Gigguk's 10 Best Starter Anime for New Fans

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[Music] hey guys how you doing hope you haven't missed me too much [Music] um Americans how are you doing you still awake still awake Americans still awake it's a weekday it's a weekday so you shouldn't be awake right now what are you what are you doing guys what are you doing what do you do what are you doing away guys don't you have work don't you have school tomorrow I'm barely awake and I'm in EU uh if you're in EU good morning if you're in America go the [ __ ] to sleep if you're in Asia Australia hello hello hey guys hope your day is going good my day is also going good uh had a lovely lunch had a lovely salad for lunch see I think you know mostly I I literally just uh had had an actual prop on lunch break and it was good it was good most streamers should do it even though you lose viewership every time you go offline but you know it's uh it's actually nice having a lunch break in between in between your streams and stuff like that three streams in a row what happened uh nothing happened I just have some free time yo big fan thank you very much man thank you very much these articles are just employment for God no I I no articles today man no articles today because what we're going to be doing today I should not say today because this is uh this is not the first stream today but what we are going to be doing now in just a moment in just a moment is if you remember like last month or I think it's two months ago I can't remember how long it was uh Michael B Jordan did an interview with the BBC uh he did an interview with the BBC talking about the new Creed movie uh where he basically recommended some starter anime because apparently the new Creed film is very heavily anime inspired I haven't actually seen it yet I should really go see it because I love Creed one and two uh but apparently it was very heavily anime inspired and the interviewer asked him what some of his favorite starter anime was what starter anime would he recommend and he basically listed off a bunch of anime and I commented at that time that I did not think that what he recommended was the greatest of choices uh so I thought you know I'll put my money where my mouth is and we aren't going over someone else's list today we aren't going over someone else's opinion I have actually made a list myself of the perfect the perfect anime starter pack uh uh perfect is obviously subjective but it is uh my perfect anime starter pack so we're going to be going through that today I have literally made a PowerPoint presentation that is an absolute lie I just [ __ ] lied to you uh I uh got my editor Alan to make me a PowerPoint presentation I just told him to what I just told him what to put into it hey group projects am I right I did this it was me I did this all Earth more trolling is [ __ ] right this is this is uh this is just how you get A's in every group project you just take uh you just take the credit for other people's work come on guys that's that's how you do things right that's how you do things all right did you guys learn nothing from school did you guys learn nothing from school at all but uh we're gonna be going through that in just a bit uh uh classic uni experience yeah we're just let's just let's just chill out a bit while I let's just chill out while I digest uh this uh salad so I'm not gonna be here all night unfortunately guys uh I do have dinner plans with Sydney so I'm basically this is my excuse just to chill until dinner all right had lunch and then dinner wow I know right oh oh I'm sorry guys I'm sorry I'm leaving for milk once again but that but that wouldn't be for a while no railing no I've been doing enough railing off stream man I need to stop I I need to goddamn stop this it's too much too much hey yo hey yo hey hey we we know okay gotcha Gamers we we know what I mean we know what I mean guys come on come on come on there's a there's uh there's there's definitely uh one railing I do and uh yeah it's uh I do I do it a lot do it every day what can I say what can I say guys it's only 5 p.m in Japan yeah it's still pretty I mean I had a late lunch so I'm not too hungry but had a had a late lunch since I finished the stream what time did I finish the stream like 2 30 2 30 kind of P.M [Music] so it's uh it's been a little bit Michael B Jordan is actually in Japan right now I did not is he actually oh yeah I saw on Twitter that he got like a Naruto assigned cheekshi of Naruto or something like that fate top three boys calling it now oh God [ __ ] damn it guys come on come on not everything in my life is fate and honkai and genshin and I don't know what else I'm known for now what what else what else am I addicted to trash taste guess reveal oh God I wish man I wish in a heartbeat I would do that in a heartbeat will he star in the Naruto live action movie is it is there a Naruto live action movie I wouldn't be surprised if one was in the works I haven't heard about it but I'm kind of waiting for the one piece live action movie I'm kind of like I obviously I wanted to be good my hopes are not high at all for the one piece live action to be good but you know me I'm gonna be watching it either way the character designer of Naruto gave him she okay there that was it that was it that was it I mean no matter what no matter what I don't really care what Michael Jordan says is his starter uh Michael B Jordan says is his starter anime because uh guys are [ __ ] Legend already he don't need you don't need the opinion of some random [ __ ] dude who talks about anime too much you know the casting for One Piece has been on point though that is what I agree with uh from what I've seen from the casting of the live action adaptation that Netflix have done uh casting has been completely on point but I also thought about that with the Cowboy Bebop live-action movie when uh it was announced on who was going to be playing that so casting isn't everything especially oh hello we got some Raiders hello hentai right hentai henya oh thank you henya it was going it was going too fast uh and I I definitely didn't misread that as hentai Raider good my brain is broken my brain is God damn broken but hello Raiders welcome to the stream we are going to be talking about anime for I guess the next two odd hours uh what are we gonna be doing you just missed the intro of that but what we're going to be doing is uh we are going to be going through my top picks for the ultimate anime startup pack if you want to get your friends and family into anime this is the place to be don't listen to what anyone else says because people have their opinions and obviously their opinions are wrong compared to mine all right you can quote me on that all opinions are wrong compared to mine you know uh everything I say on trash taste uh obviously everything's wrong aside from my opinion you know all bread definitely tastes the same uh light mode is superior pizza crust uh pizza crust uh can go die in a ditch and Bone and chicken is superior what else have I say what else what else have I said I said I've said a lot of [ __ ] on trash t7 I I've I've said a lot I've said a lot oh but what this stream is going to be based on is a Michael B Jordan interview and uh let's have a look at that interview now you know to start things off start things off let's have a look at that interview right now so this is where I got the idea um for this stream from okay so uh I've just loaded up a [ __ ] YouTube short Tick Tock whatever since uh they've cut it since uh this is this is the highlights of the stream this interview off your back is that sort of from your anime love yes talk to me about how anime informed the way you just wanted to say I love your manga videos oh thank you very much I recommend the best stuff I've been shred smoking behind the supermarket with you in a day oh man did that that manga is too easy to binge man that manga is too goddamn easy to binge I also binged in a day and I'm like this isn't enough I need to make a video to uh to distract me from the fact that there's only like 26 uh 26 chapters flashbang uh deal with it guys deal with it I am sticking with light mode I'm sticking with light mode guys place the camera and shot the movie so usually an anime you know um you know when the protagonist antagonists are fighting physically they're trying to take each other's heads off they're trying to kill each other they're trying to you know they're trying to try to win the physical battle but emotionally you know they're usually someplace quiet and they're talking about how they feel because talking was now I thought in Creed Three that there's actually a lot of like internal monologues during the fight which actually makes which actually makes me really want to give it a go because I don't think I can actually think of a live-action fight scene that has the same internal monologues that uh internal monologues that anime does so I really want to see how that translates into a live-action film The Only Way the fighting was the only way they can communicate with one another tell me though if you were a total Layman you've never seen here we go you know Neon Genesis Evangelion you've not seen a thing what are your go-to here's what you start suggestions one piece no no okay no I I'm a one-piece fan and uh I would say absolutely no to that Dragon Ball no no okay okay okay Naruto okay actually I think Naruto is uh legit better than uh one piece and Dragon Ball but still still a no from me on bleach Hunter my my guy just named my guide my guy just named the big three oh my God I can I can definitely tell what generation of anime uh Michael V Jordan grew up in man that's a pretty good starting five okay okay well it is it is I mean those are some what can I say those are some very very popular anime that have had a lot of popularity in their past would I call them good starter anime you know some of them were good starter anime for the generation that they came out in some a lot of them were obviously anime that we grew up with and got us into anime I mean I'm kind of like [ __ ] talking it now but I got into anime thanks to Naruto I properly got into anime thanks to Naruto that was the first anime I watched knowing it was anime um Dragon Ball was obviously a lot of our first anime back in the day when we could only watch anime on television but is it the best anime to recommend now for newbies to get into anime no the biggest surprise of this was nothing that Michael B Jordan said it was the fact that the interviewer actually said Neon Genesis Evangelion I'm like what what you know Ava are yo we got we got a secret weave on the have we got a secret weave there we got a secret weeb in the midst like right there um but yeah aside from that I do not I would not actually recommend anything that Michael B Jordan recommended as a starter anime Maybe Maybe Hunter Hunter but I think there are better examples than Hunter Hunter because hunt Hunter is great hunter hunter is like a great anime and a great Shonen um but I think there are other anime that might hit faster than Hunter Hunter and one piece are two of my top favorite shonens of all time so recommending anime for a starter list is total is a is totally different than just recommending an anime that you like in my opinion so that was Michael B Jordan's list of the five top best starter anime but you know what guys I'm an anime YouTuber I talk about anime okay so instead of just instead of just judging other people's lists and other people's articles I decided to do my own okay so you can judge me because it's only fair if I if I judge other people that you get the opportunity to judge me so this is the anime zone approved gigguk written best starter anime PowerPoint presentation by the anime Zone but I