Revelation of the dreams you dream Pt 1

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like typing up the entire dream for interpretation from Minister Kevin Ellie Ewing my guest this morning back in studio with us and we say good morning and welcome good morning okay and isn't that the truth every week someone wants every no matter what we could be talking about volcano some how are they gonna type in there oh I had a dream last night what does that mean to dreams I mean that I mean but they are so it's just like so vivid right you know like and you know what happened in those dreams the exact dream the way that I dreamed it right Plato one of them was like exactly the only thing that was different was the individual there was an individual in the dream all right and I realized later that if the person was representing someone in the dream but everything the words that were spoken mm-hmm in the dream I mean verbatim mm-hmm actually happened in real life I could not and you know when I was dealing with it at the moment mmm when I was living the dream sort of speak I didn't even realize it until like two days later I was like oh my gosh the dream came true and then there was another time that was a dream and it like happen exactly as I did I could not believe laughter so it's really interesting very much so very much interesting and [ __ ] when it comes to our dreams most people discard them because they trigger the just you know no big deal whatever whatever and not as the most tragic mistake a human being could ever make to discard their dreams or to think them as frivolous or have no significance to it before we get into anything this morning what I want to make clear on the onset here is that if you do not believe in the spiritual world it you do not believe that there there's other beings existing outside of human beings then this teaching would make absolutely no sense to you it will make no sense you know if you're if you rely solely on the things that you see or you subscribe only to this material world then to be to you who believe that I'm basically speaking a foreign language to you right now so from the onset in order to make sense of our dreams and to understand their purposes and significance then we must simultaneously understand that the whole basis of the dream is to give us an excerpt or a preview of the world that is parallel to our world which is the spiritual world and honestly world that we cannot see the invisible world so it's important that I think make note of that the first thing I want to do this morning is to divide our dreams into three categories the types of dreams that we have three types of dreams that we have the first room that we have is dreams that come from God and then we have dreams of course that come from Satan and then I have what we call or what I would call self manufactured dreams self manufactured dreams are dreams where let's say you went to the doctor for an HIV test they took your blood and they say they're gonna call you within a week and listen your mind just recent on you you're constantly thinking about what the results are gonna be you're praying that it isn't or that it doesn't come back positive so because these thoughts are literally writing your mind then more than likely you're gonna dream about it so that is what we call self manufactured dream now even though that may be a self manufactured dream it is still a dream that you ought to take note of because as we begin to get into the study this morning you're gonna realize how the enemy can manipulate our dreams how we can infiltrate our dreams and literally set the course for destruction for our lives secondly they're two types dreamers the first dreamer is will be called which is the most common type of dream a common type of dreamers and that's dreamers that dream symbolically meaning that they see certain things in a dream a house a car them walking on the water or flying in the sky and to them it's crazy but the reality is these are just symbols and once these symbols have been converted then we can achieve or get the message from that particular dream then we have what is called straight dreamers straight dreamers similar to what you're telling me just now where a person would literally go to sleep and they dream about a certain event or circumstances and the event of circumstance literally plays itself out to the letter to the level editor the number to the color break it down to the words to the price what we going to learn is that the people that are more who have those dreams are more frequent having those dreams it's gonna show a correlation between them and their God people that have a very very close relationship with the Lord were very very interested much into fasting and praying and truly have a hunger for the things of God God usually speak to these people directly there's a scripture in numbers chapter 12 verse 6 it tells the story about these two brothers and their sisters what was Moses Aaron and Miriam Moses was married I think a black lady an Egyptian girl and as a result of that it caused strife between his brother and sister Aaron and Miriam God got involved and demanded that they meet him in front of the temple when they got to the temple the statement that was made and fact I want us to turn here before I can I sort of quote it properly Numbers chapter 12 and verse 2 is a very very interesting statement that God made and it's giving a lot of Revelation for those who have spiritual ears so numbers Torah chapter 12 verse 6 and this is God now speaking in verse six of numbers 12 it says and he said this is the Lord here now my words if there be a prophet circle at word if there be a prophet someone who God's inspired to speak future events that will come to pass if there be a prophet among you I the Lord will make myself known unto him who's this him this prophet I will make myself known unto the Prophet in a vision and I will speak unto him in a dream sober person is an avid frequent dreamer or they're having visions and before I go any further let me just define the difference between a vision and a dream a dream requires one literally being unconscious to the material or the physical world thus our sleep once you go to sleep your physical body is at rest you're not conscious of what's happening however in a vision of vision you can be sitting here right now and the skies open up and you see chariots of horses and all kind of stuff I don't see it and nobody else sees it but only you see it this happened in Daniel chapter 10 Daniel speak of it where he saw the angels and the stuff about the Prince of Persia and the Prince of Greece and Gabriel the messenger angel these are visions he's able to pair into the spiritual realm and to see the events in the spiritual world outside of being unconscious to our material world of course the flip side to that is when you go to sleep you now begin to see these same things but at this stage of physical man is unconscious to what's going on so therefore the dream itself and this is what I want to put a pin in before I finish up with this chapter here the dream itself is literally assuring your spirit man to reel you into the spirit world so while your physical body is at rest the real you which is your spirit this is the same real you when you die the real you your spirit is gonna exit your physical body it's gonna be an extraction a permanent one where your spirit man will go on to live with the Lord or spend eternity in hell but your physical man will go back to this this this as we know it so let's make this clear because if you don't put a pin in this and make this clear this teaching is gonna be strange to everyone listening our dreams our spiritual our dreams our spiritual monitors revealing to us excerpts of things that are going on in the spiritual realm either in favor of us or opposing us a dream also reveals the root causes of the things going on in our lives again from a spiritual perspective but above everything else the purpose of every dream or what is trying to be achieving that dream is for spirits to forge covenants with human beings that is key now why is this well let's go back to the scriptures and I quote this all the time in Genesis chapter 1 verses 26 and Genesis chapter 1 verses 28 and Psalms chapter 8 verses 4 to 6 all three of these scriptures will make it abundantly clear to any reader reading it that God has surrendered the authority of this earth after he had already created it not 2 spirits but he surrendered this authority to mankind mankind would be this a spirit that lives in a physical human body it's the spirits that does not add this spirits which are a disembodied meaning that they don't have a physical body in order for them to operate in this earth from a legal perspective they have to acquire gaana whatever be it deceitfully or knowingly an agreement with a human being in order to facilitate their will in the air this is why from the inception God started off with making covenants he's making covenants with with Abraham he's making covenants with all of these people and the whole idea of it is to facilitate his law and his law is that in order for anyone to have any kind of merciless time any kind of participation in this earth there have to be there has to be an agreement between spirit and the human being okay now with that said going back to the scripture here in numbers chapter 12 and verse 6 and it says and he said hear now my words if there be a prophet this is God speaking he says listen people if you want to know if there's a prophet among you then these are the signs that you looked one who's this prophet someone who's gonna speak on the behalf of God declaring future events he said if you want to know if that's gonna be a prophet he says I the Lord will