BEAT THE CHEF Mystery Box Challenge Vol.7 | Midweek Meals

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- We are Sorted. A group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (laughing) We've got chefs, we've got normals, (beeps) and a whole world of stuff for you to explore but everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) Hello, I'm Jamie, this is Mike. Welcome to Fridge Cam. - Now we've been overwhelmed by how many of you are using and loving our new Packs app. - Which is an app that we've built as part of the Sorted Club which is designed to take all of the decision making out of mid-week meals. - Every week you get a brand new meal pack, within that meal pack there are three recipes, a shopping list and a cheeky little audio guide where we take you through each one of those three recipes with our own voices. - [Voice In App] "Put a medium saucepan" "that you have a lid for" "over a high head and pour in three tablespoons of oil." - Barry in particular has been using this app quite a lot so we thought we'd put him to the test and see if he can beat a chef with a mystery box full of ingredients along the mid-week meal theme. - Now if you don't know how this works, we have a normal who's gonna go up and try and beat a chef with the same tray of mystery ingredients and from that tray they have 30 minutes to create a mid-week meal. They can add to it staple ingredients from the cupboard. - They will need to create two identical portions which will then be blind taste tested by this guy; another normal. - [Ben] Another normal and he will give his judgment and we will crown a winner. - Feeling good Baz? - Yep, sure. - Feeling confident? - Sure. - Confident. - You are confident? - Yeah. - [Mike] That's what I like to hear. - It's Barry, yeah. (laughing) - You can lift of the tea towel, have a think, fetch some stuff and then we'll start your time. - Okay, right. Got a load of spinach, got some bacon. - We've got some white fish. - [Mike] Some meat, some fish, some fruits and veg. How are you feeling about that lot? - It's gonna be hard to do a sweet dish isn't it? (laughing) - Ugh! Okay. - I might go simple. - I'm fighting every urge just to do what I do every day. - Which is? - I'd serve that bit of fish and I'd serve it with a bit of mashed potato. - I'm thinking mashed potatoes, some bacon through them, lots of milk and butter, basic pan fried cod and then maybe we try something different with the leek, char or something like but whole to elevate it slightly so it's not just a mid-week meal where you chop it up, it looks cool on the plate. - I'm gonna do what I always do but I'm gonna seriously spice it up. I'm genuinely nervous. - Okay mate, you've had a couple of minutes to think, now it's time to start cooking in three, two, one, begin. (klaxon sounding) - Okay, I'm gonna start with my potatoes 'cause they're gonna take ages. Ow, ow, ow. Forked myself already. I'm microwaving these. I've put them on for 12 minutes, I don't know how long they'll take. - To start I'm going to dice up my potato and get them roasting. Why aren't I just chopping them up? 'Cause I'm against a chef. - Does it matter if you've got the skin on it? - No, it's not a problem. Thank Ben, it's not a problem. So my thinking here is I'm gonna roast these off to have some kind of like chunky home fries, mix it with garlic, leek and bacon and kind of toss that together so it's kind of a warm. - [Mike] It's a hash without being a hash. - Yeah, it's a deconstructed hash brown. - Deconstructed hash, put an egg on it, mm, yummy. - Oh (beeps). Olive oil, oh, that came out quickly. (upbeat rock music) - [Mike] So how long are you gonna leave those in mate? - As long as I can. I want them to be really soft and really crispy so they'll be in there until the last minute and then I'll just mix it in with everything else. - Oh, I've just had another thought. - [Ben] So what are you thinking? - I'm thinking in my experience making packs, all the best ones were like three separate elements just sat on a plate, worked really well together, easy, simple, nice. So that's what I'm going for. I'm going for a vegetable, which is leeks, a starch, which is potatoes, and some fish and the bacon, I'm gonna put on a tray, I'm gonna put in the oven and then I'll put it through the mash as like a crumb on something or maybe on top as a crumb as well. It's going in at 200 for 10 or 12 minutes. - I like that formula. It's obvious but. - The rule of three. - Yeah, the rule of three for mid-week. - I'm taking a leek and I'm going to be frying it like this off in some oil in a pan, get them softening, going a bit translucent, then I'm adding in my garlic, then fairly quickly adding in my diced bacon. Oh, the bacon in a different pan would be useful 'cause I want it really crispy. Bacon in a different pan. - For me, I think mid-week meals should be stress free and therefore if it needs an extra pan to keep control of it, that's fine. - Where are the pressure points for you? - I'm nervous my potatoes are gonna be, well the wrong type of crunchy, raw, and I want them to be really crispy on the outside and fluffy in the middle. - I'm doing a sauce, it's gonna be a hollandaise so I'm gonna be doing a little bit more than you might usually do mid-week but let's see what we can do in half an hour. I'm not gonna make a proper hollandaise though, I'm not gonna make a little reduction or anything. - [Mike] So how do you make a cheese hollandaise? - Just instead of reducing the vinegar with shallots and bay leaves and peppercorns, you just put vinegar in. Oh, this is going so well, it's getting so thick. I'm looking to be able to