The Unopened Gift/Spiritual Gifts

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Groff the Nagas afternoon good afternoon good afternoon this is yours truly mr. Kevin Ellie Ewing coming to you live from the studios of devil three-point-seven FM here in the magic city of Freeport Grand Bahama coming to you another life episode of the Kevin Laue spiritual insights show and it is indeed a pleasure to be in your company once again I am so thankful to be with you guys as you guys would have known I was on for the past two weeks and a lot of folks have been calling a lot of folks have been sending emails asking me if they kicked me off the show no they didn't kick me off the show if you were paying attention three weeks ago I told you I had some speaking engagements overseas and I was attending to them so I had a two-week break in my radio program nevertheless I am back now to continue with our spiritual insight shows but before I even get into that before I get into that I must I must bring to the attention of the listening audience recent trip last week last week sorry we were in new wok New Jersey the Jesus deliverance tabernacle ministries they apostle Robert Davis and his wife lady Davis are the pastor's there and I must say it was an excellent excellent excellent conference I the the hospitality was PI accidents they treated us very well and during that conference there was a lot of revelation and there were four folks there that gave their lives to the Lord accepted Jesus Christ as they save as a result of those teachings and revelation and was an exciting exciting exciting time apostle Davis I've never in my life never in my life met a a minister a preach an apostle like this man and he reminds me so much of myself especially as it relates to the things that we're seeing in the body of Christ that he's totally against he's told he don't believe in no preacher charging the money not as other stuff you don't believe in that he sorted all of that out of me God knew because I told him what my standards were in terms of finances I told him that prior to me getting there and not knowing that he was of the same view okay he did something he did something that literally blew my mind and to this day I told my wife about I say Mandy I have never seen this I said pinch me please because at all of my forty-nine I'll be 49 this year 49 years of attending church all right I've never seen my life okay all right and here's probably I could I still try to get over it now you know my standard I say when people invite me they say careful is your honorarium I say listen I don't charge an honorarium you'll never get an invoice for me invoicing you for the word of God the Word of God is free this is my standard this is my policy I say but if you would like to bless my ministry if you like to bless him you know even my wife fine I have no issues with that but you will not get an invoice from me so when we when we got in as soon as we jump in the car he gave me an envelope right he says I'm blessing your ministry I said okay fine not a problem with that so when we got to the church the next stage for me to start the services he he didn't go through no formalities he got up there did about five ten minutes and brought me on right away which I loved I love that he didn't went through all of them and again I'm not knocking other people that do it I'm just saying what I like to be done and that's what he did and I didn't request this of him this is all he is so after I ministered and begin to do what I had to do and after the service he said to the congregation listen here now we have already taken care of the man of God nice talking about financial he says in this church we do not raise monies for men of God we do not raise monies for conferences we've collected your time we've collected the offerings all throughout the year so we have the money store accommodate these things you shouldn't be charged extra for it so I look wonder wonder if I if I had died and went to heaven as this is this or this this a game being played here because this don't happen and I always said to myself how is it that you could collect tithes and offering every Sunday every Bible study every so on and every time you're gonna put on a conference or something you gotta tax the members all over again and this guy is totally this apostle sorry is totally against it and I could not believe what I was so impressed by him so he said he said now listen if you brought monies if you want to bless the man of God fine but we will be connecting no money during this session but I would encourage you if you want to bless his wife if you want to bless his ministry if you want to bless him then that's fine but we are not collecting no money to meet no budgets because during the course of our regular tithes and offerings so we had already sought what we were going to do for the future i say lord have mercy lord what is this I'm hearing today so I was totally taken aback because and I'm only pointing this out I'm not comparing ministries I'm not knocking other ministries what I'm saying here is that this is the first time in my life I've ever seen this he is he he's like myself he don't believe and that money stuff in terms of taxing people and reaping them financially he this man is a giver he has demonstrated that from start to finish he had a staying in the best hotel he we had I mean everything to our backing call it was there so the last the Sunday the last day of the service he told us he's gonna be picking us up at 9:30 because the service would have start at 10:00 okay so did you and I or in the lobby because kind of it was kind of little cold and windy outside so I saw I started I saw this white Rolls Royce pulled up right so I say okay it is probably for the Caucasians right so ready when it pulled up I saw a parcel Davis came out fix it come come come minister come on come on man coming here used to this I used to a little Honda I had to push that you know I used to this but my point is and I'm only joking here I'm since my daughter was Roy's but I'm only joking here but I'm showing you this man is the epitome of what I believe as it relates to ministry he is a gift for I have watched him I've watched him I've seen as members they are givers they they are just giving and giving and have listened the assistant Tracy Smith whom if I can talk with to set up all of this stuff I mean when I said these people are one-of-a-kind and again this is not to dismiss anyone else's ministry I'm saying this particular ministry here I've never seen this before I've never seen this he he he said some stuff to me prophesize himself to me they were overwhelmed by the teaching to my surprise we find people because I put up the fly on Facebook there are people from Delaware people that came from New York people that came from Virginia I think there was a lady that came from Africa all of them came to new walk and many others that I don't remember now that were a part of the service they came to the service and and and they were richly blessed through the revelations as we talk about all of stuff that I'd normally talk about so I really want to thank God for Jesus deliverance Tabernacle ministries who have showed my wife and myself through ministry in terms of the Akama gay accommodating sorry the people of God putting order as it relates to the financial part of it and that was very very impressive to me he said to me apostle apostle David said to me says he says minister I promise you I promise you what's gonna happen here no other ministry you would have experienced this in before I didn't even know what I was about to get into when he made that statement so I want to thank apostle Robert Davis first lady Davis their assistant Tracy Smith these are wonderful people the entire congregation was very welcoming to us they treated my wife like the queen that she is and of course I tried to be like the king but nevertheless it was a it was an awesome awesome experience and he told me already he's I'm gonna have you back up here for a weekend he he wouldn't stop so I want to thank God for the crew they're a Newark New Jersey and I thank God for the experience that we would have had there now for those of you listening to me on dove right now please you can call someone right now I'm actually airing live right now on YouTube just type in Kevin Ellie Ewing and you're gonna see me live I'm also live on my five Facebook channels which is my personal channel Kevin Ellie Ewing mr. Kevin Ellie Ewing Kevin Ellie Ewing ministries Minister Kevin Ellie Ewing pure page my words of wisdom group which is a private group and then I have my blog site facebook page which is Kevin Laue dot blog and simultaneously all of these different venues you can literally see me live and for those of you who have the Android cell phone I have my own app and that is Minister Kevin Laue so those of you have the samseong and all of the other Android platforms you can just go to your app store and download Minister Kevin Ellie Ewing app you can literally watch me or listen to me live and all of my information is on there my blog site my web page those who want to visit my web page which is Kevin Ellie Ewing you can also see now for those of you like myself who are the Apple products the iPhone the iPod notice other stuff which is a totally different format from Android then you can go to my the podcasts the Apple podcast and you can just put in their Kipp Minister Kevin Ellie Ewing and you'll be able to have access to all of my previous recording and but it's um I'm done but this recording this will also automatically upload from my youtube channel all of these things I'm doing so that you guys will have easy access to my teachings there are some major changes on the horizon I'm not gonna discuss right now but it's going to be a benefit a major and huge benefit to my listening and watching audience I have learned from a very long time ago that in order to excel advance or to to go for what you're doing then you have to be on the cutting edge and that is what I do so I'm coming up with some major products as usually all gonna be free some major major major products that got some major announcement to be to be made in the coming weeks no more than three weeks hopefully just waiting on some things to be sorted out the final stages of it it's already in so I'm just waiting on a conclusion or conclusion and then we're gonna be going straight into it but we are taking this ministry to the next level okay that's what's gonna that's why that's what's happening now the groundwork is already in place there are people already working on different projects for the ministry that I have here so social media has become the platform for what I do here no I don't have a physical Church at all no I don't have that no I don't have a bunch of members sitting in front of me and there's nothing wrong with that listen you are called to minister the gospel how God use you to do that or what - what's he use for you to push that then that is what he called you to do so don't let nobody make allow them to say condescending things you and you'll be affected by it because you know do the day we forget them you know I'm just sick people trying to compete just do what you're called to do and watch god bless you all right so it has been an eventful last week and I look forward to many other weeks also I want to thank my wife who has been who was always a super support for me and I said you guys all the time yes I do all the teaching and you know very rare you would see her but I'm telling you she worked just as hard or sometimes even harder because she's the one behind the scenes she's the one who does all of the booking she's dawn who does listen everything that one could ask an assistant to do well Deidre Ewing goes above and beyond that I am super thankful to God for Hawk she is very precious to me because she has been a perfect fit in my ministry and men and women on you and ministries you know exactly what I'm talking about there's so much that you have to oversee and deal with aside from doing what you are called to do and that is ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ but my sweetie pie my baby my sugarplum my Deary I was bragging about of them they said we know we see you always talking about your wife on the videos I say I hope you know they say wait so she has been a tremendous support and like every other trip she is always there making sure everything is in place for me so that there won't be no hiccups no hangups and I wanna tell her publicly as usual I am madly in love with her I there's no shame in my game I thought his blessed more than an awesome wife I love her literally to pieces and I thank God for the quality that she's brought to my life and added to my life and now took it to another level so I'm very appreciative of and I thank God for the Bible says that he didn't finds a wife finds a good thing but here's the part I love Pat B and it says as a result of this good thing that he is found which is dingy in my case it says and he shall obtain favor from the Lord and listen I will be a liar if I told you I get no favor and listen ever since me indeed real cop listen favor we say and Obama's going to bed hear me and she she could tell yourself we I mean the doors have been opening opportunities sometimes it feels as if it was a dream or there's a dream to me because again anyone who truly knows me and truly knows my story and where I came from they will have a greater appreciation for where I am and what I'm doing those who don't know me I expect the nonsense that they run on but because you know they're ignorant so that's what ignoring people do so I pray for them that they would break the spirit of