft streamer named copeland brought herobrine to an entirely new level during a normal minecraft live stream playing in his survival world randomly after having been playing the game for a long time copeland stumbled into a house where he saw herobrine standing inside this was live on stream this was the first live encounter of herobrine and this got a lot of attention there were hundreds of posts about it on the minecraft forums and everyone wanted to know what it was at the time no one knew now almost all minecraft experts who have watched the video agree that the herobrine that was in the live stream was fake most people think that the streamer retextured a painting to look like herobrine and then faked his reaction of freaking out and yelling when he saw herobrine however the streamer never admitted this even years after the event he still claims that it was real and that he didn't set it up there was a lot of posts calling herobrine him in saying that you're not supposed to say his name just like voldemort or who should not be named and there was so many different stories being spread about the origin of herobrine with that there was a lot of fake information being spread as well and a lot of big youtubers made click bait videos claiming that they saw him while showing fake footage using a mod or a texture pack other people made up stories about how to summon herobrine using gold or mossy cobblestone or a mixture but most of that stuff was just completely made up but there were certain youtubers and players that claimed that heroin was real and that they had experienced the things that people had said herobrine does and there's one thing that seemed consistent throughout everybody's stories that one thing was that herobrine made weird things happen to their world like holes things missing weird structures tunnels things that just don't happen in a minecraft world there were even some confirmed worlds that had huge holes or tunnels that weren't put there by a player so where did they come from the players that had stuff like this happen in their world were saying that it was herobrine even if they didn't see herobrine they would see the fact that their world had changed and that they didn't do it a single-player world where only they should be able to do things they would see that there was missing items missing chunks new biomes random structures in wrong places and sometimes these worlds would even be downloadable and verified as untouched by an actual player and that is why the story of herobrine was able to spread so easily at the time it was incredibly interesting how did these things happen and for a game where mostly kids play nobody really knew so i decided to get three minecraft veterans who have played minecraft for a very long time and interview them and asked them what they remember about herobrine just to see what the different answers would be and here's those interviews all right bad boy halo when did you join minecraft uh i don't know 2010 2011. do you remember herobrine hairbrush yeah like he's he's like this this ghoul that comes and messes with your builds like you'll come and like have stuff taken from your chest or like stuff is missing and up herobrine to get oh your house moved or like a random cave or something just appears nearby it's him and like you'll never see him straight on you'll see him like something in the corner of your eye and you'll turn you're like what and you're like what was that and it's like yup that's herobrine so hair is herobrine real or fake i know he's not real but he's like he's like a legend he's a minecraft so it's like it's like the loch ness monster or like bigfoot or whatever minecraft perfect analogy yeah exactly okay but why do you think so many people actually think that he's real or used to think that he's real i don't know i think it's one of those things where it's kind of fun you know it's like it's fun because like to think that there's some like sneaky being like interfering with the game like it's kind of cool well what about people who actually will say like that 100 herobrine is real like they've they've had they've had they've lost they haven't logged into their world in months they log in and then their house has moved or or there's a hole and like it's confirmed like they they've confirmed that no yeah i'm sure people have had stuff happen and you know maybe i mean it's a possibility nobody's seen you know the minecraft code so i guess people might think that oh i come on and something happened and maybe it is some thing in the game it's fun and i think it's you know the unexplainable there are things that happen in minecraft you can't explain if you logged in and you just saw this tree like this and this would be honestly so bizarre i would like this imagine a whole forest you just have a whole whole forest like that that's definitely herobrine that's definitely that's that's the exact changes if i saw that i'd be a believer i'd be like all right something's going on you know what i'll tell you i'll tell you the one thing that like happened to me that really freaked me out was so like i didn't play a lot of survival right but i remember start a survival world built like a little house in the middle of a forest nothing was there i stopped playing for like a year came back after like a fresh