The ULTIMATE Fall 2023 Anime Tier List

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right so guys what we are going to be doing today is we are going to be going through some of my favorites and some of my least favorite anime that I happen to watch in for 2023 now normally with my seasonal anime tier list I try to watch as many shows as I can but I am not going to lie to you I genuinely think it is impossible to watch to watch every show that airs in every season nowadays even if you have a winter like winter uh sorry even if you have a season like winter which is kind of got less shows than usual fall was absolutely stacked with shows so every show that I'm about to rate I will be completely transparent and say some of them I haven't finished some of them I read ahead head in the manga after watching the first few episodes and some of them I dropped four episodes or so into but a lot of them I did finish uh I ended up watching more anime this fall season than I have in a very long time and even then I only finished like I think a good I'd say 10 to 13 shows which is still quite quite I'm like I only finished like 10 to 13 shows and I'm like wait that's still that's that's still quite a lot it doesn't seem like a lot it doesn't feel like a lot but it you know it used to be a lot just to rate this this many shows but like when I see 10 to 13 shows I was looking at this list right I was looking at this list I was like this doesn't look like a lot of shows and this is like a good 30 like 30 odd shows that I can talk about and I'm like wait wait that's still doesn't look like a lot of shows I'm like the amount of anime that is airing this season is um is breaking my [ __ ] mind so we're going to go through this in this uh random order uh starting off with berserk of galaton now I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to put three shows next to each other actually I'm going to find the three shows next to each other because this season we had I know Shonen has the dark Trio this season we had the edge Trio uh where's the other one where's where's the other one okay this season this season we had the edge Trio right this is we had normally in every season we have just like one show that is the edgy show of the season this season we had a lot of edgy shows I mean you can argue something like death Mount death play season 2 was edgy you can argue something like Eminence and Shadow is edgy which it most definitely is but also it's self-aware edgy these are three shows that are just pure Edge without any kind of selfawareness at all this this is it and uh I tried giving all of them a chance starting off with berserk of gluttony which out of out of the three edgy shows this season this one was like someone forgotten to Sharp sharpen the edge of this one you know you know we we went to the blacksmith of this one and it was like a Apprentice blacksmith that was like sharpening this one this one was like a dull Edge um this one was pretty godamn lame in fact it's it did the worst thing you could possibly do with an edgy show which is try to take it took a lot of aspects it took basically a lot of aspects from a lot of different shows in its own genre try to just add a little bit of edginess but didn't really commit to anything super fully so you had this main character okay it's it's it's kind of like a meme right now to say the main character kind of looks like Kyo but it's just like this is now like every this is like now every edgy isekai SL or fantasy this one's a fantasy show uh it's it's basically like just every fantasy P like power fantasy show but also you have like I remember watching like the first few episodes of this and it was like going through a tick list of which different narrative Trope can I pick from somewhere else so he has the gluttony he has the gluttony ability where even though he's like super low level so it's kind of like solo leveling in a sense as well cuz he's super low level and you can't really level up in the world except this guy has a little super op ability that allows him to level up without actually leveling himself up because he can just steal like the skill of other people's I'm kind of going through this with my barebones basic memory so I apologies if I get the Nuance wrong but it's like I remember his ability was a combination between uh the guy from solar leveling and rimu from slime and then he's getting bullied like it's the most typical this is the start of redu of heiler without all the sa in it um and it's just like the pink hair girl is the bully but he has a knight that is like super strong and super high up in their class level that is protecting him for some reason uh so this is just the beginning of um now I'm getting confused uh how to pick up girls in the dungeon uh and it's and her name is Roxy right it's it's Dan Machi it's it's like it's like is this I can I can say every edgy power fantasy e/ fantasy show and this show somehow has taken some aspect from it if I say something like AR feta yeah you have like it it's almost like that but just less edgy than Ari fetta this is I swear to God one of the most forgettable edgy fancy shows um and I did drop it just to just because I want to see how edgy it would be um and just to top it off he he wears a mask he wears a mask guys he wears a skull mask uh I'm going to put this in deter starting off low starting off low all right ragar crimson out of the three out of the big three out of the big three out of the big three edgy shows of the season is from a critical standpoint probably the small three actually the edge three all right out of the uh out of the edge three this season probably from the a critical standpoint is the best one right it it is it is the best one it is enjoyable enough that it's not like completely boring like something like berserk of gluttony the animation is decent um it has a decent it's just if you're looking for some turn your brain off power fantasy edgy fun um this is probably going to be like your junk food of the season this is very much kind of like eating a McDonald's Big Mac you know it's not the standout it's not the most nutritious meal you can go for um but it is enjoyable it is it is enjoyable uh it is right there in B tier I would say because I'm not it's not something that's going to be High Caliber definitely not s tier but it's it's some nice some nice junk food you know it's some nice junk food just say the word God no no I won't say the word even though this is technically the middle of the tier list this is technically the middle of the tier list it's like a right in the middle of beta I was going to say it's it's right it's right in the middle of beta it's it's it's it's enjoyable it's it's enjoyable this was like this was like my junk food of the SE season but but we have to get to Kingdom of Ruin right because because if if we were to go by pure like you know critically on a critical standpoint yes Ragnar Crimson is the best show out of these three shows but holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this is such a bad show this is so this is so bad this is this is an absolute garbage show but it's so bad and it's so edgy and it's so stupid I kind of really dig it man I kind of really enjoy it it's I like I had I enjoyed this more than ragar Crimson but for the completely wrong reason I I I enjoyed this more than Ragnar Crimson but for the completely wrong reason just because it was like so [ __ ] and this was this was the type of show where you you pop open a beer and you just you're just watching the stupid us it's so unnecessarily edgy as well do you know do you know do you know one thing do you know one thing that I respect about a show like this it's that the protagonist is such a [ __ ] [ __ ] and it's so hatable and uh they don't even try to redeem him at all like it just it's just like it's just pure he is an edgy boy who is going to go for revenge and he's just going to kill everyone and then and everyone is like logic just goes out the [ __ ] window with this show the thing that the thing that blows my mind is that I think Kingdom of Ruin actually Kingdom of Ruin actually has a pretty interesting world like it actually it actually has a pretty interesting world uh because I'm a sucker for any world that combines a magic system and Technology as well but watching Kingdom of run is like what would happen if some guy tried to describe the last season of Attack on Titan without any prior context and you describe you just describe the final season of Attack on Titans with somebody and somebody tries to write a story based on your description this would be Kingdom of ruin this would be Kingdom of Ruin um so uh from like from like a writing perspective this would be all the way in like this would be like all the way down here in like f tier from an entertainment standpoint I would I would put it like personally I I I put it like at high B from an entertainment standpoint so we'll put it somewhere we'll put it somewhere in the middle uh we we'll balance it out we'll balance it out but yeah but one thing you should gar from this is that don't be a berserk of gluttony if you're going to commit to being [ __ ] just commit to being [ __ ] uh and it I'd rather you commit to being so shitty and so edgy uh because even that is way more memorable and way more entertaining than uh something that is just taking every Trope from every other series Double Down being [ __ ] yeah yeah someone gets me man all right coming up to um Dr Stone which I haven't watched this one I am on the fence about catching up to Dr Stone because a lot of Dr Stone fans they say that this is the arc that is really really good but I do not know if it's going to be so good it's worth me catching up to I think another two seasons worth so I am going to keep this reserved right now I have a lot of anime that I do want to watch I have not heard enough about this to really convince me to catch up if there is one show that's is at the top of my two watch list of something that I think I would really enjoy and fans praise the [ __ ] about um it's either going to be right now I'm drawing a blank right now what is the one where okay this is going to sound super okay FMA okay F funny guys funny funny FMA I I'll no that's that's for a dark day guys that's for a dark day what's the this going to sound so this going to sound so uh weird out of context uh but what's the one where they have an anime battle where two guys try to ejaculate onto each other yo you guys predicted it before I even said anything man golden cam yeah that's it that's it that's it golden cam golden camway I I if there is one show that is on the top of my I want to catch up with this so I can see what all the fuss is about it is [ __ ] golden cam cuz I have seen so many out of context clips from that show and that show seems insane it kind of seems like something out of something is insane as baky or some [ __ ] like that so that is um that is that is on the top of my list of [ __ ] that I want to watch all right moving on to the firefighter anime this is I can't remember the name it's like Dao or something like that right firefighter Daigo what's the name of this God it's so down on the list where the hell is it nobody watched it apparently nobody watched it um this one was decent uh this one was decent I felt it was weird right because this one opened up with a full-on I didn't like for for the record this is one of the shows that I didn't finish um this one opened up on all of Tokyo just on fire and everything like that and that really really hooked me in like really quickly and what I felt about this was I felt it was more educational than anything I learned so much about firefighters uh just from watching this anime and what they have to go through which Full on [ __ ] respect the firefighters as an anime the rescue scenes were less intense than I thought they were going to be they was see it was still enjoyable it was just less drama and less intensity than I thought it was going to be because I thought I think the opening of the first episode really put me into the wrong mindset of this because it really opened up on something really epic a disaster on the scale of an entire [ __ ] City being on fire um and then this didn't really hook me as much as I thought it would but it was still enjoyable enough I I wouldn't recommend this to anyone if you didn't already have some kind of interest in firefighting like actual firefighting I feel like this is a niche a niche appeal I don't think it does enough to really appeal out of that Niche um so I'm going to I'm going to put this at a solid B it was fine it was good it was solid um the only problem is I don't know how much you would appear you would enjoy this if you didn't already have a big interest in firefighters fire force is the only true firefighter anime um excuse me my guy excuse me let's not forget about that trigger film excuse me promare prare hello hello okay let's we can fight fire but what if we have giant [ __ ] mechs to fight fire as well trigger documentary you mean only the only trigger documentaries um okay this uh this one what's what was this what was the name of this one this had got so many anime air this season the problem this one had was there was a lot there was there was a lot of competition in this year uh and this season as well the inexperienced you and something something is