ignorance from off of their lives but nevertheless nevertheless God has literally been taking this ministry I mean well beyond my country of the Bahamas and stretching every corner of this earth primarily through social media this is where most of the invitations come from like a city all the time there are so many invitations that for the most part and even more than 50% of them we have to turn on because of our jobs and so on but like I said and this is a hint some super stuff is on the horizon all right some super stuff that's gonna rise and it's gonna make the Bahamas proud not just as ministry but make the Bahamas and the body of Christ proud based on the favor that God has given us and the things that he is he is moving us in so I just want to put it out there all right now let me just get to my sponsors and then we're gonna get to today's teaching as usual simply the best for one of your multimedia needs your graduation weddings funerals work party private parties beach parties whatever type thing function you have going on and you want to record those those memories and simply the best in the map on building you can contact them at three five one six five one nine three five one six five one nine you can speak to mr. Clifford or mrs. Krishna bo-beautiful couple of an excellent business dear have excellent morals and business ethics that's primary so I I encourage you I encourage you any type of videography audio whatever it is you may be out you may have some videos on those old VHS tapes that you had since King action was a hammer and you want to now put it on a some latest device flash drive or CD or whatever and simply the best is the people who can do that for you so give them a call three five one six five one nine and like I always say support those that support me it is people like mr. Bo and his wife and his business that that that helps me be on the air so I encourage you to give your business to them then we have entertainment entertainment DVD their numbers three five two six nine five four that's three five two six nine five four right on the same strip as which is Calypso's and for all of your snacks video DVDs whatever this is the place you want to go if you want the like myself who love the the different varieties of parties I love parties I love the beef party the jerk party the curry party the veggie party the spinach party they got all the stuff there also what they do have is the the beef hot dogs and so on this and they got a lot of good stuff there a lot of little snacks you don't know what I can say max right the cheese doodle yeah yeah but they don't call him she's dual anymore I was so disappointed those companies they don't call it cheese doodle anymore they call it cheesy puffs you know except because you gotta get with the times you know the only person who would be able to relate to cheese doodle will be those my age or those who were locked up and recently released so they would only be the ones that would be familiar with that so entertainment DVD three five to six nine five four give them a call one of your snacks you probably downtown shopping with the family you're looking for a place to get some refreshments and so on give to pay them a visit if you cannot find them then give them a call they'll give you directions three five to six nine five four Angela Tunis pediment wonderful cup wonderful people again support those that support me then we have J a n will destruction company for all of your construction needs these are the people that you need to have a conversation with for any type of construction you want to do you want to build a new home you want to refurbish the home you want to build a driveway you want to build a wall you want to add a garage or add another piece on whatever it is that you want to do then you want to give J and builders general construction company a call at three five two two four three two three five two two four three two or if you don't reach them on their mobile you can give them a call at five three three two zero six four five three three two zero six four and they would be happy to assist you alright then finally we have my folks who always hooking me up and that would be Tico's fashion yeah that's does it Tico's fashion see the search should I'm wearing right now right Chico's fashion has been hooking me up for the past couple well for cover Beliveau almost a year now they've been all of my shirt my attire they've been hooking me up with it and I I strongly suggest you support them they have wonderful casual wear mr. Gary here this awesome lovely family very helpful very the customer services as parents and that's one of the reasons why aside from the good clothing why I like to to shop there because it's very very good service they don't leave you stand up when you're waiting for someone to come serve you they could tax you if you need assistance quit to to see what size fits you whatever to get you sorted out so on and so forth so I strongly suggest give Tico's fashion their right at the rib the general post office right across the street from Scotiabank Tico's fashion big sign right there tell them Kevin send you you want a shirt like this or if you look at my form of videos my past videos see those nice colorful shirts and so on let's take oh man they got me locker it up Chico's fashion all right so go dia and support them support those that support me then I also want to give a special recognition for those who insist on being held anonymous who contribute to this ministry and I want to make this clip not just people here in the Bahamas particularly frequent Grand Bahama but they're people and I want you to hear us that sponsor this radio show from all corners of the earth literally all right all corners up there they send in donations there some people would come in and actually pay for a week a month or two two weeks or whatever but they don't want to be you know they don't want to be out there and I appreciate that I respect that but I thank God for them and and obviously for people to do that then you have to be saying something that is relative not just to them but somebody somehow is bringing answers to a lot of their perplexing situations that they are going through so I want to thank all of my private sponsors all of those who support me by sending donations to PayPal and and those other areas that you've asked me where you can so go right ahead as you know I will never beg you for money I would never say to you so into my ministry and God is gonna do this and God is gonna bet you you know my standard you know my slamming I don't believe in that I will stick to this and it has been proven to me just last week when you stick with what God has called you to do you don't have to compete in fact that's been talked about today you don't you're not here to compete what another ministry you're not in our race you're not you're not in a race well the error is from winning souls yeah you should be you should make that a race but that should be only race but God wants you to to take care of his people teach them bring them understand whatever gift things he's giving you whatever talent whatever is the idea of that is to now invest it in the lives of others he's invested to give in you with the intent that you will bring a return on the investment that he's made in you and and you will hear me say this a lot and I'm really teaching on this today you hear me say this a lot because you're going to be judged on that that's what I was gonna judge you on yeah I know the Bible says you know you will be dealt with at the fast you're sensing the could is yes that is true but for the Christian he or she has the right to repent of those things and so those sins are on earth but as it relates to the talents and gifts things that they were given which was to assist or to bill or to help or to aid the body of Christ or not even the body of Christ but sinners to bring them to the kingdom of God then you're gonna have to give it a code and this is why in the revelation I'm about to bring with this study it's gonna be quite challenging to you because you figure by being save and attending every Bible study every conference every conflict every Sunday morning worship every time passes they come with a mouth prayer meeting early in the morning you forgive you put in you didn't punch your card and you got to go no none of those things you will see in the Bible will have any credit when you stand before God what has credit then primarily is the gift that he has given you what was just what was the return I have placed in you a gift in your spirit to bring people to the kingdom through this particular talent you have be it speaking be a teaching be it whatever it is but you sat on it you figured that it was just good enough to serve pasta it was just good enough to serve the Apostles it was just good enough to attend church and to be the armor bearer or why pastor faced with the Heike when he's sweating there's no scripture that's gonna give you a credit for that as it relates to God what is going to be a credit on your resume to God is gonna be how did you manage the gifts that he has given you and that is what we gonna discuss today but before we get in that I got one more announcement to make I was gonna start a seriously they called faulty foundations 40 foundation but I'm gonna do that next week simply because it'll be the first Saturday in the month of May so I'm gonna teach on that for three weeks three Saturdays and on the last Saturday of that of the amount of me I'm gonna happen like I normally do after my series which was answer question open forum I didn't do it with the teachings on angels because I truly haven't concluded that I will expand on that some more probably on a later date but when I'm done with that in that aspect then I love the open line so faulty foundation and basically what that is all about is really showing us the route on a basis order really the foundation as you would know especially the construction workers out there and even the architects and those that have anything to do with building that the foundation is it is important how we set that foundation because whatever is built upon that foundation the excuse me the tenure or the longevity event or the integrity of the structure on the foundation will be determined by the foundation but in our teaching on this particular series which will begin next week Saturday with taking that from a spiritual perspective and a couple families of the Bible that I'm going to show you where the foundation in which they came forth from basically was determining their future if they would aware of the rules the laws the regulations or even more broadly the foundation in which they came from so they saw like a repetitive pattern be it blessings or even curses but we're gonna take that teaching read back to the foundation so the idea of this teaching is to not only come to an awareness of the spiritual principle but how is it what is the remedy now to correct it how do we reset and properly put the things in place for the foundation to give it the integrity that it needs for future generation to build upon and not fall and become a casualty as a result of it okay so next week Saturday I'm going to begin our teaching on faulty foundation now but that put aside we're now gonna get in to today's teaching okay today's teaching the topic is the unopen gift the unopen gift okay and basically this teaching is dealing with the gifts and that spiritual the spiritual gifts that God has given us if you are a carpenter if you are a preacher if you are an engineer whatever your gifts or talents are I will consider some day I die because it's backed by Scripture in its origin that gift is spiritual before you even knew you had it in its raw state it is invisible and it's not tangible that is spiritual in this teaching we're gonna show you what I give salary recognize them how to activate them how to begin to go foreign them see this is an important teaching here is why because like I said earlier there are many people there many people millions of them all across this globe who do not have an understanding of their talent and spiritual gifts but more importantly dee-dee-dee the importance of going out there in operating in that PFC because the the idea of the gift no matter what it is the idea of the talent no matter what it is the purpose of it the result of it the idea of it what god wanted to do was to bring more souls into the kingdom so Michael Jackson Whitney Houston or anybody else who took me a gift and use it for a worthy cause and didn't use it for the purpose in which God intended it they have a serious explanation to do on the day of judgment so what I'm going to show you today is how do Kevin I I'm glad you're talking about this because I've been in church for the past 100 years and I don't know what my gifts I don't know what I'm supposed to do so I'm happy that you brought this topic up so that we could get more insight from it and understand what the Spirit of the Lord is saying as it relates to our gifts so the first scripture that I want us to look at is proverbs chapter 18 very very common scripture proverbs chapter 18 and we're gonna look at verse 16 proverbs chapter 18 and verse 16 alright and what does it say it's say a man's gift make it room for him some translation says a man if shall make room for him now you hear that we're gonna also read I'm gonna give you a scripture for this also where every human being has a gift even those who got Down syndrome even those whose semi-retarded those who are lame there is a gift don't allow what you see on the outside in terms of their physical hindrances or what no that wasn't God original plan to to to to income give