Playing an UNFAIR Minecraft Map!

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just before this very unfair video starts I just wanted to let you know that tickets for my brand-new movie is out in cinemas all across the world so if you want to grab tickets and come and see the contest in cinemas then go ahead and check them out at the link in the description below or go to let's go Oh our parents were being arrested for some reason actually don't know why this officer is here but he appears to be staring at me I'm also here with this strange man who has created this map which is called unfair time-travel oh it's an unfair map on the top rozelle it's one of those maps again yay they're so fun right so I've heard about these unfair minecraft maps before apparently they're like full of trolls but today it involves time travel as well which I'm pretty uh pretty excited about what appears to be the problem officer what have I done but worried that no I didn't do that are you crazy it was all this guy I promise you so this is open the barrel there appears to be two barrels I'm just gonna do the obvious a piece of paper same type of wood means safety or does it what are you talking about this is a puzzle map my brain isn't the smartest so this could take a while let's see what's in this one a bow not infinity amazing with one arrow oh no not infinity that means I'm gonna have to be real careful with this literally said same type of hood means safety or does its same type of words open this and I should be fine I am so stupid I felt it the buzz thing give me this boat already angry you did not see that okay let's go through this okay that's how we're playing things are we that's how we're doing it these little arms okay okay same type of wood means safety or does it apparently it doesn't is this actually not infinity there's only one way to find out I kind of don't want to I don't want to press it yet I can jump I can jump on this can't go around the edge I reckon I need to shoot one of these buttons ah I see it let's try and get this what just happened hello what was that did I even hit I'm not even sure wait what is going on come on that hit the button I hit it why is there any other buttons there must be some other buttons around I know there's some on the time machine but this one seems logical um let me press this one yep done that and then they go here no why it says open the gates oh okay that's confused me I'm sure it's something to do with this button it has to be as to me open the gates then I'm gonna do this shoot the button to anything happening I'm so confused oh I didn't even hit the button that's embarrassing oh wait why that's what shines over it do this open this we haven't even got to the time machine yet that's actually insane I've missed it again yes this one we made it alive let's go oh three two one go I'm going I'm cool Oh what is help so you big so here we go 88 miles an hour which is against the law may I see your documents and your driver's license Oh No select your answer can I give 50 bucks I don't have 50 bucks but sure unknown command function reset here what a literary can't get past it I'm stuck and I'm not pleased with you know so we right click this grab the bow hit the button if we can't if I hit it oh it disappears nice then we do this boom and then we need to maybe not speeds what do we need to speak it's because I ran what's ah there we go I fixed it so he kills me that's not pleasant jeez what are the odds that we're not gonna be able to do this that we're not gonna be able to even get into here okay let's not run just need to chill wait for this go this way and now no way back here yeah what why would you do this why do you enjoy this making people suffer oh my goodness um open the dark gate I've done it don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me oh you've got to be kidding me why why with the parkour huh if I do this first time this Maps gonna be easy oh my goodness I would jump you I just did time I'm allowed in the machine let's go go anywhere else I feel like there's a lot of trolling going on here so I just need to check every single scenario we have a beacon which isn't doing anything we have a clock we have a lever we have Oh No okay why was that so smooth that was great um two big buns which look abnormally large I'm just gonna start the thing is it broken is the time machine broken I come all this way and the time machine broken where am I gonna end up though a little bit worried it's definitely working that leave it as nothing so I pressed the right-hand button right it's press the left I think it stopping oh it has it has it stopped hello why is there a stick in there what have I done is everyone okay um I'm gonna grab this piece of coal I'm gonna grab this stick and I'm gonna make I could make a torch but that's pretty much it does anyone hear police officer I wasn't I didn't mean to be that mad at you um I was only kidding can you help me please remember I was the one you caught speeding oh wait this is the place it's exactly the same is just old look here's the gate that we hate cobwebs dust literal dust I like it what else have we going here's the sign which we right-click the sign the sign does nothing there was another barrel here somewhere though where is it gone I feel like I want to craft the torch but I don't want to start this all again and there's also a button here do i press the button yeah let's press the button huh oh all the way back to the start are you kidding me I've just I've broken it again sir sir help me I'm gonna shoot you here we go I'm gonna shoot I need your attention hello sir you ever tried to attack me which is violating 3456 laws in this universe fine fine I needed that actually have to do the whole thing again the whole thing again I don't know if I just went to the wrong place maybe this this is the easy part actually I just need to not run I have to do the parkour again which is a little bit upsetting wait for this there we go nicely done right pop this open the dark gate then it gives you the parkour nice boss the parkour because I'm very very good at it now this is two times in a row two times in a row I've done this and go into the time machine I think that was the wrong place to go to be honest I think we need to go somewhere else so I'm gonna press the left one first and and nothing happens I don't know I haven't done my I haven't done my time-travel license yet so I'm not quite sure where I'm supposed to be going the wrong way though what's it's definitely doing something I've poured to leave it down this time I don't know if that's gonna make a difference but I feel like we were in the wrong place are we in the same place we are in the same place okay I'm gonna have to try and craft something then cuz I feel like we need to do this can I do oh wait a light could be useful sure I'll read this next time I've got torches anything else I can grab the cobwebs don't tell me anything the dust tells me absolutely nothing dust is never helpful anyway don't push the button that'd be a terrible idea torch I can't actually place them anywhere hmm no park around this side wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there's a button there's another bun okay whoa wait is this a troll is this gonna be a troll oh no I think it's okay what does it say stuck click me there's a key okay I can't actually see right now I can't place this down anywhere