Abaddon The Despoiler EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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good day guys and gal I have made a fair few videos on abidon most of them negative but I realized that I actually never made one that dives into his complete law such as his Origins rise to power and how he went from a respected first captain of Aion to the big man of chaos now with abidon getting more Lord during the final Horus heresy books combined with me learning more about him I thought the best way to finally determine if abidon was [ __ ] and lame or not was just to go through his lore in my funloving Aussie style and let you decide before we get started I'm so excited to finally be a to Launch lach the brand new limited major minis carry case if you have minis you'll want a carry case otherwise you run a massive risk of minis getting damaged with pieces breaking off or the pain getting Chip dur in transit so me and my team have spent months r& ding the [ __ ] out of this [ __ ] creating a completely unique and unseen carry case we went through three different latch Styles before I found one that was completely reliable like you shake this bad boy and nothing nothing is popping off at all for the interior we tested multiple different materials before settling on this specific foam to house your minis the carry capacity is great as it features two layers the first layer is for smaller minis like the elder or Tower or Space Marines whereas the second layer is for larger minis like custodes or Space Marine Terminators something that no other carry case has is these removable Cube thingers we put in the middle meaning you can custom make some of your own spaces for the more uniquely shaped models you can then use those Cube thingers to put into other squares to secure any loose models I use like three of these to transport all my models over from my apartment to my new place here and there wasn't a single issue or any damage I'm actually releasing a video tomorrow while basically just be trying to destroy the [ __ ] out of the case and the minis inside to show you just how durable this thing is durable but very lightweight like we didn't just buy this from Alibaba and Rebrand it this was built from the ground up as a bonus every purchase of a major mini carry case will get you a free major mini of your choice but wait there's more anyone that purchased the carry case will be added to our exclusive VIP list which usually takes a fair bit of effort to get on a bonus to be on that list is that we will send special offers or even in some cases special Minis that no one will us get access to which is what we' have just done so if you're a VIP check your email as we are doing a very limited run of a bunch of VIP only models the cases are limited once they sell out that is it they are dunzo so Get It Now link is below today we'll go over the entirety of the law of abidon to determine if I was too hard on him or if he actually does suck turbo dick or maybe it's both oh let's get into it Ezekiel abidon definitely did not have humble beginnings there was no hero's journey to Greatness dude shot out of his mom's [ __ ] already a badass probably wait a shitload for a baby he was born as the son of kathia's greatest warlord and was taught everything about being a badass tough guy from his [ __ ] Dad when abdon was like 13 his father told him to kill all of his best mates as a Coming of Age ceremony abdon simply said no you and killed his father and bodyguards Instead This caused abdon to be exiled but he still built up a reputation of being a beast due to his massive frame and ferocity however this abidon was still mortal and very killable during his Exile he was ambushed by a gang and was going to die only to be saved by two lunar wolves who then recruited the young man into the legion with abdon having no ambition but to be a great warrior so abdon wasn't a part of the OG first wave of Luna Wolves but still joined the legion reasonably early in the great Crusade now we don't know much about abon's early career but what we do know is that aon's Ascension to become a Space Marine abdon grew [ __ ] massive with all of his cthonian ferocity translating perf ly into his new life as a Space Marine he distinguished himself as a mighty warrior and competent Captain causing him to be rapidly promoted to become the first captain of the lunar wolves as well as to be declared The Greatest Warrior in the legion bar Horus of course he was gifted customade Terminator armor and was allowed to train arm and mold's Company the just therein to his will and design at this point abdon was a cool dude he was Gruff and rough but he also wasn't devoid of humor or even compassion he was like a Stern older brother to the rest of the lunar Wars sure he would smack you down if you stepped out of line but he would also have your back no matter what it was from abon's recommendation that GAR or lokan ascended to join the ranks of the maval the closest advises to Horus it was actually really heartwarming reading those early Horus heresy books before Horus fell to chaos seeing a still loyalist abidon bantering with his fellow loyalist abdon was fiercely loyal to Horus but not in like a blind simp sort of way more like a respective relation between Father and Son abdon was one of the few space Rings who would ever rebuke his own Primark especially during the Great Crusade days when Horus wished for a peaceful result with the inter an advanced human race that consorted with aliens abdon was enraged as he believed all zenos Must Die human Horus entered into a shouting match with Horus even threatening to drank the