The ULTIMATE Guide to Fishing - Stardew Valley

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farming fishing forging mining combat these are the five skills that live in harmony in the valley only the farmer master of all five skills can bring economic stability to Pelican town [Music] ah I've looked forward to talking about the most important part of the game for a while now fishing if I'm honest with y'all I'd say that this is one of the most important skills of the game second only to farming not only is it a great source of income but it has its little fishy tendrils spreading out to other parts of the game that you would think are normally separated from fishing alas we all came from the water and eventually we'll all return to it let's start talking about those fishing mechanics so you'll get your fishing rod on day two after you've gotten the letter from Willy to come meet him upon first using your fishing rod you'll have a little mini game this determines how far you'll cast the bobber the more full of the bar is the farther you'll cast the line if you have a nearly full bar you'll get a little perfect note this contrary to popular belief means nothing what actually matters is where your bobber lands every square of water has a depth number this number is based on how many tiles away from Land the square is so your zones will look something like this notice it starts at zero there is no zone four you go straight from three to five a higher Zone has many benefits such as a lower chance to catch trash higher quality fish on average a higher chance to catch more difficult fish different items from treasure chests and some fish just straight up cannot be caught in lower fishing zones in addition if you ever see these bubbles casting in them will increase the zone of that spot by one as well as quadrupling the fish bite speed also if you need to you can slightly adjust the spot that your bobber lands by holding down a direction during the cast alright so we cast the bobber now for mini game 2 we wait for an exclamation point to appear above our head just press the use button if you see it if you caught a fish say hello to mini game number three here you simply need to follow the little fish icon with your fishing bar pressing the a button makes it go up and it falls down on its own unless you're in multiplayer time will be paused during this section so don't feel Rush simple easy the most despised part of the game the thing is each time you level up your bar in this minigame gets larger alongside other Buffs that you'll obtain as you progress through the game so you're getting the hardest fishing minigames right at the beginning if you think it's hard uh yeah it is best advice I can give stick to easier fish to start and buy the training Rod if you really think you need it it's available in Willy's shop right at the beginning and it'll increase the size of the bar to as if you were level five also if you keep the bar on the fish for the entire time you'll get a perfect catch which increases the quality of the fish by one stage this is one of the two ways to catch an iridium quality fish as they'll never be caught Naturally Speaking of as your fishing level goes up you'll naturally start to catch higher quality fish just like how forging and farming levels work with quality during this fishing minigame there's a small chance that a treasure chest icon will pop up this has its own little catch bar although remember that the fishes bar will still decrease while you go for the chest it's a little bit of risk and reward if you don't catch the fish you don't get the chest there is a smorgasbord of items that you could possibly get from this just like fish many of the items you can fish up in chests have their own little requirements to get the most common items you'll fish up and order is bait various resources like coal or ore and if you're in Spring rice shoots some of the rarer items are a whole collections of artifacts for the museum geodes gemstones weapons Rings boots even a prismatic Shard if you're really lucky I never skip out on a chest because you never know what you're gonna get now let's talk about the tool of the trade rods by default you'll start out with the bamboo pole this has no special properties it is simply Your Vessel with which to catch the fish a fun thing about rods though is that they can be freely bought if you lose one the second Rod is the training Rod it's not an upgrade rather it's there to help anyone struggling with the fishing minigame it only costs 25 gold it's available right from the start and as I said before it sets the fishing bar size to level five however any fish caught from it can only ever be normal quality the training Rod can only catch fish with a difficulty of 50 and under funnily enough this rule does not apply to legendary fish you can still catch them with the training Rod one thing that separates the fishing rod from other tools is that you don't upgrade it at the blacksmith instead once you hit a certain level threshold you'll be able to buy a better Rod at Willy's shop after getting Level 2 you can buy the fiberglass rod for 1 800 gold you can now use bait there are four different types of bait in the game regular bait five can be crafted with one bug meat or it can be button Willy's shop for five gold this halves the time it takes for fish to bite and