The UNSC in Warhammer 40k - HaloHammer Part 4

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well everyone people kept asking for it and I'm more than happy to keep talking about Halo so here it is the UNC and 40K I'm sure you're expecting me to do what I did in the last three videos which is break my wrist fluffing Halo off and to be sure I'm going to do that as much as I still can I have my objectively correct bias after all but I had to do some creative thinking for this video which to be honest was pretty fun I went into the other ones with the perspective that Halo would stomp at least for the foreigners in flood and figured that the Covenant was roughly equal I still think that by the way the UNC though not a stomp at all at least not one against 40K Humanity for Milla was a bit of an issue standing fir against everyone else in this setting I will not lie to you pretty far behind in Tech very far behind in Manpower and Industry relative to everyone else things don't look great for him with that being said it's still an interesting scenario to think about for me instead of just going through all the reasons these factions would stomp I had to think of some ways that the UNC could possibly fit into 40K as a setting can it be done I think so yeah so let's get going already I'm burning some Sunshine with this opening paragraph but first a word if you will this video I'm once again throwing two universes together and see who comes out on top one of those universes is a bit more techsavvy than the other one they know how all their technology Works what it does and how to make more of it and if I were a beton man I'd say that this is because they use brilliant the sponsor of today's video brilliant is the absolute best way to learn things like math data science and computer science without being bored to Absolute tears you know what I hated as a student math class it was boring and the fact I was forced to do it made it infinitely worse thankfully I choose which brilliant lessons to do when I want and the lessons are fun and engaging you feel compelled to 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Nations in space as well as that of the United Earth government initially the ueg was just an overseeing body and then it turned into the planetary government of all of Earth and more that's what UNC stands for if you never looked it up United Nations space command UNC also stands for United Nations security Council which is a real thing and at least one news station has used the UNC log from Halo during a broadcast it was formed during a Time known as the interplanetary war when both communism and fascism experienced a bit of a Resurgence across the solar system the UNC put down these movements or rebellions or whatever you want to call them and the UNC was here to stay from here on out to make things brief since this isn't strictly speaking a un Laura video it and the many soldiers making it up expanded alongside the rest of humanity for nearly 500 years until the end of the 25th Century where Humanity had colonized roughly 800 worlds scientific advancement had been going along quite well although in a lot of ways it's rather skewed with what did advance and what didn't for example UNC medical Tech is so good that it allows cancer to be cured by the onboard medbay of some random Merchant vessel this happens in one of the books and it's at least somewhat implied that this isn't abnormal by any means cloning is very much possible although very imperfect and in fact there's a drug that temporarily brings people up to essentially being Min Spartans granted the drug also starts short Circ in your internal organs so probably not the best idea to start overdosing on that one on the other hand of technological advancement the standard UNC assault rifle the assault rifle uses 762 rounds thank you to every single one of you who left me a comment correcting me that the UNC does not use 556 they use 762 it was really informative especially by the 500th comment telling me the UNC used 762 rounds and not 556 did you know the UNC uses 762 and not 556 in their weapons because the UNC uses 762 rounds and not 556 remember the UNC uses 762 and not 556 are you annoyed yet has a joke gone on too long that the UNC uses 762 and not 556 good you but yeah un Tech advanced in weird ways they also have fully Sapient artificial intelligences which you better believe I'll be talking about later by the end of the 25th Century in the beginning of the 2500s an independence movement called the insurrectionist among the outer colonies had been causing more and more trouble for the UNC in fact the Spartan twos were initially created to deal with these people yeah the kidnapped children weren't even a desperate last Stitch effort to stop Extinction they were going to throw them at terrorists I guess that was technically just Oni and not the uny at large to be fair but that's small Comfort to everyone involved with the project thank you for your crimes against humanity Katherine Hy at the very least we got some cool video games out of it of course before they invented the Spartans they just nuked an entire Colony world to bring it to heal so pick your poison I guess just goes to show the age's old saying is correct never ask a man his salary a woman her age and the the UNC what happened at far Isle in 2492 around this time the Covenant shows up and it did not go well for the UNC what Falls is just under three decades of the UNC getting its pushed in they won isolated engagements but rarely usually on the ground and always at Great cost some of the comments on the other Halo videos mentioned how the UN was regularly winning ground battles given that in the Halo games you're playing as either the master chief or an RTS like Halo Wars where everyone needs to be roughly equal for balance's sake it's understandable to think that but unfortunately it's just not true it's more like the UN only lost 80% of ground battles compared to 95% of Space Battles and those ground battles didn't ultimately mean anything anyways most of the time because the Covenant would just glass the planet and all the people on it before