make a figure of eight and it to just hold for a couple of seconds. - [Ben] You've had seven minutes which gives you 23 left. Are you saucing it at all or is it going to be kind of it's own wonderful juices and things? - I think that's where my poached egg will come in useful. - [Mike] A poached egg? This is the first that we've heard of it. - So a poached egg on top of this I think it'll bring, it will self sauce. Okay, leeks are wilting down. In goes my garlic. - [Ben] It is a lot of garlic. - I tell you what, my wife adores garlic so I always overdo the garlic at home. - [Ben] What he is doing is thinking like one or two moves ahead. Preheating the pan before slicing the bacon, boiling the kettle for the egg long before he needs to poach an egg. So he is thinking ahead. - Why is beat the chef Barry, so different to pass it on Barry? - I'm in control. I know how I'm starting and am finishing this. - But are you not gonna get half way through this process and then go do you know what? I'm gonna fry a chicken. (laughing) - So leeks are done, and I'm drying the leeks so that they char better. - [Ben] Is this for your mash? - Yeah, most of that in there and probably put the rest in there. The leeks are going onto the griddle pan. I am slowly, slowly adding butter to the eggs, incorporating it, making sure it doesn't split and so it kind of becomes a thick sauce. - He doesn't know. - He's getting more butter. - That was a thought that I did not think he'd have. - So, obviously incorporated really well but it's a little bit loose. - That's done, it's nice and soft. I'm going to stick this in here as well just to give those a, oh, that's a hotter pan. - [Ben] So, one egg per portion? - It's Jamie, he's always doing more. - Oh, displacement there we go, (beeps) here we go. - You've had 17 minutes. - [Barry] Okay, which is fine. - Which gives you 13 remaining. - [Mike] Come on Baz. - Yeah, they're good, just give them a shake. - Had you had the same ingredients and the same brief, what would you make? - I think any of the staples could've worked, you cook off rice in that time and do like a quick pilau and you could put some of the fruit through it. I quite like fruit in savory. So you've got the smokey bacon but maybe some apple and some pear and some broccoli so you do like a warm rice salady kinda thing with a bit of fish. I think the fish is gonna take the star here, the smoked bacon becomes the seasoning. - I'm gonna flour the fish. - [Mike] Okay. - Otherwise it'll probably break up, and it's quite thin and not like really nice loin pieces. - [Mike] So what, just by dusting it in flour it stops it from breaking up? - Yeah, it kinda creates a crust. It's just a bit of safety. - It's also a nice vehicle to add some flavoring, some seasoning, some herbs into that if you want, and that might not be right for this dish but it's a good place to go if you wanted a crust, spice in with the flour is simple. - I still have to do my potatoes and get my fish cooked. - What else do I need to do to get ahead? Right, salt my water. - You asked for your 10 minute warning. (bell ringing) - Now I need to poach an egg and fry my cod. Salt. - How are you feeling internally? - I'm okay, I'm okay with this. I'm starting to panic as time is getting tight. Lemon in, pan on, steam. - Are they cooked? Good, they're hot. Often I would do a skin on mash but I think this would just be nice as like a really nice, smooth, buttery mash, like tradish. Leeks are looking good, bacon's looking dece, can't forget about it 'cause I will forget about it. Season the mash as much as you can before you start adding stuff because the more you work it and taste it and add more and work it in, the worse the mash is gonna be. And then also add as much liquid as you dare 'cause again you don't have to incorporate it multiple times. - [Ben] Six minutes remaining, how you feeling, confident? Are you gonna make it? - I'm really nervous now. Like six minutes? - [Mike] Yeah, six minutes. - Six minutes, eggs, eggs, gotta do eggs. Ah, okay don't panic, calm down. Calm down, calm down, calm down. Everything's okay Barry, everything's okay. So this fish is now done. Oh, please come out, please come out easily. - [Mike] How we doing, how we doing? - Okay, eggs are nearly there. - Mash is done, hollandaise is done. Finishing the hollandaise with a little bit of Tabasco. I might cut that tail bit off if I was being posh. - [Mike] This is the poshest mid-week meal I've ever seen. - [Ben] But it does also show you what is very possible in 30 minutes. Four minutes remaining. - Okay, good. Right, so potatoes are gonna have to come out now. They're looking crispy, hmm, could be crispier. - This is the crunch point isn't it, quite literally. Oh. - And I'm gonna stick that into my bacon fat. - [Mike] How long are you gonna cook this fish for? - A couple of minutes on each side. - [Mike] Oh man, that looks good. - I'm still worried it's gonna break apart 'cause it's so bloody thin. - Okay, yeah, I'm happy with that, that will be done. - [Ben] Three minutes. - Okay, right, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. (upbeat rock music) - [Mike] Talk to us, talk to us. - Going pear shaped, it definitely needs longer. I left the fish cooking too late. Probably could've done with five minutes or so to just baste it, and I don't have any herbs in there. What herbs have I got? Ergh. (laughing) - He just hammered your herb garden. - No, I know what he was looking for and it's not there so that's valid. He wanted thyme. - I did want thyme. - Well you're running out of it, you've got. (laughing) No, I'm not even doing that. Where's that bacon gone? - In