Loomian Legacy THE MOVIE! (Roblox)

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you guys have been badgering me to play it and now it's finally time loom Ian legacy now if you don't know what a Lumia legacy is it is basically the sequel I guess or really the result of Pokemon a brick bronze because if you didn't know pokemon brick bronze got shut down for copyright reasons so instead of like wallowing in their soul pity the guys made their very own game kind of based off of Pokemon called Lu me and Lexie and you guys have really wanted me to play and so without further ado let's get into it I know nothing about this game apart from the fact that it is kind of based on Pokemon the Pokemon in this game the monsters are called Lumias and we're about to set a legacy in the bales of Shadows so let's just hit new game and let's see what's going down here we go I am I'm pretty ready for this you guys have said it is pretty good and at the minute I am gonna play up until it ends at some point because it's not a finished game it's in development just like roblox brick bronze did it kind of came out in chapters so I'm gonna play as much as I can as far as they can what is this dude doing what leave that leave that rat alone oh my goodness what is that oh dear okay is this the shadow that we were talking about earlier is that what's happening here I like the character models those are pretty cool what is this a rune whoa I don't remember cutscenes like this in brick bronze fascinating is that all you're gonna say weather alert this just in the storm has appeared out of nowhere in southeast Rory Ursa Rory I must be the region meteorologists are stumped by this anomaly in the weather that appeared so subtly as we continue to investigate we will keep you informed as always tune in to the warrior news at six to stay up to date on everything thank you turn that off I've got all their I am out of place I'm gonna look in this look at me I'm a I'm a I'm a Luo Myanmar sir I'm gonna be at least what are we wearing on my wrist let's just go downstairs I'm getting distracted hey honey could you please come downstairs Soni can let's check this out is that mom mom mom I know okay I left my I didn't do the washing-up okay I'm sorry oh there you are your father called a moment ago it was at the dig site when the storm came that was my dad isn't that a similar story I'm not too sure has brick bronzed he said something very interesting has happens to the stone tablet he's been studying he insists on showing you how I see you try on your new Lumia watch okay that's what it's cool to set it up you have to press this button blop loading loading loading when do I get my own loom Ian huh welcome presents your name my name is Dan TDM yes do not question it please we get the internet oh it's the Rory your ID look at me I've even got my award in my hands that will be replaced with a Lumia and true free one day I'll teach you more about your Lumia watch later for now I need to get going I need to go and check on the lumia Nehring for at the lab they aren't trained yet and they startle easily don't forget your father wanted you to go see him at the dig site be careful in the weather out there this still storm in oh wait I've got these map dude I like these details the map is uh looking pretty empty though which is an issue items items medicine fruit disks M&Ms fruit and key items perfect there's my ID which we've already seen Lumi boosts which I guess we can buy so gleaming I you know is the equivalent of shinies you can get shinies should we buy some of these before we get our Pokemon just in case I'm not gonna search for a gleaming but it could be interesting to get and then there is options as well perfect right let's go let's get out of here I want to get my first new blue here we are welcome to the city are we gonna go in every single house and check out everything we're gonna do it to an extent I don't know how many people are gonna be awake because it's pretty dark outside hello how are you my kids sure do you love watching those battle shows I worry they spend too much time watching them though they could be watching YouTube instead these battles theater shows are amazing Nayar is so cool and our get Chloe is really tough I hope I'll be able to go and watch our battle one day it's gonna be interesting because we had the familiarity of popcorn before and now we've got to relearn kind of like all our Pokemon come on get close you can win gecko is my favorite Lumia never one day I want to have a whole team of get Clos well dream big buddy dream big I'm gonna go and get one before you I also don't know what the starters are I saw a bit of what Justin was doing at one point and I think in traditional Pokemon games you get three starters but in this one I think you've got like a phat 6 to choose from at least so that's gonna be interesting I think gonna speak to as many people as I can just because I want the full experience when I'm finished with the household chores I like to relax and watch TV with my kids watching the battle theater shows together is how we bond as a family so these battle theater shows seem pretty uh pretty vigorous another victory for battle star Naya I want to be just like her when I grow up our closest battle theater Oh their gyms I've just realized I quoted bachelor theaters in Sylvan City so my sister and I like to watch the battles that happen there maybe someday I'll get to fight there too maybe but um maybe you'll see me on the battle theatres TV first because that's my plan where do we need to go was it here this is this is the lumia nuber Ettore oh I like that I like that little effects this games actually looking kind of cool already let's just go inside I want to even get a lumia now I'm not hungry percent sure if I'm gonna be able to there is this my mom mom mom all of these Lumias it's out I like this one dude how many's at one two three four five yeah there's six I think these are will starters I'm checking on these young'uns to ensure that they aren't frightened by the storm your dad was looking you at the dig site okay okay fine fine I want to get a loom Ian okay let's just go find this dig site this is miss town pretty awkward to say but fine what is that hold on a second who's this what is that it's like a giant slug hello friend gasps stroke is loving this rain my goodness look at the size of you buddy you got a tree on your back as well he's kind of channeling his inner slug and tore terror at the same time I can't get past you that's not convenient at all um do I need to okay I'm confused already wait the mitos missus I'm not sure what school I'm gonna go mitos from now on because I feel like that's what it should be cool I found the dig site guys dad dad I look nothing like you at all but I've been told you're my dad so what's going on buddy how's it going oh there you are daddy do look we don't love it we don't look alike at all completely different features I see you've got message from your mother you'll never believe what just happens first we were outside when the storm clouds appeared out of nowhere rain came pouring down suddenly so we ran in here to seek shelter that's when the text on the tablet unexpectedly began to glow the characters actually came off and completely rearranged themselves I know it sounds crazy we will find that this text does not match what we previously recorded what's happening now oh Jesus earthquake watch out guys with the disappearing oh this copy oh my goodness what I can't believe it look at his face he's so shocked the tablet it's actually gotten oh look there's a pickaxe good job I've been playing Minecraft recently all that research has got up and flew away this isn't kiss ha ha no nonsense from dad here we weren't able to finish transcribing the new text the pieces of the stone tablet seem to have all gone off in different directions I think someone or something didn't want us reading that message we're going to have to search for all of the pieces so that we can continue to study the stone that's odd the rain seems to have stopped I'm going to the liudmila ah here we go I shouldn't meet us there when you get a chance see you later snow your later father can I pick up this I really want it ah there we go that's much better we can see this game looks cool it does definitely remind me of the old roblox brick bronze vibes I think these are reused trees and stuff and now everyone is outside what's good everybody are you doing I'm going straight to get my lumia and hope you don't mind who's this one of these days I'm gonna get my own loo me inform the lab I just don't know if I'm ready yet a friend of mine told me that you shouldn't be worried though she's there the lumens are good dependable creatures that make good companions good good to know I'm gonna go get a little yeah I'm gonna go get one of my own let's go dad could have a Lumiere please a dantdm I'm glad to see that you made it back safely sweetie oh wait I thought I thought my dad was saying that I was good to say I was a bit weird a chap good timing I was just catching your mother up on what happened at the dig site so four months you've been studying that mysterious stone you found and starts acting weird around the same time that mysterious storm appeared that can't be a coincidence definitely not mom thousand IQ I believe you're right soon after the text change on the stone it was broken and the pieces were scattered in the wind I didn't even get a chance to transcribe the new message on the tablet before the pieces disappeared you