moving on so that's the rough history you need to know I'm be a bit more brief with their history than the other factions because I think the Foreigner and flood needed a bit more explanation to really put focus on how strong they actually are but the UNC Halo isn't exactly a niche franchise you're probably roughly aware of what the un is and the weapons that has available to it at least on the ground I'm going to talk about some of their hardest hitting stuff just to show that they can kind of stand up in the setting but not right now there's some stuff I want to cover first anyways UNC and 40K how's it going to go badly badly for the UNC I mentioned earlier that I was thinking of some interesting ways for how the UN could fit in that's because in a pitched battle the UN is getting its rocked to put it simply I think the covenant could hold the ground in 40K without either going to town or getting destroyed the Covenant were destroying the UNC by the magic of the transitive property the 40K factions are going to destroy the UNC I mean imagine the standard UNC Marine from Halo 3 or any of the games really yeah it's the Army in reach but same difference now take that marine and put him up against an orc he's going to get his arms ripped off and then the orc is going to use them to beat his comrades to death tragically for the UNC a large majority of what it brings to the table would be inadequate to say the least in Pitch battles it's going to go much like it did with a covenant maybe a bit more successful because enough bullets will eventually take down the moronic Space Marines charging head first into a Machine Gun Nest but there's a lot of Space Marines to shoot at and they're pretty good at eating bullets long enough to kill the guy shooting at them so if any faction in 40K can be bothered enough they can take care of the UN pretty quickly I mean the Eldar would have a field day in all sorts of ways I mean in a setting where magic exists the UN doesn't really have any psychers or anything like that really so there's your most likely scenario the UNC explodes but that's not terribly fun so let's make a deal between ourselves you can all go forward in this video with the knowledge that I said the UNC would most likely get Molly wed in the 40K Universe in exchange I'm going to spend the rest of the video crafting the few scenarios in which it wouldn't as well as covering a few of the super weapons it has to at least let them go down swinging sound fair well really doesn't matter if it's fair or not I'm not actually talking to you this is a recorded video that you could be watching years after it went up I don't know you I'm not your friend as far as things go I'm not actually speaking to anyone just a microphone while I'm looking at a script the avatar on screen isn't me that you're looking at it's my lore crimes podcast Avatar this conversation functionally doesn't matter because it isn't a conversation and the video will go on anyways but I'm going to pretend it's a fair deal because I think it is there's my Olive Branch also go leave comments on lore crimes telling them to let me do Halo lore well you're wondering if what I just said counts as a parasocial relationship or not let me talk about the unc's fun stuff let's get the big one out of the way first let's talk Spartans twos and threes specifically although yeah I guess the fours do exist I'll rip the bandaid off now I think Spartan could take a space Marine in a 1 V one in fact I think depending on the chapter I think they can take multiple Space Marines that was a versus episode on lure crimes actually so go check that out when you're done watching the video play this and that video side by side actually get the full schizophrenia experience much of the reason I think this is not because I think the Spartans augmentations are wholesale better than the aardi in many ways I do think they're better cuz Halo's got a lot more solid Feats to go off of but the Spartans also can't say spit acid or eat people's brains to get their Memories the reason I think this is because the average Space Marine is a bit of a meat head when it comes to fighting they're Warriors not soldiers they have their own codes of honor and infight and they're basically medieval monks crossed with a nightly order groups of them also fall into pretty predictable niches sure you get the ultramarines and some of their successors as Jacks of all trades but many are very focused on one style of combat which makes them predictable and exploitable blood angels and black Templars for instance are going to hight tail it into melee combat Imperial fists are going to sit behind a wall and take pot shots at you until you either die or go away Spartans meanwhile of course have their own Specialties Emil loves his shotguns and knives Linda is a sniping Prodigy but they're highly proficient in all forms of combat if you give a flesh Terror a sniper he'd probably try to beat someone to death with it the white scars can be defeated with a Plasma Pistol when you overcharge it and hit their bike so they go King into the sunset like Team Rocket when Horus use the Raven guard for a frontal assault during the Horus heresy they suffered Grievous casualties because they do not do well at those meanwhile throw a Spartan into any kind of Engagement M and they'll do just fine just for some more General Spartan Feats the master chief ran it over 60 MPH during a training exercise once and slapped a missile out of the air and he's not even the fastest Spartan them flipping warthogs over in game is also Cannon because another Spartan used an ATV like a sledgehammer and pasted a grunt with it their Marksmanship is unparalleled their endurance beyond their armor is such that they can go months on end of non-stop campaigning without needing a break and the Spartan 3 showed us that even the Lesser armor they use is rated for atmospheric re-entry yeah the Spartans don't exactly want to be jumping into the atmosphere but even Vulcan died when he was crashing down on mcog Noble STI just got up and started killing aliens and of course while this is only for him the master chief canonically has