The Human-Covenant War: Aliens are Real and Hate YOU, Specifically (Featuring The Remembrancer)

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in 40K Humanity's power is if not Supreme in the Galaxy then damn near close to it while yes it is surrounded on all fronts by enemies it only can't deal with them because it cannot bring its full might to bear on any single one of them there is no single threat in 40K capable of eliminating the Imperium of man if you're a fan of them this is because various things like industrial capability population and more keep Humanity ahead of the curve if you're not a fan of the Imperium this is because it has plot armor thick enough to deflect tank shells feel free to decide which Camp I belong in at your leisure but in Halo such is not the case despite hundreds of years of constant technological advancement in all fields for medical to military humanity is not the top dog in the Galaxy incredibly important to it quite but the number one Undisputed superpower not even close to digress for a moment Bungie has this weird obsession with the number seven and having just hit 77 000 Subs myself I want to make this special little video where I once again Force Halo knowledge down all of your throats am I comparing it to 40K with all the buys you could expect from someone who holds more positive feelings for Halo than he does most of his old friends from high school nope today is just a history lesson a fun timeline major events of the human Covenant War where Humanity avoided extinction by the skin of its teeth but first Rage Shadow Legends the sponsor of this video millions of people own it millions of people play it let's talk about why you should be one of them it is once again time for me to discuss elves there will be no escape from it because raid is once again focusing on the glorious point-to-eared bastards and I am all too happy to oblige thousands of years ago the high Elven civilization was born and it was good Lizardman empire collapse who cares not the elves they kept on trucking rampaging work hordes invading not a problem at all just kill him and move on it was sireth the Lord of Darkness who finally was able to take them down a peg creating the dark elves and causing a massive Elven Civil War you might go wow pancreas they're so stupid to screw themselves over but that's the wrong way to look at it they were so powerful only other elves could take him down and even that didn't work the dark elves were exiled to go sit in the timeout corner for all eternity and the high elf Kingdom of Avari is the richest and most powerful in all of Talaria today you cannot keep a high elf down they're simply too perfect for that to happen in every Universe Raiden and sure enough you can tell just how glorious they are from the champion shown here from stalwart Warriors to wizards throwing magic at whatever annoys them enough today to Warrant being erased from existence there's something for everyone amongst the High Elves I'm a big fan of the battle sage and the Exemplar the battle stage because there's nothing more elegant and eleven than casting the mightiest of magics and the Exemplar because hitting things with big sword makes my monkey brain happy but I have more of the news for you because Ray just released a new faction the Sylvan Watchers Sylvan sounds a lot like Elven and with good reason they've got Forest elves ants Druids and Fey in their roster what else in their allies in fantasy settings are yet another one of my favorite races there's something special about watching a tree come to life and beat the snot out of whatever is pissing it off today while an elf fills the enemy with arrows the whole time and now you can finally summon and wield these fearsome Warriors and rage Shadow Legends where he's also got a full lineup of events along with the new season of the forge pass where you can get your hands on some of the most powerful gear the game has ever seen if the prospect of more elves isn't enough to get you into raid first of all that drives me to the very cusp of Rage but here's something else to Sweden the deal for you just in case using my link that's conveniently located in both the description and pin comment of this video or with a QR code staring you in the face at this very moment you get thirty dollars worth of bonuses for free Rector draft the Epic Champion 200 000 silver one energy refill to keep you in the game One XP boost and ancient Char to get yet another champion with all this treasure will wait for you here in the inbox right there in the corridor can't miss it rewards are only available for the next 30 days and for new players only so if you haven't gotten a raid yet then now's the perfect time to do so download Rage Shadow Legends now and I'll see you in the game now back to Halo time for a brief introduction to both of the major players involved the Covenant is an alliance of alien races banded together by a common religion a belief that an ancient species known as the forerunners