told me that you had deciphered the original text weeks ago or did the original message say again it roughly translated to the creatures secret lies dormant within until the day of wakening it comes again sounds pretty terrifying to be fair if only I get the pieces of the tablet back I could decipher its new message hopefully whenever it's said would give us some clue did you happen to see where they went no they flow in every direction there's no telling where they've gone didn't you tell me that the tablet and emanated what a word a subtle but unique energy signature loss and interfere with our equipment while we were digging nearby that's what led us to it in the first place what if you fine-tune that technology to detect the missing pieces of the tablet genius yes was do it that just might work if I had access to a satellite array I could emit a signal strong and wide enough to detect the pieces but who do I know that has a facility equipped with a satellite array this is here right you want to use my equipment I think he has priorities he is your husband after all right is that okay with you dear of course I'm interested to see if this is tied to a loom Ian I've yet to document so this is like Professor Oak this is like mom that the role reversal is strong here I like it excellent thank you when do I get my lumia please I do wonder though how you'll be able to operate your machine here while searching for the missing pieces at the same time there's a good question ah I see where this is going don't look at me says Bowl guy my field research days go into a code pick me pick me I want to go give me a Lumia no I'm getting too old to go on adventures looking for spooky rocks maybe if I was still in my prime no worries Derrick Derrick what a name sweetheart he's buttering her up here how do you feel about letting dantdm go in my place to search for the stones I think that would be perfect mom you're just kicking me out like that huh look I know I didn't do the washing-up but you don't have to kick me out so soon I mean thinking of trusting dantdm with a loom 'i'm from the lab for quite some time or love nothing more than to see our child in an adventure loo means by their side experiencing what i did when i was young what do you think will you help me out your mother is offering to give you a very first loom Ian to help you along the way let's go that's the biggest screen I think I've ever seen I mean have you seen my roblox face definitely well then it is settled I need to get set up in here sweetheart why do we have Dan City ever Lumia now and then practice with a quick battle that's a great idea follow me over here and let's find your lumia you like armed ready so ready picking your first we mean is so special new means our lifelong companions the you'll never forget pick the one that you liked the most and when you've decided I'll teach you how to battle I want to battle my mum attention everybody you all remember dantdm don't you gather round don't be shy I didn't do my shiny chance thing mom didn't give me a chance let me see here one of you is missing fee vine coming a free vine you little scamp okay pick any lumen you like oh my goodness they're different types as well plants dark electric water light fire and you have no eyes where are your eyes and ice oh man enjoyed shoes I kind of like the look of I like we volts or eaglets I think eaglet is sick I want to go with evil it yes great choice would you like to nickname your eaglet um I think for now I'm gonna put no just cuz I need to learn these Lumiere names but if you have any suggestions for nicknames put them in the comment section down below and then we think we can rename them on the fly anyway now before we bat so I want to explain a few things I'm a veteran here skip the explanation that's fight mom mom would like to battle let's go oh oh that's a cool one Kabongo dude look at that thing that's cool oh it's actually slightly different so the top bar is HP which is normal but the purple one is energy so there's an energy system they said when the energy runs out your Lumi incompass all anymore so that's interesting that's brand new let's fight or you can wait and rest - all that's actually kind of interesting I like that so this is just explaining the energy cost and stuff so every time you use a move your Lumia nergi will be reduced by the energy cost the hats cool so you can wait switch just skips your turn and give you some energy back or you can rest which lowers your defenses but it gives you more energy back you try and use a move-out enough energy or lumen will flail and exhaustion and lose some of his health that's not good without further ado let's begin what do we use I'm just gonna use shine I really like her i'm lumia neither gits great the battle scene is sick as well let's go Kabongo use brace his defense rose he let you shine oh my goodness I did hardly anything what's mom are you kidding me stare or pounce I can't see what they do pounce unexpectedly - into the target stare stare intimidating me at their opponents so it's got an ability as well raise your attack type bonus from 25 percent to 50 that's cool but my shine didn't do that much damage so I'm gonna pounce and hopefully this does some more brace again oh its defense is going up I completely forgot oh that does a lot of damage oh you're in trouble hopefully I've got enough energy for this though they should oh you can see their energy - that's quite handy hey I think we might win this we're gonna beat our mom let's go strike Oh hold on okay that wasn't too bad yes I like a bungalow Co Bunga is pretty uh pretty cool-looking looks like something from Zelda we're up to level six appreciate that good job honey thanks mom appreciate you I've got 240 Lumi bucks - great I think you and your lumia mode you just fine as you go on your adventure together right dad you're gonna have to tell me what to do just I Lu me and follow us - that's cool right dad's gonna go and show us what on earth he's been working on this machine will take the signals received from the stone chunks and display on the screen a general location of where they are ooh I like this actually and did you look at that it's already detecting a signal from Gale forests that isn't far from here it's just past chestnut out these names are so weird well the entrenchment town is one town over from us it's just on the other side of Route one you should have no trouble getting there I need you to travel to Gale forest and see if you can find the first missing tablet piece then report back your mother and I will communicate with you over your Lumi watch your loon watch is a powerful piece of technology it is capable of doing many things if you find anything give us a call we'll decide what to do from there sounds excellent about what she'd given me closet key hey the closet key was stored in the items up this is a key to the door at the back of the lab behind the door you'll find a closet containing a few items I think you'll find very useful like to add that if you are a wait is this Derek hey Derek oh wait I can bring more lumens me I can buy them from Derek good luck down tedium and let us know if you need anything where's Derek going hey Derek chill chill please I don't think I'm gonna buy any other starters I kind of just want to go and see one earth is going out in the world what Wild Ones there are these items oh my goodness I kicked it ferociously I found five small meds so those gonna be like potions I guess and I also got myself capture discs okay sweet we're going about five those means to be super careful I'm out let's go let's see if we have a map if we go outside as well I'm gonna try it just with one Lumi and I don't wanna just buy them or anything you can buy them all anyway Lumi in there's no one I wanted to press as you map still nothing on the map glorious look are eaglet guys looking pretty cool it's kind of like a an eagle and a dog mixed together Oh [Music] although Eagle II doesn't know what think of you we're gonna be best friends whether you like it or not let's go oh Jesus running at me well well well careful you okay hey hey who are you what are you doing why are you running oh that was another player wasn't it I'm so stupid oh yeah that guy is moved now sweet I like the design of the the people here when I was a young trainer I had a full head of hair at least before my ambit's singed it all off every day I Pat my head to check if it grew back it never does oh I feel bad for you bro I'm sorry but I'm out of here let's go what is that somebody's calling you is that mom is that mom already yo look at this this is cool I like all the details it yeah it's mom of course it is before you run out onto Route 1 I want to quickly display in something I did get the stuff mother please thank you mom thank you she just told us you have the weekend at the Lummi and appalled you capture it of course by bomb what is that oh that's not even a loo me and that's just some kind of crazed person root one oh it's our first encounter let's go Tweel at all of these so cute I'm gonna capture it pounce that's add one more more okay that was a little bit a little bit too powerful for me should I capture it I guess I should I've only got five capture discs no let's try a sue absence I like the dis oh one two three hey I kind of like that little process they've been very very creative with this I like it give a nickname no I need to learn the names about ten experience good job eaglets guys scaring me I don't like it this is an actual noob or this is a player