Ranking EVERY Shounen Anime

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for someone who's done anime content on youtube for over 10 years and as someone who's been an anime fan for over 15 years someone who's talked about anime online for like probably two decades at this point i can't even remember there is one thing you never do you'd never say your opinion about shonen anime you are inviting a war to happen in your replies there is nothing more toxic than shonen anime fans arguing about shonen anime if you want to stay out of the crossfire just don't talk about shonen anime don't do it it's not worth it so what we're going to be doing today we are going to be going through every big shonen anime and we are going to be ranking them we're going to be ranking every shonen anime and we are going to be fully embracing this toxicity we're going to be fully embracing this salt i am going to be [ __ ] on i'm going to be cancelled left right and center feelings are going to be hurt salt is going to be thrown and by the end of this i hope i'm still going to be alive by the time this video comes out as a disclaimer because i feel out of every tier this this one is the one that needs the disclaimer the most this is just all my personal opinions i am not the shonen master if you disagree with me then you are simply wrong i change up the rankings a bit because i like how mid in this ranking system is not even mid if there is one word that the shonen fan base love to use it is mid okay it is it is [ __ ] mid since every shonen show has at one point been called mid i feel like that's how we should base the ranking system so is it peak mid above mid mid below mid or bottom mid so now when i call your favorite shonen mid you can't throw [ __ ] at me because every shonen is mid now yeah that's true mid should be true if anyone in the future comes in with a rating system for showdown shows that is not this then that it's a completely inaccurate rating system imagine i'm gonna add one more just for the shows that i haven't seen probably mid starting this off with jojo part one as we all know i am a jojo i will say right now i do not read the manga so i am an anime only jojo fan i know part one i don't know if i'm gonna piss off jojo fans or not part one is just true mid so that doesn't mean i think it's bad i hear people going to part one and being like oh you know part one was like getting castrated by while being burned alive that's how hard it was to get through part one it was only when part two started that i really started to like jojo that's like no no part one was just okay it was it was just okay then we get to part two what sells part two for me even though i think stans are superior to jamon in every way i think the characters were just a lot more interesting young joseph is my favorite jojo so far he just emits so much charisma he made part two so fun to watch i'm a bit sad that joseph doesn't have more time to shine in future jojo parts right i don't know what it is but for some reason one jotaro just never ages and number two jotaro like he always gets like a prevalent part in the plot it seems like you know he always gets time to shine you see joseph in part three and it's like damn what happened to you granddad what happened to you i think joseph had one cool fight in part three but like every every other time he just felt like a comic relief character i just don't think i'm as invested as other jojo fans like connor moving on to hunter hunter easily peak mid that was that's a no-brainer hunter hunter isn't just for running for peak mid hunter hunter to me is one of the best shonen anime and manga series to exist easy there's few shonen shows that can really compete with everything that hunter hunter has achieved within its within its time frame the only thing i would say i have against hunter hunter is that i really wish that it ended with the ark before the dark continent arc that was a perfect point to just end the series and just leave things off with just a nice clean ending and the thing about a dark continent arc is that in terms of scale compared to the original run of the series uh it's just blown everything out the water and i'm like why would you do this like we were already going at a snell's place as it is it's basically like you uh you started off in the united kingdom and then you introduced the entire continent of europe and asia on top of that where we already just spent like 150 episodes just on one little continent hunt hunter at its peak is almost untouched the york new arc is one of my favorite arcs in shonen of all time i don't think there is a single bad arc in hunt hunter at all the peaks in the chimera ant arc are [ __ ] incredible but there's also a lot of slow points in the khmer antarctic as well york new to me is just pure concentrated s-tier shonen material i was orgasming from like the first chapter to the last chapter of yorknew to me the spiders are the best group of villains in any shonen and yorknew was where we really first get to see them shine moving on inuyasha iniyasha holds a special place in a lot of our hearts it's a show that i'm sure many people have grown up with and many people look back at with a lot of good memories that having said that i don't think it's age well i remember i tried to watch inuyasha as an adult i think about like five years ago my god is it a drag it drags on for so long it's hard to tell what is canon and what is filler because half of it seems like filler i can't say that this is on the same level as jojo part one