Minecraft | I'M BACK IN PRISON!! | Escapists 2 Custom Map

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guys it's happened again I'm back in prison look I'm in the car that is taking me to at the prison it is absolutely terrible these guys were my accomplices we stole so many sweets from the shop it was unreal but now this time we've got caught and we are back in prison well we're on my way to prison anyway because we are playing the escapists zoo now the map that we played before was The Escapist one which was quite a while ago now is probably about six months ago but today we're playing the brand-new map and I am playing this with a broken hand but I really really wanted to play this so it might be a little bit slow but hey let's do this by pressing the button here we go I'm welcome to your new home for the next 18 years 18 years I already stole some sweets jeez that's all I did this prison is the toughest prison you will ever be in this time you won't be escaping there is no way to get out of the main prison walls unless you have the special loading bay key the generator is always locked and guarded wearing guards armor a knight won't fall us this time don't try and escape we will catch you okay good luck warden when you already go to sleep and let the fun begin in prison can you really have too much fun in prison anyway oh geez look I leave you've got good toilets this time hello you Josh Josh you okay are you okay Josh I'll so it does work like the previous one so you have living trades we have all the escapists stuffs we've got a car I'm just gonna quickly take this while he's not looking and emeralds are the currency as well so I guess we'll just sleep and see what happens although some in here as well give me this give me this give me this give me this there we go beautiful right let's sleep and begin our 18 year prison sentence which we're gonna try and escape from I can't believe it right morning roll call let's get a it closes door me oh there's a button right here okay welcome back to another sweet day of prison and prisoner whispers - I heard if you want to get to the generator you have to go through the secret closet first don't tell anyone oh my goodness look at these guys these guys will they're battens yeah officer Mike Brady and Tom you guys are punks absolute punks alright so we've got a lot of people right here we got Jason Rob let's see what everyone's whoa two stacks of emeralds - some nunchucks that's pretty impressive I'm Rob what you're saying I'm twenty emeralds for a bat okay we've got Jordan Austin Josh we've got Martin we've got Brian Steve I'm Tommy you okay Tommy's not standing in line properly we've got Craig Craig's here oh geez I'm Phil who's this Joe Jacob dad ah cool name buddy and we've also got Jared as well so we need to go to breakfast oh look look a little walking away so beautiful so we are gonna use this opportunity to be able to check everyone's trades because I know there's a way to make emeralds really quickly you've got a job but there is another way to do it so we need to find that out right I'm hungry I'm hungry what you got for me you have got mutton okay I'll take this give me this how much can I take Oh unlimited mutton beautiful give me one there something about 10 I'm now 10 right I need to add and have a look at all of these guys so I'm Steve one soak for five everyone's you know what you could take my slope or anybody give me this give me this there we go look at that so we need to remember this Steve trade slope because you can steal soap from other people's cells Brian 45 emeralds for some guards pants that's pretty good that's pretty good Martin 45 emeralds for the guards chest plates Jason we've already looked at you you've got the crazy weapon Rob I've already looked at you as well Jordan 64 emeralds for a baton very nice of the oh look the security cameras and everything this is this is a hi-tech prison I'm the closet key there are rumors that a secret awaits yes one of the I think was Austin that told me that actually so almost two stocks emeralds for that Josh 25 combs for an emerald and some other stuff too what we got that work period okay we need to actually get a job so there must be a place where we can sign up to get a job all the cells around here I need I need a job please can I have a job please Oh actually let's have a quick sneaky look at this so a red key goes to the loading bay for God's only and what's this over here Oh clean a job okay um clean a job job sensor we need a job iron smelter is 75 intellij we have a big fat zero so we're gonna go for the cleaner job awesome alyssum chassis okay okay give me this all right can't even grab it can I grab this though can i grab it I can't even grab it no oh maybe I can yes okay we've already got sixteen emeralds that's not too shabby whatsoever right let's go and do our cleaning job Zoe Zoe we don't cause any alarm what do we have to do there is not so much trash around the prison your job is to clean it up grab a brush out of one of those chests and right-click it while standing on some trash okay oh geez look all these cleaning brushes Wow do we really need this many look how many there are Wow there must be loads of cleaners in this prison so um where's the trash it's not these bushes is it it can't be these bushes actually I've taken way too long to do this let's go and see if we can find some I'm not doing anything wrong okay I'm not doing anything wrong don't don't you dare No oh jeez is he coming towards me oh man okay he's a lot he's not oh look at these guys where are you guys heading to oh it's gym period isn't it wait is this is this a trash here let me try it yes it is okay oh we get five intelligence per trash as well okay that's nice that's quickly go and clean this up I know it's I know it's gym period right now but I just want to quickly grab as much of this as I can because we need 75 intelligence to get the iron job and I think that is pretty good he'll give us more intelligence and stuff don't even look at me