decreases the chance of catching trash magnets which are craftable at level nine three per one iron bar or it can be bought for 1 000 gold it has all of the properties of regular bait but also in increases the chance of getting a treasure chest by 15 percent which adds on to the original 15 to get a total of a 30 chance to catch a treasure chest and you may notice that the description says fish aren't crazy about the taste this means nothing they're a direct upgrade to regular bait wild bait unlocked from Linus's four heart cutscene yes that one it's crafted with 10 fiber 5 slime and 5 bug meat making five wild bait these lower the bite time even further by 62.5 percent it also gives you a 25 chance to catch two fish at once and that chance increases with higher luck this is the only bait that cannot be plucked finally short little 1.5 update spoiler here magic bait unlocked in the Walnut Room on Ginger Island for 20 gems five can be crafted with radioactive ore and three bug meat or it can be bought for five gems each it has the same effect as regular bait and can catch any fish in an area regardless of season weather or time of day note that the fish still needs to be able to spawn in that type of water you can't catch freshwater fish in the ocean then at level 6 fishing you can buy the Iridium rod for 7 500 gold as well as having bait from the previous Rod it can now also have tackle tackle can provide a wide variety of useful effects a lot being good in specific situations so let's go over all of them the spinner unlocked at level 6 reduces the maximum bite Time by 3.75 seconds the Trap bobber also unlocked at level 6 makes the catch meter decrease 33 percent slower than it normally would lead bobber level 6 makes your bar not bounce if it drops to the bottom the treasure hunter level 7 increases the chance for a chest by five percent and the catch bar won't deplete while you're on the chest the cork bobber level 7 makes the bar 20 24 pixels bigger equivalent to three level outs the dressed spinner level 8 reduces the maximum bite Time by 7.5 seconds the barbed hook level 8 makes the bar cling to the fish meaning it'll slowly move in the direction of the fish while the fish is in the bar trying to center it within the bar the quality bobber unlocked after the juicy bugs wanted special order raises the quality of all fish caught by one stage this is the only way to get iridium fish outside of a perfect catch and last the Curiosity lore randomly dropped from mummies or crates increases the chance to catch rarer fish and decreases the chance of trash moving on from rods there's one tool that's adjacent if a little less useful than the rods crab pots you can place these down in any body of water fill them with bait and overnight you'll either get a crab pot fish or trash they're not the most useful thing in the game but it is a sort of passive income there are two different sets of fish you can catch fresh water and salt water placing a crab pot in any fresh water will always yield the same fish and putting it in any salt water again will produce all of the same fish this can also be used as a way to not play the fishing minigame to get your fishing level up because you do get five fishing experience every time you empty a crab pot even if it's trash and if you don't want to use the crafting recipe they're also sold in Willy's shop for a thousand five hundred gold and they're unlocked at level three finally I'd like to talk about fish bonds these are a type of building that you can have Robin build on your farm these essentially farmify fish you put a fish in and they'll automatically populate yes even if there's just one up to ten every few fish they'll ask you for a specific item to unlock their population limit usually something related to the fish we'd feel more at home with a pickles and I don't even know what sturgeon want diamonds for but sure who cares each fish will make Roe the value of which is always the sale price of the fish divided by two plus thirty so the more expensive the fish the more valuable the row the lava eel and the ice pit being the two most valuable rows most fish also have a chance to give you a few items that aren't row but most of the time the chances are so low that it's not something to be depended on oh also as a final note legendary fish cannot be used in fish ponds so don't even think about it alright now for the time we've all been waiting for the fish this is why this video took so long do you all know how many fish are in this game too many more than there are crops anyway here is our first chart it is for all of the spring fish for the most part these fish aren't exclusively available in Spring but they are locked to a couple of Seasons so going over the chart from left to right on the left we have the fish and their name we have their sale price this is at normal quality with no profession Buffs at all the conditions you catch them in if there needs to be a specific weather pattern it'll be shown on the left and then it'll have the location and then the time then the amount of experience you earn from Catching it note that getting a perfect catch multiplies that number by 2.4 the quality of the fish however does not affect it then I have the level I put level up there because it's the only word that kind of makes sense that could fit in that spot this is the difficulty of