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welcome to French if you eat food then this is the show coming up in our fridge today it's all about the most important the other day breakfast you off your chef's anything about breakfast our chef's table tuna cross between an officer and we show you how to make the ultimate by NOLA but first good morning we have just woken up not again now it's time for a battle I'm going to Koko's pop your ass in this place [Music] now my favorite breakfast cereal of all the times has to be like has to be Coco pop so when I chose really doing the ultimate breakfast cereal battle I thought I've got to include Coco Pops somewhere so I've come up with and weights this these popping coke Coco Pops egg pop popsicles again if you wanted to hear that again that is and it starts with making the cake pops for my poppin coke Coco Pops cake pops popsicle that means melting some butter in a pan with some cocoa adding some water too late the second getting too late to go back to sleep it's time to trust my instinct close my eyes and leave it's time I try defying gravity kiss me goodbye I'm defying gravity and it starts with chocolate ganache chopped up dark chocolate heat double cream melt the chocolate I made will give up now I'm just making a standard bowl of granola for a few extra ingredients I've got some fried chicken some gravy some service folks blueberries some honey and some hot sauce and it starts with your fried chicken cut up your ticket into bite-size pieces and then let us soak overnight in buttermilk as a pot sauce what is that I thought it'd be relaxing it's now time to move on to the rest of the cake mixture so that is going to be flour sugar and some baking soda into a bowl mix together and apparently pinch of salt then I can pour in my wet stuff mix it all up and it's going to be a great cake batter simply brief with the Jarman I sleep naked I'm not going to get sucked into the hilarious band for today because the less is notice but my recipe is fully reliant on visuals if the visuals look terrible this is going to end up bad I'm genuinely concerned it's going to turn out like one of those nailed it means the last step to make my cake for my cake pops for Mike you know what I'm making is whisking together buttermilk and eggs before folding that into the rest of the cake batter into a pan and then into an oven for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees sells out don't forget the vanilla extract the hot double cream is now perfectly melted my dark chocolate so now that Joe's into a bowl and then into the freezer to set up it's white chocolate panna cotta time got the double cream of milk for my cereal man kitchen ain't big enough for the two of us especially ladies up I'm going to be making my popsicle young samurais I don't now I'm creating the milk for my cereal I'm melting some butter in a pan they're adding the flour in then I'm adding some boiled milk into that with a Bailey do you put your milk into your milk well I'm making the kind of a milk for my cereal it looks like just milk actually it's delicious and so much more than just milk but it has got milk in it yeah so you're using milk to make milk you're milking Nick now we know Barry always goes outside of the box of history I think this is so far outside of the cereal box he's even confused himself he doesn't really know what he's doing but I like the idea behind the whole savory look sweet is savory thing I want the flavor to work and it looks like a bowl zero granola fried chicken as well fried chicken I'm gonna make some white chocolate I've got a house about publicly the milk coconut panic cocoa pop cake pop popsicles and I know that you're pulling focus to them you're not even listening to me they so out of order man damn you know I'm going to find out how to make a white chocolate panna cotta this double cream milk in a pan Peter to a simmer added sugar and then some white chocolate in the meantime I'm going to do some jealousy names and colder water dude teachers yeah like there's local gelatine dodj so what is this yeah whiskey blue bourbon-soaked blueberries next up I've got to make the popsicles for my poppin Coco Coco Pops cake spots popsicle get users to sign up in Lesson Wigner it's going to start by pouring some coke into bold and leaving it for half an hour that goes nice and flat we're going to add in the juice of half a lime and double cream and liquid glucose mix it all together until it's nicely combined and then pop it into the silicon spray quest convened personal central Baker Aker X and then how do you cook popsicles that's right children in a freezer until they're frozen [Music] Wow now when it comes to Jamie's dish he is so tongue-tied with the title that he kind of forgetting that he's actually got to deliver a recipe and I think the rescues gonna be tough for him because he's got to move quickly it's going to melt and he's not good at moving quickly speed is not his thing there was something I forgot to mention finish the recipe pop the lid on pops and sticks in but any car fall yes because the other half is generally made up of my cake pops that's what makes it into a copy so after soaking your blueberries in bourbon and creating a a white sauce what makes me a breakfast I hear you are gravy yeah I know to make my gravy I've got some gravy so I've got a mixture of barbecue sauce so the first step to making your gravy is get some gravy bring that to a boil and reduce it by half and now to pan a my chicken I've got 1 bowl full of my Phillips granola another bowl full of flour or igano and garlic powder and the middle bowl hey perfect blend shop sweatshops that goes into the simmering cream with sugar think back to that time that I told you I've done some gelatine I'm going to take that jealousy now this is gypsum in the puzzles I'm going to squeeze it oh sorry with good a knife it's more than two years and then that's going in my white chocolate sugary creamy mix once this is dissolved this gets poured into a jug with a spout cool down this is our message and you won't believe this because I'm so efficient I've taken my trash out of the freezer here it here is a bubble tea straw I'm going to stick this in the middle because this is going to be the foundation of my trickily honey nut conflate white chocolate ganache panna cotta I'm going to make the icing to the cake pops for the cake pop part of you know waiver what was going to be is melting some butter then adding in some buttermilk some cocoa powder a little bit vanilla extract folding that into some icing sugar and then when the cake is completely cool we can crush it all up fold in the icing and make our topping coke cake cocoa popke you never guess what I've done the melted some more chocolate this is white chocolate and now it's melted I need to chill it so it becomes