kimy zero this is the one where the guy confesses to the main girl and then the main girl is like sure why not let's go out even though we've never talked before um my big problem with with romances like this nowadays is that I look at the guy I look at the main guy and the like the way they try to portray him as a likable guy is because he gets offered sex right he he get he get he gets offered sex and then he says no and and weebs are like yo ain't no way he no way a guy can do that no what you can you can you can do that the problem is right the problem is that nowadays there are so many different romances with so many different um different selling points right and different hooks that this one just kind of Falls flat for me nowadays uh this one didn't really do too much that went above and beyond what you can see see in any other typical romance anime um and especially we're going to get to the one after this right because I'm going to I'm I'm going to compare this right but when I see a guy basically get interest from a girl by being the most pure basic goody tou guy I'm like this is as much of a power fantasy as my like everyone clown on your isai power fantasies and I sometimes I see a romance where a guy is the most barebones basic nice guy of all time and that's what makes him get the girl and I'm like this is as much of a [ __ ] fantasy as all of this other [ __ ] man and no one is calling this out uh because it reminded me of um I remember the romance that a earlier this year I can't remember the name but it was it was it was a romance where how the guy talked to the girl was the guy gave the girl an umbrella on a rainy day and it was like and then after after he gave him the umbrella she suddenly became a housewife for him she suddenly became a housewife and and I was like the angel next door yes yes the angel next door and I was the thing the thing was it was so highly rated as well and I'm like bro bro this is like this is like the Bare Bones basic [ __ ] man this is this is Pure Fantasy should I just should I just go outside and just start giving every girl umbrellas and just hoping one day I'm going to get a wife is that the new Strat here is that the new Strat because because I always I like I want to see more in my romances now than just a guy being nice all right because it it always seems like it always seems like in the context of the story the girl falls for the guy because the guy does something nice but if you pull this thisen into like The Wider uh if if you put this into the context of just normal life um a lot of times in romance anime you see a guy doing something nice and it's just like the most basic nice thing anyone can just do like you know like oh um I want to like this guy is like oh I just want to get to know you more personally before we sleep with each other you know or before we have sex and I'm like that just that seems just like good decent advice that most people should follow and granted a lot of people don't follow that huh a lot of people don't follow that but you know I would like to see something something a bit more nowadays this one this one goes in C tier I didn't really enjoy this one too much because you know what I want to see is some [ __ ] Giga Chads like rento man we talk about Bland romance protagonist you talk about nice guy nice guy romance protagonist all right look name me a romance look this guy this guy asked a girl out for like a deare or something like that he asked a girl out because they dared him to because he has negative RZ and the girl by pure chance was just like sure why not Reno got rejected 100 times 100 times before he achieved any success that is a commitment man that is someone do deserving of the position that he is in but not only that like not only that Reno isn't just a nice boyfriend Reno isn't just the nice guy Reno goes above and beyond for every single one of his girls man and that's what sets number one Reno apart from every other Bland Haron protagonist out there okay this is this is you read this and you read the premise of what 100 girlfriends and you're like man God I wish that was me God I that should have been me not him and then you actually read the Manga you actually watch the anime and you're like can I be uh is is is he taking boyfriend requests can can I can I be his partner please can uh can can I be his girlfriend I I can't I can't I don't want I don't want to be him I want to be with him man Teach me Teach me like the the biggest thing about 100 girlfriends is I came into this thinking it was just be just going to be a haha Mimi show but it is it is genuinely funny it is genuinely I did not expect um I did not expect 100 girlfriends to be genuinely this [ __ ] funny um and I don't know if that's because my my only big complaints about 100 girlfriends is that I don't think think you would be able to enjoy this this much if you weren't already really knowledgeable and invested in basically the trash harm genre hi that's me um I was never a functional member of society that's why I love this show are you a functional member of society and uh do you not watch Trash Haram show and get way too invested then you're probably not going to like rent uh you rent girlfriend you're prob not going to like a 100 girlfriends as much as I did uh so for me this is one of my favorite harm shows of all time like period this is this is this is probably like up there's like one of my favorite Haram shows of all time uh part of that is because of how much Haram I've ingested before but if not if you don't like your harams it's probably going to be somewhere around here you know it's probably going to be somewhere around here or like low a for me it's like low EST it I'm I'm I'm going to give it that I'm going to give it that man s is way too high bro nah no I'm I'm just fully embracing my I'm fully embracing my trash man Vibes now man um okay moving on to the detective anime the detective anime what's it called what's it called camos kamashi um kamashi Ron so sometimes I like to have uh sometimes I like to watch something different sometimes I like a nice detective anime um wait let me let me check something quickly because I'm trying to remember the name of the other one uh R anime3 what was the name of the other anime okay that I think that was the name all right so sometimes sometimes I like to watch detective anime um it's it's something different it's not a genre that I'm super super into so every so often I get into the mood to watch a new one and just get invested in some guy solving cases this is pretty much everything you can expect from just a standard detective show with a little bit of a Twist you know they they every detective show has like a little bit of a Twist I think my big problem is that I already have a certain amount of these kinds of shows I like to watch and it' really had some tough competition this year um this one was like a high C tier low B tier I guess it wasn't bad by any means um there were there was exactly one detective show that aired does it deserve to go on the same level as this no I'll put a low B I'll put a low B there was one detective show that obviously aired this season that was a freaking God tier itive show we're going to get to that one uh but in terms of the other one that I liked this year I really liked Undead girl murder F [ __ ] I already forgot the name Undead murder fast was that the one the one where the girl was had her head in a cage oh and Ma Mau as well [ __ ] that's not a detective show that's that's that's not a detective show guys that's something was it Undead girl motor Force oh my God that was the name I I actually got it right I said Undead girl motoras out loud and then uh something in my brain was like that's a dumbass name that's definitely not the name I swear to God that's definitely not the name but we had und dead girl murder F that came out a few seasons ago and I thought that was a highly highly underrated detective show uh that was that was probably one of my favorites that wasn't like one of the mainstream detective shows that aired uh this season but in terms of kamashi Ron I think I don't think it does enough to really set itself apart it really tries but I just it just didn't grab me as much as some of the other shows it's fine I wouldn't recommend this over some of the other shows I'm about to recommend um but if you are like deep into your detective shows I didn't really like the supernatural aspect of this I didn't I didn't get that like I get that the main character he he was meant to be quirky o he's a quirky detective he's not like other detectives and I'm fine with that um I didn't really Jael with like why he just tells people to um low tier God themselves and then it's it just happens it's you know it's like I I I didn't I I didn't really I I didn't really get that so so I'm going to put this at a low B tier you need to love yourself now that's what I'm saying okay so we had two racing anime this season so I'm going to talk about both of them at the same time so we had the sequel to Initial D and we had overtake and it says a lot that um I don't remember this name what's the name of this again MF ghost that's it we had MF ghost and we have overtake and initially I was way more hyped for MF ghost because as I said this was this is the sequel to Initial D this is we get to hear Euro beat again we get to hear you know we get to see more racing with more EUR beat more hype and I enjoyed it a lot I I enjoyed it a lot my big problem with this was that it kind of felt like watching Star Wars the Force awakens was that was that episode seven it it was Star Wars force awaken right which was I felt like the only reason I felt like I liked this was because of how much of a fan I was for like the original Star Wars or the original Initial D it's I it was great fan service for like the first few episodes and then I was waiting for I was waiting for it to do something more than just be a nice Nostalgia trip and then it just never went there it just it just never went there um it was it was enjoyable only because only because Initial D exists and I didn't really see it doing anything that the original didn't already do in terms of fan service in terms of me reliving the hype of nostalgia it definitely went there it has some hype moments in it um but I I'm going to forget about this I'm I'm going to forget about this and uh I'm probably going like this is riding on the cails of the initial initial D um and I don't really see it going anywhere further than that I could be wrong for like future Seasons but from what I saw um this was this was also this this was also like this is also like a high B tier overtake though overtake was something that really really surprised me because I have no interest in Formula 1 formula 4 but this this was such an this was uh this was the emotional investment I wanted from MF ghost basically MF ghost was like the good fan service for a good old-fashioned racing anime this was the one this was the racing anime I watched this year that I finished all the way and I really really enjoyed a lot and part of that big reason is because this is a racing show that follows formula it doesn't follow Formula 1 but it's formula 4 so it's more of the amateur racing show uh it's more of the amateur racing scene um and one thing that makes it a really good Underdog Story right is because it's not the high the highest end Formula 1 tracks or you know that kind of races um you have such a different variety of people that get into formula 4 um and it follows obviously the main character whose agency doesn't have a lot of funding right and there's you know it legitimately makes sense because in Formula 4 it's more of an amate scene so some people just have just are super rich uh and can afford all of the expensive equipment that comes to building a formula 4 car and some people just do it for the pure Thrill of the race but don't have the professional funding and I think that's just such a good setup for a good good Underdog Story you know because it it makes sense in the context of its own competition and its own world and it just it's just a really good setting to tell compelling story that you know everyone loves a good Underdog Story everyone lives loves a good Underdog Story especially in a Sports Anime and I think this was probably my favorite sports anime that aired this season um so I'm going to give this one and a tier uh this one I feel did way better job than MF ghost in terms of building up its characters building up the stakes um and getting us to care about the the the actual story lines of the characters uh I I really enjoyed overtake a lot this is like the closest comparison I can give to overtake is that it's kind of like the high Q of racing that's that's kind of that's kind of the best analogy I can use for this one you don't have to give a [ __ ] about formula 4 or racing to really care about the storylines of the characters because they do a really good job of building up the characters for this one is it that hype it's not it's not it's not of the level of highq yet but in terms of the feeling in terms of the whole like in terms of the whole approach they take it is very very similar to highq and very very good um every season has a [ __ ] wild ass show every season has a wild ass show and that and this season that uh that was definitely under ninja man I don't know how to