the fish each fish has a pattern for example Dart means it'll Dart around very quickly and take a pause in between each Dart Sinker means it will only Dart upwards and then it'll slowly float Back Down Smooth means it won't Dart around it still can move quite quickly though although it's not on this list floater is the opposite of Sinker it'll Dart downwards and then float back up and mix means it can do any of the previous patterns it'll change every few seconds or so then the number next to that is basically how quickly it executes that pattern for example a 30 Dart fish won't Dart as often or as far or as fast whereas maybe a hundred Dart fish will be very difficult to pin down of course the difficulty number isn't the only thing you're looking at when it comes to straight up difficulty some patterns are outright harder than others Dart is going to be harder than either Sinker or floater because it can move in both directions unpredictably all things to consider then in this last section I have interesting items that you can get from a fish pond if you have that fish in there it's very empty on this screen but trust me we'll get some more interesting ones later the legendary fish for each season will always be at the bottom of every page obviously it's worth a lot more it's a lot harder it gives a lot more experience everything there's a couple of conditions missing from the legendary fish simply because I couldn't fit them in for the legend you do need to be level 10 to hook it it needs to be caught in a fishing zone of five which means it needs to be five tiles away from any land oftentimes the game will give you a specific spot to catch the fish that's intended but it can be in any fishing zone of five not much else to say about this page in general the spring fish are easier they sell for less money with the exception of the catfish which is very difficult and also only available in the rain you might be saying however this isn't all of the fish that can be caught in Spring and you would be right I have a separate table for fish that can be caught in any season these are year-round fish there is truly nothing much special about any of these the carp is the easiest fish to catch in the entire game so there's that these also tend to be the cheapest of all fish with the exception of the largemouth bass selling for a hundred gold I also want to point out that you see R plus L on chub that means River and Lake basically it means that you can catch this thing in any fresh water outside of like the special ponds like in the secret woods now those two tables were easy moving on to the summer fish you can see why this took so long there's so many fish as you can see our fish pond area is a little bit more colorful this time with rainbow trout being a standout giving you both rainbow shells and Prismatic shards only point one percent of the time super cucumbers also being pretty cool and being the first of the fish that we've gone over that changed the color of your pond I want to talk about the Dorado really quick it ends up being one of the last fish that a lot of people catch mainly for the fact that it's not only just caught in the river it's only caught in the Forest River it is the only fish in the entire game other than you know a legendary fish that we'll talk about later that is only caught in the Forest River and not in the town river moving down we have the octopus which is the hardest to catch fish in the entire game that isn't legendary and then down to the legendary fish the Crimson fish it only requires level 5 fishing and it does need to be caught over on the docks near the tide pools that's just about the only requirement it has oh and also so for sturgeon you'll see caviar on its fish pond area that's because whenever you put its row into a preserves jar you will get caviar instead of aged row and it does actually have one specific use you'll probably find it while playing through the game moving on to fall one less fish than summer I almost like to think of fall as a mix of spring and summer fish because it has so many similarities with the both of those Seasons the catfish comes back if you were too low of a level to be able to catch it mechanically back in Spring there's quite a few rain-locked fish so make sure you pay attention to that if you're trying to complete all the fish caught I also want to mention the sea cucumber it's the yellow one I just titled it Cuke because nothing else would really fit it is used in a very good food recipe the lucky lunch this increases your luck Sat by three and can be really good for going through the mines or really doing almost anything in the game Midnight carp is another often missed fish because it can only be caught after 10 pm which is one of the latest this times any fish starts to be available in the entire game and it's only caught in the lake which is a not very popular fishing spot lastly the angler only requires level 3 fishing is the easiest of all of the legendary fish to catch at only 85 difficulty it does however need to specifically be caught in the northernmost spot of the town river and since the town has hardly any fishing zones of five there is no fishing Zone requirement here it just needs to be in the right spot of the river and finally winter fish there are only three fish here that you haven't seen before the perch which is pretty