SPARTANS VS SPACE MARINES | Warhammer Versus Halo w/ @pancreasnowork9939 & @TheRemembrancer

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all right buddy let me give you an impression of a Space Marine when someone dies my life sucks like the universe I'm a battle brother and my [ __ ] this dude I knew for two minutes died but I'm sad because the Imperium sucks and when thank you hello and welcome to the first ever versus episode of lore crimes today in the gladiatorial pits we have Colin and Andy fighting to the death over their respective topics of Spartan twos vs Space Marines I'll end myself judging this battle uh and let's hear a little word from Hal well boys I want to clean I want actually I do want insults let's be honest uh we'll see uh who is Victorious who has the best arguments who has the best jokes uh I say shake hands but they'll be no love lost overly on this one uh we'll be starting off in round one with Colin Colin you'll be uh let's say leading as we do in the courtroom here order order in the courtroom and you are you ready Colin I am ready to go alrighty then your time begins now ah so it's time for me to explain why the Spartan twos are far superior to the adeptus cringe starties uh the Spartan Twos for those who are not familiar are similar to Space Marines child super soldiers which is something I feel like people forget about the Marines they're child soldiers uh same with the Spartans created by the unsc's Office of Naval intelligence and the project was helmed by one Dr Catherine Halsey they were unmatched combatants in the war against the Covenant turning to the side turning the tide decisively against the Covenant in many uh earning many victories and ensuring that if the battle they were part of was a loss it was a peric victory for the Covenant Millions were killed by the results of the Spartan twos alone and they were even referred to as Demons by the Covenant showing that these people kick ass they were one of the few things that gave hope to humanity in the final years of the war once their existence was Declassified and it is no exaggeration to say that entire armies were destroyed by Spartans alone uh for some general what they can do what are they all about their augmentations because they are also super soldiers genetically modified uh material is grafted to their bones to basically make their bones unbreakable so you go to punches Barton and just it doesn't work you could take a sludge Hammer to their knees and they're just gonna kick you to death when you're done going to town on them you can't break these fellas muscular enhancements that out of the increased strength but decreased lactic recovery time so not only do they are they stronger but they recover from being tired quicker not that that's saying much because they can go for days on days on days without slowing down getting tired thyroid enhancement make these fellas taller massively increased Visual perceptiveness and not only are the reactive times fantastic but there's reports that it increases their intelligence and memory as well so it's not just you know physical their uh their minds get sharper as well and an AI neural Port which is something that simply is inarguably in favor of the Spartans the UNC has AIS Imperium stupid doesn't know what those are doesn't like them Big L for the Imperium UNSC they know that uh the portable V tubers are a crucial asset yes uh abilities uh fast as hell on average they're running at 34 miles an hour Spartan Kelly averages at 38 and master chief briefly managed speed of 65.2 miles an hour oh which means the master chief is Highway legal and this was a mule near Mark V Armor which is not what his latest armor is uh strength uh Spartan Adriana once used a mongoose as a hammer a mongoose just imagine an ATV uh imagine someone picking one of those up and then hammering you into the ground like a game of whack-a-mole uh that's what Spartans are rocking and it is of note that their initial measurement is the uh their strength is roughly three times their body weight is their lifting strength uh you might go that doesn't sound too strong this is when they were 14 because the augmentations were given to them as children and it is expected and indeed did only become an even larger like they can lift this much roll up to their body weight as they grew and them flipping warthogs and other vehicles is canonically possible so when you tip over your warthog in Halo 3 because you don't know how to drive uh like I don't know how to drive in that game uh flipping it that's Canon although the tanks are just for uh might be a little bit of an exaggeration they can lift tanks maybe not flip them reactions uh roughly 300 times increase from normal human reaction speeds again though this is at age 14. uh there's a really cool bit in one of the novels where the master chief John 117 uh he was training after he got the augmentations and he dropped a set of weights and they fell in slow motion to him and in his head he was like why is this happening so he broke out like he just started doing Math on the Spot and he was like what is wrong with this place why is all the equipment in this gym screwed up and he did the math he's like no this is falling at normal speeds everything is as it should be he just realized that he was so much more superhuman now that everything seemed like it was in slow motion it