The Ultimate Guide to Combat in Stardew Valley

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farming fishing foraging mining combat these are the five skills that live in harmony in the valley only the farmer master of all five skills can bring economic prosperity to Pelican town daring quests into endless dungeons slaying dragons with enchanted swords from space we can only be talking about one game stardo Valley welcome to the final guide in the series where we go over all of the skills in the previous guide for mining I mentioned that even though they seem similar there's plenty of things to talk about that are specific to only combat and that is true today we'll be going over combat mechanics all of the different weapons and where to get them rings and finally the rewards you get for leveling up so combat it follows the rules of most video games hit bad guy make their HP go to zero and don't let your own HP go to zero if you do you'll be treated to a rougher penalty than if you were to pass out from running out of energy or staying up too late that penalty is 10% of your gold up to 1,000 and moving on to the next day the penalty for running out of HP is 5% of your gold but it's up to 5,000 in addition to losing some of the items in your inventory you can lose absolutely anything that isn't a tool yes including all of your weapons yes including all of that cheese you stockpiled even including the infinity weapons which take hours of work to make well until version 1.6 infinity weapons will be safe then to get any of these lost items back you'll have to unlock the adventur guild by killing 10 slimes starting from the day after you enter the mines go and see Marlin at the front desk and and you'll have the option to use the item recovery service to get one item back Choose Wisely though because you'll have to pay a fee equal to the amount of money that you'd get if you sold that stack of items so usually the best things to recover are food weapons or bombs things that you use not sell once you pay you'll get that item in the mail the next day but all of the other items will be permanently lost speaking of the adventurers Guild this is your One-Stop shop for anything combat related Marlin tends to the shop where you can buy all kinds of weapons boots or rings as you get deeper in the mines the shop will be updated with stronger items an important thing to know nothing here will ever be the best possible item you can get whether it's weapons or boots or even rings but often times it's better than what you're guaranteed to get elsewhere also this is the only place that you can sell any weapons boots or rings you're not even allowed to ship them otherwise over on the right you have Guild tending to the Slayer rewards once you unlock the adventures Guild the game will start tracking how many of each enemy type you've defeated and once you reach a certain threshold you can get a reward every reward is unique and can only be obtained from the Slayer task and if you ever lose any of them you can buy it again from the store many of the quests aren't restricted to a single specific enemy and the rewards range from weapons rings and hats that is to say some of the rewards are great like the burglar ring but others are nearly useless you do need to complete all of them if you want to achieve Perfection though next let's talk about stats each weapon has specific stats that differentiate it from other weapons these stats are damage which is pretty self-explanatory crit power which determines how much more damage a critical hit will do the formula is base damage * 3 plus crit power ID 50 simple so say your weapon like most has no crit power modifier the critical hit will just do three times the damage if you have for instance the lava Katana with a crit power of 25 Critical Hits will deal 3.5 times damage Dage how do you get a critical hit well that's determined by your crit chance stat it's a bit more complicated than damage most weapons have a base crit rate around 2% daggers usually have a little bit extra on top of that and each point of additional crit chance amounts to a little less than a 2% increase this chance can also be increased through forging gear and luck Buffs all of which will go over later next we have defense pretty simple each point of Defense reduces the amount of damage you would take by one point immunity lowers your chance of getting inflicted by a debuff by 10% for each point if the immunity buff is higher than the chance of the debuff you're effectively immune to that debuff the weight of the weapon affects how far the enemy will get knocked back when hit and weapon speed not to be confused with movement speed is how long swinging the weapon will take clubs by default will have a slower swing speed than swords for reference for a sword to be as slow as a club it would need a 8 speed stat each point of speed makes a 40 millisecond difference also while movement speed and weapon speed are two different things any movement speed Buffs you get from coffee or something will also be applied to your weapon speed there's several ways to raise these stats outside of what weapon you're holding through means like Rings or food Buffs or if you're in the late game you can go to the forge normally the forge can enchant tools to give them a special effect but for weapons you'll be able to forge them three times and you can increase the stat of your choice by using a specific gem on your Forge