them a gift no every human being as a gift every human being is equipped with a tool to invite or to entice others to Jesus Christ or to the kingdom of God so the scripture says here in proverbs 18 verse 16 a man's gift a man's Talent will make room for him I am a perfect if you're looking for a perfect example for description you're looking or hearing one right now a man's gift will make room for him let's make this clip Kevin do not have a whole bunch of degrees Kevin is not a doctor in theology Kevin was not ordained by a pastor Kevin did enough oil pour and I said Kevin and I'm in a big trench coat with five other pastors are on him and bishops and elders let me make this clear Kevin is not saying something is wrong with that I'm not saying that I'm making a point here what kevin is saying is that Kevin had none of that but according to this principle Kevin is look Kevin is living in Kevin gif is has and will continue to make room firm now what is this room it will continue to open doors for him it will continue to present opportunities for him but this the key here is that Kevin must know first Kevin was no he was he was not some idea what is it that he was called to do and if he's not being taught that or that has not been there is someone prophesy to him or whether his leader pointed out to him or whatever if he don't know then you're gonna have a problem because the problem is now Kevin gif is in waiting on Kevin what I mean by that is that while you're not operating in your gif opportunities for which that gift was supposed to open the door for is passing you by I meet a lot of people like this and this is why when I recognize stagnation in him and I begin to break the curse of of stagnation and break the curse of backwardness right after that have you listened to my prayer I say now God revisit them the opportunity that they have miss Reed restore unto them the years that the enemy has stolen from them father according to your word you've put this clause in your word according to Joel chapter 2 verse 25 because you knew they would have been hindered you knew they would have been delayed you knew that meet or met their divine appointments so as a result of that you instituted this clause in Joel 2 and 25 where you said I will restore unto you Mary I will restore unto you Jean I will restore unto you Barbara the years that the cankerworm they cannot put at a locus and the Palmer warmers eaten away now you may say well Kevin I was you know insects either in my life and you're absolutely right because the insects here are symbolic of the spirits that were eating away at your spiritual blessings see I try to take it easier there you know but y'all can cost me right up right now God has already blessed you God has already blessed you so so keep a finger right here and I want to shoot to a scripture to show where you already bless because we're comin right back to the same scription problem so let's go to ephesians chapter 1 and we're gonna read from verse 3 to verse 4 listen to what it says Ephesians chapter 1 beginning at verse 3 we're gonna end at verse 4 it says blessed be the God or blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who have blessed indeed this is a powerful phrase who hath blessed us this is something he has already done he isn't getting ready to bless you no no and if you use the term is getting ready to bless you you can only be talking about the physical manifestation of the spiritual blessing he has already had in place hence there are two forms of the blessing order to their protocols to the blessing there's the original blessing that is already in place which is spiritual which is what the Scriptures talking about in Ephesians 1 verse 3 blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us edie past tense this has already happened with not some not a peace with all spiritual this is key circle at prefix before the word blessing he said what the God has already blessed you with the spirit of wisdom he's already blessed you with a spirit of console his re bless you with the spirit of teaching he's already blessed you with the apostolic blessing he has really blessed you reimagine this spiritual part of it has already been taken care of Maranon who has already blessed us with all that's key so even you bless you with the gift of wisdom the gift of dream interpretation I'm gonna bless you with the gift of console so you could console my people and I'm gonna you you would see these things coming like never before so the scripture is clear blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us past tense with all not some but what is it circle as this word spiritual so the gift of wisdom and knowledge and understanding and dream interpretation and and console and so on that God has given me in his raw state before I even begin to practice in it in its initial phase it was invisible it is spiritual he goes on to say who what bless us wrought spirits a blessing but where has he where these where's the geographical location of these blessings these gifts these talents and uses the phrase here heavenly places which literally means to spiritual so what hasn't a vote somewhere in the spiritual world okay DC this year disk disk Evan on here okay this this deed readers this just John and this this just this pookie all let's see Bob over here even though Bubba died Bubba didn't fulfill the things of God so his blessings was there wasn't like it was in there it is there and I'm speaking to people particularly who's sitting up in churches for years and feel like that is what Christianity is that is not crushed in fact that is actually anody is when I accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior I find someone under the fivefold ministry who has been commissioned to train me to perfect me to aid me with the spiritual laws the spiritual rules the spiritual principles how does the kingdom of God operates in the earth not only that what am i gift things what would role do I play in the body so that now I could go into my ministry with the sole purpose of building or the common word that they use edifying generally the body of Christ I was not called to sit down under someone for 500 years to take orders to to be a rusher to be a lei - no no no no the church is a training ground and to let you go off into the ministry no one should be upset with you if the Lord's can sponsor you and confirm that it's time for you to go no one should sit be Christian you and say if you're going across well no one should be saying bad when I said know what I'm talking about the leaders and those who should have spiritual eyes because if they understand what the purpose of the the church is it is for the leaders of God has put in place to train the Saints for ministry and by extension for them to now through the training and them operating in their ministry to now begin to do their building as it relates to the body of Christ but it was never to Hall you do it's never to bully you there it is never to set man-made rules on you it is never to say covering is never to do that the and if they want to be honest they will agree with me because that is what the scripture says so what has happened people have subscribed to those church doctrines those church policies and so on and dismiss they didn't realize that they were dismissing the purpose of why they were there to be trained not to be tickled not to be raped of their finances not to be bullied none of that the sole purpose and I tell you this all the time anyone who come under my ministry anyone who listen to me and I will sing this that I have no more breath in me my job is to train you how do I do it through the Word of God by what I'm doing right now taking the Scriptures justice is the gift that I have reading it then breaking the scriptures down that even a child can understand it and now begin to spoon-feed you then I'm now what I'm repetitive with it why because I wanted to be inculcated into your head I wanted to become a part of your life so that now when you go to make a move in life you're going to be aided before you make that decision based on what the rules of the Lord says about this decision yes I like this particular lady and you know what she seems to be nice and so on but guess what she isn't living for the Lord she's into all kind of stuff but I read or I was taught that we must be equally and not unequally yoked so you see now where I'm allowing the scriptures watches now to aid to guide to instruct and lead me so that is what I mean when I say to you that I am supposed to be under any one of the five fold not just a pastor and I know they don't like that and I don't care what you like because I like what the scripture like the fivefold ministry nowhere will you read and a description Ephesians 4:11 to 12 where it says that you should only be under pastor no and am I saying you shouldn't be under the basketball I am saying to you Amy one of the fivefold ministry who was teaching which they supposed to do teach me the scriptures don't teach me how to get rich and so see in that mess there are rules there are principles that's what I need to hear because once you know the rules and like Kevin you begin to operate by I buy them not only will your gift bring you open doors for you but we can get to the next product and do something else for you so the Bible says best we do not have God who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings and heavenly places in Christ or in spiritual places in Christ verse 4 says according as he has chosen I love this according according us what does that mean what does it mean according as he as chose who's he Christ according to how he has chosen Kevin in his body I love this I love this according us he has chosen us in him when did he notice again before the foundation of the world so God says hold on hold on Jesus said no no no no but put every put all those tools down in this person before you before you build the planet Earth and the galaxies and the eight planets and all I said is not before you do any of that bring the spirits of the people to me so I could swap out their gifts and how I'm going to position them in my body this Kevin Ewing guy I am going to make him a teacher okay I don't need no one thought they in him I Christ have called him to be a teacher i Christ have put in him that's what the scriptures say I have put in him before the foundation of the world the gift of teaching to give of wisdom the gift of knowledge the gift of understanding the gift of interpretation the gift of console the gift of might the giver bonus I've given him that gift no man give him that he don't have to to to get the approval of a man model just like him to offer it and again no no no Paul told him didn't get it - he didn't say I'm gonna ordain you but he's in stir up they give in you or let me lay hands on you to activate the gift my point is that givers already there that's what I'm saying to you it is there already so the Bible says according according to Ephesians one of us for according as he which is Christ has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world so he says Kevin listen to me not at you here let me make this clear to you the gifts that you have you didn't just get them when you started when you when you decided to operate in them no no no Kevin this is my investment I had in you I had to stuck away in the spiritual run for you before the foundation of the world in fact Kevin I'll take it a step further but again I will show you the subscription Kevin the gift that I've placed in you and the position I've placed you in my body I have placed you or put you in a position for a certain group of people that I'm gonna guide you to to release this gift and the idea of this gift Kevin is to bring it you you you are fishermen now you're trying or debate out there which is the gifts I've given you now you're exercising them and now you're gonna bring them in one by one that's the purpose of the gift the gift isn't for you to get rich off Kevin the gift isn't for you to boast and bright Kevin no no that isn't where I give you this gift for see Kevin I'm making this clear to you now because there's gonna be a day of reckoning and you're going to stand before me and we're gonna review my plan according to how you execute it the plan ahead for your life and we're gonna see what the real deal is so that's why I say to people don't mind you are not in competition with nobody there's no reason for you to be jealous there's no reason for you to be bad moment somebody else in ministry or whatever no no no do you only make you jump on them is when they go against the laws of God so he says according as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love he should be wholly without blame before who the pastor know the bishop know the Apostle know before who here moves him Jesus Christ who gave you the gift Jesus Christ so pleased you in his body when before foundation of the world now let me make clear because I tell you I got people out there who cool listening to the show who does preach against me every Sunday every time they gotta make pulpit said I preach the Word of God he preached them with me and they just they're not to take that a revelation you know let me see my kid see a father so I could go explore them so I have to be clear am I telling you don't listen to the past and so on I'm not saying that and I never said that I'm let's put things in perspective before God not man it is God that you're gonna have to give an answer to that's why I can say it again the doctrines of covering is a doctrines of devils because it's trying to make you give honor to not honor but trying to make you be a quarter bow to a human it's trying to make you you gotta give this