Praying The Scriptures Pt. 3

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[Music] good afternoon good afternoon good afternoon this is yours truly mr. Kevin Ellie Ewing haven't you live from the studios of Dove 103.7 FM in the beautiful city of Freeport grand bahama bahamas now as usual it is my pleasure to be in your company once again to give you the unadulterated Word of the Living God it is a rainy day here in Grand Bahama which I love we need this river because it is like super hot during the week I don't know but you guys that lives here and freeboard but man this entire week was like 100 degrees so for those of you are way in prepared for heaven get ready because of this is an example of what L is like I would strongly suggest you get your school yes all right but again I am glad to be here we're gonna continue without teaching on praying the Scriptures part three I did say to you that I would do three parts to this and our next session will be next week will be dealing with the call ins where we get to review everything ask questions so on and so forth all right I have a lot to cover the day so I'm gonna quickly go into my sponsors all right then after I will do a short recap of the part one and two and then we will get into the part three for today so Chico's fashion yes Tico's fashion all of your men where you want to get something for your father your uncle your nephew your cousin whatever it is you want to get for them just take a look at this beautiful lilac shirt that I'm wearing this is a product of Tico's fashion and they located downtown at the rear of the post office on Kent Street that's right and crock cross our diagonally across from Scotiabank if you still having problems locating them you can give them a call at three five two three three nine four four all of your men attire for you women out there you know tired of seeing your husband's and his crayon looking shirt and he sure didn't want to get rid of from 1960 yup that's right off for their mind rip it off alright and call Gary let Gary come there with the Fashion Police and hooked him up with some nice clothing my Tyler you know people I and stuff I didn't just looking at those tired clothes they were no no no we don't wait up foolish is no more call Gary he'll three five two three three nine four six Gary we need you now in the name of Jesus come get him put some nicer tie on it so that's Tico's fashion again they're located at the rear of the post office diagonally across the street from Scotiabank you can give them a call at three five two three three nine four all right entertainment DVD and snacks located downtown their number is three five two six nine five four three five two six nine five four for all of your snacks especially their delicious hotdogs those beef hot dogs very very very delicious they also have a variety of patties beef patty jerk party chicken sorry curry chicken patty cheesy beef patty spinach and vegetable patty so you have absolutely no excuse you may say what came but I don't eat meat I don't eat okay what I will find you don't eat meat without some spinach and some vegetable patties there were varieties of parties there aside from all of the Doritos the cheesy puffs and all of the other assortments of snacks there for you also they have a lot of our beverages soraa's Gatorade you name it they also rent and sell DVD movies okay so while you have the kids looking through one of the little snacks let the book of them so then you work yourself up you go into the DVD section okay sofa but a nice movie you and your husband quote/unquote kid watch a movie all right I'm not gonna push anything else on that so he would you ask you can watch a nice movie this is the perfect weather son of my wife this morning before I left the student for the studio I said any man this is a good good day with all of this rainy weather to watch some night time movies nice to be loved shame the sitter cuz you know I don't want the fellas think I soft but you know what I don't care no more I love like so so this kind of weather you know you want some nice soup going on and stuff and some nice movies and that's that's how I live it okay so definitely I'm gonna have myself up even after this program so that's three five to six nine five for entertainment DVD and snack you can ask for the proprietors mr. Tony or Angela Penniman and their lovely lovely customer service staff friendly stuff sorry it would be more than happy to assist you in whatever it is that you need then we have simply the best located in the mare port building as soon as you turn into town the numbers three five one six five one nine for all of your multimedia needs video audio any kind of private sessions you want record for future references funerals weddings office parties beach parties you name it and in fact they're doing you can give you know what you should give them a call they're doing an independent special you can call mr. Clifford boom or missus Cristiano bow at three five one six five one nine where they will literally come to your establishment and do small clips for you to advertise your business for the independence and they'll be airing it all through up until independence I strongly suggest you give them a call so some of you may be on there man listened advertising is just so expensive blah blah blah called simply the best right now three five one six five one nine alright give them a call they located the airport building mr. Clifford of the subscription of boat and let them know you want to get hook up for that independent special again again three five one six five one nine J a and builders general construction company for all your building needs oh I gotta sing this one all your building needs everything they come you want to build a wall or drive the unit below home you want to build a shack o or for you parents out there and those children around here trying out they just can't wait for you to pass so he can get the hosts tell them no you will not live in this house you're not my only China and what a children too so what to do for that 6000 you cannot or Yahoo listen to Kevin carefully all right that's 6000 ler and all is here white on top of his head refused to leave your house because he figure once he there and you past it can come to him even though he got with 70 more sisters and brothers we can fix him up right now call je and buildest general construction acces speak to mr. Julien Nixon or mistress Karen nixon his lovely wife and tell them it's an emergency come cut out and do this trench now let's build the shack in the back for this fella to get him order your place and change your locks the way if I if I'm not mistaken I think Julie will even throw and I said unlock for you just to help you get him over there so I strongly suggest strongly suggest call Jay and builders general construction today at 3 5 2 2 4 3 2 and if it's an emergency like I'm telling you right now then you want to contact them on their cell phone 5 3 3 2 0 6 4 and don't be shame at all don't be shame because there are people got the same problem cannot get these fellows or the ma house so you can't get a Moute call Jay a and buildest general construction they will be more than happy the numbers again 3 5 2 2 4 3 2 if it's an emergency 5 3 3 2 0 6 for Julie and Karen and waiting on your call to administer ok the appropriate action all right sometime you gotta trick these fellas just to get that much else so listen to me make sure you give them a call right now all right now to all of my private sponsors and that's locally here in the Bahamas and by extension the entire world not view this program I thank God for social media for Twitter for Facebook for YouTube speaking of YouTube I am now at 81 thousand subscribers praise the Lord can you imagine that eighty one thousand subscribers and we're growing more and more and more and more and more I just thank God for all of you that support this radio program is radio and social media program like I said internationally my private sponsors I bless God for you as well as I bless God for the words I want to be publicly known of course for their companies and so on but I thank God for those of you who operate behind the scene you you choose not to be out there and I respect that but more importantly I thank you for sponsoring keeping me on the program so that other people who do not have access to Radian about my story could see it all over the world through social media and so on so the program from the many emails that I get has been a blessing and especially the past couple of series that we've been doing and even more so now with the teaching on praying the Scriptures deed the emails as usual overwhelming but very much encouraging very very much encouraging I've had a lot of our emails from last week because people are so trying to wrap their head about that teaching when I said that return to sender press or evil press they're not of God all right when you send when you have someone send witchcraft that you are or pray in a gang shoe and you say I reverse that upon that person it is not of God as a gangster new testaments rules regulations and principles and I explained that in detail a lot of people came on my YouTube page and Facebook page and trying to contest it and I keep telling them you know I don't know why they don't listen to me I had no dealings with writing the Bible I am NOT a co-author of the Bible no I'm IT originator all I am doing is teaching the scriptures alright and I made it very clear to them I said yes before Jesus Christ before the New Covenant it was said an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth so Sam's 35 Sam's 109 and 17 and all those with those vicious prayers where David say Lord knock their teeth out and bring their kneecap and all of that listen they had a right to do it because the New Testament covenant facilitated or permitted that Jesus then came along he says hey listen yes there was an eye for an eye there was a tooth for a tooth but I say if your neighbor pimp-slap you but then you turn the net extreme I didn't say that Jesus said that so some I didn't some people wrote me and said why are you discounting the Old Testament and I wanted these people here a nice to see I was very concise I was very precise in my teaching and this is the reason why I take my time and teach because they're people who are so full of anger so full of bitterness so full of revenge that when you tell them praying send back to send the presence not of God it's like you're taking something away from them because all they're thinking about is yeah you don't know this person to me I don't need to know the person do to you I'm telling you what the scripture says remember this is not my personal view so what I said also last week a person who feel so determined to get someone back now put the spotlight on your heart put this one you're a believer you're a Christian you're the one who say you love Jesus you're the one that swing on the chandeliers on Sunday you're the one to do the walk when you get the power and all this other stuff that you have a church all of this stuff you've got right now you tell me where's the love and all of that you tell me so what I'm trying to say to you I'm not saying that the people should go and punish ah the scripture is clear proverbs chapter 11 verse 31 it says that the righteous shall be recompense in the earth or they shall be repaid for the losses that they suffered the second part of that which is Part B of 4 verse 11 verse 31 it says so much more than wicked and the sinner so where are no matter how they distribute their hate or or whatever they did to you the scripture has built in it how they're going to be dealt with and all throughout the New Testament God says hey look here vengeance belong to me this is not your portfolio forgiveness belong to you you must forgive in order for me to forgive you but then you know like I've been seen on this series everybody sitting me with care but I hear you I hear what you say enemy I forgive them but I forget what you want want that for your God that you claim you love said that when he forgive you he takes your sins and throw it into the sea of forgetfulness so what you won't wonder that for like heaven you don't know the tree and half pound of Albany put in my dog they could have put six bottle baby adore don't matter change the rules and this is what believers are falling short in okay they're just happy to sit in a Christian they love to give all the exterior of what a Christian is but when it comes to their black dirty filthy heart that is what they need to clean up because that is what God is looking at and many people who we thought was saved and had it right with God are probably in Hell right now you know why because they refuse to let go they refused to give forgive sorry and when you tell them if someone did something wrong to you someone stole your husband from you someone took your wife from you okay or when you went to the divorce court the court give all the rights to the woman and all you got to do is pay this one thousand dollar bill every month and you was holding it in for your ex-wife from there yet you're the deacon in the church yet you're the pasta no you you are completely wrong and why you should listen to what I saying is because you have the opportunity to fix that once you die and move on to eternity you can't fix that no more what are you gonna tell this God that you love so much Tom why didn't you forgive your wife well God you see what she do to me you see she's sweet out on me and she had these 2pz edram or don't belong to me no okay fine now what did my loss see because it's and to me as if you're feeling superseded my law so this is how you have to look at these things you