love the size of your head friend on our battle stop talking to her no no I won't I would I would do what you say let's go buddy Jeremy would like to battle Jeremy I'm gonna take you down bro he's got a Twilight as well wait does he have to is that his as well so he has to i'm new shine i want to see if this actually does some decent damage oh it does dawdle my defense fell hey that's no problem I wonder if your energy comes back after a battle as well I would assume so get out of here buddy what's your next one I want to see some more Lumia know as possible Kath thorne will I switch no go on Kat thorne oh dude of the new bug that's kind of cool as well we have to learn like all the types what's good against what that's what's gonna be very very difficult to uh man my defense is solo now but they're not even a they're not even attacking me so it's fine but I'm wasn't gonna say oh I should have I should have checked right energy then that could have been dangerous but yeah we need to discuss types the best thing about having Pokemon before is I already knew what the types were and what was good against what this one I don't really know it's all because I need to learn them all look at everyone battling this guy this noob is ridiculous how do I heal though because my Lumia neck oh wait they did he'll Twilight did not though um I'm gonna leave him in my party for now let's see what other lumens we can come across we've got two more trainers to fight as well what we got it's a castle I really want one of these these are cute let's go eaglet that's uh this pounce I think that's my weakest attack oh man you think I'll be able to energy drain oh that's actually good for me as long as I didn't get a crit I don't have four critical hits are in this hay is perfect they've got a little bit of health pack and help me to capture it more items capture dis use get him got him that's gotta be it one two three let's go successfully captured I should put my shiny charm thing on as well I'm too distracted no nicknames because I want to UM I want to remember all the names I think for now this is a trainer urine is a trainer he's got really red eyes look at him he's angry it's fight Punk Daniel hey wait only one of us can have that name around here this is why I'm just gonna call it - I because I don't like saying the full name let's pounce because I know that the shining move isn't actually that good I haven't actually been hit yet have I apart from the bug bite they all keep doing like defense dropping moves quick or hit I was just talking about those and it appeared just in time I want to get egos path oh is that your only Pokemon grow out of your face you sad I'm getting money as well I'm hoping in the next town it's very very close and I wonder if you can find items as well I need to look for them little crates I'm guessing you can or there's one over there let's go and get it and we can also find out some more lunians as well what we got to capture dis oh good I've got the to capture dis was back that I've already used right Waterloo means are here squit soul is like a little pigeon let's capture it you know what let's just do it I'm gonna get a bit powerful for this actually so when I capture as much as I can first he's got pounce - it's kind of like tackle I guess okay that should be enough it's captured this I need to wait as well until I get to a I don't know you mean center to heal them oh I thought it was gonna come out then look at that three by three we've already got four lumens all level eight as well eagle it's getting powerful and has learned growl not the best move but hey that's fine let's fight this person here and then go through oh that's at the town already it looks like it my mom is nervous about me spending time training my Lumias same a cheap my mom was pretty pretty good about it to be fair let's go Shanna what you got oh you worked Whittle as well I'm guessing those are the three that we can get on this route let's fight you I'm gonna try and use a shine move a light move oh okay eagle 'it is not messing around my goodness i'm gonna stay in because my other ones are so weak they haven't been healed yet I think the bug is probably the bug and igloo probably my favorite so far let's use another shine move oh man cuz he gets the 50% same type boost as well eagle it is a absolute boss let's go I want to try and get as far as we can in this and I think that's up to the first Jim I see well hey my mum was so worried now it's fine go cry back to her right we should be able to get out of here now straight into the next town eaglet you've absolutely destroyed it so far buddy I'm glad I chose you let's see what this town looks like trash my town do you know we haven't got yet we I'm gonna rival or anything so I wonderful have one of those I need to find a healing center I'm not sure what they're called here but I desperately need one this is a gym wait wait wait wait is this a gym is this a gym I'm going in it didn't have any sign so I'm just going straight in oh no way this is a school hello suckers school anyway hey friends Lumia trainers after seven oh you can carry seven but can only use five that's quite I'll like that it's on your bench set on the bench would be passively gain a small amount of experience you battle and they cannot participate dude that's cool can I put them on the bench now so if I do this and this they should gain points that's such a good little feature I like that I like that a lot actually right I need to find a place to heal though real quick I find a vending machine hold up I can't use it don't look at me you didn't see that buddy let's stop looking are the newbies backwards good friend where do I heal no no no no he's recognizing me not I'm out I'm out let's go but I think this is the healing center it's got the Lumia no-go on it yeah here we go this looks like it welcome to lubing kids how may I help you oh wait capture dist small mares ace discs what is this a rare capture disc that will always capture a wild Lumi without fail oh my goodness I don't think I feel like that is cheating it's only 50 robots as well oh no people have noob go away so following me bro you freaked me out what am i doing oh this is the PC you get eight storage you can expand the storage as well would you like to rest your look ah here we go yes yes Oh words there we go healed ready to go I'm outta here goodbye don't follow me noob what's this Cara Bunga coffee it wasn't this like stores but coffee or something oh my goodness I really want this I really want this loom Ian have a friend welcome to Kabongo coffee you're in luck today we haven't have an extra cup of special blend for trainers that we made by accident go ahead and take it yes free coffee don't mind if I do oh nice okay so I'm gonna go to my items let's give Kabongo coffee give to eaglet it means that they can heal help it's kinda like leftovers in normal Pokemon I'm just waiting on my coffee I just got a free water and I skipped you in the queue sorry friend so I need to find that piece of stone don't I and they said it was in here somewhere in the actual town they didn't say it was off on a different route so wait what are these did you know that Lumi boots can be used by trainers to increase how quickly the lumens grow I don't know if I want to do that though yeah you can buy them on the Lummi watch I kind of want to play it legit for now I'm gonna see if I can find anyone that knows anything about a stone he moved from the big city nothing can beat the life of living in a small town in the country here here buddy here here I'm gonna go and find this stone I want to see what this is about and then we can come back and talk to the other people later on hello are there things out here this path leads to route 2 if you follow it long enough you'll pass tree root 3 and eventually make it to the next city oh maybe I'm not supposed to go this way yet though let's have a look this guy's glowing yellow and his eyes are extremely red hey that loo me and Trina have you ever heard of signing off I'm looking to study one briefly you see there's a mysterious dustless around its wings if I could get a sample of this dust oh it just wants me to do a um a trade if you don't sign them off please show it to me I don't I'm afraid sorry let's go someone's blocking our path is this the team like an evil team oh can I move move we're getting close to Church Motel almost at the looming trainer school they're blocking me I need to find this tablet like as soon as possible where is it no make yourself useful find the stone what are you doing what are you doing stop stay here go to beds get some rest and I'll see you later ok fine you can follow me but just don't get in the way whoa what is this is that the evolved form of the grass one from the beginning that was sleeping that looks sick dude that's cool right here we go here's the forest I think it's behind here somewhere yeah gale forest was gale forest in brick bronze look at this dude it's a police wait what's going on I promise I'm not making any of this up the Lumia nice saw them with my own eyes they were possessed with an evil spirit they attacked me with incredible strength this guy is tiny what happened to or a gave off was dark and chilling something has disturbed the souls of this forest what you're saying is absurd if the old man alone there are no evil wild lumens in these woods he's right these woods have always been watched over by a guardian spirit I've lived in these woods for many years and I'm telling you I have never seen anything