We rated the Top Ranked Anime's on MAL | Trash Taste #186

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I'm going to say the most my anime list anime man thing ever I love [Music] this what did you think I was going to I just had that Robert Downey Jr like oh my God hello everyone welcome back to another episode of trash taste I'm your host Joey and I'm with my weeb friends Connor and Gant because today we are going to be talking about anime how on brand that the anime man is hosting the anime episode of trash taste said no one so JY what are we doing today today uh we're going to be doing something very very simple you guys might know of a website called My anime list you know pretty well used by the online anime Community but did you know that my anime list is not only a website that is used to catalog the shows you've watched or but ALS this is not an ad by the way I feel like I'm in an anime man video right now I'm just good at explaining holy [ __ ] Joey still got it Joey still got it my anime list is not just the website where you can like catalog shows you've watched dropped plan to watch all that kind of stuff but they also have lists that are based on uh Community popularity uh so today we decided we're going to be going to the my anime list top 50 uh anime series of all time according to the people on my anime list and uh see if we agree or disagree with what is on this list cuz uh we all have I'm already I'm already like what the fu we all have differing opinions on it and this list does change quite frequently yeah I haven't seen this list in a very very long time I have not seen this list in a very very long time either so we decided to begin with we're going to start with the top rated and then uh see what the most and then after we go through the top rated we'll see what the most popular ones are and see see if there's any correlation between the top rated anime list of all time and the most popular anime of all time oh no no so I was going to say like to to discern the difference top rated is basically people can vote uh out of like 10 stars of like how good they're you know they thought the shows were and then they take the total average of that of everyone who voted on it and then put it on a top 50 most popular is people can I think on my anime list there's like a list of like where people can add anime to like their favorite shows and it's based on how many people how many users put it in their favorite shows list so it's a little bit different okay so I think for the top rated I think we should go through the list and see what our ratings would be after we discuss it to see let see if we agree or disagree or disagree I'm saying this thank God I'm wearing this comfortable ass merch for this list CU otherwise I don't know if I'd be ready to throw some heat I think it's off thing mer is on store anymore oh it's oh yeah F but if you were there when you were when it was available then you'll know how amazing this stuff why do we have it everywhere then uh you know just cuz it looks sick okay just looks good but don't worry there'll be more merch to come uh in the future so uh let's go let's check out this top anime series list um already already I I'm about to throw hands can I say that I this is my least favorite Trend in the anime Community when they when people like a show a lot a new show is airing like let's get it to the top of my anime list let's all let's all go and write 10 Stars uh and all it does is invite people to be like you guys are [ __ ] idiots yeah no I feel like here's here's the marketing strp right you uh you you make a new anime how do you gain hype you make a bunch of bots because at the time of this recording uh so freen has not finished airing about 12 episodes about halfway through at the time of this recording how the [ __ ] could it be and so here here's the threat you release a new anime make some Bots upvote your favorite anime it gets above full meta Alchemist Brotherhood people start talking about it free marketing it's the infinite hype glitch I mean that's where we are now so sad that that's the only way you can get people to start [ __ ] watching your show nowadays so do you I mean you're I think you're the only one of us who's currently watched the show yes I've watched the show and I've read the Manga as well I've also read theang yeah this is a great and uh it is a very very very good show I enjoying it a lot likewise yeah uh I don't think it's the best show of uh all time no I don't even think it's the best show of the year I would argue that it might not even be the best show of the season I think it's an incredibly solid show but I wouldn't even put it in the top 50 if I'm being complet what would beat at this season do you think potentially probably probably SK 2 uh which let's be real we're going to see eventually on this list we're going to see if freen is number one we're going to see it on this list but I mean I [ __ ] love freen I I don't want to I don't want to like make it seem like I'm [ __ ] on free are you just saying that this is this is overblown this is this is clearly recency bi because here's the thing that I don't uh I don't understand where people see like one or two