plot armor he is said to be the luckiest Spartan to the point that it's pretty much manifesting in a universe that doesn't have Supernatural stuff in it precursor stuff notwithstanding you ever notice how in the Halo games the master chief always just happens to find the perfect weapon for the job orun med pack right when he's a bit low on health obviously yes this is because it's a video game and the original Halo Trilogy is built very well but it's also cannon that these things are happening to him you think Matt Ward gave the Smurfs plot armor there's is nothing on the Chiefs his is just you know well ridden that's not to say that Spartans are going to always flounced the Marines I know I talked down on them not too long ago but the ravengard especially I can see given the Spartans problems their special opt stick is something that could easily give the Spartans trouble I just think the average Space Marine isn't going to fight off a Spartan I think the Space Marines are roughly equal to them and the Spartans are a whole lot more practical overall no weapon or tactic is off the table because much like the Space Marines the Spartans are also child soldiers told that the only thing that matters is the mission hell many Space Marines are probably close to Good Guys in the average Spartan they had to stop sending a meal after insurrectionist because what he do to them can only be described as War crime horrific since that's the thing that'll probably generate the most hate let's move on to things that aren't going to infuriate everyone like Ai and more generally Innovation the UN has proven that it is more than capable reverse engineering Superior technology while it can take some time like it how it took over over a decade to recreate energy Shields from a jackal arm Shield it can also be impressively fast such as how the infinity head forign or Tech integrated into it so the UNC while they'd be hurting bad in the meantime and it' likely not get quickly spread throughout its Armed Forces could reproduce the tech of quite a few of the factions on a reasonable time frame at least with the tow and Imperium Tech I'd see no problem with them reverse engineering it maybe some of the nekron stuff but that's a big maybe it also be a lot harder to even get that stuff since they need to capture nekron equipment and the necrons as a rule of thumb don't like it when you do that as for AI UNC smart AI is absolutely brilliant if there's a technological system they can learn it in moments and know what to do with it now admittedly part of this is because Covenant Tech is based on Foreigner Tech and despite how advanced that is Humanity was chosen by the foreigners to succeed them and get all their stuff but that being said let me remind you I like Halo more so I've decided that the AI and Halo are just cracked complete White Machine Spirits beware cuz Grana is going to kick your digital ass all right fine I'll cut the exaggeration Halo AI certainly isn't perfect if nothing else you don't turn them off after 7 years and you get Halo 5 nobody wants that but I do think they'd be a crucial Edge because regardless of whatever you think a machine Spirit ultimately is they're undoubtedly not being used to their full potential as Halo AI are they also come in Dumb varieties so the UNC has scaling for this rather than it being either just programming or a digital person those ones can learn anything in a specific field but outside of that field they can't really do much in the way of figuring things out next thing uny has in its favor the Nova bomb there's not much to talk about here it's a really big bomb it's got something to do with compressing file material with more file material taping nukes together and then compressing that with even more nuclear material somehow this creates a Min neutron star which then explodes is this even remotely scientifically accurate probably not but I'm tangentially talking about Warhammer here so that's hardly a concern point is you get a very big boom one of them was dropped by gray team on a colony of Elites after the war ended which of note is not technically a war crime since the war was over another was blown up by Engineers who fixed the countdown timer not knowing what the thing really was one moment the Covenant Fleet in the area numbered 300 ships quite the total the next moment 60% of that fleet was halfway to Andromeda it also vaporized a quarter of the planet the fleet was stationed over turned the rest of the planet surface into a very convincing imitation of hell and shattered the planet's moon like glass are there enough of them to be a GameChanger probably not but if nothing else it can force the factions of 40K to learn not to group up their fleets into massive ungainly battle group groups when they're fighting the UNC not unless they want their Fleet to suddenly vanish like the world's most explosive magic trick hell just toss it at the failinks goodbye Imperial fists or better yet the eye of Terror goodbye all Trader Marines second to last big thing I want to talk about because this whole section is just an excuse for me to talk about cool UNC stuff me cannons you know those things you really don't want to fire off an atmosphere it's basically just a coil gun a really really big coil gun uny ships are basically built around them because they usually run a solid 2/3 of the vessel's length minimum the ship-based ones are formidable to be sure but they would usually take multiple shots to destroy a Covenant Ship unisy Cruisers themselves weren't exactly the toughest things around so getting multiple shots off usually meant having multiple ships in the area but the orbital mat cannons the rounds they fired were roughly 3,000 tons and went at 4% the speed of light that's 12,000 km a second or roughly 7,500 MPS in correct measurement units when they shot this thing it wouldn't just destroy a Covenant Ship it' rip right through it if there was a ship behind the first one it would go through that one as well it was only if it hit a third ship the round would finally stop also destroying that final one just in case you were curious out of everything the UN has