Fall Anime 2023 in a Nutshell

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[Music] [Music] what am I doing with my life every season I seem to think to myself man there is just way too much anime coming out right now and every new season anime is like hey guys did you say you wanted even more the fall anime season really dropped over 60 new shows to choose from 23 new sequels 14 EO Fantasy A bajillion edgy shows two racing anime toui just like me for real anime romance SCE of Life action with so many shows there's only one thing I know I must do there too many of them what are we going to [Music] do rock and roll freeze hands up daddy chill what the hell is this is it a bomb I'm a grenade nobody else can do this but ninja look what's on the corner of the desk ninja wanted to see them for real you want to die I don't want to die thank God and your mom you didn't see them from the insane mangao of I'm Hero Comes an anime about Ninja did you know ninja still exist of course you don't that's why they're ninja and like ninja this anime never lets you know its next move take this guy just a normal Foreigner right what's he doing that's right he's come to Japan to become ninja now I know what you're thinking average weeb in Naruto airport but he's serious he finds a random sign on the street that says if you piss here I'll cut your R off clearly this was left by Ninja a trial this must mean if you cut off three dicks you become ninja that's the only possibility he approaches a random dude urinating in the streets with a pair of scissors easy target uh-oh the dick he thought he was cutting was actually Odin it was a bait he's outed himself as ninja JK [ __ ] he's ninja too with ninja moves you can do ninja things who is this guy he's first class ninja the show is like a fever dream set in a yakaza side mission this is the LW accurate ninjas we need yeah right they don't have shurikens or orange jumpsuits or summoning Ninjutsu but can your favorite ninjas do this I feel like in 2023 some of the biggest and best shows have ended up being sequels to already existing anime and this season doesn't seem like it's an exception our favorite anime family is here again for round two Dr Stone is apparently going through one of his better rocks right now Goblin Slayer is back with some Goblin slang turkey Avengers is continuing along with Magus bride seven deadly sins as a sequel now what and it's not called Eight lethal wrongdoings you know I've clowned on seven deadly sins fans enough now so I'm just not going to do it I'll let them have this I'm not going to say anything so uh let's talk about something else um look I've just finished playing Final Fantasy 16 recently all right Clive mid when did you get back all right here's something I'll gladly clown on Shield hero was a dumb but fun little isai that did everything it needed to do in the the first season so I wondered where the story could go after that so season 2 clearly heard me and went all right bet and was horrendously disappointing look I might be the eai guy but even I've got to be picky with what I choose to keep up with I'm a busy man mid so season 3 is going to have to do something really special to get me interested again doing a tournament Arc Eminence and Shadow season 2 now we're talking which makes this convenient cuz they are actually the sponsor of today's video in collaboration with highve yes I'm not joking which makes this the easiest sponsored segment I've ever had cuz I get to say what I had written down about the show anyway and pass it off as an ad in case you missed my previous video Eminence and Shadow is some of the most fun I've ever had in the esai genre on paper a show like this should absolutely not work it's edgy it's cliche it's everything you think you roll your eyes at but it fully Embraces everything and does not give one care in the world what you think it serves you cheesy one liner after cheesy oneliner every dumb power fantasy you've ever had on a silver platter and you gobble it up like you're a 14year old old kid who's just discovered anime this is what happens when a show is so Unapologetic about itself it Knuckles down on being so edgy it loops around and becomes cool again if you have a single isekai loving bone in your body this is what you should be watching so weebs here's the deal right now you can watch both seasons of emence and Shadow legally on high dive where they are releasing the dub at exactly the same time as the sub so you can sign up for a free trial for High Dive by clicking that link in the description where you can watch Eminence in Shadow and show my boy Sid some support along with a plethora of other anime available there like osino and Maiden Abyss thank you very much to Eminence in Shadow season 2 and hii for sponsoring me today ad segment over all right guys we got to get serious for a bit because we have a new Esports anime about a recovering gamer a gamer who's Gone without gaming ever since his dad went for cigarettes and never came home cuz he's dead at least that's what his mom told him how does he still count as a gamer not once in all his years without gaming did he ever give up his gamer spirit exactly a true gamer who hasn't seen real grass in over four years who has to take care of a sickly little sister who's been diagnosed with ligma since the age of [Music] two but despite all these setbacks he did what most oppressed Gamers couldn't do when his teammates needed a real gamer in the face of opportunity he stood up and took it showing us that even the most broken of Gamers could become again that any gamer could achieve their dreams so in the face of adversity with the support of his friends with the crowd cheering him on he sat down turned on his PC and uninstalled genin impact okay time for a real gaming anime remember that feeling when you saw that first episode of SEO before you knew the show it would turn into and the market wasn't saturated with the same ises VR Gaming anime well Shang Frontier somehow gave me that same excitement without even having any life-threatening Stakes but just presenting a game that