rate this one s um yeah actually the these these two shows were both wild for different reasons um haven't watched it under ninja is literally the phrase never let your enemy know your next move because every time when I watch under ninja I genuinely did not know what the next play was going to be what the next move was going to be man they take they take the philosophy of being a ninja and then they put that into the anime man because you you cannot tell you do not know what's going to be happening next in under ninja this is this is a [ __ ] fun show as well um I don't know I don't know if it's just my own personal preference but I did have a lot of fun with the show um I don't know if I would prefer because my biggest problem with under ninja was that the production values of under ninja were pretty me um it kind of It kind of gave me the vibe that I should just go off and read the Manga because the manga is from the same manga that did I am hero which is a freaking wait let me let me get it right now yeah home okay all right all right it's it's it is this manga I actually I actually had a volume uh he's the manga of this manga which is also a really really good manga as well and uh also [ __ ] insane so this guy this guy knows how to make a freaking thrilling ride um and I think I'm going to just read the Manga of under ninja uh because I watched about half of this and I had a really good time but I kind of got the vibe that this is a read the Manga kind of show but I I'm I'm torning it I'm I'm torning it because when the show when the show the show has really really good comedic timing right the the the the the animation isn't great great but when the show wants to go hard in its comedy and its reveals um it's it still goes it it still goes pretty damn hard so uh I'm kind I'm kind of torn in this one last half goes crazy but the CG kind of ruins it oh oh that's I'm I'm sad I'm sad I'm I'm sad but uh yeah uh this is this is to me is not as high as overtake but it's but it's but it's a high B it's it's a high B I I I enjoy this one a lot I enjoy this one all right moving on to uh Maggie and is it Magi and Daly Miggy Miggy and Dary I was like I was like Maggie Maggie migy and Dary this is this is so this now come this is a show that came from the late manga of sesca and it is as wild as something like Saka motad desca one thing that really really stood out about this right is that it's a comedy anime and it's really really weird um this is this is like if you took the satirical aspects of sakoto desca and you put it you you put that show even more in like that uncanny valley it this this is a show that lives in that uncanny valley feeling is the best way I can describe it um did I did I disconnect oh no no okay sorry I thought I thought you guys were talking about something completely else right now so yeah um this is this is one thing that really confused me about this was that not confused me so much but one thing that I thought to myself was that this could have been a really good horror manga/anime in fact because it is technically like a comedy anime right it is it is technically a comedy anime but there were some there were some parts of this that were really really unnerving to me like the entire concept about the entire concept of this is that we have a rich family that uh we have a rich family that uh adopts a One Singular blonde kid or what they perceive to be one Singler blonde kid um and then and then what happens is that at the beginning uh they don't the parents don't know that these are actually Twins and then um and then because they are twins at the beginning they just completely [ __ ] about with these parents right and you're thinking at the beginning oh these are like really smart twins they're going completely over the top in their trolling and then around episode three or episode four I can't remember you think to yourself oh are these kids really smart and then you realize oh no these kids are actually really [ __ ] dumb oh no these these kids don't these these these kids aren't smart at all these kids aren smart they they don't know they're getting the completely wrong read of everything man um and part of me wishes part of me wishes that hey this kind of went the wholesome route in the end part of me wishes that this kind of did go down the psychological Thriller routes this would actually have been a really effective psychological Thriller in my eyes because this has all of the makings of a really good horror movie and then they just kind of made it uh into something completely different blood wanted another monster this could have genuinely been another monster as it is it was a very weird show uh it was I don't know how much I enjoyed it um but it did definitely intrigue me a lot um I would put it kind of in the same vein as under Ninja for me I know some people really liked it uh it was a bit too weird it was a bit too weird for my taste was a bit too weird for my taste some people really really liked it but it would have grabbed my attention more if they Honestly made this a horror anime and I know I'm like wishing for something that is just not the show itself but that is my opinion moving on to dead Mount death play season 2 [ __ ] 8 here baby oh oh I like this a lot I like this a lot especially with the [ __ ] crazy developments we got to see this season I don't want to spoil this cuz I've talked about this enough really the first season was so boring it's it's boring I mean I disagree I disagree um I'm not sure what you were looking for because one thing that I can't remember what the first season covered uh boring or boring the comedy the comedy missed I don't really think the comedy missed maybe because I'm coming into this as a manga reader now and knowing kind of Where The Story Goes what like this is coming from the same guy that did bakano durara I talked about the first season and I like I just enjoy this guy's works a lot and one thing I've really loved about this is how they portrayed an actual reverse isekai but not just a reverse isekai but a reverse isekai with an absolutely insane [ __ ] cast uh every character in this is just like the the the main character of this is meant to be some Undead Lord From Another World and then he gets reverse Easter card into our world and you think man this must me and this character is like this is a special character cuz he's the main character and then the more you the more the story develops the more insane characters get introduced and every single character has a unique flare to them that is in some ways even more insane and even more more memorable than the original premise sorry than the original character that was introduced uh and he just like I think what he learned with Undead murder F sorry [ __ ] I I I got this open uh with dead Mount death play Undead G I'm I'm getting all of these edgy [ __ ] titles mixed up in my mind man um one thing I like is just how he slowly introduces this new character and slowly makes them relevant into the plot and I really think that dead Mount death play really popped off in in this season especially like the second half of the season um I think maybe to everyone who found the first season kind of air that was more because it was just introducing the different worlds and the different characters and then just seeing it all just like come together and seeing how every story intersects with each other it it is just pure it is like this is this is the type of show that I love and this is why I liked bako and this is why I liked and uh the season was [ __ ] insane I I I want more people um if the anime was too slow for you I honestly genuinely just read the Manga read read the Manga cuz uh that's what I did did when I watched dead Mount death play for the first time uh I watched like the first four episodes of dead Mount death play season 1 and then I read the Manga so it never really felt slow to me that's that's my best advice for that um but this is you know this this season of dead man death blate was definitely more exciting than the first season classic read the Manga all right I mean I don't think the anime was bad I just think yeah it does take some time to get going uh I didn't really feel that because I read the Manga all right moving on to 16 bit sensation this one was those it's I I felt like this was a solid show I'm kind of a I'm kind of a sucker I'm kind of a sucker when it comes to uh I'm kind of a sucker when it comes to time travel I'm I'm a sucker when it comes to Time time travel this one this one's a high B for me um now the Sci-Fi aspect got got kind of weird I I was okay with it I I was I was okay with it mostly because it was meant it was mostly just a gimmick that to get me invested into what the show was meant to be about which is just more of being a look into the old otaku culture back in the 90s and that was actually genuinely super [ __ ] interesting to me there was some side plots that I weren't really I wasn't really interested in but the general the general thing of just having this time travel gimmick all right I'm invested I love time travel I'm just like my brain my brain's just that easy to get invested uh you add time travel to it and then suddenly you use that as an excuse to look through the old '90s akih Habra and otaku landscape back at the time and you're like oh okay this is really good this is really cool um seeing the main character being super [ __ ] arrogant being like I'm an S tier artist baby I could just just this is easy mode hire me right now I am going to blow your mind with my art skills and then having to paint with a mouse and just her completely sucking at it I I was like okay okay imagine yo you were truly goated like artists back then were truly goated because imagine having these art skills and painting with a mouse and using Ms paint or some [ __ ] man she pulled it off though yeah she did pull it off but it it was just it was genuinely like super interesting and I don't think you would like the show if you don't have an interest in if you've never played a visual novel you probably won't have any interest in this uh part of the big reason that I like the show was just because I've played some really OG Vision novels back in the day and uh I it was actually just genuinely super interesting to me to see what the entire landscape was like back then so yeah this is this is a very enjoyable show and if you have any interest in older taku culture or just old visual novels like back in the key days uh I recommend you give this one a watch because this one can this one's very nostalgic as well all right okay okay real [ __ ] real [ __ ] we we we are getting to the real [ __ ] now guys real [ __ ] okay where does this go guys where does this go is it is it ever gonna go anywhere else baby is it ever going to go anywhere else than S tier guys so I was scared going to Eminence of Shadow season 2 That season 1 showed all of its cards we saw the I am Atomic scene not once but twice and um I I was like is it has it shown all it all of its cards is season 2 going to be as interesting for me and I can wholeheartedly say that [ __ ] yes it was and the way it ended made me even more hype to see what comes next um the first Arc of season 2 I think is possibly the weaker the weakest Arc um I do like the the big stand up that Arc was for me was just seeing Sid constantly say the time is the moon is red we don't have time and just just seeing him my man my man said one line the for like the first three episodes and I'm like all right this is Peak this is Peak all right this peak um but then you know we get introduced to his John Smith alter ego which it feels like it feels like putting the same trick because we saw mundane man last season we saw John Smith this season and I'm like you're just doing the same [ __ ] but somehow I'm somehow somehow it works every [ __ ] time it works every [ __ ] time but it also made me realize this season is what made me realize the real strength of eminence and Shadow right because I don't know if this is a hot take I don't know if it's is a hot take right I genuinely think that Eminence and Shadow has some of the best world building you can find in the isekai genre there is there is like there is obviously obviously there are shows like Mich kensei like um Bookworm that have better that have better belt building but this edmanson Shadow I came into this as like oh this is kind of like a self-aware half parody of the isekai genre um but in order to be self-aware um you still need to build up an interesting world and interesting characters and it genuinely has a super intricate world with characters with characters that actually have their own motivations and their own like the world has has its own political system that genuinely makes sense and is not built to it's it's it's it's a world that still exists without Sid's influence which makes it so [ __ ] interesting when you add an absolute Wild Card like Sid to the equation I think that's what makes it work so well because because at the end of season two right you know what's going to happen you kind of know what the play of this Arc is going to be and you kind of know what the play of the arc every time every time a new arc begins and they kind of like showcase hey these are the characters that are going to be involved in the ark here's the stage that's being set and you know the exact stage stage that is