100 Days of Stardew Valley with NO FARMING

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my favorite kind of challenges are ones that restrict the main point of the game think of playing Mario 64 without pressing the a button or exclusively playing RuneScape in this one area that's derivative of the rest of the game through these challenges you see methods of completing the game that no one has really used before it forces you to analyze every bit of the game for every little Avenue of progression possible and that is what has inspired this challenge today I'm gonna go through a hundred days without farming which I'd argue is the main skill of stardew Valley for this challenge I'm counting anything that I could see as related to the farming skill as farming itself so first of course I can't plant or harvest any crops I may hoe the ground but putting a seed in there is off limits I'm also not allowed to own any animals while they don't give you farming experience the professions in the farming stat are related to animals so they are included also extending things a small bit I can't do anything that's similar to farming so planting wild seeds despite giving foraging experience when harvested is also not allowed the only thing I'll allow myself to plant are trees it's not a challenge without goals though I wanted to add a variety of things to work towards both to push us towards making profit but also to Branch out and add more to this run than just making as much money as possible I'll be using a point system because it's fun so number one pay off the entire JoJo membership form including the movie theater 20 points from membership and 20 points for the movie theater two collect six of the Seven Star drops only one will be impossible due to the lack of farming there will be five points for each star drop as a reminder the six star drops are get to floor 100 of the mines buy one from the stand during the stardew fair buy one from crobus for 20 000 gold hit 13 hearts with your spouse catch every fish and donate every artifact and mineral to the museum number three this one's a little more fun than than the others obtain a fish pond of each color of which there are five ten points for this number four reach floor 100 of the skull Caverns 10 points and number five enter the Walnut Room on Ginger Island 10 points many of these goals are going to require that we keep working up until the very last day of the challenge it's actually really funny how it works out I'll explain the challenges and how they're going to work in more detail as we come across them in the run without further Ado let's start the first day as I'm setting up the farm here you'll notice that I put the day counter in the top left corner of the screen didn't have the foresight to see that that would cover up the mine floor numbers so I'll give you the lowdown whenever it's important so you'll know also I am not going to be doing any modifications to this save file everything is going to be set to default except for the farm we're going to be using the Riverland Farm mostly because this Farm is awful for action actually farming and since this is a no farming challenge this is pretty much the best instance to use that farm very first thing I'm doing is farming for fiber I'm going to need to stockpile as much as I can for one of our first big money makers and here's something you don't see often selling the first 15 parsnips because I don't need them so main thing about our early game here is we are going to be going to the beach very often and Clay farming if you don't know how clay farming works there's many videos on YouTube that will show you exactly all the intricacies of it essentially clay sells for 20 gold each and with this method you can get over a hundred gold pretty quickly with like the first half of a day you'll notice that I'm not using animation canceling it's just simply because I don't want to do it I wanted this run to be more of a chilled relaxed kind of run that kind of anyone could do and follow along if they really wanted to to see how they would do in that same view this is unmodded of course this is vanilla stardew Valley and while I am allowing myself to clay Farm I'm not going to use some of the other larger exploits of the game I'm not going to sequence break using out of bounds or getting on chairs or anything no infinite money glitches and no using the casino to grind for days on end to get Casino coins to sell hardwood fences not that I can unlock the casino anyway selling all of that clay gets us up to 2920 gold do you all Hear What I Hear day one backpack upgrade there's a few characters I'm going to focus on getting friendship up with Carolyn is one of those due to the unlock of T saplings and I'm also going to head to the saloon to buy a few salads those are for now the best energy to Gold spend that we can get so I'll be utilizing that a lot I spend the rest of the first day walking through Cinder sap Forest getting fiber and cutting down trees to try and get my forging level up as soon as possible for multiple reasons though my big goal is getting to level 4 foraging before salmonberry season starts I let myself pass out because because you only lose 10 percent of your gold at this point I also leveled up to level one forging so I don't take an energy hit either we start day two by going to get the fishing rod of course we're going to want to hit Level 10 fishing by the end of spring because we do need to catch the legend to get that star drop and we proceed to Once Again Clay Farm a lot of our first few days are going to be like this unfortunately it wasn't a great day for clay farming only 66 and Robin's out for the day so I can't sell the clay immediately so I put a chest next to the mountain lake to give myself some more inventory space and fish the entire day away I'm not joking I literally fish until I pass out and from all that we immediately jump up to level two fishing to start day three still haven't had enough got to do a little more fishing until nine when Robin opens up so I can sell all that clay that I got yesterday I also run down to Willy's to sell all the fish that I fished up yesterday and found that he's selling crab pots and that's how I found out that I already hit Level 3 fishing I only sell what will sell for more than 75 gold each because another one of our big money makers is going to be Sashimi which we're going to have to become friends with Linus for I go ahead and buy the fiberglass Rod since I'm going to be doing a lot of fishing anyway it'll make its money back and we head off I find a worm spot on the beach and we get our very first artifact from it the anchor only 94 items to go since we do have the artifact now I'm going to stop clay farming right before 4 pm so that we can get to Clint's and open up those three geodes we got earlier and then donate everything to the museum I got some Copper from the first one and two minerals from the others and just like that three of the 95 items we need we're almost done the rest of my day is dedicated to getting wood both to increase my forging level and so I can start a sorting system with a bunch of chests that night I hit both level 2 foraging and level 3 fishing level 3 fishing being important because now I can craft crab pots basically my thinking is I need some for form of automated money maker and since Farm crops can't take that crab pots are a close alternative right it's basically star fruit on day four thanks to us getting Copper from one of our geodes we now get the furnace crafting recipe and I also make a few more chests to get things a bit more organized now I have a blue chest exclusively for fish that will sell for less than 75 gold to be turned into sashimi and a green chest for any forageables or naturey items that I come across that I just want to get rid of the clay farming actually goes so awfully today that I just quit soon after starting I quickly sell off the Clay one thing that's really Weighing on my mind at this point is I need to get that level 10 fishing and I know how tight it is so I spend the whole day fishing with the goal of hitting level five today I organized the fish when I get back and unfortunately we only hit level four fishing you hate to see it yeah we did make a whole 1500 gold just from selling things in the shipping bin that night though so that was pretty nice for day five by the way sometimes you're gonna see the day marker be wrong in the top left don't worry about it it's fine day five we have a dilemma because it is raining which means it's a great day for catfish a lot of money to be made there but also it's a perfect luck day and today's the first day the mines open up so I need to make a decision in the end I choose to go to the mines because the faster we get to the bottom of the mines the faster we can upgrade our tools the faster we can probably get to the desert and things just tumble On and On from there the most interesting thing that happens is a dougie drops a yam yams if they drop the yams and once we hit 415 just barely do the lack of energy we head back up my main goal that day was to get enough copper to be able to upgrade a tool and luckily we did get all that so hopefully the pickaxe should be getting upgraded soon so to make the best of this beautiful day I'm now gonna go fishing since I can pretty much replenish my energy as I fish by eating the fish I catch unfortunately I didn't catch any catfish like I was hoping for I'm just not a high enough level for it to be easy enough to I organize everything out and we end our day for all that work we do hit Level One mining I start off my day just getting rid of a ton of debris on my farm to open up for room for later and also to kill time while I have the rest of my copper smelt also since it's day five we finally have access to the community center unfortunately I can't donate our foraged items until tomorrow due to the fact that I need to wait to get the language thing from The Wizard also while I'm in town I pay a visit to Carolyn I wasn't planning on visiting her but I have Amethyst in my inventory which she likes so I give it to her and since we're heading over to Clint's anyway I bring all my geodes to be opened as well and from our trip to the mines and opening the geodes we now have eight more items that we can donate to the museum bringing our total to 11 which is pretty snazzy for day six then working on both my foraging level and getting wood for the bridge I cut down a few more trees unlock the bridge to the tide pools