The ULTIMATE Muffin Battle

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- [Narrator] Hey! Welcome to Sorted. We're a bunch of mates in London looking for exceptional things in the food world that will help make our and your life that little bit better. Between stitching each other up and all the innuendos. Now be warned, we have two chefs, but we give them limited air time, and we make sure all of our ideas start with a suggestion from you. - Hello, I am Barry and this is Jamie. - And today, the two of us go head-to-head-to-head with Mike to see who has the best muff. - How many heads? - Welcome to another ultimate battle, where our three guys go head-to-head-to-head. They're each competing to make the best muffin recipe they can. At the end, I get to judge them. Three, two, one, bake! - Now the time limit only really applies to me because I'm making English muffins, so come around here and I'll tell you what I'm doing. I'm making the most famous breakfast of all time: the golden arches' muffin. But, I'm taking it up a level 'cause I'm making the muffin and adding a little bit in at the end to make it, you know, better. - Muffins can go either way, sweet or savory. It's no surprise that Jamie has gone for a breakfast muffin, an English muffin, and that is where he's going to have to put all his effort into make sure those are crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside, and the fillings are better than that fast food alternative. - First up I need to make my dough. It's like a bread dough, but slightly more enriched, so I've got to add in my flour, my yeast, my sugar, my salt, and then, some milk, whip it all up into a dough. And if that wasn't rich enough, butter and egg as well, woo! - When it comes to Barry, he's gone for the Italian influence, a savory muffin that's kinda bready, a sweet muffin that's kinda cakey. He's putting bread into a sweet muffin. I'm looking forward to that. - Now for the wet bit, which isn't a normal muffin mix. - It's not even a muffin. - Eggs, buttermilk, oil, vanilla extract. That gives the muffin a beautiful moisture to it. - When given the muffin brief, I struggled to see past my favorite type of muffin, which is a blueberry muffin. 'Cause I think they're amazing when you get them right. So I'm going with a really good, basic blueberry muffin recipe, but then topping it with loads of sweet stuff that have different elements of sweetness, so hopefully it won't overpower the muffin at the end. And it starts with the greatest culinary invention ever made, burnt white chocolate. Roughly chopped white chocolate on a baking tray in the oven for 35 to 40 minutes, but then stirring it occasionally to make sure that all the bits go nice and brown. - [Barry] Mmm, brown. - [Mike] Mmm, brown. Oh, come on. You can't talk. - Mike's is gonna be uber-sweet and there's lots going on. For me, a cupcake is something that has so many toppings it almost masks the cake beneath. A muffin, for me, is quite a simple thing. Can he combine the two? - I know what you're thinking. Mike, you're making a blueberry muffin. Of course you're gonna put a popcorn crown. Of course I am. - I've kneaded my dough and now it is time to let it prove in a bowl for an hour, covered in cling film and the bowl has been greased. - So you know that Ben literally hates McMuffins. - Yes. - The only thing you could do that's worse is put a S'more in it. (laughter) A little bit of jeopardy for you, I'm making a butterscotch, which means making caramel, which is essentially putting a tiny bit of water over some sugar. Once the sugar is covered in water, you then heat it up, wait until it goes too far, too brown, too smelly and you've ruined it and then you start again. - I might make some hollandaise. Does hollandaise keep? Does that look like ten peppercorns to you? Yeah? Sweet. - Time to put some wet stuff into dry stuff and mix it very gently. Don't want to overwork it 'cause of reasons. - [Mike] I've burnt it and that's a good thing. - You called it burnt chocolate at the start. - Yeah. - But you mean caramelized, right? - Caramelized, burnt. Whenever you burn stuff you call it caramelizing so I don't see where this changes. - [Barry] Okay, easy, can you get this? Sorry mate. - [Mike] No! Caramel! - [Barry] This is really important. - [Mike] That is not important. Get