Banished - 2019 & Modded

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[Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello welcome to our live stream how's everyone doing we're try something a bit different today something well we I suppose something of the old it might be the best way of describing this one we're gonna play a bit of banished which I got me I got a hankering for this game last night whenever we were playing well actually this whole like weekend been playing baseball for some reason that just seems to be what's what's coming around lately call me builders and banished always gets mentioned like every time you play a any of these new colony blurs I make vanish is always like the thing that's rubbish either either rimworld or or do a fortress of course and banish those those are the three things that gets mentioned you talk about a colony builder and so I thought been long time since play banished apparently there's some very good mods for this so I throw in some mods there's a lot of a lot of red X's as if this isn't going to work but according to the mod page this is how you do it so hopefully things will work out hey Rach how's it going Andrew flame bird how are you so I'll see how this goes hey Adam and hey Tracey how's it going Tracey how's those life looking oh that's me I'm talking be quiet oh that's okay I do believe praising DT that's right that's right that's right [Music] April Kappa nation has gone big news actually this game is on sale actually didn't realize this I just heard I had a hankering to play the game and it's it's on sale at GOG it's like seven bucks right now normally twenty bucks on sale of it I don't get son sale on homeboy I didn't look at steam look at their in just second let me show what we're doing here so we are using this we're using this mod collection discrepancy apparently makes a lot of big time vanish mods so reason this is 1.07 and new limits whatever it means I don't know I've it's been five years since I played banished so I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I mean I know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm getting in myself into here and this this should just be interesting so we'll see here it is so things may turn red perfectly fine he says ignore it will do so the mod list has a bunch of mods in there and these are a bunch of buildings just like tons of buildings they get added into the game with the mods and I guess that's where it's at that's where you need to play banished so that's what we're doing today it's got 5 stars it's like top of a list of the popular ones the last last week so I thought sure take that one store page storge to Bridget I'll get store major can I drop it you there is it's not saying it is okay so yeah same price here as they don't is on GOG so there we go buy it wherever you like however use the link for GOG I get a little bit of it myself so but to whatever's but easier for you mate brand how's it going all right so let's play a bit of bench I have seven and a half hours on record last time I played this was 2015 so it's been a while this is a updated mod updated version of vanished let's see if you don't I guess if we should explain if you don't know what banished is it's it's a colony building a colonial talk on we're making that right on a point right there we're making that if if all goes well dickens town no no no no and the town is nuke stone we're gonna go with a lot of difference I think so I don't know what's modded I don't know what's not so there's a lot of stuff in here I don't know mountains harsh mountains mountain lakes harsh plateau open Green Valley red desert like onion we can be on Mars hey dink Oh how's it going climate we'll go with a fair climates the - was on of course starting conditions are gonna go with medium because medium starts with we got five family supposed to get like some of our provisions we're not gonna come to Mars with nothing in our pockets you know hey it has going sure let's go there yeah so I talked about this reason I'm playing this today but other than just I wanted to play it is I talk about this game all the time and and I I reference it all the time whenever I'm playing other colony builders so I feel it's only appropriate that we play the game and get reacquainted with this thing and it is noisy around here oh you know what complaint music music got quite often to turn you down okay good good where's my music get more easy let's go down to like they're still pretty noisy well let me know if it's too noisy okay we have some just some some animals out here hanging out in the water or it looks kind of funny we got lots of trees it's very desert he way I like a little creek a creek running that way any sort of pond or anything no no just just a river got mountains in the back cuz I ain't so bad hey dr. Katz going I'm okay with this it seems alright it's very pretty for being a game made 5 years ago everyone's wearing their finest clothes there is citizen is his name citizen Howard oh alright make sure I remember what I'm doing here I don't but I know we need to make some houses so I think we should all own warehouses is whatever make some wooden houses here and set them in we need we got five families right so we're gonna have just like five houses here and then we do v wings go 42 and put it back here we'll do a six house there okay we're gonna mark off some jobs and we're how to do this correctly we want I think it's and then chop treat no bet that's the jobs hang on angles we want you guys did you get reacquainted hang on hang on there we go there's the button there a map there we go oh can you do you Adam Eve with with with this yeah a guy in a tie just go back a little bit okay there's our speed I've been getting used to it I'm good I'm good resources harvest trees let's get some trees over here like that okay I'm gonna grab a few stones around here as well you still have back here just make sure we get them on the job and then I don't care about roads what I'd leave what's the forge button fancy looking at nice fancy bread we're on we're on the Martian soil here I don't know how you do Adam and Eve but banished that seems like it would be quite deployed like you would have people this one thing about this game i remember is people die quite often thattagirl kids but that one didn't want that one let's make sure get reacquainted your it's been a long time yep there's I don't care about that one so much we want I already increase paths I don't care about camera and this is the event log counting stats yeah if you want this thing over here okay okay feeling better feeling better good tree should be ready to operate as well any other game I just don't need this B well we do want a couple of builders do like three four builders sure everyone else go out and just chop tree and do whatever is in there a button for forage missing this okay there's the fields we can make gap gatherers Hut we do when I have one of those at some point Justin go ahead and setup me we should set up a great reading we're entertaining your cat let's go with a gatherers Hut over here we that first is how it is and then in the near the gathers me to have our hunter as well over there we'll set him where the hunter like right next to it cuz it's all stay like Foresti and we also have a Forester over here also is it for storage yeah - this guy like rocks there there we go hey Mark how's it going marking here early okay look at those faints at your at those fancy houses look actually using the tools the hammer things yeah yeah it's a call me builder money the mod list you'll have to go just rewind the video I'll just do a link I'm gonna get a lot I was in here and then workshop and then I grabbed collections I grabbed this one no I share this so I'll put it in in the chat mod list there you go okay all right so I'm remember this game one one thing I remember we people living here Kade lives here for instance k2 16 years old he has a wife his 12 year old wife Lou Vinny and then their kids I guess I don't know in the heaven they've grabbed some pipe some firewood and some potatoes as they go about their business they will grab your name is Atticus I got some Romans living here they will go about no grab some firewood and food and things and stock their houses with it so sorry ideal that we have food and supplies around so they can get this stuff and take it to their spot we've got ourselves a barn we have a stockpile we are going to need with us we low on food Suze we get the thing built we can get our gathers out there gathering things it's very this game a member is brutal the first year if you make it past the first year you are probably okay the first year is rough I do want you know like a oh the pick and pen tavern Oh pick and pin tab these are new things we have a PNH brewery neat oh it's like an it's like look at that it's like oh it's like the foundation works like a a modular building you build it meet this and then there's the brewery that goes attached to it and then we've got the other burden on the brewery then we have the cellar and then we've got tables we can just like meet that extra neat and in the Brewers house okay radar old-fashioned tavern Taylor where's there's a quarry we can make eventually this is oh okay I was looking for this okay so the discrepancy mods this is a whole list of things we can make tents Oh we give a million different little tents we can neat okay I was living the woods I'm just - them over there okay so we have tents we've got reindeer hide tents what I make I made a wooden tint we've got homes fancy there's the village home we have a town house we have even more how this is so much stuff this is incredible what was that stone houses big stone houses and then we have a village in and then we have here what we have town houses wow this is impressive doesn't seem like it's gonna stay in very well it's gonna be a Oh much this is ridiculous and then we've got town storage we can go with red buildings everyone oh no nope it just sort of the meat market there's a bakery in their fancy middle so we have storage yards oh so stockpile which whatever type we want to have their timber storage we got just barrels laying around storage for alcohol wagons there's a sell more sellers you make okay okay fancy this is incredible there's the fruit and veg barn with cellar small village barn crops orchards fields crop field village orchard pasture for a fenceless pasture bees yes the village beehive excellent and we've got a stream water collector like water from stream interesting village water well that seems like a you an important thing up front you take stone and yeah we'll put something like it Milind dies while i look at all the modern killing these are fancy though the townhouse or mansion or fancy one where you where you rule yes I certainly do certainly do or we rule on Mars you guys done build not yet okay I'll leave it on kind of slow mode so I can I can look at this stuff one thing I do I think we need though we need to get a chopping other's the well we gotta make that one a go it's not like a chopping block we can make here which helps fire wooden things probably in here maybe not have to force a large wood cutter oh it's very large we maybe have a look we the living with these deer here go to my town it's my town now let's go over here the jetty and bridge oh it's like a a lumberyard okay okay we make tunnels meet these are all kind of ordinary stone paths Markus taverns alcohol luxury we got trading posts and merchants we can eventually get in here town services bill its Chapel a large that's a fancy well a little well maybe look the globe theater okay I know yeah I thought it was a small chopping block is this thing isn't here maybe firewood yard at the Forester timber mill Smith shop if I wait ok this might work the firewood yard I think that'll do it I'm gonna guess so so we're gonna stash this over here you can't work yeah okay get to work you slobs all right so as far as is it done yet no it needs work that's it okay you guys built over here nope we need people over here so let's grab a few folks to come work we got a hunting cabin grab to put in people do I have for you here where's my list of fallenness job list right you need this yeah I've got free nine people so we need need a gatherer or two we're gonna grab a hunter as well maybe a couple hunters just make sure we get food for the winter and we have a Forester yet okay [Music] we go the deer have left it across the river that guy way there's gonna be pretty cold Kendrick he lives over there kinder he's only 11 Kennedy is his tenth with 11 or 89 potatoes in his tent there he is hey Kendrick hey how's it going he's idling can he get to work right who are you and why aren't you working for you're a zero you were isn't you are a newborn get to work all right sir is read around here it's like it's it's like a normal map it's just red dirt and sitov it's a raptor whatever as soon as gets made we should be able to get lumber choppers for firewood and we got this guy coming the fastest let's crank up speed now somebody's work this yeah hey Kendra keep a job for you in Turkey we probably need to kick him out of there cuz he's but I'm not gonna live too long because I don't know where the stats are for these things but like a house has certain kind of warmth to it I don't know with differences like a stone house provides more warmth than a wooden home I'm assuming a tent is it very warm weather is coming in the earth you know what where I live all the dirt is red so it's rather than this great work in colonial Oklahoma severe lack of enough stone went back no it's firewood 15 stone those we parts you go grab some stone yeah like some stone over is that iron over there that he's got from stone over here we got a little bit of wood left let's make sure we get plenty of it though here are these trees over