finally pick up like the six Coral that is there which is a lot and then I start to do my first batch of ocean fishing while fishing here I get the achievement fisherman which means we've fished up 10 different kinds of fish including algae I guess I didn't know that counted I sold a bunch of items that night getting a thousand three hundred gold just about making up for the money that I spent upgrading the pickaxe as you may remember it's supposed to rain today for day 7 and I also need to go down to the wizard so that I can unlock the community center in all of its Glory also since it's Sunday I can check the traveling Merchant to see if there's anything cool yeah never know and of course there's a rare seed on the first time I check it for reference I'm really checking for Quality sprinklers for the most part because that would enable me to do a slime Hutch I cut down yet more trees while waiting for the wizard learn the language of the forest feed Carolyn more daffodils and we go and complete the spring foraging bundle I then spend the rest of my day fishing because it is a rainy day and I do still need that catfish and luckily I do get it along with many others from all that I hit Level 6 fishing and I got about a thousand eight hundred gold from all the fish that I sold finally on day 8 our copper pickaxes ready so I grab all of our geodes and before the shop opens do a forging run around the entire Valley after breaking open the geodes I have five more items to donate a few of which I got from fishing the other day this brings our total up to 16. I then do my gift duties to Carolyn and Linus and then with our copper ax head back into the mines despite struggling for energy I just barely managed to get to floor 25 with all the copper we got today my plan is to use five bars to upgrade our ax to copper and then two bars to start up our crab pots because I did choose the Crab Pot bundle profession at level 5. on day 9 I realized I miscounted the copper I didn't realize that crab pots needed two bars so I had to really quickly go back to the mines and get another Bar's worth the short trip turned into me hitting floor 30. so I didn't get out of the mines in time to go upgrade our ax and then I go to giftliness courts he doesn't like courts you know foraged minerals are Universal like but no one likes quartz I guess with a pretty unimpressive day so far I go and do some clay farming to brighten it up a bit we have a pretty good session here getting 137 clay and to finish off our day I donate three items to the grab bot bundle and with all the extra copper we got I was able to make two more crab pots so now we're rocking three big day 10. this is the first day that I realized wait I I need to romance someone for a star drop immediately my mind went to shame because he has an early birthday and viable loved items though I don't lock in my choice yet do some quick fishing open some geodes get about 50 celestines for some reason and donate one more artifact to the museum 17. I do yet some more fishing get another geode get another new item to the museum and I wrap up the day with a forging run over the last few days in game I had really been hoping for good luck but it doesn't seem like I'm ever going to get it so on this neutral luck day I decide to dedicate my entire day to the mines I make it all the way down to floor 40 and get a whopping 43 copper despite the bad luck day I actually had really good luck however I once again took a bit more time than I should have so it's a race down to clints my copper ax is delayed once again well in the meantime I have decided that I will be Romancing Haley number one she loves daffodils which is a free item in Spring that can be of a higher quality and later on once we get access to the desert she loves coconuts and if we get our foraging up to level 10 we get free iridium coconuts which means Free level 13 friendship with Haley I spend the rest of the day smelting all the copper bars and I also hit Level 2 Combat on the 12th day of spring we finally get our cat it was pointed out to me that you can only get a cat on Wednesday and Friday and every Wednesday and Friday up to this point had been rainy so we had to wait all the way until day 12 to get our cat you might remember a random poll like a few months ago where I asked about favorite pet color and gray cat one so there it is it's the last time I did a stardew valley playthrough I named the cat after the love of my life my cat Machi this time I'm going to name it after for the other love of my life smorg from Paper Mario Thousand Year Door we start off our day with some healthy clay farming and finally I don't forget to upgrade my ax I don't really do much the rest of the day I give out gifts to the various people I need relationships with I then get pretty much an entire day of bubble boosted fishing and overnight I hit Level 7 fishing and from the combination of fishing and Clay farming I earned 3 500 gold in one day the next day we have great luck so I can't ignore that I probably should go to the mines now that I hit 440 I do need to get some iron ore I didn't realize it but it's also the egg festival today the main reason to go there is for strawberry seeds and obviously that doesn't help me at all I'm already in the mine so I decide to skip it unfortunately the worst part about it is I won't be able to give Haley a second gift before the Friendship resets tomorrow I absolutely schmooved today made it through 10 floors and on floor 52 I found my first special slime and it dropped the iron Edge if you weren't aware your weapon at this point in the game is dreadfully awful so this was a godsend one for later I got another special slime unfortunately it just gave me thermal boots which wasn't even better than what I already had in the end we make it all the way down to floor 60. that Minds trip literally took up the entirety of the day so we head back I complete the Crab Pot bundle on the way and we head to bed and hey we hit Level 3 mining since yesterday was a mining day today will be a day dedicated to fishing in the hopes that I hit Level 8 at least we're now over halfway through spring so I really need to clutch out that fishing level to get the legend I do want to pick up our copper ax though today and from all of our mining yesterday we have eight more things to donate to the museum that's 27 items for those of you who are keeping track I also decided to take one more extra trip today to go check out the traveling cart and lo and behold they have that quality sprinkler it is 2 250 gold but on the other hand this could be my only chance to be able to use the Slime Hutch effectively so I take it also can't forget today is Haley's birthday so I bring up a gold dandelion and she is absolutely loving it and for our day dedicated to fishing it ended up being like one third of a day dedicated to fishing because at 5 PM we finally get to it and to no one's surprise no level up we do get a fat 80 gold from clay though next day I get a letter telling me about the impending doom of all of my spring crops one thing in these streams that I had been focusing on is getting the JoJo membership soon I have in retrospect no clue why I was trying to get it so early I think it is probably one of the biggest mistakes of the Run how much I was trying to rush getting that and it was so that I could get to the desert sooner but when you look on the other side of things there are entire sets of bundles that I probably could have completed if I had tried to rush this so much which would have saved me a lot of money in the long run anyway to start our day I did fish up a lot of magma geodes and artifacts yesterday so I decided to break them all open and donate them which leads to another four items donated and then I went and did the deed I bought the membership form this this was so early this yeah oh bad decision I then kind of forgot what I was doing so I did a little stuff here and there gave some gifts still a little fishing went back to my farm and I realized that I was supposed to upgrade my pickaxe to Steel today and it's almost four so I Sprint to Clint's place literally 5 million IQ lost hurt and a little hungry I decided to use this day to go Harvest salmon berries because it is the 15th and it is in fact salmonberry season I always maintain these are one of the best sources of energy in the entire game luckily I hit Level 4 for forging while I'm out there so I'd start getting two salmon berries per Bush overnight we just barely got enough money to get our copper pickaxe upgraded so that's the plan also I haven't mentioned it much because I don't want to mention every single time I make more crab pots but our Crab Pot Army is looking pretty impressive at this point so we're gonna do a little bit of everything today we're going to go forging for salmon berries get the stone junamo behind the community pardon me the JoJo Storehouse upgrade the pickaxe I go and buy a ton of bait my reasoning here is that bait costs five gold each right every bait is going into crab pots which gives me 75 gold so that's a 70 gold turnover there's no reason for me to buy as much bait as I need so I'm just gonna keep buying a ton all at once and and then it's Vision time finally I've hit Level 8 fishing it doesn't mean anything it just means I'm closer to level 10. we have however hit 25 000 in earnings so it's time to choose what our farm cave is there's so many differences to this choice now considering our circumstances number one I've already bought the JoJo membership form so any contributions to the community center don't matter I can't make kegs I can't make preserves jars so basically any use of the fruit bat cave is pointless with mushrooms on the other hand they'll give me ingredients to make life elixirs and even though I can't put common mushrooms into a seed maker because I won't unlock the seed maker I can still use the common mushrooms to craft fall seeds so I end up going with the mushrooms we're gonna start our day focusing on foraging both getting salmon berries and just trying to bump our forging level up to level five this is of course aided that we can now clear off all of the hardwood stumps off of our farm with our copper ax and we finish out the rest of the day by fishing so day 18 is really the day that I start going crazy on getting to level 10 fishing mostly because I realize oh there's only 10 days left I need to be to level 10 fishing and it needs to be a rainy day so if I get it on oh there's four days left in Spring and we just