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[Music] we need to work with the community and research all things lunch and make it really good again and then at the end of the week you guys are going to go into a battle and it's going to be a lunchbox battle and welcome to another ultimate battle this week the Boyd going head to head to head to come up with a mighty lunchbox the challenge is to come up with something clever something tasty and execute it brilliantly and as ever there's brownie points up to grab the winner of our brownie point League table at the end of the series we'll get to heaven the loser food he'll find out more about that downstairs but for now let's do it few weeks back Barry Taylor made us a gentlemen's afternoon tea which turned out to be one cupcake now ever since that debacle I've not been able to get the concept out of my head so today I'm making a geezers afternoon tea and whether you're a geezer girl or a geezer guy you will not be ashamed of whipping this out at lunch afternoon teas are made up of different component component one Pizza spicy sausage roll component two scone component three sandwich mixed together ham egg mustard savory scones and for my final component cake Snickers Scotch egg now for my packed lunch I have not only thought about the food I've also thought about obsession I was going to call this a Mexican picnic and then I'd go with it don't do that so instead we're making Mexican fiesta a fiesta picnic it's a fiesta picnic now if you think that my outfit is playing up to some stereotypes we'll hold your donkey because you will see exactly why I'm wearing all this later so let's get on with the cooking the whole backing for me is based around lunch - code-6 lunch - go I'm making tacos with lots of different fillings and it starts with a dispatch row which is just dicing up loads of fruit and vege blending it it's time for adventure I'm thinking outside of the lunchbox for this one I'll make you a lunch for any Explorer that could be for mountain areas it could even be some astronaut we're gonna make a three-course meal we're advance of when your own adventure all you do is just add water and we're going to start with my starter we've got giant spiced chriskiss you wanna basically slice up some peppers and take your place and rehydrated to make raisins I have a lot of respect for you because you are going way outside the lunchbox is it going to work or is it going to end up tasting like what's smeared across your face yep okay so like as fat shows coming along nicely I have diced up cucumber tomatoes and pepper I'm just tearing some bread in there as well we're going to leave that to marinate with some olive oil and some sherry vinegar in a fridge for a couple of hours then we're going to blend half of it leave the other half to stir back in later so we get a nice thick consistency which is going to go beautifully into crackers okay any videos chopping these Tomatoes Ben's gonna need a tetanus jab before you eat your food talk about what yeah so in the UK there's a copy of running sitcom called only source of horses and the lead characters Dell boy who looks like this is like the definition of a guida an integral part of the costume is the flat cap which I don't have because I asked my granddad for one and he forgot to bring it in this morning what did you ask me to bring you for your battle your outfit for your food my outfit yeah nothing nothing so you were self-reliant yeah yeah yeah you know it haven't got a hat I'm gonna hat no that's not fair now we are friends you mixer can't do that I Mexican you're a Mexican it's my main course I'm making carne Apache which is basically a beef steak ceviche Pino ceviche from Peruvian food it's where you don't really cook the food but it kind of clips itself with in lime juice so this is going to be steak you'll notice that my expected quite hard it's because we've left it in a freezer for a couple of hours so it really hardens up and that's going to make it easier to slice and dice cleaner lines coriander and jalapenos left in a bowl together and it will kind of cook the food without using any beautiful incredible so while you've been away I have fried some mushrooms and tomatoes are then blinkx them up with some basil some mints and some do yeah that spicy sausage will finger out the other week and now I'm going to spread that mixture with some mozzarella and some basil onto my puff pastry which I had to fight for and then roll that over on top of itself brush it with egg and honey and bake it in the oven is flying on my fassl well now I have nailed chops everything I need to chop and smash everything to smash it's now time to go into a dehydrator and then lid on and then set that to 60 degrees and these will all take different time together because of the water content inland so the grapes the cherries might take up to 18 hours for the carrots and the Martin's the mushrooms say more like four to six how can I make a Mexican meal without some refried beans I'm going to peel and dice an onion some garlic fry that off in some lard for a couple of minutes with some jalapenos and some chili powder then I'm going to add the beans in and they're going to mush it up with a little bit of water and some coriander until it becomes a kind of guacamole as consistency now my sausage rolls are in the oven I can move on to my scone which so I've got some scones here I'm going to hollow them out and I'm going to brush them we mustard put a little bit of ham at the bottom then I'm going to crack an egg into them poke up the drops of Tabasco on the oak and then they go in to the oven as soon as my sausage rolls come out and now on to mistake I better start cooking this I'm hoping to dry this one out too nobody in their right mind is ever going to make this at home no I'm dehydrated mashed potatoes is now going into a blender being blitzed up into a ducts don't you mate instant mashed potato because you can't be bothered to make real mashed potato whereas what you've done is make real mashed potatoes and then turned it into industries mashed potatoes it's making me 