easy to find it can be caught in the river or the lake at any time it's also a very easy fish on the other end we have the squid which can only be caught in the ocean after 6 pm and is pretty difficult but if you put it into a fish pond it can give you Squid Ink which is useful for a couple of cooking recipes I also want to give special attention to the red snapper it has the rain requirement you might know that it does does not naturally rain in winter at all so the only way to ever catch the red snapper in winter is to use a rain totem and then moving on to the legendary fish we have the glacier fish it requires level 6 fishing to catch and it requires that you stand on one specific tile this tile at the bottom of the arrow tip Island at the bottom of the Forest River and even after that it does still require that you fish in a fishing zone of five if you meet all of those constraints it is the most likely to be hooked legendary fish with a 50 chance of getting hooked and did you think we were done we have one more table of fish the special fish table all of these fish for the most part can be caught in any season but it needs to be in a very specific area you'll also notice that every single fish has unique items that you can get if you'd put in a fish pond this is the main reason that I included it on the table so to start you have the first four fish all caught in the mines the lava eel once again changing the color of your fish pond and giving you the most expensive row as well as giving you many useful items out of its fish pond also notable that the stonefish ice pip and lava eel give you their respective geodes from the mines the sandfish and Scorpion carp are both caught in the desert I don't know why they're not catchable after 8 PM but they're not and I will still hold that the Scorpion carp is the hardest fish to catch in the entire game because it has the highest difficulty level with the dart pattern which I personally find to be the hardest the wood Skip's pretty normal it's found in the secret Woods Pond void salmon are only caught in the witch's swamp and before we move on I also want to talk about the witch's swamp a little bit more you have the mission where you need to bring void mayonnaise to the henchmen to get to the Magic ink and all that we all know it you can just straight up fish out void mayonnaise from The Witch's swamp this can only be done while you're taking on that mission so this could save you a bit of time slime Jacks found in the mutant bug layer they also change your fish pond color as do the void salmon I forgot to mention lionfish blue discus and stingrays were all added in in the 1.5 update and they're all found on Ginger Island lionfish in the ocean blue discus and any fresh water and stingrays specifically in Pirate's Cove they all also have crazy items that can be found in fish ponds The Stingrays being the most egregious giving you some of the most valuable items in the entire game and the lionfish literally gives you the most valuable item the tiger slime egg sells for 8 000 gold next we have the three Night Market Fish yes I know that these should technically be in winter but they couldn't fit so here they are these are caught during the night market on the 15th to the 17th of winter you take the submarine down to the bottom of the ocean and you catch them there fun fact you can actually catch them whenever you want if you have magic bait all you need to do is fish in this area with it doesn't matter when doesn't matter what season you can catch them there it's pretty neat there's quite a few valuable items you can get from their pawns the pearl of course being a universally loved item farmwork totems are always helpful and the treasure chests you can get from spookfish are worth 5 000 gold so you know that's pretty good I would be a Miss if I didn't mention that the Blobfish can be tailored into a blobfish mask finally we have the last of our legendary fish the mutant carp it is only caught in the sewers there's really no requirements to catching it as long as you can catch an 80 difficulty Dart fish you're good and okay so there's a few more fish wow who to get more fish crazy there's the Crab Pot fish I'm not gonna make a whole table for these because they're a lot simpler than all of the others these fish come in two sections one for ocean fish one for freshwater fish we'll do the freshwater fish first because they're simple they're all very cheap you have the crayfish snail and Periwinkle crayfish sells for 75 gold snail 65 and Periwinkle 20 whopping gold when put into a fish pond they all either either give you trash or they can give you mixed seeds or a mountain warp totem there's a bit more to catch in the ocean you can get lobsters clams crabs cockles mussels shrimp and oyster it's important to note that while clams cockles mussels and oysters can all wash up on the beach and be foraged they won't count towards your fishing list they have to be caught in a crab pot lobsters and crabs are the most notable of all of them just because they're worth a bit of money Lobster's 120 and crabs 100 the rest can just be turned into Sashimi for selling when put into a fish pond well first of all clams are the only thing identified as a fish in the entire game that cannot be put into a fish pond don't ask why the rest will all either give you trash coral sea urchins a beach