episodes and then I remember when oshoko as well I don't know if this is going to be the list uh where one episode release and everyone was just like greatest anime of all time 10 out of 10 Masterpiece they said that about like chainsaw man as well I said that about like a lot of the big [ __ ] hype as [ __ ] shows right I feel like it's a right of passage for a show to get fully hype to beat full met Alchemist Brotherhood as the top rated show on Ma and every every hype new show needs to go through that right of passage yeah but like f Alchemist is the final boss yeah it really is it's like The Undefeated boss unfortunately you have to be afraid of the old man in the in the job surrounded by new kids cuz uh he probably knows what's up I I always like to say that for arham's Brotherhood is like the Ocarina of Time equivalent to anime you know where it's like it's this had like obviously people love it a lot of people claim it as a masterpiece like a 10 out of 10 show and there'll always be like that one new show that just you know people are talking about more people are trying to like yeah gets challenged as like the king but at the end of the day people are still going to come to that agreement in the long run of no but that's still the go yeah like I think free rent is a very very good show it has one of the best kind of like here's the biggest thing that surprised me about freerun which is you know it's kind of like it marketed itself as like a very emotional gripping show and then it has these Banger action scenes that just come out of nowhere what it reminded me was do you remember when you watch Like A Slice of Life C Animation Show like made Dragon or something and then out of nowhere there would just be this like [ __ ] Banger action scene that nobody asked for but nobody's going to complain about but they did not have to go that hard that is fre like Toro I was like this does not include this doesn't feel right in the show but I'm here for it outside of jit K uh this has some of the best action scenes I've seen all year and it's a uh and it's a [ __ ] fantasy show it's a beautifully written story beautiful show this is the top 50 list if you ballpark you making a top 50 would fre be in the top 50 no as I said earlier I absolutely love the show I love the manga I think it's a very refreshing show especially in this day and age but I I I just I don't think I'd even put in the top 50 top 100 maybe but not in the top 5050 I I would have Pro possibly top 50 it's too early to tell right now yeah I mean it's it's not even [ __ ] finished I hate this why do they do this I think I've caught up with the manga so I'm a lot further ahead in the story so I know what's to come in the anime but and I I love the direction that the manga is going in right now but like I just I don't know I feel like this is going to be one of those like solid shows that you'll remember for a long time but when you think of like the Pinnacle of anime yeah how can you call this the goat of anime when it's not even done right yeah my my biggest concern with free Ren right now is I'm afraid that the plot is going to drag I feel like it has such a good idea as an opening it's opening like kind of scenes and opening ideas are so [ __ ] good and they made me cry I'm wondering how long it can carry on with the idea of just like this being like a Immortal elf and seeing the eyes of like the world through this Immortal elf I'm seeing I I I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt and see and hope that it can continue being as good as it has been fantastic show please watch it but it's not number one not number one but right of passage you know let's talk about the real ghats I'm I'm happy cuz for the once in our life I can talk about anime that g hasn't this is this is okay then question to you uh since for metal Al's Brotherhood has been just like the the longstanding king of the minist list do you think it deserves to be the number one spot I'm going to put a trash taste uh and I'm going to talk about show I haven't seen and just uh completely uh just you know what's [ __ ] up is that you're so good about talking about anime you can probably say more about the show than I can I've watched I've watched the thing okay can I can I say my opinion all right so like it has some of like for its time it has some of the like best animation for like some of the fight scenes uh like that fight where Hughes does like the [ __ ] is it Hughes that's his name right okay I'm I'm just going to Contin talk that guy with see where the the fire guy oh yeah yeah no oh yeah Hughes is like the dad yeah right that's Hugh is the dad so like that was that was like he's such a cool character when did when did you think it became [ __ ] cuz if you're if you're a trash T randomly say [ __ ] I mean like I don't think he was [ __ ] I just think he was like overrated right okay so like the do mean the Edward Brothers um like you know they had some really really good writing did you call them the Edward Brothers is that not it's the El Brothers Edward is one character you know Edward Edward and alons Edward like Mario Mario Mario Luigi Mario yeah it's Edward Edward that's that's the brother the Mario Brothers