ascended to godhood through their technology and left it behind to be found by the Covenant so its races too could join them in Divinity I've already made a video about them to some extent so go watch that for a little bit more information on them or don't I'm not a cop Humanity in Halo meanwhile did all the usual science fiction trappings technology exploded and space travel became relatively commonplace after a few short hundred years all sorts of cultures and ideologies expanded across the Stars sometimes even conflict and sometimes leading to more conflict by 25 25 the beginning year of the human Covenant or Humanity numbered a little over 800 colonies with about 210 of them being known as the inner colonies these are the most well-developed and populated human planets being the first ones colonize you can probably guess that the other planets and moons were known as the outer colonies from this information but if you couldn't there's a little bit of Halo lore on the house for you all of this was kept together by the United Nations space command or UNSC as a shell henceforth be known in order to save myself all those unnecessary necessary syllables first Contact between Humanity the Covenant wasn't even official some Jackal Pirates just raided some poor merchant ship at first the Office of Naval intelligence or Oni the sneaky Bastards of the UNSC whose rapship include such lovely things as every war crime known to man and kidnapping children to create child super soldiers with didn't even think it was aliens at first they just thought it was insurrectionist activity they laid a trap in surprise it's not just Pirates it's alien Pirates this led to a bit of a skirmish and Avery Johnson was there for this whole time a little fun fact for those who wonder what he was up to before the Halo games eventually however official contact was attempted it was really goddamn funny because the humans tried to show that they were a peaceful species and just generally attempted to make the best first impression so they laid out this Buffet of fruits and veggies to be all like we are peaceful we respect all life please be our friends and then the race that greeted them was most commonly known as the brutes should laid out the bacon Humanity the delegation went bad when a grunt got a bit trigger happy and opened fire on a human Soldier and the Covenant Force retreated and then pretty rapidly things get real bad if you're a human being largely unrelated to all of this three of the ruling race of the Covenant known as prophets because I'm not saying whatever word this is approach to Foreigner AI asking it to begin a new age for the Covenant the Covenant was all about marking periods like this you see very 40K with the names too instead of telling them to go nuts with this new era of prosperity or whatever though the AI told them that they're all a bunch of morons the whole reason the Covenant bothered sending a delegation to humanity you see was to recover Foreigner artifacts they detected or at least that was the biggest reason maybe not the whole reason before going to harvest they read the fancy space runes they had and it came back as Reclamation or reclaim as and go reclaim all of our lost God Tech YouTubers the problem was as the AI shortly told them reclaim was actually reclaimer the Covenant thought that the humans were just hoarding a metric ass ton of Foreigner artifacts turns out that Humanity was the Forerunner artifacts this Revelation that Humanity was their true successors and not the Covenant would have shattered their religion and more to the point their empire being in charge of the Covenant the prophets were very much a fan of not letting this happen so they hushed that up and in order to make sure no one found out decided to erase Humanity from existence good plan profit it's now in the interest of not making this video either three hours long or a 15 part series I'm gonna sum up how it went for the most part and not read through every single battle I can find at the wiki or bowl from the depths of my memory I'll give some highlights though because by God are some of these moments of the human Covenant wore the coolest [ __ ] you've ever heard of harvest the planet all this went down on and where first Contact was officially made was the first battleground of the human Covenant war and it initially went about as well as you'd expect for the UNSC despite managing to evacuate most of the civilians the Covenant began collapsing its surface with their warships fighting on harvest actually managed to go on for roughly five years with the brutal back and forth War taking place Halo War says it best at first it was going well then set back after setback despite the unise setting their finest the Covenant would never be pushed back for long and their vastly Superior technology ensure that any engagement would be costly for the UNSC even if victory was achieved turns out energy Shields are pretty good at deflecting 556 rounds who would have thought for a