human your itinerary for the next three weeks so when you go away who you sleep with what you don't wear where scripture could I find where Matthew and James and John had to give Jesus itineraries noesis coordinate which my gospel that's why teaching it is for I don't need no itinerary from you I need you to everyone I'm teaching you now you go D and teach other people to bring them in the kingdom I love time for your poison her life in fact my teaching will convict you not me so what I'm saying to you less let's get back to the scriptures I don't hear you opinion but I worry daddy I hear none of that foolishness all right so let's go back here now to proverbs chapter 18 verse 16 because we gotta go a little bit deeper with this proverbs chapter 18 and verse 16 and remember what we said it said a man's gift Kevin's gift of teaching about witchcraft Kevin's understanding about spiritual things and sorcery is making room for him that's what it's doing and not only that watch what the second part says and bringeth him before a great man my ministry has taken me all over the world it's now taking me into a new level in the coming months is now taking me over into Europe starting initially with London coming in October and hopefully before October I will be in in Brussels and Belgium and those sort of places but but given I mean what qualify you to be there my gift but Kevin you went to school to study speech this and honest no I didn't I didn't have to am I saying don't go no go go get your degree I encourage you to do that go get your theology go get your bachelor's I listen I promote it i educated my son III sorted that even the course where I tell you don't go what I am saying to you do it is the spiritual gift that will open the door for you it is that which God has invested in you listen to you listen to me and many people listen to me right now to their video I got your full attention because you could relate to me you have been sitting in your pews for years doing the same thing for years sitting in the same seat to the extent that have you come to church and somebody's sitting in your seat you lose the Holy Spirit because you gotta address this poison secondly in your favorite seat for years and you said yourself he's making sense because my god I 58 my god I 60 I 65 I don't know what I'm supposed to do I don't know my gift I mean I don't know I don't know that's why I don't know if I call to to beer I don't know I don't know what I know is I come me every day and say amen and hallelujah and spin around and give me bhai five but nobody never really put emphasis on my gift and for what this man telling me I could have the given a conference Jesus of i65 and I don't know what my gift was at 65 or 60 or 55 or 50 or 40 or 30 I don't know my gift is who I've been coming here for because from what he's saying this place supposed to train me or perfect me or to aid me from my ministry and as a result of that I am not supposed to move out to build a body of crap I am and I am I wanted to be or if I had to be honest I haven't done that and that is an indictment now you should make up and say boy Kevin you making sense because I think I ready for glory I think that I 865 going on 70 the local take me any moment I don't cause I don't drink and that's what you're focusing on you don't drink you you know you're a husband of one wife or you're the wife of one husband all of this garbage which is gonna play nothing when you stand before this is no credit to you when you stand before God to to answer to the review of the gifts that he's given you because the purpose of it was just making an investment in you to bring others true the gift to the body of Christ how have you achieved in that area don't tell me you carry the past the Bible don't tell me when I'm a bear I'm a bear what wood does armor-bearer have a get-out-of-jail-free card no no no what is the gift because the Bible's a man's gift would make it room for him and bring in before great men you know what the scripture also saying it says that listen what I have placed in you as my gift it is to cut all of the red tape meaning that normally there's a protocol to go to a president there's a protocol to see the Prime Minister there's a protocol to see a CEO of a big corporation God says I'm the gift that I have given you because I won't get that man to the top soul save because I want to rescue him from the Hellfire there is an anointing of placed on your life in the form of this gift that I've given you all right that one day he's gonna be watching television or YouTube or Facebook that everybody demonized and now even though they use it and he's gonna get a whole of the the gift that I have in you and he's gonna tell his people I want to see that man so what I mean cut every red tape that on and protocol and see to it that he get to me because I need to hear what this man have to say because he's saying something that's speaking to me I witness it just about every day truly emails into the course and I deem it man oh god I was frustrated one night I was so tired I felt like giving up and I went on YouTube typing and all kind of stuff just to see someone who can tell me something and I came across the first thing I saw I saw Mitch Crawford in which in in the workplace so I saw something about dreams and the topic was interesting and I kind of bad about it I see - fela - fela long-winded two hours I can't listen to this but something wouldn't let me leave and the minute I pressed that thing and begin to play and I listen to you I never stopped listening to you since you have changed my life through the Word of God it is the gift that has done that I'm not no different from you the only difference between me and you yes I know the rules of the Bible and ain't no man can hold me hostage and I operate on those rules I reverence all the pastor's the preachers whoever but you can't hold me hostage for that stupidness you run on but those traditions because what God has called me to do Ewing the jump and the basic god stop it God before you judge Kevin I started in the gap for him so whatever you got for Kevin give it to me because I was the one who tell him he needed to cover it I was the one to tell him yet they answer to me and I was the one who didn't release him into ministry you think they're gonna do that for you oh you think sorry but anyway the bottom line is this listen to the scripture a man's gift make room for him it's gonna cut the red tape and getting you to me a God wants you to be it's gonna give you the favour to slingshot you to places that you have never been or had the hard a favor to go to before a man skiffle make one for him and do what its gonna what bring him before who not your regular man not your regular man before great men my wife and I has been truck men traveling and this ministry that I have for a while and we have met great people who we would have never met under normal circumstances had I not move in the gifts that God has given me had I not activate the spirit of boldness and decree Dion adulterated works with the wisdom and the understanding that God has given me now everyone want to meet with Kevin everyone want to talk with Kevin everyone want to have a dream interpret it everyone wants a revelation why is it Kevin know the Bible never says that the person will be the cause of the room being made for them no it is the gift so the person is basically just an incubator a vessel take the gift from Kevin and Kevin us nobody so I could never boast and say well you know I SuperDuper dream interpreter just give me a dream and I'll just razzle no no it is the gift that's making me who I am and it's what is the investment that God has placed in me that is making me who I am right so let's go now to Romans 12 verses 1 to 2 because I want to point out something me to you Romans chapter 12 then we're gonna look at verse 1 to verse 2 Romans 12 verse 1 to verse 2 listen what it says I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye are you present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service so what he's saying in so much words is that this isn't something that's being asked of you that it's difficult to do as a believer of Jesus Christ you should be positioned now to have your body as a living sacrifice why because it is a temple of the Holy Spirit so that me you ought to modify the deeds of the flesh by cutting off those things that are in breach of the laws of God in regards to your being no fornication or adultery no witchcraft no all these other things but listen to verse 2 first who says for I say this poor now through the grace given unto me to every man that is sorry so I read neuron 1 verse 2 first - sorry and be not conformed lessly saying this is Paul now he's continuing from verse 1 and be not conformed or do not take on the mold of something someplace else do not bring that worldly stuff here the stuff that when you got saved that world he say don't bring that mul don't don't be conformed don't fall into that packing okay for I say sorry be not conformed to this world do not be conformed to the world system do not be conformed to the world system that says you know what we need a ruler to rule over you and to tell you what we said no no that's not about in the kingdom of God not according to Luke 24 verses 22 he says do not be like the Gentiles who get Kings to rule and nor over them that is not so in the kingdom of heaven but you a servant leader as the chief as the leader sorry that's what you are and the leader all always mean leading people to Christ not to you but leading people to call leading people to it and how do I leave it with the Christ by showing them the scriptures and the things that they are responsible for what they should be doing as soldiers in the army of the kingdom of God so he says and be not conformed so he says don't bring those worldly stuff here man don't bring in the world a coca-cola a Nike a FedEx or whatever they are all brands and that is why when people variate protocol you move we got a nice look at that nice Gucci weird look at that nice fender you earn so that mean if I'm wearing this particular brand it says something about me I'm a high-class God says don't bring that here because that's what covering is it's like you're under a brand so what church you go to or I go to brother Kevin let's try to round the corner okay okay watch out you go - I got a TD jakes woo you go to TD jakes oh my god that's a good brand cuz that's what you saying because if we're all in the body of Christ it shouldn't matter because we all have one purpose to get equipped to begin the process of winning others to the kingdom of God mighty God I love in this today oh I love in this city already go preach or me no more and I can get him something to preach so we have to be fully cognizant of why we in this we're not here to compete we're not here to to to to to to to do stuff that is contrary to what God has called us to do if I say so he say and be not conformed to this world he said do not do what they do and ohm this branding stuff I said it's you before that's why I don't believe in denominations now that's just not to say that if you are Baptist or Pentecostal I have something against you I know I'm not against you I am saying to you that denominate brings the vision Christ when he died did not when he died create Kody Naaman in fact he died to to dispel those things because denomination inevitably brings division the simple test of that is that you have some church who believe in a covering then there's those who are white who don't believe in it they're those who feel that of a certain church you shouldn't have drums and get as in the church playing it then they're those who feel that you should sow denominations make us lose the message of the gospel and the message of the gospel is to not only bring reconciliation through Jesus Christ to God and unity among us as the opposite to that and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing how am I gonna be transformed I love this how am I gonna be transformed oh I love this how am I gonna be transformed how let's go back to Ephesians 4:11 and 12 I've gave you these are the gifts he's given you now I've given you apostles I've given you pastors I've given you evangelist I've given you prophets and the last one which is Kevin I've given you teacher these are my gifts to you and what are they gonna do now they're going to perfect you or condition you or train that's the key word train you train you for one for ministry why click stanzas Radian in verse 2 of Romans chapter 12 he says and being transformed the word transform and be changed how am I gonna change from my own way by the renewing of your mind who's gonna assist with that the fivefold ministries you know why because in order to be one of the fivefold ministries that means you should have been equipped with what the rule book says what does the Bible say I cannot train you and something that I have no knowledge of so what people have been doing is they've been bringing their own doctrine and dismissing the Word of God to benefit themselves so as a fivefold ministry leader everything that comes out of your mouth should be based on the Word of God how why is this because what I'm saying the principle is to assist in the transformation of that person through their mind via the Word of God so if I tell them they need to be another covering if I tell them you have to be under church covering if I tell them you have to be in the pastor you're covered I'm not putting first of all some that is not scriptural in their mind but more importantly are putting failure so that becomes their primary thing now not studying the word no more oh boy oh man you know oh boy I mess up I