literally uh uh thank you shout out to uh shout out to Alan for letting me take the credit for your hard work uh every everything every image in this uh was put in here by Alan trust me I did not put Sword Art Online I did not tell him to put Sword Art Online as the beginning starter image guys please believe me guys that wasn't me that wasn't me guys that wasn't me that wasn't me 2010 PowerPoint presentation okay so I haven't so I I told him no you didn't you don't have to go too hard with this presentation guys this is this is more like a hi I'm in high school and this is my PowerPoint presentation kind of presentation okay look here's a here's a warped image of Sword Art Online this is this is what we're doing is this a 2013 presentation no we're going we're going way back we're going way back unfortunately guys I did not put any transitions in I did that I didn't even like uh I didn't even you know put this on one by one this is just a slideshow okay okay graphic design is my passion actually uh are you sure talking my editor here my guy my guy uh are you sure talking my editor because uh this is this is Peak this is Peak presentation man this is Peak presentation no star wipe unfortunately there's no star wipe but this is my list for the top starter anime now I would have to say I don't think that there is a perfect list for everyone normally when it comes to recommending anime to someone who doesn't enjoy anime my um my best kind of method is to ask them hey what kind of movies and TV shows that you like do you like because to me like the best starter anime is an anime that's suited for the person there is no one anime meets all kind of like presentation uh there's no one anime sorry I got distracted uh because someone in chat said redo of healer we're trying to get people into anime we're not trying to get we're not trying to scare them away from anime you know otherwise I just recommend [ __ ] inukai's dog and they will never like set foot in Japan in their life they would possibly they would possibly never watch another single anime in their life and it hurts me to know that there is a person out there who has probably watched inukai's dog as their first starter anime because some mate recommended it to them ironically all right you guys Logan is actually really good though um um Animal Services uh that guy over there that that that guy over there Animal Services okay so what of my criteria do I think make for a good starter anime well here is what I think is a good criteria to recommend for starts around me okay class class listen listen I'm talking I'm doing my presentation okay you bet you better not be falling asleep I see I see you there in the corner I see you there in the corner okay you next to the window here all right teacher teacher's here okay I'm giving my class right now you better be taking notes because yes this will be on the final exam okay so first up obviously when uh into an anime uh not sure not sure if this is obvious but hopefully hopefully what you recommend uh is a good show hopefully uh hopefully what you recommend would be a good show or a good anime no no are you that guy who just recommended redo of healer um so hopefully hopefully what you recommend is good right second criteria um it needs to hit hard and it needs to hit fast there are a lot of good anime that I love some of my favorite animes of all time that might not have the best Star it might take a few episodes to get into you're saying this who's saying this okay hard and fast okay okay uh wording uh choice of wording okay but I stand by it I stand by it and he used to hit hard and fast um because not everyone will be invested right away if there's someone who's not into anime you need to get them hooked as fast as possible otherwise they're not they're just not gonna give it a chance you know uh three episode rules definitely apply here especially for a new viewer of anime um third criteria it still holds up today and here's the thing here's a thing that you might that you might be surprised with some of my picks um there's a lot of let's say people who like to quote some starter anime um and they quote it because it was the anime that got them into anime back in the day you know we saw that we just saw that with Michael B Jordan um but just because the an anime served as a good Gateway anime when you when you guys go into anime doesn't necessarily means it will hold up today uh so a lot of shonins I can think of do won't hold up today simply because of the facts that one a lot of them are very very like long running they have a lot of episodes and number two uh modern anime is kind of killed off filler so guys remember filler remember filler guys remember that remember the time when we just kind of like like turned our heads to filler and we just like okay so it's just it's just Anime doing anime things you know uh nowadays there is absolutely no room for filler at all so an anime kind of like not only needs to hit hard and hit fast but you need to have like zero filler and as much as it pains me to say some anime don't look as good as what I remember them looking like you know so animation has generally gotten better as the years have gone on and so it just needs to look good as well I I feel like I feel like a lot of people especially if you're just getting into anime will not give old anime a chance and unfortunately none of us are immune to this there are there are a lot of anime that I know I should watch the original Gundam but uh I have just it's just been you know put down lower simply because I have not found time to uh get into older anime where the animation might not let it shut shut the [ __ ] up everyone everyone quoting Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood I'm going to watch that I'm going to watch that you know I'm going to watch that don't worry don't worry don't worry guys don't worry um fourth wow fourth criteria okay this is uh this is kind of my own criteria four criteria no anime [ __ ] what do I mean by that there are some tropes and some things that anime have in common that if you're into the anime Community you might kind of be immune to this kind of [ __ ] just because we've become so used to it and we kind of brush it off as that ah it's just that weird [ __ ] anime thing you know or panty shots oh that's just part of anime incest oh you know well she's uh not related by blood so uh it's uh it's uh it's it's anime it's anime guys this is this is just this is just a thing you know oh a mom saying oh that's uh that's uh getting my pee pee hard or whatever I don't [ __ ] know um we a lot of there's so much anime [ __ ] that we kind of like look over and we forget how off-putting it can be for someone who is is like anime illiterate can you be anime literary I can't I guess you can be anime illiterate uh but for someone who uh does not know the anime culture as much as uh we do right now which leads on to my next thing which leads on to my next criteria of no anime [ __ ] because I wanted to put a nice car on this so bad I wanted to put an easy girl on his list so bad and I'm just thinking is there an isakai in existence even if it's [ __ ] good that does not have any anime [ __ ] in it and I don't think there is the answer is no likey like even obviously uh obviously [ __ ] Sao has a lot of anime [ __ ] on it I was thinking Michelle could turn so um well the main character is kind of a creepy otaku dude uh who thirsts on girls so yeah that's that's a no from me uh re-zero has a lot of like waifu [ __ ] as well um and it's it's like it's it's hard I I wanted I wanted to recommend an isakai that uh was a modern day Easter guy okay when I say isakai the Eminence and Shadow okay I I want to recommend the Eminence and shadows so [ __ ] bad it's so [ __ ] bad but it's it's not there man it is it is not there lock Horizon Bruh Bruh do you not remember that scene where the main character takes like like the princess on the stage and she and the main character is like you need to die for this princess look how much of a waifu she is you all go to war for this princess and you will die for this waifu do we do we not remember that do we not remember that guys it's uh it's I mean as a weeb I'm like yes I get it but remember we are we are not weaves today we are not otaku's we're not weeaboos we are a normal we are a normal person okay um are you recording uh I'm live yes oh they look good [Music] you know you should bring George back bring George back I'll I'll I'll I'll go I think it's kind of like I'll go in the jolts gang with you man okay is it is it hot today what I think you look great you don't think I look like fat mom no no you look like you look like um alcoholic mom at the barbecue kind of Vibes where's uh where's your wine I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding that's exactly laughs [Music] um where was I uh I completely I completely forgot okay now as um as a bonus exactly essential but I think a good bonus is a good dub okay I think uh I think getting a lot of people into anime it's it's less of a necessity as it used to be with you know films like parasite winning the Oscar more and more people are willing to watch uh subtitled media nowadays but there's still a lot of people that still will not give it a chance so a good dub will always make it easier for someone to get into anime and of course a load time commitment so some anime that I'm going to recommend have have like a longer episode count some have a short episode count but I think if it's just like if it's just a quick uh quick like 12 episode anime or a movie there's going to be a lot of movies on this list for that reason I think a low time commitment is uh works best as well because you know anyone who anyone who's a one is there anyone who is a one-piece fan right now is there anyone who's a one-piece fan right now because to me as a one-piece fan and I [ __ ] love one piece I don't know if I can convince I don't know in this day and age if I had wiped my mind my mind clear right of one piece and I had to convince myself to get into one piece I would be like bro I don't have that many hours in a day uh a big time commitment is just daunting for anyone trying something new so the lower the time commitment is the easier the cell is [Music] so unless it's like unless that can be that can be offset if it hits hard and hits fast but uh one piece doesn't do that one piece doesn't do that at all okay so the last thing I want to say before I start this list is who is the Target demographic who did I really have in mind when making this list because like I said uh I needed to just have a blank slate normally I tried to give specific recommendations but here we're going for a blank slate right um I'm gonna be real this since this is uh since this is a list to help people get into anime if you are below the age of 18 you're probably already [ __ ] into anime let's be honest okay my time getting into anime is wholly different than what the uh my time getting into anime is wholly different than what the environment is right now we have we have [ __ ] Naruto Dragon Ball and uh my hero Academia on fortnite all right getting into anime is cool nowadays it's it's much more accepted to get into anime nowadays right so I so it would be easy just to recommend every [ __ ] Shonen Under the Sun but let's be honest if you're in [ __ ] high school you've probably heard of all of this from your schoolmates all right so my kind of Target demographic for making this list is not exactly like from the ages of like late teens all the way up to any kind of like old age you want all right because it can be hard you're watching a twitch stream right now okay you're watching a twitch Stream So you no matter what age you are how old are you guys how old are you guys come on come on