brief Side Track let's talk about the Spartans aka the only thing you know about Halo if you've never played the games or read the books or I guess watch the TV show but I prefer to pretend that never happened the Spartans were super soldiers created by Oni to wage war against the insurrectionist movement the unfc was getting vietnamed in space a lot of the time and you can only nuke so many cities to get rid of the enemies in them before public opinion takes a bit too sharp of a nosedive the most well-known and Powerful the Spartans including the master chief were Spartan twos the Spartan ones were largely just augmented Marines not the demigods of war that the twos were as it would turn out though they were just as good at killing aliens as they weren't killing random insurrectionists and quickly changed their priorities from killing random terrorists to kill anything that isn't a human being indeed so fearsome were they that the Covenant began to refer to them as demons no not demons with an AE Warhammer Goblin they were even deployed to harvest though their initial engagements were just as dangerous for them as it was for the average UNC Marine they were just better equipped to deal with it the Spartan II Samuel was lost in their first battle against the Covenant though the mission was ultimately a success as a result of the sacrifice he was 14 at the time just in case he forgot that they're just child soldiers meanwhile for the space battle portion of this sci-fi series vice admiral Preston J Cole was busy giving the Covenant the runner ground across the outer colonies and near Harvest he was in charge of the then largest human space Fleet ever assembled and his efforts actually were what led to the UNC were taking Harvest for the first time in 25-26 his Brilliance was such that despite the odds act against him he regularly achieved success in his battles even with the Spartans deployment to harvest however and the continuing efforts of the Navy and other Armed Forces Harvest was eventually taken if you watch the Covenant and Warhammer video you know that I was a big fan of jerking off the covenant's tech and that is still most certainly the case right now human tacticians were frequently able to outwit the Covenant but to make a comparison Napoleon could probably outwit a couple hundred U.S Marines if he had an army of ten thousand he'd still be bleeding from the fight and wouldn't be able to stand against the full US military likewise every Victory against the Covenant required the unise's best and brightest as well as an overwhelming numerical Advantage the ratio of you and a seek to Covenant spacecraft needed to achieve victory in an even fight was three to one at Best for instance and the Covenant wasn't so stupid as to allow these odds to happen if they could help it their Tech was just too far beyond Humanities that it wasn't long before mankind was forced into the losing side of a long War of Attrition Admiral Cole's great victory that allowed them to Proclaim Harvest with him taking the Helm of the largest Fleet in history of 40 warships that was against one Covenant Ship and he lost 13. true he did gain Insight on how to deal with Covenant Naval assets but I wouldn't call that a resounding Victory by any stretch of the imagination something I've seen a few times is how people mentioned that the unity was able to win most of the ground battles they fought but couldn't win in space and since the Covenant only cared about glassing the planet and leaving this meant that even winning a complete Victor on the ground was useless that's an understandable point of view to have I mean every time you play a Halo game you see the master chief or Noble Six or some other really cool dude clowning on the Covenant at every turn but unfortunately for the UNC this Viewpoint is incorrect it was a bit more even during ground engagements but not by much in all Fields unise was only able to win isolated engagements usually losing the larger battle in spite of isolated success and as stated earlier the ground victories were ultimately meaningless the Covenant would check a planet for Foreigner relics and then if they didn't find any they just torched the thing and since there are only so many planets with Foreigner relics on them to force a ground battle a lot of the times if the Covenant lost the Ground Battle they just shrug and nuke the planet from orbit for the 27 years this War lasted until 2552 the Covenant would slowly grind Humanity down to almost nothing using this method it wasn't completely peachy for the Covenant however there was some internal strife between the important races that we'll get to later and during the Harvest campaign they realized that despite the covenant's massive advantage in all Fields it's a bit of a costly matter of eliminating an entire space-faring species ensuring complete eradication relief Covenant space lacking a defenses and they had to find an alternative method of bolstering their Fleet if you've played Halo Wars