the weird thing is each of these Forge upgrades don't necessarily equate to one point in the stat for instance forging crit chance increases the Chance by 4.6% which is much more than a normal point of crit chance and forging weapon speed equates to two points each time and three points if you do it a third time forging a weapon will cost 10 Cinder shards during the first Forge 15 during the second and 20 for the third Forge however if you use a diamond you'll only need to forge once only only costing 10 Cinder shards but you'll get three random stats on top of all of that you can enchant the weapons just like you do the tools and there's five different enchantments Artful which gives you a 50% cool down on special moves Bug Killers doubles damage to bugs as well as allowing you to kill the armored bugs in the skull Cavern it's not worth it they don't have a great drop table Crusader allows you to do 50% more damage to mummies ghosts skeletons and void Spirits as well as knocking mummies out without needing a bomb vampiric gives you a 9% chance to regain some health on a kill and the amount you heal will be about 10% of the monsters health and Haymaker which is the only non- combat related one can allow you to get fiber when cutting grass alongside extra hay now before I talk about any weapons specifically it's important to know about the three different weapon types swords daggers and clubs swords and clubs are somewhat similar due to swinging the same but daggers have a stabbing motion making it harder and more risky to land hits each type of weapon also has a special attack swords block from every direction clubs will slam the ground damaging all enemies around it and daggers will lock any enemies in place and hit them four times quickly so for the most part clubs are considered to be the best weapon type mostly because they naturally have a higher damage stat than the other weapons but also because there's a bit of an exploit with the special attack by default the club special attack is bound to rightclick if you left click during the special attack it'll hit an extra time and you can do this as much as you can fit into the special attack this makes the damage potential almost endless so now we'll be going over every weapon its stats where it can be found and if it's special in any way I'll be going in order of the earliest you can find a weapon to the latest first the beautiful Rusty sword this is given to you upon your first time entering the mines your goal is pretty much to replace this as soon as you can and the wooden blade is the first weapon you can buy from the shop I don't really recommend it as it's outclassed by a weapon you're guaranteed to obtain on floor 20 the mines so it may feel like we skipped around but the Neptune's glaive is available as soon as you're able to fish it has a low chance of being in any treasure chests you get and if you obtain it early it'll be your best possible option for a long time not to mention it's free when a lot of weapons in the shop are very expensive the broken tridon is the other weapon available in chest it's still incredibly powerful just like the Neptune's glaive comparable to daggers you would unlock around floor 80 of the mines next we have two weapons that are available on Floors 1 to 19 of the mines that are in the special items category these are items that can be dropped either from crates found in the mines or by special slimes which you'll know because they have a star on their head these special items are usually really good compared to other weapons found at this point so from now on you know what I mean when I call something a special item these first two special items are the carving knife which is the weakest of all daggers probably only better than the rusty Sword and the wooden Club while it's the weakest of all generally available clubs at this point it's still very powerful clubs are usually only unlocked later in the game this is the only Club available until floor 40 it One-Shots most enemies found on these early floors the iron Durk becomes viable at the adventurers Guild after reaching floor 15 in the mines it's all right but it's super expensive for this early in the game the steel small sword is your first guaranteed upgrade obtained from a chest on floor 20 of the mines unless you randomize the mine chest in the settings that is it's only a little stronger than the rusty sword damage wise but it comes with a nice plus two speed the silver saber becomes viable after reaching floor 20 it's all right it might be the first weapon worth buying from the shop since it comes with a defense boost and you won't get any more guaranteed swords from the mines for a while the force sword is a a special item drop on Floors 20 to 59 this is another big win if he managed to get it early a speed and defense buff combo is rare plus it's slightly stronger than anything you can buy at this point in the wind Spire is a dagger that replaces the carving knife as a special item from floors 20 to39 daggers just still aren't that good especially when this is still able to hit ones for damage the cut list becomes viable after reaching floor 25 it's barely better than the silver saber and it's twice the price and the pirate sword viable after reaching floor 30 weaker than the silver sa but 100 gold more expensive with a speed buff another pass so I'm putting this next one here because it could plausibly be unlocked depending on how much time you