NOSTALGIA Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass it On S2 E22 | Sorted Food

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(bright classical music) - I don't know what to do. (egg cracks) (blow torch hisses) - That's annoying! - That looks terrible. - [Mike] We're hiding these. - Ow! - What is going on here? - This is a joke. - Where's the dish? - This should be really obvious. - [Janice] Oh dear, oh dear. - Come on then Janice, tell us what it's about. - [Janice] Today's theme is nostalgia. You must create a dish, which takes us all back to our childhood many moons ago, particularly for Ben. - [The Boys In unison] (laughs) oohh... - Pot-kettle-black, Janice. - [Janice] What may be nostalgic to one person isn't necessarily the same to another, which makes it all the more entertaining for you or watching, me included. - And who's kicking off. - [Janice] You decide. - Does anyone like going first? - [James] Ben likes going first. - Set a trajectory sit down 40 minutes. I'll go first. - And then when you're in, you pick the next person. - [Ben] Yeah. - Fine. - [Barry] Okay. - I'll see one of you in 10 minutes. - Oh, ebers. - Enjoy. (sparkly music) - [Janice] One at a time the guys have 10 minutes to contribute to a dish. The remaining participants will have no idea what has gone on previously, until they step into the kitchen. (upbeat hip-hop music) - Nostalgia, and that table of ingredients... I think could go one of two ways. It could go retro sweet shop, something awesome and dessert like, or I saw some ingredients that took me to a nostalgic place, the British seaside. That's what I'd love to do but with lots of twists and turns. So, let's do some potato wedges, but let's get a great seasoning on them. I don't know if I have ever, cooked a pot noodle. - [Janice] Liar. - but I wonder if a pot noodle has the same kind of seasoning packet inside of it. That a bag of ramen noodles does, I don't really know what this is, but I think some of that seasoning before you get to the noodle bits could be kind of good. And this particular one is Curry flavoured, Plenty of oil. We got ourselves some pot noodle, Curry chips. Monster Munch! Are pickled onion monster munch not one of the best flavours on the planet. Don't think I've had these for about 20 years but wouldn't it be cool if they became a breadcrumb consistency that we can put around some fish. (blender roaring) I want to leave plenty of clues of what I have in mind. And hopefully people can work it out and continue that journey. So let's cut the fish, there are fish fingers on the table, but more fun If we make our own, especially now we can put the monster munch stuff around it, I'll season them, just flour them in there... and let's give him a head start but I'm not going to put that on yet but they'll get the idea. - [Janice] He's being very optimistic. I'm going to leave peas cause when it comes to do something with peas and these also caught my eye... cockles. I'm not sure if we've ever a used cockles. we can get rid of the pickle, but I'm going to keep it, Cause we might gonna use that. This will be a challenge that the boys won't like but I'm just going to leave these as a nod to wouldn't that be cool, if we opened up a couple of oysters. maybe make a syrup out of that? I'm thinking like a homemade tartar sauce, which is herby and citrusy and they've got the tang from capers or gherkins. We want something like that, but how about if the tang comes from. - [Janice] He's going to say pickled onions. - Pickled onions with fresh herbs. It's weird but I think that with that might work. That's my time done. I'm taking one of those. I'm going to give myself a solid 7.5 out of 10. I'm going to get Barry in next because I know he loves the sea too. (funky music) - Let's roll back the years, with some Monster Munch, brilliant, pi... What is he doing? We have cockles. What? Where are we going? W-What's this from? Is it a shared memory? He's trying to bring back? So we have some floured cod. (gasp) Interesting fish and chips with a monster munch crunch. There's also a Vimto jus? (chuckles) is that a thing? I'm going to do the least Barry thing possible. I'm just gonna crack on and do what I'm told. Let's do some pané-ing and get these ready to go. Flour, egg, monster munch. (chuckles) Obviously. Oh, weird, weird, weird, weird. How long do I have? Oh dear, I'm just, seven minutes of pané-ing. Oh he's got some animal! (gasp) great idea... snacking food, thinking food. Let's get, some water, rapidly boiling. Let's just do this tartar. I'm going to chop this pickle onion up, mix it in with that Mayo and some parsley. I mean, we should have an interesting type of sauce? And let's just double check and see how hot that oil is? - [Janice] (sarcastic sizzling sound). - Hob is not on. - [Janice] Well, that's a first. - It's not very hot, it's not very hot