you already know what that method is the Covenant attempted to reactivate an armada Foreigner warships they had found in a shield world so thanks to the unise spirit of fires crew [ __ ] them down at every opportunity the Armada was instead destroyed surprisingly when you detonate an FTL engine that rips holes into another dimension in the heart of a star things get very hot very quickly for that solar system during this campaign there was also an appearance by a very important player that I will sure as hell get to but the knowledge of that little alga tour never get out to the Galaxy at large not yet anyways and Humanity was able to achieve some pretty decisive victories on occasion including a very fun one regarding now full Admiral Preston J Cole at one point he was victorious in a massive Naval engagement against the Covenant 300 unicy ships to 162 Covenant ships nice job Cole he even managed to get some help from an insurrectionist Fleet because when the aliens just want to kill every human you forget past grudges pretty damn quickly and then another Covenant Fleet warped in this was a fight that he just couldn't win not with his Fleet at least so he had an idea mock the Covenant as hard as he could this might sound like nothing but Bluster and fair is fair it was but there's something you gotta know about the elite race they are absolutely obsessed with honor it's not always stupid on her like in 40K where they forego things like ranged weaponry in order to charge a Tau gun line because corn demands it or some stupid [ __ ] they'll be sneaky and lay traps and do whatever they need to do to win all's fair in Love and War after all but when you call their entire religion false which again it was but they don't know that yet and screened that Humanity are the ones that should be taking the Foreigner's mantle they get a bit angry and when Cole openly invited them to prove him wrong well the entire fleet decided to take him up on this challenge Cole wasn't done flexing yet though not by a long shot he plunged his Crews into a nearby brown dwarf and fired every single nuclear missile he had at its core a hundred nuclear weapons was all that fake star needed to turn into a real star and the Covenant Fleet there was wiped to a man as it went hot coal also lived through this by the way just in case he thought he was done proving he had the biggest dick in the Galaxy a slip space travel signature was detected inside the brown dwarf just before it got hot and some AIS calculated his survival rate at just under 90 percent and rumors of human Guerrilla Fighters that were oddly successful Waging War against the Covenant persisted for years to come in the area but as far as people can confirm his story ends here and you know what I think he's got one of the few happy endings in the entire Halo Universe it's Canon he might have settled down on a farming planet with his lover and you know what I hope he did of course the last few minutes have been a bit too positive for Humanity so let's switch track back to misery despite all these massive successes the Covenant was too much for Humanity to face every Victory is balanced out by a dozen defeats the outer colonies were slowly but surely destroyed and by 2535 10 years after the outbreak of War all them had either been confirmed destroyed by the Covenant or contact had been lost various measures were enacted to sustain Humanity's survival the coal protocol there's a boy at it again dictated that human ships either had to make random slope space jumps when retreating in order to not have the destinations of human worlds tracked or to wipe all navigational data and self-destruct in order to assure that they were boarded the Covenant couldn't take the data by force additionally when a Spartan 2 was killed they released it as Mia to avoid a massive drop in morale as Humanity realized that their Legendary Heroes of the war could in fact die the war was even kept a secret for the first few months of the conflict though this didn't last very long all of this wasn't enough however and soon enough the inner colonies were Humanity's most developed infrastructure was came under attack the following pattern would then continue for most of the rest of the war Humanity would hold the planet for a Time lose it as the Covenant forces engaged on mass Humanity would Retreat and rinse and repeat Spartan 3 program was eventually conceived to make less effective but greater quantities of Spartans they didn't even bother kidnapping kids with good genes like the Spartan twos they described orphans off the street and pumped them full of chemicals and augmentations these units saw success but their losses were even greater than the twos with one engagement resulting at the deaths of 298 of the 300 Spartan threes deployed the worst game in 2552 the last year of the war by this point not only had Humanity been fighting a losing War long enough for an entire generation of people to be born who knew nothing but defeat against an alien race