being set because it makes sense in the world it makes sense like this is the world is moving like this the country want the countries have their own self-interest these characters want this that character wants that you can see what the chess how the board is going to play out what kind of chess pieces are being placed on the board when a new arc is being introduced and you know that they are setting up the pieces so that the stage for Sid is going to be the biggest stage possible with all the chess pieces that are being set up in place and you know what the stage is going to be and you know how it's going to play out and I think it's that anticipation that just makes the payoff so [ __ ] worth it because you know what's going to happen but it doesn't matter because you know that when Sid makes his grand entrance and when Sid just pops off it's just it's you it doesn't matter that you can predict what's going to happen because that's exactly by Design you know what's going to happen it doesn't matter because when it does happen you get the payoff and it hits every single [ __ ] time um and then the ending of eminence in Shadow season 2 was just the cherry on top which you know it was the cherry on top that made me realize oh okay genuinely this ain't just a self-aware parity this just has an interesting plot this just has an interesting [ __ ] plot um and I can't wait for the movie I'm not going to spoil what the ending is but there was a point where I didn't know where they could take the plot and then they took the plot somewhere I genuinely didn't didn't think they would take the plots uh and then and it's just genuinely one of my favorite isak guys right now I think it's my second behind Mich kensei and I did not think it would get that high and uh yeah I will say Delta's Delta's a good girl Delta is a good girl Delta Delta is a good girl man maybe I've been maybe I've been convinced you know we the era of cat girls has gone on for too long for too long you you know I I always thought to myself you know we always see cat girls in anime where are all the dog where are all the good doggos in anime and I can wholeheartedly say that thanks to Delta we have a good [ __ ] doggo man we have we have a good doggo all right I'm I'm convinced I'm convinced but uh yeah genuinely we'll see if it remains my second favorite Easter Kai when rezo season 3 comes out and if rezo season 3 pops off then uh then maybe or then maybe it'll go down a peg but right now after finishing Emin and Shadow season 2 I can wholeheartedly say this is genuinely my second favorite eaai ever out right now it's just so much fun ah all right moving on to Tokyo Revengers the show that I am not watching because I do not I uh do not get the appeal of Tokyo rengers uh especially if it's the anime the anime always had shy production values to me so I never understood why anyone wouldn't just read the Manga so we're going to move move on to Pluto God this was such a this was such a [ __ ] Banger season that's a bit cold all right anyone who knows Pluto would know that naraki osawa is the absolute goat um this would this is never going in anything but s tier this this is this is this is a [ __ ] s tier show um there is nobody that has such a Mastery of suspense and mystery like especially in the manga world as much as nauki osawa um now this isn't my favorite work of his this is this isn't my favorite work of his but still if this is one of his uh weaker Works God damn how strong are your you know that just that just shows the quality of the best works that you put out man uh I came into this knowing that it was a readaptation or reimagining of Astro Boy um and I completely forgot that halfway through because I was just so engrossed with the mystery and the story uh one thing I think Osa is a master at doing right is the way he sets up this mystery and the way he gets you invested in his plot lines um that gets you asking all the right questions without giving you the exact full picture to know exactly what's going on um and then you start asking these questions you're like trying to piece it all together and then he'll he'll switch off to this [ __ ] Side Story with characters you have no idea about who are not relevant to the plot and you're like why the [ __ ] should I care about these characters why why do I why do I even care about them go back to the main mystery cuz I was invested in that and then he will stick with these characters and then you get so invested in This Side Story you stop you you forget why you were invested in the overall overarching story to begin with he will [ __ ] tear your heart to shreds with this side story and then at the end of it he'll go actually this was relevant to the main plot the entire time this had Clues to all of the main plots um and uh here it is and he he would just he would just like reveal it all and he doesn't just do this with Pluto uh he does this with monster he does with this with 20th century boys um this this is this is he he always does this and it's always [ __ ] insane it it works every single time um because aside from aside from him being like just a master of mystery and suspense which he is he is this is this is why his works are so well done there's always this there's always a real heart to the stories that he tries to tell there's a real heart behind them um and normally you know when you read a mystery manga you you read it to get the Epic reveals and the Epic plot lines um and then with some of his works like you just end up [ __ ] crying man you your your heart gets torn to shreds um but then you also are really intrigued with this world that he's built up as well my only issue with Pluto is that it didn't have my favorite endings of his works and I feel like that was a lot of this was to do with the Astro Boy aspect of this you know adaptation uh felt a little bit rushed a little bit shown any but it didn't really after after watching it it didn't really detract from My overall enjoyment um the ending did what it needed to do it was a little bit cliche um but to me that didn't detract from the entire fully eight episode run that I was just like fully immersed with it was fine very similar to the attack on Titan ending where I'm like this didn't blow my mind but it it did what it needed to do and it didn't ruin everything that came before it which is which is you know that's fine that's fine that's fine if you're if you're if everything before that is just like s tier writing that's that's just that's just everything it needs to do um and it's it's rare that you can find a writer that can make you care about so many different characters and have every single episode be so dense with not just like ideas like different philosophical ideas but just a message that Rings true to the heart and I just think I can talk about naraki urasawa all day I think I've been rambling for a very very long time already um what I wanted to say is Pluto is not his best work but it's still really really really [ __ ] good and it has all of the makings of what makes Naki osawa such an amazing writer and such an amazing manga so yeah this is uh this is s here for me man I I I rambled on for a pretty long time there H oh one one thing I did want to say was that I do think my my second complaint about Pluto was there are some aspects that do feel a little bit dated as well um but I think that's inevitable when you when this is like Pluto is a 20-year-old story and it was a 20-year-old story that was readapting Astro Boy so that that was my that was my only other complaints okay moving on to shy ah this one I haven't finished yet I felt I felt like shy uh this was a show I didn't finish it and mostly that's just because it didn't really appeal to me um this it really deserved me on This Ti I didn't finish it though H yeah I I didn't finish it and I don't have any interest in finishing it so I'll put it C2 I felt like I felt like this is what happens this was this kind of felt like a magical girl show in Disguise uh it was it was kind of like it was kind of marketed as a superhero action show but I felt like it was more similar to uh it was more similar to a magical girl Vibes and I I'm not really a fan of the super super shy introverted main character kind of Trope there are a few exceptions obviously there's something like botchy absolutely love botchy botch is great uh botchy is the exception to the rule not the norm uh not the norm and this one honestly just didn't have enough to grab me uh outside of that appeal I did like the fact that I I did find it funny that basically every country has a hero that represents the vibe of that country and then the Russian girl is just this drunk ass uh this drunk ass blonde girl that just drinks vodka all the time and then and then who represents Japan ah it's shy they socially awkward and anime girl that has social anxiety ah okay yes definitely checks out definitely law accurate but unfortunately this did not have enough outside to appeal to me I heard that from the manga readers they were really re excited about this maybe it gets better but the first four episodes uh didn't grab me unfortunately I only watched four episodes with this one USA has guns or um okay moving on to the returners magic should be special it's not special what I I can't remember the name it's the returners the returners one so so here's uh here's a little spoiler didn't actually uh watch the anime for this one I went off I watched a single episode and I went off and read the Manga for this one or the Mana I should say because I watched the first episode and I was like this looks like very eh production values and everyone kept raving about the Mana because they were like the man was so much better and I'm like okay I'm 55 chapters into the Mana when does it get good when when will mangarita stop capping man when when will mongaras stop capping they all like yo yo you got to read the Mana man you got to read the Mana and I was like it's all it's all it's all it's it's it's uh it's it's no solo leveling I'll give you that you know solo leveling had god tier art and was like [ __ ] hype the Mana it's all it's another regression Mana I have read so many regression mana and uh what's the Chinese version of that as well it's it's this is this does not stand out at all from uh anything else that I've read in the regression genre guys because one thing I will like one one thing I will say is that uh not donga um what's one thing I will say is that I've read a lot of them because hey maybe I want a new take on the eai genre and uh and the regression genre is basically just the isekai genre with a new with a new lick of paint and I [ __ ] love that and I and I [ __ ] love that um the Mana has good heart has good art what the [ __ ] one thing I will say is that there are so many mana and Manoa with really good art this one comparatively to some of the some of other web comics I've read um has not you know is is it's definitely not something like solo leveling level it's all it's like the anime anime though like you you take you take that plotline and you add that to the anime and you're like ah okay this is uh this is I I will say I will say this is definitely a uh read the Mana show if if you want if you want that I I I am even surprised it's got an anime I liked this more than solo leveling ah I'll tell you I'll tell you this is like the the Mana that I was really into uh what's what's the one God there's so many there's so many cultivation ones man there so many cultivation ones me me trying to find that one me trying to find that one regression cultivation man why I read which one is it no no no all right yeah uh I've been really I've been really into Tales of demon and uh Tales of demons and gods recently uh I I like the well building of that one any anyone read that one that's Manoa yeah I mean I'm I'm just talking about regression I'm just talking about regression ones now like that is that is one of my favorite ones that one's pretty good yeah omnificent reader okay that that one's a good one that one's a really really good one as well too many reincarnations of regression yeah that like I said this is just isy with a different lick of paint is what I'm saying man um I already forgot the name of this one what's the name of this one again guys what's the name of this one what's the name of this one um returners magic yeah the the the returners magic like I'm trying to remember anything about this cuz I I I've read I read the first 55 chapters it was about like 50ish chapters after the first episode came out and I'm trying to remember um a lot about this all I remember is Twin head girl is Cinder and I'm like that just shows how my mind works that just that just show that just shows how my mind works I'm like ah yes ah yes twin Tails ah yes okay okay only 55 yes only 55 out of the hundreds of chapters guys uh manga readers manga readers be like wait wait you didn't read to chapter you didn't read to chapter 100 um yeah like I said this one honestly was pretty forgettable in terms of me uh maybe that's just because I am now going through a phase where I'm reading a lots of regression slre reincarnation manga um so in terms of like the anime sphere if you haven't if you're an isekai trash man like me um and you're looking for a new spin on it you're probably actually going to really like this you're you're probably actually going to really