oh no oh no I'm I'm big stuck hello I'm gonna have to click you you're gonna kill me on you yeah I thought so ah now I have to do this whole thing again why did I even bother huh right and I'm just pulling in no no I feel like we have to do that bit super quickly so after we've done the parkour for the third time in a row just like that let's operate the time machine again by pressing the button and it should just take us to the other location please open thank you thank you so much right I need to grab these and make this again even though the light wasn't that useful this time it just doesn't work maybe I need I don't need any of this stuff I need so I need to go into over here yeah over here run in grab the key and get out I'm pretty sure that's doable let's go yes yes Oh almost Batman on the way out right key what is this for though what are we unlock I feel like there's gonna be something secret around here that I need to unlock we got over here then huh any more secret buttons you wanna you want to show me I felt like there's not many places you can actually jump up it's like up here you can get up here but there's nothing there wait what's that what's that what's that I see it I see something it's a different color or is it up here yeah lever can be placed on mossy stone bricks can't be placed on stone bricks can be used on yourself can't be used on me okay so we're on the lookout for mossy stone bricks maybe who knows this could be a complete lie anything else that we need to find anywhere this is gonna take me forever and these torches don't help at all that's a lever as meant to be mad at the torches I'm sorry there's light coming from over here somewhere which is a little bit weird there might be from the beacon though oh wait wait wait I found this I found the bricks hold on though can be placed on mossy can't be placed on stone so don't place it here right cool I'm not gonna pray I'm not gonna place it on that okay maybe I am this doesn't look too healthy this looks like a trap it also lied to me oh I'm gonna die aren't I I'm definitely gonna die hello I was gonna make me choose why would you do this to me which is the nice one doc ah and I'm back at the beginning military back at the beginning this map is gonna kill me this map is actually going to kill me now I need to go back and get everything is so annoying shocker box is locked oh wait that's what the keys for that kind of ruins my other theory I thought that maybe the buttons just don't work that you just need to use the key that was my theory so this is the key that we need to be able to unlock this shocker box over here so this key is useless after this I had no idea but the lever it lied to us I mean we should probably expect it from a map like this but but Open Sesame if we just chose the wrong one out of two I'll be so mad we did as well we ordered shows the wrong one of to God now what though is this gonna kill me now I've got I've got a key to give you I can't even read it in case of emergency now that's not a trap chest which is fine emergency time machine lever oh because the other one broke is this is this going to kill me though something's going to happen I could feel it in my bones something is going to happen and make me so angry that I'm gonna have to go back all the way to the beginning let's give this a go let's see where it's gonna take me next it doesn't say where this can be placed but I'm gonna guess it's right there Yeah right pull that lever press some Dewberry buttons some what's it's some huija McCall it's and please take me somewhere else I don't wanna be in this dank forest no more get me out of here there we go it's moving it's moving if I turn it upside all wait wait wait wait I guess I mean no I'm just curious all jokes aside though hermit craft is insane let me out please I hope you've taken me to the dinosaurs oh I broke again I was just about to say I hope it doesn't break again Oh No why magical sheep magical sheep make me nervous hello friends how are you you're you don't have a name your name is Jeb obviously and you have no name either um do you guys want a key do you want a key at all no this guy's staring at me I don't like the way he's staring at me I might have to punch him I might have to nervously punch this guy square in the face if I'm not seeing anything else around here it's gonna happen and unfortunately leave for you little sheep I'm not seeing no hidden buttons or anything I don't want to do the obvious and punch the sheep without checking out everything else but it looks like today is your day if this if the police officer comes back it arrest me I'm we well upset right the Sheikh you've gotta go you've got to go come on be gone there we go there's one doesn't drop anything I'm not gonna punch the rainbow one it's too obvious but it looks like you might have to be done hello Jeb how are you you doing goods this is gonna be wrong isn't it we so wrong Oh No now all the sheep are gone and I'm I'm a murderer what did I do I should have done that should I I'm a bad person okay I'm sorry oh wait I've got a book how to build a time machine oh and time machine starter dude what did I when did that get here confused let's place that there this is gonna lock me up again at least I can read and study this book and find out how on earth to start this thing so this says pull the lever this also says press button to the right and then burn to the left twice there we go that should start the time machine it actually worked I voted that up on the spot please send me to somewhere with lots of candy paint I had to kill three sheep to get here including your mighty multicolored beasts I don't want to be punished for this even though I think I might how did I not notice they were gonna be in my eyeball again I don't know what I was there were gonna be in my hotbar well hello there player hello sir how was the journey it was okay hopefully you didn't mess too much no I didn't I didn't I've got this manual it's fine you know you could have create Oh what what's happening to me I don't know though what is all this are the Sheep is gonna smite me isn't he I'm gonna stay in the I'm gonna stay in the safety time machine just in case I didn't mean it I'm so sorry how I being slighted if this sends me back to the beginning I'm going to lose my mind oh thank goodness oh it's the end oh I thought it would uh I thought I'd actually messed me up then after sir what's good bro thank you for not arresting me for punching that sheep I mean I didn't punch a sheep you didn't hear anything you you would your command block some beacons that was cool I like that I've never played an unfair minecraft map before but that was really really cool I enjoyed that and if you enjoyed it too leave a like that we greatly appreciate it and maybe I'll do some more of them I like these troll maps they're cool thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy and would like to see some more videos to me then please feel free to subscribe as well click that red button down below to join the fam for new videos every single day and I see you all in the next one good [Music] hostess I swing wagon candle campus super full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,725,433
Rating: 4.931128 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft horror map
Id: lx0-wwyrI6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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