spend on these early floors of the mines the insect head is the reward for killing 125 bugs honestly it's a pretty good weapon bugs are one of the most common enemies and 125 is one of the lower counts for the Slayer gos so it might might be worth grinding out for an early Advantage the wood Mallet is viable after reaching floor 40 of the mines it's the first club that you can grab for sure but at 2,000 gold it's a pretty hard sell the iron Edge is a special item on Floors 40 to 59 it's got a weight of plus three and honestly I think it's worse for it you're going to encounter a lot of bats and ghosts on these floors and it can become really annoying to kill when they're knocked back a mile each hit the lead Rod is a special item on Floors 40 to 79 and it's probably your best bet for a club at this point but that minus 4 speed is going to hurt as a reminder that's like having a min-2 speed for a sword luckily it can one and two shot a lot of the upcoming enemies the Claymore is viable after reaching floor 45 it's as expensive as a wooden Mallet but it's a little bit faster and does more damage the weight still kind of hurts though this one's a favorite I didn't know about this weapon until I did this the templar's blade viable after reaching floor 55 for 4,000 gold first of all no and to sweeten the deal it is the only weapon in the entire game that has no chance to crit by default the only one we hate the templar's blade absolute dog water of a weapon shaie agrees the crystal dagger is your first guaranteed weapon since the steel small sword it's a chest on floor 60 I'll be honest it's not that much better there's like a dozen weapons we've gone over so far that are better than it including the broken Trident dagger that's been available since you first got a fishing rod only use it if you have to the shadow dagger is a special item on Floors 60 to 79 would you believe that it does over double the damage that the crystal dagger does because it does this is actually a pretty decent drop the bone sword becomes viable once you reach floor 75 but it's also a fairly common drop from skeletons at 4% which start appearing on floor 71 it would be a pretty good weapon but it's outclassed by a guaranteed weapon coming up soon with floor 80 comes four new special weapons the worst of which being the burglar shank it is literally weaker than the shadow dagger found on earlier floors what were they thinking The Slammer is as good as it gets when it comes to clubs for the mines which is not saying much its damage is around a lot of the swords you can find around here which isn't what you want when you're working with the slower weapon the yeti tooth is the first weapon that I would say passes the Neptune's glaive that we could get all that time ago it comes with a fantastic plus4 defense which makes for it being slightly weaker than the upcoming guaranteed weapon the tempered broadsword on the other hand I mean what's not to love I'll tell you what all of it slow heavy and weaker than our guaranteed weapon speaking of the obsidian Edge it's an outright decent weapon found in a chest on floor 90 if you don't get any lucky drops or buy anything this is as good as it gets the still fchan is viable after reaching FL 90 it's slightly stronger than the obsidian Edge but you're going to love that plus4 speed unfortunately the price isn't doing it any favors thing is the obsidian Edge works just fine for the rest of the m so this isn't overly necessary it's also available as a special item on floor 100 or later and I'd say it's the best special item drop in the entire mines unlike the cudgel which is also a special item at floor 100 or lower straight up it is not as good as The Slammer that was available earlier and that brings us to the final weapon of the mines the lava Katana it's buyable after reaching the bottom and it costs a fat $25 ,000 I'll try to justify that price to you the best I can first it is outright the strongest weapon in this point in the game you're taking on the skull Cavern next and it's going to be rough with anything weaker than this it's also got that tasty plus three defense to help you take a few more hits however all of that does not matter if you're lucky enough to find a prismatic Shard because the Galaxy sword is kind of the Premier weapon of the whole game technically you can unlock it a while ago but that requires a few things number one one you unlocked the desert either by completing the Vault bundle or paying it off on the JoJo membership form and two you found a prismatic Shard one of the rarest items in the game if you bring that Prismatic Shard to the middle of these three pillars in the desert you'll be given the Galaxy sword for free even though the lava Katana was the best weapon so far this wipes the floor with it it's stronger and with a plus4 speed boost to attack quickly with this you're set for the rest of the game not that there aren't better weapons upon containing the Galaxy sword you unlock two other weapons in the adventures Guild the Galaxy dagger which I'm going to be honest me I'm not sure if you want to pay 35,000 gold for a weapon that's worse than what you already have and the Galaxy Hammer this on the other hand can be turned into arguably the best weapon in the entire game it's got a hefty price tag of 75,000 gold for a reason I'd recommend just using the Galaxy sword until you get to a point where 75,000 gold doesn't feel like a lot now moving on to our next