what what demographic am I working with right now what demographic am I working with right now you're in your 20s some in your 30s right we have we have a wide range of demographics but I'm gonna guess you are in your 20s uh mid-20s 30s probably some of you are in your late teens you are even at your age right even at your age you are someone who's very in touch with the online community and internet culture in general so just by being that you are probably more in touch with the anime Community because there's a lot of people who post anime memes and the anime communities in the online space now let's think let's think about someone like your mum your dad your grandma your cousins that you see at your family reunion who have a normal nine-to-five job working at some corporate company or something like that your mama okay when I think of someone who's just not an anime fan that's the image that comes to mind someone who has no idea about Japanese culture has no idea about internet culture uh someone who literally is coming into this blind who watches [ __ ] like love Island on TV or the Kardashians or whatever and might dabble into Marvel movies might dabble into like Game of Thrones HBO series that kind of thing okay so that strikes off a lot of anime in my mind because a lot of anime that people think might be a good start around me are basically good starts around me for people who are already in touch with the online space who are young enough to be on Tick Tock seeing a lot of anime memes already um so I'm trying to I tried to make this list for basically anyone no matter how in touch with the online space with Japanese culture um why are you thinking about my mom when you think of anime her who doesn't let's be honest bacon soldier who doesn't have you seen your mum all right introduction okay I have got 10 anime here and I've only chosen 10. let's start off with the blind pick now the reason I only chose 10 is because when recommending anime to someone over and when recommending anything to someone uh the biggest the biggest mistake people can make is recommending 50 shows at once and being like Oh you gotta watch this you're gonna watch this you're gonna watch that you've got to watch that so I tried to pick what I thought was the cream of the crop for each singular category and only one I I only had choice for one uh just to narrow it down and then if they were interested in if they were interested in that then you can start recommending other stuff as well so without knowing anything about the person without knowing a single bit of what they like what they dislike um what I think is the best blind pick for an anime what do I think is the best blind pick for an anime there's an ad all right I didn't realize there was an art spot sorry how are you doing Subs how are you doing are you doing Atlas stubs you good you good Atlas Subs what ads what ads yeah I know I know okay so what do I think is the best modern blind pick um for the for the audience I have in mind and this might sound like a normal answer but I genuinely genuinely do not think there is a better blind pick than Attack on Titan it's it's it hits almost every category except for except for it has got a lot of episodes but what makes that okay in my mind is that every singles it's it's separated into seasons and every single season is different every single season Builds on each other it's what it's the closest I've come to a modern day kind of like anime equivalent of when you are at the water cooler and your mate started talking about the later season of Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones or whatever big HBO critically acclaimed series is airing at the time too violent dummy honestly I think Attack on Titan hits pretty much every mark it needs to hit for just a blind recommendation and I think it's the one that is most likely to get people into anime after they finish Attack on Titan there are some shows in my mind that I feel you watch the show and you're like okay I'm done I get anime now I don't need to watch any more anime um and that's how I feel when I recommend Ghibli films to people because when you recommend Ghibli films to people they're like oh I'm an anime fan I've watched two Ghibli films and I had no interest in watching the rest of anime because that shit's just weird and stuff like that but um Attack on Titan I feel is a good gay anime because it doesn't because people don't want to stop at just Attack on Titan I feel like people see Attack on Titan and they're like oh [ __ ] this is actually a banger series I want to see more stuff like this can you recommend more stuff like Attack on Titan and then that just kind of opens the floodgates in my mind um and it has another reason is that it just has the first two episodes are one of the biggest hooks I think there's only a few anime I think can rival Attack on Titan in how much of a hook the first two episodes are I mean that I mean Attack on Titan starts off strong it starts off it starts off like it starts off running out the gates right I meant like that ending on Aaron's mom getting uh I mean it's not [ __ ] it's not a [ __ ] spoiler uh ending on Aaron's mom getting eaten and then following that up with the wall being destroyed that that was just like I remember watching that and I was just like holy [ __ ] um I think it's going I think it's going to be a long time before we get another series like Attack on Titan I feel like there is a big reason why Attack on Titan has taken over the anime Community there is a big reason why it blew up in the first place and it's one of the few anime that I think has actually matched the hype that it got uh because now in Attack on Titan season four I've talked a lot about how I feel they might be making a mistake with the later seasons and how they're being released but it is still a banger series all around uh hold on a second let me let me make sure I know what's coming up so I [Music] okay which one is it all right there we go [Music] Bible Bible is the best Bible is the best anime starter uh I hope you don't mean the blood of the black kind let's not talk about that but uh yeah Attack on Titan my pick for the best blind pick starter anime and if I didn't know anything about them um it's attacking Titan moving on to the next one okay of course of course there's gonna be a Shonen there is a reason why Shonen Jump shows have basically taken over everyone I've basically taken over as some of the most influential anime to come out of their generation [Music] and so it's kind of a cheat code because you could almost recommend any Shonen to anyone and they will probably like it they will probably you know Shonen Shonen is just a tried and tested formula so you could recommend any modern Shonen and you are more than you can make this entire list of just 10 Shonen shows right uh and that would be a respectful list but I only had one spot to fill and this is a blind recommendation like I said if I were to look at Shonen right now and pick out of the Shonen that I've seen what I think would be the best blind recommendation in the modern day and age ah this I'm not I don't want to share the next I don't want to show the next I don't want to share the next slide man I don't want to I don't want I don't want to try the next slide I don't I don't wanna I don't want to shut next slide okay out of every Shonen the one I think at this moment is the best blind recommendation is Jiu Jitsu Kaizen I said it I I said it okay I think I think it's the best blind recommendation right now okay okay there I [ __ ] I [ __ ] said it okay yes okay now we get the salt out now we get the salt out okay let me cook let me cook okay because this this is gonna be a long segment this is gonna be a long segment all right so like I said you can't really go wrong but the reason okay I'm gonna strike this off now obviously I really really want to put formative Alchemist Brotherhood here but I would be trolling because I haven't seen that but it would probably be Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood if I had actually seen this but um yeah but the reason I picked Jiu Jitsu kaisen is because out of all of the modern Shonen airing right now I think it's the perfect Middle Ground I think it's the perfect balance of kind of everything right uh you look at chainsaw man which I think does hit the ground running I think that's a very very good Shonen but I think that's a little too weird to you know if if I knew the person and I and I knew they were into like edgier and weirder stuff I'd probably go you know check out chainsaw man um something like my hero Academia is a little too safe in my mind that's that's a little too vanilla although it could very much work um so that means it was basically between Jujutsu kaisen and Demon Slayer and I think both could work really well I just think Jiu Jitsu Kaizen gets there a little bit faster because with Demon Slayer I don't think it really really starts to like start peaking until episode 18 uh that's when I mean that's when people really started to pay attention to Demon Slayer I think Jiu Jitsu kaisen even though I've said many times that I don't think judiciason in season one is the greatest showman of all time um I've even gone on record in my previous stream to say you know I think right now the it's a little bit overhyped uh with what with what content has been released but in terms of getting people into anime I think it's the uh I think that it shows everything that a good Shonen should show in its first few episodes it gets it gets running pretty quickly um not as quick as something like chainsaw man in my mind but quick enough while still being safe but not too safe and that's why I think Jiu Jitsu Kaizen is right now the best blind pick Shonen you could recommend to someone and I think there's a reason for that as well uh juicy kaisen is one of the top selling manga and one of the tops uh one of the top selling Shonen Jump franchises uh in the last year um and I think it's basically between judiciason especially in Japan and Demon Slayer uh so if I couldn't pick Jujitsu Carson I'd probably pick Demon Slayer and I think there's a reason why both of those have sold the most worldwide globally there's a reason why they've made so much money and it's just because they are both safe shown in shows that is very very very easy to get into all right how was that how was that did I save it boys did I did I save it Rosa bro said bleach law [Music] all right all right saved saved all right I'm gonna gonna take a quick uh gonna take a quick toilet break uh because I've been talking for a while and I've been drinking a lot of tea uh so I'm gonna be right back and then we're gonna get to my other picks all right thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign and I'm back and I am back uh I did remember another point that I wanted to make as well I did try to make notes but when I'm live streaming I sometimes forget those um I am guessing that a lot of people would have put uh we we talked about Hunter Hunter before I think Hunter's is like one of my favorite shonins um another thing that I think juicy stands out about is it's flight choreography um and the this is something that both Jiu Jitsu glycin and Demon Slayer have done I think Jujitsu Tyson is a good mix of the Shonen battle choreography where it doesn't lean too heavily into the explanations and the powers aren't too complex yet yet because I've heard things from manga readers about juicy Tyson power explanations are but right now uh right now in the anime right now in the anime um it does a good mix of Show versus telling which is a big kind of off-putting factor for people who aren't into anime um if there's a lot of over explanations uh that can actually put a lot of the people I've tried