20 hours to make innocent mashed potato now on to my Snickers Scotch egg here is some chocolate sponge I'm going to crumb that all up and add a little bit of water to the peanut butter and then I'm going to stir that up so I get icing consistency and then mix those two together then I'm going to have a Snickers bath stack them one on top of the other and use my chocolate pkt mixture to pack around those two Snickers bars and then I'm going to chop up some peanuts mix those together with some cornflakes crush those and then Panay my cakey balls in flour egg and them a calm flaky peanuts mixture I can weave on someone's dessert fruit salsa we're going to dice up mango pineapple strawberry little bit of mint little bit of zest and juice from a lime and a pinch of cayenne pepper six is an incredibly food factor so if your starter it's on a fit of a bag [Music] some smash Pattaya now here big shoe is a lot going in this one [Music] yeah just what I want my food you've been through a Dyson mm chocolate pudding [Music] deliciousness in a bag how can you have tacos without well taco shells we're going to take these we're going to make them a bit smaller and then we're going to put them into an oven for a few minutes we're just going to bend them round the oven rack to make our taco shells and that is everything finished roughly Esther picnic now this is the bit where it just adds water a few centimetres higher just to cover it all bring it to a boil there are simmer for a good 5 or 6 minutes [Music] [Music] I think somebody had a little too much adventure for this nap to give him his chance we're still gonna taste his food so what we have to remember is this is the last resort food this is top of a mountain somewhere just add water function over for don't sell it to yourself if he sees pee sleepy to sell it yeah you know what you'd happily that that is actually it's got sweetness from his dehydrated grapes and the peppers - lady Cole I know you fill in what mate we're totally facing jaws in fact he's nude tasting and giving for God when completely they're gonna work hmm brilliantly hang on what if I'm halfway up a mountain and somebody serves me three courses I'm already impressed chocolate pudding that is until a this is upside down cos when I saw him in the bag I wasn't convinced but you know what that's actually really clever now a bit of a lad myself so I'm looking forward so this the enthusiast over how long I'm sure he doesn't presents so funny and before you do anything I just want to serve this with a Thai iced tea can any milk automatically that shots always if you want the recipe for that we did a really good eye candy video on it instantly nice golden color when I was a spicy sausage wrong that is delicious hot meal do you but that is really really nice mustard ham egg against gone the yolk has a richness very difficult get a software a yolk but actually in here I'm not sure you need it simple ideas but completely turned on their head and made gourmet I love all three and the drink as well and a wet white dead your wet wipes you're in lad what is wrong with all when they're peppermint so far so good now for Jamie's we're Jonica start I'll tell you where to start follow me follow me now earlier I mentioned that this costume wasn't actually just a costume this is a picnic blanket down here a sombrero filled with shot glasses tequila Lemon we've got some salt back here we have the food here gourmet style lunch and also my little buddy that's been cooking with me it's a pretty otter okay yep I'm here to test the food yeah the freshness of the tomatoes the sherry vinegar all very good and this is like fill it be lime juice and it's just cured isn't it the uncooked there's loads going on here there's a starter does it like a double main and you've got dessert it puts me in that quandary again coming those you know open your eyes upon something yeah and I think it's lad he said so earlier see the way you sit that tequila explode unknown I think berry has to get a brownie points for doing something with food then I suppose that I don't we go do body something with food that we have never done before in eight years that is very clever cooking I am also going to have to give a round point to Jamie because the first time the first time this theory we kept something up your poncho sleeves at the end yep and the food is great the carne attach a is delicious get something where I'm gonna look at Fat Joe also great and you finish with a fruity side note yours are absolute delicious if I give you one as well then we're back square longer right that's exact all your um put your thing down pull that down oh yeah there we go let's go yeah go go you know what that was one hell of a week we saw out the beginning this week to make lunch straight again and I think we didn't can't fault it if you want to get any of the recipes ago we had poli we had three to the sandwiches instant ramen and loads of recipes today they are all available the super foods you get the link downstairs if you haven't subscribed and subscribe if you like the video then like the video if you have subscribe but you haven't clicked the little bell to get notifications when every time we upload a video the more you waiting for through that and if we haven't had enough done this week it all starts again tomorrow with rain easy but if you can't wait and sore tomorrow for that then you can help assorted food right now and you can see tomorrow's video today thank you do click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music] you you
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,209,835
Rating: 4.9490671 out of 5
Keywords: lunchbox, lunchbox challenge, school lunchbox, lunchbox recipes, lunchboxideas, kids lunchbox, lunchbox tins. lunchbox hacks, lunchbox reimagined, lunchbox sandwich, easy lunchbox, camping lunchbox, camping recipes, lunchbox cooking challenge, packed lunch, packed lunch challenge, ultimate battle, sortedfood battle, food battle, cook off, lunch cook off
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2017
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