first Captain if he didn't back the [ __ ] off needless to say abdon was pretty happy when the Diplomatic talks broke down Jud to arabus and he was allowed to kill the [ __ ] out of the interx when Horus was shanked on Davin and fell into a coma no one was more devastated than abdon he had been harboring a hidden resentment towards the emperor for some time due to his apparent abandonment of the great Crusade abidon was a warrior first and foremost he only respected fellow Warriors and if the emperor wanted to go be a scientist then abon's respect for him would crumble however when Horus was wounded this resentment exploded into outright hatred as if the emperor was still a part of the Crusade this probably wouldn't have happened in his desperation abidon allowed Horus to be taken into the serpent Lodge to be healed against the wishes of garal loan who saw this as a violation of the Imperial truth this act effectively broke up the mival and also drew a line in the sand those loyal exclusively to Horus and those loyal to the emperor and the Imperial truth when Horus awoke he was the significantly more ruthless and uncompassionate Primark which actually made him and abdon more alike he gave abdon free reign to help weed out those not loyal to Horus over the emperor which included killing various remembrances and discrediting other Space Marines like garal when Horus asked abdon to abandon the emperor he readily accepted with Horus now a traitor he orchestrated the isan atrocity to wipe out the loyalist from he and his brother's Legions these loyalists would prove harder to kill than expected so abdon personally joined in on the final assault to finish them off this would bring him in direct battle with garal lokan amazingly garal actually got the upper hand on abdon using abon's bulk and heavy armor against him however tck gal's companion was slain by little Horus who was abon's companion and gar was struck down by the 2on one abdon would remark that little Horus was disturbed by how things had played out so he vowed to keep an eye on him in case he got cold feet abdon wouldn't take much of a center stage during the heresy itself Horus was pretty active in most War zones so abidon wouldn't really be in the Limelight sure he did stuff but it was generally pretty forgettable like he was sent to finish off the Space Wolves after the disastrous attack on the sons of Horus Fleet but failed due to the intervention of kis korax no it would be during the siege of Terror that abidon would really shine abdon had been closely watching horus's faulty chaos and he found it pathetic he was especially Disturbed when Horus had been temporarily relieved of corruption when lemman stabbed him with his special spear seeing Horus full of doubt and regret as if the only reason why he was doing the heresy was because of the will of another however every time Horus showed a fraction of his original Self the warrior God that abdon loved abdon would instantly go back to being his little puppy it was a toxic relationship abdon would effectively be the leader of the sons of Horus during The Siege as Horus just sat aboard his ship in a semi demented State something abdon began to resent him for to make matters worse a lot of the sons of Horus had devolved into this selfish [ __ ] orders state of being making the legion super difficult to control despite this abdon still made his Mark capturing Luna for the traitors saving khah the betrayer and keeping the legion mostly together however abon's resolve would finally crack see Dawn had left a fake weakness in his defenses hoping to bait the traitors to commit to it and be slaughtered abdon took the bait at the behest of Perabo who wanted to punish Horus for being a [ __ ] hence abdon and most of his just St and teleported into the fake [ __ ] in the armor and were immediately beset upon by the imperium's most elite Warriors abdon fought like a war god reborn but the loyalist were just stronger with his entire compliment of battle brothers being killed abdon was then struck down but before he could be killed he was teleported to safety abdon wept that he was denied A Warrior's death he also knew that moment he just experienced of Raw Battle which should and his final fight was taken from him and he would never get to feel like that ever again was all downhill from here baby abdon hated how Kos had infected the Traer Legions how men were giving up their bodies and souls for these [ __ ] up power boosts despite this though he continued to fight however when the vengeful Spirits void Shields dropped abidon rushed to his father's side with only a fraction of the stillsane sons of Horus joining him [ __ ] was bad on the vengeful Spirit it was likely to become its own mini hell with abdon having to fight off various War problems due to him actively resisting its influence the greatest battle would come with he and his men came face to face with Constantine valdor and his custodes valdor and abdon jeweled with valdor being shocked when abdon called his spear mid thrust but valdor ain't no [ __ ] he let go of his Spear and his Superman punched abdon the face which hurt like a [ __ ] however abdon had finally let chaos into him to impower him as he wouldn't stand a chance otherwise he would even go on to badly wound valdor but was denied the kill when Dawn entered the battle and [ __ ] [ __ ] up abdon would eventually reach Horus only to find him dead with gaval loan watching over the corpse abdon was so sick of all the bloodshed the corruption and the dishonor so he allowed garal to leave peacefully even agreeing that chaos was a bad idea but then arabus killed garal by stabbing him in the back