mess up bad I mess I need to be under covering not I need to know the Scriptures not I need to know the laws of God not I need to be equipping the things of course are being more effective Christian to overcome the fornication that I still dealing with as a Christian to overcome the adultery I still dealing but as a Christian the only thing I'm thinking about is that all these people's enemies I need to be under cover what is the covering going to do for you which they obviously can't even do for themselves so what I'm saying to you let's get back to the rules and be not conformed to this one will be transformed by the renewing of the mind now why is this so important why is the training so important under the five four ministries it tells you why it begins the process of changing the way that you think and it begins by your by the changing of the things in your mind via the world system you that suffers you is conformed to the scriptures and I just like what I'm doing to you here now the scriptures and the way I'm teaching it is giving you revelation pushing out that old demonic order pushing your tradition pushing on all of those cultural rituals stuff that has no benefit to you pushing that out and now replacing it with the word of God now why is this why is this and this is where it's gonna become important this is so now watch what it says next now that ye or you may prove that you now cuz the decision is with you that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God mighty God is so awesome that is why a person who don't believe in covering and they go to any church in the past or who ever talked nonsense but you must blend recover it immediately they check in their spirit what you mean by that maybe an uncovered or anything the pasta may say you know what in this church we believe you could have more than one wife that in your mind you'll be like on a wall back up here why are you being challenged now you're being challenged because your mind has been renewed with the scriptures and so the Holy Spirit brings the conviction say hey that's a red flag there daddy right daddy right and that's why you that's why for you you can't sit with it you can't you can't hold on to that no no you say no no no no he says that you that the individual who has been through his training under the fivefold to the individual who has been equipped with the rules the laws of the Bible not my opinion not the dogma not their philosophy the Bible now becomes his benchmark the Bible now becomes his or her measuring stick so this is it now this is a clean unpolluted soldier he isn't gonna go out and say man listen you need to you need to you need to attach a seed to what you asking God for my Scripture is seen as erroneous teaching that's why he's speaking that mess you need to write a piece of people what God warned like or don't read the heart like he says says I look at the heart of man not the paper he write it on he said look at the heart of men but your church will tell you write on a piece of paper stick a seed with it and not tell god what you want no no God says I judge the heart of men this your heart you could write some one to people that have nothing to do with your heroine contrary to your heart he says I'm still looking at your heart so this is why you confuse I sewed the $10,000 sin right I won't go out to give me a husband but I still a murder at the age of nine hundred and you know what your answer can be from God because I was looking at your heart all along and not the people because I judge the hearts of men and not the people and they write what they want on there some good teaching today so the Bible is playing here it says be not conformed or don't do the world do it you need to stop at now that you're safe now you must begins to begin the transformation and that's gonna be initially done through your mind and that's gonna come as a result of any one of the five fold ministry who are all mandated to teach you the Word of God and as a result of that you now will be able to prove now in your life what is the acceptable good now I know what is acceptable now I can figure what my gift is now I know what my talents are now I know which branch of the Minister I was called to and the things that God has put in place for me before the foundation now I to the tutor to the sound teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit was able to aid me and what I'm supposed to do in the body of Christ but I couldn't do it because everything was based around money based around sewing based around our adorning a leader of worshipping them I couldn't understand it then and that's why now I've been here 20 years later of sitting in the same bench and I've watched people who just getting their life saves say if sorry and shooting often the things of God opportunities be open for them and the difference between me and them is that they were taught and they were subscribing to the unadulterated gospel instead I subscribe to church policies and traditions and church dogma and the rules of men and just true reform according to the scriptures in Matthew 15 verse 6 somewhere around there it says Jesus says because of your tradition now the Word of God is of no effect but this guy who just got saved the other day just two days when he called save he realized but he always knew there was a lump on his arm and he just got saved but he'd been in his word ever since and he began to pray and the Lord removed them the lump and you say yes sir Lord how come you do it for him I've been saying so long and God will say to you yeah you've been saved longer than him but he's been following my rules but you haven't you've been following the laws of men and as a result of that I told you what's gonna happen I prophesied to you in my word I says when you follow the words of men it's a tradition and that read that tradition will nullify the word of God so you in the house of God you're in a building sorry you're in a building but people who have the titles and their congregational Saints but none of them are doing my will so I left there a long time ago but I read over here to this junk church and they on fire for the things of media home for the things of me and they're more focused on that so whatever they ask me I will do for them but for you whenever you ready to come on board will you do what they do and you will see things begin to change in your life that's Scripture so the Bible is clear the Bible is clear we have learned so far that a man's gift would make room for him and bring him before Greek men that was very very clear we made that unequivocally clear we cut no corners we went on to Romans chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 it says that we should not be conformed to this world don't do the things that the world don't don't subscribe to the to the name brands and the tight don't know but I say don't subscribe don't let that become your priority don't let it become you if you are used stuff to bring order in terms of hierarchy and it's fine we got a problem with that as long as you don't don't just fall from the Word of God right he says don't be conformed to this world don't go you don't be conformed to be transformed be transformed to the Word of God that one of the five for ministry should be teaching you it isn't an option for them should be teaching you because there's a result and if they do it that way the result is now the manifestation of what they were doing was right you will now be able to prove what is the acceptable will of God for your life you will now be able to know what is the witness what is God's will for my life so what is the scripture telling us forensically meaning that what is it saying but it didn't say it verbally or or written wise what it's saying is that if you happen to figure out what your gift is right now and you've been in the ministry for years then clearly Canali it one of two things either you were dismissing the true Word of God being taught to you or they were teaching you the Word of God so in both instances you are not able to prove that good and acceptable will of God which are your gifts and talents for your life it's as simple as that it gets no clearer than that all right so I want us now to go to Romans chapter 11 verse 1 Romans chapter 11 and let's look at verse 1 all right Romans chapter 11 verse 1 says I say then I'm a chap d-level I make them I saying this right when the shop t11 sorry verse 29 Romans chapter 11 verse 29 listen what it says it says for the gifts for the gifts and calling of God are without repentance here for the gifts plural for the gifts or talents and calling whatever God has called you to do of God are without repentance what does that mean Kevin but it's only gonna prove what I said earlier according to Ephesians 1 verses 3 to 4 which says that he has already blessed you with all spiritual blessings which is inclusive of gifts and talents and callings right he's already blessed you with that past tense he's done it and he's allocated in spiritual places and he's done it before the foundation of the world now when he did that before the foundation of the world he says okay let me pick out only the Christians and I'm only gonna give them the gift but I'm not gonna give it to the future sinners no he didn't do that oh that's why I said to you all mankind have a gift man that one of the passive now the season gone those who are living today they all have a gift all of them a talent something they have I don't care if they retire I don't care if they're blind or deaf I don't care if they don't arm or legs there's something that God has invested in them spiritually with the sole purpose of winning people to the kingdom of the Living God so verse 29 of Romans 11 is making this clear now because he want to be fair he's a fair God he didn't pick and choose he spread this this these gifts to everyone so he says the gifts and the calling of God is without repentance you don't need to repent to God and say God forgive me of my sins I have sinned against you I'm neither he says even as a sinner even as a fornicator even as a liar even as I'm not dull Trump you have give that's Scripture see it right there Romans 11 verse 29 no repentance there's no protocol for you to repent and say okay I hope God saying oh I'm finally happy I swap when he repented hallelujah now here's a gift no no nope nope nope no the Bible says he's giving it to you and his place in Everly places according to Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 verse 4 says he's done it before the foundation of the world before the foundation of the world God says I've already put your gift things in place for you God says yes I know he was going to be a cinema yes I know you'd have had five children but for different men I know all of that yes I knew he would have been a pedophile yes I knew you'd have been a homosexual I knew all of that yes I knew that but I still gave you the gift yes I knew your parents would have given you up for adoption yes I knew you would have been short and you'd have been disabled or black I knew all of that but I still sought you out before the foundation of the world which I'll give so what is he saying you have no excuse on the day of judgment I wasn't there was no favoritism being played here there so God is saying to you now so you have no excuse so if you plan on going to that building tomorrow and continue and the same thing you're doing after hearing what I have spoken through Kevin today then you will also have to give an account to that for that verse 29 is very clear of Romans 11 for the gifts and callings of God are without repentance you don't need to repent a god now if you were to be super effective in it I suggest you do Marilyn Monroe had a gift from God she used it but she didn't use it for God Michael Jackson had a gift from God he used it but he didn't use it for God James Brown had a gift from God he used it we didn't use it for the things of God and you can name them on and on and on and on and on they use it for the world and not for the kingdom of God that was supposed to be used for for what again the sole purpose of doing what bringing souls for the kingdom of God now here is what becomes interesting when God gave them the gift and this is why I said to you the givers to bring people to the kingdom of God that's the whole point it it is to create or to put God has put something in you before the foundation of the world that there are people that is a sign to that gift on you that will automatically pull them out of different crowds they're gonna be attracted to you for some reason you want to garner their attention you're gonna you're gonna place a damn man on the attention I don't care how distracted they may be but once you have that gift that God has called them to be attracted to a new they will stop whatever they're doing just to listen just to watch just to be entertained but I give I experienced it all the time I have sat with I mean well-known people who ever have never sat with under normal circumstances who seeks advice from me sometime I say to myself I show this person sorry what advice for me you run a whole company this poison run a whole corporation but you want to get my opinion on second why because of the gift that God has placed in you before the foundation of the world you have become the resource that God has called him to to be fueled by God is gonna give you favor with them to take money from them and try to get house and car no greater purpose it's a it's for a greater purpose so I want to start or go to Romans chapter 8 and let's look at verse 19 because it's not going to give us deeper insight deeper inside Romans chapter 8 Alma chapter 8 let's look at verse 19 listen to what it