have to be very much into the Scriptures as it relates to the rules the principles the laws of God put aside your feeling and you have a right to feel that way we all do and I told you before I wasn't exempted from this years ago and they did me wrong you know some people did some real vicious evil spiritual things to me and they were very Bowl about it and I used to be pacing my house praying those prayers I send it back Sevenfold yeah Lord twisted neck not Nene or the police make them limped away they gotta go what kind of Christian should be praying it was kind of prayers so when I sat back and I begin to restart that and I look at this and I look at all of these things Jesus was saying and so much what he was saying listen I'm going to deal with them what I need you to focus on is they are lost souls just like you once were when you were in sin just like how I had mercy on you I'm now having remember when you were in sin I had a desperate for you that you didn't even know about so I'm now asking you to pray for him so this is what we have to come to we have to come to a point that stop playing Church stop giving the public I'm super safe to the third power carry the four and bring down the six and be real with each other yes you have a right to be angry I'm not taking that away from you neither my taking away the right for you to pray from you what I am trying to tell you to do was less follow the scriptures now I said to you also last week I made this very clear in Proverbs 28 and verse 9 and what does it say and I said this for those of you who cussed me out around me who tell me I don't know what the scriptures I misinterpreted the scriptures listen what the law says proverbs 4 8 verse 9 it says he that turn it is heir from hearing the Lord that's what I'm giving you right now when I say the lawn let me make this clear I'm not talking about the five books of the Bible I'm talking about God rules and principles and precepts and Commandments from Genesis all the reader revelations the Bible says he that turn it Israel he that dismiss whomever is telling others about the principles of God listen carefully now God says even your prayer would become an abomination unto Him and a lady sent me an email two days ago and she told me how in fact before I even say written let me encourage all of you those of you who have gotten your breakthrough as a result of this teaching where you now decide to do what God Way and reverse remove what repent of those things that used to pray against your enemies and now you've switched it please please email me your testimony because I want to post them because this is a very tough pill to swallow and people need to see that there are people all over this globe that has been going through the exact same thing they decided to take the advice of not Kevin for what the scripture says and the breakthrough was coming and lady sent me an email tell me she used to pray no see him so-called fiery press against an enemy and returning it she repented to God and something that she was praying for for years she finally got the breakthrough so what am I saying to you I'm saying to you that the Word of God is real God already know your trouble before you even enter it next ten years from now he has already made provisions and everything that you will go through up to in that problem and even after the problem God Almighty has engineered that problem and the people that will be a part of that problem for your benefit this is why the scripture is clear what does the scripture say the scripture says all things work together for good for those that love God and for those who are call according this purpose now the fake Christians will define the word all as only those things that are good but I does know about the scripture says all is inclusive of the good the bad and the indifferent so God says I'm throwing all of these ingredients in the pot for you I'm sure those who you don't like those who you like these places you don't like to go these places you want to be everything I'm throwing in there but he says at the end of the day all of this combined will work in concert and as an end result for your good and that word good that means for your benefit so brother Kevin I don't understand you I just got a divorce I just got fired from my job what you mean but this can work for my career I don't know I can't tell you I don't feel good I know the Bible say no and the Bible says that this here is a part of the other good things that has been happened in your life any things you don't understand all this is gonna come together for your benefit in the end so what does this all mean if I am not benefiting now it means that the problem is not continent or everything that's not been concluded as yet because the according to the scripture in Revelation is the conclusion was equal good for me so if I'm not experiencing good or the benefit from all of this hell I'm going through then it is not the end it is not the end it is still in the process stage but God is again you're talking to someone you're listening to someone who's living that today what I was going through all that hair I used to sometime ARC's chorus ID on cuz look how you takin up for my enemy look at you on this side what don't make no sense me serving you I will tell you on this radio today what times I stopped praying that's not matter what I bring you totally sell people who against me but of course I catch my head later and repent but God one real people man he wore real people come real don't come or Heavenly Father grid you Hoover and all the mail she died and you don't speak to your sister are you forgot or great Jehovah you speak and even about your past they re very weak O God you speaking to you was he speaking offering the king car what an in place system tell us who and the each of in the paramedic because you cannot be speaking to the God of Abraham Jacob and Isaac so let's get real man let's get real let's get real stop playin Church because the day is gonna come you're gonna have to slip from time into eternity and you're gonna have to give an account not to a pastor not reaching out to me you don't have to give an account to the God that created you who placed you here with a purpose and as invested gifts in you to disburse among other people to Eve either activate their gift or get them started on the road to really need to be going but if you decided to sit on that will you decide to be confined to some church under some poison waiting for somebody to release you like you some kind of kids on the motor then you go right ahead you go right here and let me end with this for those of you who don't agree with what I'm saying listen I know you robbed before you know either you do what the law say you don't do it when when when Congress in America or the Parliament in the Caribbean or whatever your height a place of making losses qahal when they make their laws they're not looking for opinion after law has been passed that's why goes to the House of Assembly then it goes to the Senate and then it's officially passed and it's put in place so the law says if you run the red light if you go through that red light when it's on red we're gonna not only charge you but you're gonna pay a thousand dollars you can come to court and says listen I run the red light because I had to go to the airport my flight was late you know what a judge can say oh wow wow wow that's true okay that makes sense anyway it's a bit of $10,000 when you be out there see because the laws are very pass nobody's interested in your opinion nobody is interested in your debate it's a relevant it has no basis so my advice you follow the laws of God it's as simple as that disagreeing with Kevin is gonna benefit you nothing because Kevin have not written any laws Kevin no write laws I don't write no laws all Kevin do is a mouthpiece for the law I'm the one getting the law that's my job that's what I'm called to do I'm here to tell you what I said the Lord his rules as principals why because everything is governed by a law nothing can escape being governed by some type of law or principle and like I say an expert at anything isn't an expert at the title would they master they're an expert at the laws drusen the principles that govern the thing that they master so if your lawyer you're a good lawyer because you know the rules you understand the laws the clauses you understand the ordinances the injunctions you've got a full understanding of that so when your client present their situation to you your mind is just looking for the particular weed voices weed and so and so how to fit this case in this situation for it to be favorable to the judge and this is how a Christian should be a Christian on the other hand they're battling with their feelings well I don't know I gotta pray for Kim and all the things he'd do to me on the job and Ron you're walking around like people forget that well continue remember it and let's see how much of your life was being eaten away bitter angry and wouldn't you you pray in these fiery proceedings people that where has that gotten you I remember aspirin um the people who I was pretty cakes was prosper and more than me look like the more I prayed I'm super pressed against them the more they was excelling in life that's why I was so confused and mad with God but when I catch my end I say okay I see at this thing right now follow the rules not my feeling but my feeling on the side never let's take advantage of your feelings because he know you're angry and he said you got a right he'd like to tell you that you got a right they do you wrong you get them back they shoot your dog well you walk they get all right so let's quickly go through this big before last we did the part one in praying the scriptures and of course I told you about the four principles that we ought to focus on when praying we looked at Luke chapter 18 verse 1 where it says that may not always pray and not faint so the believer should always be in a kind system position to pray and those prayer should not just be reserved for him waking up in the morning or before they go to bed at night excuse me that should not be the case I tell you all the time sometimes in my car sometimes I'm in the shower sometimes I'm free doing whatever and I just pray I may be in the company of strangers and the Holy Spirit will say pray for these people pray for their soul pray that they would not leave this earth and slip into eternity without no Jesus Christ cover them with the blood of Jesus you never know what could be on the way for them on the horizon it could be from this spot that you see them now you could be reading about them in the papers and up from a deceased position today or tomorrow next week covered him in prayers you never know who did the same for you when you was out there and sin and listen when I look at my own life I say to myself sometimes only the prayers of my mother the prayers of my grandparents my my aunts see we're in that fortunate position most of us who come from a background of people who know God whether they were faking or not at least we were introduced to it but there are those who come from quite the opposite side of the spectrum where they grow up in a home child abuse and cousin and I mean promiscuity the word so did God was the furthest thing from their mind so God has commissioned people like yourself he knew what their situation was going to present itself he's commissioned people like you to whisper for them you want to drive through to one of the fast-food restaurants has it ever occurred you look out look at all these people on this line I wonder how much of these people know God as their Savior I won't know much it about battling but but sexual stuff or cheating or lying or whatever father I covered him right now but I plead your blood over them right now break the spell break the crisis break the incestual generational bloodline crisis father God give them a renewed mind father God give them a pawn in Damascus experience caused them to become the light house for their candle cause the foundation to be repaired through them and this is how you ought to be praying for people as opposed to pray on Kings people alright this is key so we are always praying about one number two we ought to believe our prayers when we pray that's mark 11 verses 24 to 26 and also in there there's another rule which says that not only should we believe but we must forgive I cannot put enough emphasis on this we must forgive it is mandatory listen man if you have any residue any residual of unforgiveness in your heart you need to deal with that you need you know listen to me you know many people how many stories how many consoling sessions I have done and listen to people tell me they never spoke to their mummy them and their father never agreed and whatever the case may be and the people are now deceased and they died in that state I have seen people who have loved one has passed away you understand me they don't speak they never spoke they had an end for that love for that that family member for years but when the family member dead the day of the funeral the wake they front and set up or our brother was such a loving person so kind and he had such a good relationship whereas relationship take place I don't know book so what I'm saying to you while you may be able to fool people you can't fool God because God and that's what I love about the rules God is checking out your dirty heart and I am sending a clarion call to everyone listening and watching me right now on Facebook you name it they're listening to Dov please re-examine your heart if you and your cousin had a situation but you saying you forgive your cousin whatever you see your cousin nothing but anger comes in you and you