at all yeah nostalgia glasses out of here i'm only going to accept opinions about people who have seen inuasha within the past five years maybe the new seasons of anime were better but my god like the the original oog inuyasha anime has not aged well at all in my opinion it's below mid guys i feel like this is the first one that's really going to get people angry are you ready to wrestle some jimmy's guys are you ready to wrestle some jimmies my hero academia arguably the shonen show that reignited shonen jumps place after the big three i remember when my hero academia came out it was it was fantastic it was it was great it was everything i wanted in the shonen and it blew up it had a tournament arc it was great and then after season three came out you had the fantastic moment with all might and then everyone stopped talking about it it was one two and three the rankings would be a lot higher if it was four and five the rankings would be a lot lower right now when i look at my hero academia i gotta go with gut feeling right now right now that's what i think right now okay that's what i think right now because here's the thing i don't know what your favorite fight or favorite moment in my hero academia is i think this is actually going to be the bigger unpopular opinion my favorite moment in my hero academia is actually all might versus nomu that was when i was watching my hero academia with zero expectations that was the moment that sold me on my hero academia that was a [ __ ] fantastic moment and then i feel like in terms of the fights it is just a lot less interesting than other shonens that are airing right now i feel like a lot of my hero academia's strengths comes from its character writing the character writings regarding the legacy of some of these heroes and all of the developments that they go through especially season four and season five has just not caught my interest at all okay because i feel like after you've focused so much on the league of villains and the legacy of all of these heroes and then you go back to an arc about them going through an exam i know haha can you not read it's called my hero academia yes it is called my hero academia but when you introduce characters and stakes that seem to like go far beyond what's going on in high school and then you go back to the high school that's gonna feel like a step down the most interesting part of the later seasons was endeavour and i found his character arc like way more interesting to see how he would fill the shoes of all might and how he would handle that like that was way more interesting than anything going on in school and then you want me to care about a [ __ ] high school concert going on compared to all of that no no come on come on sorry my hero academia fans it is true mid i will add an addendum because i have heard that season six and my villains academia is going to be incredible if season six does [ __ ] slap as always i will change my opinion but right now it's hard for me to care about it's okay it's mid it's okay okay it's mid it's it's that's that's what i was trying to say all right moving on dragon ball okay this is this is all this is all of dragon ball oh no god give me strength for what i'm about to do okay okay okay we're gonna need alcohol to get through this list guys okay let's let's start with dragon ball z because that's what i'm talking about here dragon ball z one of the most important anime for me i mean if it wasn't for dragon ball and dragon ball z i probably wouldn't be an anime fan at all having said that it is a very very old show and it set the standard for a lot of shonen anime and manga after it and since then i feel like shonen anime and manga has taken the benchmark that dragon ball and dragon ball z has set they have massively refined it and improved it it's made shown in anime and mug what it is but i feel like shown in anime and manga nowadays is just in a league that is far beyond what the original dragon ball z has done it's got the same issue that a lot of anime shows back then had far too much filler things are too dragged out a lot of people like it because of its legacy because of how important it is for them as people because of how big and influential this show was i tried to get into dragon ball super i really did i gave dragon ball super 50 episodes which is more episodes than i would give like any show at all it just feels like compared to other shonens it's just a lot less interesting it's okay [ __ ] how can i say this like i'm trying my best not to just say it's literally mid but i watched 50 episodes and i didn't really feel anything watching 50 episodes to me dragon ball super is the definition of mid-tier shonen that is the benchmark for mid-tier shonen it's not bad it's just a complete by the book shonen and another thing wrong with dragon ball super is that the power scalings were just too off the scale for like for me to really even comprehend right dragon ball to me was most interesting in dragon ball when it felt like it actually gave a [ __ ] about martial arts to me like that's when i found dragon ball most interesting dramaal z amazing moments had some absolutely amazing moments but that was also dragged down by just how dragged out the fights were in dragon ball z and dragon ball super to me feels like a 1990 shonen being aired in like the late 2000s it really hit home for me you know you watch dragon ball super i remember when i was first airing and i remember thinking man goku is like already the most powerful person in the world okay now he's the most