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you how long did have you back in the UK it's good to be back most interesting just getting off the plane as soon as I get off the plane people start going hello Robin even you you're so quick and you're so fast and please help how much money have we raised and we now have you know the Office of Homeland Security which is uh you know what's that well it's basically in America it's it's to all watch over and warn us when things bad are gonna happen cuz every so often Rumsfeld comes out and goes I don't know where I don't know where something Awful's going to happen for today no for the question what is it the central intuitive agency wearing a shoe that hisses just love one of those flags the happy slag spreaded carries holding hunger you know he sometimes he has the warmth of a snow pea but I'm Sophie yes kind of like I know these things you know and I'm glad that we haven't gotten into the whole Vietnam debate you know he was in Vietnam and George was in the same National Guard unit as Bigfoot that's ok yeah and you doesn't even work in France if you go to France there is no sirree because maybe they have their own name shaggy you go sherry where's the nearest good restaurant it's Paris you idiot they're everywhere put down your digital device go outside and live your life you American a lot of people think Scarface was a little over the top but anybody anybody who's ever done a pound the Peruvian blow no that is a documentary that is very deep Chile very powerful Chile that will make the whole body real and all the chapters be very powerful two tablespoons light brown sugar two tablespoons light brown brown sugar we got brown sugar and two teaspoons a spoon smoked paprika 1 teaspoon cumin one coming knock knock come in nice for your safety of the dress like this was a little unnecessary to ask for blood and urine to it you know I was willing to give this bourbon no god I feel like a it's a human condom amazing what are you coming from West Coast to match yeah I flew from San Francisco and a friend of mine flew on a plane he was on the plane and it was I guess it was virgin upper class no listen the guy took off his trousers to fly I guess that's I've never seen that going a little bit in New York and you have obviously a lot of family pictures and a ladder to get up to the next level and our Park views over here mr. Williams you see that yeah this is what the Trump's wake up and she wakes up to Donald good luck it's all real and I went in for a stress test on the treadmill I was on for one minute they went okay great that was really good I think we'd have to do an angiogram which is where they put a camera could they go to your heart but they kind of go they start by going through your groin oh yeah who knew that the way to a man's heart was to his groin they say there's no racial profiling but they a little woman will come on a sweet little southern stewardess to go leg him before we get on flat five I just want to read off a list of names these are just these are random bag checks these are these are totally random I'm just gonna read off a list of nine Hussam been seen hoppin been late Judy Smith's 14 Arabs and a blonde and every black man and every Hispanic man in the room was going thank you God no it's the title cannabis is totally ironic and be very careful don't bring the kids really no I know bring the kids five minutes in someone's having enough fixie Wang right right hello what's your name is fixie Wang and it's always a difficult thing because pilots are always you know the pilots used to come on with that whole Chuck Yeager rap where they go hi everybody I've just had a few cocktails let's take this sucker down to the end of the runway and see what we'll do come on very loving and they go hey yeah I love all of you stewardess comes and goes in case of a cabin seizure a small Louisville Slugger will fall from the ceiling grab with both hands aim for the hit the assailants head knees and groin and keep hitting two days after they had caught Hussein which was kind of amazing because when who suddam Hussein came out of that hole I thought he looked like Nick Nolte really yeah I can't wanna play with Sean Penn and walk out and I took a couple of I did something next thing you know they're picking lice out of my beard to make it figures of the matrons who took petition no confusion they call the ushers now thank God blanks in your moment make these old irises oh dear God they're doing pornography on the stage Pavarotti would never talk about his penis for an hour so hard is it true that Winston Churchill but sometimes so drunk that they had a guy from the BBC do some of his favorites really be reported really that's one of the guy who did we need to poo on the beaches in the air on the land your and Tigger god bless you you have Tony Blair now we do G on your President Bush yes knows you know sama bin Laden where is he you didn't get him is six foot seven Arab on dialysis ha wandering around making travel videos in Pakistan they looked miss Aggies doing bass fishermen in Pakistan Here I am by another mountain stream she every wannabe in an Indian video try this you have to disability to this change the like Bob change alike much change half a teaspoon instant espresso now that's an odd ingredient in espresso just to make dad stay awake all night so we're crushing got oh yeah yep you get that neat ready who's your daddy that's the view I've grown accustomed to you wanted to see okay but you spent some time over there yeah right up the