getting you into anime off because they're they're like they don't get it they're like what why are they explaining everything and me Bucky fan JoJo fan I [ __ ] love that [ __ ] but um but it still has a little bit of explanation but not too much and the animation is obviously still really really [ __ ] good so that's why I picked juicy geisen next we go into psychological it can't all be about punches and fights and action all the time guys this one was pretty easy this one was possibly the easiest one because it's still going into this day it's [ __ ] Death Note okay I don't think anyone would argue about this pick monster no no come on man come on Monster there ain't no way I am recommending monster to someone as a first all right that's a slow burn it's amazing but it kind of is almost like a novel you know uh Death Note comes out of the gate storming like Attack on Titan it's still to this day has one of the best hooks in anime and it's pretty well paced as well you know it's pretty well paced for someone who doesn't have a lot of patience and just once like just once every needs to be hooked at every episode because definitely it's the kind of show where if you started at episode one or two um it will it will keep you watching it will it'll just like continually keep you watching um knocks a few point off because there are there there is some anime-esque kind of [ __ ] in there with the explanations but I feel like death notes kind of and this is mostly due to how well the directing is uh because who directed it again who directed it uh who's who's the goaded director ah [ __ ] it is um tetsu araki is that uh is that his name is that that's his name right that's his name tetsuo tattoo Iraqi okay I was right I was right I was right um tetsu araki who is a famed action director directed death note and even in some of the most see some of the scenes where they are over explaining stuff he manages to direct it in a way that is still compelling and catches your attention Okay I never knew watching someone eating a [ __ ] goddamn potato chip could be so epic I did not know that watching someone write names in a Death Note could grip me as much as it did and be as hype as it was because like whoa it is it it is weird that I can call a uh series like death note hype but but it is right right the music so [ __ ] over the top it's so in your face but in a series like death note where there's a lot of dialogue a lot of talking it just it enhances everything and it just like even in the generation of tick tock where we don't have an attention span at all I think Death Note still works really well I had a hard time because I had to pick one and I still think Death Note is the better pick on top of what else was fighting for the spot which is the first season of Promise Neverland uh like death note promised Neverland also has like a really really [ __ ] interesting hook and it is also one that is a page toner uh that keeps you watching every every episode um I I just think Death Note is Death Note is the uh Death Note is the better pick out of those two because I feel like death note has a stronger hook than promise Neverland but although you know what you can't really go wrong with either my pick is Death Note but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people also picked promise Neverland all right moving on action moving on to action uh obviously obviously uh people got ticked off brains man sometimes you just need to watch someone punching each other if they sometimes if you are scared they can't get into an anime like death note which is very dialogue heavy sometimes you need uh punching and explosions and uh it's [ __ ] one punch man there there is no better than uh who said boruto who the [ __ ] said boruto who said that who [ __ ] said that [Music] maybe uh maybe showing you boruto clips and being like okay this this actually never watch it never watch it but yeah in terms of pure action uh and an all-round Banger series and just like a short condensed package It's gotta be one punch man one punch man I feel works the best in this modern day and age just because of how oversaturated superheroes have become in modern culture um superheroes have taken over Hollywood for like the past 10 15 years or [ __ ] like that which is which is a big reason why there's so many action picks I could uh there's so many action picks that I wanted to that I wanted to put at the Forefront but I couldn't justify it over one punch man just because a lot of people some people might say that you need to understand anime tropes and Shonen tropes to understand one punch man I don't think that's the case because I think one punch man is a good comedy action series that satirizes just like just the superhero scene in general and I think a lot of people are going to understand the funny points in it just because of how how many superheroes that they've seen right now that parody superheroes too yeah that's what I that's what I mean um I feel like so I really wanted to put mob cycle 100 here because I think that mob cycle 100 is a better show in my opinion uh but again going into something blind I feel like one punch man is just easier to get mob psycho is more of like a character drama with a lot of Banger action where we get to see character develop over time um and I think uh and I think one punch man is um how can I say this because uh I'm just gonna [ __ ] say I'm I'm just gonna say this uh you know you actually need less IQ to understand one punch man so uh I think one punch man is an easier recommendation it's uh it got more fights uh it's uh it got more explosion uh every episode has uh a bag of fights and pretty explosions and pretty animation uh so I think season one of one punch man is it actually so uh four here I I have I I had a lot that I could uh that I could have put instead of one punch man it's like oh thank you very much we're dude for the five gift Subs uh yeah one punch man is just easier to digest so goon Lagoon and kill the kill are obviously great [ __ ] action shows and I've re and I wanted to put gear and lag on and kill a kill but holy [ __ ] talking about anime [ __ ] okay talking about having to wreck okay POV you're talking to your mum you're like Mom let's watch an anime together um I'm gonna put on kill the kill Mom I'm gonna put on gear and log on and uh yo and your mom's like oh why why are you so why why why are the girls not wearing any clothes why why is that girl in a in a uh why is that sniper in a bikini uh and uh why why why the uh what are the camera angles like that uh whenever she fires a sniper rifle why their boobs jiggling that much you know it's like I I think they're I think they are I think as a teen I think if you are to recommend anime to like a young horny teenager [ __ ] yes [ __ ] yes girl are gone uh girl and a gun killer kill all the [ __ ] way Get Hype get horny it's a banger but foreign foreign blind recommendation for any ages that there's a lot of people that I think wouldn't appreciate some of the assets that uh kill a kill and gorilla gone bring to the table so so that's uh there's that um Black Lagoon was also another one that I wanted to put on here um I'm going to be honest okay I recently rewatched Black Lagoon uh I really I recently re-watched a few episodes uh with Sydney on Black Lagoon because I'm like Black Lagoon that's such a banger show oh my God such good [ __ ] action I um I came to a really depressing it was such a depressing depressing realization right because the action scenes are still top tier I forgot how static every other scene was and the sand cap because I didn't want to admit it I really really did not want to admit it but if you don't believe me go re-watch the first episode of Black Lagoon and after watching modern anime you realize how much anime has evolved in this day and age where even if there are some static scenes uh in like the top tier action anime they're still like more things going on than just kind of like very minimal animation and just two people talking to each other and there's a lot of that in Black Lagoon and I'd forgotten that or I didn't forget I don't know if I'd forgotten that or I just didn't notice that at the time because at the time had [ __ ] Banger animation [ __ ] I had had such good animation had such good Aesthetics um I don't I still think it's a good show because of the action but as a modern anime fan you have to have much more patience to get through the limited animation outside of the action scenes of Black Lagoon it's still it's still a great show for me but it takes a lot more patience to get through and that really makes me sad to say I'm sad I'm very sad I'm very very [ __ ] sad okay and that was action moving on okay we we've uh we've got the action out the way okay we've got the Shonen we've got the action out the way okay uh not every show has to be Shonen or action um let's go to drama drama drama is a big uh a lot of people love drama drama is uh [ __ ] massive look at EastEnders the sunset EastEnders and um I had a hard time picking drama because there are so many good drama uh there are so many good drama shows that I could recommend what makes people feel the feels okay without being too over the top two anime and to me my drama pick uh that I would recommend to someone if they just want to feel something if they just want to feel emotions it is silent voice silent voice is a film but that's fine because there I I have no problems recommending films I actually think films are the easiest thing to recommend for newbies because it's such a small time commitment and I think that silent voice is not only one of Kyoto animation's best work it is not only one of the hardest hitting anime I think I've seen um but it's such a human story without going overly melodramatic it is it's not something like Clan ads I think where it's just like ah look at all these sad things happening you need to cry right now cry okay it's it's sad you need to cry a silent voice is just such a human story that depicts like it just it just depicts such uh such delicate emotions and such a delicate story and kid animation brought this story to life with this animation um the main girl emotes more while saying the bare minimum like more than more than most light novel characters who have 10 pages worth of dialogue um and I think the character animation in this is some of the best character animation um in all of anime just because of how many emotions you feel just by watching the main girl boruto has a motion too man we're gonna we're gonna keep we're gonna keep coming back to boruto aren't we we're going back to borrow so aren't we could stop we can we we can stop this right now we can stop this right now but yeah um I think silent voice is the best blind pick but there's there's a lot there's there's so many another one um another one I think here to animation is kind of goaded in this category uh because I really narrowed this down to a silent voice and uh violet evergarden Violet evergarden is also [ __ ] fantastic uh clanard no Clan ad no I actually would not put Clan ad on this list uh simply because I tried watching Clan ads and I couldn't [ __ ] get into Clan ad just because everyone told me oh yeah she saw you know okay it gets good and clown and off the story and I'm like bro that's like that's like one season away that's one whole [ __ ] season that's that's what I I can't wait that I can't wait that long so I can't wait that long to feel the feels because um one thing that I thought about Clan ad was they tried really hard they they tried really hard to pull on your heartstrings that first what I remember from Clan ad is just the [ __ ] starfish girl and uh just presented this [ __ ] starfish girl and it was just like look look at this adorable starfish girl isn't she sad