make myself known unto him which is the Prophet I will make myself known envisions the evidence of this prophecy without visions he said I'm gonna stop there and he says I will speak unto him in dreams so therefore God used the the medium of dreams to speak to us it's it's incredibly clear but this is the part that I want you to get as it relates to the straight dreamers and straight rumors are those who if they dreamt someone got in an accident in their dream then the next day somebody got in Mattson is exactly what happened so for seven of Numbers chapter 12 says however my servant Moses is not so I'm not gonna speak to Moses and dreams I'm not gonna speak to Moses and vision because of my relationship with Moses I'm gonna speak them just how I say or show it to Moses is exactly I was gonna panel no riddles no dreams no symbols face to face face to face so your personal deal and you're having dreams Kevin just like how I dream it exactly how it is part of my life one of two things going on with you number one there is a major corner on your life if you're not a Christian as yet if you are a Christian it speaks volume of your relationship with God or even more so the one he wants to have with you so in this scripture it says my servant Moses is not so who is faithful in all mine house with him will I speak mouth to mouth even apparently and not in dark speeches I'm gonna speak to myself oh no no no no riddle it's not that doesn't mean a your dreams coming symbols or dark sayings that's a bad thing okay it's just showing here the relationship will determine the frequency of how directly God speaks to you in your dreams now couple scriptures I want to start looking I want us to write this time I got quite a number of the first scripture I want us to look at is Deuteronomy chapter 29 and verse 29 is a very very awesome scripture that I love Deuteronomy chapter 29 and verse 29 says the secret things or the mysterious things belong unto the Lord our God but those things which are revealed we're talking about Revelation now those things that are revealed belong unto us and to our children so there's certain things that we will never know as it relates to the mysteries of God for example where did God come from you will never know that was the creation all of that stuff that Israel there you will never know however this scripture is promising us in me that there's some revelation reserved for you and I now revelation will beget outward with the root word is to reveal meaning that God is saying that there's some stuff that in order for you to know there has it just there has to be a revealing of it or a revelation of it so he says here but those things which are revealed there's some stuff that God will release you it's an everyday stuff that you could just throw them look in a book and find it and he says the reason for this this is moose arrogant but those things to it that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever that we may do all the words of this law this is very interesting because it's telling you I'm not putting this up to suit my purpose it's saying that this Bible that I'm looking at right now and yours and everybody else who have one there are certain things in this Bible that does not make sense but God is saying in the scripture it doesn't make sense because the sense of it comes through Revelation he has to release or to reveal to you the hidden mystery of a particular scripture text chapter voice whatever and he says the reason for it and he says it here so that you and your children not only may you live but you are able to do or to participate in the laws or the the protocols of this Bible the next script I want us to look at is Amos chapter three verse seven and most of us know it where God says that he will do or he won't allow anything to transpire or to take place in this material physical world earth we call it outside of him revealing the secrets or the mystery of the revelations to the servants who these servants the prophets okay that's what that scripture says now remember these prophets are the dreamers the the ones who have visions the one God speaks to directly so in both scriptures we could surmise that there's information outside of this physical world in the sense that it's a located in the spiritual realm thus our dream so what the dream does while our physical body is at rest at the realist which is our spirit man or woman is never sleeping it now is ushered into the spiritual realm interacting with spiritual entities we from the kingdom of darkness or weathers from the kingdom of light I'm gonna jump ahead of myself just a little video a person who have witchcraft activities in their life or someone is fighting them in the spiritual realm true means of sorcery some of the most common dreams that they were have that they would have they will consistently be dreaming about snakes big black dark snakes pythons or small snakes colorful snakes or they will dream animals running them down or they was bitten by a snake or centerpiece or they see themselves literally flying not in an errant aircraft not in a helicopter in the air a human body or they see themselves swimming in the water all the time all of these symbols that's what they are then notes or speak to witchcraft actively against this poison light so now that you put the pieces together which your being the reason why you're being introduced to this knowledge is that now you can pray more effectively before you say Oh Lord protect me in my children Lord thank you for not a big now that I understand that's what those dreams to me now when I pray I specifically come in against the altars and the spirits of sorcery witchcraft and so on now my prayer becomes effective so the dream now has released watch this the revelation of the mystery that was going on in your life the mystery was you you cannot go forward the mystery was you're not being promoted the mystery was there's always strife in your home but all of this only started to happen when the specific co-worker gave you this particular item as a gift when you trace it back everything started from then not only that all of a sudden you are constantly having dream about this same co-worker and in every one of the dreams they're doing something sheepish or covert or something that is not good what is the dream that I'm showing you the dream is now showing you the source of the individual that is doing this evil to you spiritually you know it's interesting I have a tendency to also dream and a dream continues right very common dream that's common very common that it continues oh yeah oh it would repeat itself okay I was speaking to someone and then a neighbor like you can press pause on your dream yeah it continues what that is saying to you that the dream or the information that is being released you the knowledge I like to refer to us is extremely important remember when Joseph Joe Surrey the Pharaoh had these two dreams the first dream he had where the malnourished cows were eating the fat cows and the second dream he had was where the malnourished corn was consuming the the futile corn anyway when he was brought before the Pharaoh and the Pharaoh revealed both dreams listen ma Joseph said he says behold the two dreams I want and I'm paraphrasing it but because it had repeated itself he says that this is surely going to happen so if you're constantly having a dream where your car's gone missing or you can't see the dream is confirming itself that you can this here is gonna come to pass this here is going to happen or this is the poison against you or this is the big what is gonna bless you the dream the repetition of that dream or you get up out of a dream and you use the bathroom or when you come out and the dream now continue it shows the importance of why you need to take note of this dream because revelation is coming now why is that why is this let's go back to one of my favorite scriptures Hosea 4:6 he says my people what happens to them they perish or they find themselves in difficult situations because they lack knowledge the word knowledge means to make someone cognizant of something something that was hidden is now exposed so I have the knowledge that it actually exists so would the dream does is that you are being shown from a spiritual perspective or from the spiritual realm things that are happening for you or against you that you would have never known under physical material circumstances so the dream now comes to facilitate you with the necessary knowledge to avoid that pitfall in the future to avoid this particular place that was concocting evil against you so this is why you have to write down your dreams you have to record your dreams because trust me there's messages in that dream that may seem irrelevant to you now but I can assure you when future events panel itself they end up calling me behind Kevin you wouldn't believe what happened no tell me what happened man you remember that dream that you tell me to rebuked man you know what happened really did you rebuke it where I can be real I didn't rebuke it okay then so by default the dream is now manifesting itself do you find that people are just as fascinated by their dreams that sometimes they forget or unaware that they have to deal with it you just don't cream you know I'm saying you'll wake up in the morning and say oh I had a dream and you go in explaining about the dream and it was so like I don't know and then that's it it's like you had a dream and right there you have to do something so the problem that I have when it comes to these teachings right people and I don't understand it even they like to waste my time or they like to waste a long time and here's what I mean by that I would sit with a person a group or have a a general teaching and I would