powerful person in the galaxy now he's the most powerful person in the universe where they're gonna go there there's no way to go wait a minute wait a minute the multiverse that's the only place that they could go how the [ __ ] are they gonna top that it's power scaling for the sake of power scaling maybe dragon ball as a whole would be higher if i was judging it based on something like dragon ball kai even then compared to some of the stuff coming out right now compared to jiu jitsu tyson compared to demon slayer dragon ball just isn't comparable in my opinion i can't wait to be torn apart by dragonball fans holy [ __ ] slam dunk hmm are we judging this on anime or manga for all future shows i'm going to give the benefit of the doubt and i'm going to judge the series on the best way that you can consume it if it was based purely on anime i don't think the animes age well at all it is true mid i would not be able to get through slam dunk as it is today as an anime matches that last like nine episodes plus you lose interest so much and even when i was a new anime fan because i watched slam dunk when i was a new anime fan i was so so close to dropping slam dunk having said that i did go on and read the manga as well and the manga's peak it is peak sports anime okay i compared dragon ball to modern shonen battle anime and i'd say i would not recommend dragon ball right now over other modern battles shown in anime or manga slam dunk still stands up there with the best it stands up there at the peak with the best of like all sports anime and manga it's one of the sports manga that set the stage for sports manga but unlike with modern shonen battle manga modern shonen sports manga still stand on the same level or below slam dunk and this is not only one of the best sports manga of all time it's one of the best manga of all time in my opinion the art is incredible the character writing is incredible it's one of the sports manga where you don't need fancy powers you don't need some like kuroko [ __ ] beam shooting out of their hands it is just got fantastic writing and joey said this before but the absolute balls if you don't know how this manga ends i'm not gonna say what happens in the ending the last chapter of this manga has zero dialogue and it is one of the greatest endings to like a shonen manga of all time moving on to you hakusho [ __ ] this is a hard one for me this is this is a really hard one this is hard this is hard this is hard is it peak or is it above is it peak or is it above oh it's it's hard it's hard this is really this is really [ __ ] hard right i don't want to judge it based on nostalgia the anime at least is very old some of the animation has not aged the best obviously there are things that you hakeshow has done that still stand at the top today one of the biggest tropes in all of shonen anime and manga the dark tournament is still the best tournament arc of all time i also think it has some of the best villains of all time taguro is still an amazing [ __ ] villain as well the chapter black arks is still absolutely [ __ ] incredible yihaka show has some of the best villains in shonen and that's just because tagashi is [ __ ] incredible at writing villains to me yuki haksho stands at a high above mid or a low peak mid oh it's hard it's hard i think i will keep it at above mid the last arc of yue haku show isn't that great and everything before the dark tournament arc is okay yuyu hak sho at its peak is still peak shonen i'm gonna keep it at above mid jojo part six so right now this is i don't have too much of an opinion on jojo part six only 13 episodes have been released by netflix so far it's an easy above mid it remains to be seen if uh pucci will be as good of a villain as some of the previous villains in jojo like i said i think jojo in terms of villains they peaked with kira based only on 13 episodes jojo part 6 is above me it's good it's good moving on to jojo part three jojo part three is probably the most iconic jojo there's a reason why jotaro comes back constantly in every future part i wouldn't have known about jojo if it wasn't for jojo part three because i was one of the few people that actually watched the original ovas of jojo [Music] i think it's mid it stands on the level of my hero academia part one jojo and dragon ball jojo part three if it was half the length that it was it would be above mid what i love about jojo part three is that it's just a road trip with the boys by the end of the road trip you're [ __ ] crying about who lives and who dies because you're going to the end of this journey another thing that i think really stands out about part three is that there are few characters in anime that emit final boss energy as much as dio part three dio part three is the epitome of final boss when you see dio in cairo he's been hyped up so much that you think there is nothing that could possibly meet the hype of the first time you meet dion in egypt he completely encapsulates the hype he completely meets it and it's an excellent final fight and it's an excellent final battle but just the lead up to that battle is so long and is so dragged out there are two things that really make jojo part three true mid number one i feel like the stan powers weren't as interesting as stan powers in future parts unfortunately it feels like iraqi was still feeling himself in terms of what to do with stans and stan powers some of the early stands just felt like very normal anime powers they didn't feel like they were breaking your minds like in future parts and the second