which is what they are called the Mario Brothers right yeah it's Mario Mario and Luigi Mario so [ __ ] up yeah yeah the Edward Brothers Brothers um you know I think it started to fall off where you know with the dog scene uh the the dog scene Nina yeah Nina Nino whatever her name is the dog scene that was just that that was like they were trying too hard of course it was going to be sad of of course the dog scene was going to be sad guys God I feel like I feel like I'm reading r/ anime right now but it did have some Banger fights uh Roy Mustang popped off absolutely when he did the fire thing uh against one and then when he cries in the rain and he's like it's a bad day for oh that that that too that was that was oh s you know as is it kind of feels like it's like just saying like when you do a top food list of all time you're like pizza number one you're like yeah yeah I mean I guess I mean like that's like no one's going to say no but you kind of feel like you wish you had a more exciting answer for number one you know what I mean full metale Alchemist is it feels like such a complete experience uh in every way and it feels like it Nails everything it wants to do I definitely helped as well with Brotherhood to push it into that status of like I guess the the pizzza equivalent of anime where like everybody likes it and you can't really complain that it's your favorite is the fact that it came right after like the original Full Medal which had a bunch of problems which I watched that one first yeah right and so did I right and so like because you kind of had the not to say that the original full metal anime is bad or anything but they definitely fixed a lot of the issues the original had in Brotherhood and I think that whole like fixing the issues type of thing to make it more of a perfect package I think kind of shifted the way that people view Brotherhood in like as as a series by itself but like I don't know maybe this is just me but like to me Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is in a bit of a bias spot because this for a lot of people was the first introduction to anime right like I think when a lot of people think of like formale Al's Brotherhood or they think of like starting to get it does pay to be one of the first animes you watch you look at it with and obviously you know a lot of people are recommending it because they think it's a great show and I think it's also a great recommendation it is it's a safe recommendation here's the thing though okay let's say let's say freen didn't exist in this month or whatever and full met Alchemist is still on top can you name a show that deserves to be not not necessarily one that you like more but can you say can you put a show above Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood that deserves that number one spot that's the hard thing is you can't I can't personally think of a show yeah that I I think deserves to be high yeah if you take away all personal bias towards this show it really is the perfect show that anybody can watch right and you you could have watched 100 shows a th000 shows zero shows and you will most likely come out of Brotherhood being like that was a really good show because it is a really good show uh I personally wouldn't put it as number one but I think in terms of the overall anime viewing experience for every type of anime fan out there it is the safest pick and I and that's why I understand why it's the number one position okay question number two do you think that for met Alchemist Brotherhood would be as let's say as beloved came out now if it came out now because I think I think and this is me talking out complete speculation uh having not seen Brotherhood um I think that for Alchemist Brotherhood came out at the perfect time where we didn't have this whole not not exactly toxicity but the whole kind of like mid era of anime where you know what I'm talking about where where this is everyone has pure nice Nostalgia when they look at for met Alchemist Brotherhood cuz no one was really it came out at a time where anime fans weren't really as competing with each other as much as like they are now yeah they were just happy to watch any show at that point I think it also came out at a time when the internet was really allowing uh kind of to watch anime a lot easier uh and I think obviously people were looking for like the newest and greatest show yeah and I think it came out at a time that was literally perfect it came out in the in the anime era where everyone was just happy to meet anyone who liked anime yeah uh it it took advantage of the internet it it in English as well had a fantastic dub which immediately helped it uh with Western fans CU back then you know a lot of people watch dubs yeah and I think it's it's kind of in the same way for Lam's Brotherhood I think is a lot similar to Cowboy Bop in that sense where like the general I guess nities and like uh you know a claim that it got was mostly from Western fans right like obviously you know Full Metal Alchemist was huge in Japan when he came out as well obviously but Full Metal Alchemist is not talked about as fondly amongst Japanese fans as it is with Western fans that's true yeah I've never