at all. (buzzer goes off) Oof, oh dear. I didn't do much, did I? Middle of road, I'm going 5. I mean, I didn't screw it up. I think I need someone with confidence, At least somebody to steer this in the right direction, James. (high energy rock music) - Okay, okay, Here we go. Lots of seafood, pickled onions, breaded fish. Yeah, fish fingers and chips. I'm cool with that. Okay, they can go back in probably have to take those out. Why is this smoking? Why? W-Why is this here? Why are any of these here? What's this? What has Barry done? This is horrible. Oh, where do I take this? I don't know what this is for, I have no idea what he wants me to do with this. What's this for? It's not on, that is boiling. Do I dip my finger in it? Is it oil? I don't know. I'm really glad I did not dip my finger in that, T-That was a great choice James, well done. Is this for the, this for, this is for these? It is, do I cook for them? Yeah, cause then I'll have contributed a lot to the dish. - That was selfish. - Okay, okay, hmm I'm gonna make a ketchup cause I want to use the Vimto, Vimto is sweet, ketchup has sugar in it, they're going in a pan. I think the wedges are already good. These can come out... It's going in, It's going in, It's going in. These are both good to go. That ketchup, wants to go for another 10 or 15 minutes, And hopefully they blend it as well. I want to taste that. (buzzer goes off) All right, I'm done, I'm done. That works, I'm going to give myself a 6 out 10, bang average. I'm going to bring in Jamie. Not necessarily cause he's going to do a great job, but because I think Mike'll do a better job of plating up (funky upbeat music) - right? Oh, we've got fish fingers, got chips. We've got, that must be a tartar sauce. We've got a tomato. (coughs) The vinegar, vinegarest tomato sauce. That's gonna have to be a ketchup, blender, ketchup. What the f are they. - [Janice] look at him figuring it all out. - (coughs) Why does everything smell so much. Okay, Right. Let's throw some peas into this, nearly boiling water. To me, nostalgia is the kind of thing that I would eat as a kid. And I feel like fish and chips and ketchup and mushy peas and tartar sauce, is exactly what I ate as a kid. It's also what I eat now, and don't know if that says more about me or more about where we've gone with the theme, but this is good, It's not very usual. Excellent, It's not very usual that we come into this and everything's in like a good place but it feels like everything's in a good place. Why is the Vimto, has that going into here? I should have tasted this first, see if it needs anything. It's nice, It's a little bit chocolaty if you ask me, It could be a bit sweeter. Is that why the Vimto is here? - [Janice] And there's the Jamie we know. - we could make a curry sauce as well. Fish, chips, curry sauce. So pot noodle, I suppose, is essentially ramen noodles with flavour that are put in a pot rather than in a packet. That's probably the best way that I can describe it. They're usually associated with loving yourself. So if you're lonely and I can only imagine Ebbers has brought this in from home he would have a Pot Noodle and a... (beep) (laughs) Let's get this into here. How does it work? Just blend, blend. (beep) (blender roaring) Lovely, lovely, lovely. That's done, that's done, that's done. That's our Curry sauce, that's reducing, We're going to pop some cream into there. So it's a lovely creamy curry sauce, probably. Oh yeah, all right. (buzzer goes off) Oh no, he'll get that right? Oh, I've got the hob on as well. I finished the ketchup. I've done a Curry sauce. Five, Mike. (funky slow music) ♪ He's the man ♪ - Right, agh I hate going last, I hate going first. I hate going, I hate Pass It On... it's messy. Oh wow, wow straight in, okay. What we've got, Ooh fish, wedges. Okay, I can see where we are going with this, fish fingers. Oh no, am I supposed to do something with these? No, absolutely not, bye bye. My job Is, Ooh peas. Wow, this is just a voyage of discovery. Cheers for clearing down, J. Appreciate it, mate. What the hell is that? Has he just put curry powder in, in, is that going to work? Curried mushy peas, is that a thing? (groans) now, (groans) do you know, let's just go for it. I have no idea whether I can make this work. Okay, so I'm going to mush these. Oh, here we got 6 minutes, I hate you, Jamie Spafford with all of my soul. This isn't working because the peas aren't cooked enough now I've ruined the peas. (groans) okay, let's blend them and see what we get. Oh good, it's been used. What the hell is that? That's, (sniffs) monster munch. Who's blending up monster munch. I haven't got time to ask these questions. Oh my goodness, okay. (blender roaring) Okay, let's get some seasoning in that. I mean, it's not terrible. Let's get some salt, let's get some pepper and lemon as well. Hm, okay right, let's serve