says it says for the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God let me break that down in layman's term the Bible said this sinful or this wicked planet with so much things going on that is contrary to the laws of God even this wicked planet the wicked creation and I say wicked the creation it suffers and wicked but the people of polluted and made it wicked Bible says that the the earth the creation is waiting for people like myself waiting on the sons of God to come forth with the gifts of God reading on the remnant waiting on the gift of prophecy and the gift of teaching and the give up waiting on us so just that scripture alone is revealing to you why God is gonna be so harsh on the day of judgment for those who sat in the pews who've who've neglected the investment who dismissed the investment God has placed in them how many times God was saying to you sitting in that pew right there he says this this part of the journey that that seemed poison in the bench that woman with those three children you know her husband beat her you know she have no food you know she have to do some some compromising stuff to put food on the table but I've given you the gift of wealth to bless him I've given you the gift of wealth to give our whom I've given you the gift to buy our car so that you don't ever have to stoop to those means but all you did was so to this church all you did was buy the pastor suits and I knock in your pastor he's just telling you the reality all you did was put a roof on the church and you felt big when more than 85% of the giving that I have in my law is giving to the poor not to a church and that is not the Sigma sin gift to the church you must give to the church in order to facilitate and maintain the things of ministry so the Bible says here there's somebody says now he says I'm gonna give you a scripture Psalms 41 verses one two three when a power faced it and says blessed is he that give it to the poor God says all this time I knew I knew what you didn't know he's talking about now he's blessed with the gift who's blessed with the gift of wealth he's given you the gift of wealth right and he's given it to you what to invest into other people so God says guess what I knew from the foundation that you had a generational curse of cancer in your family I knew that I knew that from day one and guess what it is always my desire to heal that I knew from day one that enemies were going to come against you and lie on you and it would've been so convincing you'll spend time in prison I knew that I knew that there things that you would become involved with that's gonna cause you to go and trouble I knew that but he says guess what through the gift I've made provisions for you to never ever encounter those things or at minimum you would have never been a recipient of the evil they were planning for you okay what I don't understand what you mean that's like a description let's look at my long and this is for the one who of the gift of not just giving but those who have been given well to give and Psalms 41 verses one two three listen what it says blessed is he that considers the poor or help them for the Lord will help him in his time of trouble the Lord will preserve him and keep him alive listen to us now and not turn him over to the will of his enemies it is finished it says and the Lord will help him in his bed of languaging meaning he will heaven God says I will help you in your bed of sickness so let's go before my previous statement God said I knew I knew I knew they were setting you up the enemy had his crew planning to make sure you go to prison the enemy through the generational curse you were marked in the spiritual realm for cancer but I gave you the gift of giving that lady who was sitting that man who was saying that person was saying next to you in your bench that person who stopped you on the stoplight not for couple dollars I gave you the gift to give to them because I wanted to stop the cancer - that law and sounds 41 I wanted to stop your enemies from overcoming you I did not want to surrender you to death but you didn't follow my law you didn't so now as a result of it you're getting the opposite of what the law promised folks I cannot say this enough for you the Bible is a book of rules the Bible is a book of laws and principles the Bible is a book of cures as well it is it is a book of prevention if you follow it and do it you will prevent what's coming if you don't now you got to seek for the Cure but it hasn't yet so all I'm saying to you and it is unfortunate that people who listened to me when they out on the pulpit about me only they make a pick out is he Batson Bosch in the past a stone or all the descriptions I give or all of the revelation tell only thing make a come a bit he every sever the pastor so whoever tell you that who have a pulpit they stand up on that poison is a devil because if they were true man a woman of God it would focus on the scriptures they would focus on the laws and the rules that your Minister Kevin is telling you to adhere to and to become a participant off to get the results that God promised what are they telling you they telling you don't listen to him but keep the glory on us he's trying to bash us here leaders who got you and slave for all these years and you cannot go forward in life so the scripture says curse Clare the gift will make room for you so in roomers 1819 it says that the creation is waiting on the sons of men to come forth but they can't come forward you know why because they're in bondage they did did they lock down on Church principles or on Church policies or well you know you have to go to the Satan protocol you know you really cannot make Rev because you know you got to put in an appointment and you know the next appointment for Rev this oh my god way or well you got have to pre finis the next appointment for rare there's two towers it was just before Christ reach you may be able to get him no man no no no no no no no no no no no I promised God from day one God have you removed the spirit of fear from me if we remove the spirit of shyness because I used to be very fearful very shy anyone who know me will tell you that I say if you take this from me cor I would be unstoppable I will speak what you want me to speak in the midst of whom ever I don't care who they are I don't care what they call themselves I will declare your word from start to finish listen to this carefully even if it costs my life you know why you may kill the body but you can't kill the spirit and what I would have planted will now secure the destiny for my future generation so you're gonna take me down physically but what I don't plant spiritually my generations to come home I will probably never meet will be beneficiaries of the things that I've done for in God I hope you could say the same thing through your rules and policies and your made up laws so the scriptures are very clear it is very very clear the impartation of get flashes career for a second Romans chapter 1 let's go to Romans chapter 1 verse 11 Romans chapter 1 verse 11 what does it say it says for I long to see you that I may impart unto you some spiritual gifts to the end he may be what establish or set up set up for what doe mister Paul set up from ministry he now need to put aside and pray and activate the gifts that are in you so that you could go forward the sole purpose of using that gift why one reason only one reason alone to bring people to the kingdom of God I watched my gift this weekend brought last week so I brought four souls to the kingdom of the Living God that see it's about results not competition not about the biggest church not all of the most members letter get the most likes on Facebook or follow you on YouTube or or true and this adjacent no no no no when it's all said and done we're gonna say what you got to say but Kevin and all this other stuff now let's clear that now let's look at the results that's right let's see how much people saying that what you're doing is bringing deliverance salvation in Revelation to them let's see how many people got saved since you've been doing ministry for the past 60 years see that's we'll be looking at because that is what's going to be the main key performing indicators when we have to stand before the Savior that's gonna be key alright so I want to wrap up a couple more scriptures here but I really want to get to this one scripture that I really want to pound on so let's go to Roman's sir let's go to Matthew let's go to Matthew chapter 25 and this is gonna bring everything that I've said so far into to one big picture here all right let's go to Matthew now if he wasn't attentive before in this teaching you'd better be attentive now because everything I've told you about the gift what I set you the givers to do what but basically bring glory to God is to bring souls to the kingdom he's an empowered you or endowed you but in an anointing to bring souls to the kingdom us was about that's what it's all about it isn't about excuse me he was a super-duper preacher he's a great teacher no no the gift made him a good teacher who cared less of the teacher the gift made him a good teacher not him if God didn't give him that gift before the foundation of the world nothing would have been happening to him in that regard the gift so when people said to me oh boy you need to go see a horse or sold so this man this man no no see I don't that's why I don't want behind people because I understand how it operates it is the anointing on the processor it is what the gift that is in them remove it and they're nothing remove them to nothing and God don't take that not even second don't take the gift him because he does take the gift from you yeah people said it all the time but God give you God don't take when he give you some nonsense say one on the right and of course they don't know the Scriptures and that's why they make these these are these sound good spiritual statements people tell you that of cord give you a gift you don't take that from you and then we can use these scriptures that don't fit in because the gaffer's world of repentance all right we can see right now Matthew chapter 25 beginning at verse 14 for the kingdom of heaven listen to this now is as a man travelling into a far country who called his own servants and delivered unto them his goods let me live it down in laymen's time the kingdom of God is like Jesus Christ who came from all the way in the heavens to earth and spread gifts among all of us or he would have been down us with all our gifts before the foundation of the world alright verse 15 and unto one he's talking about how he's dispersing the gifts now until one he gave five talents or we could put gifts there to Noddy gave two and to another gave one however to every man not some so it's proving my point again that everyone has a gift the problem is you don't know the givers that's why you said you don't have one according to to every man sir according to his to his several ability and straightway or immediately took his journey so God gave you your gifts in any go this way but then he's gonna reconcile listen to 4:16 then he that had received the five talents went and traded the same and made them other five talents and likewise he that had received two he also gained other two but he that had received the one went and dig in the earth and hid his Lords money or his talent so so far the scriptures saying that let's use Kevin now because you all know me Kevin God give you fighting in the whole bunch of talents right and Kevin went out there and begin to ask God open up the doors and bring him before a great man and he didn't go to the show-off he been to preach the gospel teach on dreams teach on sorcery yeah people were saying that's only teach about day but he paid no attention to their comments he kept going because he knew at the end of the day it was God that he had to give an account to and not them so he was never distracted he never entertained their sideshows he kept going and as he went God continued to prosper him and the more God gave him the more God expected for him but he keep multiplying but God given and said it was the same thing with the two but this is what I want you to focus on the one with the one talent lady God listen what the word said force 18 but he that had received the one went and dig in the earth he had received the one when in church and set up he sat on his gift of love he sat on his gift of teaching he sat on his gift of evangelism he sat on his gift of giving that's we'll see any in verse 18 but he had received the one and when and dig in the earth and hid not his gift Nords money so your gift don't belong to you get from Ronnie oh you went and sit on the investment of somebody else for y'all or do listening to me you've been up a niche structure for all these years and you're not moving in the things that God has called you to move you're sitting on the Lord giving you got that give it a call for that one day verse 19 after a long time the Lord of those servants come in and reckon with them what does mean now Jesus Christ has come in one day and judge you on the gifts that he's given you very clear after a long time verse 19 after a long time the Lord of those servants come in and reckon with them verse 20 of Matthew 25 and so he that had received five talents came and brought another five talents saying Lord thou gave us or delivers unto me five talents behold I have gained besides them five talents more God you've given me the gift of interpretation you've given a gift of understanding and in Revelation God you've given me this and I look up the people from South Africa that got saved and delivered from sorcery under my ministry look at the people in Belgium in