update wanted to see i'm like oh i'll open up my old survival world and there was a village just around it that i don't remember being there like my house was nestled in the middle of it i'm like wait a minute it was so weird it was very weird do you remember anything about herobrine what do you know about herobrine uh herobrine's like a mythical minecraft ghost thing person that goes around like haunting you know people's worlds and stuff he's most known for like being like scary and like messing with people's worlds like leaving things taking stuff that shouldn't be there like leaving like little hints and stuff and like just being like spooky and stuff what do you mean by like hence you like take something or you know he'll leave like a door that like a player knows was closed and there's like no way that any mob could have opened it and like they'd be open or he might like take something from my chest and stuff like that why do you think herobrine became such a big thing because like i think it's like a combination of like you know minecraft's not like a scary game and then like it's like this spooky thing is in there and constantly in like the patch updates you'd always see herobrine removed heroin removed hairbrand removed so i guess like to a lot of kids that was something that like like really fascinated them was really like kind of spooky i thought i thought herobrine is real because of my friends my friends were like dude he's for real he's real and i'm like i don't know it's like my friends tell me he's real he was real i remember i would set up like caroline shrines and i were like i wanted i wanted to see i went harold brian hunting and i think there's a lot of like youtube videos that you would compare it to like bigfoot like bigfoot yeah like literally just like bigfoot and you know you see like youtube videos like carol bryan sightings and all that stuff and it really like it was like a really big thing in the minecraft community what did they tell you like what proof did they give you my friends would tell me like these crazy stories like how like they'd be in their house and all of a sudden they'd be like in a different biome or chunks around their house would be missing like something like crazy stuff that couldn't be explained i guess that like led them to believe it and then i guess made me believe it as well i want to ask you about herobrine what do you what do you know about herobrine what do you think about herobrine i guess when you think of herobrine what do you think of um herabrine is that mob that was always removed every update that's what i remember and what do you remember every update notes was like removed herobrine he's just like okay i don't know i always thought he was like a ghost type character thing you know he's like around the world and he's like doing weird stuff to the place and causing shenanigans causing shenanigans what type of shenanigans i don't know like he would steal stuff you know stuff would be missing it you'd look around and then oh herobrine is joint your stuff and do you do you remember ever thinking heroine was real or no i i don't think i ever thought herobrine was real to be honest i i think maybe he was really known because i mean it was in the every update notes had removed her brian so everyone that read the update notes or saw that and then stuff online everyone would be talking about him stuff about herobrine that would just keep pushing hair brian harbor and herrera even though maybe herrera never even existed but you would say herbine doesn't exist right or never has or anything like that i mean he could have existed at one point i don't i don't know do you think maybe mojang pulled a prank or something or would have like you know they've done like the april fools updates and stuff i think maybe they would have done something like that with her brain at some point i mean they could have done i don't i don't remember i don't remember if that actually happened but they they totally could have done didn't they do something yeah like they did like an april fool's thing where there was like a chest or something they did this thing it was like a chest that randomly spawned in the world that you could buy stuff from it was like micro transactions oh yeah do you remember that thing yeah i remember vaguely yeah so maybe you think maybe they they could have done something like that with hair brand i guess i guess they could possibly i don't know so i guess did they either i don't know that's that's kind of the question now notch the creator of minecraft has come out multiple times and said that herobrine wasn't a thing but there's one thing that he also said that is pretty interesting in one tweet he said that herobrine might be a thing in the future it was a long time ago and now he doesn't work on minecraft anymore but he did say it so how was herobrine able to fool so many people if herobrine wasn't ever a thing as you heard even sapnap a long time player and he's not an idiot thought that herobrine existed at one point when he was a kid and it wasn't just because of click bait youtube videos it was because of friends that had personal experience if herobrine actually never existed why did so many people think that he did and that is where my theory comes in my theory is that herobrine is just minecraft glitches