Super Geeky Marshmallow Popcorn Bars

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hello everyone and what a week we have in store I hope you are ready because there's going to be some of this I can walk on cucumbers if there's going to be someone there but first of all we need to find out what the theme for this week is going to be and that involves our King James to lower his mystery box onto our faces the box inside of that box is a mystery ingredient no one knows what's in that box is good for change that's the best it is once we do know what's in the box it'll probably give us a clue as to what this week's theme is and then we'll ask you for those inputs to shape some recipes James would you mind lowering Bob okay okay one for everyone it looks like we're gonna fork some geeks Harry Potter it's Harry Potter we use a geek week well we are pretty close we've called it dork with Fork ha ha ha with it we're doing food science Oh which is going to be really exciting which are more exciting than that fans are we all doing you or is it just bent well I I can't like this week already that phone's going to love this we're going to use an understanding of science to make great food and then we're going to create a load of presses and do loads of research with these guys and then at the end of the week Ben and Jamie are going to have a big my end with as many sciency thing within the recipes you can possibly get we're gonna I'm gonna have a stalker if you're both girls doors off to go ha ha [Music] [Music] Semyon post in order to kick-off dogs with force week we need to make sure that we go big and sciency one of the most scientifically intriguing ingredients you can get in popcorn yeah that's because it's pretty much unparished Belen its kernel form but take a single kernel pop it into a single flake make multi-room you end up with popcorn we're going to find ours with marshmallow pecans mango and ginger and make delicious popcorn bars we are a clinical development the first thing we're going to do is the top drop op gun bars in fact has to be the base before we flip it that is dark chocolate which you're going to melt it in a bain-marie until it's liquid ah don't go lengths wait again it's like when you cut the grilled cheese sandwich the wrong way okay let's pop popcorn there are two types of popcorn the butterfly popcorn and there's mushroom popcorn so mushroom popcorn roundup cinema popcorn yeah often covered in plaster and sugar and things like that butterfly popcorn sort of softer nicer eating quality but more fragile yeah we're not distributing our popcorn so we're going to get the butterfly now the thing with popcorn we want to get out of the shell or the hull of the important bit inside and it's all about the moisture content absolutely will you open up do you go oh yeah absolutely because inside the EPI sperm of the kernel is trapped water and what happens is when you think that Artemus [Applause] yes inside the Eternals are trapped water when you heat up the kernel the water turns to vapor creating pressure pressure causes colonel to explode and there's a gelatinous start inside that as soon as it enters that outside atmosphere it caused creating the fluffy and you guys told us the best way to cook it is to do so so that all of that gelatinize ation happens at the same time if you want to heat double the starch and the proteins in situ evenly so in a pan vegetable oil about a tablespoon or two and just place a couple of kernels you just want to test through as soon as those are popped we know we can add in the rest but we'll take it off the heat to do that they can all crunch Center together because we know the popcorn box at about 180 degrees Celsius I have questions yes that will be ready yeah of those popcorn forms this pop does the opening feel no no it just popped right you know just no okay fine it would help yep this is popping which means the oil is hot enough and now we can add in all of our kernels we can take these three outs of those ones will burn I think I died hey guys Hoyle these go in a single layer on the bottom of the pan coat it and just leave it for a minute they can slowly come up the temperature then when it goes back on the heat they're already nearly at temperature and they pop together and you don't get any burn you guys head don't burn them and you gave us this tip and it's all about the right moisture content in your kernel Joe and Steph told us that he's also a somebody else told us you shouldn't store your kernels in the fridge while they pop we can line our silicon with chocolate now you only want a very thin layer of chocolate so thin in fact when we put the popcorn on top you can almost see it poking through two words pop cool brownie point you go guys I can't oh I see what you've done there yeah that the mushroom or the a butterfly action so it takes on all the flavor Oh action some of you said to air popping popcorn is perhaps more efficient and certainly healthier but it's very difficult to do at home unless you've got popcorn machine this is something one can do so by doing this method you pretty much get pretty much get 100% pop ratio which is what you're aiming for now that's why I said pretty much because we're allowed to give ourselves a little bit of a contingency on that but ten percent between brain yeah a broken tooth the perfect so I don't know how many kernels we had in there but probably several hundred and now we're left with 20 unpopped at tops the outside of the kernel is called the pericarp that can withstand up to 135 psi that how strong it is if you think like a tire is like turkey it's like four and a half times stronger than a car tire rim well I know what size to buy next time my colleagues cool yeah chocolate melted popcorn pot now for the flavor we've done all sorts of flavors before we did a gourmet savory one in season one this is sweet it's going to be butter and marshmallows melted in a pan and we're going to add to it the warmth of a teaspoon of ground ginger while we wave that which is chopped up peak and the mangas [Music] they're simply mixed altogether popcorn mango pecans and marshmallow device and then the chocolate literally just ate we don't go friend down too much now that it's cooled it's like these damn pan will just allow you to push it down without getting too sticky moist finger more control Hank it in fact need to set up in the fridge a [Music] little drizzle of this is just icing sugar let down with water oh he's got a perfect circle going on what a dribbler and there we go our homemade popcorn bars with ginger mango sorted oh wow like that you get the plague million they're healthy you know always there is naught and they keep it room temperature so you can cut it up into small bars and they're great for like a packed lunch line like that or okay pretty simple to make an amazingly cheap because popcorn although it goes a long way is so affordable these taste spectacular that Ben's had an experiment that's been ongoing for 12 weeks I thought you chose not a baby it's something else something like a steer I have been nurtured is joining tomorrow with fear click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 470,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marshmallow popcorn bars, marshmallow popcorn balls, marshmallow popcorn recipe, marshmallow popcorn treats, diy marshmallow popcorn, how to make popcorn, how does popcorn work, how does popcorn pop, popcorn bar ideas, marshmallow and popcorn squares, easy marshmallow popcorn bars, best marshmallow popcorn, popcorn science, popcorn physics, popcorn kernal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2017
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