that you might think I'm crazy for thinking can stand up to the Warhammer stuff this is probably the one that's the least contentious because in function it's very simple and easy to understand why it's so deadly it fires a very big rock very fast you don't want to be in the way and finally before I start writing glorified fanfic for how the scenario could go another conversation about slip space I've made comparisons between slip space and the warp before and people counter with how warp travel isn't as meem worthy as some myself included I'll admit like to make it out to be and people have said before and it's proven in Canon that most warp travel in the Imperium doesn't result in demons or ending up 3,000 years in the past Andor future I admit this is true that's how the Imperium is still able to function more so than all the other things keeping it together it overall has access to pretty reliable warp travel even if it's a bit terrifying to transmit between the warp and real space the thing is it's reliable on a galactic scale let's make a scenario let's say a merchant vessel is delivering goods from more world to another the destination is expected to take roughly 1 month that vessel is probably making without any issues the problem is it isn't making it in 1 month it's going to make it there in any amount of time from 2 weeks to 2 months depending on warp currents on the grand scale warp travel is incredibly reliable but once you start getting to the level of individual ships your schedule is a suggestion not a statement of fact that's the true issue with warp travel trying to coordinate your invasion Fleet on the Tactical level can be an absolute nightmare half your battle group gets to the destination right on time and the other half trickles in over the course of a couple of weeks with slip space if the journey is estimated to take 9 days it's going to take 9 days if it's going to take a month it'll take a month un toy slip space travel is overall slower than warp travel I'm willing to bet on that but due to its far more reliable nature it has its own advantage over warp travel that gives the UN a slight Edge it didn't have against the Covenant now that I'm finally done masturbating over UNC technology how about I tell you some of the finally crafted narratives I've come up with where the UNC magically shows up in the 41st Millennium in fact let's talk about a scenario that I came up first since it involves a total Stomp and it's also kind of funny to think about scenario one the UNC gets placed exactly where it is and is just super imposed over the current setting you know how Tera is just Earth renamed well the UN is based around Earth just magically replaced teror with the 20th century Earth from Halo Big E has vanished from existence and then the UN is dead because the Imperium glasses the entire eny of segmentum Soul the Imperium crumbles the UN has made past tense in a matter of days thank you for coming to this highly thought out video now because that's goofy let's move on to some slightly less goofy scenarios starting with actual scenario one the uny joins up with the Imperium now there's a couple of things in this situation that can cause issues but if you hear me out I'll explain why it might just work obviously they both human factions which is a big bonus and both of them don't exactly have the best opinion of aliens between Humanity being nearly wiped out in Halo and the Imperium being the Imperium of course even On's strongest racist has nothing on the Imperium but it's still something to consider because at the very least the UNC isn't going to need much convincing to dislike tyrance and the fact that the UNC is ancient Humanity by 40K standards mean there's a pretty damn good chance the Imperium might even rever them as the Beloved ancients come to the modern day ancient reliable Tech that the UNC can understand and produce it will that seems like the thing the mechanicus would kill for in return the Imperium gives the UNC a great deal of protection from the horrible threats of the Galaxy while it catches up in the tech level and I'm willing to bet that the UN can get some good progress on recreating a lot of the imperium's Lost Tech this is the least interesting option because honestly it just subsumes the UN into the Imperium I don't think the Imperium is just going to let them be allies they didn't do that in the great Crusade with other human civilizations they're probably not going to start now maybe the UNC can start some sort of Renaissance within the Imperium but more than likely they're just going to make the Imperium better at killing things whether or not it's a deserved killing it's a reasonably likely scenario but also far from guaranteed the unicy would probably be down for not getting wiped out but also probably wouldn't be fine with the requirements and restrictions the Imperium would force in them like Emperor worship given that the UNC doesn't really have any restrictions on Innovation that would also cause some issues also AI That's a big no no for the Imperium although with that being said UNC smart AI might actually be fine with the Imperium and mechanicus in Halo they're created by copying and replicating the neural patterns of a human brain if the right person says the right things smart AI might not only be allowed but glorified as the ultimate way to live on in the omnis memory and there may be a small chance that since the un's version of humanity is from the 2500s and not the 40,000 none of them will show psychic traits Humanity in 40K after all didn't really show that much in the way of large scale psycher activity prior to the Dark Age of Technology that'll be useful for the Imperium if only because you can look at these guys and assume with reasonable amounts of security that one of these fellas won't explode into a demon onto the next idea the UNC outright goes to war with the Imperium or at least doesn't join it this time without me just superimposing them on their mirror locations in the Imperium if you're wondering how the specifics of this work given that once again they're both Humanity in the very far future the answer