don't have any more rainy days I'm out of luck so I really start rushing so to start I fish all day I donate two items to the museum just to free up my inventory and then I go to the saloon because I want to check and see if they'll have fish tacos these are the only items sold in the saloon that can give a plus two fishing buff which would mean we'd be level 10 fishing and we could get the legend immediately unfortunately not today just a lucky lunch so we'll have to wait until another rainy day so I uh fish for the rest of the day and from all of that fishing we do in fact hit Level 9. next day Jody asked me to bring her a cauliflower that's not happening so here's an option we just hit Level 9 fishing maybe I don't need to hit Level 10 because Willy is always sells trout soup which is a plus one fishing buff so I oink it so with that on my mind instead of fishing all day to try and hit Level 10 I'm gonna use this time to go into the mines the goal here is to get enough iron to upgrade my ax so that we can start going to the secret Woods to upgrade our foraging level and of course just to get a little deeper I'd like to upgrade my ax the next day so I go ahead and start smelting the iron I go and check on the traveling cart absolutely nothing of use of course and I spend the rest of the day training forging and fishing and today's the day that I sold all the fish that we got from fishing the previous day I got 3 000 gold from all that so now we're sitting a bit better unfortunately it is not enough to buy the Iridium rod because today we're going all in on trying to catch the legend with the drought suit the trout soup wears off after about three hours in game and nothing I didn't even hook the Legend So I go down buy more trout soup and to go back up and try again this is a good time to mention that throughout this entire series I do not want to reset days for any reason maybe I messed something up later on in the day I'm not resetting and from that Spiel you can probably tell that I did not in fact catch the legend today I did hook it once but no can do my consolation prize is that I did fish up the Neptune's glaive which is a pretty good weapon for this early on but it'll be outshined shortly by the obsidian Edge no level up and 2 700 gold from all the other fish that we caught that day so I have a few more days to get my fishing level up to 10 and get enough money for the Iridium Rod so I go for a Minds day for no real reason we're just going here to test out our new Neptune's glaive and go down five floors to floor 70. now that it's midday I can give a gift to Haley and to Carolyn no level two hearts though the two saplings will have to wait I maintain at this point that I have so many spring seeds that the moment that I unlock the tea sapling recipe I'm rich so I go off and finish up the day with some more mines so I end up making it all the way down to floor 80 and I decide to do a little bit more just so I can get enough gold to upgrade my pickaxe once again I was pretty much only meaning to dip my toes into the magma floors of the mines but I got all the way down to floor 90 so we take those I also go back and pass out in front of my house got level three combat though so today is going to be an errand day I've collected a bunch of weapons and Boots so I'm gonna go sell them all at the adventures Guild out of all the geodes I break open I have three things to donate and I also choose to give out some gifts today and finally Carolyn hits level 2 friendship immediately we go see that tea cut scene next we go and sell all of our weapons and extra boots which ultimately doesn't amount to much but it gets it out of our inventory after all this I still have quite a bit of time left so I decided to go back to the mines I do need to get a little bit more gold so that I can upgrade my pickaxe and it'd be nice to get our first star drop by reaching level 100 and I get to floor 100 just in the nick of time that is the first five points acquired I head back to the farm you might have noticed that I haven't gone into the mushroom cave yet I completely forgot that I unlocked it and so I constantly say things like why don't I have the cave yet haven't I earned enough so sorry about that that night I hit Level 4 Combat and level 5 mining I chose the minor profession I really feel like there's not much of a reason to go for gemologists unless you're going to batch sell a ton of them that you have so yeah minor upon exiting my house I exclaimed that we will be getting to the bottom of the mines because why not I guess and of course checking the mail we unlock the tea sapling recipe I'm able to make 45 two saplings right off the bat so off of the high of my incoming money I delve deeper into the mines you might ask oh what happened to upgrading the pickaxe I probably forgot I don't know I also get a mushroom floor which I I feel like I never find them even though I'd go in the mines a lot and bada boom bada bing bottom of the minds I've got a little bit of time left so of course I use it by fishing as I often do I cut it so close that I pass out right next to my bed and very surprisingly despite the fact that I just banged out 20 floors of the mines no levels all right right I checked the weather and it is going to rain all day tomorrow day 25 of spring that's almost guaranteed to be my final rainy day so I've got to catch the legend on that day to start off our day I go on a little bit of a fiber hunt because that's currently my bottleneck and making more tea saplings also today is the flower dance so even if I wanted to I can't go down south into Center sap Forest there is of course nothing for us there because we didn't hit four hearts with any characters so there's no one we can dance with there's not really much of a reason to go so I'm just going to spend the day clearing out the farm cutting down trees get a forging level up breaking the big boulders getting my mining level up so after that I try to see if I can squeak out a level 10 fishing before tomorrow when I have to catch the legend unfortunately no level 10 fishing but we did get level 5 forging so I choose the gather a profession I also chose to sell all of my tea saplings today so I could get the Iridium rod for tomorrow 33 887 gold wow that's great it's not quite the number I was expecting but that's fine country girls can make deal so today's the day we've got to get the legend I can't really do much for now because I need to buy some trout soup and the Iridium rod and all that so I just do some trash fishing until nine so I buy the Iridium Rod I buy the Trap bobber as a reminder it makes the fishing bar go down slower and I buy trout soup oh and I also buy 200 bait don't worry about it I also use the rest of my money to buy mine carts throughout this entire playthrough I've really been hurting for him so this is gonna be nice so now the attempts start I have three uses of trout soup which should last me through pretty much the entire day it's the second fish I hook and I lose it just about immediately from then until the very end of my Trapper bobber's life I don't hook it again and so I need to go and craft another their Trapper bobber because I really don't expect to get it without it at about 9 pm I am back to more fishing luckily for me I hook it again and the battle ensues I finally reeled that bad boy in three days to go just a few hours left in the day easiest thing I've ever done in my life you love to see it during all of that I didn't even realize it but I naturally hit Level 10 fishing and of course I choose the Mariner profession as any good stardew player does and the legend lines are Pockets just a little bit more so now I'm a little bit aimless for the rest of the season I already got the legendary fish I got to the bottom of the mines so there's not much to do except pad up my levels a bit more and make money of course I head to the secret Woods for the first time and finally I feel like this is a lot later than I normally do it I finally buy that inventory upgrade after all of that fishing and of course getting to the bottom of the mines I have tons of geodes so I break all of them open I don't even break open all of the geodes but I'm able to donate 11 items that is 48 items officially over halfway there and I spend the rest of the day cutting down as many tree as I can since now my main focus is going to be my foraging level and this is finally the moment that I realized that I've already unlocked the farm cave so I harvest it for the first time so the next day day 27 is a day that I do something new I specifically go out and farm for a specific material to make us more money for now I am farming for both fiber and copper ore fiber for two saplings and copper ore for crab pots and Bug meat doesn't hurt either since I need to get bait anyway like I said I'm a little lost with what to do with my time right now and I noticed that I have a mission to slay four red slimes so I do it get a little pocket change and I use the last few hours of my day making copper bars making crab pots from those and expanding my Empire also thanks to all the fiber I farmed I was able to make a ton of tea saplings earning me another 10 000 gold and upon checking the weather the next morning I find out that yes that day that I caught the ledge was my last chance because there are no more rainy days for spring at this point I do start preparing just a little bit for the skull Cavern I plan on saving up money for the desert I would like that to be the next unlock I was kind of hoping to have it unlocked before the end of spring but uh what are you gonna do also in addition to dealing with my crab pots every morning I add on to my daily chores going to the secret woods and getting the forging experience from all the hardwood stumps we do a little bit of deforesting and uh that's literally it I just cut down trees all day I did head to the mines briefly at the very end of the day just to get yet more copper ore for yet more crab pots and so spring ends with not a bang but a level up in both forging and combat this was very important because I hit Level 6 foraging which is where you get the lightning rods and I need to have lightning rods ready for this summer remember that batteries are a requirement to get to Ginger Island and to make crystallariums which would probably be one of the better money makers I'll have during this run big plans for the first day of summer I decide to go even more all in on crab Bots than I already have I'm going to buy coal and copper to