put the importance on not only recording your dreams but if those dreams don't seem to be good dreams to always cancel and rebuke come against that dream you dreamt you saw yourself in a car accident you saw your mother shot in a dream you saw your brother getting stopped some people just like the idea come to me and say man when I had this dream and it got me so so I said you need to rebuild this to him yeah yeah hear you man but boy came when I was a sub or something yeah rebuked the dream if you see is something that is not favorable to you rebuke it white rebuke it I said earlier in this teaching that the dream world is literally the spiritual world the world that we exist parallel with what happens in that spiritual world is the origin I want to make this clear it is the origin it is the beginning it is the start of everything that you see materially so therefore if you see someone being shot in the dream if you see someone being stabbed in the dream if you see someone throwing rocks at you and they're hitting you in the dream then that speaks of the Spirit of death the ETH if you don't rebuke that dream if you don't come against that dream then the reality is by default you came in covenant with the spirit of that and because it happened in the spiritual realm already it's just a matter of time before happened physically how are we going to notice because 99.9% of people that have those dreams their deaths are mysterious it's weird freak accidents and so on like that see what you don't realize is that these things are trying to achieve a covenant with you why would your deceased mother who's been dead for umpteen years like we see in the Bahamas all of a sudden popping up in your dream but if you record those dreams every time that deceased loved one come it's just before there's a promotion just on the brink of a breakthrough some kind of money supposed to be coming to you that you're aware of and all of a sudden this dream always coming but the correlation is every time you have this dream what was supposed to happen for you positively never happens I had a conversation with a lady one time who doesn't have any kids she's about 40-something years old she's not from the Bahamas so anyway she has been pregnant a total of fifteen times at least every last one was a miscarriage but guess what every time she gets pregnant she goes tonight sir yes Maggie I tell you right now she goes to like about three maybe four months and this handsome gentleman always come to her in a dream and either he rapes her or somehow they agree and having intercourse and every time that happens and she has a miscarriage and so what what does she think at this point well she know what it is now because we already discuss it in that here it is right this familiar spirit 15 times 15 miscarriages you can you imagine what that is emotionally forget everything else he emotionally don't go but when you lack spiritual knowledge when you lack understanding of the spiritual realm you will live this life and accomplish you will live this life unfulfilled you know why because you are going against the Word of God and the Word of God says in Corinthians 4 and the second chorus 1:18 Paul told the Church of Corinth he says listen here man you all need to get this revelation set not your eyes on the things that are seeing for the things that are seen are temporal they're changing he say instead focus on the things that you cannot see Kevin what is he talking about what you mean I must focus on the thing he's talking about the spiritual world he's talking about the in the world that you cannot see with your naked eye so this guy popping up to her and always raping on the dream or they're agreeing to have intercourse and every time that happened a matter of days she started to bleed they rushed to the hospital and she they have to remove the child from her so what I'm saying to you is that people wouldn't correlate that with the dream and it is to their detriment so you now need to look at these things and you look at it from a spiritual perspective she never rebuilt it because she don't know she goes to church she live in joy she grew up on enlightenment people limbus and church on it no one never thought the the Moshe know about the spiritual world according to what she tell me is when the holy gold fallen in my church and they start playing the fast music and they run enough and not see all of that is pomp and pageantry all of that is child's play when you're dealing with the spiritual world let me tell you something here if somebody in opening up these scriptures to you and giving you scripture upon scripture like I give you don't listen to them don't listen to them because they will give you the impression that if you're not falling out in church and showing yourself all in your head in the wall in the church you don't have the spirit on you nonsense so through this teaching you're going to see that it is important that you record analyze your dreams and even if you don't understand the dream even if you don't recall the dream the safest prayer to pray when you get a father I know I had a dream last day but I do remember oh I don't understand it however if this dream was from you then I come I trust you Lord and I come an agreement for the good that you want to do in my life however if this dream is not from you I renounce it I reject it any covert evil covenant that was established in my dream I disassociate myself from it and I command that covenant to be null and void in the name of Jesus so at this point even if a covenant was achieved in the dream via familiar spirits because of your declaration and your renunciation of it then whatever that spirit had intend to run its course in your life it cannot happen anymore when we did the show on free from spirit spouses with guests Zita grant and just when we do this show I think I mentioned to you that I was on the past one time and I was on the past about eight days and then I woke up in the middle of the night and I was like I know that I was like sleeping lightnings dead to the world and what happened is I had a vision of something very horrific and but the spirit spouses situation I told you about the lady that helped and it was like I told you I didn't want a thing that I was like so far-fetched and going on in front edge and I said Lord I prayed about it I said I don't want to be like freaky I want to be like getting into the screen stuff right you know because I didn't understand like I said I complied but still it privately I was like but I remembered getting up really early one morning and just sitting there in the darkness and quietness and the Holy Spirit said do you think when you were fasting and I showed you what I showed you I just showed you something like to say you're deep and and you're fasting and this is what you saw when you were fasting was your deep and the Lord you know showed me that that was not the case and what she was trying to teach me was truth right so you know why I mean that was it for me and I just that was the Holy Spirit speaking to me and I know that that was the Holy Spirit telling me that so I just yeah yes the key and what you're saying and a lot of people are currently in the position that you're speaking of right now where because all of their lives whether they were in church or not they were taught to focus on what is seen whether they were taught that indirectly or directly so therefore when you when someone come to you and say Cameron listen I only can tell you this because I know you know these things because you teach it but last night I woke up and I saw this dark figure at the end of my I can tell no wonder I can't even tell my posture this because they can tell me I probably need to see a psychologist or psychiatrist or whatever and they can find something - whatever whatever see the thing what I'm trying to get out here is that as spiritual as our churches claim to be you don't hear these things I could never tell you i sat in from all of my life of going to church from a little boy to now I have never sat in a church where I literally heard someone speak on this level now here is what I did here oh you got to rebuke the demons that's just words you know I know it's word because if a demon literally showed up in that church everybody would break or run it see because they that's just talk but when we get into the deep things and this kind of message here and I had such I'm seeing it's like crazy now this message here is bringing people to Christ by the droves you know why because now they're getting an understanding as to the events that's panning out in their lives but message these messages are be speaking all the time we're dealing with the route we are going to the actual with no longer are we going to subscribe to the branches and the leaves and the trunks and those tentacles we are dealing with the root cause of these problems and exposing through God's revelation why your life is in the direction how many dreams that you've had where covenants were con con achieved in your dream you have more knowledge because you've never these things not knowing that those sexual dreams you had not knowing that you eating food in the dream if someone asked for projecting in your dream hello and feeding you with a pair to be food but a spiritual concoction and ever since you had that dream your leg began to swell up ever since you had that dream you had kidney and not only that let me show you a spiritual all of these physical things you're feeling you finally decide to go to the doctor locally they'd run every test on you they find nothing you go to America you go to Cuba you go all over the world to the top specialist and according to their teaching and learning and their machines everything is coming up- you still