seemed far weaker than it should be and then he beat four ODSTs to death uh because they tried to jump him and then that didn't work and for some more misc stuff uh Spartan three June I know this is about twos but do hear me out fell from atmosphere or no he was exposed to the vacuum of space for several minutes with no helmet kind of like Gilman and when he was returned to the space station he'd had zero lasting consequences though you know he was unconscious by the time they brought him in and I know this is about the Spartan twos but the point I'm trying to make is Spartan threes are pretty much worse off to the Spartan twos in terms of their augmentations in every way so if a three can do it the twos can most certainly survive for at least some amount of time in space without protection uh just uh really quick I know this is on a bit of a timer so I'll try and speed through mjolnir Army Mark 6 is what I'm using for this the uh the armor of the Spartans quite iconic I might say it's a thousand pounds with the Spartans in it not counting any equipment so if a Spartan like runs at you at full speed remember Master Chief bulldozing at 60 miles an hour down the freeway that is a thousand pounds of weight barreling into you you are going to be a red stain uh Mr astartes knock knock energy shielding they've got a rechargeable energy Shield because uh Spartans you kind of want those alive there's only so many of them titanium alloy for their armor which is pretty much renders them immune to small fire even without their energy shield and it can even prevent Plasma Blast from just obliterating them usually in Warhammer and Halo getting hit by plasma kills you Spartans can power through it assuming it's not like a rape or a Scarab blast that's that's still deadly order in the courtroom that is all the time we have for round one right I will resume later not too bad uh strong start strong start uh now we hand over to Andy for his rebuttal shall we say Andy are you ready I'm more than ready for this oh Lord cracks Knuckles your time begins now your honor is very cute to say oh the Spartans were raised their children all great super soldiers are raised as children and the astartes are no exception they are raised from the smallest little child to become dominant gods among men these people are not Brothers in Arms uh family members they are brothers they are a Brotherhood of death and destruction a Spartan can turn the tide of a world that starties of the Space Marine can turn the tide of the Galaxy because it was they alone who tilted the balance of power for all Humanity not just from xenos race called The Covenant they can they can destroy entire worlds with just a squad of 10 Marines you want to talk about how strong an ultramarine example is they have not just the augmented augmentated bones similar to a Spartan they have extra organs wow master chief that Sprint you took must have taken a lot out of you too bad you don't have three lungs oh what's that you got stabbed in the heart Alex one two five seven or whatever your name is guess what I've got two of them mate they've got eidetic memory they can eat your brains and learn Battlefield and memory stuff so that they can find out just how to take you apart from the inside they are supposedly so fast that they shouldn't be able to move how fast they actually do from accounts of civilians and they can be wired into Machinery like underhawk gun ships and other things so that they can integrate with Machinery we might not have a AI but we don't need it because muscles all you need wrapped in holy ceramite these guys have great reaction speed they're stronger than anything they can rip pieces of Tanks apart it can survive poison and radiation and sometimes the vacuum of space now very cute the astatis mjolnir are the Spartan myoni Army has this one thousand pound pin coating that makes them nice and snug inside I I get it it's very nice it's got Shields and everything gel layers all nice ultramarine armor is about as heavy it's about anywhere from 500 to a thousand pounds but that Shield you've got I've played Halo one two three four five six seven eight Etc take a few shots when that Shields down that armor is useless but Space Marines they've got iron Halos baby you can't even hit them some other time and even if you do that's dense thick girthy armor another your honor I'm not talking about like Sleek Little Skin Tight like no I want shoulder pads bigger than my head thank you very much you might have oh these fun little Nano machines and stuff Space Marines we just got muscle baby we got big earthy arms we've got magnetized boots so that we can stand on the side of space Hulks and vehicles from space and not have to worry about gravity when we're dormant we don't have to take a little nap nap like Master Chief in his little tube we can just sit down and Skyrim wait for 24 hours or even 24 years and still be able to survive Space Marines are far superior than the puny UNSC forces with their little green helmets and visors I've seen Noble Six in his Lark you know being bested by one alien they can take out gangs of the mate not only that they can survive with the ability of having their massive power packs on their back so I'm not exactly sure how long a Spartan can live inside his little tin coffin without having to worry about you know shutting down but a Space Marine has