here we only go too far back to the want to interrupt that zone over there so that going over that when you get a forester was very one guy do the job at the can there we go now what's your two plans I think did I sit that right I mean you are yeah there we go okay we need a woodchopper there we go you got yeah job yet critic Kendra key hey yo labor always working okay good good Hey so we guys Leuven e working the working the well we saw her before we got some coats in there we got we have firewood being made now catechist is working on that our Roman Roman citizen and what's this food reserve is low well I see food right there I'm wondering if we should probably do another we can put third plunger maybe another cat or I might better fourth cataract I think we're good on on the number of people and whatever the burdens of been doing kids are getting born Humbert just has become an adult it's not gonna work now God's got one free laborer lucky to have that over there talk to you annoying hey drop the casserole yeah let's iron in the dirt ready how's the music is it you laugh we got that and we got the little tent over here we could probably do for one more fielding you're going to hold off though because I'm gonna make sure they work firewood is a little bit low he's working on those so what are you gonna do we got 41 logs but they have things getting chopped so that's fine we have a bit of firewood now we've got a lot of food and some stone there 14 14 adults eight kids and I want to give me a fish not yet something we want already I'm gonna go look at the fancy mugs though stone bridge pulse markets alcohol trading post merchants food production the village windmill it's faint I would just look at all this stuff waterside fishing and then there's the fishing dock bars the fishing only takes one fishing takes a fishing pole listens he's using fishing use fishing gear marry fishermen to catch a fish great like I don't have any fish material so we're going to make this right purpose right about there hey Tom how's it going your fish isn't worth anything to the trader all right was worried about losing really let me go it's just it's a lot of my ears the master of all I'm going to uh I wants Washita yeah there's a Washita River to our East you might use to me is it snowing already early winter and I noe that castles and towers ooh food reserves low perfect timing for this ooh okay that's fancy that's real fancy I want a castle though it's food reserve low it's at what 857 that seems like a lot of food I don't know how much you're supposed to have oh my gosh we got venison onions potatoes all kinds of stuff in here you guys are living the high life what about you over here kinder KREEP we still got your potatoes love potatoes it's all he needs you got some potatoes there as well are you guys doing all kinds of stuff what your whining help the citizens is looking decent hey thanks Aloha hello again hey Judas thank you very much though I appreciate that server logs is low we can oh yeah we are low early into the shopping some more logs remove Oh anything in the area we want that just grab all hey think space wonder one who i lo I should pop up there as well there it is Thanks yeah it's that's Friday and Saturday night stream and then we've got Monday and then in these actually okay so Monday is gonna be a big string day I mean I'm gonna stream Monday afternoon my afternoon time and then we'll stream that night is the big button note nope never mind I'm a week ahead again hang on never mind stream Monday afternoon we'll talk about things on Monday I'm so confused on my dates here I'm sorry I don't remember my date for these days Oh fisherman me one of those so our last laborers go down to one loves builders however labor oh there's fish man was he actually gonna go in the boat and do his fishing he does doesn't eat he does it is December that's correct hey Jensen player welcome industry that's how I get through the streams marking that hey you fish you got a boat right there oh it's Kendra key oh yeah hey my guys got a new passion no not just potatoes anymore moving up in the world I'm sure he's read around here let's go and gets let's see oh there's there's the fishing dock we could have made there which is kinda lame is hunting cabin we can get ourselves a pasture or orchard party to get a feel I guess at some point it's it's early spring let's do it now slow down stable okay what should our farms be so we wanna make sure we keep this zone under control we always pick the rocks up but the trees and things I wanna make sure we keep that empty there's all squirrels and things we can look and chew on live back here keep grabbing in your back here doing your gathering yeah plenty of Gavin coming in you got a couple hunters back there thank you oh yeah yeah that's right that's right I turn that ball off right thank you marking it may or may not start working I see you maverick I mean maybe I'm just ignore ignore you what did I said things you say something important that's - I would like dirt road stone road only fancy Rhodes grass roads dirt roads wood chip roads gravel stone roads that's fancy - can I like hold shift can I do a square yeah look at look how fancy it is it skis on guys I'm gonna go make it rubber that road decorations what is this corner edge I'm sure is that like everyone like to that garden patch move roads flattering Anna the woodchips though that's fancy that's like when a woodchip Road in front of your house that's classy one over here also [Music] yeah that's real classy I won't give you a bigger house let's get a fancy house in here I want like a houses accommodations I want a monthly crate buffle no tents though small village home a village home a little much maybe the maybe this little guy [Music] we go yeah yeah yeah they're a little dirt or grout or a woodchip road right there and then we can go with a sweep I didn't know these are the giant ones right we need we go old old grungy style right now stone hobbled I like I hate colonizing Mars post and follow me yes yes yes we should name is like a Elon town soon food is all you get spoiled I you know I don't think it does in the game we played last night what was it called sugar mill it was one it expires [Music] go back there girl like Irene read Mavericks comments oh did you get your package in all right excellent were they delicious maverick were they delicious I didn't buy any for myself I thought my Christmas list though all right let's see we probably need to get things like blacksmiths and all that here at some point the new ones are so fancy though I gotta go with these so let's see we can get here there's bridges we went no with it we want hey Cory audio issues lost long ago in vanilla bands it's not going to spoil okay health care we'd like a it's a well do we need a like a little doctor of her village herbalists plays an important role in keeping your citizens healthy gather herbs and provide simple health for healing physician yeah yeah yeah that's what we want where's the downtown gonna be I'm assumin like this is gonna be a good stashing mic right here and then use this as sort of a a downtown it houses are stashed behind there and then have downtown stove over here maybe a road that goes around and then set him over as our village herbalist Adam Silla opened he'll see us playing this thing out town planning this early in the game seems a bit it off but you like to eat something oh you know what we're gonna need firewood yard we got we have that all right let's get um farm started first so much stuff art collection stream water collector in his village well we got that already Oh bees yeah yeah village apiary I just want the built village beehives this is what I want we're a stash this thing right back here it kind of in the back it'll need me in the front you know cuz we can stash them sort of right there if I get stung it's okay we can do a village orchard I went of crop field and we're instead of crops I guess we could stash them over here somewhere I think I want to put them up this way whole bunch of deer going they'll walk right to my hunters I don't remember how big these things are supposed to be there is a there's a thing I'm gonna guess 10 by 10 I don't know what it is though there's like an ideal number someone knows as you can tell me no I never to think for 70 75 K I didn't well we'll save the the celebrations for well we'll do celebrate debt time at on the New Year's Day one but we'll do what while saver for heart game I mean doing sort of special videos remain and by 12 is that it yeah last the last giant cookie was was 50 K if I were to do one now and then one would have any idea what I thought what I was doing there's there 28,000 new subscribers since the last but yeah hundred K for sure talk all you want as long as not annoying annoying folks get how's your house doing buddy oh you got it oh you got a lady friend ESCA sandy she's supposed to name funny is she show your lovin oh no I see this is what happens you get it you get a woman in your life and then the fridge is full all kinds of taking care of yourself now you've got you got mushrooms and onions you only got seven potatoes left for yourself but it's nice of her to let you have those too that's when I say you can see those sleeping pads in there you guys own little campfire over there he's got jugs yeah he's all right but where's that where's this pads that let's see if we can maybe we could put some pads down and sort of organize ourselves a bit so I'm gonna go with let's let's put in some stone roads know that one we did there was it's this let's go with a we had a little path here and then so we can a little road that way of course me neither bro going here and then we'll connect up there somehow and then I guess we'll have like this will be a main road going this way I think this way let's be downtown it'd be kind of like a double lane well not really but a road there we built some houses around here this town needs a roundabout actually I don't know how we go about doing that listen - go - yeah there can always recommend the same game as we're immoral if you don't own rimworld already that's the game to get that's it that's how they get you I've never intentionally gone to go get a cat before they just sort of just they just sort of show up all right the house is facing away from the city it's your city already are you calling my town ugly rageous no this is this is this is the front door well that one's what's that one doing oh okay I see it's all these houses you know I didn't know how to handle them speaking of houses we probably need yeah we need some more ribs 17 yeah let's go get God's is that bill yet what do you need stone do we have any yeah we haven't okay so that stone won't come in here eventually but more houses in it why are they all facing they facing [Music] was the rosette keeper kidding here and we had wood chip roads yeah I don't go like that we'll put some garden isn't back here kind of started to go with so this is a with a red red of red sand we have a storage barn we have a stockpile and we have we don't have a market that's big so this is the point of the game it's been a long time opposite some place I don't really know like the okay the correct hath like the how do you how do you make where should we go from now I figured we'll just make things as as we feel they're necessary and we're waiting for the apiary to get built is it so waiting for that to get done I don't have any builders in town no so let's see if we can get some of those or my thing go I want one more builder we got three laborers they'll would go out and chop trees and all that we have worker is nine weeks little way more empyrion or compress a drink I've never played Crusader Kings on the channel we want to take these trees out waiting for have all this stuff I'm here remove it didn't like he didn't doesn't it doesn't get rid of it does it it keeps it right harvest some trees over here we'll get any stones we've got let's get all the stones that are over here I think we've removed the stones we'll help them have places to grow put some animals oh how my uh how's it going weird chops with reason some trees down hey it's your too though so we're not dead yet you know we made it through the first year and nobody died [Music] oh yeah whenever I was a kid my my cat that I had very much ever since I grew up I was I think I was maybe like eight or nine when I got the cat and it was it was a black cat like all black and at Halloween is whenever he showed up on our porch and so of course it's Halloween you can't leave a black cat outside on Halloween so then we brought him in just for just for the night you know but then he became the hat the cat that I had for throw some light where I know where's my life the rest of his life of course his name was Edgar [Music] an Ultima 7 the black I did not [Music] I'm from Oklahoma [Music] look at that faints a little herbalist so there's not oh there is a ring oh I didn't see the ring when I placed it and you can't move that ring Kenya so I'm gonna be grabbing all the herbs that are in the center of town but you're in the wrong spot I'm gonna have to move you someone was saying that in chat and I was ignoring them hmm move it over here you know people ask me all the time like what games are looking forward to um I don't know I don't really I don't really pay attention honestly like things that are coming out this guy what's up with him Kendrick What's Wrong okay there buddy why is he better he has no job go get one but one at one game I'm looking forward to is strong Lord stronghold the new stronghold for sure I do actually I have the Alpha to it I'm meaning to a video for a long time I just I'm about to it so but I don't I don't I don't really look forward I don't look like in the future because I just have such a giant list of games to play already so I don't