I'm not doing anything wrong I'm doing my job I know I'm a little bit late but I can't help it I cannot help it I don't want to get buff just yet not just yet so we've got speed and strength we got to use oh geez that make me nervous I'm gonna eat some mutton see some mutton right now there we go nice tasty tasty mutton is there any more trash around here I've cleaned up for bits and it gives me five intelligence per time it doesn't look like there is but it does look like we can actually change we can actually clean up whenever we like so that's good right the gym how's everyone doing how's everyone doing it now it's free period again right let's see how we do this punching bag okay is it working see working strength word yes get out of here okay so we just need to keep clicking to be able to make our strength go up awesome let's get up to at least five we have got free period now so I want to try and go through everyone's trades properly and also I also want to grab some more soap as well because I can trade that for some nice and nice stuff what do you guys got for trade Martin I've already checked you and that's apparently someone with a really good trade around here Steve it's you Steve has the soap for the others ow uh what what the ow out what I didn't even do anything why did you hit me I'm so confused why did you hit me I I wasn't even hitting anyone oh man I'm going to solitary confinement great great fantastic why would you do that to me that's so mean what is wrong with you are you Brady no you're Brooks you can you can you can escape with the wrath of my cleaning brush aw man if I ever set eyes on him was it Brady yes thing but officer Brady what on earth what on earth right I should probably um start listening to the rules who generates are always locked and guarded we actually have to turn that off otherwise the electric fences will zap us if we try and escape which is gonna be bad so where are we going I'll choose a forgotten evening meal okay let's do this just go to our evening meal I can't even remember where it is evening meal anyone oh it's down here awesome this is another good chance to check trades all right we got slope guy over here I didn't get round to this side last time Joe thirty-six combs that's quite expensive that's a lot of combs and none of these guys have hair either which is pretty crazy a sock maze don't really need one of those there we go it's me Dan iron ingots what iron ingot for seven emeralds that's why we need the better job he is gonna be amazing to the new job oh geez they're all flipping out okay it's work period let's go and clean up some stuff now before we get smacked into oblivion again right we need a 75 intelligence to be able to do this and I think this is the only way that we can actually increase our intelligence so let's just keep on cleaning up the trash we work twenty three emeralds that's not too bad and I also want to go in people's I wants to go in people's cells let's go in up Austin and Jordans cell shall we hope we're allowed to do this toothpaste I do not need you I need soap give me the soap or there's everyone's in here - nice nice nice nice nice nice now we need to think of a plan to be honest we need we know everyone's trades now we know we can get a guards outfit we can also get oh geez I am not doing anything I am not doing anything he's gonna hurt me isn't he he's gonna hurt me I'm not doing anything sir don't don't hurt me please I'm scared Oh what am I gonna do what am I gonna do um there's also nunchucks that have a lot of damage against these guys you know what you're just gonna do it anyway on you oh oh he was just telling me to get out okay I'm just gonna go in here we're gonna hide from you in here you scary man I've got another cleaning brush some soap what else have we got another emerald fantastic I'll take all the emeralds I can get we probably also want to wait what period is it it's work period oh geez I should be cleaning stuff up there we go there's some more trash down here I think this respawns I hope it does anyway because we're about half way to be able to get our next job which we definitely need to do so let me just clean this up there we go nicely done any more trash around for trash boy over here I don't think there is I'm gonna quickly go in the gym I want to see how you increase your speed because we didn't do that yet so let me just go over to here and oh oh oh is it a treadmill just keep on running yeah there we go look I'll fatigue oh geez our fatigue is pretty high and we're in the shower period okay let me quickly get this up to five and then we should be able to get our fatigue reduced when we get to the showers okay that was a good run I am going to eat some mutton now because we have changed period to shower period let's all where are the showers actually have no idea oh jeez I should not be running around I've literally disobeyed everything so far that's solitary confinement oh geez no no no no no stay away from me are they in here showers no that's not the showers oh oh please tell me where the showers are is this them is this them where am I am I in the shower now I think I am but no shower is happening guys why you're looking at me like that why you're looking at me like that that's kind of creepy I think my fatigue is going down I think it is anyway I'm on 67 right now are we in the showers guys I can't really tell where's soap guy coming boy his name is is it Josh oh it's Steve he's soap guy give me this give me this give me this there we go nice Steve you the man you're the man right evening roll call my fatigue went out a little bit but not as much as I wanted it to right evening Roku our first the day in prison is going pretty well we've made 43 emeralds which is pretty good and we only need 30 more intelligence to be able to to be able to get our new job which is pretty good and we've got on speed and strength up to five a piece not too shabby whatsoever you guys gonna say anything are you just gonna kind of chill and just wear things right