every time I talk about people with anime it never comes out yeah when you mention foral Alchemist they're just like oh I haven't heard that in a while you know it's it's kind of one of those shows where people look fondly back at it but they don't it's not in the constant you know Zeitgeist of talking about shows that were huge at the time it was just another at the end of the day I think to a lot of Japanese anime fans who are around when fall medal was around it was just another really solid sh in show yeah because I personally think that fullment Alchemist for the Western Community which is what my anime list my anime list is it came out at the perfect time and it was the complete package which was very rare for anime at the time um and it's now looked back you know back in the day the its biggest competition was probably something like the big three and the big three were just fighting against each other on who was most popular around the big three where we had and then on like the side kind of like place we had Full Metal Alchemist coming up being like hey this is another Shonen that is a complete package unlike these other big long running shownin and it's very well well written and it's finished and people will look back at that fondly yeah it also Al helps that it was only 64 episodes where if you compare it to the big three it was obviously for new anime Watchers it was a lot harder to get into Naruto or bleach or one piece of the time whereas for metal if you tried you could finish it in a few days know because I you know when it comes to the question of can I think of an anime that deserves to go above fil Metal Alchemist and I'm saying this having not like watched it but only come only knowing about its Legacy and thinking about if full met Alchemist Brotherhood came out today I think for met Brotherhood if it came out today it would have a similar reception to something like Attack on Titan to me Attack on Titan is the modern day equivalent of an anime package that is now it is a it is a complete package and uh you know now there is a lot more anime coming out there's a lot more competition to me as like an anime viewer I think Attack on Titan is one of the greatest modern anime to come out yeah and I think I think the only reason why Attack on Titan is not above formale Alchemist Brotherhood in this leag list is because it came out you know incrementally in multiple Seasons I kind of hate that this list doesn't like rate the whole series yeah if cuz if Attack on Titan was put under just Attack on Titan like one name on this list I think it would be above for medal I don't think so it would be very close because there are more there are more haters of Attack on Titan it's yeah it's not about like how you have but I think that's because it came out at a time where anime fans have become so much more critical so much more nitpicky with I think if Attack on Titan had had all wrapped up in 2012 it'd probably be up I think it'd be it'd be ahead of but also again I think yeah and I think as well like because like you know with Attack on Titan it did take such a long time and during that time the anime Community really shifted to being more nitpicky you know where manga readers would be very critical of the anime adaptations and just getting very you know looking at the finer details way too much I feel the only reason why people don't do that with Brotherhood because at the end of the day Brotherhood is not a perfect show like there are problems with it I think in my no one ever talks about it though but that's the thing and people but that's the thing people don't want to talk about it because it's nostalgic to so many cu I've never heard someone call for of Alchemist Brotherhood mid you know I I've just like I mean it's not it's a great [ __ ] it's not perfect but like I I think I think the biggest like thing between let's say for met Alchemist and Attack on Titan is for like for met Alchemist anime was never never reached the heights of popularity during that era as the attack on Titan era right and Attack on Titan number one had way more competition for high profile anime to go up against so you have this kind of like competitiveness between a big high-profile show that's released nowadays versus a big high-profile show that released back in the day and I think for that reason I don't think in the western anime Community we will ever get another show that will be looked at uh with as critical claim this Pro of concept right that this is a 13 14y old show and it's still highly regarded as one of the greatest shows I've ever made they don't have a skin in fortnite so uh and Tian do so yeah yeah who's the real winner yeah Wake Me Up When alons is [ __ ] shling what okay number three though I've always been shocked that Stein gate was this highly rated because I [ __ ] love Stein gate don't get me wrong but I just don't see it as a show that has just as much of mainstream appeal as Brotherhood I don't think this is mainstream though this is my anime list yeah so my anime list has has this this weird kind of thing that I noticed that I'm sure will keep coming to this list right certain shows get rated very highly among uh people who spend their