section we have weapons found in the SK skull Cavern first of all the wicked Chris this is a special item in all of the skull Cavern it's definitely there it's arguably worse than the obsidian Edge who's arguing that me that's it from here on out we're going to be talking about weapons found in the postgame area of version 1.5 so if you don't want spoilers skip over to the Rings okay the weapons from Ginger Island essentially come in sets the first is the dwarf set these weapons are all about defending they're found in common chests in the volcano dungeon which are the ones without that orange stripe for damage they're all comparable to the Galaxy weapons but they all come with large defense and weight stats as far as all your Ginger Island weapons go none of them are going to be outright bad but this is the worst of them next we have the dragon tooth weapons these come from the rare chests in the volcano dungeon these are nearly the most powerful weapons in the game high damage and high crit chances one thing to note though crit chance and power aren't quite as good for clubs since the special attack can't get a critical hit but they all overpower the Galaxy weapons so you can't go wrong now we do have one outlier here the aridium needle for this one you're going to have to enter the 100 golden Walnut door and take the challenge that changes the mines into the dangerous mines in that situation only the aridium needle is a special item dropped from the dangerous version of special slimes now it may not be the indisputable best weapon but it is my favorite so its damage is 20 to 35 nothing special weaker than the Galaxy dagger but you might see that it has a plus six crit chance and plus 200 crit power this makes it the highest crit chance at 10% and the most powerful crit at times 7even damage through forging rings and luck Buffs you can bump that crit rate up to around a 50% chance still not quite as strong as what's up next but it sure is fun now our last set of weapons are the infinity weapons these are actually Four forged from the Galaxy weapons so they have the same price tags as they do 35,000 for the dagger 75,000 for the hammer to forge them you'll need to obtain three Galaxy Souls which have quite a few ways to obtain all of which include the Walnut Room first you could get 40 key gems from various challenges to trade for one battle soul you can trade 10 radioactive bars the or of which is only found in the dangerous mines or dangerous skull Cavern and trade that for one from the island Trader only available on the last day of Seasons or after you've defeated 50 of a certain type of dangerous enemy which is the ones that show up in the dangerous mines and dangerous skull Cavern they can just outright drop after you've gathered the battle souls and 60 Syer shards Forge them onto your weapon of choice and you will now have one of the most powerful weapons in the game plus they come with a little defense boost did you doubt that I was going to talk about all of the weapons well almost all of them are useful at specific points in your journey if you're lucky enough to find them except for the templar's blade moving on to the ring section it'll be a bit shorter since there's not as many rings as some quick introductory information about Rings you can hold two at a time and they pretty much all have effects that relate to combat which is why you're seeing it in this guide so first we need to talk about the two rings upon which society was built the small glow ring and the small magnet ring both can be found in fishing chests both are a reward for Community Center bundles and both can be dropped from crates in the first 40 floors of the mines yes they have small effects but they're so important if you've had a farm for multiple years when's the last time you had to experience 11 p.m. in the pure Darkness when's the last time you've cut trees or gone through the mines without extra magnetism it's horrible while these two rings may not be the strongest they're reliably gotten in most playthroughs and provide very useful effects then we have the regular glow and regular magnet Rings these both drop as special items on Floors 40 to 80 and basically have double the effect as their small counterparts do you want to know something crazy not as good as the small ones I mean yeah they're literally better than them but they're found later and can only be found with luck and they get quickly outclassed by the upcoming glowstone ring the glowstone ring is a crafting recipe unlocked relatively early at mining level 4 you'll usually have it by the time you reach the end of the mines this is simply the glow ring and the magnet ring combined and it's incredible for it as previously discussed there's a ring for each of your combat stats either sold in the shop or found in fishing chests they each raise their stat by 10% notable is the topaz ring which does not increase your defense instead it says it increases the weapon Precision stat the more astute among you may notice that I didn't reference such a stat that is because it doesn't exist and this ring does nothing there's a couple of rings that you unlock the crafting recipe for as you level up combat the sturdy ring which Cuts debuff times in half the warrior ring which gives you a very low chance to get an attack buff after slank monster equal to 30 points of damage on each hit for 5 seconds the Ring of Yoba gives you a very small chance to become invincible