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Had to pause and re-watch certain parts of this because I was laughing so hard. What.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/sabine_strohem_moss 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2016 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to fridge camp if you eat food and this is the show for you in the fridge today Barry shows us how to level up from smarter pasta sauce we have an electrifying cupcake decorating competition but first this is gonna suck ah if you put the heart maybe a little bit warmer sound 30 anybody who's watched assorted video knows that I get picked on more than most so today my revenge I've given the three boys a spiced pumpkin pavlova recipe for them to follow I've also hooked them up to an electric shocking device if they stray from the recipe make a mess get things wrong or just generally irritate me simply gonna get a shot right so we have a written recipe here which is good right first thing we got to do preheat the oven to 200 degrees C boys I've got this peel and dice the pumpkin into 2 by 2 centimeter cubes and tip them into a baking tray area then pass that in me don't shock makes you happen no needed to say I won't be shopping them with a knife but I am watching carefully if they get it wrong it might come back to haunt them later Ben's a nice guy isn't he he's a lovely guy I've always said it I have done my job what what I'm doing wrong Barry said he'd finish this job but as far as I can see all of his rubbish penis still on the chopping block oh that was horrible I want to keep these pumpkin seeds because I feel like I might get electrocuted for a wastage but the only go he's out and get rid of the pit what did he run but I I don't know what to do anymore ok right ok if I get it having just said that we're going to keep the pumpkin seeds for later on Barry yet proceeds to throw it in the bin British technique I have done chopping invited no no no the sooner you put the knife down oh you're an idiot it's now fair game right pumpkin goes in there pumpkins going in here I got wrong way the difference between moons tossed with olive brown sugar allspice and a pinch of salt olives olives oil boy ah that was just for not being able to read it one of oil confidence nice I've got a sweat on I didn't shut that is fine okay where what I didn't see that one Jamie stitched him up you so you got me there for ratting ratting out stop being a little rap let me know if you want more movement in that does next take until very soft right we've got to make a meringue three large fresh egg whites so here they are moving on to the next safe having not removed the dirty knife dirty spoon and pumpkin seeds from their board clear as you go or no your legs to clear up as well come on listen every day me I think everybody nice pink hair with your life is clear now the way incredibly dangerous movement of knife across the kitchen stop it stop it hang on right now posit all right concentrate concentrate hurry hurry okay Watson trace put this on it's don't stop disturbance no it's gone hey pal what did I do wrong whenever you whisk up meringues you have to make sure it's a clean bowl you're putting it into if the bowl isn't cleaning is full of dust because it's been on the studio side for a number of weeks always that but I'll cleaning it Benjamin sorry sorry bed at castor sugar corn flour cinnamon powder then continue whisking until your sticks glossy Peaks a pavlova is all in the presentation so what I haven't told the boys yet is whoever ideas have done the worst job will present the entire dish and construct it when in three bands oh look a soft base well a so soft Oh stick good or evil yes fold the edge over because then it keeps all the mess and I know but I can't fold the edge over that that's the whole point of that bolt get out of my sight oh that was just for bickering Oh Jay walls look you're getting it oh okay you're getting it everywhere concentrate the thing is you got a pipe down the dome ah I've got scissors in my hand they're not left-handed scissors Jay what's a big dome it's big lie small done on two how many big diamonds I don't know how big these songs go there you go no then do we didn't do it and go out I don't know what dome is what me go [Music] you had so much confidence in that and that is not right but I've not been shot so therefore yeah yeah I'm getting shocked yeah yeah I'm done I'm sick of this I think that made that look it was something used to whip one more poem og into an oven go into this one hour old oh and the oven was taken down to London my 95 degrees Celsius to mix things up we're gonna move the buzzers from their arms to their legs and double the percentage what what no oh no no no no no no no let's 3/4 of the pumpkin with the orange juice and the double cream until you get smooth puree that just holds its form a specific I thought that especially working together as a team this is the stupidest video we've ever made I'll go chop up some dry cranberries and some pistachio nuts and some pecans Mike do you want to grate some chocolate I would love to and buzzed you want to whip