street I lived when this was no longer there weren't a lot of Starbucks back there yes yeah you know the candy store don't touch the magazine Oh get away from there hello mr. Feynman hello hello Harry Gentile boy did the prom the travelling nowadays the airport security do you have it's a bit difficult now you know in the old days it used to be Oh get on the plane come on get on the plane oh what's that one that's a gun okay good on the plane now it's hardcore you know it's basically they they take away everything from take away things like nail clippers because that could be turned into a weapon what do they think you're gonna be going over the cockpit door well the [ __ ] loses a hangnail nice to see I'm anxious did you watch to watch the race last night it was it was a good night actually i w looked a little thin it was okay working there every time he gets a good answer I think that Karl Rove is gonna come on get my treat thank you I just want to know the second debate that thing we walked down stage and what are you doing who's he winking at like hey I know you're there it's hard to hit on someone in the middle of a national debate yeah I have a new application on my phone it's a moral GPS it's kind of cool the girl you're texting is the same age is your daughter reroute people always complain about their phones they're saying like you know I've only got two bars I've only got listen I'm an alcoholic all I've ever needed was one bar because Canada sees easy and we are going to be a simple supper a delicious thing on tacos students before we begin the penal reduction okay we just brought this in case something happened yeah when you finally what was it like well I mean if it's pretty amazing they announce the name as going no it's your name and I'll send you your body and your mind goes into slow motion look look on those Jack Nicholson who's just baked going way to go rob imagine a wrecking ball saloon conniver okay thank you my English is not so good what's your name Ewan sorry what you do just this is a movie wrap right here she was talking about people having a few cocktails me you're beautiful in this suit watching Busch watched Tony speak cuz he's gone I can't spell most of those you know some men are born great some achieve greatness some get it as a graduation gift okay George the second the boy King no one realized what do you gotta do basically as you know amendment commandment your call my man you know you know there's a lot of people going you can't put pork in the Constitution to put that in with the pork singing during the port thing and I will stay as you know it's very strange for me very happy it's initially there are a lot of old Germans going it's so easy you don't have to invade you don't need armor or artillery you just repeat phrases for movies we could have made apple pie yeah but that's not as much fun as pounding to me we could have actually gotten a recipe done yes we will especially you rub it in rub it yeah just me I can't quit you inis me it has to make a noise to back up a sec baby even deaf people go I know it's a hybrid car the actress and once I get off the plane in Scotland I need subtitles dear diary day two rubbing me and ever the doctor who is a combination proctologist and urologist and it's a little scared because he says turn your head and fart which is you Boosh oh the mighty boosh years ago new Peter Cook and Dudley Moore in the old days when I was drinking it was three o'clock in the morning and all most of my hotel room it was Peter Cook at the door going caption in May I'm back no what is this there we go this graphic is a colonoscopy chemistry inside your lower intestine right now you had that done Robin you must have had that done you had the camera and I didn't mind the camera it was the crew that was painful there's the drag queens gone mirror where you Ronnie yeah a girl with a pierced tongue is this ghost why did you pierce your tongue and she said it increases the sexual stimulation all right my darling don't be afraid it's like a vibrator what is this she's like a happy slang I don't know I don't see that but I like the fact that you know they're initially they wouldn't have the cameras on each of them but right but you know very seldom do you I never saw Churchill do those right in the convention that compared W to Winston Churchill which is kind of like the carrot top Mark Twain comparison it has some wonderful things forest runs ciri where is the Beacon Theatre did you see did you say Kevin Bacon was queer no but show me what you found and she sometimes gets insecure you're going Siri where's the nearest electronic store are you dissatisfied with my service right not at all why did you Google Samsung no reason no reason who is Emily none of your business and luckily luckily luckily we are going to mix up the rub and you're going to rub it into the meat luckily I had that experience from ages 12 to 22 I'll be rubbing the meat as we say for the little children look away from whom I got some stuff here hold on let's see we brought for you a little goodie bag hold on one second yeah got open this thing hey wouldn't this be great an emergency I can't have this wait Michael Jackson oh no and I forgot to thank my mother and she was in the audience right and at that moment of my therapist will go whoopsie she let me know about it for a long time but it was like it was an amazing experience but the weird thing is you know you had that I won the Academy Award and for like a week after his way to go academy award in like a month later is like hey Mork