like this I believe dusk it the guardian spirit of these woods may be a key element in the local lumens change of behavior nonsense the guardian spirit is protector of the woods so you'll claim simple you do not make any sense fine don't listen to me I know something is disturbed our sacred forest and I will get to the bottom of this myself if I have to good day to you sir well the police are rude hey you oh no that's me great you come here this guy's demanding you look like a Lumia and Rina really what gave that away listen I need your help nobody will believe what I saw earlier today something in these woods has changed over the course of the last few days dusk it a guardian spirit has protected these woods for centuries I visited it from time to time and it's always been gentle except of course when I went to visit this morning would you mind investigating this matter a little more dusk it usually resides in a grove deep in the woods under a flowering tree I'm going to go inside and rest now for a bit I've had a long day good luck ah so he's just gonna send us to do his dirty work for him oh my goodness where did you guys come from stop so we need to find a tree with flowers underneath it okay let's do it let's go we have a whole lot of people following us okay they're telling us where to go look at this kou neucopia I like this okay oh these are way more powerful as to I should have done a pound stood on a light move okay it's not too bad they're bracing Oh energy it gets back not HP that's actually good that's way better okay that's not bad that's not bad if I do another pounce move I should go to capture this - let's get it counts what no I killed it I did not mean to kill it oops so I got experience got to level nine and my bench minions gained experience - okay this is perfect okay I would have thanked let's go I think they're telling me to go up here I think there's some trainers up here too and see all these things are so cute I think my eagle it's actually too strong it's gonna knock it out let's try don't kill it don't get it yes okay Oh No I've been paralyzed this antsy just absolute nute Lee bamboozled me it lured me in with his cuteness in a cat trip get him teach this guy a lesson he paralyzed me I'm gonna capture me what what it's my hardest opponent yet let's change new means go to twittle should be able to weaken it a little bit more it doesn't feel like he's getting inside this capture discs before we go let's you pack this might be too powerful okay that's fine that's fine oh you get parrot I'll wait it's it made me fall asleep dude okay so we can do like a random status condition that's quite good actually as you come in you might be popping for the team one two three you stay in there bro you stay in there this time I've captured you thanks yes tweye is growing hello friends let's go I am paralyzed though so I'm a little bit worried is it this way yeah I think this might be this way hello I thought he was gonna bow me - everybody's not as one of these kunu copias it's good it's gonna take some time to get used to the the names I'm just gonna I'm gonna shine and light this dude I think I need grace first I'm paralyzed oh yeah that was pretty good that you use a pounce don't kill it don't kill it don't kill it don't kill it don't kill it please I want to capture this one it looks cool come on all that's perfect I've only got to capture discs left I should apply some more really I'm gonna go and visit the center to heal up and then come back and do this yes Hey okay we've actually been captured now we've got seven in toast waiting eventually means get some experience - sweet I like that I just want to see what this does there's absolutely nothing okay I thought it's gonna fire me up there okay let's get out of here look at these guys Lumias grasshopper kind of thing sweet let's go here all my fruits heal one two three four five six okay I've got six I've got one more space and then they start going into the PC so let's get back there and try and find this tree look at the new it's so creepy this is like chilly in there waiting for me to come back maybe we need to go this way then instead oh wait the trainer out of nowhere I didn't even see him there I like this Lumia and it's cool lots of bug types in these woods let me show you what I mean well I've got a light type that wants to see your grubby well that's a different one shine on this bad boy ever ever feeling evil it's gonna get really powerful I've only using him we need more of a reliable experience share as well right so pounce get you out of here show me what you got next my grubby a thorn on level 4 eager it's getting energy back and he's putting in another cthe born I think I'm just gonna keep them out the others are really weak right now think of shine to the face before so powerful always got another one okay you know what let's grab one of these I want to see what they like in battle I'm sure you guys want to see what they do as well I like them I don't know if this is stage 2 or not because they look very similar and they have the same ability as well away we only have brace oh this is the worst decision I've ever made ok let's go back out let's go - I think twits will might be quite good here so let's switch into Twitter or one idiot you like better pod but was pack him super effective but differently do much damage did it Hey goodbye grubby I should get some decent experience from that it was only a level 4 though so maybe not okay yeah yeah actually is way better to battle of course Benchley means get the experience as well make freshest bugs by is fake okay buddy okay okay we'll see wait a Carman which whales going ah let's go this way is this the tree this is not the tree that's right oh that might be the tree let's fight you first this guy's in a tank top watch out always gone and see terrifying oh I forgot about the toxins no I would many I was using the other attack and now he's draining my energy look at this dude so now happens to be wait cuz we just need to wait for uhm need to wait for us sleep to pass anyway does that work I don't think it did shine come on wake up wake up please Oh finally woke up is asleep like five turns now got to use this weaker move it's not very effective but I don't want to get any kind of stay as conditions again I've got my energy back from resting let's get rid of this one I think he's gonna have another one as well just annoying what you got buddy what's your next one another ant no boots and already okay eaglet is gonna be almost powerful and why it has gone to number four yeah he's got another one I'm gonna go into twittle I think flying will be better and he char my mind you Peck might actually get affected by the the ability but it's he's really good let's try it yep oh it didn't work he didn't worker sweet dude why are these antsy so good come on he's getting the energy back which is making this fight way longer okay I think he's gonna have to rest next oh wait no oh no I need to wait as well let's wait we're gonna have to both wait anyway this energy systems interesting yeah there we go but now I should still be able to pack it right come on Twitter you got this bro yes the energy system is really interesting actually Oh got up a full level as well and the benched ones get more oh I felt yes you have by that is this the tree I don't think this is the tree is the map working definitely not okay wait a second we've come through ah we're back we're up here now I was gonna say I can't I couldn't just walk up there could i and I just been really dumb I'm actually gonna use one of my item real quick I'm gonna use medicine small meds use on eaglet perfect some ads using items to once go round yeah I'm going I just need to beat all these trainers butts first no it just evolved Tyler would like to battle Tyler no propane dude what is that look at its nose oh no you're gonna have to get out of it as quickly as you came in bro pay that's disgusting get that nose out of here it's only gonna no brace isn't it that's what's gonna happen here hey confirm one's level 5 get out of here Pro pay isn't used to its new body it doesn't have any attacks that's the problem that's what that's the problem you're having here I think people are telling me I'm going the wrong way but I'm gonna keep on going I don't want to fool down a place that I've already been that's the problem well there's a grubby do we have one of those I don't think we do we might have to grab one of these let me just check my lunians I do not have a grubby let's grab a grubby don't knock it out though don't squish the bug perfect absolutely perfect wait I don't know family capture this I do one left sweet and I think we've captured every minion that we could have possibly done by now don't bust out of this I'll be increasingly upset okay with you the sad stomp you yeah I think we've captured every single lumen that we can get so far we've captured everyone that we've come across anyway I mean go back towards that it looks like this might be the place this is the tree here it is it's a gravestone though oh I was ringing somewhere I was like what am i doing hey there champ what's up oh this piece of stone it is excellent work I knew you could do it now what enough is that dark goop beyond the tree it appears to be radiating the same energy as our tablet piece looks as if it's tainted by something I'm gonna need that stone as soon as possible to begin examining it I need to know more about that energy that surrounds it go ahead and try your lumen which is digital transport