thing it felt way too monster of the week and i feel like monster of the week formats has not aged well at all in future parts it really felt more like every encounter felt more prevalent to an ongoing plot a lot of part three to me is forgettable a lot of part three to me is forgettable i think part two is more memorable than part three but i feel like part three did really set the stage for future jojo parts that's why to me part three is true mid for shonen this is looking quite bad right now because i've got two jojo parts in true mid i'm being outed as a fake jojo fan maybe i don't suck as much dick as you thought i did i'm sorry guys on to yu-gi-oh there's a lot of people in chat saying this is peak i don't know if that's nostalgia talking or not a lot of people are invested in yu-gi-oh because it's one of the shows they grew up in but is it good would you seriously re-watch yu-gi-oh like i like you guys i have zero investment in hugo i didn't get into yu-gi-oh during the yu-gi-oh phase i mean yu-gi-oh is you guys below mid right i i guess i don't know how we can argue about this as much criticism as i've given to my hero academia jojo and dragon ball i can't think of a moment in yu-gi-oh that rivals the peak of what dragon ball jojo might hear akademi has achieved dark magician girl you're just saying that that's because that's like your first crush that's your first waifu dark magician girl was everyone's first [ __ ] waifu along with like misty from pokemon you ain't 12 anymore come on one piece this one's easy we are past the point of the era of the big three i remember a point where people actually were arguing which one was better out of bleached naruto and one piece and one piece has endured even now it keeps getting better we talk about shonen shows that have aged well and shown a manga that has aged well one piece of story has aged as it's gone on i criticized my hero academia for its fights and i've got to give the same criticism to one piece by far my least favorite aspect about one piece are the fights itself to me it doesn't matter one piece isn't just one of the greatest shonen manga of all time if not the greatest shown in manga of all time one piece to me is one of my favorite pieces of fiction of all time the level of world building and love that's been put into the one piece it is not just one of the best examples of world building we've seen in anime and manga it is one of the best examples of world building we've seen period one piece at its peak cannot be touched there are some arcs that might not be as strong as other arcs there might be some slower arcs but i don't know how oda has gone on for so long and it still feels like one piece hasn't peaked there have been so many amazing moments in this one manga i can't even count all of the moments it makes you hype it makes you cry it gives you all range of emotions in this one piece of manga there's just something magical about the world of one piece and i feel like the biggest criticism people throw to one piece one piece fans praise it too much i am that one piece fan who can't stop praising one piece but someone listening to one piece fans talk about one piece out of context it sounds like the weirdest [ __ ] [ __ ] you probably ever heard right one piece is peak there's there's no other word i can use to describe one piece other than peak in every sense of the words one piece has left a legacy that will be remembered by anime and manga fans throughout the history of anime and the future of anime it is going to be something that i feel people are going to look back on on the same level as dragon ball and the other classics of anime and manga when it ends the most amazing thing i think about one piece is that it doesn't even seem like it's peaked yet i think there's always an upswing that we can wait for it blows my mind how any author can achieve that after going on for a thousand chapters and like 20 odd years one piece is peak and i'm not just going to say that one piece is my favorite shonen manga of all time moving on to high q this one's hard this one's hard i i think i think it's peak okay actually no no okay i'm bringing it down i'm remembering okay it is very very very close to peak in my opinion it is like so close like i didn't enjoy season four too much right now it's above mid depending on how it ends it could be here it could be here standing with slam dunk it has that potential season three of haikyuu that was peak shown in sports anime overall from what i've seen it is above mid it is really really really [ __ ] good to me it stands with yu hakusho where i want to put it in between above mid and peak mid but right now it is here i don't want to add another tier because then true mid wouldn't be true mid anymore it basically does what every shonen sports anime should do and just refines everything to like a hyper sharp point moving on to nora garmi ah god if there's one thing i don't understand it's how noragami got so popular to me origami is mid bottom definitely nah it's not bottom it's it's not bottom mid kuroko no basket kuroko no basket is is above mid it's it's above mid i've really really enjoyed kuroko no basket would i rewatch it probably not it is so much fun for a sports and mate is it as good as high q hell no it is definitely not as good as high q but is it mid no it's it's not mid i feel like i have to make more tears should i make more tears i guess we will add two more tears to me it peaked with the album name match like that first match was pete kuroko and that was the last time