change the demeanor of yourself and you don't want to hear a name call but listen you you need heart surgery you need spiritual heart surgery huh you know many people in church right now then pass the say now turn around and hug your neighbor and tell them you love them you looking for the ones you like as you go in in that corner over there no so you don't like you hold opposite come on mine you see that's what I keep telling y'all you know y'all keep one would pass the same what do you take pass the knowledge of you and what you deal with in your heart is limited you don't know nothing but that unless you bring it out but the God was watching you 24/7 is a most keeping count in sin was keeping record it is him you're going to have to answer to so while you might get away with your pastor not knowing are no good you are the God of all who's all-knowing know what you'd illumine so the many people today like I told you last week they're getting ready to bury and they have all kinds of nice things all system marry her or what a loving woman or there was ever a child of God a system very what's this the marriage sure no I'll know good she was sister Mary children know how she she she she got a favorite among the children and the ones who don't grease and give her money and help or she got nothing good to say but them she will keep the grandchildren listen to me I try and help you know I'm trying to help you because these are the things we don't speak about in church these are the things we just gloss over but these are also the the mind note things that could keep you or of God heaven even though you'd have done so much stuff for the community they saw you feed the hungry they saw you on all the church marches they saw you carrying pasta arm or whatever it is that you carry you carry as Bible you the church on time you did all of that to the eye but in your heart your mother did you something in an 1804 and you still got it in for but yet you call yourself a child of God boy you better get it together get it together get it together so we always pray we must believe our prayers when we pray we must forgive and the for when I said to you we must say in the name of Jesus when we are concluding our prayer in the name of Jesus will be just found in John chapter 14 verses 13 to 15 these are the commandments of God then I gave you a list of scriptures what will prevent us from hearing God from hearing us one of the main Manos psalm 66 and a deal he says every regarding Nikitina Hardy would not hear us Isaiah 59 verses 1 to 2 he says go hannes not sure that he cannot reach his ears are not clogged that he cannot hear but our iniquity has separated us from our God and our sinners caused him to turn his face from us okay proverbs 28 and 13 it says clearly he that hides his sin that's all the fake ones are there when he could quote no scripture journey up an appointment isn't God good the mices of the Lord endureth forever or the spirit notice here and when a sweetness there's Liberty well why you will forget unless you unless unless you deal with the Statue of Liberty but I couldn't be the Liberty with Jesus Christ marine so let's get real man I mean I make being a little funnier but I want you to I want you to see this for what it is deal with your dirty heart you could fool me you could fool there are other people who don't know you but you cannot fool the God who you claim to save deal with your heart and that's why your prayers are not answered that's why you go to what you're going through and your children and so on because you are full of hate you are full of bitterness you are filled with anger and that is why it is so easy for you to return prayers back to sender then someone tells you when even though the Bible said bless those that cause you you say God I in you it's all about taking up for people I Christ them instead well he say if you if you if you dismiss his law he would not hear you probably twenty to nine we also said again if you dismiss the laws of God even your prayers are an abomination all right we did but also last week last week we spoke about of course they return to sender Perez I took my time I strongly suggest for those that are listening for the first time or even those that I've heard me last week please go over the last two recordings one and two but mainly two because I I definitely went through the Scriptures I navigated you through the Scriptures alright but the compass which is the Bible and show you the Old Testament and the New Testament I never said to you that the New Testament rules and regulations don't exist no more and I so tired of people lying on me people still love to lie on Kevin I don't that's another spiritual got a deal with y'all need to do those lion spirit because you hear me clearly I am on recording you could go back and listen people come to me and say Kevin I hear you say we should not follow no test I'm gonna mess it up Kevin I hear you say we should not have a partner when did I say that Kevin you say we should not go to church when did I say that the lion pastors told you not now you tell them go show to you where Kevin said that lion is still an Obama according to changes rules on that it is still an abomination I never said those things go back and I thank God for four four recordings because these lyin people will be getting really stuff go back and read it everything that I say to you I give you not just one but multiple scriptures why am i doing this to show off the show I know the Scriptures no I'm showing this because it has nothing to do with me but everything to do with the one who created these rules I never said I said to you that the Old Testament is just as relevant as the New Testament however there are some parts of the Old Testament that we don't have to deal with anymore it has been abolished for example Jesus Christ became the ultimate sacrifice in terms of expunging or bearing on himself what we should have gotten so would that mean that means when I go to church or when I want to ask forgiveness from God I don't have to go to a priest and he get our sheep and cut it in half and some whatever would make a sacrifice and boy the point offering I don't know that no more Jesus Christ because of what he did I could come boldly before the throne of God and repent according to first John 1:9 he says if I confess my sin God was faithful and just to forgive me of my sin and he threw in a bonus which I didn't even ask for he says never cleanse you of all unrighteousness so I'm saying to you there's some laws in the Old Testament that were amended and I specifically spoke one the ones could pertaining to our enemies and it told you in the Old Testament before the new covenant you had a right if someone kill your dog you had a right to kill their cat so when David came and Sam's 109 and all of those other Psalms where he says I let them fall on slippery Cod and Lord and break the arm Jesus and and all but not Jesus when he said do all these things to them he had a right he was frustrated he was angry and they're not permitted they did this to him he had a right to do it back to them because the law says an eye for an eye a tooth for tooth but Jesus now came the scene and he made an amendment to that rule and What did he say clearly he says yes in the time pass they said an eye for an eye and it took photo but I say to you I said to bless those that curse you now I'm saying to you now that if someone take your coat let them have it if someone slap you turn the other cheek I've had people write me and say well in this second part of the world that will not work because we have witches and warlocks who trying to kill us well no nobody can kill you my friend if there's a cause in your life because the Bible said of course causes cannot come so before we even go to the rules we need to look at what you dealing with and how come these witches and want to have such advantage over you so that's what you need to check out there and Jesus came back again Jesus said yes they said that if a man have intercourse with a woman who is married he or she committed adultery whatever right but he says I say to you he's making an amendment now he's putting her clothes you know that you don't even have to physically become involved with her for the adultery to be categorized he says but if a man looks upon a woman and lust within his heart he has committed adultery already this is a New Testament this is the New Covenant someone come to me but Kevin you're wrong again because the glory is the same today yesterday and forevermore what what does that have to do it I just said tell me what does that have to do listen the only people who will challenge me and fight me on this are those people who are full of anger so this all it proves you are filled with anger and unforgiveness and you don't want you you want vigilante justice the Bible says I think is Roman 12 and 19 God says vengeance belongs to him he will repay why you want to take on the portfolio of something that God is responsible for your enemy isn't gonna get away the things that the Bible says whatever man so dad shall he reap they're not gonna get away they're gonna be dealt with but you have not been placed on this earth to execute judgment on him God says vengeance belong to me then he said this isn't a New Testament but all testimony sadness he says listen the righteous shall be recompense recompense means to be reimburse of losses that you have suffered so whatever your enemies did to you God says I'm gonna reimburse you okay but also he says he says so much more don't weaken in the center meaning that what they dish out in terms of their evil and so on God says they will receive and return more than what they gave up but there's no scripture that shows that you are now responsible for seeing to it that you that they are punished that's not nothing to do with you so for those of you who dismissed me on this and you feel you have a right my brother my sister just like God don't for us is enough for me I will never force myself on you just like me and everybody else you have a right to reject or to accept all I am doing is using my gift of breaking down the Scriptures so that you will have a better understanding you don't have to listen to me you could stick to your personal opinions you could you could feed your anger and your bitterness and your unforgiveness you could do all of that that I don't care for no more I did my part okay your blood will not be on my own alright so you go on and carry on smartly so for the sake of time please go for part 1 and part 2 on youtube or on my Facebook page but you can go on youtube and you can watch these in their entirety and please like most people do take notes okay take notes and if you're gonna come to me I'm gonna make this very very clear again do not come without the scriptures if you're gonna write me and you're gonna rebuttal please if I go to read your email and I do not see a scripture it is deleted instantaneously I don't entertain it I don't because it was one thing you got to respect me on you're gonna respect me as a person who comes with the support of the scriptures I'm subliminally teaching you that that's how I want you to be when people come with their view or their interpretation you should make a demand on them where can I find this in description alright even your pasta if he up there making up stuff on the pulpit he gotta write the door because he got a right to talk and got freedom of speech like everybody else but when it come to the Word of God show it to me in the scripture because remember now you're a teacher pastor apostle teacher Kevin whatever and will you teach me I can tell somebody else so if you teach me an error I'll be teaching somebody an error so like I say tell them bring the scripture like Kevin say if you ain't bringing the scripture to camera yes speaking Spanish and I don't understand a lick of Spanish so that mean I hear you so don't come without that all right so in today's teaching again part three of praying the scriptures and two things are gonna specifically deal with it in detail we're dealing with the Word of God as usual and why it is the the apex the Word of God is the apex it is the top of the mountain as it relates to our prayer and from this teaching today you're gonna see even more wise important to insert as much of the Word of God as possible in your prayers all right a part of this teaching too I want you to true to kind of pull away from what it is that you're seeking God for and probably in this sense that in your effort to consistently remind God God you use you God you see the doctor give me a bill of my bill of health or record sorry and it says that I have cancer in my pancreas or they are caring so ever I'm saying to you today God already knows that there is nothing you going to God and telling God that you have cancer this he's a little oh my goodness you have cancer could happen he already knows this now being armed with that information that core already knows this what do we do now we pray but how do we pray is what is important here all right so I'm going to go through a holy prescriptions right now showing you the importance of what God word in the first part of this teaching the second part of this teaching I'm gonna now tie God's Word with fate all right I want you to take down these scriptures and you can play this video over when I'm done with it because I'm gonna show you the correlation because there are many people who will not be healed there many people will not receive their breakthrough there many people will become more frustrated praying simply because they're praying a mess there's no fake titer it there's no belief in what they're praying for they just do it because this is what they tell me