owe me some things what to be something else to all the technology when they cannot see they cannot find but it's there you know it's saying you know how you know how you feel when whatever happens to you what's the sad part is is that when you finally make up your mind to go to church for them to help you you know what you're gonna get okay come let's come together less let's pray for sister Mary father in the name of Jesus Lord heal Mary turn this thing from there w is alive get from Chania devil you are evil don't coming anymore these are the things that you hear and it's gonna this stuff reveal to how surface our churches are but when we turn into the scripture like I'm about to turn into one right now and we look at a scripture like second Corinthians chapter 11 and verse 14 which gives us the spiritual or Authority where Satan could transform himself to whatever he like transforming himself into because he's a spirit and coming to your dream and to pretend to be your husband pretend to be your wife pretend to be your sister pretend to be the husband that prophet prophesied to you only to so evil in your dream now watch this in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 14 and no Marvel or don't be surprised for Satan himself is transformed I help me with this word does this word mean change yes to change from one thing today to the next for Satan excuse me himself is transformed into an angel of light I think I told you this story before I was doing a conference call or teaching here in a Bahamas but the call was initiated in the States I was invited to do a teaching on dreams and with all of my teachings after the teaching I do a question-and-answer or dream interpretation period afterwards so this lady came on the line and she said Minister Kevin I had this dream and you know God has called me to be great but Martin Luther King and I dreamed all those dead guys and they come and they tell me stuff and they give me stuff that and I've seen angels come to me and ain't just gave me started and she even told me about I think she said one of the angels or two dangers were female angels so I'm listening and all I can hear in her is era not that she is an Arab but she doesn't know that this dream is totally demonic and deceptive number one let's clear the air show me in God's Bible and I'm not saying they don't exist show me in this Bible from Genesis to Revelation have you ever heard of any angels referred to as a sheep you've never right and I'll be a married angel and every am a fat angel neither Syndication just but you are angel but I mean I never heard it yeah right but what I'm saying you see this here is where you need have spiritual knowledge because when so much will break ever and this pretty female angel come to me and she led me into this place and I mean the place is so beautiful you have no idea that you are being deceived but furthermore I am reading here in 2nd Corinthians 11 and 14 which says that don't be surprised because Satan has the ability to transform or to change or masquerade as an angel of light so no spiritual knowledge how would you know that that is Satan you see now why these teachings are important see because what it does it pulls you away from that doctrine that kept you in circles and now it begins to remove the scales from your eyes you see like well my goodness I had a dream like that not only that if this is an angel from God you know what let's even get past the female part of it why would this angel now begin to instruct you to go contrary to the Torah to the laws rules of the Bible why would an angel escort you to a bar and an order to our calling beverages for y'all an angel an angel not only a female is a bonding right so anyway she told me how she had it on this stuff right and I said her I said how do you know that it was God speaking through it and I immediately sense the the she took an offense to it so I tried to clarify my they say no no I'm not saying that your dream was wrong you wrong I'm saying how do you know that this is from God and immediately I'm telling you she got offensive inside cussing and carrying on oh yeah man she went oh god this is a woman of God literally custom carrying on he's sure she said who you think you are blah blah blah and what would disappointed me was that the facilitator never did anything about it well of course I was the last time I was on that show but anyway nevertheless what I'm saying here is that you need knowledge what is this knowledge what are the biblical boundaries protocol principles and commandments that govern the spiritual realm because once you know that when something like that pop up in your dream through the your knowledge base you could decipher that's something any idea right we need to take a break we do could you put the book up please yes yes remind you we're so very oh yeah forgive us if we're like this is all we meant forgive us if we're overdoing it but you can get it in paperback it is such a beautiful book yes be free from spirit spouses by Zita grunt yes marine spirits so we want you to get the book if you have not received a copy is head of you've not read it if you have a copy that you did on the e-book it's good to get it how copy right also can I make a suggestion you can do like an early Christmas shopping and you can just get so many copies and just get them now because I know they're gonna run out soon so I advise you to get them now and get them as gifts not only that right in case you guys think we're just trying to a big about perennial go and read the reviews yes go and read the reviews on Amazon on a page on my page how people's lives has been transformed as a result of the wisdom in this book yes so I I just really encourage you to please please please get a copy of the book don't be selfish get a couple copies for other people on your Christmas list trust me it's going to change their lives and they're going to just love you that's going to be the best Christmas gift ever so be sure and get a copy so we're going to take a commercial break we remind you that our show is being brought to you by the Subway restaurants including cng air conditioning and h&L school supplies also my candid security we'll be back with more stay tuned and stay with us and of course as we're going to a break we want to say a good morning to so that none but Cristo in the Netherlands also to cherry and Charles in New York Tammy print up in Fairburn Georgia including the Nora Hall and Brandon Turner Florida a good morning to Gloria she never March in Chicago our jury in New Jersey also Lou Cecil Martin in Minnesota and we say good morning argue that good afternoon rather to do renew for know and adieu Bruno is in Kenya Africa also to Sandra Wilson in Chicago Melissa Piedmont fan in Merced California also to spire hot in Minnesota and prosperity rain in Canada so we say thank you for tuning in to the Cindy and stay with us two dictionaries thesaurus art supplies crayons markers charts rapid folders Diaries text books games toys opposite lines and more 70ct air conditioning refrigeration and deployments the most trusted name in air conditioning refrigeration and appliances including sales service and repairs the Hemi trusted name brands like Trane Goodman and carrier they also have a V Asian and airport security maritime retail stores banks and financial institutions hotels casinos industrial plants including residential and special events security cabinet security limited located on clandestine [Music] okay and we welcome you back to the Cindy Russell show we are coming to you live from the northern service studios the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas in Freeport grand bahama bahamas we are on the third floor on the Mall Drive of the how the Gregory building and it's a beautiful Saturday from where we're sitting and so it's um 11:08 here in Freeport and our topic this morning understanding your dreams and Minister Kevin Laue is with us in studio as always to share on this very interesting topic yeah just to continually left off from as it relates to mass for reading spirits and of course we took that scripture from second Corinthians 11 and 14 which says and no Marvel or don't be surprised for Satan himself is able to transform into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing if his ministers his agents the inhuman or spiritual agents also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works so evil spirits and so on people of the warlocks and witches are able through magic witchcraft that is to transform themselves that's why when in a dream and you see an animal staring at you being an hour or whatever or you see in your dream a person is just staring at you're not making any contact with you all of these things refer to what is known in the kingdom of darkness as monitoring spirits this is where spirits are assigned to that individual do you people say sometimes acting like someone watching me or this presence they feel in the room they're sending spirits to observe you for two things number one to strategize how they come to attack you spiritually meaning that they are recording your your patterns or secondly they are now observing to the spells that were sent at you or the curses is actually taking shape in your life now we want to remind our listeners and viewers that this is a series we're doing on spiritual warfare and you probably wondering how dreams fit into this and we see that you are going spiritual warfare even when you're sleeping the enemy is plotting and planning for your life what now someone has something here on Facebook I can't remember but you're not trying to or we we've realized in terms of doing a lot of topics that it's a waste of time to try to convince people if you don't believe some of the things