the United States Jesus look at the people on YouTube and listen to listen to comments on April ever since I started following the biblical principles you said Kevin I've seen the change in my life look at the people so would I what he's saying is what's happening with me my gift now that I have now taken that God has invested in me and I've invested in other people now they're coming to the kingdom of God their lives are being changed all of this is now going to Kevin's credit now I didn't read and hear that because I carried a Bible the posture Bible because I was the armor bearer because I slept in the church when pastors preaching of oil and coal the big Bible on my chest and twists up my face like this Boyd was so deep even though they had changed nothing in me and I read about in him I am not really where the master is judging him or her since remember these are the master servants that's us we are Jesus crew that mean that these are the same people he talking about these incidents these are the same people who believe but the gifts also and now he expect a return just like the citizenry in do this but watch what it says here next verse 21 says his Lord said unto him well done this woman to five talents thou good and faithful servant thou has been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of the Lord meaning that those who would have done the will of the Lord as it relates to their talent he says not only were you two would you have been rewarded on earth through the favor I'm going to give you but now enter into the heavenly kingdom of the Father where you will be greatly rewarded for the things that you have done and they say as it relates to my plan for your life I love the scriptures yeah I love the scriptures verse 22 says he also that had received two talents came and said Lord delivers unto me two talents be all I have gained two other talents besides them verse 23 of Matthew 25 his Lord said unto him well done good and faithful servant that was been faithful over a few things the little things that I've given you you've mastered it he says I will now make thee ruler over many things now somebody says now enter thou into the joy of the Lord you you you you have executed the plan I had for your life greatly you've taken the two talents that you've had of healing and speaking into the lives of people and I've watched you over the years that no matter how bad a situation was you spoke life to it and people came for and begin to flourish in their destiny you multiply on the investment that I've invested in you he see as a result of that come enter into your s I love this god oh god I love this listen he says now in verse 24 then he which had received the one have you got a pen I want you to highlight this and the reason why sole purpose is because you are going to see for his hand through the scripture then the villain I'm gonna explain to you according to the scripture how severe and detrimental it is to call yourself a child of God I'm not moving in the things of God that he has called you to move it you are going to see the treacherous state that you are in where you are waiting for some pasta teacher Bishop or whoever to Commission you when Jesus Christ has commissioned you before him after I all mankind you are going to see you can have absolutely no excuse when you start because God then tell you exactly what I'm telling you right now well god I didn't do it because a bishop bishop didn't have the ordination and he didn't call me you know what you can say to you is your Bishop greater than me because as you saw in my word that you've met read many times over the years we have commissioned you the believer to go OD and preach the gospel to every corner of doing so clearly your bishop your apostle your teacher Kevin or who ever tell you that mess is more important than me or you subscribe to them and pre-eminence than me and that's what he can tell you because that's what you say in to him oh I didn't do it Lord because you know Bishop said I wasn't ready he said to attend at least 20 Sunday morning sessions before I could qualify to teach or Paulson said I couldn't do it because I didn't have a theology degree and I had to get he didn't want nobody a part of his leadership team unless they are a master's in divinity you know what he can say to you now you show me show me sister Mary I won't be fair with you I'm a fair God show me in my world where I gave you that stipulation well Jesus I see it there okay cannister go straight there you belong so my point is I'm only saying this to give you a more clearer reality I'm gonna paint a picture that is so vivid that you need to see firsthand what you are doing that is putting you on a road to Hellfire but because you believe you come in there to that church because you believe you following the rules and the principles of that system of not the Bible the truth is you are preparing your way for him fire even though you call yourself pushing and I can show it to you in this word right now so the Bible says here in verse 24 then he which had received the one talent came and said lord doesn't miss now I I knew thee that thou are a hard man reaping where thou has not sown and gathered with thou has not strong what is he what is he basically saying first of all based on his response right away I could tell he's a lazy person he's a procrastinator I guess everybody's supposed to have a given you no reason for me to go dead men's souls and and yet past there was that must be the Gordian exercise into all that that's basically what he was saying and you got I can prove it in the scripture to verse 25 says watch what he says next cuz this is key I want you to highlight this and I was what afraid you see the scripture in here a couple occasions I said to you in my teachings I said to you a long time ago I said to God and I it was an idea of something true God if you could take the spirit of fear away from me this sort of anxiety wherever have to speak in public I get so nervous to the point I freeze up and what I will preach your word and the day I die well this was the scripture that I base it on I read this right here because when I read it when the man said I was afraid it was at that moment when I made that perm this wasn't ready I always knew I had a gift of teaching I always knew I had a gift of understanding and teaching the world that even a child can understand it but I was about one or two people I would flow but if I ever was called even to give a toast or ready my hand would shake I would freeze up my voice would crack up that devil of fear would just rip me apart embarrass me and one day I came costas reading the same passes of Scripture and that's why I'm giving it to you and when I read verse 25 where the man admitted he said I was afraid and that's where many of you are today and that's those who are not in bondage to certain systems but most of you are free where I can do it came from the boy boy Kevin bowling oh my god he tell you easy hmm but I could never do that oh no no no no no no no no well because C because C would happen for those who decide to subscribe to the spirit affair as opposed to the spirit of liberation in Christ Jesus he has died to ensure that you have verse 25 says and I was afraid and went and hid the talents in there I was afraid and sat on my butt in church and never moved in my talent I was afraid and did everything that I could to avoid taking would you have given me and investing it in somebody else I was so afraid that I wasn't even interested in finding out what my talents world was just now and I was afraid and went and hid the talent in the earth know there thou hast that is 9 verse 26 his Lord answered and said unto Him listen to this carefully now listen to this carefully because we under the assumption here will not assumption but the way that this story is presented Jesus is giving a parable as it relates to how he's going to judge the believers or those who claim Jesus Christ as their Savior who have talent this is how I'm going to judge them I've given them all talents I go on my way I've already set up everything I've died for them give them the Liberty in Christ they have free access to the throne room of God they don't have to go through middle man's crisis the head of the body I'd have put all that in place they don't notice now I'm going to come back that's gonna be his second coming and I'm coming to judge now and I'm going to judge or I'm coming to reckon with them for them now to see to see where they are what they did with the investment that I gave them all right that's what's happening you know so in this case here we are talking about the believers this is out of believers are going to be judged primarily not for their sins because they have the clauses and descriptions to repair honored now to deal with the sim part of their lives but we're talking about when they are truly gonna be judge on which is the gifts and talents that God has given them for the sole purpose of winning others to the kingdom of God watch this now for 626's has Lord answered said unto Him thou wicked and slothful servant you wicked and slothful Christian you wicked and slothful believer back up back up here now your Russian is all right because when I hear the word wicked I think in obey a voodoo worker I think in adulterer I'm thinking I'm murderer I'm thinking a sorcerer when I think we get a pathological compulsive chronic liar I'm thinking someone who's so deep into evil they want nothing to do with God I'm thinking and atheists who just dismiss God altogether so when I see the word wicked I don't see how a man who didn't use his gift could be categorized under that what do you better think again because he put the one who never used his gift under the same branch as those who live in compulsive unrepented sin now in that something now that don't make you revisit your gift things not then something wrong with you you've done pass the referable mind stage the scripture is unequivocally clear it says and his Lord after he don't know what his excuses and saying well God you know you disrepute you didn't plan the god I was afraid after he done wrote on with all that mess that's what it is after he run over all of that mess his Lord Jesus came back man and said okay when Jesus came to Kevin Kevin listen I gave you talents explain to me what you did ago I thank God listen you know a teacher bukhoma you know you try to do something to change mind they call your dis and they kick your can read an action which people do you know I asked you what did you do put the investment that I put in you god I hate to be real my night I was afraid my I guess you know these different organizations in church you know God Kevin did you or did you not use the gift that I keep God no I'm gonna be cut to the chase right after I said no here is how he labeled me in verse 26 he says you wicked and good-for-nothing lazy procrastinating servant so caught on my night that's not some tough word you use a no Mima I mean come on to God come on even when I was sick I went to church man when I had had the call when I had dengue fever while they had to post me up to the wall I just made sure I was there god I give sister Suzy who was 80 years old a ride from church huh I was an usher God but you know come on man you call me lazy I'm good for nothing God would you I did listen God every time I was the foot and fact pastor gave me a key because I always want time to Bible study and suddenly I never miss a Sunday service I never miss he said and I agree with you you never did miss it and they were the opportunities that you had to demonstrate my gift to win the source and I have send it specifically to be one under your ministry but you never did it you never did it because a you were free or you were committed to protocols that had nothing to do with me and as a result of that you before me now telling me everything other than you would have completed the purpose in which I sent you want to complete if this don't wake you up if this what I'm saying to you don't wake you up and you still tomorrow go and do the same thing that you did every Sunday you deserve to be in Hellfire now wicked and slow to - listen he says now thou knewest that i reap where i saw it not and gathered way i have not sown thou or is therefore to put my money to the exchangers you should take your gift and go to where i send you and exchange it or to invest in the lives of other people and at my coming I should have received mine with usury over interests he says not only he says you should have gone out there and literally invested when I've placed in you whatever those gifts are and at minimum he said I should come back and receive of the one that you took out there and by extension usury which means with interest or as a Buddhist I should get some interest out of this unless somebody says next now force 28 take therefore the talent sorry take therefore the talent from in at this part of the scripture this would also do preaching nonsense but God don't take no gift from you okay let's read it now cuz you know edu lion or a scripture lion okay the scripture says take is a command has now been given on what to do with this servant who did not use his talent for the honor and glory of God with the sole purpose of winning souls to the kingdom of God the scripture says his master said take therefore the talent from him and now give the talent to Kevin who have brought back five with interest I mean aside from the five that I gave him now give Kevin six time it's take it from this one over here wait at the mutton who will play church who who will live a form of godliness who will wear a collar and the big dress and the big bandana so what do all of that but but never