nice and tasty right James recap ganache chilled straw in panna cotta chilled pour on ganache and now I'm going to scatter these Honey Nut corn flakes all over so it looks like though the crunchy want a bowl for lay out crunchy error and now it goes back into the fridge to chill like all of the other steps so Mike's is deceptively simple but deceptively Trevor oh yeah yeah everyone likes avocado and white chocolate plus the whole defying gravity thing everyone loves wicked I think you can pull this off but if it doesn't look spectacular there's not a lot else going for it now my check is your palette is time to deep-fry I'm a chicken 174 about four or five minutes this is set up really nicely and my white chocolate is now a pace look look please fingers out now I'm going to paint my straw with this and then I'm going to construct now the cake pops are in the silicon I need to get them back out of the silicon so they stay in there Hema show me silly half circle things and then I need to put them onto the six on the other side of the popsicles they can go back into the freezer for a few minutes to set up give us an amazing news what Jamie's recipe is it he's on the LP so use the white chocolate to stick the honey nut flakes of corn to the straw and go up now I've got base layer that comes back into the fridge to set up I could patch that up and make it look good later but for now I'm going to take thee to this you'll see these are set up in the freezer which means we can now put our toppings on we're going to put some crushed up Coker pot and some popping candy because there's popping coke Coco pop cake pop popsicles we have to this quickly because we don't want them to melt welcome back to another chef's table and giving it today's theme is breakfast we thought we'd carry that right the way through with some questions from you why our bagel spoiled for for baiting so it does feel a little bit weird to place raw dough into boiling water but what that does is kind of sets the outside the bagel and then when it's baked it stops it rising too much which is why you get a really dense chewy bagel what are some alternatives to just adding sugar to your porridge and please don't say silk James oh no I was I was about to say salt I actually would never put sugar in my porridge I would start with a little pinch of salt and then I would add something like fresh fruit or fruit compartes they're cooked fruit or some honey so natural sweetness natural treatment is what it's all about what's something I can make the loaf before that I can get ready on the way out of the door a great make-ahead breakfast if you're not going to go to the baking of making muffins something like a Bertram usually so great up some apples mix it through with oats and nuts and seed a little bit of sweetness if you want from honey and it needs overnight gently cooking it and therefore it needs to time for the fruit juice and the milk to actually soften the oats and then you describe a Boleyn way to go and it has maintenance is good what are some of the best breakfasts from around the world oh so many because everywhere has their own awesome breakfast Eli we're gonna have different answers to this Costa Rica rice and beans kind of guy up info it's absolutely brilliant and also while I was there we had guava jam so we typically have jam on toast maybe as a breakfast item but was a tropical fruit and guava jam was amazing I've done more European so I like cheese and meat and I recently have like heart for breakfast as well which was old interesting smoked tart when the best Navy option had was in Hong Kong that was congee there's rice porridge but it's savory and rich finish with kind of seafood a bit and it was an amazing breakfast please keep sending us your questions for the next chef table but that's it I thought we could talk about breakfast day long but if we don't get back to the cereal Bethel [Music] I'm so glad to brief or cereal and not breakfast because I wouldn't want any of these for breakfast I'm gonna start with this one because it's savory which in itself is confusing every flavor and that works all the textures work it's still a bit confusing but I love it now for this one all in one Alden pop-up yes I wasn't that impressed until you put in your mouth and then you're going to get this fun thing going on because it's cold you need to get out more most and then you try it but you get the coke and the icicle and the and the popping snip and the creamy chocolate this one without fail is the best-looking one but it's very simple in flavors now that's a lovely description zone but you have to pick a winner and I am going to go with a popularity vote and I am going to go from Al I think it looks great thanks Mike however my votes will be one of the sausages I don't need count for part of it can you guys get a vote - there's a poll on YouTube - go and put your vote in there and comment down below and tell us why you think each one of these was your favorite why she gets all very specific yeah thank you don't know why you've removed your trousers because it's boiling in here Bailey's unbelievable result I don't think you were Mike's recipe was a deserving winner pretty little major yeah yeah but you know how it all came about right yeah so Mike found a picture of that recipe on the internet and then came to us and said boys which would do a cereal back ok right well this next in a future you guys tell us what we do of the battle exactly the only done line them know comment down below let us know what we should do for the next ultimate battles make sure you subscribe because we will make you hungry I reckon a pretty camera and everything it had too much of certain people I know when there's too much a James super much 18 bare chest that they're testing I saw Mike's bum I'm not complaining but it was just you know you don't need to see that and if you stick with us it's going to have the best granola known to man on our after toast comes up now otherwise we'll see you next week goodbye bye oh hold on what is that take that off okay ridiculous right it's not look like it fit it doesn't know and so you're going to make granola that is different from the granola that Barry just used in his our year today we're going for DIY awesome fruity nasty granola you're going to love
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,236,122
Rating: 4.948164 out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood, sorted, recipe, recipes, food, how to, how to make, how to cook, cereal, battle, ultimate battle, cereal battle, fridgecam, the fridgecam show, coco pops, corn flakes, anti gravity cake, panna cotta, cake pops, fried chicken, granola, aftertaste, fancy dress, Mike, barry, jamie, ben
Id: vGq-70GYNWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2017
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