warp totem or a nautilus shell although crabs are a bit of a special case they don't give you pearls in their fish pond however if you get a fish pond with 10 crabs and go talk to Willie he'll give you a pearl so that's kind of neat and that should be every single fish oh my God so we can finally move on to the Level Up Rewards of the fishing skill at level one your casting distance is simply increased by one tile at level two you get the bait recipe and the fiberglass rod and bait are unlocked in Willy's fish shop at level 3 you unlock crab pots which we've gone over extensively and the cooking recipe for the dish of the sea which gives you the second best fishing buff with plus three at level 4 you unlock the recycling machine you can put items that are considered trash into this to make a different useful item except for Jojo Cola and here's a short chart sourced from the wiki that tells you what items you can get from which trash and once again your casting distance is increased by one tile at level 5 we have our first choice of professions with the Fisher profession fishes are worth 25 more when sold or the Trapper profession resources required to craft crab pots are reduced for reference that changes the ingredients from 3 iron bars and 40 wood to two copper bars and 25 Wood so we're obviously heading in the fishing path and the Crab Pot path honestly choose whichever mechanic you like more I know a lot of people really hate the fishing minigame in that case crab pots it's an easy level 10 Over time however if you take the fishing path both of the level 10 professions are very useful one helping you with making money and the other helping you with completing the museum so it's really strong can't deny that at level 6 we unlock the Iridium rod and Willy's shop which means we start unlocking tackle as well you get the crafting recipes for the spinner and the trap bobber and in Willy shop you get the lead bobber spinner and trap bobber at level 7 we have more tackle the cork bobber and treasure hunter recipes and they're also unlocked and Willy's shop at level 8 we get the warm bin crafting recipe which is perhaps one of the most hilariously not worth the items in the entire game it has a super expensive recipe and just gives you two to five bait every day you could just outright buy the bait for cheaper for for reference I I just want to go over this really quick if you buy all of the materials that it takes to make a worm bin it'll take 267 days for the bait to pay off the price that you spent on the worm bin it's almost funny how bad it is I use it for Aesthetics more than anything else you also unlock the barbed hook and rest spinner recipes which are also unlocked in Willy shop and your casting distance is once again increased by one tile at level 9 you unlock the Sea Foam pudding cook recipe which gives you the best fishing buff in the game at plus four you unlock the magnet bait crafting recipe and it's also unlocked in Willy's shop now for our level 10 professions if you chose the Fisher path you'll have angler fish are worth fifty percent more when sold or pirate chance to find treasure doubled now one thing I want to go over here is that the angler profession overwrites the Fisher profession it's just another 25 boost the pirate profession on the other hand does not overwrite the 25 boost you already have basically in my eyes if you haven't completed the museum go for the pirate profession it is so useful for that otherwise more money is always great this is also a situation where you can just stockpile a ton of fish swap over to the angler profession for one day sell it all and swap back if you really want to over on the Trapper section we have Mariner which makes crab pots no longer produce junk and lure Master which makes crab pots not require bait if you're a crab pot person both of these are very valuable however Mariner will give you the better gold per day increase if that's what you're looking for bait is ultimately extremely cheap and doesn't affect your profit that much or you know maybe you're lazy and you want to use learnmaster that's okay too these two are pretty balanced in my opinion although overall if you want to go with efficiency you definitely want to take the Fisher out and that ought to do it one of the more controversial seals in the game that I personally love once again if I have missed anything please let me know and I think real quick as a side note there's a bunch of items that you can get from fishing in very specific places all of which I covered in this video here so if you're interested in that give it a look otherwise thank you all for watching I'll see you in the next one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Salmence
Views: 631,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew, valley, Stardew Valley guide, Stardew fishing, how to fish Stardew valley, Stardew Valley fishing guide, the ultimate guide to fishing, fishing guide, how to fish, best fish in Stardew Valley, Stardew Valley fish, Stardew fish guide, Stardew Valley walkthrough, Stardew Valley gameplay, Stardew Valley crab pots, Stardew Valley fish ponds, Stardew Valley legendary fish, how to catch legendary fish, Stardew Valley fishing secret, Stardew tips and tricks
Id: ksl1tNwjIi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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