look at look at look how sad look how sad this is and I'm like I'm trying a little too hard right now yeah honey you left the chips you didn't you opened the bag and you left it there without these so there you go oh these I didn't open this no I meant the tortilla chips I did yeah but I didn't scale I didn't open it all right all right thank you honey for the snack [ __ ] where was I no katachi is a movie though I mean I I I I I literally just said that I don't really care about movies but you like even beyond the movie I think onokotachi didn't even feel like a movie it felt like a it felt like a short TV series with its episodes back to back together you know um what was I saying yeah so Clan ads uh was a no from me unfortunately I also really wanted to put anohana on here as well uh I think that's a little too anime as well uh especially with the whole menma [ __ ] at the beginning uh it definitely pulls on the heartstrings and it definitely gets me to feel the feels but it's a little it's also a little too yeah emotions too damn it okay okay I get it okay thank you thank you LCS I get it all right thank you very much Phil officer for the 10 give Subs Charlotte that ain't no way ain't no way I'm putting Charlotte on there man ain't no [ __ ] way foreign like I said other other categories for this are Violet evergarden is also great I think though you know I think maybe Violet being accoutre is was also built a little too much of an anime Trope I think there's a lot of good in Violet evergarden I think silent voice was just a slightly more relatable story I think you can get any more emotional than Bucky oh then Baki I mean I was emotional during balcony I don't know if everyone else got emotional dream Bucky um and yeah uh uh where was I uh [ __ ] um your line April your line April also could have been in here again I think I just I just think silent voice is just the top tier contender for this category so my pick goes towards Violet's evergarden all right moving on sci-fi who said SAR oh God God [ __ ] damn it all right sci-fi is sci-fi is obviously I mean I don't know if it's still popular what I don't know what really I don't know if there are dedicated sci-fi fans as much as before but either way sci-fi is always going to be a massive part of anime and its history so I think that having a good Sci-Fi pick would be pretty good for a general audience and my pick for sci-fi goes to what no wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up hold up a second hold on what what the [ __ ] what Alan Alan Alan what have you done this is not what I said to put on the list wait hold on for a sec hold up [ __ ] I mean let me check that he actually put the right slide on there ah um um excuse me Alan excuse me uh yeah uh Alan are you getting your paydogs for that this is not this is not what's uh this is not what you get paid for Alan Alan thank you very much [ __ ] group project group projects MRI group projects am I right am I right guys [Music] okay so I have checked you out okay so I'll end this this is okay I this is uh this is Alan's little moment he wants to he wants to recommend Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway uh let me read this if a new fan watches it they can just quit anime straight after because nothing else will ever live up to Hathaway's flash alright thank you thank you very much Alan thank you very much all right let's uh let's let's give Adam a round of applause there let's give Alan a round of applause um but my pick for sci-fi is uh psychopath and this has been weighing on my mind recently uh I've wondered how well this is aged I actually started re-watching psychopass three days ago three days ago I really watched Psychopaths just to make sure that it's still aged well and to me the first season of psychopass has still aged wonderfully um we don't get many sci-fi shows with the kind of like Banger ideas that Psychopaths presented to us back in the day and I would say that it's it's oh like I would say that as as the world moves into a more AI integrated world uh as the world moves uh as a grow World grows more and more uh reliant on social media I rewatch Psychopaths and I'm like [ __ ] me this this is here this is hitting different man this is hitting different because I'm like some of these stories and some of these ideas presented might seem more relevant today than they did when it first came out kind of like Lane in that sense you know um it's it's a banger series it has great action it has wonderful ideas and I think it still is I still I still think it's relevant in this day and age it's just on IRL Easter guy what the [ __ ] are you actually talking about what are you talking about this is look look okay okay okay okay um I I don't see it huh huh what are you talking about sir I I like finding Issa Guy where is the guy has no right existing but even I don't see any connection uh any connection between Psychopaths and an iro isakai would you uh would you care to enlist me on what you've been smoking my guitar because that must be some good man um but no like Psychopaths to me especially season one uh the reason I put is put it on this list is because I think it has one of the best villains to come out of anime uh especially since it's a modern uh anime original it doesn't have a manga counterparts in my if if I might be wrong on this I might be wrong on this um hell no Bebop bro okay we'll get we'll get to that because that was that was also a contender uh that was also a contender for this um how no Bebop uh I think sport I'm gonna spoil I'm gonna spoil the rest of my list I did not put Cowboy Bebop on my list I did not put cardboard Cowboy Bebop on my list not because I don't think it's good I think Cowboy Bebop is a bait pick in this modern day and age for a um yeah I I think it's a bait pick in this day and age for uh um for a Gateway anime okay uh I think one of the big reasons it worked so well back in the day and one of the reasons it worked so well on Adult Swim was because it was an episodic show was because you could tune into your television at any time and it didn't really matter what episode was on TV at the time uh you could uh you could you could get invested in what was happening because it was an episodic show every episode was basically self-contained aside from just a few episodes I think in this day and age people with streaming platforms with Netflix with the whole Advent of the modern media landscape people want ongoing stories episodic shows have become the outlier there's still a space for them right there's still a space for them but there ain't nowhere near the same amount of space as they used to be when media was dominated by television um I don't mind that for true but you're right yeah I mean I don't think Cowboy Bebop is a bad gateway anime at all um a lot of people quote it still I just don't think it's the best and I think there are a lot of better choices you can say other than Cowboy Bebop for a Gateway show um just because there are a lot of episodes that it's it's like it's quality is from good to great but episode quality really much depends on the episode that you're watching at the time um some some episodes are 10 out of 10 bangers and some are like seven out of ten um and I don't know if having an episodic show I don't know if people will have the patience to go out and Marathon Cowboy Bebop to find those 10 out of 10 Banger episodes because I think the first 10 out of 10 episode happens like episode 5 or something like that I think something like psychopass has an ongoing storyline um and has a better hook than Cowboy Bebop does in my opinion Steins Gate oh oh I knew I knew people would want me to put Steins Gate on here tell me tell me how are you gonna how are you gonna get normies past the first 12 episodes of Steins Gate all right let me let me how are you how are you gonna do that because not only is the first half of Steins Gate much slower than the rest of than the second half but uh how much anime [ __ ] is there in there how much anime you you hear it you hear it you know you show it to your [ __ ] uh show to your cousin and they're like why is that girl going what the [ __ ] is up with that you know like uh it's the the entire point of Stein's gay is that it kind of sets around kind of like utaku and Akihabara culture at the beginning there's a lot of Internet references that's a lot of like two Chan memes and [ __ ] uh I can't remember his name but one of the guys is a little oitaku who can't who won't stop quoting internet memes I'm like this is not good for the Casual viewer it's good if you're into internet culture but it's not good if you have no idea if you don't spend a lot of time on the internet all right so uh Steins Gate is actually a no from me which is it's it's obviously a good it's obviously a good show um I I think it's a good second tier recommendation once they're already into anime and already into like Japanese culture it's a good second tier recommendation but unlike first tier of starter anime I would I would say I would say no to Steins Gate no one talking about Carolyn Tuesday I think calendar Tuesday is also really [ __ ] good it's a really good recommendation I don't I don't know if I would uh it's not the best anime but it's it's it's if it was like Carolyn Tuesday I also consider putting on this list I don't know if it's good enough I don't count on Tuesday is I was personally disappointed By Carolyn Tuesday it's a solid show but I don't think it's a banger show and I feel like you need to be if we're trying to get someone into anime it needs to be like a Banger Banger series and it's a little it's just it's to me it's just a solid show that didn't live up to the that didn't live up to the potential that it could have had uh what other sci-fi have I missed uh Ghost in the Shell I just think psychopath is a better blind recommendation than Ghost in the Shell uh uh what else did I put down here [Music] uh Vivi Vivi again is a solid solid show I don't think it should be good enough to be someone's first recommendation it is a very very solid show um I don't I just don't think it's top tier first you need to drop everything you're doing and watch VV kind of recommendation space brothers that's space Brothers is a little bit too slow a little bit too slow in my opinion uh Trigon might be Trigon try gun yo they cooking trigon's cooking uh two things though [ __ ] 3D orange is uh Studio orange is killing it with their 3D but God damn if is it hard to recommend to go over that hoop and recommend 3D to someone baby it's it's uh it's uh Akira yo baits bait another another bait pick uh I think Akira has aged wonderfully in terms of his animation holy [ __ ] but in term like I put Akira in the same kind of category as I put Ghibli films because I've met so many people that have watched Ghibli films and have watched Akira um and have no interest in continuing their anime Journey just because it was like just because the story was just like it was it was it was all right I would have liked it um obviously it was groundbreaking for its time thought the story was mid Ah that's that is that is my that is my one hot take for the day that is that is my that is my one hot take um I I think um I think the story is not as interesting as other sci-fi anime in his counterparts dog water tank he said the thing he said the thing uh but I do think the animation has still aged wonderfully but that's why my top sci-fi pick what about Neon Genesis Evangelion get the [ __ ] out get that guy come on come on go that's a hard enough recommendation for anime fans let alone non-anime fans really are you are you serious right now Neon Genesis Evangelion I can't even recommend that to my mates [ __ ] [ __ ] Joey all right moving on two of course Romance romance romance Romance where