it in. (laughter) That is deep. I'm going in. Oh no. - [Ben] That's very hot; don't get that on your hand. - Sorry mate, I need to make my Hollandaise. Is that alright? - I mean, look at this. - Butterscotch. (laugh) I need personal space more than ever right now, J, so. - [Jamie] Were you panicking? - [Mike] No. - Cause I couldn't tell. - Well, is there evidence of a panic here? Absolutely not. - [Jamie] Well there is evidence of some excitement there. (laughter) - [Barry] Oh why would you be a dick? Jamie! - [Mike] Pass it over here. - No Jamie, no, no! - I'll take it. - [Mike] Pinch of sea salt, why not? Some of the butterscotch goes into here. Oh my goodness that is so good. - [Barry] Before my 'muffs go in the oven, bit of Demerara sugar and some almonds on top. Wow. - It's not Focaccia. - Jesus! - [Barry] There's only one element of Jamie's that really matters. - That's the making of the muffin. Look, if the muffins go wrong we've still got bacon and egg and Hollandaise, right? - That's true. Cool. Hello. - Hello. (laughter) - [Jamie] I'm gonna separate some eggs then. Vinegar reduction. - [Mike] Oops. There ya go. You do that, I'll do this. There ya go. - [Jamie] This isn't going as well as I'd hoped. - [Mike] What? - [Barry] He's making scrambled egg! - You've ruined it! No no, you might be able to save it. Hey, you can get scrambled eggs with McMuffins, can't you? - He's in such a panic! (laughter) You know what I was saying about game over? - [Judge] No no, stop stop - Don't waste your time or the butter. - [Jamie] Scrambled Egg McMuffins it is. (laughter) - How are you only just starting making your muffins? Mine are in the oven and about 10 minutes left. - Yeah, because mine has elements, remember? To make it good. Shall we make some muffins? Flour, baking powder, caster sugar. Combine that all up real nice. That's the dry stuff, now for the wet stuff. Eggs, buttermilk, all of this oil and vanilla extract, and I think the key to an amazing Blueberry Muffin is Malt powder. It just makes it taste so I'm gonna say naughty, but that's a good thing. Wet into dry. Make sure this is whisked up until it's fully combined but if you over stir it then it becomes really chewy and horrible so there is an art, which I have not yet discovered. That's the batter, and then three quarters of my 'bloobs' go in. - You don't get this on 'Bake Off', do ya? I'm here, tryna watch my muffins and instead, I've got this in front of me. - Hollandaise, take two. - S'cuse J, I need to get to my muffins. - Yeah but I don't think you understand I don't know if I'll get a third shot at - ah that's hot! My eyes! - Aww, Baz he's done it. - To finish off my Hollandaise I'm gonna transfer it into a bowl, I'm gonna season it, bit of salt, bit of pepper, little bit of Tabasco, squeeze of lemon juice and then I'm gonna leave it on the back of the stove, clingfilm pressed right down on top of it, and hopefully, it'll be okay whilst we wait for my muffins, well, for me to make my muffins. - These are now good to go into the oven. Ow! - Now this is the thing that makes an English Muffin, an English Muffin, it's Semolina. I'm gonna dust my baking tray with semolina so once my dough is proved, I can roll it out, I can cut it, I can get it onto the baking tray and then prove it for another half an hour and keep these guys waiting a little bit more. - As soon as my muffins come out the oven, I'm pricking a little hole in all of them and then brushing over my rum syrup over the top generously and then scattering over some zested orange. And I'm done. And these guys still have an hour to go. (alarm sounding) - First prove, done. - I forgot to sprinkle them with brown sugar before they went in, and for me that's a really important bit of a muffin. - Whilst my dough is in its second prove, I can actually get on with making my bacon and my eggs. I'm just gonna cook bacon. - My muffins are browning really quite quickly and I've still got another nine minutes left so I've turned the oven down slightly and I'm gonna cover them because I'm worried that they're actually too brown. - Now for my eggs, I don't just wanna go for a free form fried egg, I wanna make it look like the eggs that you have when you get one of the muffins from the place with the golden arches. So I'm gonna fry it in a cutter and I'm also gonna break