were talking about what that's okay right that's okay right well the good thing I'm not even convinced anyone educators want to go forward right because if you spend the time trying to try to argue right you know it's just a waste of time right because if that's what you believe that's what you believe we're not trying to make you believe these things but there are people out there who understand and have some level of experience or understanding about what we're talking about and it's all biblical it's in your Bible right right now someone wanted to was asking about astral projection right astral projection is where a human being true demonic means can have their spirit man moved from their body and to go elsewhere this is normal behavior in the world of witchcraft okay most people would gain would see it in their dreams where they had a evil co-worker or this person who's the enemy in the dream forcing them to eat something or they have a needle or injection trying to a servant trying to inject them or when you see stuff like that clearly this is oh babe you do go to bed and what people don't realize and it's people like myself who need to inform you of these things go on out of days people who practice witchcraft burying stuff in your yard or or basically putting something in your food no mine most of the witchcraft that takes place now happens in your dreams and people are totally ignorant of this eating in the dream is one of the moisture eating and sex in your dream are some two of the voice dreams you could ever have and if you're not rebuking these things but remember none let's not let's not get ahead of ourselves not cutting you up but that was a friend of mine once she had a dream her ex-boyfriend having sex in the dream right she thought that meant she was so happy she might member they were gonna get back together we have to brace and know that's not what it mean no all that mean is that it's an evil spirit mask or reading remember evil spirits are deceptive liens deceitful conniving there's nothing about them that's good so whatever that happens to you then obviously the idea the purpose of their visit let's go back to the laws of God John chapter 10 verse 10 I think it is then says that when the enemy shows up in your life there are three objectives that he has and that is to kill to steal and to destroy if any of your dreams remotely resemble any of those headings then clearly we can now determine that is a dream from the kingdom of darkness thus now we have to rebuke it why is this I said to you earlier in this teaching I give you the scriptures Genesis chapter 1 verses 26 Genesis chapter 1 verses 28 and Psalms chapter 8 verses 4 to 6 three of these scriptures is the noting that God gave us human beings right in the earth so therefore but any spirit including the Spirit of God to operate in this earth and legally that is giving us dominion over it has to be through any covenant so a covenant now becomes the mediator between the unseen world and the physical world this is why when God came to our brother Abram and he said to him he's gonna all this stuff but I got a now do it covenant or seal a covenant with you so that his core supernatural power could facilitate the promises that he's made to Abraham yes my first look a viewer Angie this is what I saw she said I had an ex friend who was a witch and she astral projected into her dream she said but she remembered she was able to remember that she can stop her dream and she did she could even cancellous because remember the astral projecting the evil spirits the sex in the dream the eating in the dream snakes biting you in the dream all of the idea this is how much it again is to forge a covenant between you and the spirit let's go back to the laws again proverbs chapter 26 verse 2 Part B it says that a curse that these people are trying to inflict on you cannot happen without a cause then you could curse anybody randomly you cannot do that there has to be a cause so what is the cause now they come into the dream pretending to be something that they are not to win the trust of the dreamer once the dreamer which is the spirit of the physical dreamer begins to interact in any way this is how you need to know - I need to know symbols for example kissing in a dream what does kissing if it's a bad dream it means betrayal if it's a good dream it means agreement you don't know anybody kiss you right so in order for them to kiss you you up to agree to it right that's agreement you don't anybody have sex so you know what you do is is an agreement unless they were even you but the bottom line is these symbols represent a covenant that's what an agreement is however the person or the persons that's doing this to you and not who they appear to be in the dream again these are Maskull reining spirits so now let's use a scenario let's say you've been praying to God and you've been praying against the spirit of poverty because you can't save no money the job paying you but I mean it's like you can't see we have money going so you make the decision now you're gonna go on a fast and you're gonna pray and you're gonna specifically pree against the spread of poverty which is an excellent thing and I and I truly advise it now you have to have additional spiritual knowledge because guess what's gonna happen now now you're gonna have dreams all of a sudden some stranger again walks up to you and gives you these bunch of money ball up and when you open it up the money all wrinkled up and dirty different currency or you have dreams where you're picking up coins off the floor or you have dreams where you see a bunch of roaches in your dreams or rats or in these dreams you always have like these old tattered clothes or shoes or with holes and little socks all of these are symbolic of the very spiritual praying against so that means if you don't cancel that father I curse that dream in the name of Jesus every evil covenant that was subtly forging my dream through these symbols and signs and actions I renounce myself and lord I ask you to release me from these evil altars because the very thing you bring against those spirits who've been monitoring you all this time realize that Kevin or Cindy don't know it's to now compound the hardship and difficulty in your life one more thing I want to point out here but I have to make this clear when it comes to dream symbols trust me let your Bible for the most part be your eighth now there's a lot of things that you may read sorry ever dream about but you cannot find a particular scripture in that case I strongly suggest that you exhaust the wood the symbol of it mean for example let's say well let me use this example I've had people come to me all the time Kevin let me tell you something I had a dream and I've done hardest dream at least four or five times and I know money coming to me I know I don't care what you tell me money coming I said why is Kevin I dream last night burn my bathroom all on the floor coming out into my living room full of feces and your feces mean money right the time I shaking my head I say Lord what is this see the average person listening to me right now people say people say that but remember what I always tell you on this show Cindy and I kind what for the shows here what we need to do now is where the origin of that come from now here's why I say not remember you're dealing with a devil you're dealing with a spirit that it is highly manipulative highly conniving highly deceitful just like how their dreams like what I'm telling you now like giving you these symbols well the kingdom of darkness also have symbols however the symbols for the kingdom of darkness is to further oppress your life and for you not knowing forging covenant that interpretation is very popular with individuals somebody rich tell me what a rich tell me why they're not flowing in the money's like they just noted that the feces and guess what in some cases I'm gonna get one little tip here or there whatever but what they don't understand because that interpretation where feces or stool or whatever you call it showed up in the dream and they say when they dream about stool or things you said he can get money or money coming in the world of witchcraft that interpretation what the species is that's byproducts from your body so to see it all over your clothes on the floor that's disgrace and shame so from a spiritual perspective dreaming of species especially on in the places where it's not supposed to be like a toilet any other place speaks of disgrace so when you say boy Kevin I received a dream I know money come in you are receiving the spiritual the Covenant knowledge that's what the Bible says Isaiah 5 verse 13 says that my people are gone into captivity or bondage because they knowledge however proverbs 11 was 9b says through knowledge which I'm giving you right now shall the just be delivered soon do you know we get reports all the time where this thing is really making people inquisitive about the spiritual realm of the things of God people they so scared so we scared all its helps to you know for you medicate that fair right you know once you know and that's what you have to do you have to seek that knowledge what I want to do the Bible what I want to do before I go into my next point I just want to give the scripture I wanted to give it earlier remember I gave there three types of dream dreams from God dreams from Satan and dreams that we manufacture seven I just want to give the Scriptures for them the first one dreams from God you will find that in job chapter 33 so dreams from God you will find that in job chapter 33 verses 14 to 18 dreams from Satan and this is we'll be going to next Matthew chapter 13 verse 25 so that your dreams from Satan you'll find him doubt the law I'm looking at not a law