who wanted them dead but the UNC had lost the majority of its military and Humanity the majority of its planets and people a plan to find the Covenant Homeworld and capture a prophet was hatched as a last Gambit to prevent Humanity's Extinction this was the final Hail Mary of humanity Oni estimated that at this Mission didn't succeed Humanity likely only had months left to live the plan would begin on the planet of reach Humanity's most well-defended Planet behind on the earth and the most important for the war effort period everything from engineering into training to manufacturing to whatever spec ops [ __ ] you can think of took place on reach this plan was never achieved though when in July of 2552 the Covenant finally found reach there was a whole load of Foreigner artifacts on the planet and the Covenant had founded by The Luminaries that find such things side note but that's also how they found human population centers a lot of the time without there being foreign or artifacts present remember that whole reclaimer Reclamation translation turns out being the successors to Gods has some downsides Oni also knew that this would likely happen but helpfully did not share this hunch with the UNSC in order to keep them in the dark about the Foreigner artifacts Oni also if you haven't noticed cannot do anything that isn't morally gray at best they wouldn't sell you ice cream without lacing with its Cyanide and then putting a tracking chip at the cone at least some inquisitors are nice people I don't think there's a proper only agent who isn't a [ __ ] bag reach was surrounded by orbital platforms capable of shooting tungsten rods at a pretty goddamn appreciable fraction of the speed of light pretty much the only thing capable of hurting Covenant ships on its own there wasn't a one-time use sort of thing by the time the battle was underway 60 of the entire remaining UNSC fleet was redeployed from other air is to protect the planet and Spartans practically littered the place including none other than the Master Chief and one Noble Six equally deadly as Chief despite only being a Spartan three with all their Mighty raid how did the defensive reach go for the UNSC well even if you haven't played Halo reach you can probably guess but here's a quote from unisec Colonel James Ackerson about whether or not it was worth sending a ship to see the aftermath we are not wasting a single UNSC ship to confirm what we have already seen a dozen times before reach is gone everything on it is blasted to bits burned glassed over and vaporized everyone on reach is dead dead dead thanks to the remembrance here for that fantastic reading I give him a cringe York voice he gives me an Oscar performance you might have noticed that this video isn't as funny as my usual stuff or at least that I haven't written in as many things that I think pass for jokes as usual that's because for all the funny bits and Halo games all the times where Sergeant Johnson talks about how he had to share his military assigned rock with his platoon Halal or is just kind of depressing Grim dark even much like Warhammer oh sure the games are all about you kicking ass but the larger picture is wow it sure does suck to be a human in this universe or really anyone in this universe at one point or another but there's my little disclaimer for why this video might not be that funny back to lore the Fall Of Reach took just over a month likely longer than any Planet before would aside from Harvest it wasn't long before the Covenant found Earth as well but I skip ahead a little bit because of the efforts of Spartan team Noble the UNSC ship pillar of autumn was able to escape reach with several prominent figures aboard most noteworthy is of course John 1 17 the master chief as well as the smart A.I Cortana Cortana is the most important one to talk about at first in what was technically a violation of the coal protocol Cortana had instead of just jumping randomly somewhere within slope space range took them to coordinates decipher from a foreigner artifact at these coordinates and with the Covenant Fleet hot under their tails they found the titular Halo a foreigner built Ringworld whose purpose was as yet unknown the Covenant believed it would allow them to ascend to godhood as the foreigners once did the UNSC and a master chief crash landed on the ring as the pillar of autumn had taken heavy damage and waged guerrilla warfare against the Covenant to great success of course if you played Halo you know how this turns out the Covenant find a locked facility with the words don't dead open inside written on it but unfortunately the team in charge of this little Expedition couldn't read and opened it anyways they figured it was a cache of Foreigner weapons or something like that it wasn't it was the flood for those of you who aren't familiar with Halo you might be wondering why busting a foreign or water pipeline matters that much in the grand scheme of things for those of you who do know Halo you understand just how