make them here's the math a crab pot takes 10 copper ore and two coal if I buy all of that total it will cost me about 14 days worth of Crab Pot fulls so the earlier I get them out the more money I make so I think this is worth it also I want to start working towards my fish ponds as you remember getting one color of every fish pond was one of the goals so might as well start early I do need to get a bit more seaweed so I go and fish it up I went and bought a hundred and five copper again I feel like it'll be worth it I didn't bother buying the cold because I realized that I have access to Charcoal machines now so I have a ton of wood that should never be a problem guess what mark off your bingo sheets I forgot to go to Robin instead I went down to the forest and went to catch the wood skip now that it's finally summer I have a lot more fish to catch again I then go around cutting down trees and looking for forageables since summer seeds only need three different foraged items to make them I should be able to make quite a few more than I did in Spring and of course I do and I make a few tea saplings and sell them again remember my big money project now is getting the desert open I finished off the day with a little bit of ocean fishing once again there's new fish to catch I also do catch a super cucumber which is one of the fish I need to change the color of fish ponds and then I use all that copper we made to make four more crab pots I also scrounge up the materials to make two lightning rods so no matter what the summer if we ever get a storm we'll at least get a few batteries we're inching up pretty close to unlocking the desert so I decide to do some clay farming today we had a not awful not great day clay farming I got 55 and I decided to do a new activity for the rest of the day I'm gonna go geode hunting I know how stressful getting all of the museum artifacts is so I hope that this will make it a little easier just front loading all the geode items I leave with one magma geode and one Frozen Geo code stonks that night we hit Level 6 Mining and day 31 we unlocked the spawn tomorrow we start our day by doing a little bit of foraging and after grabbing all of the geodes that we have just sitting around in the farm we go to break them all open and we're able to donate three more items to the museum we don't have much farther to go until we unlock the sewers though not that that's the most useful area before leaving I go ahead and get my pickaxe upgraded to Gold I realize that even if I do have the money to unlock the desert it's not that useful unless I have a better pickaxe and I also go to unlock our first fish pond of course we take a quick trip up to the spa to steal all of its fiber while I was up there I got a bone so I donated it why not we've got a ton of ore so I start smelting it all and while I'm waiting I start decorating the farm a bit just a little something to make it not look so empty I guess if I can't fill it all up with crops there's gotta be something and for profit I do a lot of fishing it almost feels like a waste to have my level 10 fishing already because I pretty much keep fishing throughout the entire series the next day I designate our Crimson fish day we already have the level to catch it it's not nearly as hard as the legend should be easy while I'm going for it I do catch the octopus which if you didn't know is the hardest non-legendary fish and it took a hilariously long time to hook the Crimson fish but I finally hooked it and immediately was able to catch it with the help of a Trapper Bobber of course I pretty much spend the rest of the day just doing some house cleaning I add a few more chests to my organization I get rid of items that I'm never really gonna need since I don't have any of the machines to make from farming that really makes a lot of things just completely useless and all of that cleaning really paid off because we got 8 000 gold from it next day our fish pond is done being built and so I put a octopus in it that's not permanent I do need one fish pond that stays as blue I just thought octopus would be an interesting thing to be in there today is also the day that our gold pickaxe is ready not that we can really do too much with it at the moment it does have one great use and that's to get us yeah more copper ore for you guessed it grab Bots it's nice not having a thousand things that I need to do every day anymore because now I can basically have an entire day spent on one task it's a lot more efficient than oh I need to go do fishing ooh but I also need to get level 4 foraging ooh but I need to give three different people gifts it's getting a lot more simple as we go on next day we have a storm so I go ahead and make a few more lightning rods while I have the chance and we also have a few fish that we need to catch today because there are rain only summer fish I go mining for some more copper and make more crab pots someday I'll be satisfied with this luck yes we get another rainy day in a row so that's yet more batteries with only 7 000 gold to go until we get to 40 000 which is how much we need to unlock the desert that is pretty much my main focus at the moment I do a variety of money making methods just to not get bored I get my mushrooms I go fishing a little bit and I head down to the magma Caverns to to get gold fiber for teeth saplings and of course magma geodes another focus at this point is just Gathering bombs and stuff because we'll be going into the skull Cavern soon at the end of the day I start making so many crab pots that we're now starting to extend onto the second island of the river Farm just for fun I counted how many crab pots we have right now 36 of them this amounts to a free 2 700 gold a day and tonight we also hit Level 7 foraging we are now 3 000 gold away from unlocking the desert first thing we do today is go and give Linus a gift and what do you know three hearts so we should be getting the Sashimi recipe in the mail tomorrow of course we still haven't solved the problem of we do need to be able to cook it couldn't tell you why but at this point I was more focused on getting to level 9 foraging instead of just buying the house upgrade I think I was too overwhelmed with wanting to get to the desert this is another thing that I'd probably change if I were to do this challenge again just get the house upgrade I find a few more forged items and it's just enough to be able to make a few tea saplings I go to Pierre's sell the two saplings and I have just enough to finally unlock the desert forty thousand spent finally we'll be able to go I then go back into the mines for you guessed it more gold I actually end up having to leave early because my HP got really low and at this point I've already used all of my salmon berries so I end my day by going and doing my foraging chores finally overnight there's that beautiful bus being worked on and we hit Level 6 combat I checked the luck and we have actually kind of good luck today so I might just do a little dip my toes into the skull Cavern we also of course get the Sashimi recipe and it'll sit there for a while so first thing we do when we get to the desert I look for coconuts because it's a loved item for Haley and we're still trying to romance her take a crazy guess at what I didn't find I take this opportunity to go ahead and quickly get the sand fish I'm gonna skip out on the Scorpion carp for now and now now we're going to take a little trip into the skull Cavern there's not really a specific goal I'd kind of just like to get enough iridium ore to make an iridium bar or two I don't know of course just to quickly go over all the things in the school Cavern that are going to be useful to us lots of omni geodes great for filling up the museum or of every single type of which we pretty much have a use for each one I do still need to find a prismatic Shard so that I can get the Galaxy sword and many other things and before we embark on an important trip here we will need some spicy eels just to get us going I struggle here quite a bit obviously you probably don't want to be coming here at level 6 combat and on top of that I have not even gotten any rings that are going to be at all useful and there's also quite a few artifacts that are pretty much only found in the skull Cavern there's a lot of bones that dinosaurs drop alongside the dinosaur egg of course so yeah we're going to be spending a lot of time in the skull Cavern things are well I'd say going well but they're not really I get down to about floor 23 when [Music] that one hurt so yeah I'd say our first delve into the skull Cavern was a rousing success on the right side we did get enough iridium ore to make a bar so there's that we came out with quite a few geodes as well so it you know it's not all awful day 37 I got the letter telling me about the luau which I had completely forgotten about at this point I think the only character I need relationship with is Haley but it will help towards that so I'll do it I bust open like a million geodes and I get four more items to donate to the museum like I said it's gonna slow down I give Haley the big cake that we were sent a few days ago and she's finally up to four out of eight hearts I spend the entire rest of the day in the Frozen mines mostly because at this point I'm feeling like I've opened up all of the geodes that aren't Frozen geodes a ton and because after that last showing in the skull Cavern I'd like to get some more bombs to make our life a little bit easier to end off the day I actually try to go fishing for super cucumbers because that's one of the very few items that I can get my hands on that can get me the best result out of the luau and for fortunately I don't catch any and I didn't know this but if you go to sleep after hitting Zero Energy you will wake up with only one energy the next day luckily we do have our super cucumber from the last time I caught one so I just decided to use that and then I'll catch another one later for a fish pond they love my soup and that's a quick day on a beautiful day 40 I decided to do a semi-serious run into the skull Cavern I trade some rubies and emeralds at the desert Merchant for some spicy eels and cheese respectively spicy eels for the buff and cheese just for the health I couldn't tell you what happened here but I had a crazy good luck day this was meant to just be like a throwaway oh maybe I'll get to like floor 25 or 30. I got to floor 67. for my trouble I got 40 iridium ore level 7 combat and level 8 mining I completely forgot the next