the double cream of the ice I don't but okay okay good we are prepped are you prick I am prepped while the meringue continues baking and then cools why don't you show us a pasta sauce Barry Taylor okay go please at this welcome to level up where we use a few tips and tricks to take an everyday recipe a level up because we're not chefs we're normal we are normal I'm not did I pass the sauce it's a level one your onions need jammy beautiful onions but to get there get them in a pan of a shot of olive oil and a pinch of salt that salt will draw out so much the moisture as possible and the lid on you can steam them and make them nice and juicy moist and awesome jammy and this is what you're looking for then adding a chopped garlic and a glass of wine reduce this by half with a lid off and then add in a tin of chopped tomatoes let it bubble for about 10 minutes and to have a thick saucy consistency now for the most important level a pinch of sugar and some vinegar with some seasoning at the end helps bring out the flavor of the tomatoes at fel-pro of course no pasta sauce be complete without the basil and you have for this last minute otherwise all wilts and you lose the basil nurse I've got a little Italian deli downstairs going town and that's my way of taking pesto sauce a level up right get stuck in oh nice as tangy that's flavorsome can we just stay here now we're going to need to go back to the kitchen and find out whoever's are selected to we're on three shoppers this is a travesty we need to go through some ground rules I I just still want a really nice-looking pavlova all I've ever wanted that's gonna be a problem for me Ben I'm going to treat my like a lie-detector if I think you're lying or making stuff up getting shocked I was going to say that if you don't deliver the recipe in French you'll get shot yeah but I think that might be a bit harsh so what I'm going to do is just repeat what they do so in order to construct a pavlova we are going to tap these with the back of a spoon to break them up you take your thumb off of that okay well these are broken up in a piping puree even if you can't use pumpkin I'll hold out well would you recommend I would recommend mango and passionfruit maybe a combination so what is what is pavlova translating that I do not know but I'm not telling a lie though am i oh he knows all right ah creme which was really really well whipped I think you've done a great job with here and you're a top local I know are you feelin ice dollops of our cream on top of the puree and in and around the meringues okay now it's just the garnishing exercise with some pistachios and pecans oh well I don't eat entirely your fault but the cranberries didn't leave nothing this larvae stop I kind of hearing when you're shocking me idiots looks brilliant really good yeah shall I just get yours over to yours now just do it did you do it yep does it work yeah I don't know what I'm doing anymore we're just gonna put the shade in chocolate which is you grated so well was it supposed to be coarse great bear it's up to the artist designer I'd have gone cause we feel like your final challenge is to lift your pebble over up the camera and basically give us an outro to the sexes okay so this is a spiced pumpkin pavlova sorted over to the 60s [Music] [Applause] but a little bit level enough do I haze best delicious nice we did a great job all the textures from the nut in the meringue and your very soft pumpkin this is the most unworthy recipe we've ever made if you want to make this recipe then you can get it out why won't it make this is a bit too plate if I link on the screen goes back to the fruit well I hope you enjoyed that comment down below and let us know if you've got any questions about cooking or about electrocution because we have all the answers that I remember do subscribe as well because we will make you hungry well I think that fridge cam had everything a surprising amount of guilt every time I push that button really it had Mike getting shocked quite a lot like this and stay with us while we decorate some cupcakes with the rest of the team and a few more shocks otherwise we'll see you next time ciao bye nice welcome you're not allowed to swing to the yard to taste and that are shown to the wrong terms I thought of fact that and episode really down the dumps and terrified but watching other people get shot is really funny that one for tea with it really I thought that was the vibration well I'm so sorry oh I think it's a trust exercise so now it's time to up the ante and pass the shopping over to these guys as we try and decorate some cake
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,265,201
Rating: 4.9383392 out of 5
Keywords: pavlova, pumpkin, pumpkin recipe, recipes, halloween, halloween party, electric shock, electric shock challenge, ben's revenge, sorted, sortedfood, fridgecam, the fridgecam show, level up, tomato sauce, easy pasta sauce, pumpkin spice, pumpkin spiced latte, chocolate, fall, autumn, autumn recipes, fall recipes, challenge, funny, funny video
Id: drcvuQI8Mm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2016
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