is very simple don't worry about it don't worry about how there's Two Earths two solar systems just pretend that both factions view the others as a false copy or some contrived BS this whole video is contrived one more contrivance isn't going to make it any worse I'm going to stop seeing any variation on the word contrive now the word just sounds zenian doesn't it and I don't like zinch much because he does magic different to the The Elves and therefore wrong the situation is going to feature most of the scenarios I've come up with since in my mind join the Imperium is rather simple in what happens whereas not joining the Imperium can be any number of possibilities now this one is overall bad for the UNC they're outnumbered outgun out technologi it's not looking great Humanity had to outnumber Covenant ships 3 to1 to match evenly in an engagement and that usually resulted in two of those three ships exploding in the name of consistency because I said the Covenant is roughly equal at the Imperium and because I will never stop playing favorites will keep that ratio the same except the Imperium has a whole lot more ships available to them than the Covenant did a whole Galaxy's worth in fact and that's not even including everyone else now scenario 2 subsection one or whoever you want to think about it the UNC finds itself isolated in the Galaxy at first and has to quickly come to terms with the fact that it is in a universe somehow even worse than the one it just magically came from if they're in isolation this gives them time to prepare and more importantly a limited ability to pick and choose their battles while outright invading other factions to gain their secrets and Tech is almost certainly well beyond them remember that 40K is a big big setting there's plenty of undiscovered planets Humanity wants colonized ships that have been lost in the warp and all sorts of other reasons for some group or other to be completely isolated from the Galaxy at large and that's just with Humanity some necron tumor worlds have gone completely dormant the treasures within just waiting to be found by whatever people can make it past the ruined defenses relics of the Elder Empire that are outside the eye of Terror even if unusable by a group of humans can doubtlessly be used as items of trade or bargaining chips with the craft worlders and of course they can still interact with the Galaxy at large they just got to be careful with it for example Oni agents can go throughout the Galaxy as they wish and funnily enough they probably wouldn't have any issues speaking with the average humans they find low Gothic is just every language ever with each being called a different dialect while High Gothic is just butchered Latin not exactly hard for Oni translators to figure out Oni may be evil but it generally isn't incompetent agents traveling to nearby planets can learn in secret with the Imperium and Galaxy at large or like and plan accordingly strike teams of ODSTs and Spartans can retrieve scraps of technology for the UNC to recreate with relative secrecy that probably wouldn't stand out much the funny thing about these groups is that the ODSTs would probably be considered to be wearing nothing more than unique flak armor at most and while Spartans can take on a Space Marine in my estimation they certainly don't look like aaries they're similar in height as long as you aren't reading a book by a GW author with a fetish for gigantism but they're also much thinner with far Slimmer armor and power armor isn't anything new plenty of un augmented people wear it in the set the local Tech priest of wherever they're at will probably want to get their hands on Muer armor as soon as they can but at first glance the Spartans might not appear to be anything much more than tall folks in power armor at least until they start swinging at the very least you can send Spartans out without people mistaking them for Space Marines because the Spartan program is in a giant sausage fest if a planet is isolated enough the UN may even be able to integrate it especially in undiscovered space there's plenty of human colonies that aren't part of the Imperium beyond that there's plenty of planets that are an all but name independent tithes and TR trading vessels may only come by every few centuries if not longer more than enough time for the UN to at the very least build up defenses and learn some tricks to hold back the tide of the Galaxy being able to recreate Las guns alone one of the few pieces of Imperial Tech that isn't a total mystery to them would vastly increase the un's Firepower although some things if you want me to be honest they'd probably be better sticking with over the Imperial counterpart I'd take a scorpion over aan Russ any day of the week this general idea is probably the best case scenario for the UNC I could come up with because it gives them sever legs up they frankly need to be able to stand up to the setting much like Batman with prep time the UN has a chance to Stand Tall but without it they've got a pretty quick expiration date this lets them not only catch up but pick and choose their battles and if they go on detected on a large enough scale for long enough they can have a chance to fortify and make allies as need be if things go well by the time the factions of the Galaxy at large learn a new Empire of humans is suddenly cropped up keep planets in the UNC could be fortified with enough mac batteries to drown an entire Crusade Fleet in Marines armed with Las guns coupled with ODSTs armed with plasma and Spartans armed with necron weapons in larger numbers than ever before can hold the line against the worst the galaxy has to offer Humanity as a whole would still be under the Yoke of the Imperium but for the first time in 20,000 years the Galaxy could see a subset of mankind not burdened by the Superstition and paranoia of the Imperium of man this in my mind is easily the best case scenario for the UNC able to fortify and expand its knowledge it could become a solid faction in its own right of course it's also pretty unlikely allowing the unac to grow wouldn't be in anyone's best interest and this also