because glitches in worlds do happen especially after updates and back in 2013 when minecraft was first becoming popular most people didn't have much knowledge on minecraft glitches and bugs herobrine took off in popularity in 2013 reaching his peak in google searches and that was right around when minecraft started pushing updates that had major changes to world generation updates can have different ways to generate worlds and if you try and play an old world on a new update you might see some really weird things even if you have not touched your world in a very long time you might see chunks missing you might even see broken or misplaced structures you might see biomes mixing together you might even see tunnels or random holes or other things that can be attributed to world corruption like maybe missing items sounds familiar right that sounds like exactly what people described as herobrine doing and that would explain why some of these stories are completely true even though herobrine didn't exist but does herobrine exist now and that is where it gets really really interesting but i'll get back to that in a minute there are so many videos nowadays on crazy minecraft glitches and back in the day players might have called these herobrine there are videos and pictures now about glitches from older versions of minecraft from around the same time herobrine was popular and a lot of them match the stories that herobrine comes with tunnels randomly pyramids in the middle of the ocean missing chunks weird fog loading issues and and just much more but mojang did go along with it they created pictures with heroin in it they removed herobrine from the updates they tweeted jokes about herobrine and much more and obviously it's a fun thing to talk about like like i said it's like bigfoot but that gets us to the interesting part of the video whenever minecraft is updated there is something called the changelog where you can see a list of all the changes that were made in the minecraft update and every single update since 2012 which is eight years ago has included a small line of text at the bottom that says removed herobrine except the last minecraft update minecraft 1.16 the nether update the first update since minecraft 1.3 to not say that they removed herobrine a month from now will be herobrine's 10-year anniversary minecraft broke a huge streak a huge streak by not including removed herobrine in the changelog why did they do that why did they break this huge streak on the 10-year anniversary of herobrine every single update since 2012 2012 minecraft 1.3 and they didn't include removed herobrine this update every update you know how they've added the little removed herobrine thing well they didn't do that for the most recent update and that's the only one they haven't done it for in the last eight years which update 1.16 seriously yeah they didn't they didn't add that but they've done it every update since 2012. what yeah is that that's kind of interesting isn't it and the kind of cooler thing is that herobrine's 10-year anniversary is in a month okay wait a minute hold on that oh my gosh that makes me think that like they purposely added him and so they couldn't say removed him that is so weird why would they do that they have to have a reason for it like that's got me thinking now it makes me wonder if they actually added like herobrine to the game you mentioned how they add removed herobrine to every changelog right yeah they've been doing that since 2012 so that's eight years what if i told you that for the first time in eight years they didn't put removed herobrine on the 1.16 changelog on that update why exactly i don't know why nobody they didn't say anything about it they didn't say why that's really interesting what do you think about that what do you have any theories you have any thoughts it makes you think like what are they like actually like they add hair o'brien right right on his 10-year anniversary huh it's interesting isn't it i would love it i would love that era brian i know that'd be really cool every single update since 2012 since 1.3 they have added in the changelog removed herobrine except except 1.16. 1.16 is the first update since 2012 to not have removed herobrine in the church wait a second where is he where is he he's going to be running interesting interesting he could be maybe right around the corner somewhere why is there so much sand over there well we placed those i think what if they what if herobrine got too powerful and they couldn't remove him and he's just lost in the nether somewhere he's only had to go find him exactly it's in the nether for people to find [Music] waiting for someone to find him so that is the real question why did minecraft decide not to say that they removed herobrine on herobrine's 10-year anniversary why wasn't he removed was herobrine added to minecraft now and that is the unsolved mystery of herobrine
Channel: Dream
Views: 16,418,414
Rating: 4.9577107 out of 5
Keywords: Dream Minecraft, dream Minecraft youtube, dream youtube channel, dream Minecraft channel, minecraft, Unsolved Mystery of Minecraft, Unsolved Mystery, Longest jump in Minecraft, Minecraft Herobrine, Herobrine, Minecraft Evil
Id: UHAvoyIptN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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