physical reactors on his back it can basically be described as I'd say the equivalent of a nuclear power plant in today's current technology so I'm not worried about my Estates you know having to worry about oh you know I'm feeling a bit tired I've got all this lab I've going priests lactic acid these guys they are biologically developed and designed to be the strongest and mightiest thing a human can be with one exception being the primarks and of course the Emperor of mankind himself and that's not even going into their psychic abilities when they need to or specializations as Tech Marines these guys simply put cannot be compared to a Spartan like a Spartan don't get me wrong Spartans are pretty cool pretty bulky they're pretty strong but on a 1v1 it's knives guns even you know your little UNSC you know your shooter you know 36 little bullets that's pretty cute have You Met My Balter have You Met My ceramite as it crashes against your skull I think I'm gonna leave that I don't know I don't need to say any more for my first half your honor I think I've never oh wow I was going to ask how how tall are your uh Space Marine boys very tall very tall they're very tall that's all the information I have here I'm very sure that they are bigger than a Spartan and it's like seven is it eight feet or nine feet tall out of it I think it's like seven seven and a half oh not bad so that is the conclusion of round one I'm gonna ask uh Eli Eli your current thoughts on uh how Colin maybe did first how do you think that went I think you did good he's sorry that's wrong with the cringe studies meme I I appreciated all the biology the little biology lesson we got we got all the nice fancy word like thyroid and I you know all that good stuff he knew he knows what he's talking about which is good hello hey oh YouTubers I shot my argument of the food with that one word a vulnerable intelligence I don't know bro but uh 100 kilometers an hour that's pretty cool I I mean maybe it's the authors of Warhammer maybe it's their fault but I don't know of any Space Marines that have ran 100 kilometers an hour maybe this probably happens but I mean they haven't said it perhaps perhaps uh but Colin's got the facts Collins got the facts I think Andy has the enthusiasm though definitely he does I'm just wait for round two uh I think it's it's a strong start from both of our contestants here but order order re-establish in the courtroom as we begin round two Colin are you ready for your rebuttal I'm ready to go you may begin now well I'm so glad Andy brought up some of the points he did I think I'll start with that Nano machines because people like to call me Senator Armstrong because of my hairline the Nano machines in the Spartan armor are capable of not only self-repair but rerouting armor systems so a Space Marine power breaks up nope that bit of suit's broken sucks to suck Spartan armor it can not only repair itself but if repair is too much even for those Nano machines which it takes a lot to overload those things it rewrites power to keep the broken part functional anyway so even when it's broke mulemer's still kicking as for the durability of it a little bit serum I can punch through it Noble Six and master chief who have fallen from space unharmed and you might say the gel layer locked up it kept them perfectly safe or they both stood up and went all right time to go back and fighting Noble Six lost three of the nine health bars in reach using gameplay terms he's fine from space uh another thing you mentioned the power plant oh a nuclear reactor oh that's cute Spartans have a fusion reactor on their back you know the thing that powers Stars Spartans just carry that around to their back oh it has what I like to call the final [ __ ] you uh which is a code activated by either the Spartan if they're still alive or another Spartan they can do it remotely and what that does is it overloads said Fusion reactor and what that does is first everyone in a certain radius gets super cancer because it's a radioactive reactor going critical and then it explodes uh which again this is nuclear power that thing is taking whatever with it so maybe a Space Marine kills them oh no they killed one Spartan after probably a bit 20 of them dying to the Spartan well that guy who killed him he's going down uh because the Spartan just nuked them uh other you know stuff that AI implant that does quite a bit uh what it does is the AI not only you know is part of their armor it becomes basically part of the Spartan because it's directly linked to the nervous system so they uh the Spartans reaction speeds additionally from all the information they're getting the AIS now in them becomes such that they can slap Rockets out of midair Master Chief does that in the book and you can actually do that in game if you have a gravity hammer which is pretty really cool I gotta be honest uh just another quick thing before I run out Master Chief survived six months uh in the vacuum of space completely kept alive he was not only alive unharmed and ready to fight the moment he was woken up and the armor did not once run out of power they can take plasma blasts from Hunter cannons which are goddamn powerful with no injury in the mjolnir 6 armor and overall uh let's see motion sensors active camo just all sorts of things fooling Holograms so you're not even finding the right Spartan that's a hologram