yeah the new I haven't played the new one yet I'm looking forward to it there will be a video on it I guarantee you I love the old smart homes one lodger we got for those we got house food looking thousands me that seems like a lot we got seven stored medicine so she's finding something around here she he you're visiting the herbalist okay who's their herbalist who is it do you Pupkin dirty job at them i says your job is a farmer and says you have no job what's what's the deal because we have no seeds we're gonna say about this location because we have no seeds okay we went to corn okay yeah work that so we do a cornfield and we can do a wheat field right next to us we field will give us an excuse to build a a windmill and that's what I want so let's go farm who said it will get us space and put it right in here what did it ten by ten yeah oh yeah I mess with AI dungeon on the mobile version yeah i got i'm i did their patreon and so he has sent me like a link to download it I haven't done it yet yeah I'm gonna have to wolf check it out pink its you can still play it on on the site though right I oh is that still through the Google Hangouts thing I am brewery Judith Wright with the earth with the wheat it's got to be here a bit that's gonna go over there we'll get so once that smile sweetie here we can't go too crazy because gonna have a lot of people to do any work yeah a dungeon I don't know if it's available I don't know I think it's free right now and then the planning might when the New Year they're gonna have to do it they're going to do a paid version because it's so much to run it stores for logs stone and iron is in your capacity oh look at all that look at all that garbage we have over here leave this bigger beware let's just extend this thing could go Browns do like like that and then we come in and we can say I could say you could have everything right no and you made remove that that portion there we can have a road that runs back behind here what's up with you are you full oh yeah your fault because you get them have this yet [Music] those houses lookin we got Cade and gret lived there Humbert us the name I try to make some houses that that actually look right this is who this is feeling okay yeah yeah keep on going here so that we got that I could have the front door actually facing correct direction and I want you look the same I guess maybe a little different snow is coming in like that then we'll do medium yeah yeah there okay hey Draco most people we have her had in the string we had yeah 1605 was the big is the the record during that it was during last month was I playing the new the new new Moria look how there is snow but I'll leave the field to covered in snow we just throw in supplies out people have a room for anything we'll make this thing already that's the cheese a priority where's a priority button mmm priority this thing no how do that yeah make that better is it in the App Store now last time I looked it wasn't in there I just had the egg no Mia you know Mia that's the new what's her problem what's your problem your tool is broken oh right right right we need tools okay we need a blacksmith taverns there we go mines and quarries firewood yard we got that all ready for three and timber we're in deal with that's where something as what's produces iron tools hide coats fishing gear oh yeah small workshop that seems like Oh tiny and then we have a wagon workshop for produces iron tools backing parts the village workshop which is a little bigger it still kind of terrible looking blacksmith is big and fancy crest family of blacksmith that's fancy it just it seems it's like we should be going with the tiny guys first he's getting scary and sad let's set this guy up right over here next to this guy I guess we'll just set it over here and then we'll so that'll make I think tools and it just seems like we should have a chapel pretty pretty soon we have the herbal tea herbalists we could also put in a hospital that's very much school none of that yet my school is gonna village chapel I'm a big Cemetery you have to just place it out let's move across the locator this is all a trade merchant food and goods edibles and go I know why you music so spooky changed she's a priority of this may yeah make that thing make all we have left to do is what we have those houses still to make this done yet yeah okay good so all our stuff was getting hauled over there so we don't have so much I pulled on us no another ground I forgot when you did stockpile room for it but look at this big open spot we have over here so I guess our time we build over here I really want to do it's just I like doing things with the town like those over like a bridge and he goes over I think it's cool-looking so he might do that just have like a bridge going through here and fire was low yeah I guess kind of a slacker you know far [Music] it's this one right this one here increased priority I don't know how to do it okay that all we do a mobster hae-won's tools are breaking there we go he's working on it we have plenty of iron I think we can make like tools out of iron or if I'm awry if I'm remembering right someone go work that so we can make one log one iron gives us iron tools oh we make fishing gear gathering baskets I'll change you around you do whatever you want to give us some tools there's the firewood man doing his thing bill as well the hill has actually gone up we're gonna be luxuries can't we get really build like a dock and then ships come down to ships come through the water like this if we were to build a crane poses yeah Trading Post right does it work if we have it put it there be across the water they do come down a river hey thanks Evan it's melting of blacks minute I think maybe I have a mod increases the production chain what she's doing things yeah iron and logs we have the iron in logs so she's doing it so and there's the tools no get she get hauled over in here I guess that's just Bo are bees are working look we got honey we got bees backs are they okay there I'm shy could zoom in further there they're both three hollowed-out tree stumps to comb Ecology's one beekeeper get to some things oh you see them they're uh they're they're they're stuck in the air [Laughter] see we can do about this so there is new bridges in here right let's go see Jenny pieces light brown wooden jetty oh okay corner if you won't do that do we want to go up and over the chapel on the water eat meat oh well what's the there's a wooden bridge you just go over like that yeah it's pretty heavily modded yeah just do that and then we can go and put in our the trade post thing we're gonna do over on that side which was it over here goods square meat brewer need brewer there's markets Bob Kula farmers markets yeah yeah that seems like something we want necessary right now probably not but we could put it oh oh look at that maybe put it on this on this road so it's floor under it train bus that's all this are not easy stick with the old base game one because I know what happened know how they work okay so he's gonna go right over here okay so we'll have the bridge coming across and we can go over there and then we can yeah he's just some bridges hey brick listen disaster if you have them on this is where it goes you tell me what things are in the wrong spots but they belong Oh Oh Barbara house is our crooked house is there there's of tools is low but she's working on him he's working on them now we told that we have zero once isn't about tools oh yeah yeah you need to be a wheat field and someone need to work it what's wrong with you this isn't available oh yeah it is took away waitwait where's no one available we have a good maybe he doesn't need to because it's not necessary right now like that anything else has it has a job I think go check out my forestry land over here no tools but man this is this is never stopped raining around here that's where I know he doesn't work there I don't think though so either but I wouldn't expect to have a pop-up like that that is a lot of it's irons over stashing in there so we need to get to work using that up tools slow how's our bridge looking should make like a iron bridge I guess do they go if boring stone roads boardinghouse markets giant right yeah schoolhouse well Town Hall might be nice to have around here there's a little chapel giant chapel graveyard and Christmas tree whoo oh yeah there we go I forgot I put this mod in here okay it's so big why is it going so giant we're gonna go grab the Christmas tree and somewhere we'll stash it we fit right in right here on the edge there we go [Music] even more fields they'll run a depicts work so quick I don't have the feeling supposed to be it's a hundred percent though so we should be - correct I think [Music] yes this game should be revisited every two years just like we're watching all seven seasons of next generation I've I've started well I've started and I'm slowly I'm trying to get through next generation before Picard comes out I need to get through the next narration and Voyager before only doesn't happen though sufficient already have that we have a hunting cabin we've got everything right now is HUD we don't have a pasture you know what let's pass you some things I'll throw those back back over here make a big chip yeah too large we go big snowy pasture just music game looking okay over there my my obeisance looking a little choppy that's that's let's get our roads in here roads we're in here [Music] well I have a feeling that 79 was in the trailer but feeling is gonna be a lot of probably not a probably not a lot I sleep I'm not probably anything but just feel like I should I should know the the Voyager storyline a little better since it takes place after that foods guard we need them for sir protector town they are employed at watchtowers just their mortality rate it's higher than other prevent professions I mean we need a chapel I think on the other side of town this side of town we have a chapel so we can have like our main road here speaking of chapels in music go in oh there's the bridges the modular bridges we can make even more of them a log tunnel we can make a great big one let's go with a no I kinda like the base game on a little better I like this one this is good okay so I want it to be lined up like this it's gonna go on the opposite side over here [Music] doesn't our Road continue - there I'm gonna very double-row this [Music] [Music] haze over how's it going I I'm I've never watched all the way through boys I've seen like through season four seven seasons right through like seasons five four or five to the wet I made it through and I never I never watched that was when it was on so that's the last time I watched Voyager I just I just never really get into it it got decent like further in but I tried watching it several years ago I tried I tried watching it again and at first season man I'm a massive Star Trek fan but it's not easy let's go with a woodchip Road and finish this up maybe we should upgrade these wood chips maybe people are oh I do that wrong and you didn't I people are getting a little more advanced in this town and maybe we don't live on wood chips anymore can I put wood chips underneath this I presume that oh we can expand our stone wrote our stone thing here you better start start post start spamming your your channel so it's how they do it we have nothing here except we have no well we have no wood okay I want to talk trees I want to chop all these trees you know like to take some stone pick up all that stone over there and we're gonna say that I know one wire that guys uh kinder peas for us is gonna be oh they have a baby Carmel hey look at that baby that little tent over there so I never watched enterprise when it first came out what is this tornado whoa what where hang on where is it Oh No there's an upside-down tornado well that's not the worst kind well where's it batter on the bottom than the top no no don't go that way look at my trees Oh everyone's dying no stop it oh man hello oh no no no that's not good oh man there's just like this path of nothing man it didn't hit any buildings it just why would people walking through the tornado people are out looking for it I know how it is Toyota's come when you walk outside look at it that's tearing build ourselves a graveyard where was that at I think they're actually in this one graveyard Cemetery was the different types of cemeteries there are different styles here yeah we are we are living at Oklahoma aren't we we've got cemeteries so we have village cemetery we have small village cemetery and we have fenceless village cemetery we will use the good one I guess there and then backstab it okay the first dog Jesus it was cold clean only firewood because we don't have any wood we're kind of falling apart here we maybe I was getting sidetracked by enterprise anyway okay enterprise I watched Enterprise for I didn't watch it when it first when it came out I watched the first episode and I was I was a I was a Star Trek snob I saw the Klingons and I was like I ain't watching this that's not what Klingons look like and so I said no more Star Trek but Enterprise but then I went back and watched it a few years ago I went through I watched a lot of Star Trek I watched all the way through TNG in Deep Space nine and then Enterprise it's really good it's I mean the first couple seasons are a little bit you know all the search our first couple seasons are pretty bad but it gets really good in season four is very good I dare say I like it a lot I've only seen the first season of discovery and it's a good action show it's it's it's it makes it's a good Star Wars show I haven't seen season - yeah I heard season two is pretty good but yeah I heard yeah I've cuz it you bring yeah I've heard that's it's gotten all that our season two I could season three part come out pretty soon in it what's up with this no