for a few seconds after being hit the lower your HP the higher the chance you're better off with just a defense buff and finally the aridium band easily the best ring in the game it combines the effect of the glowstone ring and the ruby ring two of which individually are very good it's a very expensive crafting recipe but it's worth going for next we have the Rings you can get from Slayer tasks from playing 1,000 slimes you get the Slime charmer ring making you invincible to slimes this is a nice quality of life one especially if you have a slime Hutch next the burglar's ring for slaying 500 dust Sprites basically every enemy will now have two chances to drop items instead of one effectively doubling the items they drop the crabshell ring obtained from slaying 60 rock crabs increases your defense by five the Napal ring is obtained from slaying 250 serpents and will make an enemy explode when you kill it destroying any nearby rocks and hurting other enemies you will not take damage the vampire ring from killing 200 bats restores 2 Hp every time you slay a monster and finally The Savage ring from 150 void Spirits gives you a plus two speed boost for 3 seconds after slaying all monsters surprisingly handy you can really feel that boost our last set of rings are ones that you'll need to get lucky to find much like many of the weapons first the immunity band can be found as a special item on Floors 100 plus of the mines or in the skull Cavern it simply increases immunity by four the lucky ring another fan favorite can be dropped as a special item in the skull Cavern or more commonly it can be found while panning it just gives a plus one to luck but as we've discussed it's such a good skill that this is a highly sought-after ring funny enough if you're looking for it you should look during lucky days and give yourself the best luck buff you can lastly we have four late game rings that can only be found in the volcano dungeon chests the hot Java ring adds a 10% drop of coffee and a 7.5% drop of espresso to all enemies in addition to what they normally drop the protection ring increases your invincibility time after taking a hit by4 seconds giving you a total of 1.6 seconds of invincibility or 2 seconds if you're wearing two of them and finally the soul sapper ring is the energy version of The Vampire ring giving four energy after slaying a monster once you reach the forge on top of the two ring slots you normally have you can combine them it costs 20 Cinder shards and the only limitation is that you can't combine a ring with itself you can however combine two different rings with similar effects such as the glow ring with the glow stone ring or the ruby ring with the aridian band and if you ever want to use them in a different combination you can take them apart whenever at no cost uh last I just want to talk about the last of the equipment types boots in all reality these are not very impactful and not very important to pay attention to but they they do affect your combat you get two guaranteed boots one at floor 40 of the mines combat boots giving you a plus three defense and one on floor 80 of the mines the fir Walker boots which gives you plus three defense and plus three immunity now basically I wouldn't tell you to go after any kind of boots unless you're looking for a certain color in which case here's a chart of all the boots and where they can be found otherwise what most people consider to be the best boots in the game are the cinder clown shoes which give you plus six defense plus 5 immunity and they're just straight up bought from the volcano dungeon shop on floor 5 for 100 Cinder shards also on the topic of boots since they do affect your appearance if you ever want to replace the look of one boot with another you can tailor them together when tailoring them you'll get the stats of whatever boots are on the bottom and the look of whatever boots are on the top this will be permanent if you want to change their look again you'll have to put another pair of boots in the top I would be remiss if I didn't also mention that this can be done with weapons at the forge it'll cost you 10 Cinder shards and put the weapon you want the stats of on the left and the one you want the look of on the right you can only merge weapons of the same type and this does not apply to slingshots now for the Level Up Rewards first whenever you level up you get a flat increase of 5 HP so if you're struggling with harder monsters or deeper floors you can't go wrong with getting an extra combat level up or two as for crafting recipes on level one you get the sturdy ring which we've discussed and Bug Stak this is a bit of an emergency food item that can be crafted out of 10 bug meat that'll heal 45 energy and 30 HP that's a lot of bug meat to sacrifice for just a little bit of healing at level two you get the life Elixir recipe this is the single best healing item in the game at the cost of every mushroom other than common it says it only heals for 90 HP but that's not true it heals for 100% of your HP no matter what at level three you get the Roots platter recipe made out of only a cave carrot and a renter root both items that can be found in the mines while it does heal a decent amount it's mostly known for its attack buff of three we haven't really discussed the attack stat but basically what it does is one point of attack is three damage points flat so this plus three attack will give you plus n damage on every attack