you really got truly surprised like someone's ability and someone's power and to me i feel like that was also the last match that had like the last semblance of believability in the basketball likability skills like aomine was ridiculously op he was opie to the point where you like maybe thought you maybe thought that this could exist in real life but like after that that's when the power scaling truly hit and kuroko started to become literal superpowers i think the character writing is less good than slam dunk and haikyuu but i still think at its best kuroko is hype and that's one thing that you can't say that kuroko is not anyway moving on to madaka box going by anime madaka box would be true mid maybe even below mid going by anime the anime did not adapt the points of the manga where it really had a chance to shine is it higher above malaya park is a highly underrated shown in manga if you didn't know this is a shonen manga that is written by nishio eason did i pronounce that right who wrote the monogatari series the later stages of madaka box have some ideas that i don't really think have been explored in any other shown in manga it's my recollection breaks the mould so well it does take a while to get to the good points i mean it takes so long that for the longest time it's like true or below mid because the anime adapts what i feel are the weakest parts of the manga but i feel like the peaks of the manga it breaks the fourth wall so much it's really really meta and like i have a huge [ __ ] boner for meta aspects in shows especially if they're done well so to me i'm gonna put it as high mid i'm gonna put it as high mid shokugeki no soma this one's really hard so this is shokigeki no soma season by season okay so it starts here and then it just progressively gets worse this is season one and two then season three and then whatever the like the absolute state of shokugeki right now shokugeki no soma fell off if shokuyaki no soma was two or three seasons it would definitely be above mid it ran into the problem of power scaling where like the dishes in season two were already so [ __ ] good right they were already so [ __ ] good at which point do you distinguish between two amazing dishes as a reader i'm like both of these dishes look [ __ ] incredible okay and like it got to a point where showcasing so much they won because one person used a single ingredient that was like a fraction of the way better than the other opponent gordon ramsay would cream his pants over both of these dishes there was a point when i couldn't distinguish which dish was the better dish even when it was explained to me that to me is when shokigeki started to fall off because that to me is when it started to become repetitive hajime no ippo this one's easily peak it might even be better than slam dunk in my opinion maybe it is definitely up there in contention for the greatest sports anime and manga of all time either anime or manga is [ __ ] incredible not many people watch it nowadays because it came in an age before kuroko and before haikyuu before all of the boys in sports anime manga were pretty i feel like that's the biggest thing that puts people off is that the guys unfortunately they aren't the pristine pretty boys like they are in high q and correct no basket hachiman oppo is untouched in terms of hype i don't know how but every new season every time i've retouched minerva there always seems to be a point you think it reaches peak hype and then it one ups itself every time maybe the characters in hajimenepo are just too chad for other sports anime and manga to really appreciate seraph of the end seven deadly sins i'm just gonna rip off the band-aid i'm i'm gonna rip it off out of all of these shows the one i've given the most chance to is seven deadly sins i've tried so [ __ ] hard i finished the first season and it took me six tries it was almost my seven deadly sins because it took me six tries to get through the entire first season for the life of me i cannot bring myself to watch the second season with everything that i've put at below mid i've watched or like read a decent amount of that manga there was enough in that story to actually grip me and keep me watching but i just don't like seven deadly sins okay i just even the good points i don't even like the good points of seven deadly sins apparently apparently prince of tennis it's mid nowadays i would not recommend prince of tennis nowadays there are some good points in prisons to tennis but i do not think the anime would have aged well at all it's it's true mid for me the problem with prince of tennis is that it had a lot of the same problems as kuroko without maintaining the hype broken basket had this point where the powers got ridiculous it made me less invested in what was going on but at least it was still hype prince of tennis got so ridiculous that i stopped taking it seriously i think the most famous scene that stands out to me is the tesca zone one of my favorite scenes in all of sports anime and manga but for the wrong reasons to explain this guy has this power anytime an opponent returns the ball to him the ball will always go towards his zone of control that's why it's called the tesca zone the visual metaphors get so over the top that it starts off with the entire universe revolving around him and it expands out to see like the solar system and the universe that eventually from what i remember his tennis ball literally wiping out the dinosaurs let me see if i can find this so here's the center of the [ __ ] castle oh my god oh yeah he