the mash, the bacon's gone in the mash. Some of the bacon's gone in the mash, some of it is a crumb. I could even put a little on top if it looks nice. - Last fish is going in. Hob's off, look at me turning hobs off, come on. - Come on mate, come on mate, come on. - I'm tossing the bacon and potatoes together, leek and garlic going in. - [Mike] Yes, come on, you've got this, you've got this, you've got this. Oh no, you haven't got this. Two minutes left, two minutes left. - Oh what? - [Mike] Two minutes left. - Loads of time. (laughing) - Oh crap, right, lemon in, lid, butter, lid on. (dramatic music) - [Mike] How long we got, how long we got? - [Ben] Time for him to drain fish, which is important. It's the little things that matter. Oh, and a bit of lemon. - [Ben] Time remaining; one minute, 25. - Right. - [Mike] Is it good? - No, needs salt, bit of chili in there as well. - Come on mate, you need to start plating right now. - I'm doing it. - [Ben] 50 seconds. They've got to be consistent. He's very much doing the three things on a plate. I quite like that angle. - It's got a bit of color on it, which I'm happy with. - [Mike] Is his last fish cooked? 20 seconds. He's going egg. - [Mike] Loads, loads, loads, loads, loads. - [Ben] Eight seconds. - [Mike] Come on! - Five, four, three. - four, three, two. - Egg, egg, egg, egg, egg. - Two, one. - [Mike] No, he hasn't seasoned one of them. - Oh no! That was, yeah, ah, ah! - Happy? - It looks a little bit messy, maybe I went over the top with the hollandaise. - That was too close. - I was so stressed out. - I was promised four plates. - That criteria was ticked but you can eat them after this. - Great. - I'm actually a little bit worried about this. - I didn't think I would be. - Ooh, oh. - Ooh, is that a pancake? - Let's never let him judge, ever. (laughing) Pan roasted cod. Oh. - It's not a pancake. (laughing) - I'm sorry, that looks like a pancake. Pan roasted cod, bacon mash, charred leeks with hollandaise sauce. That sounds like a menu that I want to eat. Ooh, another fishy one. Less pancakey, well done. Pan friend cod, poached egg with a potato, bacon, leek and garlic hash. They're actually two fairly similar sounding mid-week meals, which is quite interesting. I'm gonna start with the pancake cod. (laughing) Cheers. Mm, oh I like that. The richness of that hollandaise is delicious 'cause it coats everything on the plate but it still allows the flavors of the leek and the cod to come through. This bacon in the mash is a touch isn't it? I quite like having a whole leek, it feels like it's a real part of the menu rather than having leeks. Okay. (upbeat music) It's gone. Cheers. (coughing) Was there some garlic in this? (laughing) Cor, that is punchy, in a positive way. - Okay. - It is very tasty. (coughing) What I would say is the garlic is semi overpowering. I'm not getting a massive cod flavor from the cod. In comparison to the other plate, every element tasted like I expected it to, like it had the full flavor of the potato and the bacon in the mash, the meaty leek and the pancake cod tasted like a really nice piece of cod. The flavor of the cod is kind of lost there amongst the garlic. You get a lot of different textures from the hash, the crunchy leeks and the bit of bacon and potatoes there and the nice richness of the egg yolk. They're both really good dishes and I would be very happy to have either of them. - Okay Jay, sorry to interrupt your eating but would you mind passing some judgment? - One of them shows I'm trying to get this done in 30 minutes and it's gonna come out however it comes out and one has a lot more thought into it. My winner is this one. (clapping) Love me a pancake, so. (laughing) - Does the cook of that dish want to step forward? Well done James. (clapping) Great, let's get in there. - It is tasty though this. I think making the hollandaise would take me 30 minutes, let alone pancakes, mash and leeks as well. - There's a lot of multitasking going on there. Good job round. - Good egg. - Good egg. - Well done boys, very good. (clapping) Congratulations, well done James. - I'm sorry mate, I thought the normals might have needed a win. - No, no, no, it's a tough ask. - It is. - The normals might have needed a win? If you like these beat the chef challenges then give the video a like and we'll know to make more. - And if you like the sound of Packs, join thousands of other people by joining the club and downloading the app now. I wasn't feeling so great the other day so I went to the doctors and he said stop eating anything fatty. I went what, like bacon and burgers? He went no fatty, stop eating. (laughing) Have a great week, see you soon. Yeah! (laughing) - [Mike] As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos, lol, we've built the Sorted Club where we use the best things we've learnt to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching and we'll see you in a few days. - Get me some spuds, just get me some spuds. Thank you, (beeps), whoa. In my head I thought right, play this cool.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 921,584
Rating: 4.9688592 out of 5
Keywords: mystery box challenge, sorted beat the chef mystery box, cooking challenge, beat the chef, chefs vs normals, mystery box challenge, mystery box, james currie, ben ebbrell, Sortedfood beat the chef, Sorted, Sortedfood, BEAT THE CHEF Mystery Box Challenge, sorted food midweek meals, Barry Taylor Sorted, Sorted Club Packs App, mystery ingredients, timed challenge, Fried Cod Midweek Meal, sortedfood battle
Id: tXNRO86nO5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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