do we go with Romance and guys okay this this was actually out of every category this was actually Far and Beyond the hardest one this was Far and Beyond the hardest one I had to uh I had to choose from because if I'm being honest I don't know if there is a good like a good romance that fits fits all because the problem with a lot of anime romances is that they are set in high school and it focuses mostly on like Teenage romances right it's mostly like there's a lot of harems out there which is immediately going to put people off and there's just a lot of teenage romances in there that kind of just kind of just like eh eh you know um I like I like I like a lot of romances but it would be hard to you know try to recommend someone to get into uh to get into that genre just from that one pick especially if they're an older gentleman or Lady it's kind of hard so of course I tried to pick something more mature uh so of course my pick is domestic girlfriend baby let's go let's go it's domestic girlfriend ah what can I say mature romances where they sleep with each other um it's uh it's uh it's basically the same kind of starting Romance it's uh basically the the [ __ ] um the dramas that your mom dad will know it's it's not domestic girlfriend it's actually your name um I honestly could not think of a better vanilla [ __ ] vanilla basic pick other than your name it's and it is it's hard I I'm I'm still not I'm still not 100 happy with this pick because it's uh it's hard uh like I said the the problem with a lot of romances in anime is one I try to avoid like a lot of anime [ __ ] and I just think okay so your name has your name's not all about romance there's still like a romance aspect in there which I feel could get people hooked um and interested to explore the genre a bit more um romance is just a lot of a heart romance is just a much harder sell than a lot of other genres in anime um and I feel the reason for that is Showbiz bro we all want to ride dog our gamer rigs no not show bits have you forgotten bro have you forgotten uh have you forgotten how they are turn uh how Qi gets turned on who beats the romance in Bucky SMH okay actually actually kind of cooking uh I got kind of cooking there uh powering up with sex all right can't think of anything better than that but your name is kind of just the most inoffensive romance pick I could think of um it has romance aspects to it but obviously there is a bigger plot line going on as well it's got a lot of pretty colors and some absolutely beautiful scenes in the film um and I think he has a chance to get people interested into the genre if they liked the romance aspect out of that because it does play an aspect in that as well um it's like the problem with a lot of romances is that you need a lot of patience right so my my first pick that I wanted to put here was actually um Team to adulthood romance Toradora the most well-known romance Love is War best romance LOL yeah okay so I wanted to put uh first the first things that came to mind were kagia summer and Toradora and um as much as I love both of those shows they are still very you know kagia summer is still very anime trophy it's set in high school there's a lot of like anime overthinking [ __ ] that happens in the romance and I think or Tomo Chan would be my picks here um and I and I think I just wanted to pick something that was not too not too anime Central in my mind Tama Chan that's that's a weak pick I haven't I haven't actually seen votesikoi that might actually be a better pick uh but uh does watch have an ending there's voice call have an ending or is it just like season one right now don't bully me nagatoro ain't no way man ain't no [ __ ] way but look the point the point about this is I don't I don't think this is the best like romance anime foreign Beyond at all no it is not um I'm trying to get people kind of like interested into it and uh your name is a [ __ ] amazing pick for any starter anime or any person um where was I going with this uh what was I talking about before uh Car gear summer that's it summer um it's a bit too anime same with Toradora holy [ __ ] uh uh tiger is toot Cinderella Man tiger is too [ __ ] tsundere to introduce to someone who doesn't understand anime oh my God man tiger is uh way too [ __ ] tsundere how about nodame contabile no dummy cantabile I haven't actually finished that uh that to me uh that's me is also a little bit slower um that to me is also a little bit too slow which is kind of like my problem with a lot of romances uh not not my problem it's that's what makes it a harder sell for someone who's not interested in anime and someone who's not interested in Romance romance is already hard enough to sell for someone that's into anime you show a Shonen fan you try to get someone uh who's into showing it into romance and it's like it's like you know you know that Meme where it's that guy talking to a brick wall that's what I feel like sometimes when I'm trying to talk about my favorite romances um and I also really so I also really really wanted to put golden time in here golden time to me is my would like not only my favorite romance but my favorite romance that I feel that I feel could appeal to a wider audience that aren't interested in high school romances and want a bit more of an adult take on to it but [ __ ] ghost boundary man I don't I don't know I don't I that's such this ghost binary is such a big [ __ ] War to overcome that I I I was like oh oh no is this is this the pick I don't know I don't know if I could [ __ ] my way past ghost memory I don't know if I could do it man I don't know if I could [ __ ] do it so I'm not out of every pick out of everything this was Far and Beyond the hardest category I could think of and I landed on your name but I think part of the big reason why romance is not as popular uh genre as other genres in anime is just because it's just a much harder sell and there are just not as many good romance anime options as there are other animations next door spoils me rotten kinda good shrug Angel next door I did not like Angel next door man it's that was uh that was just uh yeah hey guys you got you got the perfect wife you got the perfect wife next door and uh What uh with that was that though okay was that the one where the guy found the Girl by giving her an umbrella I'm not like I'm not uh I'm not uh I I want to make sure that that's the right one okay okay okay good good yeah yeah I didn't really like it personally maybe as time goes on I'll find a better pick but that's that's the best one that I can think of right now all right moving on to just uh just a nice feel-good anime when it comes to like blind anime recommendations sometimes you just need something that is just a safe pick all around something you can watch with the entire family okay like P like think about it so let's not forget the all-time best to love Rue [Laughter] okay now you're trolling now you trolling okay think about it um you're at you're out okay okay you you guys need to stop now you guys need to stop okay so picture it you are you're you're at a family gathering or something you're at a family dinner it's Christmas or something and you just want to put something on TV and it's just inoffensive to all ages um no matter no matter what type of person you are and uh everyone will come out feeling good um it's spikes family it's it's got Spike's family is the most out of everything the safest and most inoffensive pick out of everything I can think of in this list it's got a little bit of action it's got a lit it's got a little bit of romance it's got some it's got a cute anime daughter in it and every episode you come out feeling this warm fluffy feeling that no one can actually complain about is it the best anime of all time no but is it an anime that you can put on at any time any day in any situation and have the same effects yes this is that show this is this is the safe pick kind of show foreign boring I don't I don't even think it's boring because I think uh I think what separates Spike's family from let's say your typical Slice of Life kind of like your Slice of Life show and the reason why you know it's kind of it's kind of publishing and Shonen Jump is because it has that interesting you know Mr and Mrs Smith kind of like dynamic between the family so it has like it has enough of a hook to have like an interesting Dynamic uh which is which is which is what keeps people like watching it's just like oh oh is Lloyd's actually going to complete his mission um are they actually going to infiltrate the school correctly it has that it has enough of a hook even though if you look at what Spike's family is it's nothing it's nothing of what the it's nothing of what the show is about um spice family is possibly like the best just all-around family-friendly show if I were to put on something that is good for all the family funnily enough it is spikes family prison school though my favorite family friendly show oh Oromo another family-friendly show thank you very much thank you very much um so I think that's the best pick uh for this category um I was really really debating between this and King's ranking which I feel like King's ranking is another show that is also a really really [ __ ] safe pick f f did I disconnect hello did I did I disconnect or are you are you saying F2 are you saying F to the pick [Music] no no okay okay okay good good just uh just just wanted to check okay um I was really debating against this and King's ranking because both uh King's ranking I think has that he's having a cozy time with all the family around watching Bucky together thank you very much um I think King's ranking has that kind of like fairy tale aesthetic and it's just it's a really really good story as well it's it's a really really good [ __ ] story um it can get a little bit dark at times and that's not that's not exactly bad uh if you look at some of the stuff that happens uh it can get pretty [ __ ] up at times does that make it a bad show absolutely not um is it always feel good unhappy and wholesome also absolutely not uh which is why Spike's family kind of edges that out just a little bit for me for like the safe pick that you could just put on at any time so that is it from me nichijo a little bit too anime for me a little bit too over the top but also a great pick also a great pick um like I said all of you like all of everything you guys are recommending are great shows they are they are all [ __ ] fantastic shows um cute girls doing cute things have been striked off this list just because like I said we are going for someone who is not into anime um and that's hard enough for already someone into anime you know that's that that's uh that's unpopular enough as it is guys as it is Bocce maybe no no no nochi Bocce again is two is two anime what it's too it's if if something is overly Maui if something is overly mowed to me that is like in the same category as something being overly horny in anime you know known people are just aren't gonna get that normal people are just gonna just gonna be like what the [ __ ] is this you know all right moving on all right one of the hardest things that I had growing up was trying to get trying to convince my parents that anime was a medium worth getting into so I've split up the next category into two okay one for mum and one for Dad right so you have one shot okay you okay imagine this you're you're in your room your parents walk in and you're like why are you watching these weird Chinese cartoons what why wouldn't what you're still watching cartoons at your age why are you watching cartoons come on come on kid what are you what what are you doing and you're like Mom Dad I will convince you I will [ __ ] convince you Mom Dad all right I'm let's let's watch something together we I'm going