feature what's going show us how it's done see just a teleporter sweet okay haha no bad awesome I should be receiving a momentarily by the way what is that thing behind you Oh what is that thing I haven't got a capture disc no I wanted the cat oh I want to capture this so bad and I haven't got a disc I'm gonna have to knock it out brainwash all this thing's powerful dazed oh no okay this is bad this is really bad yeah I think I might lose final Roos it's gonna kill whatever I'll know whatever kills it I really want its capture this one and I don't think I'm gonna be able to it's got you shine over and over again look at that that's such a cool loom Ian like really cool luckily the day's thing which I'm guessing is smell like confusion isn't hurting us why did I have to catch the bug instead oh I'm such an idiot kill it kill it with shine I should be able to take it out apparently some of oh no it's gonna happen it's doing it it's gonna take down eaglet at the same time no no no no please yeah eaglet fainted as well Oh at least the bench minions get experience stretch okay defence shot em sweet oh I can't believe I couldn't catch oh it didn't have to catch it anyway maybe I couldn't what is it doing it's like it's like new dusk it can now be found roaming in the wild okay that's fine panic over there you are I was worried something happened to you when you hung up is everything all right that must have been dust get the guardian spirit of gale forest got the tablet piece from what I can tell so far has a strong reaction to lights will I have a dust I have a eaglet which is light type so that's good the corrupted matter seemed to completely dissipate when I shine a bright light on it that gives me an idea you might be able to destroy that dark blob with a bright lights I have another idea Silvan city has a battle theater as you know each battle theatre has a head trainer known as the battle star if you can defeat battle stars challenge they will award you with a medal and in some cases install an exclusive application on your luma watch lucky for us it just so happens that nya battle star of Sylvan City has an app that can shine a very bright light from your Lumi watch perhaps bright enough to attack that veil of darkness right okay the old man's back as well oh that's the dusky I forgot about the old man completely seems about to where that was all that needed to be freed from the corruption oh yes he's an Evo dusk it wasn't it something's corrupting Lumi interfere that they can be captured by I've heard that knocking them out will make them drop a mysterious shard item also I probably couldn't capture it anyway that's that's probably a good thing and we need to give stat boosts through the shards as well goodbye old man see you later buddy you didn't give me anything for helping you out I'm afraid my eaglet is now dead though which is a problem what's this it looks like a gravestone she's creeping me out a little bit and we can't go past this I really want that though you cannot move through it man okay right we need to go and get the battle star or take on the battle star oh no is this a trainer can I go round you I don't have any good Lumias twittle can go here oh man this is this is bad I always dodged it good thought and we got fingers to just lead us back or should do anyway then we can heal and then we can make our way to the next city which is over that bridge that we were talking about and make our way to our first battle theater which is basically a gym so let's heal up there we go I would like to rest yes please we have won a really good Lumia NAT the rest aren't that powerful it's quite hard to level up I'm just gonna see how far each lick can take us so let me just switch it back there we go that's like gonna be a shot as well I'm a serious shard collected by defeating a crop lumen it seems to increase illusions unique defense points wins used I might put that I'm gonna put that on someone then oh wait maybe I have to use it take item use on evil it are okay sweet so it just increases the defense points that's fine I thought we were able to hold it in stuff right we need to go back to that I'm gonna skip that trainer up there cuz I don't wanna go all the way back round but let's go to the bridge that we found earlier and hopefully it isn't blocked anymore and we can get to the next route oh wait wait wait what's happening these might be the next team I've never had a more disruptive and disrespectful group of kids in this class I'm gonna be having a talk radio Barrett's don't bother we aren't coming back yeah we don't have time for this lame school we only came here cuz may was mom made her we tagged along to support our friend if she goes so do weak but that's the case don't let me catch you around my students anymore don't worry we're leaving this lame town this must be their little team logo it's not like a broken heart I don't need a school tell me that about lunians I do all my own uh uh hey are you here for the school ah no look at me leaning back awkwardly you look pretty weak so I bet you are well don't waste your time with this place looming battles don't require training or strategy the only thing that matters is sheer power yeah it's gonna keep here wipeout Lucy Lucas let's get out of here bye I wonder if we're gonna have to battle them in a second the children are very misguided Mabel the leader of the three doesn't have he doesn't have any Lumias I don't understand why she got our perspective she believes the outcome of a Lumia motto is purely dictated by the lumens raw strength there's much more to a battle than just strength though why don't you cut off for goodness sake I've been in there already buddy no don't make me do it I want to study what do you make me do I don't know do a presentation in front of the class please in here is a wealth of knowledge about Lumi and battles you can discuss various battle mechanics with each of the students I would just like to personally explain how your lumia I've spoken to you already sir I don't know if you remember my face whoa okay I'm out yes school is for now Lumi in school is for nerds we don't want we do in here let's go through the bridge whoa look at this loom Ian this guy's been busy it's like it's hi gir that's sweet I am so behind I'm just kind of like racing through right now I want my own almighty glitter to evolve as quickly as possible oh and there's no trainers on here hello how are you I don't know if I can walk on this I was involved in the reconstruction of this bridge quite some time ago when we do work on the bridge of prevents people from crossing it often causes the locals to be upset but what could we do I thought you couldn't um walk on these but turns out they're glass okay we're going to route through let's do this wait I've just realized this might actually be something to do with the Lummi empowers kind of like rock climb and stuff like that right blue haired human let's do this Oh a new one slug lling that looks like the basic form of that other one that we found you know the one that was originally blocking the bridge it's cute I like it the designs so far have been great no I've been poisoned why does it have these abilities these bugs it's actually a really strong ability as well poison is so annoying I don't have to go all the way back it's a heel yeah little slug I'm gonna pounce on you and squish you I wonder what level eagle it involves I'm quite interested in seeing now we're level 11 already I wonder if it'd be like 12 13 maybe 15 Oh stretch oh no she's got another one it's the little squirrel thing it's the last one I'm just gonna shine it's this one out of all of them actually this one looks the weirdest no go I stretch oh that's why I had from the other Lumia that I've got I'm just gonna fight I'm just gonna shine and you should be able to get out of here by stir a little see you later we're done here I'm really in a hurry yes I am but now I've got to go back because the poisons my guy we have bought quite the crowd with us I'm already a famous Lumi entrainer I like it alright let's heal up and let's get back to I think we shouldn't enter route 3 now which is cool I wonder if we'll get more lumens it's actually by some capture discs so I don't end up in the same situation as I did last time grab this how may I help you let's browse I'm gonna grab I got 1,300 let's buy oh my gosh I can't even buy that many this is by three yeah I'm gonna buy three I just buy you know this is why five let's do it two more so we've got five in total I don't think I'm gonna need many potions I've only used one of them good night I'm out of here whoa what is that that's a crazy loom Ian that's insane just like a dragon oh man we need to I wonder if that's this Lumia I think it's the other one that kind of looks like eaglet but there's some cool designs these stage one and twos are looking great so far right route three fat dogs await you on the other side let's go I am ready can't wait to experience some fat dogs where the fat dogs at I was promised fat dogs are there any let's see someone was talking about get close before I'm gonna capture this actually it's like a chameleon cuz it's got a higher level let's do it not very effective okay this is good you stare you better have some good moves get low oh yeah okay it might have a decent move not great against eaglets it's a level 11 but oh I thought I was gonna knock it out why we should be able to grab ourselves this get clone ow items capture disk good job I bought more than why bawd needs because we've