we need a plan so I want to get the nunchucks which requires how much it require it required two stats right see you oh he has a closet key as well we're gonna need a lot of emeralds like a ton of emeralds oh my goodness lights out you probably should not disobey this right let's go to our cell which is over here oh geez that there's a guy right there just waiting and to kill us are you doing Kyle how you doing I'm doing nothing wrong okay nothing wrong at all right let's have a quick sleep and there you go our first day in prison is over and I think it's gone pretty well so far it's gone pretty well so far like these toys is it good for a prison he's a very good look check it out so all my uniform is amazing - looking good he's telling me the same secret over and over again I know this secret but I can't find the secret closet I have no idea where it is I'm trying to find someone with fence cutters as well because I need those Austin's got the key Jordan's got the baton rob has the bats jason has the nunchucks those are definitely what we need where is where's oh here we go here we go this offense cutter yes cuts through outside fences need a stack and a half of Emeril's so we're gonna need like a good at least five stacks of emeralds which is insane absolutely insane breakfasts are nom nom nom I'm not actually that hungry but I'll go for some more mutton I'll grab some of that give me this give me this give me this game is good mutton there we go got 2:15 we should be set for life now right I am going to go and snoop around a little bit just so that I can see if I can find any more soap and stuff my fatigue is still pretty high stolen items oh can we go in there I want to find a way to get in there that would be awesome who haven't I been in Rob and Jason I don't think I've been in this one yet have I been in here actually I might have been why are you no please don't hurt me oh jeez oh jeez okay they're not gonna hurt me awesome they're just like why are you here no I think they're trying to hurt me okay I've been in this one too I remember going in Martin's one actually new prosthesis there we go I don't know if I've got like a heat level or not I hope that I don't cuz this can't be good for it whatsoever yes soap awesome I don't think I've ever celebrated getting soaked before why are you guys following me I'm not hungry I'm not hungry just leave me alone please leave me alone I'm just trying out different cells okay just trying out different cells see if I can just trade with someone maybe another piece of slope I think there's five everyone's per soap which is pretty good and also it's work period so I should probably at least look like I'm doing something hello why is it's not working ah there we go right I'm up to fifty okay that's decent that's really decent it's going Jacob and Joe sell yeah more soap who thought soap would be such an amazing product to be able to trade it for the expensive emeralds right now I need to find some more trash some more around here anywhere I just boys some over here we need to get how many more four no three okay we need not only for more for more pieces of trash and we should be able to upgrade our job which I'm super excited about ok this bear trash over here what I thought he was gonna attack me these guys I'm really paranoid after he attacked me the first time no aah what are you doing why are you attacking me what have I done to you I've done nothing I'm doing my job it's work period you know what that means it means I need to work are they chasing me they are why why are you guys chasing me oh this is not fair this is not faking me ask me this Christmas Oh what Jeremy Jeremy why are you guys hurting me I'm doing as a job another day in solitary confinement geez what is wrong if I got something I shouldn't have on me I've got my prisoners leggings I got a cleaning brush I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to have all this stuff none of it's illegal you guys are just bullies I'm getting bullied in prison that is completely uncalled for we've already been done for wait what period of yawn gym period okay right let's actually behave this time I've already been caught stealing stealing sweets and now I'm just major trouble being imprison myself right Steve show me the goods buddy five soap for wow there's a lot of emeralds we're doing good okay I'm gonna up my up or the keys guys do you guys even know how to use a treadmill properly I'm gonna up my speed for a bit because these guys are obviously outrunning me very very well I also want to upgrade my own strength as well soon all right let's do a quick gym session and then I'm sure every showers auto it's free period now that's actually pretty good I've got 71 what are you doing out no this is unfair this is unfair I am I'm completely I'm upset I'm upset and get out of here could I want to get back to my I'm gonna get back to myself and get back to myself being bullies a big absolutely bullied are you still chasing me I think he's I think he's he's given up he's giving up why are they keep chasing me for so aggressive let me just clean up this trash by myself cheese right I need three more of these trash piles to actually know I can see them running around I'm scared another trash pile over here but I'm scared he's gonna hurt me please don't please don't just leave me alone I'm doing my job right one more and I can upgrade one more and I'm all good please show me another piece of trash someone drop something someone drop something what am I supposed to be doing now oh it's free period isn't it so I should be fine you guys shouldn't be attacking me at all you're so mean you're so mean right where is another piece of treasure no one spawns over here I don't think I can see it no right let's eat some mutton and think about this so my plan I'm not actually sure what my plan is gonna be I think I need a guards outfit fence cusses nunchucks and a key this is the closet key that I need there's something down there is our in a trapdoor that's interesting