of these things is it Matthew chapter 13 verse 25 self manufactured dreams or dreams were you just thinking about something so much and you begin to dream about it you'll find that in Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 3 so if you if you manufacture dream does it does it still have some level of meaning yeah it has a level of meaning because remember now in your manufacturing it and you beginning to confess it it shall come to pass it's a biblical law death and life still reside in the power of our tongue in a Bible say and Peter loved it what is the end of that or the night that they speak shall eat the fruit of it so if you are if you are constantly thinking about something maybe you're in a situation maybe you're sick maybe financial difficulties maybe something in a relationship and you keep playing over and over the negative right like if you're sick you're thinking of you may die right if you're a relationship you're thinking a divorce mmm financial financially everything's taken away from you you you would play that so much in your mind that you may actually have a dream and then I think for some people that kind of convinces them but yes this is going to happen so you need to not think of those things well actually in playing it in your mind like that you are actually violating the spiritual laws and how are you doing that let's look at a scripture that will speak to that in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 we're gonna read from verse 3 to verse 5 2nd Corinthians 10 verse 3 to verse 5 says for though we walk in the flesh Ordo be live in this material world it says we do not war or fight the things of this material world for the weapons he's talking to us the believers now who should have a full understanding of the spiritual world for the weapons of our warfare would walk their spiritual warfare because we're not worrying physically right so the weapons of our warfare are not carnal they're not material they're not guns bottles and knives he said instead but they are mighty through God to the pulling soul there in God God as a what spirit so these weapons must be one spiritual but here's what I want us to go to so now you've got to be given an instruction casting down imagination mom you said just let you keep playing something financial in your mind he said cast that down cast down imagination and watch this and every high thing that exalts itself against or what knowledge the knowledge of God why are you constantly thinking about the bank coming to take you home so much that you're dreaming about it and not using scriptures such as he has given me houses I did not build vignettes I did not plan pools I did not dig he's giving me landed it why are you why are you allowing this foreclosure that is possible to exceed the knowledge of God so you in violation of the scriptures so you see the revelation here again and then along with that as well I mean why not see why not see the mind calling you and telling you you know miss so-and-so you need to come into the bank because your loan has been paid off well you need to let's go to those Neiman and claimant folks why they name and claiming it now Neiman in gleaming white tonight this is my place I claim it I got huh why aren't you doing that now see what I'm saying to you if you don't have the word in you if you don't have the laws the principles then I don't expect the Bible says that out of the abundance of a person's heart their mouth will now begin to talk on them so you could jump around a church all you want use of man a woman of God you filled with the Spirit of God for 30 years let us never touch your lips you are their husband of one wife you could what about all that garbage I call it but jesus said himself he said that they say they love me with their mouths but their hearts are far from me he went on foot and he says in the day of judgment many of them they say lord have when I do XYZ and your name is I guess what I didn't know you there and I definitely don't know you know that's what we have to do right you know a lot of times and growing up people would tell you oh don't daydream stop daydreaming but to me that is almost like a version of daydreaming where you have to think on those yes you daydream you're going to bed think on just daydream think about things that you want in your life things that you want to happen see yourself if you want to travel you want to go somewhere whatever is they dream about it the thing about teaching right and anyone who follow me would know this is a habit that I have and it's an intentional habit I repeat a lot of what I say and my teachings I repeat scriptures over and over the idea of that is to inculcate it into your spirit so that when you speak just like how all over the years you pump those worthy songs and you you pump those 30 movies and Kyson movies all over the years you pump that so that's what you speak my job now is to come in and do a renovation and the best way to do that is to pump so much of the word and his knowledge God's Word and his knowledge in you that is going to literally push up the field that was there and now saturate you with the Word of God so you have no other choice based on the the the overwhelming knowledge in you to speak the positive things of God as opposed to the negative things of God I want us to now look at are we so consumed with the negative because that's all we exposed to we exposed to it by every daily human being is bombarded by television cellphones you turn on yourself on your Facebook feed right now some police shooting somebody or someone to ladies fighting or someone putting their bedroom business out on this is the garbage that's going in but there is what I want you to know these things are not happening by accident Satan is using these people to pollute the spirit and the souls of those who would subscribe to this now ask them how much of the Bible they read how much of the word they expose themselves to they'll tell you something the last time they open their Bible is the last time they went to church when faster say turned to scripture so and so and then he's called the choice two lines then he closed the book and the rest of it is his opinion so what I'm saying to you is we need to know these teachings already I have people who just watch my videos for breakfast lunch and dinner and they have said to me open over how much that has changed their life that can change their life no the Word of God actually trying to get you in you I try to get the Word of God in you so that you will now know how to to deal with it now what I want us to go to is to show how spiritually the enemy can come into your life through your dream and plant evil seeds I'm gonna give you the law that governs that and then I'm gonna show you biblical scriptures that facilitate it okay now first of all when you're having dreams and in these dreams somebody to giving you money or somebody comes up to you with a document and just telling you to sign it and you go and you sign it you don't know what the documents you know none of that but you see you're so adapt to the fact that this is just a dream that's you're not even interested in knowing the significance of what these actions and symbols mean in the dream but in Matthew chapter 13 a very interesting law is given to us and then verse 25 listen to what it says and thus the whole story's about D the parable about the beat and the tears and for those of you had a discussion with a person in a religious place another day and we were talking about death after life and I was giving them my opinion on it based on Luke 16 verses 1931 about the rich man and Lazarus which spoke about their living state then when they died it spoke about what transpired after death so I was telling them that I believe that when a person died if that person did not live for the Lord and did not get their soul right they go to hell right away if they lived for the Lord they go to heaven and I gave the scripture that the Bible says not Kevin I write this it says that to be absent from this body it didn't say to be present in purgatory it didn't say to be president present in a waiting room it says to be absent from this body what is absent from this body my spirit and it says that spirit will be present with the Lord present me now so in the Book of Luke it says how the rich man and Lazarus died and both of them were in two separate places one was in a place of comfort while the other one was in a place of distress and torment and I was sick so they say to me well that I justifiable so I said would that mean which mean is just a parable you'd understand what a parable mean because there's almost as if they're trying to discount what the story is depicting here my point in saying that is that a parable is basically like a dream it's giving you symbols and you are aware of and once you begin to break down the meaning of those symbols then you get the message that is trying to be revealed to you so in this parable a law is in here which gives evil spirits the right to enter your dream and listen what it says in the 25th verse of Matthew 13 but while men slept so clearly isn't awake right but while men slept his whole enemy came and sowed tares or curses among the wheat or curses among the blessing and what did he do he managed me so the enemy comes into your dream as a masquerading spirit or whatever and he plants his evil here and secure his agreement with you and he goes he don't need to hang around to see what happened because the the agreement that you will have ignorantly fought with him what a covenant will now speak against your future or your destiny so if this guy is popping up in your dream and he wants to marry you you're not married as yet and you know that you've been having these