citizens available work is location are we out of people why is it seep same maybe they just waiting for it to go there's the the wheat and the Pat o still being built now there's a link in the oak there you go there's the mods crank the speed up here and lucky ball make babies I didn't lose these two tit okay these guys are good okay you got your potatoes still buddy oh no potatoes yes nines fantastic it's nothing the one that I never really I watched a little bit whenever it was out hidden I never really got into I never I watched occasional episode but then I went there and I watched all of it five six years ago it's it is really good it's the first two seasons are not good but one you stick with it and it gets really good I think I think the the final season of season seven this isn't six is six and seven it's probably the is my probably my favorite of any Star Trek series but just by itself when this game was released without looking it up I'll give you three follows this game came out in 2014 thirteen how's it wid coming in what's coming in but it's immediately turn into fire where I think house house house is doing me keeping the stuff in here yeah we got firewood mushrooms onions for fine logs is low firewood low I would love my 14 [Music] rice production value otherwise the top producing collecting oh you know what yeah I remember that being a thing is it this one yeah we have to raise this up right so we want more logs there's a matter what we put it out we need to put it just like a big number it's to be 1,000 okay [Music] when I played the game a bit or even out for a while though since available to work at this location why is it saying that [Music] is it because it's it's not growing anything I think the thing I like most about deep space 9 I always liked for a next generation because of the cast right there the best cast the thing about D face 9 was like the cast grows over time it's not just like you know majority doesn't change in seven seasons maybe a little bit but not much but in deepest time they've really developed characters really well and that's what I think yo to me Oh Amazon's do I have any in this way I was keeping this pastor I have to buy animals don't I well I do that from over here it was seven seasons also yeah I would like to buy some things how about I will sell you I want to purchase I want to tell you some stories wax over here I don't know how much I have to store some over there I'm gonna sell it sell some honey I guess - we eat that stuff we have fish maybe I know we have a lot of iron so let's tell some iron and I would like to I'm gonna do this maybe the away from boats come in I would like to purchase [Music] families [Music] and I buy animals from you [Music] how to purchase I don't care about that well see what well just when they show up we'll see if there's something going on there let's need to work you update one guy will work that he'd left the guy that hauls things back and forth I think miss dear just hanging out look at what are you doing you talking to his dear trike Oh it's happening what's happening buildings oh no don't do that what do I do I don't know what to do stop burning what we have a well are you coming bring the water hurry up no no it's over here where you going here they come here they go look at that guy he's carrying with his mouth are you getting it okay okay we got it we got it there we go everyone yeah just walk in the fire it's okay put it out with your faces what is this is getting my for siwash the fire spread what's your problem here's no job you have a job putting out a fire work has already started on Matt bond banished - really I didn't know that that's why over here you owe to me Europe so pick that up okay let me take a quick pee break here I'll be right back pull this sort of play here hopefully nothing terrible happens zoom out let this thing do its thing hopefully a boat will come in overweight bareback [Music] all right so far I think we can have six traders but I think he's not carrying that much stuff we should be handling it just fine right you got stuff over here whereas the inventory oh yeah you got some iron hold over here already we have a ton of iron we might as well sell actually all have that much anymore it's never mind that's all this is right 3:9 there yeah that's the church looking not it's not looking you need be rebuilt I'm assuming you don't look it'll look so good okay we need you now because I got it we need all the just bland for for trees and things we should to push this over just little bit further now all right I got some speed picking this in the light-up Christmas tree can you do something no you just you just sit there and do nothing put presents in the middle the road I'm making this this thing a little nice tone donor would again don't why not have a lumber mill don't make meal am i doing woodcutter yeah don't want no we want a it's the forest or the one that does this the guy that does such will he cut down trees and plant new ceiling okay so it is you that has all this oh I think what people are there see a quarry so let's go ahead an get some some trees chopped though while we're waiting for him to do his thing will chopping these things back here we got plenty of wood in here cuz it's late autumn and we have no tree no wood and no fire Woods is probably a problem Oh boats here okay okay hello boat right I like a tray with you I would like to purchase some things no I would like just once I would like prime cut meat no no roast chicken I want your animals are the animals flower a fisherman's catch I know we can get animals from how we get animals right okay well you have fish and prime cut meat I don't want any of those do you want any of this stuff what that means we're paying oh yeah okay so I just Raven no I don't I don't want your stuff hunk of meat oh no no that not it going there's fishermen fishermen had a kiss as farmer doesn't see me to make anything no why no why [Music] get that built and then we'll have with food right we got plenty of food we just need yeah we need to get this for us or back up so we can some trees chopped one first you feel little bit further over oh hey look our great guard okay eat don't get Nate will have a main area here will viciously get this stuff taking out let's go get some stones we need a stone I guess we need a quarry just be the word now you a new are you another trader racing trader dad some guy yep we don't want you [Music] I can't imagine making of mages but no I'm not give a link for it you guys okay over here it's probably give you a better house 25 people now how was our housing situation looking I'm Birch's over here lives on his own way all right I think am I correct in remembering that you don't want to have like too many houses because then people will all live by themselves so I'm up lips come up pretty much I'm also rebuild a larger home support a family of four sure am I correct thing that you don't want to build like giant houses because then people spread out and then then they don't make babies well baby do you have a for people to live together see we got blacksmith doing a thing let's go put in we have the giant market I want to do the house just as low your people grow old and can't grow it'll be quicker they won't grow here okay let's go and put in storage barns fine I'm gonna go do the fancy stuff we're gonna do some some trade things so we've got tables it's just like oh yeah it's it's actual fees but stick a wagon around throw a wagon around here somewhere you know just for wagons fences rough log Vince doesn't matter does it let's see well that was I got sidetracked markets okay so village meatery right we can make me why don't we make neat we got bees and we have a need Brewer sure this is the village square meet Brewer smuggling to Peru and serve me and mold need Mead made from either honey and water or wild honey and water uses meat and herbs employs one brewer yeah yeah he's gonna come over here with all this other action right in here there's gonna be our main square of things right there okay do that did you put bees mean we got honey we got lots of honey on your clothings bracket oh yeah clothing clothing right right if we get your bait we could get animals but I don't know how to get animals we need I want sheeps give me some sheeps I just have maybe can have a deer we should have leather though we're getting we're hunting right let's make what there's leather right there with this tools slow again I may need to go and get a better tool maker there's a tailor make one close the ward off the effects of winter that's probably what we want yeah so giant is there a make sure they're not it better let me tailor in here it's gonna be in this one maybe blacksmith village tailor perfect and then we're gonna get maybe it's time for our village blacksmith fitting there right there hey Lippert I've gone yeah trade it I know you trade the doc but I don't know how to add a bottom I don't know where I go in here to tell them to purchase animals I can purchase these things animals there's my inventory I think I just have to wait for them to show up and I just buy whenever they show up I believe I leave things in the I think they remember this I leave things in the doc which I've got beeswax honeycomb and some iron just laying in the docks and then whenever someone comes by I can buy it just luck of the draw basically anywhere that I pulled a few hundred firewood just like a backup thing you go hold some firewood we got one person without a job three people without without homes why look go in here and live oh you know why cuz I'm pretty I'll pray in your house yeah who is it time to get fancy I don't only fit the theme but we can we can make it fit that's cool I pay this into a stone house weave stone yeah I mean I rep stone who need a quarry [Music] tunnel mine able to start mine stone cool yeah come on random don't whine so light we select what what we get out of it because we get to whatever okay have to be inside of the mountain yes okay so stash it back over here that'll fix that [Music] what was it hundred uh should I grab a bit more iron in here make sure that we can cuz week it's worth some money yeah these cost about five sixty five firewood in trade okay here and leaves extra for food and supplies you may need okay hey servant no wooden no no wood really slacking here on the on the wood production here comes a boat those grab all those trees alright you good stuff what you get you get you have ARBs and firewood I don't want you here those get you actually I probably the Boston firewood we have students firewood Oh church yeah 39 members of our church oh yeah everyone's a member of church are you my my preacher nope you're uh you're a builder we're gonna preach I tell who who runs this place but so there it's Valon this is Valens a hunter it's lying to me oh well y'all always close that I shouldn't move them I need to I think I need to move my herbalist where's my herb oh we have 100 herbs though sword medicine so I guess it's working my herbalist is right here in middle of town which probably isn't the best spot for we'll move around I guess whenever we need to really we don't need to just yet though so we'll let it stay well things get made but we can't make things until or trees you're destroying these trees over here making this thing yet thing already each stone [Music] you over here we can grab it yeah that got those trees over there they have a homeless guy who wants stone which we don't have any stone if you were going to dive it's homeless this time of year what those little houses that a warm leather tint yeah just getting put over here well ten village there we go these houses are really cool again I just wanna make them all cuz a fancy-looking oh there's that Quran is the cleric she's not very happy get ragged clothes should be fine nothing in their pockets right now why tense if you have a house is because a cool-looking space look how cool they are oh yeah the Western um was I being called I just think about it I always mean [Music] [Music] oh my fence my fence we get rid of it hang on putting the right fence here depraved there it is depraved 18 degrees is that Fahrenheit that's cold we got two people missing tools we got one person without a job you without a job why is that oh the Forester doesn't have a job yet it's a way for the house get built so you know the gatherer and I'll take another farmer I guess and a builder yeah I think I guess I got no the trader suitable waste Oh built the Forester has been built so let's put some more forces out there because we need them they will automatically plant and chop trees oh he's back okay yeah do all that and you know what I want more than that I want lots of logs 1,500 laws we can set up a stockpile over here will they use it if he paralyzed very cold there's the the tailor coming in that'll make what we have to make we're gonna make clothes out of leather I'm assuming I'm assuming we have leather leather 73 yeah that file is empty we're tearing these trees up and using them immediately and all those and any stone you have over here weighs getting cold another firewood you might die this year you're not 18 and then snowman [Music] we should do something fancier on this church so I know there's more priorities here but you know what I would like decorations let's put in timber pile no no no no yeah garden garden bins lanterns just like oh it hangs out from that way no you can't breed probably ought to be connected to like the other oh yeah I could you could do like you got a boom yeah that's neat that works why did you go up why'd you go so high why did the champion I just want you to go just like the other one was why is it at an angle [Music] you know what maybe we'll just do one benches we can set out here yes sit here and enjoy your day at the via the well that's another one over like a turns