it was back and go Alakazam almost cheap wood there's a bit like you're very good at that yeah with you and Nick on my recent drinking relapse I woke up one morning in bed and I was fully clothed and I had a child's mitten next to me anyway oh this is not good it turned out it was a waitress with small hands gave Michael Jackson a couple of Guinness and then the next thing you know what here's my idea for a sport a knock up ball into a gopher hole to not forget - that was a straight stick a little broken stick I like a ball into a gopher hole oh you mean like croquet kooky put the whole hundreds of yards away Oh kind of like a bowling alley oh no way which is a lovely double bill and she's mine she speaks Chinese speaks Chinese which are always good to have in case of outsourcing a friend had a computer breakdown he called up the the helpline and all of a sudden the first person on the phone hello my name is Bob 30 minutes 30 an in room temperature at room temperature keep rubbing the meat for 30 minutes at that point if nothing happens like this and I this actually hi dress at home I also want to thank you for having a prince William Shatner Puff Daddy and Mick Jagger on the same stage that is the sign of the Apocalypse thank you we know online my hand to God we called the guy I called the tech line here and I got a guy in India and I said thank you what your name it goes Abraham I said Oh mmm that's an unusual name so where's your phone he said Abraham Lincoln I said why ever Hamley he said we were told to pick names Americans would be familiar thank you very much for everything there's always it's good to see you here how much money have we raised tonight I'm gonna do you know and when you drink you have this thing called blackouts yeah and they're not really blackouts it's more like sleepwalking with activities you know I think it's your brain going listen you're about to have sex with a goat I'm going now I've never been that lonely in your childhood were you lonely maybe I was an only child so yeah for a long time was just me and the puppet but you know was a bit of a you know an unusual time people go is that why you're so hairy Romi it wasn't you know I saluted they gave me two black beauties which is like for those of you don't know what those are the two speed pills and I took them in I went oh sure because in those days yeah whatever hein let's do it three days later I was kind of like oh boy still going so why am I in Bombay no I'm still going and then the weird thing is you you're up and you're up and you're up up when you crash even the devil's going dude this is not gonna go well you got me started I also want to thank my Hebrew crew my mama sugar nimesh Booker you know who I'm talking about myself I'm sending out my representatives Malibu represent I'm sending a big K out to David Steinberg Larry brezner buddy more if he's awake you know and what a great drug any drug that makes you paranoid and impotent how much fun can you have shall I start him but it was interesting she hit on me she went she was like grooming me like it's hard when you lose when you have this much hair I've seen mosquitoes take their own life but he was you know we started that friendship there and he you know went on to be Superman I was Popeye one day we were walking down the street in New York and all of a sudden two black girls with no Superman tights on but I know he can fly come on what did you do 56 voices as Aladdin yeah it was fun to do voices that you'd never hear in a cartoon like Jack Nicholson the idea of him being in a cartoon is like maybe a little wrong for the kiddies very sweet and she basically signed to a trainer going I'd like to take him in the back the trainer the trainer said this he went if she takes you back there I can't help you this humor come from this is somebody must have tried this your performance would be terrific yeah voluntary Tourette's ya know like it is a bit like that I mean if there is that thing where I'll cross over the line sometimes obviously today I did but you had that looked like oh do stop but are we beginning to the question soon what's so weird when they kept accusing in that way he was born in Africa no he's an african-american yeah if he was born in Africa the inauguration would have gone a lot different who are now president of the United States that the one voice sounded too familiar but when I got to play an Argentinian penguin a little machismo penguin you know the guy's Argentinian guys are going what do you know you wanted what are you looking at you know you want it look at it don't be afraid of the flippers hello I walked into a sex shop when I was dressed as her in San Francisco picked up this huge double-headed dildo and wind do anything larger that's my friend he doesn't do anything he's been dead for two years what we're looking for then is an elegant aristocratic Alsatian it's a flat a star with I'm not going to lick my own ass and they had to get penguins who lived in the New York zoo and they were cohabitating for years and they've just by the fact that they just kept bringing each other bling like I made this for you really gay penguins yeah they gave really gay singing masseur I'm about to give you a happy ending now no way my finger down there no I'm not gay
Channel: Mariko Walke
Views: 1,891,122
Rating: 4.8266611 out of 5
Keywords: funny, compilation, celebrity, celebrity funny moments, funniest moments, fail compilation
Id: R0t7gFSW5aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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