to sit you down and you have one shot one opportunity to convince them that uh that uh that time that they walked into you uh watching Baki monogatari um that that's uh that's uh that you weren't watching some weird uh hentai porno [ __ ] um that this is actually a cool medium um and uh they don't think that you're a weirdo okay you have you have one shot you have one [ __ ] shot and so let's start with the dad if I had to pick one show to sit down and appreciate and make my dad appreciate anime while also kind of like an anime I think would appeal to the dads out there villain Saga It's gotta be it is gonna be villain Saga man it's this what Dad would not [ __ ] love Finland Saga not only because it's a [ __ ] goaded show man it is such a goaded show but number one Vikings all right Vikings [ __ ] it's so it's it's all you need to say is Dad Dad Vikings uh and uh who's not who's not gonna think that that's cool already it's it's who's not gonna think that that's cool but once they start it once you start watching with your dad uh it's uh you know having interviewed the creator of villain Saga myself as well um having interviewed the creator of villain Saga as well um there are so many themes of fatherhoods in Finland Saga um that like thorofin himself has like basically multiple fathers he has uh he he has basically multiple fathers uh Prince can you say as well we could see the Father Figure in his life as well which definitely was not his own father his own King you know is this the new I work for the BBC yo I've said that once I saw I've said that once or twice at most guys come on come on come on guys come on but obviously the Creator said that he he himself is a father and that's why he's put a lot a lot of themes of fatherhood in the entirety of Finland Saga um and I feel I feel that's just going to resonate with anyone who's our dads I'm not a dad so I can't personally resonate to that but even though I'm not a father [Music] yet seeing the father figures develop in like a lot of characters in Finland Saga that that made me that made me want to call my [ __ ] dad man that's uh yet yeah I'm not a father yet man what can I say what can I say man um I mean yeah some of these scenes maybe want to pick up the phone and call my dad and just wanted to uh wanted just to make me say Dad [ __ ] appreciate you man let's uh let's go out Let's uh let's go share a point together let's uh play some footy play catch together whatever you know it just it it just hit um some of these scenes just hit home for me in that sense and I and I think that there won't be a single dad that's not going to appreciate some of the stories that are in Finland Saga aside from it being just a banger series all round um and of course what else do I what else can I say TBH I think my dad will like do it yourself more uh do it yourself also that could also be a good pick actually ironically I think that could also be a good thing that's uh I'm not gonna say no I'll beat my way but you know what you know what with it with enough carpentry I I think I think your dad can look over that I I think the carpentry can go would get him in that that's a good pick um where was I uh uh I forgot what I was saying thank you ADHD um something oh yeah um what more is there than I could say about villain Saga aside it also has one of the biggest Giga chats in all of anime askalot ask a lot himself the [ __ ] Chad yes I mean this is this is a good blind recommendation anyway but it would be especially good especially good for all the fathers out there uh which brings me to all the moms out there what would you watch with your mum and to me it came between two and I had to pick between the one that hit Me Harder uh but to me it's wolf children wolf children hit me slightly harder than Makia did uh it was between wolf children and machia for the two ones okay okay aside from this one scene Alice tried to throw me here Allen's tried to troll me here with the one [ __ ] scene of uh the mom getting with the wolf but I'm not gonna make any judgments Maybe your mom might like that [ __ ] who knows maybe maybe she's into that [ __ ] maybe maybe you don't want to know that but uh laughs but [Music] I think I think um the reason the reason I picked War children was because of uh because of because of one seed in general and you know I said this might be more suitable for mums because obviously it follows the story of a mum raising her kids as a single mom um sorry as a as a widowed mom but um the one scene because I know this and I showed this to my parents um is is that scene where it's just it's just a montage of when she gets pregnant and uh all the all the events leading up to her pregnancy to her birth and the family trying to take care of them um and it has no dialogue it's just a montage with music and I think it's one of the most beautiful montages target attacks and I'm gonna ignore that and it's one of the most beautiful montages in anime I think it is such amazing filmmaking and you don't even need to show them the entire film you can just show them that montage and uh my mom my mom started crying my mom started crying my mom cried I've shown my mum wolf children and my mum cried multiple times during it um I think it's a little it's it's funny because it's a it's a it's a show it's a film about children uh it's a it's a film about uh a woman that's had daughters with a wolf man but I still think it's just slightly more grounded than machia um and it hits slightly harder for any moms out there but my my backup pick was machia my backup pick was machia um both amazing amazing amazing films and I'm sure any Mum would appreciate you showing either film to her but my pick goes to wolf children also amazing and also both amazing uh amazing films in general is this inukai but where are some oh my God why are you gonna say that why are you gonna [ __ ] say that bro bro you can leave you can leave right now all right I'm gonna take a quick toilet break I'll be right back guys [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right and I am back and uh I'll be honest I couldn't really think of um I couldn't really think of any more categories so I was like I was like wild God baby why not why not wild card let's [ __ ] go uh this is just this is just one I wanted to recommend and I have recommended a few times um and I think has aged wonderfully uh even though it might be a little bit of a harder sell than the rest of the shows but I've showed this to a lot of non-anime fans a lot of my mates who are not into anime and they [ __ ] loved it it's it's such such an amazing world and unique anime it's [ __ ] buccaneer Baccano um bacono goes past that anime [ __ ] uh and the one thing is that the one thing that makes it a little bit of a harder sell is that they need to use their brains for this because it is it is pieced out of order but as soon as you mention just go into this imagining it is a Quentin Tarantino film that's been spread out it's either like imagine this is either Quentin Tarantino film or a guy Richie film that's been spread out into a whole TV series and I'm like okay I get it um and there's not been a single person that has not enjoyed the [ __ ] out of barkano the big problem with me recommending bacono is that I have a hard time finding another anime to recommend to them once they've watched by once they've watched barceno uh because I think dorara um is like of course in structure is very very similar to bacono but drara is totally different in terms of like um the setting and the tone Buckner is just pure chaos it's pure fun it's Madness and it's all of that set in like a 13 to like 16 if you count the over day uh if you count the ove um episode packages uh and and I just think it's I just think it's one of the strongest pick to recommend that's to recommend to someone that's just not interested in anime at all and you just want to recommend them a banger show that they could appreciate even if they're not into the anime culture uh I also um other shows that could go go on here uh cyberpunk Edge Runners I that could have also gone in the Sci-Fi category I think cyberpunk is a little bit more of a wild card uh cyberpunk Edge Runners also a show that is so easy to recommend that actually might be easier than bakino because it's available on Netflix uh this is just my this is this is just my this is just my buyer showing if I if I had to pick cyberpunk Edge runners or buccano I would actually pick bacono because I think I appreciated buccano a little bit more but cyberpunk Edge Runners is still um if I wanted to get someone into Studio trigger shows I wouldn't show them Guru and Lagan or kill or kill I would start off with cyberpunk Edge Runners and then I'd be like yo you like that art style you like you like you like that you like the hype you like the Bangor [ __ ] uh one then then we can get into kill the kill and uh guren Lagan then then that goes after that oh and yeah that was my pick that's like I said like I said at the beginning of this list uh that was my pick that was my 10 blind picks for someone if I knew nothing about them would be the 10 shows I wouldn't even put 10. I would pick like one of these shows uh to recommend to them uh these are the 10 shows or movies I would recommend to someone knowing nothing about them or nothing about their taste at all would I refine my list if I knew their Taste of course I would hell yeah um but I feel like that's a pretty solid list that is that is more likely to get someone into anime than Michael B Jordan's Naruto one piece bleach Hunter Hunter and Dragon Ball nowadays no sports wardner sports sports does not get a pass here um Sports Anime is a hard enough sell Sports Anime like you girls doing cute things um is a hard enough sell to people that even watch anime it is it is guys it is because because the one thing you always have to contend with about Sports Anime is if they're a normal if they're a normal person they'll be like why would I want to watch a Sports Anime if I could just watch sports if I could just watch sports and here's the thing with a lot of normal people uh because Sports Anime is super super anime in its like structure in the fights in the monologues um that can actually put a lot of people off that actually like sports I know more people that like Sports Anime that have no interest in sports then do actually like sports and still watch Sports Anime you know that's uh that's that's that's what I found ping pong the animation I don't even count ping pong the animation as a Sports Anime yeah they're two they're two very different viewings all right um so that's the list I came up with sitting on my beds at uh sitting on my beds at [ __ ] uh I literally made this list at 1am and I sent this list to Alan um I did have a bit more I did wanted we we have we have some bonus rounds um this is like this is I didn't I could have done way more uh I could have done way more genres than this [Music] um but I honestly just didn't have the time uh but I was like I gotta do Easter guy I I gotta do this guy okay say say you've shown them save shown them the first tier of anime say say you've shown in the first tier of anime right and you you might want to get them into some genres that might be there might be uh that might be a little bit more anime-esque that you might be trying to test the waters to see if you can bring them down with you into hell um and to me isakai it's re-zero it's it's gotta be re-zero uh there it's it's a little the thing that makes re-zero hard to recommend uh to someone that's not into anime culture it's a little bit light novel-esque but one of the big things that it has going for it that a lot of isukai don't is that it has the hook it has that [ __ ] hook right at the beginning right it has the hook right at the beginning