started the big bang he started the big bang that's what happened he starts the big back you know what watching that scene maybe it deserves to be there all right siren i [ __ ] love the [ __ ] out of ziren is it above mid or high mid i don't know if it's nostalgia talking i'm gonna put it above me i do think it is highly underrated and i think the main character has a super unique power as well his power kind of has a mind of its own so he doesn't have full control over his power how he has to try and control his power is to basically give it subroutines i remember reading siren when i was studying like c programming c plus plus and i i [ __ ] loved it that it basically just brought like programming into a shonen power-up i thought i thought that was [ __ ] brilliant i think the strongest aspect about this is the mystery aspect as well the show or the manga at least gets less good when the mystery is solved i do think that the last arc is definitely weaker but that's because unfortunately it got cancelled siren is a highly underrated manga i think it definitely deserved to get a proper ending or proper time to do its ending and that's why i think it's above mid you definitely check out siren out of all of this i think madaka box and siren are the most underrated shown in manga on this list moving on to ravroni kenshin this one's kind of a sour spot for me if you don't know what happened the author of raroni kenshin he was exposed for some very awful things i think raroni kenshin is a fantastic shonen manga the anime might have aged a bit in terms of his animation but the manga still is incredible even though i'm not going to reread it unfortunately i'm not one of those people who was able to easily separate the art from the artist when i'm reading something from what i can remember i'm not gonna speak too much about this roroni kenshin is an incredible shonen it is high mid it is on the same level as something like you have a show for me anyway moving on i shield 21 so i shield 21 the anime i think has aged badly it definitely goes into the same problems as slam dunk in terms of its pacing issues with its matches and everything the the anime is true mid or balloon mid but the manga i'm it i think the manga to me just below haiku maybe even the same level was haiku i think i prefer the character writing in haikyuu but i think morata's art is out of the [ __ ] world in isil21 and i'm not gonna say the art carries it because it's not it doesn't carry a great [ __ ] story to begin with morata elevates it to a level that is high mid don't know if it's peak it's definitely [ __ ] up there i'm gonna move principal tennis back down to truman that was prince of tennis at this most ridiculous and obviously we put it at peak because it was so ridiculous that was awesome again that's like every power in ishiel 21. it's so ridiculous that it just adds to the hype it doesn't pretend that its powers are ever believable it's never at a point that you think it's ridiculous because everything is ridiculous and so with that in mind it is definitely up there as one of the best sports manga of all time maybe not at the same level as slam dunk and hajime oppo but it is damn close black clover if you remember when black clover came out i think i called black clover the problem child of shonen because of how generic i thought it was when black clover came out everyone [ __ ] on it everyone compared it to [ __ ] my hero academia right this was the point all of the hype and shonen was with my hero academia and then black clover came out and we were like how can black clover exist in an era where my hero academia has just come out it feels like a dated shonen that should have come out five to ten years ago it got [ __ ] on by every annie tuber including me that it was like the most generic bottom tier mid even below mid shonen that could ever exist so how unthinkable would it be if black clover was actually better than my hero academia if someone would actually think that black clover after all that it's been through was actually better than my hero academia i did it it happened it is it is better than my hero academia it is okay black clover keeps getting better i don't know how black clover does it but it is everything i basically love about shonen the only reason it's not high mid is because i don't think it does enough new things in showing an anime and manga that's the only thing i think stops it from being high mid but i think in general it is the best classic take on the shane and battle genre that is out right now the hype just keeps getting better i don't know how it keeps one-upping itself but the one biggest thing i can say about black clover is that there never seems like there's any down time air gear i'm going to put this above mid i'm going to put this above mid i feel like air gears are very underrated shown in manga basically it was rollerblading with rockets fire force below mid the only thing that would push it to true mid to me is the animation because five force has incredible [ __ ] animation right now i am basing it entirely off the first season to me five force feels like a mid-2000s shonen in a time where shonen has moved beyond that i actually think five force is worse than soul eater which is the guy's previous work the only thing that really gripped me about fire force was the pretty animation and i didn't really feel like i was invested in the pretty animation anyway another thing that really pissed me off about fire force as well was tamaki she was the fan service character in an era where