the yolk and let it run to one side, then half steam it, it should give a similar consistency. (tense music) - [Mike] Let's construct. Or just put stuff on top. (tense music) (moves into triumphant trumpet music ) - Where do I start? I'm gonna start savory. - Start savory. - Start savory. - It's breakfast time, isn't it? - I like the fact you've gone savory, you've gone English Muffin, you've gone classic. Looks like one that I could buy, if not better. It's easy to eat. - What you laughing at? - I can't believe that you're getting away with this. You're getting compliments, for a muffin. - [Mike] And Ben likes it as well. - No, it's not a McMuffin, it is an English Muffin made from scratch with a half fried, half poached egg, crispy bacon. - That's exactly what the menu for a McMuffin is! - Second time round, perfect Hollandaise, technically I can't fault it that is good cooking. It's good balance of flavor. I'm gonna move to this one next. - [Jamie] I'm a muffin. - That is a very soft, succulent muffin that tastes of Christmas. - Wow. - Flavor wise, I've never tasted that in a muffin and I think that's really delicious. - This puts me in a very difficult, tight spot. - It's completely different. - It all binds together amazingly well. - If I went to a posh coffee shop and all the muffins were lined up, I'd pick yours. - What I'm a big fan of is your muffin top. Which is, you've actually got - Smaller than it used to be, going back two years ago phwoar. - Obviously you're not expecting it there, you've just got it here, but here you've got that real kind of bulbing over the edge of the, overhang, yeah. I'm just gonna go straight through. - It's surprising you don't have it here actually, if it was gonna be anywhere I'd have expected it there. - Well, like yours, this is carb free. - Oh look at that! - A marble of 'bloob'. - Rivers, rivers of 'bloobs'. - That is a perfect bake. - I love that color. - [Jamie] That is great. - It's the closest it's been for a while because this is so different to these two. So it's a difficult judging field, I would say the best flavor combinations on the table is there, the ultimate skill on the table is here, to keep those eggs with the runny yolk and the perfect English Muffin, second time round the Hollandaise, and that's the one that everyone looks at and goes "I kinda want that naughty treat." Today, my winner, is That one. And I didn't think I was gonna say that coming to the table, but that is one hell of a mouthful. - I would just like to thank the years of inspiration that I've had for breakfasts on the road, that we've had on the way into work, or on road trips. - I don't know what's happened - What's happened? - Wow... - I've had my vote, over to you guys, I'm off. - Okay right, it's time to get serious. Comment down below what you think just happened I am completely confused. We read every single comment and I need your comforting right now please. - I dunno about you, but I'm really enjoying these battles at the moment - Brilliant! - So if you wanna see more of them, give this video a like! - So I suppose you're on a roll, d'you wanna? (gameshow music) Yep, go on then. - Yeah I do, I really do, yeah. I went out with this girl once who had one leg - No you didn't - I did, yeah. - Okay, right, one leg. - Yeah she worked at a brewery. - Right? - And she was in charge of the Hops. - Course there would be a legless there somewhere. - No, no, not at all! - [Narrator] As we mentioned, Sorted is just run by a group of friends, so, if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. (beep) - That well known bread muffin. (kiss) - Aww I didn't know he'd kiss back! (laughter)
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Rating: 4.9595394 out of 5
Keywords: muffin, savoury muffin, how to make muffins, popcorn muffin, sweet muffin, blueberry muffic, panetone, panetone muffin, mcdonalds muffin, mcmuffin, sausage and egg muffin, sausage and bacon muffin, mcdonalds mcmuffin, how to make a mcdonalds muffin, muffin recipe, mcmuffin recipe, blueberry muffin recipe, popcorn caramel, caramel muffin, muffin battle, food battle, cooking battle, cooking challenge, how to cook a muffin, muffin batter, quick muffin, best muffin
Id: ZxzeCLk64Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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