to do so what I'm going to choose I'm going to show you the the creative power of the word of God and when we included in our prayer as it relates to our situation father God your word declares you have sent you what your word to heal me it is this word I believe in I come an agreement I bind my spirit to your word I bind my spirit to the promises of what this word says about my marriage about my health about my job opportunities about whatever it is I'm bringing your word you said to remind you of your word you said that you've placed your word above your name you said that your word is forever settled in heaven you're not sure you don't need a committee to figure out how you're gonna fix my situation it's included in your word so the more and this is how you know you're on the right track when you get before God after these teaching and your prayers are more saturated with the Word of God then your grocery list of which you normally take to God you're on the right track and I promise you as a man from experience and those who have told me and shared their testimonies you are going to see a vos a vast difference not only in how you pray but you're gonna see speedily results why because God is gonna honor his word that's what he's gonna know he's gonna honor his word so when you prayin about a marriage when you pray about getting married when you pray about a better opportunity on your job or whatever bring the Word of God he says give me money says remind me of my word I already know what you did of it what does my word say in correlation to what you dealing with that's what he wanna hear alright so the first scripture just move my thing here the first scripture that I want us to look at here all right the first scripture I want us to look at is sums 119 verse 105 all right I'm gonna take my time with this today because it's imperative I have a number of scriptures quite a bit and the whole purpose of it is that you get a an acute understanding all right now I don't know that way to cube me but it's not gonna read they're you know they're cute understanding what I'm talking about alright salves 119 and we can deal with what verse 105 all right that's what it says it says though thy word is a lamp unto thy feet and a light unto thy path me I can bring this baby down for you right now now in order for us to make sense of this and to show the magnitude of the word of God alright what is the purpose of a light or a lamp I'm in this room right now in the studio and it's a very bright light above my head what I need a lamp for this room no for what because I could see so the purpose of a light or the purpose of a lamp is to illuminate darkness it literally pushes the darkness back and gives me visibility as I begin to proceed wherever is that I'm going the scripture here saying that the Word of God is a knob it is the light in darkness the darkness of poverty the darkness of sickness the darkness of anti-marriage and anti the most darkness the Bible says the Word of God is a love it now illuminates all of those dark things that was being presented to you and now cause you to see beyond that so the scripture says thy word is a lamp unto thy feet you need to know you're going you need to see where you're going and a light unto thy path all right let's go to proverbs chapter 13 probably chapter 13 then be building a foundation here you better not foundation but in our foundation it says well I should save this one for last you know you know unless I can come out to this one so let's go to John let's go to Saint John chapter one then we're gonna read from verse 1 to verse 3 saying John chapter 1 I'm gonna read from first one to verse 3 alright now be just register now in Psalms 119 verse 105 it says that they word is a lamp to thy feet okay it's illuminating the path in which you have to walk it's causing you to see beyond the life circumstances basically it is saying also that the world will give you hope because the darkness you don't know where hope is because you can't see nothing but the Word of God again be putting emphasis on the word remember my topic praying the Scriptures we need to pray the word and I trust trying to give you the scriptures on the word itself so you would have a clearer understanding why you need to be including the Word of God in your prayers in John st. John chapter 1 beginning at verse 1 i'm gonna read in verse 3 it says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God so we could conclude that the word and God is one as it relates or as it relates to the scripture verse 2 says the same was in the beginning with God which is the same the word verse 3 all things this is key now all things what just now were made by him which is caught which is also the word and without him was not anything made that was made so in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God all right so he's saying in verse 3 year that nothing that we either see or don't see in visible and invisible was all created by God which is also the word now let's bring more let's bring more light to this let's go to Psalms 33 let's go to Psalms 33 I'm gonna read verse 6 Sam's 33 and let's look at verse six okay now we're coming off of the heels of John chapter 1 verses one to three mainly dealing with verse 3 it says that by the word and God which is one all things was created now the central Psalms 33 verse 6 which we'll be putting the focus on the word because we're showing the creative power of the word of God why it is deemed necessary to include it in your prayer Psalms 33 verse 6s by the word of the Lord were the heavens made listen it is now and all the hopes of them by the breath of his mouth hmm that word breath in Hebrew really means his spirit so as God spoke let there be light let there be mountains let there be grass his spirit his breath which is the word became the source of the creation of the things that we see and the things that we don't see so as you see now this is why the scripture God says remind me not of your word of my word because it is his word that has the creative power to change your situation however your situation isn't being changed from the physical initially oh I love this I love this it is being changed from its origin which is the spiritual world so while I may not see those changes immediately make no mistake my friend they're being changed or altered or even deleted in some cases from the spiritual world so what do you say remind me of Marika's my word is settled I'm not gonna question my board when you give it to me I'm gonna say oh I don't want to use this one no no no no he says of my word said it then you have a right to tell me about it but I'm gonna make the alterations or the adjustments from the spiritual world I love this year so he says in verse 6 of Psalm 33 by the word of the Lord were the heavens made didn't say what is on didn't say a couple of spiritual tractors in some Caterpillar trucks blocking up sound and stealing and creating the heavens no he spoke it into existence so God said listen I'm giving you the authority I love this the authority to use my word in your situation that will have the exact same effect in your life like I did my creation mighty God or man I feel in the city I feel in the city Oh a lot of my scene let me read this again what I love this by the word of the Lord were the heavens made I love this and all the hosts of them by the breath mighty God of his moaning or covetous well your mightycall I love this I love this I love this let's go to John chapter 6 John chapter 6 verse 63 and this is Jesus now speaking listen what Jesus is saying it is the spirit that quickeneth or make it alive the flesh profiteth nothing let somebody can say next now the words that I speak unto you this Jesus speaking they are what they are spirit uh-huh and their life mighty God Jesus says man listen you give me having these words to you now should not do listen all of these conversations I have with you these are not just words being flipped off of my tongue he says the words that I speak they are spirit and their life again the emphasis is on the word of God the more I speak the Word of God to my situation the more I include the Word of God in my prayers listen my situation that was once compass with darkness the Word of God now begins to illuminate and push the darkness back but if I'm only going to God or God fixes to me Jesus God you see the rent man coming Lord God I mess up on a job they get ready to find me you're not praying I kind of jumped ahead of myself here you're not praying fate no you're praying fair or not if you don't do this no no they can kick me but I got no place for me my children to go Lord me my my family and help me God don't want to hear that give me my creative word give me my word that I will honor in your situation and I will begin the tweaking from this invisible or spiritual world and now you will see the benefit of it or the result in your natural yes your physical world he was tweaking in the spiritual world and you'll see the result in your physical world all right so he says jesus said the words that I speak they are spirit and they are life watch this now let's go Psalms let's go to Psalms 107 I kind of rushing you guys I got a lot to cover let's go to Psalm 107 and we're gonna look at verse let's look at a verse 20 alright Psalms 107 verse 20 says he which is God sent here's what word circle Edward and what did he send a word for he sent His Word and healed them watches and delivered them from their destruction what is going to deliver me from my adversary what is going to deliver you from the diabetes the cancer and all of these other things the doctors could recommend their pills you know and sometimes I laugh are those commercials you know they have this new pill and can make up anemia zile and pray for me and this is for acne but the sides effect you can have immediate stroke you go blind if you probably drop down there what why I can take that I only deliver acne we're gonna add more stuff but the Word of God is telling me here listen what the listen what did the load the final decision of have enough to say as it relates to God God says I have sent my word and healed them and delivered it father god I pray your word right now over the sicknesses that those listening to me and I pray sounds 107 verse 20 where you promised you sent your word to heal them let your word do or run its course in their lives as they give you back your word in the name of Jesus pray the word of God believe which you are praying forgive other people and say in the name of Jesus when you speak about your speak situation you speak the Word of God you had a doctor say got this but God says I'm healed the doctor says that they don't know much longer I got to live but the Word of God says that I will live too if just to declare the Word of the Living God the Word of God has the creative power to restore to reinstate to refurbish or whatever it is that my physical body needs but I need to print a word I need to speak the word I need to be around people who's gonna encourage me with the world I can't make my prayer to God or god I hear Kevin today and I pray that your word will heal me I called the scriptures and read after that you go watch Scooby Doo no no no you need to get into the Word of God you need to play the scriptures pray sound teaching play sorry sound teaching on YouTube whatever get that word in you it's important because you can need it especially if you face a major health crisis or marital problems or whatever serious crisis you're facing the devil is gonna work your mind over so you need something to contest what he's coming with which is the Word of the Living God all right sums 119 verse 89 you know this one he says forever or Lord your word is settle in heaven and that's why I love about the Word of God there's no changing that he already said what he had to say that's final so therefore you have a right to call upon it because it is a sure word father your word declares that because of the stripes of your son Jesus Christ I am healed he took the stripes for my healing so father I claim that according to your word I refuse to stay here and be bitter and to be angry that nobody coming to see me in the hospital my own children don't help me Father I'm not gonna allow the enemy to use my mind in fact I'm gonna take this time now and forgive them and what I want you to help me to overcome these evil thoughts in step father God your word declares that we must cast on all imagination and everything that I dissolved itself above the knowledge of God and to bring into captivity okay these evil thoughts and so on so I speak your word and I pray that your Holy Spirit will assist me Lord into all truth in the name of Jesus pray the word it is so easy to sit down and complain it is so easy to point the finger everybody that can't hear you you've been doing it for the past 40 years you you bear it now you went from more akin to a walker to a wheelchair to bear it and think look look look at how you a co-conspirator your own demise look up from the first day it started all you did was complain and complain and the young people this and you have these children you for letting you toy with them only for them to turn their back on you how is that going to heal you what a they dig they got me fixing I will be on me why is the old way of working on you Krishna tell me when I'm reading in proverbs 26 and 2 or curse causeless a curse a lot of course cannot come so what is the cause that has taken effect in your life so before you blame other people look at the rules maybe it's because it's bitterness in your heart maybe it's because it's the same complaint in spirit and so on what's given this this discuss the right to run its course in your life