horrific this was but I'll explain anyways the flood in 40K video will come eventually but for now let's just leave their description to the basics the flutter a race of parasitic beings that can infect almost any living creature and turn it to their side if they can infect something because it lacks a central nervous system they'll just eat it and absorb its biomass lesson of their own and to top it off they're hyper intelligent to the point of being able to corrupt computers despite being entirely biological there's so much more to them than that but for now that's the basics of what you need they're infectious to the point that as the elite riddus vadam puts it in Halo 3. one single flood Spore can destroy a species the Covenant team was devoured almost entirely with only a few survivors being present by the time the chief showed up to offer any resistance after the Covenant opened it but before the chief got there some UNSC soldiers including Captain Keys who was in charge of this whole [ __ ] went in to check it out can you guess what happened to them if you said they got eaten then congratulations you win this horrible quiz well except for this one guy who never gets PTSD because he doesn't get to the post part of post-traumatic stress disorder now the war across Halo descended to a three-way brawl as the remaining UNC forces had to contend with an alien Alliance on one side and the zombie apocalypse on the other The Foreigner monitor AI 343 guilty Spar contacted Master Chief and told him to activate Halo to defeat the flood he conveniently left out how this would eradicate all life in the Galaxy but Cortana thankfully kept the chief from pulling the trigger on the gun pointed at the head of the universe Guilty Spark took offense to this and now it's a four-way war with the Sentinels of the Halo ring joining The Fray because why not make this even more messy messy indeed though it was Master Chief overloads the pillar of audience the space core Halo explodes and the day is saved except no it isn't because after he's rescued the Covenant find Earth [ __ ] thankfully Covenant Fleet that finds Earth is a small one which Admiral Hood the guy left in charge of the Unison Navy by this point even notes as being odd but that's not gonna last very long once the Covenant realized they found Humanity's Homeworld so there's no time to ponder this little mystery quite yet after Master Chief dicks around on Earth killing aliens for a while he and the daughter of the now dead Captain Keys hitch a ride into Covenant space portal to another Halo yeah there's seven of them it turns out sucks to suck Humanity they land on it and get ready to see if they can't blow this one up again when things get even worse than ever this is during the Halo games for members it only makes sense that now the problems are just compiling one after another how is it worse well the flood have already broken out on this planet and formed a grave mind imagine a hentai monster the size of Godzilla and he's as smart as a thousand thousand Stephen Hawkings that's a grave Mine The Guiding intelligence behind the flood after they absorb enough biomass Master Chief did manage to kill the profit of regret before things really went South who was actually one of the three prophets that found out his whole religion was a lie but unfortunately covered in space superiority was still a thing so they just tried to collapse the structure he was on with him inside of it the Grave mine saved him as well as the Arbiter however the Arbiter being an elite disgraced for allowing the first Halo to go kablooey he and the chief went their separate ways to stop the Covenant from firing the ring and it's at this point I need to explain why an elite and a human are working on the same team because we aren't at Halo 3 yet where it's just a given during the human Covenant War for a while the elites followed the orders of the prophets without question humans are bad kill all humans done deal eventually however they're more martial and honorable stides started to win out they felt Humanity was worthy of being offered admission to the Covenant if they could put up this good of a fight despite all the odds being sacked against them why shouldn't they be allowed into the special alien Club additionally the brutes much less fans of things like critical thinking were being seen as more and more of a replacement for the elites throughout the course of Halo 2 you can see this taking place as the brutes replace the elite as the head guards of their prophets this comes to a head when the Arbiters betrayed while he looks for the activation key to this new Halo and the elites as a whole are ordered for Destruction alongside Humanity thankfully for everyone involved but the Covenant I guess the Arbiter is successful in preventing Halo from firing with some help from Sergeant Johnson and Miranda Keys Chief infiltrates the mobile Covenant capital of high charity but the flood have found a way in and rapidly infect the entire goddamn