The 2b2t Base With a Dark Secret

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[Music] the Isle of Newman are built on to be to tea an impressive island with a large clock as its centerpiece many hours of work went into this beautiful build but the base is hiding a dark secret a secret that many are unaware of we'll be delving into that as we tour this island today as it was the day before it was grieved there's some untold history today's video so let's get started what's going on everybody it's fin MC and today we are touring númenor as it was the day before it was grieved but this face has a dark secret but I'm not gonna tell you what it is until we've reached the top of the tower there but anyway let's get started today right off the bat so this is the Isle of númenor there's the clock tower arch right above the bay there there's a really big birch tree sort of obstructing the view right now but we're gonna take a closer look eventually so we're down here at the lowest section of the base on the docks and we're gonna work our way up now yeah as we go along you might notice that there are a few parts of this base that seem incomplete and there's a reason for that but I'll have to explain that later so all these houses down here they've got like the classic Minecraft like cobwebs as the smoke from the chimneys it's a classic little detail on some of these houses do have some detail others are a little bare-bones but I'll be showing you the ones with detail mostly so this entire section down here like I said is just these little homes and houses but I want to just keep moving up right away I want to keep things moving along in this base tour so we need to hop up this really steep staircase just to get to the main part of the base here's the big birch tree here with some lanterns of glowstone hanging down from it and then right up there is the clock we're gonna get even closer to that eventually but yeah just getting up this thing it is very steep and we are in survival mode for that authenticity of exploring this as it was on to be to tea now cool little bedroom here with a creepy painting how appropriate for a base like this now let's keep moving up here now here's a little bit more of a bare-bones house but like I said there's a reason up-up-up we go there's a little flower in here a little hidden up bedroom around the corner here and a sticky piston for a table how did the top of this table get sticky that's my question you know that's what we were all thinking but anyway let's keep moving so now we are sort of underneath the arch leading into one of the main towers now it looks like there's a fireplace here pretty big one too I wonder ya know I'm not gonna get too close although it is a little dark in here because it is nighttime but hey if anything that's just mood lighting am i right now there is a spiral staircase here you can kind of barely see it but we're gonna move up this staircase to get to the arch so I believe right in here is the inside of the arch but before we explore that and see the clock up close here's like a little balcony overlooking the bay area and the ocean beyond yeah when you got the mood lighting on this place does it definitely gets a little creepier I'm a little spooked well let's keep moving down this hallway here so here is where the clock is from the inside anyway so there's no hands on this clock it's just while the empty faces from the inside but it was an interesting choice to use snow and then white wool you know but they had what blocks were available I guess we're gonna keep moving along this way so here's a little window that lets you see out a little bit just to show you how high up we've already gotten you know I mean that spiral staircase one really took us up so we're going to continue off in this direction now this is the other tower in the Fay's and you might notice that this is where a staircase would go but it is incomplete now if we look in here once again you've got some incomplete areas there's like almost a little house inside here yeah now it does go down a little bit here there's like a hidden little area here but we can continue going down and down I mean look at this there's just so many nooks and crannies in this base I understand why it would be easy to get lost here I mean I'm already partially lost but I guess that just adds to the thrill of the adventure now as we go down okay here's like a little archway wait what's in here well this must be the dining area I bet they were eating good here I bet I have continuing to look through these spooky hallways oh here we go okay so we're out on a balcony right now so if we look around yup so there's the clock up there so we've gotten to the bottom portion of this tower the docks that we came in on are right over there you can see our starting bridge right there are our starting dock so we've already covered a lot of ground it's a very compact build like everything's really close together in tightly-knit which would explain why this build was so easy for the griefers to grieve you know it spooky sound it did not take all whole lot of work to greet this I would imagine but anyway we got to find our way back to the top of the clock tower because we still haven't