speak life speak the Word of God that's what you need to be doing right let's look at psalms 138 Psalm 138 and verse to some 130 and verse 2 says I will worship towards the holy temple and praise the name of thy loving-kindness and for the truth and for thy truth this is the part I want us get part be for thou has magnified thy word above all thy name you know would magnify me the word magnify means to embellish or to make something more make it bigger than would it really appear to be for example right a telescope when we look at the moon from our naked natural eyes someone's like a speck in the sky when we put it true with a telescope it magnifies the view it makes a big makes it bigger and broader than what it is this scripture now saying that he says for thou as magnify thy word above I have made my word bigger than my name that's Madison I don't know how else to put this except to say that the Word of God is key of your church or your pastor or your bishop a boss or whoever it's not preaching you the word you need to get over there you need to leave so I don't have to go nowhere in this position you know you have seen so far where the Word of God is key and anyone who tried to fix it another way or switch it or are or take from it the scriptures say not Kevin let that poison become a curse Galatians 1 verses 6 to voice 8 all right revelation says any man that I will take away from this and says let him is me be taken out of the book of life that's how serious the Word of God is but nowadays people just don't get no more so he says here that is magnified or made bigger his word watch is now above his name alright let's look at psalms chapter 18 and verse 30 Psalm chapter 18 and verse 30 what does it say they say ask for God his way is perfect as sorry as as for God his way is perfect the word of the Lord is tried that word means to be tested the word of the Lord is tried or tested he is a buckler to all those that trust in him so I mean every test that the Word of God could have gone through to prove it sub strong above everything else it has been through and it has proven itself meaning so God is saying you you could you could you could trust this more than you could trust the money in the bank or whatever form of security that you have he says that the Word of God is tried or is tested this is key and this is something you need to take take note of alright let's look at psalm 119 verses 130 sums 119 verse 131 thirty and what does it say it says the entrance of the words given light this is interesting because what I could forensically gonner from this that before the word entered before we ever entered it was darkness because the scripture is telling me the entrance of your word gives light so what's the opposite to light darkness so let's talk about the person I was sick who's been sick for years and I'm telling you you need to get the word in you and the scripture now is building upon that I'm building upon description it says now now you need to get the word because the word is gonna now bring light it's going to displace the darkness that's in your heart all right though they the word of the entrance of their word give it light it given understanding unto the simple right that's one of the gifts we have to teach administer the Word of God so simple and even a child I understand you my desire is that you always walk away from my teachings with an understanding not as a a a a body cavity preaching you care about oh yeah yeah running hot you need the Word of God because it's gonna bring light into your dark situation so many of you are listening to friends so many ulis attorneys self-help guides four steps to success eight steps to being stupid all this nonsense you need the Word of God you need someone to direct you in the scriptures to scriptures that are relative to your situation at the city you pray these scriptures believe these scriptures confess these scriptures believe that this is what God wants for you not know you're going and then sitting on like some car but you can't stand on do it foolish there's no no get to the Word of God and Jess it digests it let it be assimilated into your cerebral cortex it's not educated this cerebral cortex I can look that up when I finish but anyway really the Word of God is a light and that's what it is and that's why I'm pounding in your understanding now you need to get it in you and a lot of you I can hit this again a lot of you or there better you are better better better you are angry all right that man or that woman left you and gone over their life you fell they use you they took everything they got they have they took from you and they went on in never Neverland don't worry about that you focus on you ask God to forgive you God want to work in your life but he cannot do it because the initiation initiation of him working is that you have to forgive them so he could forgive you that's gonna be the initial process there must be forgiveness I don't don't tell me Kevin you don't know this people kill my son they shoot him down like a dog mom so I am sorry to you know I'm very sympathetic okay but I cannot promote you getting back at these people because I would be going against the very green that I stand for which is the Word of God if you want God to work for you first thing before you even deal with those if I say God let me be real with you because I know you don't see my heart god I hate them go I want I won't kill him that's how I fleshly feel help me overcome this help me for to forgive them I I posted a post last because sometimes this week and I said the very moment that you discovered I was difficult to forgive someone should have been the very moment you discovered he was trying to do what our God it is impossible for you to forgive someone moved on you I'm talking egregious evil outside of God help you're human you're human nature does not have the capacity for you to do that because your human nature and your co-conspirator the enemy will always give you a good reason why you should hold it in for somebody else or or wish something bad for it so only the power of God could later rest that anger or that bitterness and unforgiveness to begin the healing process in your life all right God's word this is why it's so important the Word of God is the voice of God I love this oh god I love this so much listen to me carefully when you decree the Word of God in your prayers when you decree the word of govern you're speaking this situation the the entire creation they're not hearing your words they are hearing the voice of the Living God when you say when you said I am blessed and highly favored according to the scriptures the invisible world is hearing the voice whenever you whenever you speak or pretty scriptures the spiritual world in which your Gehring those prayers - they are hearing the voice of the Living God let's turn to Psalms 103 verse 20 sums 103 verse 20 okay it says bless the Lord he is a nose that Excel and string that do His commandments alright how coming how can you be did this are now teaching on our on angels it says that the angels of the Lord are excelling and strain and they do that they do the commandments of God not out not our commandment the commandments of God so when a poison tell let me say it when they parade and they say and I send the ages of the Lord against you oh no no no you can't do that you need to Korah scripture I showed you this in my industry in the teaching when we did with this because it says they hearken unto the commandments of God no weapon formed against me shall prosper okay you just put them on you just deployed him well you as a Christian do not have the right you don't have the authority to say angel where are my Karen Elson by the dad no the Bible is correct the angels of the Lord are here to serve us but they serve us under the conditions of a speaking decree and declaring the word of the Living God alright now the second part of this scripture is what I love but I'm gonna think of him to begin it again bless the Lord is angels excellent strain that do His commandments listen it is now harkening or listening unto the voice of his what word so what the voice of the Lord is the word of God when I speaking to the spirit but I'm speaking to the spirit of poverty when I said like when I retrieve those scriptures against the spread of poverty not a poison against the spirit you know that spirit is listening to you knowing that spirit yes yeah Kevin is singing it through his vocal cords but according to the scripture because I'm including the Word of God Oh hallelujah these spirits are hearing the voice of God my god I love that reader I love that so what got me in a sense I'm cold partnering with God oh I love this I getting cell phones with you right now I hear the radio the scripture says okay to address that we are we are we are called laborers with God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ so he says okay Kevin all I want you to do is say my word whatever the problem is you say it and once you decree it to your human vocal cords he says my word that you are speaking the spiritual invisible entities that are fighting you they don't hear your word Kevin they hear my voice through you declaring my word this matter no get no simpler than that man no now if you're getting that mind I need it we didn't have a deliverance session for you and cast them Devils on you because I don't get no more simpler than that right there the voice of God is the Word of God the Word of God is the voice of God whenever you declare the Word of God though the creation is hearing his voice lady God Kevin come on man all right calm man yes sir yes I will calm down listen to me carefully wait that's why I'm telling you include the Word of God in your prayer because when you're praying the word father God you said you've sent your word to heal me you know what the spirit of infirmity here yes here coming to my vocal cords but the truth is because I'm quoting the scripture he is hearing the voice of God hearing about down to my voice I don't have that kind of authority but because I'm a coal laborer with God and a joint heir with Jesus Christ then I decide to bring on the reinforcements okay you won't listen to me Devon okay I got something for you it says that because of his stripes I am healed so the spiritual realm here my vocal chords speak it but the voice that they hear behind that word is the voice of the Living God speaking to them oh yeah oh yeah make no mistake about that make no mistake about that so we need to declare we need to decrease the word of the Living God all right let's go to Psalms where we are now I'm sorry first Thessalonians let me look at my time okay my time looking good let's go to 1st Thessalonians now we about to get deep so I want you to strap in strap in because there's gonna be some turbulence yeah all right and I cannot predict how long and go on for well at least at minimum at the end of this program so let's go to 1st Thessalonians chapter 2 I'm gonna look at verse 13 you go in deep now you go for some deep surgery all right first Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 13 for this cause also thank we God without ceasing because when ye receive the Word of God which he heard of us you receive it not as the words of men I love this but as it is in truth the Word of God which is now which effectually work it also in you what's the catch now that belief you're listening to Kevin right now you're not receiving the word from Kevin as his words because he write no Bible but you're receiving it as the word the true Word of God but he's saying something here now he's showing a formula that the only way that this word will work for you that she was a receiver that's not just coming from Kevin but this is the actual truth that's what God said I've looked in the scriptures I've seen it here but now I believe it I'm adding something to it for it to eventually work in me why is in the word working for some of us because I believe that's just something Kevin saying so I really put love wheel and fizzes on it and when I can do what he say I can pray but I really pray no real attention I don't like really really believe in it I mean man can say anything who write man write the Bible I so hate to hear it so okay whatever God you believe in and whatever let it show that they are who wrote it alien I could never understand the basis of people say that so the scripture square here is giving us a formula and the formula here is that these people the Thessalonians did not just take the word as just mere mortals telling them it they of course did their research and discover that this is in fact the Word of God and the Bible says that whatever manifested from the word was as a result of what they believe now this only coincide with Mark 11 verse 23 to 24 whatever what says that we must believe what we pray you cannot be praying for something and I cannot put enough emphasis on this you cannot be praying for a good man to marry you or a good wife you cannot be praying for promotion you cannot be praying for whatever it is that you're praying for but the words that you speak on it on a daily basis is contrary to what you praying for because that becomes now the empirical evidence that you do not believe what you're praying for further I'm believing you for a wife father God a wife that is suitable for me a helpmeet Lord I'm believing you Father God that you will guide me to the right person and cause that poison and I to collide and move on our life okay good I didn't pray that so friend of Mines called me yeah man what's up what's going on Eric umma how come you all today no more disease almonds all bad mind but I mean it got three four listen to you listen what you say it so you see where you become