weird hay bales one of the Christmas tree interesting wagons we saw it before there's carts and boxes of barrels we can put out tests [Music] Oh neat fences stone walls mm yeah yeah I want one like give me the lighter will ya [Music] but fine we'll do it there but with the one of the lot I in turn stopped rotating I know change let's make it not rotate we'll get that one built-in see what looks like it's not barely surviving it's fine people just love tools whose fancy houses I mean they look dumb because they're like hey whatever but it's neat put a little path in there it'll be even better probably squeeze another house in here actually if I wanted to I could squeeze in one of these what do you have those aren't the right direction novels are not collected there you're being trying to get your all big oh there's the oh we have a village and of course we need it in crowd town is this maybe the end needs to be over Orwell buildings are on the side first and will scoot him over yeah there we go Oh perfect perfect squeeze that guy right in there yeah excellent let's go change up this row here though and get our stone road we've been using time we get a little fancier around here losing it no no look year six we've had the only deaths we had with because of a tornado that's not my fault you blame that one on God that one's clearly not my fault II look at the look at my tailor do you making things out of luck honey canvas yeah we'll make a little things on the leather here get some clothing in we have a boat roast chicken Mallis I don't want any of that service food is well why is my food so low what happened what happened well where's my trees keep hunting we're gonna do it it's beef why don't be punchy three of those where's my gatherer house for those that's probably fine that should be coming in hopefully soon we may need to put another farm in here I like to buy some seeds like some animals interesting dream Eric we have a fisherman right fishing dock yeah we can make more if we could do more fish oh and orcs we don't have an orchard yet the noise over here two large a couple wards I'm not sure we have seeds for those but if we do we get them what's finally okay back up to a thousand food how are you as far as our stash we do have some firewood in here which is not in the town so we may need to pause that and while we fill to town this is a severe lack of wood I want to build a second Forester there's all the woods this is my hole I got a small map same family a deer's been here longer than everyone else - went over this way and get more wood hey mercenary why'd you go with I'm gonna do it I made another one just - it we're gonna be the best time maybe we can put one so necessary or so we just add more people to this launch well you only have four max in them anyway maybe we'll keep up with a fleets day if we stay away from this zone here maybe we can stay up with it maybe we could always just do a second one there it would be double time right we would have double the the planters and double the choppers oh yeah I can't get anywhere with make some calving baskets apparel we make all kinds of different things I wish we could have it just just make a variety of things make some of those that fix wood we've got no stone no stone no stone and no iron either anywhere stone around here Temari it mine done yet where's it supposed to be there it is make this thing already we need these steel tools oh okay well that's a thing yeah smelter for that right missin me using canvas please flags for decoration or trade candlemaker oh one of these two cuz we got yeah we make candles okay we need sidetrack from all these little things we can make that can go right there go like wise there's just a floating shirt there there's a there's a floating sir it's gonna go right there and it will just some things here 14 timber processing timber male pine forests are frozen harvest pine trees four logs we've got a birch one and a timber mill process was in two timber you also make firewood there they may have just the village Forester which means - over there also which we just like double it there it is 30 radius thirty four by four footprint 55 work to build for it's the same thing just one grows birch one grows pine some process wood into timber do we need timber for something like do we need a place to a second Forester over here food is very low he's food so low yeah I'm gonna tell you stop stop it stop with the firewood um just because we need it in town Oh see Edina yeah wants cold now everyone's cold no firewood in their houses we'll bring some there it is there's there's although always much of logs are you uh maybe I need a better fire up catechist you're slacking buddy looks like it may give me a firewood man if I wouldn't happen to be in here I think woodcutter there's giant did we need that we need that I'm gonna stash it over in this side of town because this is where a little wooden is coming from so we're gonna put it like we can take these houses this will be like our edge of town here well stash it right here [Music] so the wood can go straight through there they'll do whatever they do with it make some firewood and then we can have a stash of ledger I have some of wood Kirby's he's uh it's just one guy and he's not keeping up well okay so he probably keep it up because I'm not bringing any wood in so it may be a waste you know but we'll bill it anyway nobody has any tools because how many iron let's go grab some of that we never figured out how to make those kind of tools though timox how do you make steel tools to have some hunting gear can I can I bump it up oh god no - - okay [Music] thanks old nerd are you pretty steel pretty steel to us I know but I don't know where to get the where to get it from where's the sculptor in your space I'm like your attitude there's a blacksmith we made a blacksmith in we know what this guy is here yeah yeah okay so you I look at that oh cool okay cult from guess we now have a blacksmith and we're going to well we'll leave her in there for now because she's working we can have her do the random things and then he can make other stuff she can also make like coats and things here and we got coats coming from over this way we got tools there and then the next up is the in was very important and then of course we've got the candle maker and the the mead Brewer over here so coming eventually okay I think over there boats here drink royal jelly where were you that for so I can make more peas I got a mind of in Sikkim why can't I can't make a mind though because I don't have the how much let's get cold I have we don't have any store tools what says industrial fuel that I think fabrics you can't get yet only we have to make this thing oh yeah this is this is a really we can't well we'll do it later but this is a really cool thing that we have to do is our modular tavern I'm not sure what's gonna go squeeze in maybe this whole area will be taken up by it I don't know you always have a second road here though for like a main downtown area something need to go across this way this is kind of a main road we could scoot this as a double-wide one let's do that double wide this one at least it there put some more houses in whenever we need it think we're good though we're just missing tools hey Kasich okay can I just order it from here guys you requested this way no Cole my iron minerals hey Simon merry Christmas to you thanks my purchase when the merchant arrives I'm guessing it's late but that's it I don't know materials is will bite 20 we'll see what it is what's my favorite simulation game dozen or fortunes kind of simulation surely it does right yeah we're on we're on Mars don't you know yeah tortured I would like cherry trees apparently and more cherry trees do I have a an orchard we want an orchard look those are called yeah I guess the farmer I didn't get one there was no no tooltip' tea hey that's my stone thing any more of those see more of those where were they at I'm never gonna find him again there's so much stuff in here decorations right decorations was here and walls and this one no it's a fancy one filled stone wall you want the is that it's gonna be a button to rotate through yeah there is there is okay yeah like that no why not cuz I'm still there get now give me my my Stonewall and once this one yes yes yes there okay now oh yeah yeah like that and like that tell me all my problems game I'm playing here really a curvy look at that okay yeah that's nice okay uses my stone up that I don't have that way extra but you know what it's it's all about being faints it's all we care about around here okay what'd you do that for now and then we'll come back to it look make sure we're getting this stuff fraud in all my stone in physics don't either come grab it all you laborers oh that was like trees get the trees in man gonna make some elves real Nomad around here have all those and then if there's any iron Lane around anymore bring all that in hasty comment this is what hey thanks Andy Merry Christmas and I did a video on the original stronghold last year long time ago good game is still a good game I think 9 labors is probably fine right just those people just random people that go around and do what I like the stone grabbing and all that so that's probably fine thanks Keon Andy hey you make me cherries what are you young about no seasons available yeah Wow I need my anymore farmers okay this is what my oh the Village Inn come in oh it's almost done yeah there it is what is what's on the pal that's dumb looking not happy about that people like to live here is how that works oh yeah I can move it back just us up a bit well bummer looks dumb if I remove this we'll get my supplies back it's important this looks good I don't like it I'm not happy about it get rid of it I gotta move back so to move back like at least one square looks cool but the whole hangover my main street here yeah I think that apart y'all did it wrong I gotta find it now well they didn't this one no it was in here I gotta know knows anything you see it right there so I'm gonna bump I gotta but back it up just a bit like that and they were working we can we can move this at the stone it's fine you can film can go look further or even cooler we can do a wooden road what road I want yeah something like that like wooden plank like like an Old West kind of town double-walled DoubleLine streets I need to have it a little more more this here then we can do a little more there yep so all the well we can say something else other well here to make it look a little better are you are you hungry don't leave food in your house will any food in town maybe we should deal with that hey fisherman are you doing over here besides nothing fish faster I have to Thurman Oh No Parimal the farmers died of starvation [Music] we need three fishermen more fishermen we have zero food what happened peoples you play there are walls it's a hunter will do and as many gathers as I can get me those stone decorations that's true why the last person but yeah I supposed to be going down starvation is the farmer the farmer dies of starvation you you know you got a problem your candles why would you want to make your candles he's out that means like means something different right we lost two of our farmers starvation that's a problem we got Laura's back and fall to the place to the said it was a tattoo they weren't they weren't really made for this this world Mars it's a fierce war Jim I'm gonna go and do I want every bit of stone Marc Jacobs in the bones grab everything okay so now we know we're out of stone we got a problem no no we're gonna do what to see if we can figure out a better mine different my anyway do this iron burn rabbit and trees let's go get these trees I hear okay what do you want buddy but you got coffin wool I don't need your garbage did you buy anything no we have fish sitting here in the trade post people are dying we got fish here and honey oh the piece back it's also in summation because I'll use it that the candle shop candle maker hey man Larkins does it go it's so fancy we got more to do I shouldn't I shouldn't look at that though that's just like that's like the Stonewall of starvation right there that's I attracting that people are dying remember we need extra stockpiles because we didn't have enough because we were doing good those are the good times you know what this is like this is like we're gonna go crab oh sorry buddy I can't tell you to go away [Music] Tudor is the like this this has a whole lot nothing over here we could we ever grow we can get houses over here oh I was gonna look at I'm I have a feeling that where's the mine at at the in game mine yeah the in-game mine doesn't require that so so we're part of this just those same two years this guy can go in here and be fine so we're gonna do that and I want high priority on that how to do that work yeah find it someplace for the kids that work [Music] yeah I think so I think I think it's just uh they probably works better than that then this one does but you know these mushrooms they're the time of panic we'll take what we can get no mushrooms are just though that mushrooms lucky it knew where that line was just outside of it those deer are they still alive I wish the camera angle was a little there's gotta be you know I think pretty sure there is mod that adjust the camera angle I went to get real close I wonder like foundation style and see like walk through my town tip it's pretty mad again you trying to make some leather we had a leather if eight coats you can make things out of wall how do we get canvas looks like it made from that's got to be a maybe flax or something it'd be real nice if we had somebody come by and actually the trade or something that will want seeds [Music] scheme has a million mods as it is this game I'm surprising just how long this game is like survives there's like YouTube