thing only the Prophet of Truth escapes the final leader of the Covenant and the last surviving of three prophets who knew the truth behind this whole [ __ ] show the second prophet of Mercy was on high charity too with them but uh yeah he got eated by the flood I like how truth is such a [ __ ] show in this cutscene that a race called Bruce showing more compassion than he is Master Chief escapes High charity by hitching a ride on the Foreigner Dreadnought that was powering the place in the final Arc of the war begins yeah he had to leave Cortana behind but you know you got to do what you got to do by now Humanity the elites formed an uneasy Alliance since the elites have been forcibly made to see the truth of the religion and Humanities taking whatever it can get by this point Chief makes it back to the Earth where things have not been great even though Earth's defenses were even better than reaches it's still well on the way to Falling despite the unc's best efforts thankfully the Covenant decided that right at the cusp of Victory is the perfect time for a little Civil War so that's eased up the stress a bit Master Chief the arbor and whatever tattered remains of Humanity's armed forces are left fight the Covenant on Earth before the reason to the profit of regret pretty much tripped over Earth is revealed he found a foreigner portal that would take them to the ark an extra Galactic installation that I've talked about in my Foreigner video but to sum it up you can fire all the hails at once from there to kill everything and it can make even more Halos I don't know where it gets the materials to do so being an Intergalactic space and all but maybe the foreigners put a few more of those devices I can just casually tunnel into other universes get the scrap needed for it portal to the ark opens the flood are now in Earth because the elites weren't able to contain High charity and half of Africa gets glassed off the face of the Earth better than being devoured whole by the flood I guess everyone rushes to the ark at once the Covenant to finally reach godhood the humans and Elites did not all die and the floods who also not die and maybe eat everyone afterwards if there's time every side is making one final effort to win the war once and for all not really important but we also get this bang of a line by Rita's vadam the elite in charge of their Fleet Master they outnumber us three to one God that's so [ __ ] [ __ ] cool humans the elites and the flood very briefly Ally to stop the Covenant and when they do the flood predictably betray everyone The Arc is destroyed as the master chief Arbiter Cortana and Sergeant Johnson fired the replacement Halo for the one from Comet evolve before it's ready the grave mine in an all-flood prison are destroyed the Covenant Falls to Pieces due to everything that occurred and Humanity has almost been completely wiped out in a war that killed billions on both sides but with that the human Covenant War has finally come to an end except for the special ops teams of Spartans that lost contact with the rest of the UNSC and decided to go through with a plan to destroy an elite Colony with billions on it since they're on their own with no way to talk to anyone they didn't realize the war was over and a truce was formed between the elites and Humanity nothing like when you lose cell reception commit the war crime to end all war crimes am I right fellas but yeah that was my 77k sub special I always like talking about Halo lore and I do hope you not only gave this video a chance but if you stuck around to the end thank you I sincerely mean it it's always nice to Branch out at this as well this shows me that that's actually got some Merit to it you know as always thank you to my wonderful channel members you are the mjolnir armored or my Spartan 2 keeping me powered safe and ready to go at a moment's notice if you'd like to support the channel feel free to subscribe or become a member either way thank you for watching and take care out there unrelated to anything but Halo really does have some of the best ship names in any science fiction setting I mean come on the Covenant hits us up with the solemn Penance the long night of Solace and the mother of them all the shadow of intent meanwhile the UNSC has things like the pillar of autumn in Amber clad and my personal favorite the UNSC say my name did you know that the say my name was a part of operation bum rush I'm not making any of this up this is the plot of Halo ODST it was a marathon class cruiser too that's one of the University's Capital ships there's decent odds a Covenant Ship was wiped off the face of the Galaxy by the say my name God I love Halo
Channel: PancreasNoWork
Views: 778,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo, Covenant, Human Covenant War, UNSC, SPARTAN, Master Chief, Arbiter, Reach, John-117, Cortana, Halo Rings, PancreasNoWork
Id: Qj165Zokx2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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