that just hooks you into this kind of like story world um and it's got that whole like time travel Loop aspects which I feel a lot of the times people need that hook to get into a new genre and I feel re-zero has the strongest hook out of a lot of e-cigar that I've seen it has the strongest hook um next we have high school of course high school is going to be a massive massive part of anime um it's kagya Sama kagia summer I feel I feel is just the perfect high school anime uh we I I wanted to put this into romance and like I said biggest reason is the real test yeah DxD DxD we'll go to that we'll get we'll we'll get to that we'll get to that there's a category for that there's a category for that um High School obviously a big part of anime if you get into the anime culture there is no uh there is no avoiding High School you're going to have to you're going to have to encounter High School whether you like it or not at one point in your anime watching time and I feel like I get Osama Love is War is the best introduction to that it's the all-arounds best it's a good show um it has a lot of high school Antics and one thing that I love about kagya summer is that even though it's even though it's like the main driving force of this is of romance as the series goes on it kind of feels like you're emulating having friends and hanging out in a high school setting and you're just feeling and and you're just seeing your friends doing dumb shits yes I said I was parasocial to the high school sorry yes I did just say I was parasocial to the cargo summer With Love is War cast but so help me God so help me God okay I'm just that attached to them I'm I'm attached to them okay I that's why I keep coming back to kagis I'm lovers for I am just that invested into the cast of Target summer cute girls doing cute things is a hard hard sell but I can only recommend what got me interested in this genre because we don't go straight into the deep end of cute girls doing cute things we need to like we need to just show them a little bit a little bit of the taste of what cute girls doing cute things uh can do um and that's a place further than the universe uh it's not going too deep into the Moe Slice of Life genre it has cute girls doing cute things but it also has an ongoing plot line as well there is a goal at the end and I feel like because it does have an ongoing plot line a structure it just makes it easier to recommend than a lot of other shows that might just be like completely completely Slice of Life ah all right Bocce The Rock could also take this place but I think that a place further in the universe is just a slightly easier cell and a slightly let's say let's say you want to get them warmed up to the genre I think this is an easier this is a better way to get them warmed up to the genre before they fully dive into it [Music] all right and last of all what the [ __ ] Alan you're [ __ ] God [ __ ] damn it Alan God [ __ ] damn it oh God oh my God all right all right my boys you want to check how good of a mates how how close you are to your mate all right you wanna you wanna test the waters all right are they uh secret degenerate they might seem like a normally they like they might seem like a normal functioning member of society on the outside but uh maybe uh maybe they have a little degenerate side to them you know maybe maybe you want to test the waters um and you want to see ah are you actually uh a degenerate do you uh do you partake in the degeneracy and there is uh there is one show uh and uh in the sea of degenerate anime if you want to see if your mate can appreciate degeneracy the classic baby it's the classic High School of the Dead it's the goats it is the goats the goat baby there is no touching high score for the dead in just in just uh guns and boobs it's it is still one of my favorite etchy shows to this day it is it's just [ __ ] goaded and it's aged wonderfully it still looks better than most etchy shows airing nowadays and uh also the etchy scenes are top tier the action scenes are also top tier it's this is it this this is it guys I would not recommend any other show a Beyond High School for the dead if you want to test the waters and you want to see if your mates can appreciate the generacy that is it that is it Alan I don't know why you put this GIF on because we're probably gonna need to censor on YouTube man read read your video oh my God I feel I feel I I feel so bad though because um so it's it's so funny because I was like obviously obviously my family now know that uh obviously my family now know that uh I'm I'm into anime I'm an anime fan I do anime content uh and I think about five six years ago my cousin who is an absolute Normie I've uh my cousin who's like a brother to me he's the closest thing I have to an older brother and I've tried getting him to anime so many times I've tried sitting him down but we've never had the opportunity to sit down and uh just watch anime but he's tried twice to get into anime and okay attempt one attempts one I recommend the show called Attack on Titan as it's on my list it's on it's on the list and he's like and he's like oh okay I'll give that a watch do you know what he does you know what he [ __ ] does he comes back to me about six months later he goes yeah I watched Attack on Titan and I was like oh did you enjoy it and he was like well the uh the uh the uh the cartoon version wasn't available on Netflix at the time uh but I saw like the live action version available so I just watched that I just like no no cry you want you're this close you're this funky close how could you how could you be so close to scoring but miss so [ __ ] bad how could you do that and so I was like okay he was like ah I didn't really it was like I didn't really like it it was kind of ridiculous kind of funny to me and I was like no no please please give give anime a chance please I'm begging I'm begging you I'm begging you please give anime a chance ah and um comes back to me six months later and he's like I gave anime a chance now a bit of bit of background of my cousin um he is as much of like as much of a normal person as you could um as much of a normal person as you could be he loves he loves Marvel movies but at the time he was into HBO series and he was really really really into The Walking Dead and other zombie movies and all like the zombie shows and movies that Hollywood and uh TV um TV companies are putting out back then uh sorry he was like ah I'm kind of on a zombie binge right now Let's uh try and find an anime that's also a zombie show what do you think what do you think pops up what do you think pops up what what do you think pops up guys what do you think is the second no the F actually technically the first anime he ended up watching is [Music] and I and I can confirm guys I can confirm he's not a degenerate he's he's he's a normal functioning member of society he's he he uh he watched uh he comes to me and he goes yeah I watched High School for the dead um it's all anime like this is because I just wanted to watch a zombie movie but I didn't I didn't get why uh I didn't get why all the girls were like that why why was like the animation like that on all the girls drawn like that I don't get it and I was like I'm not gonna I'm never gonna get another chance I'm I'm never gonna get another chance oh one day one day third time's a charm right guys third time's the charm he's given me two he's given he's given anime two chances uh unfortunately we live in different countries so I can't like I can't like physically sit him down and put on something for him I just have to trust that he actually listens to what I say and uh doesn't just go off his uh gut instinct which uh has uh proved uh which has proved him wrong many times but that was it that was it [Music] thanks for watching guys no sword Art online today um yeah if you're watching this on YouTube look uh please subscribe smash the like button and stuff right guys uh um good good starter anime yeah yeah High School DxD yeah all right that's been it for me for today I've been gigock and I'll see you all next time bye bye that was my YouTube outro and uh that was it that was my list of uh starter anime and some more anime [ __ ] out there all right now you're free to judge I've I've I've shown my I've shown I've shown my taste out there now you you guys are free to judge I've done I've done enough judging of other people's lists now you can you now you are free to judge my list oh all right guys what'd you guys think what do you guys think Chad what do you guys think seven out of ten I'll take it I'll I'll take a seven out of ten I'll take a seven out of ten all right on a scale of on a scale of Joey's opinion of Jiu Jitsu kaisen to uh on a scale of Jerry's opinion to jujitsuka no on a scale of my opinion on Cross to Joey's opinion on Jujitsu Tyson uh to Conor's opinion on jojo where does it land on the scale where does it land on the scale it's decent it's decent [Laughter] all right I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it all right uh I didn't think that that list was gonna go on for two hours I did have some other things planned um I thought that was gonna be why do I always [ __ ] do this I was like okay I'll schedule in an hour for this list and I do a [ __ ] two-hour stream with talking about 10 shows how the [ __ ] do I do this um start a manga I think I I might I might do a star to manga next time maybe I'll do that maybe I'll just like did you guys enjoy that because um I I basically pitches to Alan and I was like I have an idea of taking because this was almost going to be a main Channel idea like two years ago or something and I'm like this is this is too easy this is this is too basic I don't really want to spend time on a main Channel video like this uh of just like recommendations and [ __ ] like that and I was like if uh I had the idea of like if I can't do on the main Channel maybe I could just take some of these ideas and just do it on stream where we can edit it down for the second channel so if you guys enjoyed that kind of content I'll probably do more of it I'll probably do more of it in a nutshell not just uh starter anime but just Anime recommendations uh different anime I want to talk about that I might not get the chance to talk about my main Channel start a hentai yo I'm not looking to get banned on Twitch man I'm not looking to get banned on Twitch reacts old anime Zone reviews I've already done that my guy you can watch that you can see that in my previous VOD channels uh and you can also see the highlights of that as well but it's been fun uh my dinner reservation is in 10 minutes so I'm surprised Sydney has not I'm surprised Sydney hasn't come down to ask me where I am at so I who is online right now no don't go this is my second stream today guys come on come on come on give me a break maybe I maybe I'll stream after I come out from dinner maybe it's Hong Kai time after I come back from dinner but uh who is is anyone online right now [Music] okay since I'm all right since [Music] I don't have time to stream honkai immediately I'll keep the honkai train going with uh okay code he'll be surprised he'll be surprised tell him tell him that I wasn't playing honkai Star rail for once you can you can tell them that you can tell him he's I've passed the Baton to him all right if you guys are looking for some honkai gameplay there you go there you go guys but anyway that's been it from me for today guys hope you enjoyed the anime stream I'll see you guys around bye bye guys [Music]
Channel: GiggukVODs
Views: 127,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7dj-Ao8l-zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 22sec (7882 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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