channels that are like this is all they play on their channel still it's kind of amazing how how long it has lasted for being a game that that was not abandoned kind of abandoned has certainly survived a long time we've got twenty things of food we another farmer dying of starvation we need more food let's make some more food let's do a it's gonna happy a crop field and we'll stash it in two large huh it will do that in that ah Linda the laborers died you know whenever you're born and your name's Linda the laborer or you know your job figured out for you already cat is eating mac tails oh yeah I forgot my might my these here and here and what was it pretty things oh yeah water pump we have a fishing dog we just do if we could just do a side fishermen let's do that can I put you on the bridge that would be really cool go there and put one over here - over there and I would like you hey you hey you yep make me some fishing gear so we can make those things okay is there may be a different hunting thing also gather herbs with basket yeah yeah do that over here okay we got to gather acorns with baskets sure sure we made some baskets and gather food with baskets sure there's water collection we thought that before bees we already have the bees and all the farms we can do do a bigger apiary to give us more beans get out like a proper be building windmill makes flour butcher campfire for roasting your nuts the gruel kitchen aid from wheat corn barley oats wild oats this guy looks like oh it's just like oh okay and then you're like a proper building oh you're just like a icy nicey in the village bakery which takes somebody just died it plays a baker to produce bread cakes pies I'm assuming it requires flour let's um Lord I'm a lots of people are dying let's let's make a windmill and then a baker village bakery so this time it means a baker now this be perfect on that corner that thing wasn't there let's go to like here let's do something fancy that goes there and then the windmill or was it answer should be in here shouldn't forest food-gatherer where's that women lat save over the Smith it's our markets farmers market that guy builds flagpole I don't know where that windmill was no it's in here somewhere though should be in food production I would think oh that's right they're blind I want it to go over here should be kind of like not in the middle of town she I'm like on the edge put over here over here by the farms maybe but wooden houses if all our stone you can manage their timber a lot easier so this is a pain so the main time this is going to be we're gonna have like a turnover here and we'll have like a corner and then on this corner we'll put something else if we can find that fits in that corner I'm not sure what but something will go over there people keep dying you guys died during childbirth let's and that is starvation yeah we have a little problem with food don't we how about you make me some more weeks and you make me some more corn any more farmers okay that's good now we don't road back there maybe that's the problem this should be a gravel road much better starvation part - no no no it's fine it's fine everything's great everything we've grater if we had a we had cows people are working the fields and people are dying but we got 50 people in this town 49 if 29 things of food I'm a guess and you know most was probably in people's houses well there's our ha look you guys have all this food here you're not getting anything to your neighbors what jerks their poor little Trenton the dole kid you guys got some corn how's things going over here how can drinky still alive 51 years old cassandra and eggbert Oh lives with you hey Burt Oh what kind of maybe we could have a bird Oh for corn it's funny an L Oh woody over here so we're gonna do another row of buildings back behind here and then we'll make things a little nicer you know it's it's uh it's real ugly the red dirt we can make some something that you look prettier but we should party deal with our crisis you at the moment we do have a ton of firewood though you know that firewood we have one would say someone might save too much firewood I would like to send up some firewood over here Manson I'd like like four hundred over here we'll keep an eye stockpile of something just to keep it going keep so it for the wintertime it's summertime now we don't have any stone but is this England yet people you've died and sub dying my fisherman died now make an apple please need stone over here stone we didn't use all our stuff there's some stuff oh man we're having a bit of a it's starvation part too it's better crisis here these are always doing on our paths we need it for the mine it was pretty place around about which you know what around about certainly would how to get money now I wouldn't made it I didn't didn't plan it very well you need a you need a fishing thing oh you guys oh they are all standing with docks fishing he's working you should be making are you mate you make me hey I'm sure if it's actually doing it [Music] wishing you crazy back here oh yeah yeah there we go yeah we just needed to fill out our our graveyard a little bit I wants worst briefings [Music] yeah [Music] I would like to some greenery watered it Oh with you but both [Music] well regular means uh means things are working as they should pretty cool too great right keeper yeah that's what we're doing here my blacksmith's go you know no work oh we had people oh no Egbert Oh died Oh Egbert oh we were just talking about you wait you starving for we got food people aren't feeding you this is it we just like quadrupled our our land our farming so hopefully that'll keep people alive maybe we need to go a little more oh um overboard with it you can't have too much food right that's a good point we must be just people just salivating at these dear girl walking by there is a low it's growing it's autumn right now so it should be coming in you can yell bit more it's here I'll do another one that's anyone over here oh that's my windmill I just wanted to go around that take a little one there for some fences up we actually actually I had extra wood we could do that how's that mind looking we need a lot of stone that we don't have we bring it in is this are we making we're not making these first right we have prioritized correct this guy yeah you've you made first because if we if we use up all our stone when either probably yes we can tear some roads up works I mean this is my there always - our food and there's plenty of space in there if there is a so a granary type building Oh fruit and veg barn with cellar oh yeah yeah yeah there's this one with yeah a little barn there there's a it's like a modular one narrow storage warehouse oh you okay wagons sheds sellers better stockpile storage we make it we can make this big guy or just little right stores edibles health tools speed a stone I'm gonna hold off I'm looking like anything else did we get that's that mine bill I don't know if this actually gave me stone I wasn't watching iron in there this Rose gave me stone back then I can make this mine which is not getting any more stone to it lots of iron yeah I'm gonna cancel those just in cases one wasn't it me number roads until we look at that make that mine up and running when we tear those things down and get some snow out of them - is there not a this one that's the only mine you can make it's not a desert kind of mine that is easy mines and quarries it's just the one yeah it's mine Gaston was the mod Simon stone comes Merc Oh a quarry oh yeah Corey that's the one good thing you're here where's acorrea for you look at that oh yeah a quarry is a thing yeah well I want to build my town over that way so let's just stash it over out here somewhere I mean any more farmland that'll probably work right there are we okay you need oh look you don't even stone for that hey who said that who was who who wasn't someone sits about quarry whoever you are they give that guy a brownie or something this mine gives up Palmas salvador palma you know what salvador if you ever you ever bored and you think you may be stopped by watch them on livestream you're always welcome here i always welcome here about citizens for that I don't need anyone working here no one's out yet it was love we got a boat come on boat give me something good amp and linen wine in here you're garbage give me your good stuff get out now listen new space right still have a lack of wood I'm guessing it's all getting used because we are oh so I'm making this thing oh it's timber let's cancel that for right now where's the canceled you know the farmer I don't think I have enough we had lower a builder I guess and put one more farmer in here all these little farms aren't eating people kind of phonies a farmer pretty fed a little spot there like a waste how you doing what's wrong with you no materials you know any beeswax why not what are you doing over here beekeeper you make me some beeswax oh we got six candles what do we do cake with candles what's the point of them any people put it in your houses no supply in it eighteen jars of honey in your house how about you over here in a fancy house which otherwise be sure to check what you can request from them I infection more above TV had loads of time uh okay okay jae-won I don't so that's my played skein was five years ago and I don't remember everything really about this cell bro you one-on-one personal stream I'm not sure why he's not working we clearly have we're making these things I thought we were maybe we should tell her she doesn't have any supplies you don't get logs yeah yeah we have coats make I know with heavy I just gonna have making tools again cuz we use those so just do that I'm gonna tell these go away which I don't break the bridge you go away and you go away and these baskets are really able to do work we're more advanced which one to buy well banished is $7.00 right now yeah they are they are quite different games and if you buy it using that that GOG link that I have listed below then you get a personal stream along with salva-dork not really my fight poles done kept oh I can't put a flag on yet cuz we don't have any flags we'll get something we'll get some bait can you make flags you need to make coats here okay look like we actually have a proper farm and we're still like low on food though I mean you ready this one this is too tiny not worth it we have eventually we'll have a windmill coming in here and we'll do we'll get some more more pads going and we'll be maybe we'll farm out somewhere well pastures would be nice we could get eventually some animals exactly Draco so oily miss in here let's take a look I wouldn't have a teacher here yeah that could probably be nice that's probably all right somebody teach the little ones well my little kids are dumb there is I'm assuming there's something here for Asians the chasm talents need Brewer we got that already kind of markets we make farmers wants big this could probably fit in here quite well it kind of it's basically what we have there is already this goods market next to it and also what's the point of these open-air markets talks the freshest fruits vegetables grains and proteins and herbs employs one to ten vendors I guess it's just like a it's just this but centralized or wherever you want to put it just pretty the village meter you which is giant we have the Ale House where you have something like that blacksmith bruises tools iron fittings wagon parts fishing gear that's what we have right now there's the flag maker candle maker we got that already leaving guild produce canvas and clothing the barn guy and this is the the big town houses we can make and then angle up okay build on an angle that's that guy they're cheap yes give me all your sheep let me shoot it I want all of them I found my firewood throw my iron take my beeswax which isn't worth anything about everything you know I can't quite make how many sheep do I need any ideas paper 200 so that'll that'll do it just at least two that's it okay four sheep done yeah they are okay okay sheep I got a job for you got a home for you you live over here alright I think we get to watch them right we can watch them walk over there there they go oh you gonna walk in the river I got a bridge under water sheep it's gonna fix our food problem long time ago if we actually put more fishermen out there here they come that good cheap they go all by yourself you just say hey you go over there so we can slaughter you okay anyway they go oh sweet plant the wool to grow more sheep okay okay hooray anybody work here we need a pastor man what'd he call pastor man pastor ER that's Shiva's sick what's wrong with him bilge Amin named Domino was born don't make me play the soundtrack we out of iron oh yeah that's a problem I think when you go find some iron [Music] some type is weird some of the songs are good but others are which is strange how is the same how is this a song of a colony builder Shepard that's the word is me go over that pickaxe you know pick up some sheep poop review keep in the pasture see in this count will result in them being slaughtered for food okay yeah so we can keep we'll keep six of them right so then after after six we start chopping them up and well we should shear them no matter what there's no need to fast food we just rather keep him as a wall once we have wool we can make clothes we can make flags the traitor has left me dear here we have really taken out the trees in this place this is just a big empty of landscape now strange music for her it's getting all right you can make 18 to 20 what's up what's up Banach four flour one water oh look oh we can make cakes with honey oh yes flour honey and water makes cakes we can make meat pies I wish you could have multiples of like selects make all of it chicken mutton beef venison might make some benek several is it BA in in O's [Music] flat quick bread [Music] there's a panic ugly Banagher it's just a biscuit it's like a biscuit without yeast so what idea here is I'm working here oh yeah we need a baker let's go make some of that I had a plan to do something like this and then we can have a little road here and then we can do that and that all all stone this thing up so it's sort of like a a corner area and then you can have another part of the town's I come back this way it'll be real nice looking even more buildings over here oh the tool crisis has happened again why what are you doing over here I'll kill me iron Oh Oh Cory's here a lot of people how many people we have not working closing that menu I know we're gonna have one guy working the quarry yeah I think so with all that food we have look at all that food there is get to work what's your name rohan n' 18 years old welcome to life buddy get to work some smoke paths in here a was this a gravel path I made will do gravel roads this guy I want to do this again we have forked this way you can connect up here to the quarry I remember that I remember them being really slow do you like loads people working on they don't do much this way and through this guy's campsite there go around oh yeah we get it with Miller with what's this thing waiting on it Oh canvas okay you know how to make canvas but I want to win never tell me I can have a window I want a windmill how to make flower otherwise maybe that can't it must be a way to me maybe not maybe the bread thing is only gonna work I'll have to buy some canvas let me see somebody come by here with it yeah some of us should be like a like a mini version of it kuroh some kind [Music] I've looked at all the stuff though put your rusty nuts it's a new Baker the only one we have Oh a village be shelter I think it's all we're gonna be able to do we're gonna have to wait for canvas to show up at our docks it doesn't need much what was it just like 5 or something 3 canvas so if I can purchase canvas isn't it to me textiles fact movies fabrics I don't know I guess we'll just see whenever they show up and we'll try to buy them no he has good idea bidding universe games bad no maybe don't be going that rained again oh maybe do it Krispies in a dumb spot let's go what kind of deals we can make can we make here we got we got a hospital the hospital right we don't have a doctor here throw this over on this side work our way down there like that log Zillow worth there oh the schoolhouse I need to be this long time ago squats right you fit in here what is this I'm trying to build the mead brewer we need Tim Oh we'd timber okay I would like timber yeah that was somewhere in here timber processing meat a same as vanilla okay and we need a timber mill processing wooden timber okay and this guy we're gonna throw in I guess it kind of needs to go on this side with replicas right over here what's with the OSB water yeah yeah okay we can go over there I know we can't get we can't get past 50 it should be going up I think we just we're gonna have like a lot of old age going in here but you just wait you just wait it'll it'll skyrocket here and after the stream after I end the stream it'll skyrocket you guys won't see it but it'll be great [Music] flagon if I have Flag signs market to hospital welcome sign yeah this is for the boat that comes in yeah welcome to our town is it is it floating and why is it gonna float yeah here dude deer kill I've got me what it is dear Murr and everybody good 4:49 two more kids and we'll have it autumns coming in look at all this food we have 2000 food now look at that okay thanks for happening can i this takes the canvas can we make canvas out of wool maybe we should check that work just make sure no I mean canvas coats need a loom maybe to do that you might have something that can do something like that what do you do in nobody's in the end the Baker wanted to make well that's a school in foreign school I had the village hall was giant but what if it's our spot though weaving guild produce canvas and clothing [Music] three-wide it would fit perfectly right in here right part of our flagpole over here that too tight of a squeeze [Music] sigh where to put it whatever [Music] see there's the other Weaver let's stash it over here [Music] oh really village hall brings tourists we just we never have enough wood I think I need to go in I don't know second forest or perhaps there's no stove I hear that was iron around I think it's four pieces of iron out their boat is here hey you don't sell the tools do you do you have these are things here yeah there's a little bigger you have freshmen sketching potatoes I just fish so I can buy oh yeah from from a li I can purchase [Music] we wanna buy from there's cake you don't want that though we want canvas if you have any but you don't I don't see any seeds either it's guys no use you Scout here no one cuz you're a cheap wooden houses some think I found my houses don't either so take that you aren't working because you need I'm gonna make you not work here because I don't have the stuff for it my flower you know honey I want to use I want to do this I can't either the tourist was in the game I know that was a thing in the game making coats just fine we do have plenty of coats we have zero tools we've got medicine textiles whatever that is probably wool yeah we got war coming in we have loads of wheat which a wouldn't it would be nice to have yeah just start me cool it's the great red looks nicer right right right I'm just playing terrible so you guys want to go out and buy this game that's the that's the whole reason no one's a lot of insult by uh my tiny anymore I'm happy proud of my town and my twenty five hundred pieces of food we've conquered start we conquer hunger today for over to Billings like the fear strain to happiness of citizens needs happy people oh look at that fifty we hit 50 we must oh no wait we yeah keep up your time if 50 kids there to people what's coming in I think we got to go with a second a second Forrester I started making that one and we never really got around to where does that where to put that timber maker guy I don't know where hospital weaving guild we're gonna put him thoughtfully it over here do not make it let me do another force forced to watch quiet yeah is that wise I have two of these in the same spot [Music] most efficient setup for sirs have to new search that one cuts plants and the other one blinds him Salvador is Salvador again with with the knowledge and Salvador verb in past five years of my my YouTube miss [Music] that's two streams for Salvador up to up to six sheeps there they are yeah they sound real sick something wrong with those sheep but as long as they give me a wall I care about what are we waiting for over here stone stone iron logs everything if we get more people we gonna have to start putting the work in the quarry you definitely need some of that that's three stone so they'll give us stones we're waiting for cause it'll have a mine which will eventually give us iron which will get eventually but it's gonna be a while I think what we have here logs are low yeah yeah it says a lot of low as soon as we finally start getting them in Oh 51 that's 51 for those of you with the not math inclined [Music] [Laughter] now watch them die no no everything's fine everybody's fine we got firewood coming in we got a nice-looking little town here I really to build more houses I really wanted my houses but I don't think we do well you know what what is all full zero is there a way of oh yeah yeah let's make more houses up with that one Looby 68 year old Lou be more houses can't fit many more but we can fit a couple put them over on the side tangled village housing Elizabeth cricket ones we could do something like is the guy you know like on the corner like a corner house that are too cool to put their houses straight like the rest of the neighborhood it's weird music again like that guy if I don't need more than one house for now prepare for that population boom we're about to have Lodge coming in we need more stone it's it'll get here as soon as we get more people will keep on throwing them into the minds of gods what luxuries are what's what where you make luxury isn't it must be oh yeah we can make this thing boys one two Brewers serve brew ales Mead fruit wines we're making cherries Queen can we do this alright so this is this is the very cool thing so you can make this thing and then you can like take like see inside of it and then I don't know you got these little side things you can attach on to the burr on to it there's gonna be something big so it's gonna go I should go sort of Milltown but may have to go back back this way back over here somehow see this like I could have tables why would I why would this ever come in whatever just how about tables it's a tavern can make but we'll do the fancy tavern tavern brews alcohol makes his ins happy L we can we just turn that from our honey straight into the need properly we can have a seller that out back yeah it's gotta go there oh we got chickens yes all your chickens how much are they for chicken give me three chickens I like three chickens please know how to die before I put my thing out of thing now let's make a pasture right actually sheep there oh I didn't go pee enough a lot of logs we've got him it's tight and it's time to work you got builders we got over fine still 51 people chickens are gonna hang out in this little pin I think for a while gather there we get eggs which get some more food I think we need it we got three thousand things like you know our barns almost full because of all the food we have now we can put in a barn we have those that's gathering heiresses storage yards for veg Barney so you're right here now there's why cuz I have tools we're working on it we're gonna logs are low there grab a higher and it's not though we've got most of it out of here get some more over there that's all iron on our map did I pick medium map like I remember what I picked it's got to be me it's pretty small though I think I'm gonna get rid of this hospital I have a better idea be rid of that what was going in here the weaving guild yakura that for now we'll deal with all that stuff later oh man okay yeah we're about end of stream time we got to see if we can pull through here I want I really want to see my windmill get made well well play for you I'm gonna go pee real quick and we'll get I want to make there's a big giant Tower we can make look at that thing I really want to make this this this giant tavern thing wherever it was you know any thing I was like that before I want to make that so we'll see if we can get there and get that started and get it done but if you were quicker I'll be right back snow we went to time all right people are where's our firewood at is it all adds you know what it's all in the it's all over here it's spring now though so they don't matter okay so let's let's take a look at this I wanted to build all things I want to make this what I need tools for all that we're not gonna get any tools until this is made which requires stone which are waiting for this kind of a day a bit of a slow point here this doesn't mean it doesn't need stone as well I think yeah I'm with a mine first start 51 people Oh chickens chickens I almost forgot about you get over there and eat chickens there they go through that hold your breath and we got quite a fisherman afford going on it baby product probably have less fishermen now so now we're doing fine on food less fishermen maybe only two of those so I think but more people in the stone mill that okay go walk over there chickens let's see so the thing I wanted to make was was it this thing what are these well he's a completely different things are like [Music] so Taylor fancy town doctor wouldn't have a doctor in this town there's the town storage these are like they can connect somehow them how it works really down house and then you put this funny-looking one in here something for some reason like it goes I know because I guess more townhouses there's no one of the mods of course there's the housing general storage warehouse which you can then add on to I guess yeah just a few a warehouse know these little skinny guys when we needed a village hall right and show village data for the player oh I should have made one of these a long time ago I make this what's the the standard one the Town Hall services there yeah we one of these we can't end this until we get a Town Hall I really the other thing to go in it's gonna fit no it's not gonna well it can go here I guess I've seen the Christmas tree it'll never get made Oh mark maybe yeah brother wasn't any fun how's that blacksmith work going just iron we don't have iron because it's it's a away from this any more of you can be put in there working me some stone don't lose don't lose track of food money well everybody in but merchants here what you got buddy what'd you get glass glass and reindeer hide I'm gonna do with that yeah oh wait wait what can i buy from you sorry hi-yah - my canvas room yeah I want oh it canvas okay so get out of here and then when you come back bring some canvas with you yeah we can make tools out of bones we got plenty of those around here no one working the chicken field [Music] I heard bit times we watch all right quite happy my little town I mean they don't have tools but they they cry about all kinds of things if I give them tools they would just cry about other things this was gonna be very cool but they'd have like I got town like a the road going that way I could wait ski for hours I like it's game been a long time since played it this is it this is a good game to play it more often and there's there's a million mods for this game this isn't the the colonial charter is actually like a proper update the game right that's the one that's I don't know what it adds in that's why I came out you know 2015 or whatever