counterproductive as that religious prayer if you're believing then your confession should learn about your beliefs in what you're preparing for sorry so if I'm praying for whatever I'm praying for then whatever I discuss that particular thing that I'm praying for I must be mindful that I must always be in support through my confessions of the prayer and praying to God I cannot be speaking to the invisible realm or the spirits of anti-marriage or the spirits of divorce or the spirits of whatever that is preventing me from being married I cannot be praying the Word of God which is his voice to the spiritual realm and the voice of God is speaking to those spirits then I come right back after I'm coming out of my prayer and now call partnering with a very spirits that I'm praying against sure the Word of God so this negative talk ain't no more good man Oh Dana more good woman oh them but they stay by yourself will pray for stating your miserable self and don't connect with nobody to make their life miserable that's why I can always come up to the same steak medium before you go and declare these prayers check you look at make sure you don't over the hood over the pain make sure there's the the demons or the baggage from your past how your mother treat you your daddy didn't check for you you felt abandoned and lonely or you were molested get those things sorted out before you connect with somebody else because the only thing you gonna do even if that is God's poison for your life is you're gonna corrupt you in a polluted because now you're gonna whoop them with the stick you will walk with in the past instead you put that stick away so I'm the end of the day at the end of the day check you look at your heart of you're easily offended if you feel you have to retaliate when somebody will fan you or say something or whatever it is if you feel you've got to go tit for tat you have a major problem you need deliverance to the turn power I'm telling you because you will never be pleased you will always complain you will always have a problem with other people when the truth is the common denominator is you you're here in the Bahamas complaining you go to Nassau complaining you go on a vacation to China they don't even speak English did you complain about the Chinese so something wrong with you so check you every time listen to me that's another thing whenever you find you go to a certain place where there's a restaurant where it saw some family members or friends or you go and every where you go not only are you complaining this is how you know you've got a real devil not only are you complaining you always trying to you say in to your friend or whomever how these people should run the affairs my god you think they gotta put that kind of coconut beer my god you didn't need me gonna spray some stuff in this place when you have that's a spirit on you you have a complaining spirit you got a demon right on your neck you understand me and you need to get him off because no matter what you get that spirit there that that complaining spirit guess was the sibling of that particular complaining spirit the spirit of ungratefulness yes those two go on and on the most ungrateful sorry the most the the complaining people are some of the most ungrateful people no matter what you do for them no matter what they could buy you a brand-new car he was walking for the past 20 years I mean I thank God for the car you're gonna give me a Lexus yeah lets us get it so what I'm saying to you sometimes people need to hear this program because there are people right there who see these things that would not tell them so they feel justified if you what they're saying and doing is right if you are a chronic complainer if you want switch people place right wherever you go or tell them they should put their chairs here or telling your friend they need to do you you have a problem why can't you go to how would you feel if someone come to your home my god Kevin you don't think you got to move this couch over yeah you don't think this this think of this how would you feel and you'll tell me right now yeah you let him have it well then now switch it around stop complaining ox cord say right now Lord please father God forgive me for the times I've complained forgive me for the times where I've done it so long what I'd over realized I was doing it I don't even realize everybody I talk about everybody I complain about and I never see me as the common denominator father it cleanse my heart renew my mind give me a spirit father God Lord in the name of Jesus to overcome these things in my life floor I don't want to be this way at all I'm happy that this program is going on so I could finally see me this program is a mirror for me to see myself I complain about my husband I complain about my children I try to run their life and tell them what to do who they like who they shouldn't like I won't tell them what to eat would not eat father what I'm a controller I'm a demon Jesus release me from this devil be real man that's Kevin gonna be real to you I can help you so whenever you find yourself consistently complaining everybody you got something to say about you think they should any children build this leg what daddy your child pray for their children if you have a problem ok let me give you an option you know why don't you put down the complaining and the things that you have a problem with pray about try that Christian I expect the sinner to do it but you to believe or should you should be different everything you complain about you are the most ungrateful thing on two legs go on has put people in your life to bless you go to spur people and you like to help you go on showing you that in spite of who you are I still love you I still look at all for you I still make it away for you return the favor to someone else stop complaining and I'm just tired of hearing that money every time a lot of people they I have a tough time and they of consolation you know cuz I they can tell you just how real I am on the show is how real a I'm in with them face the face I am no different I am the same person at all all the time and I can tell them if you're my and tell you I can tell you I can tell you you have a complainant spirit from eternity but sitting here with me all I hear where everybody else to except you all right all you keep telling me everybody we can all be on you everybody get rich on you can why you can go ahead look at the scripture the scripture save you can go ahead description save the war be awakened on you then the scripture also say that you got to have supplement your life that's given that whatever the right to do it to you so long time he was safe for nine hundred years and you would know how come these think up it could happen because of the the wickedness would IOC but God see it and God words would run its course so don't come here no victim rule around here if you want deliverance if you want to be set free when you come to Kevin to help you then you better be ready for the true because I can give you the truth as the Holy Spirit tell me and from what I see I can tell you what time it is I ain't sugarcoating nothing with you and if you don't like it then don't come back to me go to someone who gonna sugarcoat you to get your offering and you go to them and die and go to hell you go deal with that but if you coming to me come with this in your mind this product can tell you the truth I hide nuttin I shook a coconut and I danced in Ron Martin alright if I see you are a complainer if I see you always critical other people I can tell you that and I can tell you lest you could do deliverance right now I'm gonna do this to make you look bad yes we could exercise the difference right here and rid you of this spirit there are many good who didn't agree with me I tell them carry on smartly alright now if you thought I was just gonna come here and I guess sugar corn Garvin III can't be I trying to help you what I'm doing is to help people alright so the Bible says in first Thessalonians 2:13 that not only the people of Catalonia took the word of god not as words of men but words from God himself and they believe the not a begin to see the manifested power of God this is powerful because now that I give you all those scriptures on the Word of God how essential and quintessential it is to insert in your everyday life primarily as it relates to this topic in our prayers I'm going to show you now how fate which is also the Word of God as we able to discover is imperative it's imperative that we believe fate isn't just believing the Word of God is more than that fate is the Word of God in fact faith is the substance it is the material it's the currency that heaven honors and that's why I took a lot of time yeah thousand dollar seed you treat a cent on a seat and again and I are like light I say no give it you know if God leading me hard to give them fine what I'm saying to you that cannot replace the word of God just make must be clear on that all right so what I'm saying to you God listen to this God honor his word above his name I didn't hear God honor your money above his name I didn't read that and I know I can never read that so what I'm saying to you everything is in its place everything is in its context so we cannot try to circumvent or take a shortcut to the promises of God by eliminating his word again never happen you could never pay for a miracle and if you paid for a miracle you participated in witchcraft because you only the obeah mind you will go to and pay him to do magic for you God God is not in the magic business God is in the honoring of his word which is placed above his name which has already been set in heaven which cannot return unto Him void simple as that so coming off the heels of first Thessalonians 2 chapter 13 I want us now go to Romans chapter 10 verse 17 alright like I said we gonna get a little deep here now Romans 10 verse 17 says this it says so then faith faith covered by what hearing uh-huh but hearing anything no no he's specific here faith cometh by hearing and hearing how what type of hearing by the Word of God so let's cover that again so then faith comes by hearing so if I'm listening to reggae music or some rock music am I gonna get a fake no no because they're telling me how faith is gonna come to me but are also telling me what I have to be exposed to to receive this fate and this text is saying I must be exposed to what I've got so right now you're listening to me who's giving you the scriptures to support what I'm saying faith is coming to you fate now is I will jump ahead of mine and let me back up you know stick with this radio guys get too excited so we need to be exposed to the Word of God I'm trying to say now to our prayers I'm telling this now and to even after our prayers we must saturate ourself with the word of God rather than going and watch some crazy stuff on YouTube put in some good teacher that you like some preacher or listen to the scriptures or read the scriptures we're building our faith it's gonna be a reason for this so the scripture says in Romans 10 and 17 it says so then faith cometh by hearing but not just hearing anything hearing specifically and what your circle is phrase the Word of God so the Word of God is faith belief in the Word of God is faith it make sense of this right now keep this in mind now keep Romans 10 and 17 in mind and let's go here now to Hebrews 11 verse 1 Hebrews 11 and verse 1 because it's now going to define thing and now you're gonna see why faith like I said to you earlier in this program and the Word of God goes hand in hand in order to reap the result of what it promises Hebrews 11 verse 1 listen carefully now faith is the substance I want us to define these words and they're gonna bring us back together the word substance speaks about a material the substance of this shirt that I'm wearing right now is the the millions of threads that is in it that has given a design result so when we say faith is the substance faith is the material faith is the core or faith is the currency that is needed to get a particular thing so let's go over this again faith is the substance of things hoped for or I love this already I can bring this baby home right now let's say you believe in God for house all right so what does God want from you to get this house he won't fade but fair is the substance what is the substance his word so what am i given I must go into the Scriptures now and find the currency or the substance that God wants in exchange for the house that I want well one of the scriptures I can think of right now for he will give us houses we did not build vineyards we did not plant pools we did not dig so God is saying faith is the substance of the things I'm hoping for the house but how am I gonna get the house what is the substance the word of the Living God father your word the class that you would give me houses I did not build I can repeat it again because I need you to get it because I need you to know how to structure your prayer and not just go oh Jesus I need a house Lord I almost sixty Jesus and anger no place to put my family if I die no he a hearing that he says give me my word give me the substance of what it is that you want the substance of something is the material and which is made up of what is it if you if you have you said to me right now Kevin let's talk let's talk let me make this more simpler for you let's start from a secular level if you're looking at a woman in action and you say can we see the house right there that two-story I can get that and I say what I you can get that okay would you would you like it but Kevin I can get I got the money how much it cost it cost two hundred thousand so your substance togetherness from a natural perspective is that