like the returners magic because it's a different kind of power fantasy um and it's a it's a different enough genre that it feels fresh but it's similar enough to uh the Y Sky genre and the power fantasy genre uh for me um there's a lot of other regression mana and manoir that I like uh and this one didn't stand out too much or hasn't stand and or hasn't stood out too much um maybe it gets better but you know after 55 chapters um worth I don't remember much about it and I didn't really feel like the real hook to continue reading I dropped it off to 200 ch chapters you you tell them my guy you tell them you tell them man all right I'll be right back I'm going to to [Music] quickly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right moving on to this one I don't know what this one's on here I didn't actually watch this one that's this is this is a mistake guys that was that was a mistake Stars telepath yep another another shy girl anime right all right moving on to Blue protocol is that the name of this one it's it's the Esports anime the Esports anime protol rain that's the one blue pral is a [ __ ] game right um watching prle rain made me realize how good of a job King's Avatar did with uh portraying Esports man like I think I think think King's I think we actually got uh I think we actually got spoiled by King's Avatar because this is like if you tried to write an Esports but added every unnecessary anime character Trope um every anime Trope into this storyline that was just so godamn unnecessary um because like one thing that didn't make sense about this was you have an sports team right and they had like open trials to this Esports team just just why why number one number one this is the guy hasn't played the game the guy hasn't played the game in like [ __ ] five years or some [ __ ] I can't I can't remember I can't remember the guy didn't play the guy gave up the game uh because he was gaming too hard he he had PTSD he had PTSD from gaming because uh I I can't remember the backstory I think his like dad died or something when he was gaming or he was too addicted the game I don't remember some overly dramatic backstory um so he gave up the game suddenly he picks up again uh and he's like you know what let's uh let's start an orts team why not uh let's do open trials and uh let's let's do open trials to this no-name local Esports team okay number one they find the these [ __ ] god tier players that just so happen to just you know that just so happen to turn up to the trial and in my head I'm thinking why the [ __ ] would these Challenger players come to this trial that is mostly filled with uh gold tier Platinum tier players like there ain't no way there is there is no way you would not already get picked up by some kind of like Esports like some some kind of of other Esports team I think the people that showed up on their trial to the trial are better than the main [ __ ] characters so I don't know what their motivation to join the team is man like um another thing and I I don't I don't want to Haren this for too long uh but it was I I I do give the studio credit for instead of like instead of animating something in game to show their matches they actually built a I I believe they built a fully playable game um that they they they built a fully playable like playable game that they used for the scenes that uh had their Esports in it um with that is the problem with that is uh it kind of looks like remember that South Park episode where they did World of Warcraft it's it kind of looks like that but just a really bad ripoff of Counter Strike you know that it's just there there is there is bad CG and then there is maybe something like they put effort into building something playable with the game to make it uh to make their in-game cut scenes and in game scenes something that actually felt like uh an actual game unfortunately it just looks really [ __ ] janky and every time I saw it I just it just took me out of took me out of the anime uh so you know I commend the effort maybe they took the wrong approach for that unfortunately so uh this one this this this one this one this one gets that wasn't that bad wasn't that bad wasn't that bad wasn't that is there anything else that bad okay yeah that's okay there we go there we go berserk of gluttony was looking very lonely in there berserk of gluttony was looking very lonely for a second [Laughter] there actually you're right this this this this goes down though this this goes down uh I actually there there was something I enjoyed about all of these uh I didn't really enjoy this one so much at all um but yeah before before I move on to the peak isekai one uh next time I don't know if I want I remember one time I said I wanted more Esports maybe I don't guys maybe I don't maybe I just want more Kings Avatar because that one actually felt like I don't I don't know how you do a competing storyline with believable with a believable setting uh as much as kings Avatar where you have an Old Pro that's been kicked off his team that is trying to just Smur his way up to a new pro league um that's you know that that is honestly a much more compelling story line than a bunch of high schoolers try to try try to make a Esports team you know I I don't watching this made me realize I don't think you can do something more interesting than King Avatar so King's Avatar just needs to have more actual Esports in it I'm waiting for it to get to the Esports competitions please please that's all I'm waiting for uh because the the few competitions that we have seen in King's Avatar were so [ __ ] hype um moving on to the to the pig EA all right I'm I'm I'm lying I'm not going to cap guys I'm not going to cap I'm not going to cap I was just joking I gave this an episode uh I G I gave this one episode guys I did I did I did give this an episode um and it wasn't inuk Kai's dog that's what I will say it it it was not inai's dog maybe inukai maybe inukai gave me the PTSD um maybe inukai is don't gave me PTSD this one actually felt like they tried to go a little bit of a more wholesome route instead of a dgen route which thank God thank god um just didn't really didn't grab me at all unfortunately there was not enough about this you know some isekai SL fantasy shows can grab me with a gimmick the main character and a pig this time did not grab me um but thankfully it's no enai's dog so that's all I have to say about that moving on to Fooly coly shoe or Shu Gaz I don't know actually what's the proper pronunciation of the name of this Foody coie was okay so I do not know a single other person who has actually watched the new season of foodie [ __ ] um I actually enjoyed it I was I was surprised I was genuinely genuinely surprised I I think this is my favorite Folly couie outside of the original one it's like genu genuinely I think this is my favorite fuie couie outside of the original one um I think a big problem with fly [ __ ] and uh a big problem with fry coie was that it's it was trying to retread on the Magic No Progressive or better we'll get to that uh I think a big problem with fie was that it was trying to retread on the magic of the original um and it it has like failed to really really knuckle down on what made the original special in the first place uh but one thing that I've really enjoyed about this one was there was um and it was just one single aspect right because it was only it was only a three episode OVA um one idea I really enjoyed and actually like really [ __ ] hit me um was this idea of one of the main characters from a previous season from Progressive if I remember correctly uh what it dealt with the idea of what happens when you have a main character that is in this like world saving kind of event that has to grow up and face the adult world and um for the first time I I I felt like they were trying to do they were trying to do something a little bit different than retread on on what the original had done um and I I I thought that was genuinely interesting I I I thought that was gen be interesting to see um and you know it deals with the same themes of you know adolescence and growing up as well just with a different kind of Lights uh didn't boruto do that this is this is done but it it's done through the lens of like through a Fooly coolly kind of way you know um so I honestly funnny enough I really really enjoyed I I I enjoyed fly [ __ ] shoe gaze I know a lot of people didn't um this is this is going to be a h take I think it's a low a it's I I think it needed more episodes and I think honestly pillows pillows op pillows op man pillows pillows is so [ __ ] op um pillows is so [ __ ] op man but I think this is a highly highly underrated Folly [ __ ] number one because a lot of people have stopped watching Folly [ __ ] um and you know we had Foody Cy grunge which was it's 6.17 on ma yeah I I I I am very very aware of the Mal score and I very very much disagree with the Mal score um because for the first time since the original fi I was like damn am I feel something and I feel something new that is not just trying to recapture the old original magic of flyi having said that I would like them to stop making Folly coolies all right this was this was a nice the only thing that I've really liked about this was they tried um was exactly the idea that I said about I I really resonated with that story surprise surprise I really resonated with the story of uh growing up and having to face adulthood um and that was one thing that really stood out to me uh but aside from that I've watched pretty much most of the other pretty much all of the other Folly coolies and they just the original one was kind of like a lightning in the bottle it came out at the perfect time and I feel like it was an exp I I I feel like you can never reclaim the magic of what the original foodie cie presented and what it was uh because it it came out a time when a lot of us were kind of growing up kind of watching anime as well and it the way it showcased and dealt with like adolescence uh I think resonated with a lot of that compiled with the animation showcase that it was um and just having this really unique OST it is it is a classic for its time period I think but there is no way that you can re you can reclaim what the original Foody cie did for its audience at the time with sequels uh you can do interesting ideas with uh which is what Sho gaze did uh in my opinion but it didn't come close to recapturing the Magic in a sense um it's still just glorified fan service for any foly cooie fans so I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who wasn't an original fan of foodie [ __ ] but I still found a lot of enjoyment in this one okay moving on to bullbuster I wanted to like this one a lot um the this one this one has such a niche appeal right I can't think of many people that this would appeal to bullbuster no it is bullbuster by Studio nuts yes yes um It Is bullbuster by Studio nuts this one I don't know how many people this would appeal to cuz this has a very very niche appeal because this one almost felt more like a Mecca Slice of Life as someone who has lived in Japan I very much resonated with some of the aspects that this dealt with uh especially seeing you know you you take you take a mecha show you take this you take this Mega show and you put it in a world where it's a bit more normalized you know you it's the Kaiju are more dealt with like Pest Control than it is like a world ending world saving um event and I like the fact that it just had this you know you had to deal with problems like how much paperwork you'd have to deal with and I and now I now I [ __ ] know that I've assimilated in Japanese culture where I see paperwork being done and I'm like like oh real [ __ ] they understand holy [ __ ] they're dealing with paperwork okay okay believable actually actual believable world now um so this doesn't appeal to a lot of people but if you kind of are looking for a different uh different look onto the mecca genre uh maybe maybe more slice of Lifey maybe more grounded uh you'd probably like this one unfortunately I think its production values hold it back a lot because yes uh it doesn't look great if you've seen the CG monsters it doesn't look great at all um so I think where do I put this you know I actually I actually D tier I don't think it's that low I I I don't I don't think I don't think it's D tier guys can c can CG put it can CG put it down to D tier um I'm going to put it I'm going to put C tier next to Shai all right moving on to spy Family season 2 um so pretty much pretty much my opinion throughout spy family has not changed has not changed uh at all this is this is a very very enjoyable show this is a very very enjoyable show one thing I will say about this season of spy family is I am so happy we finally got to see y do some [ __ ] assassinating man yo seeing her solo a 100 assassins on a ship or like I think it was 100 see seeing her seeing her solo them was like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] about damn time baby I remember thinking myself in season one I remember thinking to myself you know what I feel like I feel like Lloyd on on his day I feel like Lloyd could take could take your you know I feel I feel like he could take your uh after season two I'm like oh no yo I know who wears the pants in this family man yo you better yeah happy wife happy life am I right Lads there ain't no way I