day that you actually get 10 000 gold for reaching floor 25 of the skull Cavern that's wild today we have another stormy day so my plan for the day is making sure that I catch every fish that I can up to this point which means I need to go get a needle I also take time to break open all the geodes that I collected while going through the skull Cavern which gives me two more items to donate we're now at 58 items donated I also start cleaning up fish in other areas so I go for the ghost fish and the stonefish and then head down deeper and go for the ice pit I also try to go for the lava eel for quite a long time but I never even hook it once I'll probably just wait until I unlock the volcano to get it the next day we unlock tailoring because I think we got our first cloth I again spend the day trying to get all the fish I've yet to get and I just need the rainbow trout in the Dorado I catch them both pretty easy go to the desert to get some coconuts for Haley and I decide to go for the Scorpion carp while I'm here as well it absolutely Stomps me so I'm gonna come back for it later the next day is yet another stormy day I also start upgrading to the gold ax because I'm really trying to get my forging level unlock and that would just make it faster and without the ax that leaves us in the mines trying to get more copper for you know next day is a great luck day so I do some casual skull caverning and lucky lucky me I find my first prehistoric floor and I die immediately I want you to keep in mind that at this point I'm not like oh I really need a dinosaur egg it'll come to me naturally that's what I think the penalty for dying wasn't that bad just the Thousand gold all my iridium all my gold all my bombs no biggie so I go to the recovery service and get my bonds back I think that's probably the most important thing I lost just to feel like I did something I make a few tea saplings and end our day with 2 000 gold profit after that trauma I need a little bit of relaxation so I just clear a lot of the debris off my farm and go open some geodes no that's poggers first Prismatic Shard from an omni geode as you can probably guess that's not getting donated I'm using that for the Galaxy sword so not counting the Prismatic Shard we have five items to donate also since we just got our golden ax today I just spent the day cutting down trees and I hit Level 8 forging unfortunately even though it gives us one of the best items in the farm warp totem I have no way to make it because I can't make honey but that just leaves us one level off from the cookout kit and for those of you keeping tracked we did in fact donate our 60th item which means we got the sewer key I'm looking to redeem that Prismatic Shard so we go to the desert and I get my sword of course I want to test it out so we do another light skull Cavern run I hit Level 9 Mining and head on out of there I decide to finally start making a few crystallariums basically as long as I make them before day 50 and of course I put diamonds in them they'll make me a good amount of profit so today's a day of increasing our passive income I make a ton of crab pots covering now half of the second island and now we have four Crystal just because I was curious I did the math each of these crystallariums will make me about 8 000 gold if I harvest the diamond whenever it's ready I break up on a few more geodes I have four more items to donate our total is now at 67. over two-thirds of the way there so this is easy we'll be done well before the time's up right and we take a trip to the Sewer just to really quickly catch the mutant carp one of the easier legendary fish and of course say had grobis before our day ends I just make a few more machines two more crystallariums a couple of crab pots and get to sleep big money day we made 7 000 gold mostly from two saplings and of course the mutant carp so our next day is a very good luck day I decide pretty early on I have a good weapon I have tons of bombs we're gonna hit floor 100 of the skull Cavern today the very first floor is an infestation floor okay we staircase past that beyond that constant mummy floors which might not mean much to you but they are really bad layouts for the most part very thin hallways not a lot of enemies to knock out for staircases it is noon and I have just barely gotten to floor 10 so I decide to bail despite all of our luck it was going awfully so instead we just spent some time in the mines I would like to hit a higher Mining and combat level because that would help us out in the skull Cavern immensely I also move a couple of our crab pots into the ocean just because I need a couple of the fish from there I did hit Level 8 combat which unlocks explosive ammo very important if you want to have a good skull Cavern run we have a pretty chill today today I just cut down a bunch of trees I get our second fish pond started and collect a few magma geodes and thus we hit the halfway point of the Run although we haven't hit a lot of our goals yet these are very end gamish goals so we should be hitting them pretty soon I'm also pretty short-sighted at the moment just trying trying to hit Level 9 foraging because once we can make all that Sashimi we have so many fish from all of our crab pots I'm convinced that we'll probably be able to finish up all of the bundles immediately short-sighted at the moment just trying to hit Level 9 foraging because once we can make all that Sashimi we have so many fish from all of our crab pots I'm convinced that we'll probably be able to finish up all of the bundles immediately I'm getting a little frustrated to this point with the progress of our forging sack because I was so sure I'd have that Sashimi by now all of the other stats you can just hardcore grind them and get them in like a week forging is kind of limited by you know what just spawns in the world so I'm planting Groves of trees with tree fertilizer on them I will get the Sashimi next day foraging in the mines I don't know what you want me to say that's it since our fish pond was finished building I also went and caught a super cucumber and tossed it in so that'll make a purple tinted fish pond day 52 foraging in the mines and I also paid off the panning bundle from the dojo membership just two more to go day 53 I completely dedicated to foraging I also got the pan Which you know we'll see if anything comes of that I'd like to be able to get my lucky ring in this run because I've never gotten it before next day was a Friday so I went and checked the traveling cart I have been trekking the traveling cart pretty much every day but it's never had anything of note although today it had the red cabbage seeds yay I'm getting so lucky in a run where I don't need farming luck the next day that whole Grove of trees that I planted finally sprouted so I cut them all down hoping for level 9 foraging and finally I hit it this means tomorrow I get the Sashimi recipe and we'll start off fall with so much money to take up time for the rest of the day I'm going to complete the rest of the crab pots that I want to make by having them all Encompass the second little island that we have in the middle of the river the total tally of crab pots is 96 which means every day that we Harvest every single one of them we are making 7200 gold so next day I make the cookout kit and I cook 1 522 sashimis coming out to 114 150 gold and that is in fact enough to finish all of the JoJo membership that we have left and I'm feeling good for the rest of the day so I just spent some time decorating the farm and then jelly day so I go and see the jellyfish Festival because I like it so remember how I was saying I probably should have just upgraded the house anyway with all of our money the next day I go and upgrade the house because we will need it for or a spouse I have my choice between the bridge and the greenhouse I'll go ahead and fix the bridge first since the greenhouse really has absolutely no use to us with the new season comes new fish so I get started on them I get the tiger trout and then I go ahead and get the angler out of the way it is very easy for a legendary fish so it's no problem spend the rest of the day fishing in the ocean I get another Super cucumber so that I can fill in my fish pond and that's really about it I am going to be doing a lot of fishing because there are certain items in the museum that I can get from fishing so it's a good way to go about it and right before the end of the day I do go down and get the midnight Carp from the Forest Lake since we unlocked the bridge the next day I do go ahead and get the golden Scythe I'll also be taking many trips back here to the fact that the haunted skulls both drop skeletal hands which I need and treasure troves which contain many of the items I have left for the museum I'm gonna go ahead and blow away the rest of my money by buying the star drop from crobus and finally I buy the last part of the Jojo membership the greenhouse with that complete that means we will be headed to Ginger Island sometime in the near future but I have no iridium bars so I go to the skull Cavern it's not too serious of a run since we're going in so late but I just need some materials in the end I got enough iridium for four bars which means we will be coming back we did also get a rain totem out of a chest so the next day I used the rain totem so that we can get the Walleye out of the way I go and donate one more item to the museum which was just enough to get triple shot espresso as a reward it's been a few days since I've done it so I go ahead do a forging run because I do still want to hit Level 10 forging despite already having the cookout kit I also go and attempt to buy the Hat of the playthrough I always like to have a different hat of the playthrough for every time I play the game so I buy the cool cap man this thing is ugly I hate it it goes away after like a day with the completion of the membership we also have access to the Magic ink Mission from The Wizard so I go ahead get started on that catch myself a slime Jack in the mutant bug layer and I leave the rest of the mission for another day on day 60 it's raining so we go ahead and catch the walleye as well as get introduced to Willy's back room I also go ahead and do a geode run since I have a ton of them from all the skull Cavern runs I've done recently which simply allows me to donate two more items to the museum build another fish pond I'll also say at this point I realize that I need to get up to six hearts with Robin why well because when it comes to