at level four you get the warrior ring which we previously discussed and at level five we have our first profession choice between fighter which makes all attacks deal 10% more damage in addition to a 15 HP increase I mean you can't go wrong that's more damage on the other side we have Scout which increases the Critical Strike Chance by 50% I want to stress that this is not additive you do not now have a minimum 50% chance to crit this is multiplicative with your actual crit chance so say you have a 5% chance to crit now you have a 7.5% chance to crit now now just looking at these I feel like you can pretty easily go towards Fighter the damage and HP will help you no matter what whereas for scout it's really only useful if you're specifically using weapons with a high critical hit rate and even then you're not getting any HP for it moving on to level six you get the Slime egg press this is an item that is just about required if you want to have a slime Hutch what it does is it takes 100 slime and turns it into an egg this egg can randomly be one of four colors green blue red or purple all in increasing Rarity and increasing value I'll always say it the Slime Hutch isn't a bad idea it's actually pretty good and then you'll also get the oil of garlic this is a crafting recipe with the Steep price of 10 garlic in one oil that gives you a food item that can give you the oil of garlic buff this buff lasts for 10 realworld minutes and will prevent any enemies from spawning in the mines in the skull Cavern it prevents floors from being infested and will prevent swarms which is when the screen gets all hazy and a bunch of flying enemies start coming at you it also sells for 1,000 gold which is notably a bit more than the garlic and oil would sell for in most cases so make of that what you will at level seven you get two Rings the ring of Yoba and the Thorns ring at level eight you get the Slime incubator the other half required for the Slime Hutch this is where you take those slime eggs you made previously and hatch them interestingly enough these can be but anywhere you can hatch slimes wherever you want even in town and in your house and you also get explosive ammo which is so important so I didn't discuss the slingshot too much in this that's because I truly believe it to be more of a mining tool than a combat tool yes it can deal damage with different kinds of ammo but the explosive ammo is really where it's at it acts like a slightly smaller Cherry Bomb when it impacts a wall and it explodes immediately making it incredibly quick for skull Cavern runs level 9 you finally get the beautiful aridium band which we discussed previously and you get squid ink ravioli another unique recipe buff the recipe is pretty specific needing Squid Ink wheat flour and tomato and what the squid ink ravioli buff does is it prevents you from getting any debuffs it's not crazy but it can be useful in a very specific situation namely floors 40 to 80 of the dangerous mines which has the worst debuff in the game nausea which prevents you from eating any food what's interesting to note is the squiding gravioli buff does take the place of your food buff but the oil of garlic buff doesn't so you can have it alongside food Buffs and finally at level 10 we're getting our second profession so first looking on the fighter side we have brute which is dealing an additional 15% more damage which would be a total of 25% more damage or a Defender which adds 25 more HP coming to a total of 40 extra HP from the professions honestly either or this is completely up to you I think these are completely balanced one for more offensive play style one for a more defensive go crazy then we have the Scout professions first we have acrobat which cuts the cool down on special moves in half pretty good especially for clubs which have a really good special move this is a popular one and then we have Desperado which makes critical strikes do two times damage again this is a case where acrobat works with any weapon and Desperado only works with weapons that want to do Critical Hits it's crazy if you have like the idium needle but otherwise I think you'd almost always have to go with acrobat or better yet over on the fighter for more General use that should be it now you may be saying I didn't go over all of the enemies yeah I don't think I'm going to do that I kind of already did do it actually with my skull Cavern and Dangerous Minds guide so if you want to know like specific strategies against specific enemies you can go and do that but for the most part the enemies in stardy Valley you know they're pretty simple they walk towards you sometimes they throw something at you that's like it anyway we're finally at the end of all of the skill tutorials thank you all for watching I'll see you in the next one and good [Music] night [Music] the
Channel: Salmence
Views: 194,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, stardew, valley, stardew valley guide, stardew valley combat, stardew combat guide, combat level ups, stardew valley mining guide, stardew enemies, stardew skull cavern, stardew volcano guide, stardew valley forging, stardew valley best sword, stardew best weapon, stardew best rings, stardew ring guide, stardew weapon guide, stardew valley adeventurer's guild, stardew combat, combat guide, stardew mines guide, stardew valley level ups
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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