you idiot Spartans our unmatched teamwork such that it seems like they're using telepathy they're not they're just so in tune with each other that it seems like they are you talk about Brotherhood Spartans if you each other as family just as much they're just not idiots and I'm done order in the courtroom I wish I had a Cavalier did it actually smack it that was a pretty impassionate desk if you'd like we could but that might ruin the recording I think we'd cry um that was a pretty strong rebuttal Andy The Gauntlet has been laid are you ready to answer back to these filthy yeah these filthy accusations primitive humans ugh your time begins now now it's very interesting hearing Colin talking about how great the Spartans are and how technologically they are Advanced but I've got to ask um where are these Spartans exactly I mean you you made the point that for example oh if a Space Marine managed to kill a Spartan will he take him out with him well it sounds like the UNSC doesn't have many of these guys to hand maybe a dozen we have a million Marines across the stars and every one of them is not just willing to lay down a limb or even their life they're betting on it so it doesn't matter if you have some little self-destruct mechanism in your armor that's so expensive and hard to produce that you can only really have a couple of them in service for a very select few people will never be able to match the sheer amount of force that a Space Marine Army can do because you're simply outnumbered it's easier to produce the armor it's I think probably both have their advantages and disadvantages but let's be honest the machine Spirits within the armor can basically be compared to an AI and that they will accentuate the person who inhabits within it can survive the most incredible damage you said about for example radiation Space Marines from the firstborn generation were really good at radiation they could only be destroyed from things like virus bombs from their own arsenals of Weaponry when we take into account the prime Morris Marines and their black carapace and all their other enhancements and the belisarian firmness the Magna Cart the sinew coils you can't even put one of your little Spartan daggers in the skin of an unarmored Space Marine let alone his armor we've got you even mentioned about the strength of the war dog I've played Halo I've played ODST you can flip hey you can you flip the lightweight vehicles from Halo like the warthog with just normal humans so I'm not buying into the strength of these space of these Spartans you know you press X it's not you don't even see them move their hands they're so light and they bounce around like you know buggies it is Canon it is Canon um and and again Space Marines in general doesn't matter how much you you fight a Space Marine you can take off their limbs you can gouge out their eyes they will keep fighting until the battle is done the main problem I have with Spartans they are glass cannons as soon as you get past that pressure Shield that they stole from the Covenant you can't take a single hit I have seen countless teenagers smacking Spartans in the back and instantly killing them with only a small slap countless teenagers yeah I've seen so and again the way they treat each other when they fall in battle is atrocious and I think I will leave it there and that is the end of round two so order is returned to the judges here in the courtroom uh alas Eli again a few thoughts but I think I'll just say a few of mine I do have a quick question for Colin here how I how easily can you make a new Spartan or Spartan 2 specifically uh initially it was rather difficult to create the Spartan twos there were 75 candidates uh 33 I believe it is of whom washed out of the program so approximately fifty percent sex rate however they were refining the process uh it is just Halo uh has this wonderful thing called ethics uh and so they uh they canceled remaining all right well we don't know about that perhaps the office the Oni doesn't have ethics but the rest of them do uh and it was not only canceled due to needing resources in other ways other parts of the war effort uh further Spartan 2 production that is but also because they had found a way to make more effective cost-efficient Soldiers with the threes and fours and a little bit inhuman to kidnap children that was uh there was not much more of that going around after I will uh I will ask Andy quickly then about how easy it is it to make more space Marines it's so easy I mean just you go to a world you go right here's a hundred young boys all right beat each other to death we'll see who survives oh they're quite good candidates uh 10 Will Survive then nine of them won't survive and then one will become a Space Marine and you know belisario's cool spent ten thousand years without those quote ethics to try and make them even better and this is the thing that's interesting about this debate the Space Marines keep getting better with time the Spartans keep getting worse with time they inject them with blueberry juice or whatever it was with the Spartan freeze and all of a sudden they can't do what the twos do just because of quotes Geneva conventions and Geneva Convention and quote you know child trauma and you know quote mutilations of the body and all these all these Hang-Ups which are making it so difficult for them to just make more Spartan