this up. A basket of wedges, okay let's get some of this in tomato, mushy peas. (buzzer goes off) Okay, we have a dish. So I'm going to go nice in the middle and say 6.5, which isn't in the middle at all, Cause I'm writing myself out of 10, But I'm going to 6.5 out of 10. (cheering) - Ready? Three, two, one. - Okay, Yeah. - No big surprises, looks good. - We've done a dish. - [Janice] in 50 minutes, the guys have made fish fingers and potato wedges, cod fingers in a pickled onion monster munch coating, potato wedges with a Curry pot noodle seasoning and a trio of sauces, including curried mushy peas, a pickled onion tartar sauce and a Vimto ketchup. (bouncy music) - let's dig in and see if this tastes nice. (bouncy blues music) - Well cheers, cheers to a happier time. - [Jaime] Well seasoned wedges. - What the hell is that? I don't know what I'm eating anymore. - Whoa. - It tastes like fish and chips that I've bought from a sweet shop, I can't work out why... - Well let's try and get to the bottom of this then. - Okay, on the wedges and I don't know if there's enough of it but I put all the seasoning from a Curry pot noodle. - Oh, ahh. - [Barry] On the what? - On the potato wedges. - What is this? It tastes nice. - There were fish fingers in a box on the table, frozen, but I thought we can make our own and have a bit of a retro twist. So I cut some fish and got a pané station ready by blitzing up pickled onion Monster Munch as the coating. - That's what you can taste. - That's what it is, and it works! That is good! - Somebody hasn't mentioned the fact that they made a Vimto syrup, hm. - What? - Yeah, I ignored that. - Is that what that was? - Oh, it was disgusting, but I thought it might go well in a tomato ketchup because sugar and vinegar. It's a little sweeter than I think I made it. - I added a little bit more Vimto to the, um, ketchup as it was on the hob. - Ohh, Why would he do that? - And then I thought the one thing that's missing is a curry sauce, so I made the pot noodle sift out all of the liquid from it. I thought we could reduce that down to make curry sauce, added some cream into it and then my time ran out. - I saw cream, peas and I was like, this cream smells of curry. Does he want me to put that into the peas and make mushy peas with the infused cream? So I said, I don't care. I'll do it anyway. And it tasted okay to me. - It's good. - It tastes good. - Yeah. - So the question is Ebbers, What did you rate yourself? And knowing that nostalgia is the brief, is it nostalgic enough for a pass or fail? - I gave myself a 7.5, which is quite strong cause I thought shoe horned in a couple of cool things. And I feel like it takes you back to fish fingers, chips and peas as a kid and a beach theme, so yes, I passed. - Now I know what it is, I love it. I've got a monster Munch and Vimto fish and chips... it's genius. It's a pass. I gave myself a five cause I did what I was told but I didn't add anything creative to it. - I gave myself a six and.. I think it's a pass. - Gave myself a five. I think it was really playful. I think it's a playful take on a classic dish. So therefore it's a pass. - I gave myself a 6.5. I didn't really do anything except for the mushy peas. Hm and I think it's a pass for all of those reasons completely agree with the caveat that this should be our benchmark now, we need to go better than fish and chips and breaded things cause we've done that to death. - Yeah. Come on Ebbers. - So let's push ourselves next. (laughs) - Well if that's our new benchmark, I would say, Janice, one-nil. - As always rate us in the comments best to worst and send us your ideas for other themes. - Join the conversation on Twitter, using the #passiton, we need new ideas and themes. - Good job, not great, but good job. - Well, it's hard to build from a place of too much safety, Isn't it? Ohh, fish fingers and chips, How far can you take that? But we did well, let's do better. (beep) - Wait a minute, this is a fish and chips from Ben's tuck shop innit. - Yeah. Ben used to run the tuck shop at school, no lie He'd be like your 5p short. - (laughs) - Hm and you, yeah, you basically just recreated that, haven't you? But in fish and chips. - Yeah.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 1,288,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, pass it on sortedfood, pass it on, recipe relay, sorted food, sortedfood, pass it on challenge, recipe challenge, pass it on sorted, sortedfood pass it on, cooking fail, cooking challenge, pass it on s2, sortedfood challenge, recipe fail, food challenge, recipe video fail, sorted food recipe relay, sortedfood battle, sortedfood badges, sortedfood ultimate battle, chef skills, sorted food recipe less, fish and chips, sortedfood fish and chips
Id: MX3egENkkII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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