time on this website uh and I think steinsgate is pretty much the peak example of a perfect my anime list viewer show uh that is true I my anime list fans are like what Rick and Morty fans were like 5 years ago where that like you don't have a big enough I you're not smart enough to understand Stein's gate and I kind of think like in a weird way they like steinsgate appeals very much to the kind of person who enjoys using my anime list and like kind of Internet forums yeah yeah not say it's not a good show but I think that it would it's a show that I think would rate very highly amongst people like that yeah because I feel like my anime list is perfect representation of someone who is like one tier like goes one tier deeper than let's say like the Shen Mega popular shows uh so it's at like that second tier of like okay this is what happens after you explore anime when you have just gone out of like Mega popular Shon but not so much you you haven't reached the deeper tear of just like the ooh I'm watching all you know something cerebral I'm going to keep in mind right this is this is like a social network so people feel like almost judged based on what they're presenting so you know when if you have list well you can't you can't have Stein skate you can't not watch Stein skate not have it at a 10 I mean I guess there is that social pressure huh so you we have to really think about how this interacted in this sense and I think Stein skate is that an example where I think if you say you've watched this and you don't rate it highly then there's something wrong with you what R sign out of 10 uh got feeling go got feeling I would give it like a nine I think the only reason what would you put it uh so can we do decimal points okay fine okay if we're going decimal points give it like an 8.5 yeah same 8.5 I think the start of science gate is too slow yes uh and it really hurts the show in general um this is definitely not a show I think that it's difficult to recommend right because obviously the first 10 11 episodes are so incredibly slow and it really have you tried rewatching it I have tried rewatching it it's tough It's really it's really tough even though I know everything that's happening and I know the reason why they're taking their time with it because obviously it all it's allary information and details that pays off in the second half and especially the ending but like having that kind of format in anime I think is a format that just doesn't really work nowadays because people I just think have I don't want to say they have less of an attention span or anything but I think I think I think the whole appeal of slow burner shows is slowly dying out you have to you can you can do slow Burns but you have to really be smart with how you do it nowadays slow bur show like what what is aent slow burer show that was like fre a SL fre it's like slowburn is such like a to me it's it's it feels like such a back and compliment yeah it's you know what I mean where I can't say it in a positive but also slowburn could also mean like hey they trust you as a viewer to to stay with these people just maybe just talking yeah oh and that is Stein gate to the tea and I cuz the to me there's a difference between let's say something that's is is a slow burn and something that let's say has a slower Pace but is still compelling you know to me like you know Game of Thrones is just talking yeah yeah yeah exactly that's the best of Game of Thrones when they're just talking and you're like the drama here yeah where you know there is a lot of drama there and there is not so much happening in terms of like plot progression but it's just compelling to watch right whereas with Stein gate the first half I feel that's I this to me is just slow it's not like I can see the characters not so much compelled with what's happening there's not so much plot progression but I'm not as invested and then it hits you about halfway through and then there's this point that it grabs you and it just does not let go and uh to me I wouldn't call it a SLO but it's definitely not as enjoyable I'd call it a SLO would you call it a SLO I can't remember I I distinctly remember I I had downloaded to watch it and I had it and I I had a few other shows to watch and every single time I tried to watch it I couldn't finish the first episode without being like see for me it was like and then I eventually did get around to doing it but it was tough for me it gets tough around like episode six or seven cuz like the first couple of episodes okay you understand yeah you understand because there there's so much new information that they're throwing to the viewer right like oh we have the microwave we have the banana we have the phone right and then around episode 6 or 7 is when you start to get to the point where it's like is this going to be like this for the entire series I get if like the first couple of episodes are slow and then it starts picking up but when you get like six seven episodes deep and it's at going at that pace then you're just like oh I'm starting to lose a bit of faith that anything interesting is going to happen and then obviously around I think it was episode 12 or 13 that thing happen that's crazy