at least nowadays fan service seems like it doesn't get in the way of the plot i'm a [ __ ] degenerate okay i love fan service what i hate is when fan service gets in the way of the plot or a serious moment demon slayer oh we're about to get salty aren't we okay demon slayer i am judging bass purely on the anime as much as people want to downplay demon slayer because of how popular it is because of how much is hyped up i think demon slayer the animation it has some of the most beautiful looking scenes in shown in battle anime history by how amazing the entertainment district arc is one of my favorite scenes in all of shonen battle anime is the ending of the spider fights and the reason for that is maybe like i just over hyped it maybe i'm just misremembering how good it was and then i re-watched that scene for my new demon slayer anime video and i literally cried once again it's one of the most unique climaxes to a shonen battle anime i've ever seen it's something that i can't describe as hype because a lot of the times you see the end of a battle and you see the end of a fight and it's like hype as hell that scene was just so beautiful it's just pure art it's like the song it's the way it's built up the way it just immerses you into this one beautiful flowing moment talking about the scene i'm literally just getting bumps talking about it the beauty of that scene it's on another level of any other scene i think i've seen in shown in battle anime i kind of want to put a high mid just for that scene alone just for that scene alone moving on jojo part 4 is i think my second favorite part i think it's high mid i i think it's high mid my favorite parts of jojo so far have been in part four i'm just gonna do part five now i think they're both high mid but for different reasons part four and part five are my favorite parts of jojo so far the reason i prefer them for different reasons is because i think in general part five in general is more consistent than jojo part four i think jojo part four had some slow moments in it depending on the episode there were some episodes i've really liked and some episodes i didn't like a lot at all so it was a bit of a hit and miss but jojo part 5 was consistently just all great having said that my favorite jojo moments so far have come from the second part of part four kira is such an enigma right because kira doesn't even feel like a jojo villain kira feels like he was a character picked out of death note or monster or something like that and just put into a jojo part it's so weird but he's such an interesting character that he doesn't exactly carry it but he adds such a different dimension to jojo that we haven't seen before or since because the peaks of part 4 were so good even if i didn't enjoy the first half of part four so much i think it deserves high mid because it does contain my favorite jojo parts part five just a consistently good show i think part five is when iraqi everything just really clicks together that to me is just when jojo is coherent and is consistent as well bleach i should unbleach so much okay so i'm gonna go against everything i said this is completely nostalgic talking this might be completing nostalgia talking maybe it's above mid i don't know maybe it is maybe it is the more i think back on it fondly and i don't know why i'm really really hyped for the new season of bleach that might be why i'm really really hard for the new season of bleach i still think the soul society arc is one of my favorite shown in battle arcs and i don't know if that's just like rose tinted glasses i'm totally not judging this fair because if i was then it'd probably be like below mid or something because it's like it fell off whatever because i do think that bleach fell off but i i don't know i don't know i don't know it has drip it has attitude despite the problems with the plot and despite the fact that i think that uh soul society was the peak of bleach and huacamundo was still very very good bleach and it kind of fell off from there it has left such a deep impression on everyone that's read it and it still has left such a deep impression on me i don't know why soul eater is above mid right it's it's really good this compared to five fours is a lot better i feel like soul liter has much more interesting characters it is kind of how i see black clover i think the biggest problem with soul eater was actually watching the anime it was when anime went through this phase anime felt like he had to go through this anime original ending so the ending doesn't follow the ending of the manga which is the biggest point it had against it boruto i've only seen like the first few arcs of boruto and it's just it's just there right has it gotten better that's what i want to know what's stopping it from being bottom the anime has some amazing fights in it naruto and sasuke versus mamashiki that to me stands at the peak of shonen battle choreography i [ __ ] love that i've rewatched that fight every now and again but i mean it's from what i've seen it's just not good it's just not good they should have just let naruto die i've had an existential crisis on like where i would put naruto i'll be honest guys i don't know how much i like naruto naruto is the anime that's that got me into anime but at the same time i feel like there is a lot that i don't like about naruto that i'm forgetting the tuning exams along with the soul society arc is one of my favorite shonen battle anime arcs of all time i think up to the pain arc like naruto was great i'm going to try and justify