you have more than two hundred thousand dollars on your coat or you have access to it through some banking institution so we take that format and stick in radio which says now faith is the substance of things hoped for you're hoping for that house and unnatural and the substance that you have to get that house you're hoping for is the monies that you have in the bank fate is saying to you that whatever you're hoping for the substance hello must be the Word of God you know you're one in the bike so you you you you carry on competing lists in the you know physical level so we gotta take this to a higher court we gotta take this to the spiritual realm father I broke like the Ten Commandments we don't notice from a physical but I'm rich in the spiritual realm I'm asking you according to your word you said you'll increase me more and more me and my children some is 150 in verse 14 you said in the book of Deuteronomy it says that you will give me houses I did not know there are other people are there laboring for something that I wouldn't live in one day so I'm bringing you the substance for what I'm hoping for so the sickness if it's marital problem it was job problems promotional problems I must find the substance of the Word of God remember faith covered by what hearing but not just hearing anything specifically hearing the Word of God then Hebrews 11 come back and says that now faith is the substance of the things I'm hoping for the Word of God is the substance the Word of God is the currency that heaven except to release what God already had for me in a finish let's read Part B I start again now faith is the substance of things hoped for it is also this freed again fate now becomes the evidence of the things not seeing there's some of you listening to me right now and the Lord is speaking through me right now to you that do not have any children you're barren where is your husband or you but you can't have children you've been at it for years according to his word he says his word that's gonna be a substance for the child and you don't even see it as far as the doctors are concerned you are infertile you cannot have children that's it that's they buried in submit that's a done deal ain't not novel in here you need to go a dog but that evil God saying that it would he say it you may say my game when I to what we done enough if design over that I that's right you don't know about that but I can take what the Scriptures noble the scripture says the same thing which is the substance or a material of the things that I'm hoping for and now also becomes the evidence of what I don't see boiling here I don't know what you're on but this boy happened ball of unity God said to tell you tell you right now you who have been deemed barren you cannot have children he says find my word and now when you come to me in prayer tell me what my words because first of all Berenices of course so if it's a curse operating in your life there's a legal right why it's doing that so now give me my word because my word now becomes this and apart be the evidence god how what is the evidence Lord that I will have a child after trying for so many years the Word of God which is fate so faith is the substance or the material of what I'm hoping for I'm hoping for a new promotion I'm hoping to go off in ministry I'm hoping to have a family one day what is the substance in exchange for this the word of God then it the word of God is also the evidence of what I don't see Kevin how do you know how do you know that you're gonna have XYZ in the future you have a Bible on you pass your Bible because I'm gonna show you the evidence and the Bible says that the Word of God is the evidence of the things and I do not see somebody need to hear this right now so this is what I'm saying to you you are stagnated in your purse right now your prayers are fruitless right now you are not getting ahead and you're repeating and babbling the same garbage over and over this is now your 10:15 fifth-year and praying for the same thing over and over and all it is doing for you is frustrating you you know why because you never had no structure you never followed the rules you never follow the principles that govern prayer and that's what I'm giving you today you need faith to tie into the Word of God because the faith which is the Word of God becomes the substance for the things you are hoping for and simultaneously becomes the evidence of the thing you do not see so right now you should be thankful God forgive me forgive me froze ignorant Perez I was praying forgive me for the hateful prayers I was praying forgive me for prying a miss forgive me for just bobbling foolishness because I never took the time to read to study to learn your word how I should go about my circumstances forgive me Lord now Lord I'm going to I'm going to now realign myself with how you want it to be done so faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence I love this and the evidence of things so we need to get the Word of God in us and this is why when it comes to praying and things don't happen or we fail during the times of adversity we failed because we have no word in us we have no faith in us it's hard to believe the prayer when you're not saturating yourself with the word of God the spiritual strain for any human being is the he God is that through the Word of God this is equivalent to a bodybuilder or someone who who goes to the German and and lift weights with that tough resistance of living that heavy weight it now begins to restructure their bodies restructure their model their their their their muscle sorry and what does it do to them it gives them physical strength physical power the equivalent to this to the human being is is is gorging him or herself on the Word of God ok you don't you don't look convinced so let's prove this let's go let's go to proverbs let's go to proverbs chapter 24 alright let's go to proverbs chapter 24 and we're gonna start from verse 10 forward chapter 24 verse 10 and listens carefully now and I want you to understand this based on what I just told you right physical strength to a human being comes through the resistance of heavy weights enough in those weights they're very heavy pushing it up after a period of time you develop strength your muscles begin to form spiritually the equivalent to that is digesting the Word of God which gives my spirit man straight so listen what the scriptures say now and publish 24 verse 10 if thou faint in the day of adversity thy strength is small now when we read this on the surface it would seem as if he's talking about things that are physical if I faint in the day of adversity the day of trials the day of temptations or whatever he said I just - trying to small but he's not speaking about you being physically fit he's talking about the spirit man all right not being adequately equipped with the Word of God with the knowledge of God to fight now how are we gonna prove this well let's read this again verse 10 of chapter 24 of Proverbs then we're gonna shoot to verse 5 so it can become clear to you proverbs 24 verse 10 says if thou faint in the day of adversity on the day of your challenges thy strength is small or its weak but let's go to verse 5 though of the same chapter verse 5 for from verse 24 says a wise man listen to this now it's strong yay a man of knowledge listen to this now increase its strength so clearly you couldn't be talking about physical strength cuz how could how could knowledge make you physically strong it cannot happen you could read all the books in the world your muscles will not develop you can read all the books in the library you will not become physically strong no the scripture is talking about your spirit mind so your spirit man becomes frail it becomes weak you don't know what to praise bobland repeating the same garbage over and over because you have no word in you so the scripture is telling us here in verse 5 he says a wise man is strong but how was he strong it says a man of knowledge is increasing his straight what his spiritual stream that's why when you hear me prayer I'm praying the scriptures I'm not yeah reading something and school in the scriptures no because I studied them all the time the Scriptures just come that I have I've never I told this before I've never one day in my life sit down and write down scriptures and rehearse it over and over again and try to record it never never and you know I never did it I never did it because I came across the law where I shouldn't do it but I shouldn't do it because the Holy Spirit will bring it to my remembrance the Bible says Jesus said to his disciples it is expedient that I go but when I go I will not leave you comfortless but I would leave you with the comforter he's gonna come to replace me and his job primarily is to guide you into all truth number one number two to convict you of sin but I love number three number three to bring to your remembrance the things that I've said but how's that gonna happen I gotta become familiar with the word by reading it he didn't so remember it no no he didn't say that he did not say remember I must read the Word of God and when I read the Word of God I am now I'm now exercising in law through my acquaintance with the Word of God but Kevin what laws this is that you talking about it's called the law of Association law of Association what you're talking about now you always run an online yeah it's gone the law of Association let's look at this long proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 listen it is now and this is the law of Association so you need to associate yourself more with the Word of God that's why I can tell you week after week read the Word of God listen to the Word of God listen to sound teaching not listen to riddles and rhymes that cannot help you you need to hear the word of God because it's the voice of God in this virtual realm against the evil entities coming against you and it's also the light in the realm of darkness to luminate and push back the darkness so as you can see your way forward the law of Association is clear in proverbs 13 verse 20 it says he that walketh with wise man shall become wise now I didn't read he didn't walk with wise men and take notes shall become wise I didn't read he that Walker wise men and study a certain set of know the Bible says what the Bible is saying is through the Association they will become that and all of these deeds ain't nothing new I remember growing up I could remember like now like remember my grandmother she will tell you do not come out of this year I don't want you associating with Souls over ill now why is this because as far as we are concerned they are friends we go to school together but our limited knowledge we don't see why we shouldn't be associated with that but my grandmother all probably and even notice long okay but add mother's better whatever she know through experience that womb ever you associate with more unlikely especially if you're weaker you'll become just like them so she said I don't want shouldn't be with them what I training you here to be decent people they an internet over them and I don't need what I do in here to be polluted by demo so while she might have not known it as a law of Association through her action she was demonstrating this law so the scripture says he that walketh with wise men shall not might see might means that maybe it can happen no no shout me and this is a done deal I told you this before you are Christian you love Jesus at all your heart you know all those things which you like to say to solidify that you love God well you know I'm the husband of one wife I'm the wife of one husband liquor I've never touched these lamps all my children for one man or one woman all that garbage you and over like that like I could get you in heaven it's all beautiful but it doesn't get you Devon right you say all of this stuff but in all of your holiness one day you're driving to work right and Teddy Pendergrass comes on kind of take you back memory lane but you really really focusing on this song turn off the lights and light a candle you're really checking you hear it but you don't pay no mind to it so your cell phone go off and they telling you man listen the boss just coming you need to hurry up you got five moments so you really a focus on the song now so you speeding through traffic and so much things going on you park the car you rush inside her earplugs or a whole God Oh finally get him you're sitting down and you're getting your computer on and so on and all of a sudden you humming turn off the lights and learning you didn't train to you I didn't see you right down in the car while you were speeding the way the lyrics of the song no it's called a law of Association so even though consciously wasn't paying no attention to it subconsciously your conscious was recording it and now that it has been given the time and opportunity the Bible says whatever's in the heart of them have a come for it so this is why the lourdes law is so awesome as it relates to the law of god the more we equate ourselves with the Word of God the more we decree and believe the word the more we gonna see the manifest the power of God that's what I'm saying to you you want to see more of the Word of God manifests in your life when you develop a relationship with the Word of God which is God and that's what he's seek from us this is why I keep saying to you those prayers of retribution those prayers of hate and bitterness doesn't want back to send them in that unforgiveness and complaining and ungratefulness and tit-for-tat butter for fat listen that I have no place in the kingdom of God neither his children become acquainted with his rules become acquainted with his laws become acquainted with his principles