dreams for years this now explains why you're not married in reality because just like with zetas book which eloquently explains all of this you now married a spirit your human spirit married a spirit husband that evil spirit husband will now push back every male prospect that will ever come you're me and the only ones that will welcome is those that have no good intent for your life and many people listen to me right now I could relate to what I'm saying but what they don't realize is that the root of all of this is spiritual listen if that has happened to you right now you should take a break father God every evil covenant that was forged in my dream true marriage to someone giving me a ring or there was an exchange of ring or anything to do with me coming in covenant with some evil entity to block my perspectives physically I release myself and renounce those evil alters and destroy those covenants in you you have to do that because if you don't do that then you will die thinking about what you want but never achieving what you want because they are spiritual opponents in place that of course you're ignorant to that's working against you so this scripture says to us that now Satan has the right to coming a dream I'm so evil now God also has the right God also has the right of course he's God God has the right but remember that's the spiritual RAM so God will come into a person's dream but I want us to look at first Kings belief chapter 3 verse 26 after but while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way 26 says but when the blade was sprung up and brought forth fruit then appeared the tares also but remember the tears were growing though and I told that minibus chrony alive damned whatever came there to achieve is actually being achieved whether or not the tears are going to be dealt with later is irrelevant at some stage in your life your life is being hindered is that also to say that sometimes you're not even aware of what's going on 90% of the time they're not aware they're not aware of the because these things are spiritual and the scripture says to us and I think voice of 2nd Corinthians 2 it says only he that a spiritual understands virtual things if he if he is a poisonous or he only see things from a physical perspective there is assess minister firstly and foremost to reject the things of the spirit that tried to be conveyed to them so that's why for me I mean I don't waste my time with people if they don't tell me they're an atheist and so and I'm not gonna base my breath with you because description I show me what your position is spiritually in fact let me go to original people let me put a pin in it let's go to the first Corinthians chapter 2 chapter 2 and we're gonna read from verse 12 and here's what it says first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 12 it says now we have received not the spirit of the world now this is the Apostle Paul speaking to the Church of Corinth we have not received the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God watch the Buddhist Prasanna de nada we may that we might know the things that are freely given to us of him now this is this a serious piece of Scripture now because God saying these things that he got was free well we got pastors charging us we're gonna leave a pen ready I can leave that thousand dollar c500 Allah see Bernie's Foreman that I'm reading here now we have received not the spirit of the world so that mean only the world does those things but the Spirit which is of God we have receive a godly spirit through our conversion to Jesus Christ that we might know the things that are freely given so someone saying to me that God's I see when I turn your situation around but you've got to bring 500 dollars that is going against the scripture video like we always say if you want the money to help with the ministry ops would say that right but don't tell make people believe because that's why people do it because a lot of times that's why people do it exactly because they believe that they will get the healing they would get more money etc if they gave this money so he goes on to say these things are freely given of us by God verse 13 which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teaching so of your spiritual person and somebody come to you with some Harvard degree in engineering and you're telling him that about a spirit husband or spirit wife you can tell you he say well you know based on Einstein Einstein so Einstein was before Christ or based on Newton's law Newton she be dealing with spiritual matters and the laws of the spirit far exceeds the laws of the natural so is this for these things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth watch now comparing spiritual things with spiritual verse 14 but the natural man the one who relies strictly on the material world and says for the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit so there people out there that does not agree with me right now I am not mad with you I'm not mad at you because the scripture speaks about you you're included in yeah it says but the natural man received not the things of the Spirit of God watch this for they are foolishness unto Him neither can he know them because they are what spiritually discerned now with that disclaimer now let's go we'll be at the voice Kings chapter 3 and I'm gonna show you the flip side so we'll be just read in Matthew 13 was 25 if you're just turning into Cindy bustles show so verse 3 of first Kings chapter 3 says and Solomon loved the Lord walked in the statues of David his father only he sacrificed burnt incense in high places and the king went to Gibeon is a Solomon to sacrifice them for that was the great high place a thousand burnt offering that Solomon also upon that altar now this is awesome there are people right now who are on a fast and I just did a video on this two days ago and suggest you go my Facebook page to look at it can evil coverage before janitor in any way anytime you doing a sacrifice and for us it would be going on a fast your sacrifice you're not eating you're not drinking or you know you're not doing one of them so you said I'm not gonna eat for the next three days the next four days I'm not gonna drink for the next three days four days that's a sacrifice you're making now here's what's gonna happen which is about to happen to Solomon not ever know this is where you appeared you're you're you're stopped you're yours whatever comfort we're talking about food now talking below you will watch a low team that I know fast because they smell fast where Daniel was watching that's yes I was you deprive yourself of food or water either or even both right and Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 years in the time you I know Daniel let me tell you why the enemy is watered down a lot of what the Bible tells us to do to to make it convenient but why that is number to be effective because you got to see now what the fast is going to do the fast now Cindy begins to literally open up the spiritual world to you that's far and you're gonna see that radio now remember Solomon had one of the biggest sacrifices he had 1,000 burnt offerings before the Lord they say no one or two sheep he cut open in a sacrifice a thousand any time you go on a fast and even in that teaching later two days ago I showed where fast is a principle it is an only resort to Christianity a people who in the occult deep into the occult they first I read the one of the books that you gave me the man in the book he's now converted he's a Christian but he was deep into left and he said it would be like like I mean so many days gonna be yes yes and they would fast like a hundred days fast then even even you know in the Bible where God Jesus told us to wash your face what so then in that they don't bathe right in the witchcraft in the darkness they do the opposite they don't bathe no and so you know you can't imagine a person not big but they do it they don't care if they're smelly about among people and people complain about them they don't care because they know what they want to do in order good you're told by Jesus to wash your face so you don't apparently to be fasting right in this in their culture and they do it sometimes you you know people have a funny odor mmm they say things that make you go hmm hmm these are instructions from the altars that they get the powers that they want so in this scripture it says that after Solomon had done all of this stuff at the altar right verse 5 says now watch what happens as a result of the sacrifice and people that are listening to me right now if you were not a real fast your dream life is going on I mean go off the charts you're gonna be dreaming like crazy even if you never dreamt before the dreams are gonna come why because your sacrifice that you're making and in this case under God you're inviting the Spirit of God and with that is going to bring knowledge so verse 5 says in Gibeon as a result of this sacrifice that Solomon made under God it says the Lord appeared to Solomon in a what dream by night so can we conclude that the physical Solomon is asleep yes can we conclude that the physical Solomon is unaware of the physical things going around him like the horse and chariots and his servants he know nothing of this so the physical Solomon is asleep but the true Solomon Solomon is going to be judged by God which is a spirit that is now in the realm of the Spirit communicating with the Spirit of God so the scripture says in verse 5 of first Kings 3 and giving the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night and God said ox what I shall give thee and Solomon said that thou short unto thy servant David my father great mercy according I see walk before thee in truth and in right anyway I want to just drop