before convincing abdon that chaos could be a useful tool so yeah [ __ ] arabus dude abdon would lead the surviving sons of Horus into the eye of Terror before abandoning his Legion to do some soul searching however many of the other traitor Legions blame the sons of Horus for the heresy and its defeat resulting in their current turbos [ __ ] situation thus the sons of Horus were regularly raided with horus's corpse being taken by The Emperor's Children Abus bile used the corpse to clone Horus and make a new inferior clone something the sons of Horus S as utterly sacrilegious this act also spurred abon to make a choice he decided he would return and take charge of the war effort his first act being to fight the Clone Horus and slay it in a jewel claiming the talent of Horus as a weapon in the process abdon would remake the sons of Horus into the black Legion allowing any legionaire from any primar to join its ranks as a final Act he purged the weak self-serving degenerates from his new Legion abidon knew that he needed the power of car to stand a chance against the Imperium but he also wished to avoid horus's mistakes he would remain the master of his own destiny chaos seeing abdon as useful tool allowed him the illusion of his own Freedom abdon would make himself known to the Imperium by slaying Sigman in combat announcing his return he would then engage in various black Crusades all with specific goals and intentions some of these Crusades were minor and very specific such as weakening some planets or claiming the sword draan as his own or claiming a Blackstone Fortress others involved more major Wars and engagements that they all culminated in the 13th Black Crusade where abdon smashed his entire Army against the world of Kadar however amazingly he was actually repelled and Gravely wounded causing him to throw one of his Blackstone fortresses at kadia like a meteor ripping the planet apart which caused a chain reaction of warp events which then tore the Galaxy and two with the opening of The Great Rift some of abon's previous black Crusades were designed to weaken real space thus ensuring the great rift's opening would be super dramatic with kaaos now having the upper hand Victory looked assured until Gillman revived and clapped Chaos's ass so hard they shot blood for a year the war was once again stalemated however abidon knew that if he could take over the planet of vigilus which was the world watching over the only stable route that connected the two sides of the Galaxy he could deal a devastating blow Victory seem asured but then Manus calgar used abon's Warrior Spirit against him getting him into a jewel abidon would win the jewel but more so cuz his gear was overpowered as [ __ ] rather than a fair fight like his saw just cut through kar's Power Fist like it was nothing however the jewel was merely a bait with abidon on the surface the vengeful Spirit was heavily attack attacked and bombed forcing it to make an emergency warp jump which caused abdon to freak out and leave the planet tracking his runaway ship he eventually found it and had to purge most of the people on board due to them falling to disarray abon's next move was to team up with vasor and create the arcs of omen space hulks that could be used to strike at the Imperium and claim various key fragments for a special lock that we don't know much about yet abon would help VTO get these key fragments but then the lion returned continuing abon's curse of whenever he does something great for chaos a loyalist primarch returns and [ __ ] [ __ ] up abidon now plans his next move hoping that by blowing up Mars or some [ __ ] it won't accidentally bring back corvis now with all this in mind is abidon a good antagonist the answer is that it's entirely up to you you're allowed to have an opinion Yuri can think avidon is awesome because of his Warrior Spirit his desire to maintain his Free Will and his decisive victories over the Imperium in return you can also think he is [ __ ] because he's pretty one-dimensional seems like a discount Horus was given all of his power by either his gear or being genetically a unit and getting his ass whooped all the time not to mention he's hypocritical stance on chaos I didn't actually mention all the examples but abdon has literally been saved from Death at the last second many times I personally think he would make a great right-hand man to the main bad guy but as the main bad guy he just really doesn't do it for me chaos is supposed to be this divided force with many Warlords and champions fying for control wouldn't it be dope if lar returned beat abidon to near death and took over chaos for a little while with the goal of Turbo flooding the Galaxy with chaos energy creating a narrative where abidon needs to think outside the box or maybe even temporarily form in Alliance with Renegade Imperial loyalists as abidon wants to stop lurer from corrupting everything and stealing everyone's free will but the main point is if someone tells you you have to love abdon then they're a [ __ ] idiot if someone tells you that you have to hate abdon they too are a [ __ ] idiot make up your own mind if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then pick up the carry case this is a limited drop and it comes with a free major mini so don't miss out hit the Subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more top notot content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] bow to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 122,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: tMyRzcQ9ARY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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