but this is also different cuz animes used to be just longer back so I feel like if Stein came out now I almost think it could be even better because they' probably have like a 13 15 episode run and they cut out all the Bullit cut [ __ ] maybe they they through they get through it faster maybe they they actually do cut stuff that maybe did actually just slow down the story but see then I would argue will the impact be the same I think it could I think the impact could be the same I I don't think you have to give as much time um for it to have the same impact I don't know maybe I'm wrong though I could totally wrong like like to me I watch this like [ __ ] eight years ago yeah I want to I want to get the opinion of someone like like an anime viewer today who has never seen this show here's the thing I don't think make it here's the thing we watched it like eight or so years ago right yeah 2011 anime like there was like the the top list back then was 50 Max and then you'd be like okay I can I can actually feasibly watch all of the great animes yeah and I still like I still think in this day the after the turning point it still would like hit as hard but I I think the beginning portions would be even like would have aged even worse than when we watched it because this came out at a time when let's say otaku kind of like otaku culture shows didn't weren't as prevalent in like the anime Community right do you remember this and it was like it was It was kind of fun the the the big appealing part for me with Stein's get the beginning part was that oh it's like set in akih harra yo that wee yo this guy's a for CH would be a bit cringe nowadays he would be a bit cringe yeah yeah yeah to to me Stein gate the characters are so [ __ ] anime you you know what I mean when when it's oh yeah mayi oh my God they're just very very very anime the first show that burned the cicada noise into my brain the entire series I totally agree but like one thing I do think I has aged well is that to this day I can't think of any or many other shows that they have time travel as like a mechanic and it feels like they tie up every single knot in its own time travel Mechanic In A satisfying way it was an incredibly well thought out story and the ending is very satisfying it was originally a visual novel if you [ __ ] feel it in the start that's for sure yeah yeah because like even something like you know Attack on Titan or most other time travel shows there's like you can think of like some plot holes you watch it and you're like H that kind of didn't make sense but after watching Stein's gate I can't think of any other time travel show where I thought to myself man that just made sense they they they covered everything I guess cuz it was the only kind of mechanic in the show that they were exploring which which really allows you to get really interesting with it yeah also they were also they based a lot of the ideas off of the previous game in the semicolon series which is a Chaos Head which is semicolon series that is what it's called the semicolon universe so cuz they had Chaos Head steinsgate robotics notes and uh ultic 9 and they were all done by the same company and like a lot of the ideas from Stein gate were based off chos head chos head is not good by the way don't watch it do you think Stein gate is overrated then I think it's I think it's I think it's properly rated um but then again that might be my Nostalgia talking uh because I remember when this was airing and I would watch this weekly and it was the most insane [ __ ] yeah this was the most insane [ __ ] I'd ever watched uh just hearing you talk about anime then especially the the semicolon series I don't even know what that was if we did trash taste 10 years ago how much of a different show this would have been Jo would have been it would actually be an anime pod you actually would be you'd be such a nerd dude dude I haven't brought up the semicolon Series in a long time I know my [ __ ] also I will say the [ __ ] Stein's gate opening still a banger I don't care what any says [ __ ] hacking to the gate how does it how does that cuz to me full level Alchemist the [ __ ] Brotherhood the first opening that again by Yi yeah that was such that was a banger even know that is that one yeah that's yeah that's it okay [Music] I I don't want to see it cuz copyright all right I know Joey loves gint Joy's the only man who's watched Gintama also is this season 4 or season five of gint Gintama didn't do be doing I hate that they never call can we can we gint is is literally half of this list can we just wrap it all up into one yeah okay gint okay yeah we do the same with the tack there's a ton of gint in this top 10 gint for me the way I view gint is a complete Outsider and only seeing Clips is like they're what JoJo fans were before JoJo fans just got a little too annoying publicly you know what I mean Jo you are so right Joo fans just went a little too much with their love of Jojo it pissed off the internet whereas gint fans have just been at the perfect level of fandom where they've just been teasing the whenever you mention Gintama bro they appear the fans they they mention it and they they are exactly like Jojo fans except they