down to verse 11 because the God is asking him and he asks him what he wanted some would say listen the only thing that I want not a time king is wisdom knowledge and understanding sort of be able to distribute true justice towards your people into deep with them righteously so in verse 11 it says and God said unto him which was Solomon because thou has asked this thing and has not asked for thy served long life neither has ax which is for I said no has asked the life of thine enemies but as asked for thyself understanding to discern judgment this is I want you to get behold this God speaking now I have done according to thy words no I have given circle at word I have given given comes from the word guilt but given speaks of something that has already happened so remember this this is in physical Solomon spiritual Solomon is in the spiritual Ram by his dream speaking to God who is a spirit God says what did you want from me he told him he says what you're asking me for you have already had from the spiritual realm but what I'm going to do to you now is I'm going to release it to you so you can participate in it basically how do I notice when we go to Ephesians chapter 1 verses 3 to 4 blessed be the Lord our God watch what it says next who has already blessed edie past tense this already happened blessed us with all spiritual blessings the spiritual blessings is one of them right now we're referring to with Solomon he has the spirit a wisdom knowledge and understanding that's about to be released how do I know wisdom Doulton understanding of spirits we go to Isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 where it says that we'll be given the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge the spirit of underst so what I'm showing you here is when you're dealing with the realm of the spirit you are dealing obviously with spirits this should be no shocker to you and whatever happens in that world where it's conceived if there is nothing stopping it from manifesting spiritually through the agreement between the spirit and the human then it will automatically by default come to pass so what I'm saying to you before I go any further every dream where it's from God or where it's from the devil it is seeking the human being agreement to facilitate the desire or the will of that spirit a spirit of poverty in your dream isn't going to come wearing I am the spirit of poverty show no it's gonna be symbolic a spirit or blessings isn't gonna come say I am mister blessings it's gonna be symbolic you need to know these things because once you interact with it unbeknown to you if you don't know of course you are now facilitating the entry of these spirits to run their course in your life okay so Solomon is now being the the spirit of understanding and so let's not being really God says I've already given it as a what he's talking about was Ephesians one chapter three and four which says that he's already given us our spiritual blessings and heavenly places as a result of that he's chosen us in him before the foundation of the world God gave us all of these things husband wife good jobs all this other stuff the the raw material was the spiritual aspect of it okay so that would be pretty father release to me what you have already afforded me before the foundation of the world wherever my wife or husband is wherever my prosperity is located help me to stop wastin my time by trying all these other businesses together and direct me to my brook Cherith because God already knows where it's located so in this year Solomon God came where did God give him the Cindy did he give it him in a natural no he give them in his dream so somebody came to you in your dream and put something in your bag in your dream and when you open the bag there's a snake in your bag this is the same principle just like how God could have given Solomon wisdom in a dream just like how in Matthew 13 was 25 Satan could come in your dream and so even with the expectation of the physical manifestation of that spiritually just able to take place these are spiritual laws these are spiritual rules and if you are ignorant to this the best thing you got going for used to tell me how long you were safe but when it comes to be a Schmidt during your Christian journey all you got to tell me is the hell you've been true why because when you lack knowledge it is inevitable according to the Scriptures that you will perish you will fail in life okay we need to take a break we'll be back with more remind you that our show is being brought to you by Subway restaurants including handed security school supplies and I trained Goodman and carrier that's true commercial and residential equalization they also have in stock mini-split system stuff or air filters and copper fittings tubing compressors thermostats AC wires and more pricing call cg air conditioning refrigeration and appliance three five two two zero nine seven providing quality service since 1989 you just can't resist 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said we did this particular show also in a part one part two series previously the four I think this is one of our first shows together and it bears doing it over again see the people need to know Cindy is one thing what I want us to do next week is to really deal with the symbols actions of the dream get more into what does this mean when I have this dream someone is saying here too she says always a joy to receive great information and things not taught in the house of God and that's great mom because again these teachings are really kind of really to get people with a relationship that they need with God to really tap into the spiritual realm from a godly perspective to now analyze where they went wrong again from a spiritual perspective that's one thing I want everyone to leave away with this particular teaching with and that is the primary reason for dreams out-of-court covenants covenants are mediated between the spiritual realm and the physical realm that means that in you know just having a dream there's some spirit for the most part demonic spirits cuz you're gonna have more legal dreams then you are good dreams people ask all the time okay I'm not gonna be only talk about the bad dreams well first of all there but 90% of the dreams that you allowed will be demonically orchestrated and really they're not bad in the sense that you're being given the revelation of what you're up against so there's up to you now to use that strategy in games straighten deal it accordingly once you shut it down in the realm of the Spirit it cannot happen in the natural realm so the covenants have to be so you have to when you get those of you who cannot remember some people say to me cam but I don't dream that's the voice position you could be in everyone has benefited with the gift of dreams if you're not dreaming of you're not remembering your dream then that's another sign that you're being fought relentlessly in the realm of the spirit more than likely you have awesome gifts but the enemy understands the law of destruction if you think let me hear it dreaming if you are not dreaming it's the boys position you could be and because there's so much information that's being the truth is you are a dreamer but you don't remember them the enemy is erase you you think no I know the enemy's erasing remember what the dreams are it's part at least with knowledge so the law to destruction is to keep the human from knowledge so it would be in his best interest for you claim to get you not to remember your dream but to make you believe that you're not dreaming so the antidote that is what I say all the time proverbs 11 verse 9 be through knowledge father release to me right now wherever the enemy has stored it all of the knowledge that you've released admit my former dreams father bring it to me right now bring it to my room embrance right now I curse that spirit of forgetfulness that has caused me not to remember the dreams that God has to shoot me we will continue with part-2 of understanding a dreams like you said you'll get into more of the same symbols right and with your dreams right but just to reiterate if you can't remember it you cancel it the caramel you don't understand the dream just by the time you get to me and I have to interpret that but the model people have now that might be 2025 so right now you cancel because these I can only tell you what I'm telling you now cancel the Covenant father whatever that spirit came whatever come that it comes to establish in my life to to stop my progress or whatever I reject that covenant I give that spirit no legal right to either Akram my behalf or to come an agreement with me to my own demise okay and we could probably talk a little bit more about visions as well okay well that's it for our show today the Cindy Russell show we invite you to stay with us and keep it locked next week next week God's willing we'll be back with part 2 of understanding your dreams and visions so we invite you to stay tuned and also we want to say a special good morning and thank you to our listeners everywhere especially is of course our viewers on Facebook who are interactive with us we thank you so much and we say thank you to our sponsors Subway restaurants including H&R school supplies candid security and CNG air conditioning from Cindy Russell good morning [Music]
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 59,780
Rating: 4.7691059 out of 5
Keywords: Dreams, Evil Dreams, Spiritual Insight, Spiritual Warfare, Revelation, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Kevin L A Ewing, Kevin Ewing
Id: acl1HM_hgho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 57sec (5817 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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