captured pretty much everyone that we've come into contact with I want to get close to me they get clogged yeah welcome to the team friend get close who should we get rid of we've got grubby oh yeah I'm gonna get really grubby sorry friend and then put these guys the other way around but get close in the active spot and let's go and give him a go oh wait there is cute look a gecko oh my goodness he puts his arm he Naruto runs what is that Oh some people that's you again isn't it you've been playing this game for way too long so far he's got great ones already I can go let him go speedy here we go first fight with our boy gecko let's see what happens oh you have a get close well of course you do and it's level eight with goodness sake Wow and if I just do this they're using stare isn't a good look for us Wow they did nothing we'd have to switch out guys I don't think anything we have is actually good it gets get low and I don't know what type if oh if there are any like type themes for the battle theaters I'm not too sure let's pounce it should get some damage right okay that's not bad as long as it doesn't have that annoying ability that'd be great goodbye get low I didn't have a looking to see how many new me ins this person had yo get glow level 8 the glow up okay fine she had one and I got some more money too I think I've already made back the money almost the dive spin I'm gonna have to they're gonna have to wait and will you get close up there level eight let's go whoa look at this these crystals are crazy they're like flame crystals what are you doing here gentlemen sorry but the mine is closed you have to protect the power crystal power crystal but you are mine cards here and I think our all the people I should be able to ride them well what is that noob doing okay this is the city up there but there's also this what is that that's cool a is reprised bore rock you can smash through more rock than 10 of these men combined trained to fight off get low so this must be the place where all the gear closed our own if there's anything interesting around here or not they're kind of like where's this their crystals and the get close steal them very nice of you get glow can you steal me some crystals buddy you reading they're super super plans come on look I'm climbing the table over here how many trainers left two more trainers and then we go to the new city let's beat these guys wait he's gonna babble we haven't seen one of those yet I don't think this is his attack Rafael what was that me I don't think this is gonna doesn't affect it no I was just about to say I don't think this is gonna go well either eaglet cover save the day please Bob or is too strong he's a little pig oh man Eagle ik coming in with the bay shine yes critically as well a nice job buddy Throw pay ya let's switch let's try and get get close some some battle time hasn't quite worked out just yet to be honest there it is I think prope only knows one move so this should be an easy one for you get close oh man it's only got grace as well I don't know if they have like normal defense and special defense I'm not sure okay this is doing decent damage but it's also taking a lot of energy from gecko last attack let's get it yeah it's the last one the gecko could actually do as well level 110 experience that's a lot learn shine all amazing we got two light monsters Oh what are the chances ah ba ba I see you there buddy let's see if we can capture this as well when it captures as many as I can I've just realized well get low has a lot of has a lot of energy it's in the hundreds already should be able to capture this use let's go I'm gonna capture this should be enough health to be able to capture it and then again we captured everything so far I stay in that thing I can't really hits it anymore I just need to keep throwing discs in it it shouldn't be bouncing out of that one two three you stay in that buddy you're just a pig one more trainer up here and then we're into Sylvan City and I want to try and take out the the battle theater look two decent Lumias but I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to take out a whole battle theater with just these two oh my goodness the same again my gecko is more powerful than yours okay maybe not that was terrible Egret though evil it can take you down come on come on hit him pounce on this guy's head yes okay close level ten I wonder when he evolved to and what into another get close oh man why they get close again I don't know what types these are so it's way harder to try and switch chin like a looming that's going to be better if that even makes sense but I don't want to go back to a lumi incent urge us because there's one literary the other side of this root and I think we should be able to knock this out before it kills us this might be it Oh close yet we're fine and he's got enough energy as well this coffee is Opie actually I haven't you had to use weights on Eagle it at school man get close is actually pretty powerful we did it I can go thank you for your permission to Sylvan City let's take a look first stop is gonna be the Lummi incentive cause my guys a week I need to get there oh look at this place dude I was not expecting like a mini New York that's pretty impressive haha I guess that's a battle theater right let's do it let's go and he'll rest stop little UMI's rest up and then we're gonna buy some stuff because I think I've earned a little bit more cash what can we buy small meds still how many of I got I've got four I don't feel like I'm gonna need that many but you know what let's buy let's just buy one make up to five yes and there's also buy quite to more capture discs so I want to make sure I'm capturing as much as possible okay let's head should we just head straight to the battle theater I feel like we should and I don't know again what or if there gonna be any types let's just go straight there there it is this town is massive hey is this your first time in town welcome to sylvans I was just admiring the view of the battlefield up from here oh you're a Lumi entrainer well then you must stop by and challenge the battle theater while you're in town I will and I'm gonna win let's do this I'm going straight in no cares in the world arrived at the city and bam I'm doing this I let you're just in time we were looking for trainers to enter the theater challenge the objective is to play through several rounds and then defeat the theaters battle star in a Lumiere battle the battle star is a strongest trainer in town and has earned their fame through countless battles you can complete the challenges and to be the battle star you receive at the medal let's go hey buddy come back where you going hey come here I have indeed come to participates let's go oh I'm nervous I don't think I'm about to do this but hey let's try I love how I just look visibly completely different than everyone else I ain't even chance my competitors let's go solve the puzzles and bats of the trainer and then go for the next rounds you ready yeah I'm ready let's go we won't be on the stage and everything Oh No to do this ha ha it's me I'm the next contestant dantdm what could be walking I'm sorry knew before down come battle our challenges you must solve this puzzle what's the puzzle I'm terrible at puzzles what is it ah no it's when these shape games puzzle a symbol step on the green tiles switch them on and off be careful though because any adjacent greens are all my guess I hate these turn on all the green tiles to win fantastic I'm so happy oh wait I did it oh no you mean to I just pressed a little accident right now we have to now I have to battle bacon here here let's do it oh this could be easy it's a shiny Barret that's a shiny isn't it they have a shiny already cuz the other ones are brown what I shouldn't have used that move I should use a different one I'm pretty sure that shiny dude oh it's quick passes like quick attack come on this has to be super effective oh wait this isn't the right one I've got a crit though that's good let's use shine this should be easy I thought it was the bird for some reason even though I was looking at a shiny rats yes get close not too bad buddy not too bad right always good to send in an eaglet oh I didn't expect that what level is it 11 oh no I'm in trouble here okay I've been big trouble let's do static shock this we good I don't like the lowering of the fence that isn't funny oh there Archie hard to critical here Oh No oh I think stag shucks the only real big thing I can use I'm gonna have to rest in a second though that's not that much damage you're why can I rest oh I can okay go tell us like hold up I'm waiting out the turn you get 40 back yes oh it's so lucky so lucky as well that gets rid of like the peepee as well which you usually have your you have a set amount of moves don't you oh wait you just go paralyzed again let's go another crit and that'd be amazing come on get low the MVP right now oh I was close I'm gonna have to wait let's wait this out and as well after this round I think we get to heal but we have to use like the potions and stuff that we have pretty sure come on kill it kill it kill it kill it perfect how many challenges do we need to do though I know it said multiple ones I'm hoping it's just to get close already up to level 11 which is great and my other ones are kind of going up big goof I like that what an amazing battle Congrats thank you oh man is televised as well people were watching me it's not such a terrifying experience get low what a dude what a dude I'm going straight back