assumes no one notices the Empire of roughly a thousand planets squatting in the corner for several decades at the absolute minimum although perhaps even if worst comes to worst over the course of a war the uny will be able to study the tech of whoever's kicking the out of them so maybe they'll be able to claw their way to being able to stalemate whoever tries to do them in remember no one faction can afford to wipe out one of the other factions without all the remaining ones descending on them like a pack of rats so the UNC just has to hold on long enough to reach a roughly equal tech level far far easier said than done but not impossible so that being said let's move on to the next idea I came up with the UNC Mak some friends this could be a bit mixed with the other one as well since making friends can happen at any point but for the fun of it let's say they have to make some friends straight away they've got no time to prepare and got to find allies fast who's going to be their best shot well let's get the obvious ones out of the way first no tyranids Orcs chaos or dark elar maybe they'll be like the tower and try and make a deal out of naivity with the dark elar and then suddenly all of mirror reach is kidnapped and turned into a literal Fleshlight maybe the occasional back room deal with some more cre boas but nothing beyond that alling with the Imperium like I said doesn't strike me as particularly likely cuz I imagine it'll either want to Annex the UNC outright or get rid of it no middle ground the UNC has things like democracy and free thinking and the Imperium doesn't like that so it's either submit or get shot but aside from those fellas the UNC could make some key allies depending on the situation the elar probably wouldn't be their biggest fans but they may see them at the very least as a faction worth talking to on occasion the unfc would certainly be willing to talk things out with them and the Elder could maybe make some deals you stay away from this Maiden World we'll make sure the currents of the warp disrupt any fleets come to kick your ass that sort of thing doubtlessly the Elder will try and manipulate to thems to some extent so it's probably not going to be a perfect Alliance this is still the Eldar we're talking about but a sort of uneasy piece could be had the necrons would be a bit more extreme some dynasties might just not give a some primitive Empire popped up out of nowhere next to them how quaint some will probably want to exterminate them which would be very bad for the UNC but some might want some extra vassals in a free human Empire of decent size with new technology would be a great thing to have in your back pocket the UNC probably wouldn't be happy with this Arrangement but I'd bet they'd suck it up when the other option is complete extermination via Terminators what's paying your robot Overlord taxes every now and then compared to that and this would benefit both factions if they can find a nekron dynasty willing to vassalize them the UNC gets some of the best protection you can get and while the necrons won't be sharing in their technology very much they'd probably be happy to throw the UNC military whatever scraps are left after they obliterate some Crusade force or tow army or other meanwhile the nek runs get things like slip space and armies of meat bags to soak up bullets for them everybody wins if nothing else tras and alone would go nuts over them existing so maybe he could help him out a bit him and Oni could work out a deal Oni will kidnap some people for him to put in museum and he'll give him some Museum pieces in return it's not like they wouldn't agree to something like that the leagues of oton might also take interest in the UNC for a couple of reasons the most basic of course being that the UNC planets probably have some resources and stuff they want and general trading in economic reasons means they probably won't come to blows the voton could do for the UNC what they did for the TOA vastly increasing their tech level in exchange for trading rights probably wouldn't be anything like annexation or vassalization going on and there'd still undoubtedly be some conflict but a couple of the kin might make alliances with the UNC if it strikes their fancy the TOA could perhaps be the best possible allies for the UNSC now I know what you're thinking the the Tower or the 40K version of the Covenant they'd absolutely hate the tow yeah that could admittedly be a hurdle but the thing is the UNC is in 40K levels of racist the cruit are probably uncomfortably similar to jackals same with the vasit and drones but beyond that they're not the Covenant while the average ODST was slinging around words like Hing head with every breath there's also humans in it that were content to just move on from the Covenant War hell there's an Oni agent in a Trilogy of Halo books that's basically an elite Fanboy if push came to shove the UNC would be willing to Ally with a tow if nothing else the to themselves look fairly human if blew in with forehead vaginas compare that to things like the Orcs or tyranids and yeah I think I'd be willing to make friends with a towel if I was in their footsteps besides the UNC was initially trying to make peace with the Covenant and the first race they tried this with was the brutes if they can look at a brute and decide that's a being worth opening peace talks with they'll have no problem parlaying with a towel and yet if you were paying attention you'll notice I said Ally with the TOA and here's why for all the growing and advancement the tow have done there's still a pretty minis School Empire the numbers I could find range from 100 to a th000 worlds and truthfully I'm of the opinion they're far closer to owning a 100 than a thousand a bit more than that yet but not by much so the UNC is bigger than the TOA Empire by a decent bit and while the TOA could probably take out the UNC if it doesn't have a chance to grow it'll be in the same way the Imperium could take out the tow at Great cost and effort and it probably just invite the other factions to swoop in while they're preoccupied the tow for the first time the setting might be