and you watch you mark my words watch how your life is gonna shift I tell you all the time on this radio show I said to you listen if you're not a person who like to read I know a lot people don't like to read so what do you do I said you go get the Bible on CD get it on mp3 and before whatever and especially at night time and especially for those of you always having these nightmares and being attacked in your dream listen let that thing play at a very very low low level not to disturb you a very faint level why because the same illustration I gave you just now you wasn't paying no attention to Teddy singing Burton of no nitronium use it even into him you heard him but you wasn't paying or attention because he was on the phone you try to navigate your traffic but that did not stop the song from recording on your sub-conscience and when you got to a place of rest and you begin to do what you need to do all of a sudden you humming the song so it's the same thing with the Word of God if you find it difficult to read there expose yourself to some form of audio or visual impregnating you with the Word of God so now when you speak you will speak to the Word of God you will declare the Word of God now when you praying on specific things you get those four Suffolk scriptures that deal specifically with this thing that you delivered but you're letting the voice of God which is his word even it through you you are Co partnering with God so again praying the Scriptures meaning that I'm asking God to be my partner here to overcome what I cannot fix on a physical level I have exhausted everything possible in trying to get my father and develop a relationship anymore get my coworker for us the work day those things you have no more country you did everything and nothing you have done or could do can work you have exhausted yourself so now you tap into a greater power further I'm asking you so and so whatever odds they have with me father I forgive them whatever they have done to me whatever have done to them I repaired I won't clear me father before I even deal with them let me just clear here with me all right and once I would have done that Lord now you ask God Lord bless them Lord Father whatever they have done for me I expunge that the same way when I actually forgive me you expunge that father God while it's difficult not to retain these things and my thought however you said in your word that you forgive me and then you through what I did to the sea of forgetfulness father give me that kind of power to do the same thing whatever Mary or Johnny or little Johnny did to me father I literally wanted to throw that into the sea of forgetfulness I refuse to entertain this devil Lou telling me I'm a fool and I left people walk over me father forget him I want to stick with what your words say and you say to bless those that curse me usually to pray for those who despitefully use me and say all manner of things to me you said of my enemy is hungry must feed him if he is thirsty I was giving water and it says in doing so then heap of coals of fire would be heaped upon him and the scripture ends by saying and you will reward me so father I want your reward I don't want no vigilante justice here I want your justice so in order for that to happen I was literally surrender the portfolio of vengeance to you because use that it is vengeance belongs to you you will do the repaying my rule in this joint effort is that I must forgive them so I forgive them Lord I forgive them and cleanse me of all unrighteousness I repent of the things that I've said negative about them all of the other people whose minds are poison and every time somebody called their name I was quick to give an itinerary of our no good they work father I repent of that too and helped me not to take that road anymore and to always check me in my spirit even when I'm unconsciously talking about them because I really want to get over this hurdle and I realize now that I could not get over this hurdle Lord because I was the one keeping me back not them me because I refuse to forgive them so I repent this day in the matchless and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ so this is what God wants from us God wants us to see it for what it really is it's a spiritual fight and all of the physical components in this are just destructions from keeping us from doing it the righteous way which is what what did I tell you righteousness is righteousness is the god approved way of doing things this is what God approve God says don't cry some blessum unrighteousness they curse me I curse them back they said evil press to me I send evil press back to them that is unrighteousness righteousness is the God approve way of doing things so I want to do what God we don't care difficult and only way it's difficult to me because I refuse to forgive them if I have truly forgiven somebody it's easy for me to deal with them now mind you and I keep telling you this not because you forgive someone that mean you must have a relationship with them what I'm saying to you is clear your heart sometimes it is in both parties best interests that after all of this sadly you stay a separate ways there's nothing wrong with that but don't say is separate way because you cannot stand them don't say you're separate don't say stay a separate way because you you you got someone forgiveness there you're going to forgive them and stay a separate way because it's best for everybody involved all right what is to look at a few more scriptures before we shut this down I kind of put several more minutes to go so let's go here now to Galatians Roman sorry Romans 1 Romans chapter 1 and verse 17 is that right no sorry Galatians Galatians chapter 3 verse 11 Galatians chapter 3 verse 11 and this is what God wants from us let somebody says here but but that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God in his son for no man is justified by the law in the sight of God it is evident for the just listen this now the just which is the believer which is the righteous person shall live by what fate what is fate again the Word of God what is it just living by the God of proof a which is his work when the just dealing with those that he find it hard to forgive or whatever it is he must live by the Word of God now let me show you how important is this because I'm going to give you several prescriptions that's going to repeat the exact same thing all right Hebrews chapter 10 let's look at Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 38 hebrews chapter 10 and verse 38 and what does it says now the just shall live by one thing do you know it again the just shall live by faith the just shall live by the Word of God every time the judge is about to make an assessment make a move whatever he should be living by the Word of God the Word of God should be his guide especially but he's pretty should be praying the Word of God on a consistent basis not a one-time thing on a consistent basis he should be repeating living by the Word of God alright let's go here now to Romans chapter 1 verse 17 Romans chapter 1 verse 17 and what is it saying for their'n is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith the more I live from faith to faith the more I'm going to see or become more acquitted with the God way of doing things which is righteousness listen to Part B as it is written you can hear it again the just shall live by faith not by his feelings not by resentment not by unforgiveness he must live by faith his way of life should be the Word of God because why because from this point forward the substance of what he hoped for the evidence for wood of what is not seen in his life on manifested as yet is predicated on the on faith or the Word of God people hear me and hear me well today whatever obstacle you have in your life and you've been praying forever nothing is happening I can assure you you were not a either praying the Word of God or you were praying the Word of God and bitterness a hanging unforgiveness get don't clean your slate check you before you go or did making your petition towards God because his heirs are deaf he's turning his head because of your iniquity in your sin if you regard iniquity in yaryi here in you we didn't read all of this and like this one you know let's go to her backup because you can see a little twist here so we given you three scriptures so far that has reiterated how the just should live uneven three which is by faith Romans 1 in 17 Galatians 3:11 Hebrews 10 and 38 but I want you to see this twist which is Ibaka Ibaka chapter 2 I'm going to look at verse 4 Elizabeth says baka chapter 2 verse 4 says behold his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him but but the just listen us now shall live there's a true see now by his faith not the just shall live by thing the judge in live by his faith what is it I love this what is it mr. judge mr. just that God has specifically said to you because whatever he said to you this is his word this is faint he may not have told it to Kevin he may not have tell it to marry him in hotel to source him but it's something see if said to you so he says the jaw shall live by his what gotta specifically tell you to do God marry tell you it's time for you to come off that job God might tell you it's time for you to move on in this particular area God might tell you it's time for you to go to a different city whatever God has told you the just you must now live by his faith the faith the terms of his word towards you you wrap up with these last two scriptures these last three scriptures actually and this is it for me alright do you don't wanna me let's go to Deuteronomy chapter eight you don't reach up to eight and let's have that verse three you look at it from the Old Testament first Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse three says and he humble it thee and suffer D to hunger and fed thee with mono which thou knewest not neither that the father's needed that thy fathers know that he might make thee known that man does not live by what bread alone you should not man you should not live by bread alone but by every circulars word that proceeded out of the mud of the Lord does man live God says you must this should be your spiritual this is your spiritual food what peas and rice and pizza and all these are the tight food is to your physical body the equivalent to that to your spiritual mind is the Word of God this is how it's going to be easy for you to pray the scriptures because you're such your ratable descriptions you're gonna see more manifestation of the Word of God because why you're praying the Word of God you're believing the Word of God you're not harboring unforgiveness you're forgiving people because you would your heavenly Father forgive you worst case scenario you don't want to go to hell mark sorry Matthew chapter 4 verse 4 Matthew chapter 4 and verse 4 what is it says this is the New Testament now you see the law wasn't change cuz you're gonna see the same thing in the New Testament we just read it just none Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 3 mark 4 verse 4 says but he answered and said was he Jesus Christ what does he say it is written what did he say man shall not live by bread alone he's repeating it from the Old Testament but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God that's what I'm reading he's saying that you should not live by just physical food no no but your real food for the real you which is your spirit is spiritual food which is the Word of the Living God that's what I'm reading last one Luke chapter 4 verse 4 being reiterated again and jesus answered and saying it is written we just read it in and in Deuteronomy 18 3 we just read it in Matthew 4 and 4 now we're reading it and Luke 4 and 4 and jesus answered him saying it is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God video lon Facebook Facebook and social media YouTube Twitter I'm gonna end it right here I think I have proven my case I think I've made it on I can get educated yeah I've made it unequivocally clear I got a chore this big what on you I'm telling you now you have no excuse and I will make this clear if you come against this let's be clear you are not coming against Kevin but you are coming against the Word of God in that case you've activated a law according to proverbs 28 and 9 and it says he that dismisses the laws of God even his prayer is an abomination unto God father what I thank you for these people I covered them with the precious blood of Jesus Christ father god I pray that you would infuse them with the spirit of wisdom knowledge and understanding I pray father God that primarily that they will clear themselves with you before they petition you for whatever it is that they are petitioning you for I pray that their prayer will be not only saturated with your word but standing on the pillars of your word and faith to manifest whatever is that you've promised to do I bless them in the name of Jesus Christ I pray father God that they will go forward power in the matchless and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen and amen folks that is it for me that is it for our series on praying the scriptures and next week we will have our call-in where we get to discuss everything that we have discussed in this series only no dreams just what we
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 45,408
Rating: 4.797945 out of 5
Keywords: Praying the Scriptures, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Insight, Send back to sender prayers, Forgiveness, Obeying the word of God
Id: nV3jQJPg550
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 0sec (7200 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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