seems genuinely fun to play we have a gamer who specializes in completing the most poorly designed broken ass games only to completely dominate at a Godlike game my boy really discovered Elden ring after playing gollem the video game and you know he's a real ass sweaty gamer cuz he's one of those [ __ ] who plays with a completely naked build while being a dirty crit stacker this is the show to watch if you actually want a gaming anime cuz it seems like it was made by people who are truly passionate about video get wait did he just skip a cut scene oh no yes wait is this a guy reincarnated as a pig who's been taken in by an anime girl no I can't I can't do this again no the dogs W enough for you you've come for our pigs now anime What's Next Cats Ducks Bears crispy bacon didn't die for this what did we ever do to deserve this oh God why do we live in a world where dogs and pig get more [ __ ] than we do please tell me there's something this season that can cleanse my [Music] soul there's normally at least one new show in a season that is an instant must watch after one episode and I'm glad to say that this time it's freen beyond Journey's End freen is not your typical anime fantasy story there's no Demon Lord no Grand world saving Adventure no Earth shattering Stakes are on the line yet it carries an emotional weight few shows are ever able to achieve in episode 1 this is the story of an elf girl burdened with an abundance of time a being who in our eyes is functionally Immortal in the blink of an eye decades are gone companions age friends die and all she's left with is the regret for the wasted time she could have spent with them it's a story about appreciating the little things in life you might have missed and I cannot begin to tell you how much they are nailing this adaptation the scenery is drop- dead gorgeous the Serene atmosphere l you win and Evan calls Lord of the Ring a soundtrack Wells up these emotions you might have forgotten you had for an experience that warms the soul but what I love the most is feeling what the passage of time is like for a being like freen seasons change in an instance months can pass scene to scene without you even knowing she buys some item at a shop goes in a casual stroll gets lost a few seconds go by she comes back the shopkeeper is an old man now there are so many little things you can miss if you're not paying attention but if you're willing to sit down turn off that Tik Tok brain for a second and give yourself some time to really get absorbed in a slow paced show I guarantee this is going to be one of the most beautiful Tales you see all year but that isn't the only thing with potential this season Undead unluck already has some of the most inventive use of anime Powers I've seen we got a guy with Wolverine esque regenerative Powers turning his entire body into a weapon firing off his own body parts using his Regen to gain momentum midair it might not be the most complicated Powers but you can get a sense the author has put a lot of thought into how the simplest abilities would actually affect a person's fighting style if they refined all their mechanics to the absolute Peak and I love that feeling Shan and jump have been on fire recently with pretty much all of their anime releases this might not cause as big of a splash as some of their other hits but it's definitely one of the dark horses this season along with this one aside from knowing it was going to be one of the most gorgeous looking anime in four and manga readers were very very excited I didn't know what to expect out of Apothecary Diaries so I'm glad to say that after the premiere I realized oh this is just House MD in Imperial China we got Gremlin WWI cooking up different drugs for the Royal Palace mixed in with a bit of Poli Intrigue this one definitely peques my interest I'm just waiting for that hook to get me fully invested I'mma Be real though my stupid ass didn't even know what an apothecary was before watching this show I know that's a me thing but how about a name that even my dumbass can understand if we want a brand safe name we can just call it the pharmacist journals but personally there's one I think that's more thematically accurate Memoirs of a crack dealer lid on into the oven 170 two 2 and 1/ half hours and forget about it [Music] there's a new firefighter anime saving a Tokyo that's been engulfed By Flames after someone called jit and mid it's good to see a firefighter anime where they actually fight fire like actual firefighters as opposed to the usual anime [ __ ] where they fight Firs by you know just being the [ __ ] out of it okay what's next ball ball buster by Studio you sick bastards this is probably the most grounded Mecca anime I've ever seen you have a small company scraping by operate their mix that look like they should be doing work in a construction site tasked with Exterminating giant beasts in a world where Kaiju have cost the world hundreds of lives so what's the biggest threat facing all of humanity paperwork and right there some Japanese bureaucrat just busted a studio nut Ron kashi's forbidden deductions a detective who detectives so hard he's been banned from detectiving ever again because ooh he's so quirky he's not like other detectives why every time he solves a case he tells the culprit to kill themselves yeah this is just Sherlock me slow to God now time for is this a or is it just fantasy we got a redo of redo of heiler where every character isn't clinically insane there's an naturual villainous anime about definitely not Marie Anette going back in time to stop the French Revolution with the power of Mo and checking a privilege now berserk of glasney here's something unlike anything we've seen all year all right get this you have a fantasy protagonist but he's cool because he wears a dark cloak with black hair except initially he's super weak and bullied by some pink-haired [ __ ] but luckily luckily there's a prestigious Knight with blonde hair that protects him for some reason and her name is Roxy but but the real unique part is that he has a special skill that makes him overpowered