getting as many golden walnuts as we can you need the flute block to get five of them and flute blocks are obtained at six hearts from Robin so I start working on that basically I'm just gonna be bringing her Sketty so now I'm gonna go up and finish the in quest while we're at the witch's Hut I go fishing you may be wondering how do you get past the guard if you can't make mayonnaise since he needs void Mayo well after you talk to him you can actually fish up void Mayo straight from the water next to him I also fish up avoid salmon while I'm here which is also one of the fish that changes the color of a pond so I'll be putting that in a pond soon and even though it doesn't really give me anything I need I go ahead and grab the ink and bring it back to the wizard all of that was pretty much just for the void salmon I'd like to head off to Ginger Island soon so the next day I go and get the last iridium bar I need this also ends up unintentionally being a pretty serious dive into the skull Cavern ladies and gentlemen in this room we reach floor 100. should yeah I was about to say should drop us exactly three levels I haven't gotten the mission yet [Music] I forgot to get the Iridium snake milk that you need to have a mission found on a secret note so uh no snake milk for me I am counting this because I did get to floor 100 it was just way earlier than the game expects you to that day I also hit Level 10 mining I did choose blacksmith as selling iridium bars are probably going to be one of the better sources of money in the late game I also hit Level 9 combat next day our fish ponds done so I throw in the void salmon and then I go down to the beach and finish repairing the boat with all of the Iridium we got last night so that'll be up and running tomorrow I also actually had no idea how much the movie theater costs even though it's one of my goals because I've never done the movie theater in a Joe Doral 500 000 gold that's gonna be a lot tighter than I thought it was I then go to catch what I consider to be one of the hardest fish in the entire game the Scorpion Gart over the last few days I've gotten a couple of artifacts from the skull Cavern including a prismatic Shard so I go ahead and donate four more items to the library I also sold an extra batch of Sashimi that night and it got me another 26 000 gold that thing's a money maker I don't care what anyone says I love crab bots so we have ginger Island unlocked I cannot not go to it so I spend the rainy day building a fish pond giving out a few gifts and then we head on out so first day on Ginger Island I know you can get golden walnuts really quickly so let's see how we can do three from our first visit to the forest I get eight golden walnuts really quickly we don't talk about this one and even though I did want to go to the volcano today I don't have my watering can because I placed it in a chest like months ago and never got it back out so I go ahead and start to explore the west side of the island too I'd like to be able to buy the second house by the time the end of the day comes so I get 18 walnuts I still need a few more start fishing and then it comes to my attention Kent will not appear at all in this playthrough which means that I cannot complete Birdie's quest which is a source of five golden walnuts let me tell you exactly what we need to do here we need to hit a hundred golden walnuts because our goal is to open the golden Walnut door which takes a hundred because of not being able to farm we straight up miss out on 20 golden walnuts 15 from the groman Frog and five from just harvesting crops now that we know that we can't get the five from birdie that only leaves us with a five golden Walnut leeway that's not a lot so yeah now I'm a little stressed this also means that we definitely should get that mermaid Quest done which makes coming friends with Robin that much more important anyway I also catch the lionfish in the blue discus really quick as well now the blue discus is actually very important to us because one of the items they give in the fish pond is bananas we need a banana to get three golden walnuts and we simply put do not have enough time to grow a banana tree end of the day I wasn't able to build the new house so I just teleported back and went to sleep next day it's Blackberry season I'm not really gonna go too crazy with this normally I would but I'm so far in the game at this point that blackberries are kind of pointless I replaced my ice pip fish pond with blue discus to start working on that banana also while passively giving her coconuts this entire time Haley finally got to eat Hearts so I'm giving her the bouquet today taking a trip to blacksmith today mainly because I did get a golden coconut but I also have like 30 Omni geodes I did get the golden Walnut from the golden coconut but by all of those Omni geodes gave me nothing heading back to Ginger Island I opened up the dig site and then I don't do anything because I forgot to bring a bomb I have yet another fishpond finish so I throw the Slime Jack all we're missing is one more for the lava eel went back to Ginger island with a bomb let Professor Snail out while I was in the north side of the island I got six more golden walnuts and I turned in two fossilized legs for the skeletons and finally I'm heading into the volcano I go ahead and get the Lava River golden walnuts out of the way now because that seems to trip up a lot of people and I don't want to forget about it so it's already 6 p.m at this point I really can't get to the end of the volcano this is kind of just a quick exploration Mission I got four golden walnuts up to the halfway point and I realized that I cannot open up that checkpoint because I need to have enough golden walnuts to open up the Eastern side of the island and remember I'm at a 25 Walnut deficit which would make it really hard to open up that Eastern portion if I started spending on other things unfortunately I didn't make it to the end to unlock the shortcut but that's fine next day got the Frog skeleton from the forest quickly turned it in for a walnut I also finally did the quiz getting me two more golden walnuts finally got through the volcano dungeon getting myself six golden walnuts in the process four in the dungeon and two at the top I decided to use my one enchantment chance on my pickaxe and I get efficient which is pretty much the last thing I wanted and while I'm here I finally fish up the lava eel and with all those golden walnuts I got I'm able to build the second house and go to sleep here for the night and I take a tally of our total amount of walnuts 54 which isn't bad considering we have about a season left a lot of my time spent at Ginger Island at this point is going to be me searching for worms so that I can complete the skeletons the big worries for me are finding the two snake vertebrae which is only found from worms on the west side of Ginger Island which is very rare to spawn in the first place fossilized ribs are only found in artifact spots on the southern part of the island which is so small that it's rare and then the fossilized tail can only be found from panning in the dig site river which is another just random chance thing a lot of this just comes down to random chance and that worries me in the meantime I am trying to get enough money to buy the movie theater so I check where I'm at by selling all my valuable stuff and now I'm sitting at about a hundred thousand gold one-fifth of the way there I go to build the final fish pond and today is the first day it's raining in ginger Island so I start the bird Quest I go to the volcano dungeon to try and clean up any more golden walnuts that I have left and I get two now I'm gonna let me get a nope no I died and lost five thousand gold all of my Cinder shards and all of my coconuts anyways I finally have enough golden walnuts to open up Ginger Island East I go straight into the cave and get my golden Walnut and fish up the stingray which means any fish I have left to catch are all in Winter I then get the two easy golden one that's outside and that's pretty much all we can do here for now and oh look at that it's day 69. I got the snake skull from worms which is like the one skeleton piece I didn't need to get from worms so that's good oh also I noticed that people have started coming to Ginger Island yeah I turned that off immediately I hate that since I lost all of my coconuts and death I go to the desert to try and get a few more and I'll do a little baby skull Cavern run at this point it's mostly just so I can get iridium bars to sell since as a reminder they sell for a thousand five hundred gold each now on top of that I really need to start putting a focus on completing the museum at this point because things are going to get harder and harder to find as we go on and to finish off our day you know I do a little decorating so dig spots on Ginger Island have a chance to give you artifact troves and I've gotten four of those so far and it should contain almost all items I have not gotten for the museum yet so I do a geode popping day and I get four more items to donate to the museum it's another rainy day on Ginger Island so I get another gem from the birds and then there's a golden Walnut on the Northern end that I apparently walked by like 10 times and didn't grab so there it is Glee as I said before I have no clue if I ever have all the golden walnuts from this dungeon and also this entire time I do need to grind out Journal scraps because that's how you get three golden walnuts and they're unobtainable before you get scrap for them while going through the dungeon I did get one more golden Walnut on the TV the next morning I see that the stardew Valley Fair is tomorrow and I do actually need to participate in that because I need to get the Star Drive dropped from it also my last fish Pond's done so I throw the lava eel in and now we just wait so my plan for the stardew Valley Fair is that I'm going to bring Lewis's shorts because I don't have access to any high quality crops or Artisan Goods so that's kind of like the only way I can go with it of course I don't have two hearts with Marnie so I can't go in her room I was going to use a chair glitch to get through I never caught her that day which means I actually do need to come up with something to bring tomorrow so at this point we're so far in our Museum progress that I'm taking account of exactly what we need to do to get the items we have left a lot of what's remaining is from artifact troves digging in the desert and then