finally forced to approach an outside power as proper equals and as an Ally not either a species to be integrated or an enemy you sometimes fight alongside truth be told I think that would not only be one of the best case scenarios for the UNC but it'd be even better for the TOA once the ethereals soothe their egos and not being able to just quadruple their Empire's size for zero effort the tow will have an ally with substantial industrial might trading and intelligence sharing between the two can get the UNC up to Snuff reasonably quickly especially since unlike everyone else in the setting the TOA don't operate on a time scale of Millennia for their plans and projects imagine how hard it is for the Imperium to take out the TOA now like I said before now imagine if the TOA have allies up to eight times their size who they've gotten up to their tech level reasonably quickly expanding outward would still be incredibly difficult but if the entire UNC military is given even limited access to to Tech they'd turn that region of space into an unbreakable Fortress imagine the Damocles Crusade if the TOA had five times the numbers of soldiers in their planets were surrounded by even more advanced Mac platforms the Imperium wouldn't have cut their losses because of the tyranids in that case they would have just flat out lost the tow would also have the mother of all propaganda victories and Oni would enjoy it as well plenty of Imperial worlds have willingly sided with the tow but among other reasons the fear of getting exterminatus keeps most from outright joining them well would you look at that now the tow of human allies who don't care for all this Emperor nonsense and chose of their own valtion to Ally with a tow the watercast would have a field day with the sort of propaganda they can make from that you could give in entire worlds to join this Alliance because they wouldn't just be joining this weird zenos race they'd be joining the UNC their human compatriots Oni meanwhile as an organization of humans could use this to locate Imperial worlds showing signs of unrest and plant the seeds of rebellion they talk about how great it is to live there the planet revolts then the TA youu a SE Alliance sweeps in and gains another world this would lead to plenty of conflict with the Imperium and if they push it too far they might just cause full on crusades to be called and ruin a very good thing but if played right the to and un could expand more than they ever could otherwise maybe far enough down the line they'd merge and form one single civilization braving the dangers of the Galaxy together but that's awfully Noble bright for 40K between Oni the ethereals and their mind control as well as the general shittiness of the Galaxy them being able to survive together is miraculous enough to think about already and for the last scenario the UN doesn't try and take territory or resist any Invaders they see the same writing on the wall as they did against the Covenant they've got no shot against this cluster of a galaxy time to pack up and leave instead of holding the line they become a faction of Nomads cruising the Galaxy in massive ships much like the Eldar who's actually based for this in Canon the infinity was supposed to originally be the last Refuge of humanity a ship cruising throughout the stars that the Covenant couldn't reach ships like the spirit of fire were also Colony ships retrofitted for the war effort so the UNC has experience with making something designed to fery civilians into a weapon of War How likely this scenario is to happen I don't know the UNC built the infinity as a last resort so Humanity itself wouldn't go extinct if it was the Imperium and exing them by force for instance they might just surrender and submit to their rule so no Infinity like ship but if the Imperium is deemed un ideals and ideas too far gone and heretical or if something like the tyranids is devouring their planets and it's time to get out of Dodge it is possible in this scenario the UN invests resources into putting as much of its civilization into these massive ships like the infinity as it possibly can existing ships could be retrofitted and new ones designed to support a population in all regards from oxygen and food production to self-defense after that it's a matter of building enough of these to form self- sustaining fleets the UNC would hold on to the worlds it has for as long as possible B both for production and as a rallying point but the nomadic lifestyle would take precedence in this case then they just have to jump into slip space at the first side of a threat they can't handle and Bee off slip space not being warp travel it'll be a lot harder for the 40K factions to track it psychers who could read the future could do it but there's not exactly a lot of those lying around so on a day-to-day basis that's not much of a problem their technology can be upgraded slowly over time as the UN picks and chooses where to land and where to fight making a be line towards a planet like tarot would be a great way to commit mass suicide but some outlying worlds could be traded with without the Imperium at large knowing the UNC ever visited for centuries the UNC could fall into a very route pattern for the future going forward they pop by for a quick visit and at the worst you threaten them and they go away if not they hang around for a bit trade for some gbin and then head off this could make them a lot of friends that otherwise they wouldn't be able to if they were still a normal faction Space Marines and other forces in the Imperium that otherwise would be forced to fight them might be willing to look the other way when the UNC comes around since they're just going to vanish into a few weeks anyways and beyond all other things they're both human to Worlds under attack by high fleets might find slip space ruptures opening across the sky as macrs and more burn their way through high fleets before the UNC withdraws and does it all over again in exchange for supplies and Technology of course on isn't going to let anyone get away without making a donation to the Spartan pension fund after all naturally the