you do not want to piss off your wife at all man at all Lloyd has Absol absolutely no chance after what y has uh showcased in season two um so right now like spy family it's it's a solid a for me and it's pretty much always been a solid day and unless something really really changes about spy family it's probably always going to be a solid day but the biggest thing I will say about it is that it's never been anything but an a you know it's the I never come out of a spy Family episode being like you know that was B tier that was a c tier episode um but at the same time I never come out with spy Family episode going like yo that was a [ __ ] s tier episode um to me it's I I always know what I'm getting with spy family I'm going to be entertained and it delivers every single [ __ ] time it is one of the most consistent shows uh on this list and that's that's all I can say about it it doesn't I don't think it falls off uh I don't think it's an improvement it is just more [ __ ] great entertainment and that's all it needs to be and if it just continues doing that I won't have anything new to say about it but I'm still going to enjoy the hell out of it anyway all right moving on to girlfriend we gone from we gone from Spy X family to girlfriend girlfriend ah one thing about girlfriend girlfriend is that unfortunately I think it was just overshadowed by 100 girlfriends this season cuz I didn't really think too much about girlfriend girlfriends because it just 100 girlfriends was just way too overpowering and then I ended up watching season 2 and then I ended up watching season 2 and then I realized oh hold on a second wait wait wait a minute hold on a second this is still really [ __ ] enjoyable this is this is still really enjoyable for because I think I think the big difference between girlfriend girlfriend I think the big difference between girlfriend girlfriend and 100 girlfriends is that this this this ain't they're both not based in reality at all but this just goes off the [ __ ] rails this is completely unhinged right this is still trashy entertainment but it they still there's still a bit more there's still a bit more logic to this uh this there's still a bit more logic to this than this one right here um this one is more reminiscent to this one this one more feels like a parody this one more feels like hey let's take the Haram genre and try to play it off as straight as we can um and is more typical like that um but I still really [ __ ] enjoyed it I forgot I forgot this is still really enjoyable this is right up my alley watching girlfriend girlfriend made me realize maybe this is just the future of the Haram genre maybe this is the future of the Haram genre maybe we don't need a 100 girls girls you know maybe four it's you know this this one only has four girls whatever it's still really enjoyable and you know what maybe the era of having a weak ass main character who has commitment issues and can't pick a [ __ ] girl for 200 chapters maybe maybe the era of that is over you know may maybe let's just indulge in the harm for a bit uh because we have both 100 girlfriends and girlfriend girlfriends and I have enjoyed both of these trashy ass Haram shows way more than a lot of other Haram shows that have come out recently um I don't know if this this is definitely hot take I've enjoyed more I've I've enjoyed these shows more than uh Quint quintessential quintuplets and I think even though critically speaking that's probably one of the more interesting harm genres uh I I I think I'm just I think I think I was just like reaching I I I think at that point I was just like huh I want something different with the Haram genre um by the time I read it and then these two sh these two shows came on and I was like all right maybe I still like harm maybe I still like harm the war is over everybody wins now that's what I'm saying man that's what I'm saying yo the era of War anime is over we need we just want everyone to win now man we just want everyone to win Quin had a bad ending I mean yeah I mean it depends it depends on the uh girl that uh it depends maybe I'm just salty maybe maybe I'm just salty guys maybe that's the real reason maybe if my go won I'd be like actually quintessential quintets was uh that's Peak that's Peak maybe [ __ ] why you going to call me out like that [ __ ] am I that predictable n yeah you're right I think you're right actually I think [ __ ] I think I I think I read Quin and I was like well my girl didn't win so this was a [ __ ] show um let's just read a harm whereever goes wins and I'm like oh [ __ ] yeah this this this some good [ __ ] man this some good [ __ ] all right moving on to attack on Titan final season final episode part two um which yeah I forgot came out in full which uh I forgot came out and four I think I mean I've made my opinion clear on Attack on Titan wow this out of everyone out of every show I've seen so far I have not seen such a wide range of different rankings to what the [ __ ] I've seen every single ranking like I've made my opinion about the attack on Titan ending um it's an ending that I am satisfied with I am satisfied with the ending um because there were a few issues that I had with the end I think there are some things that could have been laid out more clearly uh especially when it came to Erin's character and uh ain's motivation I feel like you really really had to dig down deep and make some assumptions in terms of what he was doing uh and just having a little bit more information and having a little bit more time regarding Erin's character because it was such a big mystery of season 4 of what was going through Erin's mind uh and what his motivations were having a little bit more time just to clear things out I think would have made the ending better um having said that I think the ending did pretty much everything it needed to do it didn't uh it didn't fumble or anything like that um it landed on two feet sometimes it was a little bit messy uh but I am completely satisfied with it in terms of the ending itself uh I will give it like low a tier um because you know it it was kind of like the end it was the it was a sendoff that could have been cleaner but it was still the sendoff that attack on Titan deserved now if I'm talking about Attack on Titan as a whole because this is just the final [ __ ] episode this is just this is just one one final episode uh Attack on Titan as a whole is easily one of my favorite anime of all time um and the ending didn't ruin its Legacy at all it's it's insane to think that it's insane to think how much of this plot was planned out and laid out right from episode 1 um and the amount of patience that uh that the manga had when uh when writing such an epic story um I do generally think that this was the end of an era because for a lot of us Attack on Titan was the anime that got us into anime uh for some of us it was the thing that represented like my adult life Attack on Titan you know I have shows like Pokemon or something like that um Dragon Ball Naruto that represented hey this is like my childhood life this is like My Teenage life and Attack on Titan to me was that show that was there when I was going into adult hoods you know and I think that is represented in the type of show that it is it's not a Shonen show uh it's more closer to you know a San show in my opinion um but it was a show that you could easily recommend to any adult out uh any adult out there and the way it's evolved season to season is something I'm going to think about probably forever um it's a show that's going to stick with me because it has some of the most compelling television you can find in entertainment I genuinely think that season 3 part two is some of the most compelling edge of your re seat entertainment that just exists out there right now that is my favorite season of Attack on Titan but that isn't the only good part of Attack on Titan I can talk about so many amazing moments um and not every character might have gotten the spotlight as much as I wanted to but everyone there are so many characters in the show in the series that have left and impression on me and I think that even though the ending was probably my least favorite part of season 4 um Attack on Titan as a whole will still go down as one of the greatest anime ever made in my opinion and that's not going to change and somehow I was never spoiled on the ending somehow somehow all right season 4 was the worst season it was so was not man it was it so was not season 4 was still [ __ ] great man just seeing just seeing the evolutions of these different characters I mean it's not my favorite season but it's still really really really [ __ ] good man cuz there there are a few shows that like that are like attack on tison where every season tries to do something different um you know Season 4 you might have enjoyed season 4 Less Than season 3 but season 3 was very very different from season 4 and it was good for an entirely different reason um and and the the fact that one show can do something entirely different with its tone with its characters with this sometimes this entire genre uh and still be peak in any one of those genres That's The Testament to how [ __ ] great this show was uh and then we talk about Shield Hero Let's and then we get to Shield hero oh god oh oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy um what can we say about Shield hero so I had hopes I had hopes for shield hero um because number one watching Shield Hero season 3 um Shield Hero season 3 there was a clear jump in quality uh in terms of the animation the animation in season 3 looks I I don't know if they change Studio or if they change stuff members but even aside from the opening uh the animation looks a lot better it looks a lot a lot better than it did in season 2 um it has a tournament Arc the last for about two episodes and then this maybe a hot take I mean I'm comparing mid with mid here um I think I actually prefer season two uh season 2 had some interesting had the second half of season 2 was actually pretty interesting um in terms of I don't know if I can you you guys don't [ __ ] care you guys don't [ __ ] care um in terms of isaking the isekai protagonist and having like a double isekai I was like oh this is this is an interesting concept right now and I thought I I I thought that was like a I I thought that could be an interesting plot hook to really give the show a cool direction to go and I and season two ended and I was like okay I actually um brother the CGI Turtle we we don't talk about the CGI Turtle but I thought that was an interesting plot development that could have taken this somewhere interesting and then season 3 happened and I was like okay we start off with the tournament Arc all right all right I'm entertained I'm entertained and then it just I don't really know what where it's going now it's just kind of boring which is which is uh which is the big which is it's just turning into like at least with the first season it had this Revenge aspect to it that you were wasting for the payoff and now it's just your very typical isekai fantasy without any hook or any reason to continue like anything that stands out about it uh so there is no goal there's like this there is a vague goal uh and that goal is preparing for the next uh the next legendary monster that is going to invade but it's it's like a lot of season 3 is just really [ __ ] boring Slice of Life stuff with character that I am not interested in and somehow they made the spear hero even creepier man they he he ain't he all I'm saying is he ain't being the allegations with season 3 man he ain't beating the allegations with season 3 oh my God bro I'm like what bro bro is making rudus look like he's a function member of society man what how why are you doing that like I I don't know why I don't know why this is the case but it is the case man um yeah season 3 I it's only low C because I enjoyed the tournament Arc episodes and it does have a does have a it does have an increase in quality um but it like the Midway Midway through the season this this completely lost me on Shield hero like this this is Midway through season 3 this lost me this lost me on this lost me on Shield hero I I am uninvested in Shield hero now uh I like it pulled me back in for a second and then it lost me and I don't think there's any I don't think I think this is it I think this is it guys I I don't think I'm going to get back into it I say this every [ __ ] time I say this every [ __ ] time I say this every time but I don't think this is it uh which uh moving on to Goblin Slayer season two now I will say I understand the appeal of goblin Slayer um I understand oh thank you very much dude for the gifts herbs um I will say that I understand the appeal of goblin Slayer where it is just it is just a fantasy played straight you know you ask you come into a show like Goblin Slayer and it's a show about slaying goblins and that is it and that is pretty much it you get exactly what it says on the tin and oh boy all boy does he continue saying goblins and um spoiler much I know right spoiler much and I get that it's it's it's it's a show that plays as fantasy setting completely straight it kind of gives you kind of like the vibe of going on a playing playing some D and D with some mates and actually just playing it straight and not having someone [ __ ] around with it as well um to me Goblin slay