twos I can't the Space Marines there are a thousands in the chapter and there are a thousand chapters across the stars and that's not counting the non-compliant chapters like the black Templars and the Space Wolves and the Specialists like the gray Knights it's not even a contest we can make Space Marines not just for days not just for years but for eons and we're never gonna run out well what you're saying is by your own metric Space Marines have a one percent success rate versus the Spartans 50 oh that's because there's more for them I mean if if the Spartans were being grafted with extra organs and you know having more bone structure built into them then maybe you'd have a point but here's the thing you don't have to have a success rate with an inferior product if we're being honestly when I mentioned material being grafted under their bone growth hormones well the space means it literally grow an extra bunch of Bones between their ribs so it's like a slab of bone I mean you can't punch that's biologically not how that works that would shut down their ability to breathe order in the courtroom order in the courtroom as we begin our last round here Colin you're at first for round three you don't have long it's time to get in all your hate the minute of hate shall we say if everyone is watch nine April uh are you ready Colin for your last round round three begins now all right buddy let me give you an impression of a Space Marine when someone dies my life sucks like the universe I'm a battle brother and my [ __ ] this dude I knew for two minutes died but I'm sad because the Imperium sucks and when now when a Spartan 2 dies you know what they do they go time to complete the mission I'm going to complete the mission and then they do complete the mission because the Spartans kick ass not oh wait I only win because I have Matt Ward plot armor because I'm a goddamn superhero and any split lit bastard that gets in my way is gonna have his head split along with his jaw and you know what there's nothing in Warhammer as cool as the Halo soundtrack oh wow different music too I was gonna get dragged into this oh you better believe I'm preparing Mario Dot and Marty O'Donnell and Stephen Rippy into this Andy it's your turn for your final round are you ready yes um that does begin Aaron I would like to bring attention that Colin mentioned that they will do everything they can before they die to complete the mission such as um I believe it was George in Halo Reach who sacrificed his life very valiantly to destroy a single Covenant Ship um followed by innumerable more ships flying into orbit to slaughter the rest of his lesser Spartan Bros and sisters on the planet as they all eventually were slaughtered now with the exception of Master Chief it's true that there are some very capable Spartan twos but they're an Ever dwindling resource and a battle brother is far more reliable because what we have in strength we are bolstered with numbers we are bolstered by the Imperium we are bolstered by the holy God Emperor himself and nothing nothing the the Spartans could ever throw from their dying civilization could ever match a single fragment of the Space Marine armies the astartes are the Pinnacle of war in Humanity's long history of blood shed order in the courtroom this will ever match that we that is less than six hours against an army that could easily over the crying of a meal being stabbed in the back oh oh he was ready how about you well please order in the courtroom order order as we now move into the final judgment phase I will begin asking Eli Eli you may put forth who you think has the edge who do you think slightly wins on the first verses man that's a horrible question now you can say how you feel about each other it might be it might be good to ask what do we what are we technically debating which ones are cooler or which ones are better let's just say which ones are the most impressive who's made the best argument so far for the most impressive super soldier we are fighting for the better arguments as we argue over the internet anyway let's let's go over this we are Mighty keyboard Warriors uh arguments here I talked about Colin's first round already um let's see and yeah he was good I think he did pretty good in the first round so did Andy though Andy I think Andy's was had some good points about the Space Marines being uh brothers and that brotherly bond is not shown in many places elsewhere there I think Andy also made a good point that the Space Marines are undeniably stronger I'm bigger than Spartans and their armor at least if we're going off of the Halo games like they were there armor is definitely better um the nuclear power plant was a good thing too and bolters are very very cool uh second round Colin had some good arguments with the rerouting the power and the armor and the self-repair Space Marine number doesn't do that and jumping out jumping down from space we don't see space for me to do that either they have stars in their backpack which is cool and they send they self-destruct although I will say if the Halo books that I've read in the games that I've played I've never seen that self-destruct happen um it's kind of like Tao UNSC propaganda I assume it happens five seconds after the death cut scene ends the planets turned to Ash hey and then his Spartans do have a more friendship Dynamic uh around two for Andy he