the dinosaur egg I've been very unlucky with finding dinosaurs there's only a few minerals left two from Frozen geodes and two from magma geodes So eventually I'm gonna have to grind those two as well so immediately what I decide to do is grind Frozen geodes just from about seven in-game hours I get seven Frozen geodes which isn't bad but of course I have to put that to the side because I need to get ready for the stardew Valley Fair on the day of the fair before it starts I just really quickly grind some frozen geodes and then head on down the items I've brought are an iridium bar a silver quality chanterelle a diamond a battery pack a prismatic Shard void Essence spaghetti a gold purple mushroom and Ice pipro probably the weirdest set of items you've ever seen and I ended up getting second place now I definitely could have prepared for this better I could have had legendary fish and stuff but you know what we take those anyways we gamble our life away always vote on green you know the deal and we get the star drop this leaves us with three more star drops one for catching every fish one for filling up the museum and one for getting 13 hearts with your spouse I then of course buy the Fedora with leftover points because I'm a nice guy next day a tragedy so blue discus will only give a banana if they are over a population of three which means you do need to do the first mission for them the item they ask for is a Tarot root that is a crop I checked and this is the only item they ever ask for somehow there's not a single way in the entire game to get Terror roots without growing them yourself on the day of this Revelation it is the 17th of fall our challenge ends on the 16th of winter so even if somehow I was able to get a banana tree sapling right now it would not grow in time so that is three of the five leeway golden walnuts marked off I go to pop open the geodes that I got the previous day and I got one of the items from the Frozen geode that I needed leaving only three minerals to go next I go back to Ginger Island and even though we've only gotten two of the birds for the bird puzzle I'm just gonna guess the other two if you're wondering how to do this there's only five possible gems for the bird puzzle and once you get a few of them you can just randomly try out combinations of the last two to eventually get the right order that is five more golden walnuts this gives me enough to unlock the island Trader but there's not really too many practical uses for this if we were way earlier on I could buy a banana sapling but the time has gone by for that so next I bring in a ton of bombs to just blow up rocks for the mummified bat it's a 1 in 200 chance but you roll that chance every single time you break a rock no luck I brought I brought bombs I blew up so many rocks this bad eludes me luckily it's only one gold Walnut so if need be I can just avoid that in the end I also have another Prismatic Shard so I go to enchant my hoe and I get generous this gives a 50 chance to double the amount of items that you get when digging a hole this could actually be a very helpful enchantment for completing the museum next day break open the golden coconut I found and I do get the head for the skeleton and I have a skeletal rib to donate I then have a day that's kind of reminiscent of Summer I go and try to get my foraging level up I would like to hit Level 10 so I can get those Arium coconuts for Haley next day is a rainy day which reminds me we are still at nine hearts with Haley I need to get to 10 hearts with her before the coming of winter this is because you can only buy a mermaid pendant to marry someone when it's raining and during winter it does not rain naturally so at that point I'd have to rely on a lot of luck to just find a rain totem somewhere since I can't make it because I can't get truffle oil so yeah there's a bit of a race to get to 10 hearts with Haley also we then see some quick results from that generous enchantment getting four golden coconuts from one artifact spot I go back into the volcano and I get a journal scrap during it giving me one of the hints that I need to dig up one of the special spots money check that last night I sold a bunch of sashimi and gold bars and we're now at 200 000 gold since I still haven't gotten either of the minerals from magma geodes that I still need I go to grind magma geodes and I get a few Frozen geodes as well the next day I go to pop open all the geodes I get because I don't want to over grind for something and funny enough from the golden coconut nuts I've gotten from all this I get a banana tree just like a week late and I get the mineral that I need which means at this point I only have one mineral left and it's from a magma geode the lemon Stone oh I also donate the scapula today which is normally something that I find on like month one of a playthrough but for some reason I was just really unlucky with it on a high from all that progress I have a really enlightened discussion with Chad is a pickle a berry and I head to the desert because one of the items I do need is the golden mask and you get that from digging I don't get the mask but I do get my 20th golden Relic the next day is another rainy day it is the 23rd of fall this could be our last chance to get the mermaid pendant [Music] so now we just need to go get the mermaid pendant and now we'll be able to give her a gift every single day so we ought to be good the day of marriage will be the 26th of fall of course while checking this I also realize that I missed Robin's birthday so that's just gonna make getting the flute blocks a little harder I broke up in some more treasure troves and got one of the items that I need I finish off my day by doing some quick magma geode farming I decided that today will be a skull cover day mostly because it's perfect luck on this day the wildest thing happened to me backstory I've never gotten a luck ring in ever ever in any file that I've ever played I have 700 hours on this game but then this happened [Music] oh what two luck Rings within a minute of each other I I I don't yeah epoxy I'll eat your heart out then of course naturally I just get two Prismatic shards in one floor easy so yeah pretty good day at skull Cavern pop open all the magma geodes I've gotten nothing I dig for a gold mask nothing I did trade in all the Omni geodes I have for Treasure troves though and I got two items that I need one of the items was the bone flute which gives me one free flute block which means I'm one-fifth of the way there to completing the mermaid puzzle I then muck around on Ginger Island quite a bit and I don't find anything good next day I get married so now we won't be so lonely all the time also another money update I was able to sell a ton of sashimi and iridium bars yesterday so we've now hit 320 000 gold I go and grind for more magnet geodes because as a reminder I still need that lemon Stone after a full day of farming I'm talking literally morning to nine PM nine magma geodes a little less than I was hoping for next day I got some mushroom trees which really means nothing but it's pretty so of course I have to spend a little bit of time decorating around it it seems like a good time to mention that literally every day I've still been doing my foraging route just cutting down all the trees and hardwood stumps and I finally hit Level 10 foraging I head to the desert both to get more coconut since I'm going to have to give them out every single day to Haley and of course to try and get that golden mask and I finally do get the golden mask no coconuts though I then do some more skull caverning because I still need to find a dinosaur no luck of course also I don't think I noticed the point where it happened while I was actually playing but all of my fish ponds have changed color so that is a completed Challenge and of course today is spirit's Eve so you know we're getting that golden pumpkin I sell it immediately that night I do need to choose my level 10 foraging profession now even though I've wanted botanist for a while to get those iridium quality coconuts I choose tracker here because I think being able to find artifact spots just at a glance is going to be a lot more useful to me over the last few days I've amassed 11 magma geodes they do not give me a lemon Stone I am able to donate the golden mask though another rainy day on Ginger Island and since I do have the tracker perk now it'll be easier to find all those worms do I get anything I need nope I then go to the top of the volcano to combine my lucky ring and glow ring don't ask I never made an iridium band that's just how it is and the rest of the day guess what I do magma geodes I pass out in the mines and that is the final day of fall first day of winter we immediately bump Hayley up to 11 Hearts just two more to go I also unlocked the magnifying glass I would like to try and go for iridium snake milk if I unlock the mission but if not no big deal first things first we're getting some of the winter fish out of the way the lingcod and perch come pretty easy I then go to bust open a ton of magma geodes and a couple of treasure troves we got and nothing useful and more worrying no lemon Stone yet I've probably popped open around 50 magma geodes just looking for that I then spend the rest of the day going for the glacier fish it gives me a lot of trouble but I do end up getting it then to finish off a very strong day in fishing at the very end of the day I go for the squid and get it immediately this now means that the only fish that are missing are those that are caught in the Night Market I then go to the volcano to grind Cinder shards because I'd like to do a little bit more enchanting before we end off and today's a pirate day so I go and finally visit the Pirates on the Eastern side of Ginger Island and of course I get the three golden walnuts for doing the dart game three times spend the night on the island and it's a rainy day tomorrow so I try to look for worms and I just I don't get anything that I need I will say at this point it's seeming more and more likely that the golden Walnut reward might be one that I don't get I would have expected to at least have some of the skeleton parts that are hard to find but I have not found anything up to this point I hit five hearts with Robin which means I only have one more to go and also a build a stable because I don't know why not this would have been something that would have been way better if I built it like forever ago and then of course magma geode farming I found one