ever operating in the gifts of God never winning souls to the kingdom all he want to do is put the limelight on him he said get my gift for the Senecas he don't know to do with it now give it to Kevin who know how to use the gift that's what I'm eating radio take therefore the talent from him and give it unto him which have ten talents okay verse 29 for unto every one that had shall be given and he shall have an abundance God says the more you have the more you give you you know why I give it to you because you know how to invest it you have shrewd gift skills on how to invest and get a return I put the raw seed and material in you and you went out there and you know why you doing it you doing it because you wasn't conformed to the world you do it because he wasn't confirmed to change doctrines and policies and garbage what you did was your win on my word even though they were preaching another gospel you said you know what I don't wanna be a part of that yeah they may reject me yeah they made blacklist me and blackballed me but guess what there's someone who was greater than them who could do worse so let me follow him and I won't fall out with him which was the Savior let me go what he says I don't care what the rest of them see I don't mean nothing to me he says for verse 29 fun to everyone that have shall be given and he shall have abundance but from him that have that have not shall be taken away meaning that if you can't produce what you've been doing with the gift cuz I'm gonna take this gift from you that's Scripture I hear it all the time in my cycle one thing would go up boy you don't take no gift from you yeah what scripture that's shorter to me show me the scripture now I know that gives up without repentance you'd have to repent again but somebody don't take the gift from you if you're not utilizing Jordan me show to me cuz I could show you he does I can show you where he does my you show me that's why I always tell you bring me the scripture because if you can't bring me the scripture our here in luxury ranks for every one that hath shall be given and he shall have abundance but from him that have not but for him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he had now listen that's the part right here and we could finish up radio verse 30 this way I wanted to get to first 30 Matthew chapter 25 verse 30 and I focus right now is on the guy who never uses talent never use his gift I know there's someone or Derek not a devil using them like never before yeah I see preaching a scripture that scriptures about money you see that's about money here are using as gifts the Bible says that every Scripture is profitable where it is nice first Timothy 3:16 somewhere near for instruction said I got time for them you know that's why I tell you they sit back all day dig agents of the devil and pickled wood they were gonna hug you buddy I get a preach the Word of God 4:30 he says and Cassie the unprofitable oh we finish read it he called the servant he called the Christian who did not use his talent who did not go or didn't invest the investment God placed in him the scriptures say not Kevin the scripture says that he is called an unprofitable unpretty you know what unprofitable mean there's no increase that you're bringing to the table the word profit means to add or to increase unprofitable as the opposite he says he can't kick me clearly and he says now what is giving the punishment for the one who didn't use the talent he said cassy the unprofitable servant or KRC the one who's not using his gift into utter darkness that don't sound like heaven to me the world Kingdom of the phrase kingdom of light speaks of something at least with lights I have not written Aria it says to take the servant take the man or woman of God and we will call him the one who was playing Church for years never using their gift the water was forming their own rules but never producing nothing never bring in no results never all ever do this course and divide and talk and mess because they were gone contrary he says now get him into outer darkness and get a label invoice he says get this unprofitable servant get him into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth it is a reward but it's not a reward but you can rejoice it my message is very simple today all right why not us may take it and do they want to do it I want to speak to those Who am I heir to here it isn't just sufficient for you to say I'm safe filled with the solely ghosts and he brought little miry clay and put mirror Roxy on us no no no it's time to work now you should have been working if you have a minute if you have been saying howdy book was fine say in two years and you don't know what your gifts are and you've been on day ministry then it only could be one of two reasons why that's happening you're either dismissing would the preacher man is saying as it relates to the things of God to activate the gift of you in you or he or she is not preaching you or teaching you the rules of God that will renew your mind so that you will be able to identify what your gifts out that'll be the only two reasons why but nevertheless at the end of the day while then they say us out there pointing fingers and making mockery of those who are doing the things of God let me tell them what they are simultaneously doing they're wasting time when they should have been moving in their own gifts this is why I say to people don't compare yourself to me don't sit back there and say oh oh how come he have all these will follow him and he there's no daddy you ain't called for that which you are called to do is follow the manuscript follow the script the purpose of God for your life and more importantly God tell me I need to know right now what is it that I need to do so my prayer right now is that you fulfill the will of God with the tools of the gifts things that he has assisted you or invested in you before the foundation of the world Heavenly Father the mighty name of your son Jesus Christ I come before you thanking you for giving me the ability to deliver your word with clarity which was aided by the spirit of understanding the spirit of wisdom and the spirit father god of console and mind I have broken it down to your people in its simplest form and those who have an ear I believe that they have heard your word for those who are still grappling with this Lord bring the conviction that only the Holy Spirit can bring I cover every one of us of my voice with the blood of Jesus Christ I destroyed by the fire of the Living God every spirit of confusion every spirit of destruction whomever or whatever is speaking into your spirit to turn you away from what God is speaking through this message from of the God I printed this person will come forward now and be convicted by this message and begin to move in which you have called him to do I pray for the Benchwarmers I pray for the procrastinators I pray for the faithful and the lazy don't refuse to to do what you have called him to do a move in which of call him to do simply because they figure they have to appease someone else or meet a certain criteria or criteria of some poison organization to do what you have called them to do but that is not what you said in your word you gave the Great Commission before you even went to the cross and say to go out there and preach your gospel aside from that it says that you have equipped us with all spiritual blessings before the foundation of the world we have absolutely no excuse so my prayer in our Lord as I pray for him that my prayer would stir up the gift in them that the impartation even in this teaching will cause that gift to come alive Lord so father God equipped them but not only waking the gif up in them but to give them the spirit of boldness the spirit of courage the spirit of might that no matter what then they say is said they will be focused on what they are called to do so I pray for a spirit of focus a spirit of of concentration a spirit of commitment to the things of You Father every form of side shows or destruction Lord let it fall in the name of Jesus let the side traction become attraction become confused move them out of the way remove the obstacles and the things that will hinder these people are truly want to serve you now let your word come alive and them like us come alive in me let the gifts that you have given them make the room for their pathway let the gifts that you've given him removed the red tapes out of the way so that you could get to that particular so that they can get to that particular group or even that one person only to declare the wood of the Living God to them father God I pray that everyone under the son of my voice that believe in this word not me believe in the Word of God and I've been teaching them Lord let their spirit come alive let the joy of the Lord become their strength give them a a brand new desire to go up there and do what they are called to do before they close their eyes from time only to enter into eternity I pray for those that was sitting on the bench those who have hidden their gifts those whose a man but the one talent can relate to I pray that they give this give them an entirely different perspective one life father I truly pray for those ministries that has taught then everything except your Word of God I pray for those that are secretly listening that you would convict them to teach the Living Word of God those who are part of the fivefold ministry but put aside their personal agendas and focus on the Word of God with the sole intent of training the sinks equipping them aiding them father God only nor to push them into their ministries so that they can now begin their building of the body of Christ in their prospective areas I pray for those who do not know what they give things are that the revelation better through a dream relics were a prophet or never Lord reveal it to them by your spirit in the name of Jesus and father god I pray that for those who are hard to convince that even after you've already revealed it to them then Lord now give them the physical evidence or proof that yes that is exactly what I'm calling you to do which I reveal to our prophet which I reveal in the vision or which I would have revealed in the dream I cover them with the blood of Jesus Christ I cover them with the whole arm of God I pray for an insatiable desire in them for those who do not like to read father God I curse that spirit of ignorance I command that you disable it we bind it in the name of Jesus indefinitely now Lord slingshot these people into the oceans of wisdom the oceans of knowledge the oceans of understanding connect them remove them from the areas or people of ignorance and now connect them with the people an organization that will feed their human spirit and fuel him only to slingshot them to where they need to be with the sole purpose of now bringing back a return on their investment I further pray right now father God Lord that they normal will not only use their gifts but because of the way that a user and his success that they have brought from it that they will now treat others to move-in day give like you've done for me Lord I pray right now father to the Holy Spirit that the Holy Spirit even as I pray right now will rest upon them rests upon them father God according to Isaiah 11 and to the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge the spirit of understanding console and might I release upon them according to Ephesians 1:17 not only the spirit of knowledge but the spirit of Revelation Lord I also pray a lot and I'm using this this part of my press D the icing on the cake of everything else which is the spirit of humility I Christ that spirit of pride I Christ that spread of arrogance I curse that holy spirit that normally accommodates spiritual leaders remove it from them even now disable it even now give them a spirit of humility in the things of your Lord father I bless you this Saturday afternoon I honor you I praise you I glorify you lord I pray for those who have their hands on their laptops their radios whatever it is I now come in a grim with them that everything I've asked you for Lord you will do it in their lives and not just do it Lord but you will exceed my and even their greatest expectation according to your word in Ephesians 3 and 20 you said that you are always in a position to do exceedingly and abundantly and above all that we could ever ask or think according to the power or the Word of God that is operating in us father we bless you father we honor you father we praise you and we actually sinks and in Jesus mighty name amen and amen boy listen I I feel I don't notice the deliverer know baby I know woman but I to the best of my imagination I felt as if I've delivered something just now I've given you a lot then the only thing that I want you to focus on right now is to to go over the notes play the video back and let God further speak to you people tell me all the time camera I listen your stuff over and over and every time I listen to it God says something else to me or something that I miss I was able to pick up on I want you to do the same thing so next week next week we'll be here God's willing and we're gonna start our series on 40 foundation may the peace of the Lord be with you in Jesus mighty name amen and a man
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 54,492
Rating: 4.8634148 out of 5
Keywords: Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual Talent, Gifts, Spiritual Realm, Spiritual Warfare, Understanding The Word, Minister Kevin L A Ewing, Kevin L A EWING Ministries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 25sec (7465 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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