same thing applies to their enemies too Imperial Forge worlds producing supplies to fight the UNC come under attack from Spartan teams who steal whatever valuable Tech they can find before setting something on fire and leaving space stations on important worlds come under heavy assault and then all the Imperium has to show for it is a fading portal to another dimension the forward onto Dawn slipped into making a getaway abidon task some chaos Lord to take down a UNC task force and then they decide they'd be much better off on the other side of the Galaxy and just refuse to play ball with Corn's strongest glue eater this scenario gives them the least staying power but I think it could let them have the most impact on the Galaxy they could have all the planning of the Eldar without things like the fear of SES to hold them back from particularly risky battles as well as the numbers to commit to a protracted campaign if they're outright at war with the Imperium entire sectors could Revolt as only propaganda shows that there's a faction of humanity that won't suffer Imperial Rule and neither should they on the other hand people like Gilman might show the UN some degree of clemency in this case and task forces between it and the Imperium instead coordinate to prevent chaos and more from getting any worse after all why fight this one group of humans who just want to be left alone when you can arm them and point them at something they too will surely realize is a threat that has to be dealt with to wrap up one final thing to consider overall I believe I've shown how I think the unc's relations with the Galaxy at large would be but there's one group I haven't mentioned much chaos because For the First Time in this little series of mine chaos is an actual genuine threat to the UNC beyond the obvious problem of evil demons and evil super soldiers with Big Guns the UNC is human through and through chaos loves Humanity because of how easy they find it to corrupt and that's certainly still the case with the UNC here perhaps not quite as easy easy as it was during the Horus heresy since the UNC doesn't have anything stupid like State mandated atheism but humanity and Halo isn't fundamentally different from 40K Humanity their governments in history certainly are but if you swapped a person from 40K and put him into Halo he wouldn't Melt from the sheer difference of it all or anything the dude' probably just be happy he gets to eat food that isn't made from corpses this means that just like in the Imperium the desperate decadent deceiving and destructive members of the UNC May well turn to chaos to find a route to greater power without making a specific scenario out of it know that the UN always has the potential for something to go wrong for someone important to fall to chaos or accidentally summon a hoorde of demons people just can't stop making deals with the Devils of these settings and while I think overall the UNC would handle things better than the Imperium that doesn't mean that some Oni operative or ODST who's lost his Squad won't turn to the ruinous powers for a chance it's something Beyond mortal means and who's to say someone like zinch wouldn't cause the Imperium in you and a SE to come to blows for his own unknowable plans but with that the final bit of the Halo Hammer series is done for real this time I won't be making any more of these the UNC ended up letting me get creative and put forth what I felt were some cool ideas whereas the other factions in Halo would either be a repeat or I just can't find myself to care about them how would the banished Fair see the Covenant video just with a bit more room for diplomacy how would the endless do I don't care about the endless no one cares about the endless at least Halo 5 inspired some sort of emotion in people even if that emotion was rage this was at the end of the day more than anything just an excuse for me to talk about Halo because I'll talk about Halo until the sun stops shining future Halo stuff will be just Halo no more Warhammer crossovers of course it's easy to say that now when I still have ideas in my head but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it yeah maybe Gilman will take a trip to the 2500s and I'll call it War Halo or something but for now thank you to my wonderful channel members you are the slip space to this entire little series I've made the thing that everything I say and do ultimately rests on a thank you to alternate history Hub people kept commenting that you shouted me out before I could watch the video and I figured that hey maybe he mentioned watching Warhammer lore videos and one of mine popped up on screen for reference and then my little Space Marine goober channel icon jump scared me if you're watching this I hope it jump scares you as much as it did me hearing your name pop up if you'd like to support the channel feel free to subscribe or become a member either way thank you for watching and take care out [Music] there all right now he hear me out female Elites don't you click away yet I'm cooking right now female Elites smash oh my God I would smash an elite woman like the Covenant smashed reach you don't even know and before you judge me go rewatch Halo Legends that is a person right like that is not a four jawed mini Godzilla that is a person with a long neck and you know what even if they weren't and were just male elites with tits I'd still smash sign me up for the great journey I don't even care I will make like Futurama and get myself death by reptile Sno snoo you know it's things like this where I sit there and wonder everyone involved with me in some way are they ashamed do they reget it then I realize that if they have looked at my stuff and still gone ahead with it that's on them after the thousandth time I mention something like this or wanted to have sex with moranti you've lost the right to be offended when I keep doing it
Channel: PancreasNoWork
Views: 323,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40000, WH40k, 40k, UNSC, Halo, PancreasNoWork
Id: AcHo2xTwzNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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