next day our Staples done and I need to name the horse I was not prepared for this so to go with smorg the cat we now have grub of the horse I break open all those magma geodes and treasure troves we've gotten and nothing useful of course I just want to give a complete summary of everything left we need for the museum dinosaur egg from dinosaurs three items from Treasure troves a skeletal hand from The Haunted skulls and then the lemon Stone from magma geodes six items that's it we've got about 10 days to do it I acquired another Prismatic shard in one of our skull Cavern Dives so I go to re-enchant my pick X this time I get Swift which is going to help us so much with more skull Cavern Dives at this point in the game there is genuinely not much for us to do except grind out these last three or so challenges so straight to the skull Cavern ago I didn't find anything specifically I need but Omni geodes and iridium is always good I did trade over some Omni geodes into treasure trails while we're there so I break the five of them open and I get one of the items I need left for the dried starfish which just leaves two of them to go unfortunately those two are more of the rarer items back to the haunted skull mine no hand and then to the mines for magma geodes I came out with seven magma geodes so at this point I'm a desperate desperate man I have popped open probably over 100 magma geodes nothing not to say of the chance that Omni geodes have to give you the item as well so I'm gonna use the stardew save predictor this is something that allows you to see all kinds of things in your safe file trains night events mine staircase locations and what will come out of your geodes so I checked the list of items we're going to get from geodes no lemon stowed on the magma geodes however if we open up three Omni geodes the third will be the lemon Stone so that does it that's our guaranteed way to get that item and then if the eighth item I open is an artifact Trove we'll get the ancient sword which I've also been missing I'll be honest there is a zero percent chance that I would have ever opened an omni geode ever again so there's no chance I would have come across that lemon Stone on my own so the next day I put my plan into action and sure enough I get both items this leaves us with three items left to donate to the museum the dinosaur egg the skeletal hand and the amphibian fossil so I haven't talked about the amphibian fossil much one of the best chances you can get that is from a treasure chest when fishing so that's the method I choose to go about this normally it's one of the earlier items that you dig up from an artifact spot but as that hasn't happened yet I need to force it I decide to go fish at Ginger Island because why not and I actually find out that I didn't fish up all the golden walnuts so that's a little bit of progress there I didn't get the amphibian fossil but thank God I did get three snakes goals because I needed more of them the next day I decided to try something I've just never tried before so we used clay farming a lot earlier on turns out you can also do that with the winter forageable since they're hoed up and remember now that I have the generous enchantment I'll be getting pretty much 1.5 times the amount of items I normally would get then after pretty much showing up the entire Beach I do a little bit more fishing to try and get the amphibian fossil no luck with that but I do sell the 101 snow yams and 119 winter roots and from selling all that we get 61 000 gold in a night for a money check our total is now at 467 000 about 20 000 away from our goal I go back back to the haunted mine don't get any skeletal hands and we go fishing now while I was fishing I didn't find the amphibian fossil but I did find another ancient sword which hurts just a little bit luckily I do actually end up getting the amphibian fossil shortly after the next day I do some more forageable farming because I'd like to hit that 500 000 gold today if I can I donate the amphibian fossil and while I'm doing so I decide to check the rewards just to see if there's anything I missed yeah there's a whole Magic rock candy in there so that'll be useful trying to find another dinosaur I do a few short tasks to try and get as much money as I can I only get 20 000 though which leaves me just a few thousand short today is the day that we got the star drop from Haley with plenty of time to spare just to make sure that I have all my ducks in a row I check my collections list just to make sure there's not anything I'm forgetting and something's wrong with our artifacts page the amphibian fossil just did not fill in which worries me because will I get the star drop or not who guess we'll find out anyway today I go into the skull Cavern using that magic rock candy to really try and find a dinosaur and of course by the end of it no egg all of that luck for nothing so my main job this next day is I'm going to make that 500 000 and I'm going to buy the movie theater I sell off the forgeables we got yesterday to Pierre and easily afford the movie theater I haven't had a lot of luck getting the skeletal hand from The Haunted skulls so I go to the only other place where it can spawn bone nodes from Ginger Island it's been a while since I checked them so there's a lot here finally I got that hand which leaves one item the dinosaur egg so with that I head straight off to the skull Cavern to try my luck again nothing again I only have three days left to get this egg it's getting tight I've decided that there is no way that I'm going to find another dinosaur that will drop that egg in three days it's such a high risk High reward strategy that works over time but in three days no so I try to find other ways to get the egg it is one of the rarest items you can get from treasure chests while fishing but there's one other way to get it it can spawn in the movie theater crane game not as a regular item as a secret hidden behind a bush that you will not see unless you're specifically looking for it so since that is infinitely repeatable that's the method I'm going to use there's one thing we need to overcome though this guy who stands right in front of the crane game almost all the time at the beginning of day 98 I get a note saying the night market will be in town tomorrow so I need to set aside some time to get the three fish from that note that I have to get them from day 99 because you're sent the star drop the next day after you complete the fish so if I completed on day 100 technically I don't get that star drop so I spend a little time fishing just in case I get the diamond dinosaur egg and then after nine I'd go to the movie theater and the guy is still there despite the save predictors saying he wouldn't he's there anyway that only gives me tomorrow as a chance so what am I gonna do at this point other than fish the entire day away hoping for another chance of that egg I saw all the fish and go to sleep the next day rolls around and I get the millionaire achievement this was not a goal I was going for but I kinda wish I had made it a goal at this point because that's actually really cool to do in 100 days especially with no farming I prepare my inventory as if I'm going to go to the skull Cavern because if I go into this movie theater and that guy's standing in front of the crane game that's my only chance I go in and he's gone so now all it comes down to is I need to keep playing the crane game over and over and over again until that dinosaur egg pops up this took so many attempts to get the dinosaur egg to show up that I thought that this was just some fake rumor at some point but finally almost running out of money to pay for the crane game over and over again it finally showed up I donate it right away and I do in fact get the star drop so my collection screen didn't matter it just matters that all of the items are there in the museum thank God this leaves us with just one more thing to do catch those three fish tonight so I wait until six to give myself as much time as I can go to the night market and immediately go down on the submarine and I catch all three exclusive fish right in a row and that is a completed phishing screen the next morning I wake up and sure enough in my mailbox is the final star drop for day 100 there's really not much to do I just walk around decorate the town a bit and I do go and check to see see how many walnuts I ended up getting in the long run I ended up with 80 out of the 100 walnuts that I needed now I'll admit I know where most of those come from five from the mermaid six for the bear skeleton three for the snake skeleton one for the bat skeleton and then three from bananas but I'll be honest that doesn't get me to 100. I'd still be too short at that point and honestly I don't know where I would get them because I don't know where I'm missing them so even if everything went absolutely perfect luck wise I still probably would have been short a wallet or two but I'll take that so here is the end game summary I ended up getting 90 of the 100 points that I laid out for myself the only challenge that we did not reach is getting into the 100 Walnut door which you know makes sense I feel like a lot of people saw that and they were like nah but to be fair I got really close the only thing that really stopped me was just a few RNG elements I had a ton of fun with this project I'd like to do another 100 days eventually I don't think I'll be following up this one with a 200 days because honestly we've pretty much achieved everything that is achievable without having any crops and in terms of getting the obelisk in the golden clock I'm really not interested in grinding millions of gold with no crops if you have any suggestions for What 100 days I should do next please let me know thank you all for watching and good night foreign [Music]
Channel: Salmence
Views: 945,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew, valley, stardew valley 100 days, 100 days, stardew 100 days, stardew valley 1000 days, hundred days, stardew hundred days, stardew valley guide, salmence 100 days, stardew guide, stardew valley tips and tricks, stardew valley no farming, stardew no farming challenge, stardew 100 days challenge, stardew challenge, minecraft 100 days, 100 days trend, stardew shorts, stardew valley walkthrough, stardew valley gameplay, stardew lets play
Id: x2N6nJJ5Eu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 36sec (4896 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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