season 2 is it was like it was like be you know it doesn't appeal to me too much because normally I when it comes to like the fantasy and isai genre I I normally like to have a little bit of a hook or something a little bit different going on um other than just you know other than just playing it straight uh Goblin Slayer is something that I always know what to expect from Goblin Slayer and this season I think they're trying to develop the characters a little bit more of this season uh the first Arc was pretty boring if I'm being honest I I didn't like the first Arc where you had this young guy who uh you had you had you had this young guy who wanted to learn how to slay goblins and uh ass with the guy with the the kid with the glasses yeah yeah that kid okay he he kind of sucked I'm I'm not going to lie he he kind of sucked um I then it kind of went into like the season was a little bit more slice of Lifey and I kind of feel like they're trying to develop the characters and I'm waiting to see if Goblin Slayer will actually become a more interesting character because I get it he has PTSD he has trauma but my God I like I feel for his I feel for everyone around Goblin Slayer trying to hold a single conversation with him because everything revolves around goblins I'm like oh my God Jesus can you stop talking I get it you're the goblin Slayer can you talk can we can you stop talking about goblins for one second I get it all right you hate the Goblins does your entire life need to revolve around goblins oh are you not sleeping oh it's because you you know you need to be awake for goblins okay okay I get it but you know I do see the appeal of goblin Slayer um so yeah not much more to say about it I believe that has season 3 been announced has season 3 been announced at all because one thing one thing that did worry me about season 2 is that it did feel like the threat of goblins goblins uh the threat of goblins did feel a bit lesser than previous Seasons um I'm not sure of I'm not sure if the entire I'm not sure if that's just because the entire premise of the show is kind of like waning me a bit but it did feel like it did it did feel like you know I wasn't as Scared Of the Goblins this season as previous Seasons um season 3 not announced yet yeah so so it makes me worried about what the future uh developments of goblin Slayer will be uh which moves us on to shangrilla Frontier a gamer show for actual real [ __ ] Gamers this is this is the real gamer show uh shangala Frontier was it was an a tier for me it was it was an a tier for me this was this is this is just enjoyable I I I don't think it's s tier it's it's not something that's gonna it's not [ __ ] Peak anime guys it's it's not it's not Peak um but it is a very very enjoyable show it's still going on it is still going on um which might be why it's it's still W I mean it's still 8 sorry maybe maybe it'll get to W who knows um one thing that really impressed me about shangala Frontier is how like it is a show about the sweatiest gamers being as sweaty as they can possibly be you know that's that's that's basically the show right um it's like it's like when you see a half naked man in Dark Souls you know you need to run the [ __ ] you need to know to run the [ __ ] other way because you are about to get you are about to get dominated man but um one thing I I one thing I wondered was okay it's a show about gaming right how do you add Stakes to a video game right how how do you add Stakes to a video game and I think it did this really [ __ ] amazing thing where it went it didn't you know something like sword ass online there were some arcs and sword online um which I believe was like in the second season where it was just them playing a game right it was just them playing a game and that always felt like it was the lower Stakes arcs of swordart on line and you just don't care you just don't care about it so my like the best ARs and sword Arts online are normally the ones where the stakes seem the highest so how do you add Stakes to an anime about gaming where the stakes are just them playing the game and it does something similar to what we see in the speedrunning community where you it like the stakes in the game is trying to do this achievement that no other gamer has done before and it's the entire journey of doing this achievement that no other gamer in this game has done before and compared to like life or death situation those Stakes seem a lot lower but just having those Stakes there just makes me so much more invested in in the world of shanga Frontier and that's that's what that's what I think is that's what I think is great about it it proves that you don't always need uh you don't always need some [ __ ] world ending Stakes to get people invested into your story even if it's just a video game um and I think that's what I think that's what's great it just understands Gamers it understands that Gamers don't really care about hey if you die in the game you die in real life no it's like hey here's this one achievement that no one has ever achieved in the video game and you're like oh [ __ ] I hear the summoning salt music right now I I'm I'm waiting I'm wait you're waiting for that [ __ ] summoning salt music to come in and you know that shit's going to be hype as [ __ ] so yeah that's that's what I really like about shanga Frontier it understand Gamers uh it's an anime that understand Gamers way more than um something like swart online um but you know if you I I feel like if you're into Souls born's game Souls born games um this it feels like this is the closest kind of like game genre that shanga Frontier kind of portrays um it's about a sweaty ass gamer who normally will grind through the most broken games possible and suddenly he plays Elden ring and he's like okay actually how do I be Godlike in this game um and yeah I think I think this is just a really enjoyable show honestly ater all right moving on to holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what are these shows we are ending off with now what are these shows we are ending with man what are these shows we are ending with all right freerun is clearly detailed we we don't care about freerun which it's it's it's another fantasy show guys it's it's just a trashy fantasy show we don't care about free Ren all right guys all right you okay guys okay okay okay I I'll I'll move it up okay guys I I'll I'll move it up all right I I'll move it up I'll move it up all right is freen still the number one rated anime on my anime list let me see my anime list rank top anime okay it is still it is oh my God move what's this what's the score what's the score it is still the number one top rated anime of all time on my anime list does it deserve to be there probably not I don't think it's the number one anime of all time just yet um but it is still really damn good it is still it is still really really [ __ ] good um so when I read the Manga freerun uh it wasn't as far I I didn't read as far as to what I have watched in the anime right now and I'm actually really [ __ ] glad um because the beginning of the manga it sells you on this concept of having the point of view of an elf a long living elf who has lived a long life and what it's like from her perspective um and then and then with how the plot evolves it's kind of evolving more into your standard token esque fantasy Adventure but the thing is it's still really [ __ ] good it's still like even though it's moved past the kind of like the kind of gimmic of having having the point of view of having this long living elf and the sadness and emotional uh emotional things you deal with that um it's just now transforming into a just a by the books not not so much by the books but just a just a classic Fant f y tale and that's that's really that's really all there is to say about freen um because one because I think I think what it does so well uh is using freen as a character normally I hate normally I hate the Trope of oh oh I'm a girl without emotions oh I'm discovering emotions oh what is this what is this thing that I'm feeling now is this emotions I'm my feeling emotions like normally I hate that [ __ ] Trope um but I think it just works so well with freen because it makes sense for her character because she's not like she's not like without emotions just the way her character is she's just emotionally distant you know and and I think there's a big difference between full cud and what freen is which is just really emotionally distant because why should she care about the people around her when she has a life band where she'll most likely forget about them uh where there will just be a bup in her entire life and her emotions of just trying to discover you know what is really important uh and having and meeting him all uh meeting him all and just having someone who was such a short having someone in your life for such a short amount of time but then having that person have such a huge effect on a being that lives for so long I think it's just really God damn beautiful and every scene um where she you know learn something new uh that hits hits right here man that that hits right here I I I think out of every show this one has got me tearing up more than uh every show combined yeah every show combined uh uh because it hits hard um so that's what I love about freerun what it didn't need to do was go this [ __ ] hard with this animation man it didn't it didn't need to go this [ __ ] hard with this animation like I was in this I was in this for the fs I was was in this for the tears and then out of nowhere they're like wait a minute let's drop a really [ __ ] hard action scene let's just let's just Flex our animation oh what's that we uh we want to you you want we want a dance scene here here let's let's let's drop a banger [ __ ] dance scene as well uh what this reminded me of was mushoku tensei season 1 where this is just this is just a high production show in every way shape or form even if it doesn't need to right it's like not it's not trying to have the best looking action scenes but it just does it purely for for the fact of just it just it's had enough time to cook it's a production that has clearly had enough time to cook and this is what happens when you see a truly polished piece of work and uh yeah it's just a [ __ ] show was so afraid they would fumble the anime before I'm so glad I was wrong I am so glad that I only read up to a certain point in the manga because the animation and the anime adaption is going uh adaptation is going so hard um that I'm kind of glad that I'm into unknown territory uh not to mention Evan Cole is [ __ ] killing it with the OST as well oh oh everything about this just hits so hard man uh freen is really good and it's still even cooking now it's not over yet it's not over and I'm very very excited to see where it continues going after this um which moves us on to Apothecary Diaries hold on I'm going to shut my door CU I think uh my mom just be my mom here so so I have had a really strange experience with Apothecary Diaries cuz I'd obviously heard that a lot of manga readers really really hype this up a lot and I watched the first few episodes and I was like I'm enjoying myself I really am what is the hook that keeps me watching every single episode what is was what is the hook that keeps me coming back and then I never figured out what that hook was but for some reason for some reason when this when a new episode comes out I'm watching it immediately and I realized I like I I just like I'm [ __ ] addicted to this show like every time every time every time I every time a new episode comes out I'm like I got to [ __ ] watch this right now and I realized this is just really cool characters really like this it's just nice characters um ma Mau is such an interesting character and such a breath of fresh air when it comes to female protagonists um in anime it's what this reminds me of right what what watching this every week reminds me of is I don't know who will have this experience but when I was a kid I would come into the living room uh every so often when I was a kid and my mom would be watching this badly dubbed tide like this this shly tie dub of this soap opera when it like of this Chinese or Korean soap opera uh to do with like you know the Imperial Temple or some [ __ ] like that and I'm like Mom what the [ __ ] are you watching why are you watching this this looks so boring this looks so boring and then and then here I am getting invested in the politics of the temple uh and seeing maal just kind of like just kind of taking like putting putting her influence into the temple politics of everything because I I initially said that yeah this is House MD in Imperial China um that's not the only reason I really love this show because there is the detective aspect of this show and there is also the political aspect of the show as well Temple I keep calling it Temple it's a palace sorry yeah Palace sorry this is that's my that's that's my monk mind but it's like watching watching uh watching the politics of this Palace watch watching the politics of this Palace and just uh seeing like seeing like which girls are getting bullied who's bullying who and just seeing Mau just like [ __ ] um assert her dominance in in all of these little like little little little things little cleaks little circles it's like oo o I feel like all the tea I feel like I feel like I'm I feel