it is it true mid i don't believe naruto is true mid i'm trying not to look at this with nostalgic globals like i am with bleach i think naruto is still a really really good solid shonen has it aged well i don't think it's definitely at least above mid is it better than black clover and jojo part 2. oh neither seems right for me not in the same caliber as those but i think it's better than those when i think about naruto i think about the fourth ninja war arc and i think about how dragged out that arc was because naruto i don't think ended the strongest i tend to think back to naruto and don't think that it's the best anytime i think to some of the most iconic moments in shonen battle manga and anime that i can think of a lot of them are naruto it belongs somewhere there but because nostalgia i'll put it there dr stone this is this is a solid above mid i think it is just a solid show it's a solid show it's dr stone so of course it's solid i think that it has good moments in it i think that has some good ideas in it but also it never really had a moment that really made me think that this was going above and beyond fairy tale i mean this is this is it right guys this is it's it's it's got to be is there something worse on this list than fairy tale maybe boruto but at least boruto had some good fights in it in the manga god maybe mary boruto is below mid i think it's only fair that i'm if i'm putting fairy tale there that i'll that i've got to put boruto there but to me fairy tale and boruto is about as bad as shonen can get and that's why it's bottom mid okay it's because a lot of these shows are held to such a high level of quality if they're not really good if they're not if the base level of bad shows in shown in battle manga is like mid then that just says a lot about how good the quality is and to me these are the worst examples i can think of of shonen battle manga bakuman it's high mid i really liked bakuman as a content creator pokemon means a [ __ ] ton to me some of the philosophy that i found with making my own content i've gotten from bakuman was was it like the director of like shonen jump or something his his line it doesn't matter what your manga is about i'm paraphrasing by the way it doesn't matter what your manga is about it doesn't matter at all all that matters is you make your manga interesting and that's all that matters that's what i think about when i when i approach my own content and there's also like a second thing as well the concept of you have authors in the bachmann world that are pure geniuses and you have authors in the backman world which rely on data and trends and really try to build their story around the trends and i've always related to that because as a content creator i've seen people on both sides of the spectrum i've seen content creators on youtube that are just pure geniuses and just go with their gut feeling and create whatever they want and whatever they create is [ __ ] amazing and i've seen people who make equally good content that have based their creative process around data around what they can see is trending and i've always related to the second side of things i don't think i'm a pure genius when it comes to content creation but i've always been someone who's taken my inspiration from the people around me and i've tried to make the best content i can from that kind of approach content creation is obviously my job and bakiman has played a massive part in getting me inspired as an artist and as a content creator so to me it's high mid jiu jitsu kaisen i'm gonna keep this one short and simple season one of jujitsu kaisen is above mid i have a feeling it's going to be high mid when it gets to season two in uh right now based purely on season one it's above mid season one is not peak shonen guys i don't want to say it's overhyped jujitsu kaisen is the new kid on the block you know and everyone's hyping up this new kid on the block where to me it's not done anything that i'm going to remember for the rest of my life my favorite fight of last year was the hanami fight i love the action direction of jiu jitsu kaisen but it's above me anyone that puts jiu jitsu kaisen high mid and beyond are manga readers gonna call that right now i i i honestly think that if you put a high mid or above you're probably a margarita if not then i am genuinely curious why to you it's like high mid we've only had one season out and it's been solid it's been good i've had fun with it i have fun with black clover as well that was my shonen tier list that was me ranking every big shonen overall i think i'm i'm happy enough with this list like i said i don't really care too much i'm probably gonna get cancelled this list is probably gonna get screen shotted but i'm sticking with it i am sticking with it i'm ready for the salt guys i am ready for the [ __ ] salt anyway that has been the definitive shonen anime slash manga tier list cry me the only person who's ever been objectively right about every single shonen series that has existed if you're watching this on youtube please hit the like or subscribe button if you enjoyed the video and hey i also stream on twitch on twitch.tv that has been another tearless video that has been another episode of me just [ __ ] talking anime and i will see you guys next time bye
Channel: Garnt
Views: 2,023,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OUWbAly502A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 58sec (2758 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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