even seen the throne room yet that's one of the main appeals of this bill let's see was it through here we went down yeah so we got to find the staircase up which I believe yep here we go we're finally back to where we were so once we climb this staircase we'll be able to go back through the archway of the clock tower and get to the top of a different tower where hopefully we'll find that throne room all right so let's keep going beyond the clock here that spiral staircase in this room is going to take us up to the throne room but man I mean just this will give you a sense of scale just how big the clock is on the outside I mean it's a compact build but it's a big build I know that's and that doesn't make a whole lot of sense but everything is just so close together in this build so up this staircase that's what we wanted as we look around once again there's more sort of details out here get out here now here's one of the main towers now we are on top of the archway that's got the clock so we're at the very tip-top there's some more houses up here some more builds but oh man I I'm in survival mode so I don't want to fall that's gonna end the tour prematurely yeah and that would not be good but as we go over the top of the arch here we're getting closer to the throne room at least I think the throne rooms on this side I think it is see-through here [Music] now we're getting closer we're definitely getting closer no I think it was back over here cuz yeah once we sit on the throne the base store is pretty much complete and I can tell you what secret this base was hiding for the longest time I mean there's a reason why I haven't revealed who built this yet let's see oh here's the staircase you can barely see because it's so dark we're gonna go up this staircase oh man it's like pitch black I could have used a light source oh I know my viewers here in the dark right now and I apologize we got to get up this thing I'm not adjust the brightness in post there we go there's the throne room that's what we came here for now I think if we go around here yet there should be a little way to get in here perfect here it is this is the throne room and here's the balcony overlooking a large part of the build there's the dock we came in on and then there's the clock tower alright let's get down to business what dark secret is this base hiding why would I make a video like this why would I go the whole tour without revealing the secret well let's talk about this one this base on to b2t was built by off topia it remains standing for many years a lot of to b2t legends such as sato and jack the ripper visited the base and the nearby Duke stashes crowbar actually ended up building the mother of all keeps not far from Numenor in the summer of 2018 after coordinates were leaked Numenor as well as the surrounding builds were destroyed after it was destroyed pictures of the base were shown of the public for the first time even though it was the first time the base was shown it seemed familiar to a couple of players and for good reason to be to t player aim came forward with some information that the build was not actually an off topia creation it was originally called clockwork Isle and it was built by Lynch and submitted to planet minecraft as a world download in 2015 Autopia had obtained the schematic for the base rebuilt it on to be 2t and then took credit for it if you don't know schematic ax is a mod for Minecraft that shows you where to place blocks in order to build something from a blueprint all major builders on to b2t used this mod pretty much so the dark secret of the Isle of númenor was that it was a plagiarized build it was not an original creation the base we toured today was actually the original built by Lynch but it's pretty much the exact same as what was on to be 2t while building anything of this scale on T V 2 T is impressive sometimes things are not always as they seem the use of schematic amines that builds can be copied very easily and rebuilt on to be 2t I'm starting to wonder just how many builds that we've toured over the years were original creations and how many words anyway that's it for today's video everyone if you enjoyed make sure to subscribe for more to be TT contents also make sure to follow me on instagram and twitter which are both in the description of the video that's it for today everyone take it easy and we'll see where our adventures take us on the oldest nrt server and minecraft to be to tea or [Music]
Channel: FitMC
Views: 1,000,305
Rating: 4.7264156 out of 5
Keywords: 2b2t, minecraft, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, antvenom, popularmmos, phoenix sc, oldest, history, builds, tour, battle, war, museum, wall, spawn, grief, hack, client, 1.14, 1.15, queue, thecampingrusher, veteran, rusher, teamveteran, incursion, tutorial, far, lands, great, alpha, beta, herobrine, elrichmc, face, hacked, exploit, glitch, cheat, project, mojang, kurtjmac, proof, fuze, fuzeIII, flower, flying, machine, redstone, ship, piston, sticky, sethbling, mumbo, jumbo, fortnite, pewdiepie, smp, live, smplive, monday, combat, numenor, popbob
Id: _t8PhBXUyNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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