in for round 2 let's go is that exactly the same thing as me I'm hoping it's just two because the puzzles are gonna hurt my brain quite badly welcome back to the stage let's go dude this way I walk it is so dumb show me the puzzle show me what is gonna make my brain decay alright another one of these really now we have black tiles you can't step on the black ones what oh wait I thought you did it in yes doing these but I am great okay this guy's a little bit more gullible more swag about him this is not the end for me you are going to lose it's that shiny I'm pretty sure they're shiny that the yellow ones I'm pretty sure at least we're up to level 11 now his level 11 as well so I'm glad I bought those meds I cannot leave to buy more meds the quick pounce is very annoying but we are doing more damage to them so just keep on doing this and then we can bring EAGL it in next all that was close he's nor in what's the one that does damage it's gotta be spare right what oh I did not read that properly what is spare what do they do strike the foe believe them look all one health point I'll do it okay I'm an idiot I should have just used it I completely forgot what am i doing noob mistake at least I didn't something for it we're fine were you gonna send out next time BAM bat I will switch to Eagle it I'm gonna do it I wish I kind of had get close oh because he's got the the lightning ability the Lightning attack yo level Oh shine better do decent damage or I'm in trouble [Music] okay did for damage wow it's super effective never mind get out of here BAM bat goodbye I just used pounce tonight I'm an idiot sorry sorry buddy I should have used shine I'm an idiot get out of here BAM bat okay challenge two down I'm hoping that means that we can go straight for the Challenger next oh it's a cool the battle star next evil wants to unpack that's good yes we are definitely gonna replace with Peck so I didn't read it properly I didn't realize that I'm a pounce no what is it what is it what is it oh it's the other one wasn't it only it rid of growl yeah I didn't realize that the other one we could use to be able to capture Lumias I didn't realize that at all truly incredible another excellent performance thank you sir hopefully I don't have to do another puzzle even though the puzzles are kind of easy credit oh it sounds like it's getting more epic hold up just moment should we yeah we should put get club out first yes here we go the Battlestar is up I'm ready let's go let's go and then we can get rid of that black sludge and then I think that's as far as you can get in the game so far I know we've skipped out loads of conversations and stuff but I feel like we've made good progress we've got all the battles that we could do let's go final challenge it's impossible guys I'm so excited so excited here we go let's just press this this oh no I definitely messed this one up but maybe not amazing work he says thank you sir right let's see you the battle star is time for our final Challenger welcome Naya come on nya whoa okay was not expecting you you look phenomenal absolutely fabulous it's your first time challenging a battle theater isn't it most trainers have at least a few medals under their belt before they wait really is that true okay I'm worried about this nya let's go she's got like level 15 so I'm gonna be in big trouble aren't I yeah why did I start with get close it's level 13 bro ah what do I do I think we're gonna have to switch I really think I'm gonna have to switch I'm gonna go into Twilight actually and try and get a bit of a bit of damage off against them first where's like over double the levels oh wait it's not shiny oh no no I need to learn these moves I don't know what these moves do wait it is supposed to be brown I knew it just in this route they look yellow for some reason in this place I want to use dawdle I don't think I'm gonna use a move anyway yeah it's dead oh no oh no this is bad this is very very bad EGH lit let's go buddy you tanked some of these don't get paralyzed she's got three Lumia night in good against eaglet I've done who are you Bradley here guys at least I've got the coffee at least I'm level 13 but your stare let's bring it to the fence down a little bit oh man oh it's using stair as well this is actually intense this could be this could have been a bad choice I'm gonna use another stair and then I'm gonna start pouncing shrine isn't gonna do much and they're gonna have to start like waiting to get their energy back soon whereas I don't really have to do that let's see he's faster that's not a good look I didn't even do much take much of that offense down yeah you gotta wait out this turn that's fine hopefully my coffee keeps me on top so I've got three of these guys to go thru static shock oh no it's not super effective that's good I just don't want to get paralyzed right now because being paralyzed would be awful come on you shine that's fine okay eaglet is actually doing great yes GetGo had no energy anyway okay this is good what are you sending out next please be a vampire or something geckos go to level 12 as well that's what I'm talking about get another gecko geckos actually stress me out I'm gonna switch so I'm gonna switch into this just so I can heal up a little bit and then I should be good on if I can which is the bug that has the thing which can poison and stuff that could be a legit strategy oh okay this is gonna be tough we need a small med you shine oh I can't actually get away of using another meds do I need to though I don't I think I'm just gonna stay in I haven't got like a quick attack I haven't bug bite is all I can do but I'm gonna die anyway okay fine and his energy is gonna be a little bit depleted that's what won me the last one level 14 I've only just realised of all the powerful ones I have whites have to be a get Chloe chiz exactly the same dudes at least it's using shine that's only room for damage pounce is not doing a lot it's not doing a lot after all I'm just got to keep on going though static shock that is a little bit more oh man right I'm gonna you stare I'm gonna have to bring down its defense a little bit I have to you oh no what am I gonna do there's no enough energy no oh I'm gonna have to I have to wait oh this is a problem we both had to wait wait how did he get HP back oh he didn't did he I'm an idiot just pounce oh I'm not about to survive another one of those I'm gonna have to heal right now what if I switch I'm gonna switch I'm gonna switch into my own get low so I can't have any of them knocked out because the problem is I'm not gonna be able to heal if they're knocked out so that was a good shout there I need to have to keep on using spare it's been after rest that's fine oh that's a bad attack such a bad attack but I'm gonna have to use it I have to that is five damage well we used dodge it dodged the move it's out making me waste energy you shine see he is so much bigger in terms of know he's got lightning rods oh no it had to wait out this turn that actually might be good I can't believe it's got a lightning rod it's gonna leave on one HP oh my goodness come on survive this attack he used dodge again that's kind of like protect it's intense dude and now I've got no energy wow this is all for this is bad it used dodge amazing shine this should knock it out come on come on knock it out looking out and looking out knocking out knock it out yes okay this better not be another get closer and good I'm gonna be so mad get close get an experience boys so is eaglet as well the bench ones are getting some experience to collect Ike I'd even know what this is sorry I'm gonna I'm gonna go to twittle twits all this kind of got a bye bye but I need some time to I need some time to heal what is what is clap tight I don't even know what that is I'm gonna need some nerds I should have bought some more oh dear I think I might actually lose this you know well ok actually it should be fine should be fine I needed some more meds why didn't I buy more I don't know whether it's a my name was happening in the eaglet yeah I'm just gonna have to do unit luckily slept Ike is now a lot lower in health so hopefully I don't know what type it is but eaglet is gonna have to come through here let's use shine and see what happens sharpen at a Crow's that ain't good either accuracy Rose come on yes it's super effective always so lucky so lucky we did it this is it quick pounce okay yes it stole my coffee it better come back to me you better not stall that for life we did it though we did the first battle theater we are so lucky that Eagle it was super effective against the last one my goodness we did it 900 alumi bucks - excellent battling thank you we have a winner congratulations they're quite impressive you deserve this we got in you're awarded the Harmony Medal sweet oh I'm so pleased you really did do great out there anyway I'm sure your further there's another prize this is why I need to get rid of that black sludge right yeah the applications my signature lumen which is stunning flash stunning flash requires more power that can be provided by the technology included with this stock the new me watch fortunately have access to a resource we can use to upgrade your Lumi watch I need to meet you at the cave in route 3 that's where we keep our secret sauce boy it's harder the seconds she's gonna show me the secret sauce I'm confused oh wait someone's ringing me someone's calling me it's mother you just watched on TV I am famous let's go ha ha you battle just like a star we're so proud of you oh yeah I'm