was right that there's way more Space Marines that is hard to compare though because the Imperium is 40 000 years in the future and it's a Galaxy spanning Empire whereas the Spartans are only representing Earth's small Empire however many planets do you want to see has not as much as the Imperium he compared the machine Spirit to AI which was kind of cringe kind of heresy you can't say that big fan of that uh yeah that's right uh glass cannons about the Spartan so that feels right they do seem to die pretty easily at least when they go in and die with cutscene energy yeah and the stolen Tech by the Covenant that's also that was also good points half their good Tech is not even theirs um but then Colin came in around three and he made the point that's probably the most important part about the Spartans is that they're much better Heroes than Space Marines and that uh the story of the Spartans and their desperate defense is definitely uh has a bit is a bit stronger than the space rain story I'm in the Halo soundtrack you can't argue that the hell that's a good that's a big bonus point there who do you think uh slightly takes it as we say for the first verses for you well in the third round Andy roasted both George and Emil and I don't I don't know why um I'm biased I think the uh I I uh you might have to make a decision too Hal I hope but I think I might have to give this one to um oh he doesn't know he doesn't he doesn't know there's always the coin flip Colin did miss the opportunity to say ask starties instead but I missed the big one [ __ ] yeah this is a hard decision for me I like both Space Marines and Spartans and I'm not much of a debater so you bought in the end I think has to choose he has to choose here for delivery and facts I think I'm gonna go with Colin one point there I think uh I have to say it was a pretty strong performance from both the hate and vitriol was there um in Spades um spot on twos I mean I think I like them slightly on the more on the fact that they're actually they behave like real soldiers the idea of uh the spacer is charging a gun line with like their swords out it's a little bit like Christ you know what I mean not exactly the most uh intelligent uh move there cringe one could say one could say it was cringe stops just about everything in the Galaxy it makes a little bit of sense he who laughs at a humble Les gun is not charged across a field of 100 of them it's a good point uh although G Fair Space Marines I mean I I don't think you need that many Space Marines to probably clean up the uh I mean if we're talking some of the stronger chapters too they I mean they're obviously there's a lot of variety within Space Marines I think Andy makes a good point that they are pretty much just enormous beasts of muscle and despite how intelligent and uh uh say efficient the Spartan twos are you know what I mean like you're still it's still the meme you know you're not stuck in here with I'm not saying stuck in here with you you're stuck in here with me uh Space Marines I do have to say I think Andy had the vitriol Colin had the facts but I'm a hateful person so I have to give a point I think to the Space Marines it just because you have a tie we do have a tie for the Thai Frost audience audience uh everyone needs to let us know below uh who you thought won that first debate and if you want to also chime in on the argument we want facts we want your feelings too facts and feelings preferably uh let us know who you thought won or maybe uh some bits they maybe missed and they could have chucked in and we also love to hear your suggestions for more verses of course uh this courtroom has been home to much uh debate and vitriol but we'd love to discuss many more topics and if you leave them below we'll definitely check them out and hopefully we'll have it on the next one uh does a good good lashing voice obviously we shake hands we leave as friends but uh we'll catch everyone next time on the next verses sorry pretend my arm is halfway across the Atlanta candy I'm reaching that's long that must be fantastic oh Lord uh we're not doing a verses on him please no um it's a fantastic versus the Snore uh we'll catch you all on the next one thank you so much for listening and watching make sure to like And subscribe uh we need that to eat uh because we like eating uh also need to buy more insulin for Colin uh so coming please give some support to the channel uh insulin is to me what psycho psycho children are to the emperor oh I need more more uh thank you so much for listening and we'll catch you on the next episode of versus peace take care everyone thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Lorecrimes
Views: 33,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, 40k, 30k, pancreasnowork, amber king, deadlifts for the darkgods, the remembrancer, battle report, 40k lore, lore channel, 30k lore, warhammer lore, loremaster, loremasters, 40k podcast, warhammer podcast, halo, halo 2, halo reach, halo odst, halo series, halo universe, master chief, space marines, astartes, cortana, halo infitie, halo 4, halo 5, halo 6, mjolnir armour, mjolnir armor, mark 5 armour, halo mark 5, spartan 2, spartan II, spartan 3, spartan 4
Id: 9autPGB77Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 0sec (2160 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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