like like one of those girls just like drinking the most delectable tea you're like oh she did what no she did not slap her oh oh you pop off Queen you pop off the tea it's it's literally seeing the tea spilled and you're like oh oh this is some delectable tea right now oh this is this is great it literally like I feel like I understand the appeal of soap operas now and you you take that you take that and then you add in the detective [ __ ] ma Mau being a crack addict uh in Disguise uh aspect of the show and it's just a [ __ ] great show all around it is it is just a really really well- written show that is really compelling um and there is not so much a hook as there as it is so much just it's just a pleasure just to see ma Mau as a character um just exist in this whole political Palace system and just seeing what kind of bullshittery she encounters and how she's going to deal with it um I think it's been a while since I've had just a singular main female character engage me this much so I enjoy Apothecary Diaries a lot um so yeah it's it's an S show uh I I I put it on every time and I'm like what's going to happen this what's going to happen this week and I have a good I have a good uh good experience every time um moving on same as the main character I enjoy ma ma more than free red I mean yeah it's it's a completely different they they're engaging for completely different reasons um so Undead unlock is is around 0 it is it is a very be very very enjoyable Shonen I the thing that stands out to me about this the most is I'd like it's I always like it when you have superpowers right and then you have characters that really seem like they properly think about how to use their superpowers right um because that is that is the vibe um that is the vibe with most of the characters in Undead unlock uh and that's what makes it really really [ __ ] fun in my opinion um like you know for example the main character has regenerative abil ities we've seen this before um and even though we've seen it with a bunch of different characters before it has put enough thought into what the mechanics with regeneration your like with regenerating your body is it puts enough thought into it to make you think if this person truly hones their skill and use their power like a weapon like an expert masterwood what exploits can you think about how to exp uh what exploits can you think of that can use your powers in interesting ways to um to use them in ways that we haven't really seen in other you know other action shows or other action show and or comic books um and it does this it does this really really [ __ ] well and that's really and that's one thing that really engages me about the action in Undead unlock um Undead is just Undead is just undepressed Agy yeah Fire Punch is the other show that really makes me think like this as well but Undead unlock and Fire Punch has an entirely different tone going into both of them right unduck [ __ ] did I say that did I did I actually say that oh [ __ ] okay but yeah like I was saying it is a fun show and it's not done any anything more than just be be like a fun action show to me um I Heard later that I heard later that it really they do a really good job with I'm I'm not sure if this is correct but it turns into like a kind of like a shown in Cinderella Story um which is you know which is interesting which is something uh which gives me a reason to continue watching it cuz I I I was unsure about if if there was going to be a more romance aspect to this so I don't know I don't know as it stands I enjoy the action in this it's about the same level as mashall you know like a lot of people like to call shows like Marshall and Undead the MW uh because it's a tear below some of the other really high profile F shonin but considering I do think this is a teer tier below it's it's a literal tier below uh some of the other high profile shonin uh it's still [ __ ] a tier for me it's still it's still the a tier for me because we leave off at oh hey honey you do anything where's the charger charger I I I need it right now we have another one yeah we have another one do you want me to get you one yeah okay I all right okay which leaves us off with jiujitsu kison see season two baby oh ain't no way uh a show can be controversial am I right a show there is no way a show can be controversial season one was better oh oh okay s for spoilers well now that uh season two is over so for the longest time uh if you are a regular viewer of these tier lists I talked about I talked about j skon a lot and I said it was still cooking give it time it's still cooking and everyone continue talking to me about the Shia Ark everyone was saying hey this is the ark this is the ark that is going to sell you on Jiu-Jitsu kaon right this is it this is it this is it after that you're you'll understand why it has the reputation it does and I don't know what it was like in the manga but manga readers you're all right it [ __ ] cooked and it has delivered and it has not just delivered um it has delivered possibly one of the purest and best experiences you can get when it comes to Pure action shown in um I don't know what can really match Judit SK in season 2 uh when it comes to just pure hype action pound for pound um obviously obviously the big talking point with season 2 The Big talking point with season 2 has been mappa treatment of its animators um which you know a lot of us have been aware of this and it blows my mind that even with that even with all of these stories coming out how much these animators delivered with the season it is uh I I do not have enough I cannot give enough respect to the teams and the animators that worked on season 2 because what you have delivered is an absolute Masterpiece of spectacle this is this is it this is this is the peak of this is the peak of spectacle and action um Demon Slayer doesn't doesn't match this like Demon Slayer might have one or two scenes that like deliver the hype and the pure great animation but the thing that blew my mind about jiujitsu kaon season 2 was I would put on the episode right and I'd be midseason and you you'd see a fight and you're like holy [ __ ] this is some of the coolest animation I've seen all year this is some of the coolest choreography I've seen all year and then You' put on the next episode and it would top itself and you're like I am not going to see anything cooler than this and then it tops itself and then it keeps going and then it doesn't stop until the ark stops and I'm like how the [ __ ] how the actual [ __ ] is anything going to compete with this normally when it comes to the end of the year we have the countdown we have we have something like the crunch roll Awards where we vote on the top anime fights of the year the top anime fight of the year is just all going to be jiujitsu kaisen fights and it [ __ ] deserves it as well it is um like it is insane how cool some of the scenes like how like some of the coolest stuff I've seen just in anime in general is contained within jiujitsu kaon season 2 man that's that that's just it um like not every episode might have the same polish as some other episode but J kon's weakest episode um like the shiby arc weakest episode is still better than some of the peaks of other Shonen action shows um you know there is a lot to be you know that's purely for the action side of things um the plot side of things there is you know there is a lot more to be discussed about the plot side of things uh personally I had a weird had a weird experience with jit Kon this season had a weird experience right because I'm not gonna I'm not going to spoil anything right um all I will say is that there were there were a lot of there were a lot of deaths this season right there were there were there were some people that uh didn't make it um and I had a weird experience because because there was not a single plot point that wasn't already spoiled to me there wasn't there wasn't a single big turning point that wasn't already spoed to me that immediate morning or two weeks ago or 3 weeks ago so I came into this um I came into this knowing a lot of the big developments that were going to happen and the characters that were going to die um so it it gave me uh it gave me a perspective of instead of being shocked by the developments it gave me the Viewpoint of huh maybe like I don't know if this is a hot maybe with all of these big developments that have happened maybe shbi the Shi came like one Arc too early you know in ter in terms of like purely a plot stand P purely a plot standing um I feel like maybe it would have hit Me Harder maybe it would have hit Me Harder if I had more time for these characters to reach their full potential see a bit more of these characters um and because the shock Factor was taken from me because thank you J skon fandom you've made it really hard for me to come into this series blind because that shock Factor was taken from me uh I didn't have that shock factor and for me it like a lot of a lot of the some of the characters that uh were taken away uh I felt were taken away before uh before I had had enough time to really truly care about them um so maybe so it makes me question hey did this hit hard purely for shock factor or purely because I you know purely because people care about these characters so that was that was my big complaint and I feel like may maybe if sh maybe if the sh came like a little bit like later I I would like these big shocking developments would have hit me a lot harder um but as it stands as it stands aside from aside from those shocking developments the big stand out about Judit kaon is it's just unmatched am I the only one who gets confused and ignores the power system in season 2 cursed Spirits cursed manipulation cursed techniques cursed energy domains red blue and purple I heard it gets even worse I don't know what happens after this uh uh the thing I was going to say is right now there is just nothing that comes close to jits Kon when it just comes to the rule of cool man like that's why that's why I didn't really care about the plot too much cuz holy [ __ ] this just J C just has so much [ __ ] style man it just it just it just has so much style you know um I don't I don't really care you know it's it's just it's just [ __ ] it's just [ __ ] cool man and you you pair that with some of the coolest scenes and some of the coolest animations and you have a recipe for the modern classic Shonen Arc man uh we're going to be talking about you know how like in my generation uh everyone talks about Soul Society everyone talks about tune in exams man that were these were the arcs that made us [ __ ] anime fans um that is the sh that the shibi AR is that for modern times it it is I'm not sure how hard this went in the manga because from an animation perspective and from an anime perspective some of uh some of the best action we've ever seen concentrated into all of these 20 odd episodes of Shibu I can't remember how many episodes this is some of the coolest stuff we've ever seen in anime in the Shonen genre um and it's definitely left its mark on uh anime history I think it's going to be a long time since we see a singular Arc just go this godamn hard uh because I maybe maybe I'm maybe I'm being old now and maybe I'm like remember the days where like I'm going to be like new anime fans look at you new anime fans you guys are spoiled you got like you got 20 episodes of Amazing action and amazing animation Back back in my day do jjk manga fandom take first place for the worst spoiling community of all time back in my day I'd have to watch a 100 episodes of Naruto to get one really cool action scene man back in my day the pain like we had to wait until the pain Arc and then we got two really Banger animated episodes and here now we're at a point in the industry where JIS kaon uh shows like J kaon they just have they just put their foot on the gas and they just don't have a break you know and it's just pure [ __ ] Banger action scene after Banger action scene for all 10 12 episodes and um and I don't know I don't know if we I don't know how hard how long it's going to be until we get another show that is going to have this many episodes that just go that just pop off this hard because God because God forbid the animat just definitely did not have enough time for [Laughter] it ah so yeah JIS Kon is s tier uh the shibi arc did live up to the hype um and this is this is like the Shi AR is the reason we watch Shonen let's be honest this is the reason we watch shown in action anime man this is it this is this is it this is the entire reason but that is that is my tier list for the fall anime season guys that is it did you agree with me did you disagree with me was there any shows that is not on this list that you want to put on uh leave a comment in the leave a comment in the section down below or you can just like And subscribe if uh you I do not know what I'm doing my brain is [ __ ] fried my my brain is [ __ ] fried um yeah leave leave a comment down in the description whatever like And subscribe uh but anyway I've been giggok and I'll see you all next time bye-bye it's that
Channel: GiggukVODs
Views: 189,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uRNA_dKjUz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 6sec (9426 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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