meeting her right now well then I'll let you go just want to let you know we're rooting for you at home let's go mom here are all my fans I did it did you see me did you see me on TV get these bad boys healed up there we go that's rest and then we need to go to need to go to the new place route 3 does she mean the mining cave I'm assuming she does let's see I've already beaten you all my lumia new fine right now I just healed them all up I think she means here other cave thanks buddy I like your crown too I messed up here it is this is what I meant this is what I meant okay but wait she actually let us go through hold it right there the mine is closed to the public miss now calls the shots she said I can go through yeah let me through buster wait someone else went through oh no this is bad look at that though the GAO overnight cave dude Oh what is this rival that I was talking about hey kid turns out your hunts supposed to be in here I'll let you throw an accident please step away I need it who are you my name is not important I'm trying to find my way home you might say I'm not from around here the talk in town is that this crystal if harvest properly could power a city for a century I need that kind of energy if I have a hope to get back home I'm going to need this crystal I don't understand this guy's a legend I love him regardless this crystal is reserved for use by authorized trainers small amounts of its power are harnessed to upgrade the capabilities of the luma watches to assist trainers on their journey you can't just walk in and leave with a whole crystal it takes years for that much energy to drip down and such into such a formation as this I see you don't care so you must be the special trainer then I'm a trainer myself I'm not the most experienced but I'm learning all I can what do you say all no it won't hurt to battle this kid miss narrows on her way and could probably deal with this strange person better than I can a battle is the perfect thing to stall until she can get here oh sure I didn't buy any meds and then oh it's a fire-type get close I'm throwing you in the deep end here buddy um let's static shock let's get some paralysis okay okay that wasn't what I wanted singe I didn't actually do that much damage I liked as well how the the cutscenes go straight into the battles is Supergirl I really should have bought some meds how many lumens he has two lumens that's not too bad could be way worse if I add meds that would be great unfortunately I don't I'm trying to get a paralysis here and it ain't working I don't want them to get a burn first all right we're both gonna have to wait a car remember the difference between waiting and rest think rest gives you more energy but your stats go down I'm pretty sure all right come on I'm not even risking using another attack in case it goes wrong yes critical hit get Chloe you're the Beast you're the Beast he's gone one more left get close over 13 - that will help ah I thought Gekko was mine mine to be strongest in this game and it's not get low Jericho versus Louisville it again I think I couldn't use pounce here right cuz it's a like an electric-type dodge come on let's not do this now let's not waste these it's making me waste energy well you can use it twice in a row how is that hold on a second you can use Dodge twice in a row it just keeps on using it now it's gonna keep using stare that if that's how you'll playing this I don't want to deal with someone using Dodge over and over again it keeps underrated come on don't do this and then I'm just gonna rest away even you know what I mean because he's gonna have to use another energy aren't you shine but now I know it can't use Dodge which is good little punk all that actually did a decent amount without lowering I did Laurie stats didn't I he's using stare I think I should be able to win this yeah okay here we go don't use Dodge man it's so annoying so annoying why are you keep dodging you little punk okay he is there I use another stare in between doesn't seem to be doing much in terms of spare oh that's uh Chi goods come on okay he's good yeah we got this cuz they need to they need to rest let's go the energy system is really interesting really interesting goodbye you eat late-game one five nine it's not going to evolve I would love to see it evolve I think 15 is gonna be the magic level amazing thank you you surely are a strong trainer just like a friend of mine you know I was really hoping this crystal would solve all my problems the world is so large and mysterious there has to be an answer for me out there I just need to keep looking thank you for that battle I bid you both farewell well see you later homie um wad I like this guy a lot one odd person whiny just take the train home what happens who is that mysterious person did you let a complete stranger in here oh that's a funny story what we lay them through sewers at radius and luckily the real traitor showed up and I ran in here before anything happened to the crystal what a hero I'll uh go back outside he's my favorite character so far the small crystal is quite precious you seemed somewhat confused so allow me to explain this cavern is at the heart of a powerful energy source whose veins run throughout southern warrior at the center of it always this giant crystalline structure you see hanging from the ceiling it's the purest formation of the power surge minerals running through the ground very slowly minerals drop down to form a smaller of a slightly highly concentrated crystal formation this crystal is more powerful than a hundred times more powerful than the other crystals you will see processed in sylvan city oh the small orange ones I get it I get it I get it so you should be able to upgrade our watch using this right here we go and then we should go to the black sludge was that noise your lure was upgraded the stunning flash application was installed they integrated a sliver of the crystal into the power supply and installed the special app right she's gonna return to get beat by the next person and then I should be able to go to that black sludge now what was it you it was you guys sipping your drank wait is that shiny that's a shiny look at that that's amazing you guys got some strong Lumia 900 let's go to the black sludge and see if this watch is actually gonna work well someone's ringing me hey champ its dad hey buddy Congrats on your theater victory oh he's found another sleights route for that's everything I wanted to say I'm not sure we can actually get to root for yet though we'll find out in a second oh I just found a clap tyke in the wild y'all let's capture this here we go that's static shock it oh no I should have done that too powerful too powerful oh I completely forgot I have that one that leaves it a like 1 hp spare I need to capture this is such a cool lumen items capture disk use you better stay in here you've got one help yep one two three okay you were thinking about it but you stayed in there perfect that's a cool one I like that okay here's the forest we need to go back to that pink tree and let's see what happens after we get to that Oh a pider as well that's a new one I thought I captured all these I'll let you spare and then capture it perfect got it quite a sweet kind of looks like what see Coolidge Joel tick and Iraq I carve over the name of the boat one eye can see it my brain but you know what I mean ariados kind of looks like those two we made it we made it back to the tree now we should wait there's people in there already they were waiting for me it's a mysterious veil of darkness we like to use stunning flash let's go zap welcome friends how are you let's open this and see what's inside I found a move manual dodge oh nice is that it is that all we got move manual sweet I think that means that's basically like where you can teach yourself oh that's it mmm George is good though we have experienced that so far this golden man says we are done for now that is it you can level that's as much as the story as I think we can do so guys there you go that is the conclusion of Lumia legacy the movie number one I might go back why I'm gonna go back and speak to everyone before the next bit comes out but let me know what you think of this bull map I just played it right now for like two hours I don't know how long the video is gonna be but um let me know if you like it this way rather than smaller episodes and maybe I'll do some leveling off camera as well obviously I'll capture the evolutions and stuff but if you like that a little bit better when the next update is out I'll play that and upload it as one video as well that's cool heirloom Ian's legacy the movie too maybe I'm not too sure I think the game's kind of cool it's crazy how quickly put this together if they weren't already making it then I'm very very impressed that they've already made this huge world with all of these Lumi inviteright and get a gleaming one at some point as well but I'm hope you enjoy guys if you did please people I can be greatly appreciated subscribe if you are brand new as well for new videos every single day and keep up with Lumia and legacy too and I will see you guys in the next one good [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,226,205
Rating: 4.8771811 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, roblox, dantdm roblox, loomian legacy, loomian legacy roblox
Id: WKJ47O0fqgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 11sec (4931 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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