right that was that was the last the last official update to it it's a million Mazda game though it's been adding yeah that's right die oh that's exactly what I did yeah we're having a bit of a bit of a firework crisis here we're gonna lose our we're down to 50 people no one no one freeze to death okay everyone just bundle are just cuddle there's not another fishin that's what it is yeah yellow it's it's Christmassy yellow ornaments real nice I'm getting where's all the stone going that we're making here where is it where you putting it and why aren't you putting it in the mine I told you a million times prioritize it you prioritize show past you how's this ah oh we got pass use a pet Oh cuz there's there's no Road do you wanna be stone where stone going what are you guys doing over here are you actually getting snow out of that what are you putting it we were making things but it should all be going straight into that's doing already what are you building this for should be going straight into is it done now into that mind I can invest about 50 people at certainly that's 51 51 people I'd like to point out is the it worked on it we'll have that going I want to see the wheel working I hope we got one more piece of stone in there there it is yeah it's cool I really did in this string yard here you have someone working it is that a woodcut being anymore builders you can take oh you make a firewood here but yeah I want you making fun of it I want you making timber actually just make firewood for right now we don't need Timbers I think nothing we're building needs it knocking ability of that that big fancy building done today time but I'm gonna call it an accomplishment if we get our line done that's all I want one more stone is there we've got it what if we do a dirt path with that take dirt path takes nothing there's two more dirt roads do a dirt where that goes around the church here back there we go that's classy I like it grass rose we got some grass we just make graphic we do this one we go make our own grass no the dirt path coming in which is different just like there's like a little thin layer of red dirt red sand get all that food so much food do you think maybe the stones just sort of hanging out here cuz they're not hauling it away know where it's going it's not going anywhere though Oh Marcus here what you got buddy hail hail Simon the smuggler I'll buy a bye Neal here you can have some firewood let me go I think something we don't have a tavern to use it but I think people probably put in houses that's nice the green doesn't look it doesn't look right but it's something we've almost filled up our graveyard it's what I like to see oh you know we could probably remove this mine and that would give us all our so in wouldn't it forgot we had this thing here still remove that one look at all this don't just lay in there perfect have that stuff and put it in here are you going put it in here okay they'll bring no is here bring back to the barn in the convicted career all right well I needed to call it a day here but I can't stop I can't control myself it uh oh nope what's-his-face doesn't live here anymore Rohan and the thinking is over oh he died a long time ago though Britain's around there hey Elwood II remember L woody working in the mines you talk about woody how's this doing nope no I can't stop people die with help me know people would people probably fine without me [Music] just look at all yellow signs I'm gonna get rid of a gatherer to be two gatherers we got farms now we have two tons of food we get almost nothing to do with just selling food now so much food I can't believe I'm saying that the whole game we start with food and then I went overboard and build our kinds of farms and now we're fine amazing how that works you the farm line looks looked pretty you know what this is a good game this is it always gets like any time you see it's a city builder it's always compared to 150 that's beginning it's either it's either to a fortress or a rim world and banished these are the three colony builders that everyone talks about not City Pony builders that the everyone compares there the the games to baby sheep and I think this one is rightfully compared this is a good one like where some mods are amazing baby garni you guys have any alcohol in there any ale or weight if we have a 138 fishing gear what is that we made a million think units of fishing gear but it didn't turn into I don't know what that is for you make a bunch of baskets - yeah seven well seven gavagai baskets 138 fishing gear think never get it made I think I'm about to give it up you you cut are you planting you cut let's do same amount of people go old leave it like that so I've been told from a very reliable source incredibly reliable as a matter of fact all right oh yes right nyan like timber that's right we didn't need timber for the meat brewer we got it we gotta finish this off with it we got to go out on a high note meet some timber I want either a meat brewer or a thing there Oh or a town hall which is gonna happen 124 Stone not gonna happen maybe maybe like I know Kendall canvassed their radio it's doing a baguette we're waiting on but this has stone right yeah i has the so many needs I just need the timber which is there so we're about to have a me brew er excellence no more a timber make me firewood no hey they're all working at I got the shakes Mead brewer well I count 51 coj feet Merry Christmas repeat alright we want yes we want one guy working this he doing to take we can make all kinds of things honey oh we can make mold meat mold Mead no there's make regular old need we take 40 honey in 2000 do we have in have 40 honey it's all in here people are hogging it how much honey this is why it's telling you this if we had honey just which is very very slowly coming in I guess it would come in a lot faster if we we have like a proper apiary how do we ensure that it actually goes to know that we have how do we ensure that it actually goes into there not so much house in it or maybe it's getting stored somewhere else oh there's something there okay yes I need 40 of it though for a bit of mean I don't know it makes so there it is mold meet mold need is Christmassy feel like ice like a spice to me yes I like we're gonna get it I just want a high note you give me something game wait on that get the water that's they're getting wait wait it on transplants are happening we have oh we had a some kind of stone for a moment okay we're gonna go out on this note so let's just let's just take a look at the town a lot of yellow numbers just ignore those don't just pretend those aren't there let's go away I don't want to see those Town Hall there's information if we had it okay that's that one I wanted like a picture mode we have picture mode there is the pretty town but lots of little houses I didn't never operated there's something yeah she's up there making tools iron logs she's getting them we have we have to even people working on their thing as soon as iron never comes in which is we've got those it probably came from the mine we were making up that we cancel or the whatever this thing we're making we're cancelled flagpole looks good okay the herbalist over there lots of little houses we got the tents still around we got a giant farmland what's wrong with you more farmers get over it and I really wanted to expand across the way but we didn't get that done you've got a fainted bridge though okay our colony on the Red Planet is over we should uh well finish with the death match and I'll call it a day no tools no firewood winters okay as long as we have me that's right universe that's right that's right we don't have meat either well yeah all right uh I'll save this one sure sure sure all that probably I've come back to it but just the spirit of it let's go and do a worm world deathmatch here we'll call it a day thanks for watching everybody for sticking around with with good old banished I'll play it again here in five years whenever there's another million mods for it there's a bright take a little while I know that's what I love mods aren't loaded so it won't take you long and see a Salvador will just go out and will murder each other in style here and I think what's so mess with our our mod here a little bit so we'll stick with that rush let's do a a wave survival and in one minute the Armageddon begins that's fine with me Armageddon is going to be chickens mad chickens gonna come to destroy us all and I once you know leave every with hall full supplies it's my last little while we'll see how it goes a banished deathmatch mod yeah yeah I thought we need alright here we go so if those of you have seen this before these are all the channel supporters whether you patreon or or YouTube supporter you were thrown into a deathmatch at the end of each stream carnage ensues so well well let the carnage do its thing everybody's just a really nice gun there's my life a little longer than you or there might be a lot of friendly fire like it's happening there Mahlon arson to cook your first kill welcome back and always coming in I'd swamp here those two be probably pretty helpful John's out of here cool is a big one there's Andy in there Andy the drone man hunting for these poachers ain't nothing Cougars lady had he's gone gone mad about that the fearful army raid gone boss oh my head again already where chickens over there here they come here they come okay this is where my computer jokes I'll let lets go for a minute more chickens this is gonna last a long time and my computer probably will die before we get to the end of this because we got everyone capped out with max guns and the chickens and everything stop it's gonna be a max of 800 chickens on this map planes of burns is gone I don't know why yeah Alys over here getting slaughtered by a bunch of chickens and guns timber up this way junus more chickens occiput from there you are up there Jeff you still a Hindu that you are raising paint over there Norg is marking [Music] so your name I may not have a win tonight okay we go I've done chicken Armageddon before Ali's gone but last time I did I think we had everyone just with Navy limits and so we went a lot faster but hey we'll get the guns now [Music] hey I see nook there is looks like a collector with an LMG how's he feeling oh he's fine it's awesome Prince dies got some horses around got some low expectations he's okay he's a nice patch tan about board games with big dog about friendly Weaver's with no that's strange things talk about who's this guy huija they're like a leftover Raider I guess here was winning a quick dip match this is gonna suck you frightened that's right more chickens mother goes maverick well uh we made you do a main you to restart this this is not gonna work let's say okay let's try this again oh no Ron Ron Ron was all right let's read it sorry if we go out with one if our where is it we said that if we make it rhinos let's do pirates cuz pirates coming with big guns will do pirates okay okay all right now just off the fun now he's now we get now we've never serious it means business got smooth now Bunyan is going in charging in with this golden spheres banana is know you don't even want to ask you though let me do your smear buddy you get blown up asylums is out of here but in a bad spot Tom's charging in there Tom's angry yeah banishes over come some rhinos Tom's Oh Tom's dead and his watch Tom go was burns hanging out in there there's maverick going toe to toe with his grenades digger grenades to a rhino fight almost death this time around we got bears coming in now Paco has begun we're gonna have yeah these guys right there they are they should bring in big guns or something got the princess and came up there all by himself and II Empress and vintage it's hard to knit those Aloha in the middle of it yeah lots of friendly fire probably more devastating this than anything else because my grenades are going out Oh someone's in to the Rockets in somebody up here has that rocket launcher Raven down down below there do the lips still hang it in their village and Debbie brave until they're all by his fault isn't myself Trumpy oh there's maverick maverick still alive and deer up there on the water right and this enough anger not a lot left we have Chris dogs out here glass in the back of the head crazy went down we got brutes hanging in there I'm average still there skits that Dmitri just fine meet you the quack is even touched yet what's he been doing this whole time we're done we done what we got you look Keith Nate James man's gone Dimitri sits a Metreon James rip Rex on he rides back Reggie does me to be right three left Dimitri is the winner congratulations Dimitri you are the champ let's take a look at you let's see what you got how many kills do you do evening Huber stabbed Demetri in the left ear that's kind of rough Helen smashed Dmitri last right in your left leg did you kill anybody wielding her minigun with flair viciously bashed Helen Helene in the right leg you this whole time Everett made a comment about practicing with clubs - Dimitri you didn't kill anybody you just sat and just talked about guns well congratulations Dimitri doesn't make it any less doesn't make any less of a winner all right game over stream over I'm going to bed so we'll do a stream Monday afternoon will be our next stream thanks for stopping by those of you that watched hey Tom thanks and well yeah I would say we do Monday we'll probably do I don't know I'm let me a say we'll do something and then uh and that's it thanks for watching and I will see you all next time Merry Christmas
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 16,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: osX1l8P_OaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 37sec (13177 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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