even at level one called gluttony that allows him to absorb the stats of anyone he defeats and get this he even befriends a talking sword and oh my God he starts killing goblins so I don't think there's another anime like this out there right now ragn Crimson was an anime that manga readers were gassing up and with a 40-minute Premiere I was hoping for more than just angry man who hates dragons vows to kill dragons and is also literally too angry to die maybe this one could fill up the space for turn your brain off edgy show of the season but there is a lot and I mean a lot of edge going around this season so you better be doing something special to be standing out finally it's here the crumbling guys I got to ask you something important because I'm just not sure about this okay listen up so we got a king announcing he's about to commit genocide he kidnaps a woman strips her naked in front of a cheering crowd then proceeds to execute her In Cold Blood and parade her severed head around while the orphan kitchi was taken care of Screams now I just want to confirm is he the bad guy if you're looking for Peak Edge this season well you found it this shows the subtlety of a white van that says free candy driven by Jimmy savil you know what I'm just a sucker for worlds where magic and Technology Collide cuz when you have giant Golems murking tanks getting firebombs by f-35s while The Angriest Man on Earth shoots a comically large bullet into a skyscraper before summoning magic miniguns out of his ass then I kind of don't give a damn if this is edgy then sign me the [ __ ] up because I'm 33 and this is deep I don't even know how to describe this one coming from the late manga of Sakamoto Desa a pair of twins trick a wealthy family to adopting them not knowing that there are actually two of them and they use that to just completely [ __ ] with their lives I can't tell if this is meant to be hilarious or terrifying this is like some dystopian YouTuber prank where every prank is written like that potato chip scene in Death Note but hey I'm not going to be calling them out since it seems like calling out YouTubers in 2023 is like that's my [ __ ] location we've got a new racing anime about formula 4 a thing I've just learned about thanks to anime and I feel bad because Initial D is also back with a squl reboot and look overtake is coming from the director of fade zero recreators it looks like it's got some genuine heart put into it they even made the effort to make sure all the sponsors are 100% accurate to what you'd see in a race but this is EUR beat ooh an anime about visual novels this was all right actually think shirro Bako mixed with new game set in the '90s when an illustrator gets sent back in time to the Golden Era of visual novels where every anime go had those [ __ ] bug eyes this one was interesting even if you just want to see how much otaku culture is evolved from humble beginnings where akih haror is Electric Town actually had Electronics in it to whatever the hell is being made now oh hey girlfriend girlfriend has another season and they're adding two new girlfriends for him to share what's next five girlfriends six girlfriends surely even in anime a Haram can only get so big right Mother of God they did it the final boss of Haram anime has arrived while we're struggling to even get a single girlfriend my boy is going for 1 2 5 10 100 girlfriends is the goal and the journey has just begun this is the one piece of Riz the Lord of the Rings of degeneracy this isn't the story of a giga Chad this is the story of of the Giga Chad of Giga Chads for a harm series with a 100 girls endless possibilities for a fandom to choose from he managed to convince the anime Community the anime Community the group of thirstiest [ __ ] to ever walk this Earth that there is no best girl cuz every girl PS in comparison to the protagonist himself that's right this man single-handedly ended the Wu Wars he's too dangerous to be left alive I'm going to be real after that I don't know what else romance anime can do to impress me I mean look at this Our dating story or right we' got the popular girl the loser nerd who's never had a girlfriend never seen that one before can't wait to watch for two seasons just to see them hold [Music] hand no way we're 45 seconds in is this what I think it is virginity the final boss of all Gamers worldwide losing it has historically been one of Gaming's toughest accomplishments requiring the master of some of the hardest mechanics you can find in gaming including downloading dating apps touching grass and even occasionally talking to women for decades Gamers have been trying to break the legendary record set by Runner Alabama Slammer x69x but today we might have a new Contender this is one man story to destroy the losing virginity any% [Applause] speedrun a failed run guys failed run go next hey guys hope you enjoyed that video thank you very much this month too author Curtis XD basil this functional degenerate flabber Walky husbando Hub Mike 808 parasite. exe pain patet Pony Stark water gist BT and everyone else my patreon for helping support me for this month and making this video possible yes I know I missed talking about just a few shows but I didn't really have much to say about them plus this video was really really long as it is and I kind of just want to get it out anime if you're listening to me please I think we have enough shows now I'm even watching some shows at like 1.5 and times two speed and I'm still running out of time going through every single show that comes out this season oh God I need to watch Pluto as well that should come out and Scott Pilgrim anyway though I hope you found at least one new show to watch this season I'd be really worried if there wasn't at least one but anyway though that's it from me today I've been gig hok and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Gigguk
Views: 2,106,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anime Zone, Gigguk, Top Anime, OP, ED
Id: OJ3ni1lgGHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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