very interesting indeed I'll choose no teleporting no wonder you guys are quicker than me you guys can teleport oh geez this is already stressing me out Prison is not a nice place at all but what do you expect another tasty meal for me one's gonna sit in the corner actually I'm gonna take oh can we get behind here I don't think there's any way to get to places that don't have a key above them all there's bread as well give me this bread bread and mutton I'm having mutton sandwiches everyone mutton sandwiches work period okay yes it's right here I could change job give him a new job Brian you okay you kind of stared at me for a second let me go and get my new job now hopefully they do not attack me just leave me alone okay just leave me alone I'm actually gonna quickly grab this cuz I get an emerald for it there we go right where is the place where I can change my job because I want a new one I want a new one it's gonna be so good I think it's the iron smeltery is the brand new place if I was caught in a circle right it's around here okay I need Job Center right I'm changing job I want to be an iron smelter give me this yeah all right what do we do for it though is it it's rounds here iron smelting job okay tell me why I need to do pleat please collect iron here okay smelt iron here okay and drop off iron here one outside okay that sounds good to me but I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna be very very sneaky okay I'm gonna steal every piece of iron that I smelt because I can get so many emeralds for it so let's see if we can grab this there we go I'm gonna do it one at a time just in case I don't to break it or anything there's new one out of time I'm pretty sure you're only gonna get one emerald purge drop-off because that's all you got for cleaning up so if we grab as many of these as possible you can trade them for seven emeralds I think it was which is pretty crazy pretty crazy India's just keep on going as fast as we can I don't worry it'll be easier to take this out quicker but I don't want to break it I really don't wanna break it let me see how many I can steal give me this give me there we go yeah Sophie that's an unlimited supply because this would be absolutely perfect and I think we can access this at any time as well which is absolutely perfect absolutely perfect so 3 times 7 is 21 yes this is gonna be such a good tactic shower period actually need to go to that so let me quickly smell this and run away and show up here it's a good place to meet everyone everyone's gonna shower with their clothes on it's gonna no no no no no no wait wait am I in trouble ha ah no no no no no no leave me alone leave me alone II thought I stole the iron I'm so sorry I didn't mean it I didn't mean it where are the showers I think they're this way oh I'm in trouble or they're not even this way go go away where are the shows I'm so lost I'm so lost the showers around here somewhere is he still chasing me oh he's right behind me I'm gonna get killed again where are the showers you know what he's just gonna kill me as nice it's gonna kill me oh jeez no stay away stay away why no go away why'd you always have it in for me huh why why go away I think my strength improved Oh am I about to kill him can I kill him oh ah opposite armor officer Tomlin just came in and destroyed me did I kill him did I kill him I think I did I'd stole my iron No it took my iron away from me what do you want what do you want you've killed me like three times I'm so mad at you right now so mad jeez so I think you can get in trouble for taking the iron out oh wait a second I want to go in here and I mean quickly go in here yeah okay that's what I thought let me just quickly take this one piece of iron and see what happens I just want to put this in here let me see what happens because I'm a troll cool right now I'm in trouble again let me listen listen yeah oh geez that's why that's why oh oh I'm in trouble I'm in trouble I need to get to roll cool that means every guard is gonna be there though oh geez hello guys hello how you doing I'm a car member who is down wasn't it dan dan there is okay I'm gonna trade one iron for seven emeralds awesome so I think that's the best time to steal the iron no no some Tom note I'm always getting beaten down it's lights out time Tom I don't want to be tucked into bed by you oh Jesus there's a guard over there as well Tom leave me alone Tom leave me alone see if I can get into it no no no no no I want to get in I wanna get in there we go am i safe no no I think it was I think I don't go and sleep I'm going to sleep oh man I am really not good at this prison thing I am in so much trouble jeez oh my goodness right guys I am going to end this first episode here so if you want to see a second episode of this tomorrow that's right tomorrow where we gonna try and escape the prison in the meantime I'm gonna get as many emeralds as I can by smelting iron stealing it and hopefully not getting my butt kicked as many times I did in this episode so do you want to see some more escapist tomorrow where we try and break out of the president please leave a big fat thumbs up let's see how many likes we can get also if this happens to be the first video you see by me then please do consider subscribing to join team TDM say for daily minecraft videos popping up thank you so much watching I'll see you guys in the next video good [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 31,721,644
Rating: 4.8866448 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, yt:quality=high, 1.6.4, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, Minecraft (Video Game), 1.7.10, 1.8, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, colosseum, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft mod showcase, minigame, mini game, mini-game, 1.8.7, minecraft 1.9, minecraft prison, minecraft the escapists, the escapists, the escapists 2
Id: oDXdej2J_tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2015
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