didn't get too annoying and they don't have the dick sucking mem no no no no I I I think I think it's because gint never got to the same level of popularity as JoJo did yeah it's it's the quiet like Army of fans that uh just every time you say the Gin in Gin they just like did someone mention my favorite show toir right though right they have the exact same Vibe as pre JoJo fans yeah I think so I think um one thing I mean I [ __ ] love Gintama I grew up with this [ __ ] um I think the one thing I really respected about Gintama especially while it was coming out is that over right uh yeah the manga is um or I guess he's continuing on a different magazine or something I don't know the saachi is a [ __ ] troll he he can do whatever the [ __ ] he wants but essentially what I loved about Gintama was that it started off obviously as an episodic comedy series um where like each episode would have its own self-contained Story characters would be introduced and they' just be it was basically a gag Monga um but then when they but then a couple of chapters in uh a couple of volumes in excuse me they introduced uh like an actual story element that was incredibly serious that actually explored each of the characters Back stories and relationships because there's a shitload of characters in gint but s does a really good job of connecting all of these characters that don't seem like they were purposefully written to be connected like you know when sometimes you read a story and it just makes sense that these characters know each other or have this relationship and it doesn't seem like someone has purposefully written it to make sense I think Gintama is a great example of that where like it's very it's written in a way that where it makes it so natural for you to be like oh yeah of course these characters relationships because that's just how characters are and I think the fact that a show can be some of the most funniest [ __ ] in anime in my opinion while at the same time giving these incredibly heartfelt and [ __ ] epic like serious story elements like not many shows can do that in my opinion it's either what's up it's like when the sitcom just has this serious moment out of nowhere and because it's like a sitcom it Just Hits 10 times harder exactly right and I think a lot of what a lot of manga have done is there's been a lot of manga that have transitioned from like starting off as a light comedy series and then becoming a serious story like Dragon Ball youu hwo kako Hitman reor like those are all examples but there are very few shows that can Teeter back and forth between these two and it not feel jarring and I think gint is the only show at least that I can think of that has been able to do that as effective as it did um and I think that's why it has such a hardcore F he doesn't deserve to be in the number four spot I well I of course Joey would put it there I wouldn't put it at number four it's a great in your top 10 personally it's in my top 50 for sure it's in my top 50 maybe say top on a heartfelt rent how amazing it is he's like yeah but it's [ __ ] though no no no it's not it's great it's definitely in the top 100, show as much as I love this show I can also admit that there are a couple of like weirder episodes some story elements that just don't really make a whole lot of sense or would just kind of underwhelming like some of the villains are kind of underwhelming in my opinion you know if I were to go into details and stuff like that some of the jokes can get stale as well um like a problem with a lot of the jokes in gint is that because it was done in Shan and jum sodachi the Creator makes a lot of referential jokes to other shown and jump series that's what scares me about gint because and so if you don't if you haven't read any of those or you know nothing about like the shown and jump law a lot of the jokes won't really it's it's an anime fan fan comedy basically fans comedy series what what what I'm hearing yeah is uh this is the Family Guy of Shan jump kind of except it's a billion times funnier well I like Family Guy it's not funny I like Family Guy it's not funny I love Family Guys effect on pop culture though it's just funny I just love the memes so yeah I I love Gintama but I think number four is just I think they just I think the gint fans just rallied to be like we got to get gint off somehow okay all right okay well next up is uh part two we're just going to lump it all together yeah yeah we'll lump it all together they they do have the right season as the highest rated season I agree that this was the high point that was the one where I started checking out as I said in the episode this one this one with the um with the [ __ ] uh with the with the monkey fight right thekey of course you say that monkey fight peo to be fair that fight was sick as f entire like sequence of episodes was probably some of the most compelling pieces of anime I've ever watched I I think some of the most compelling piece of Television I've ever watched True it was it was such an amazing I think if you go on the IMDb top rated TV episodes of all time like I think like three or four of them are all Attack on Titan episodes from this very season no I believe it cuz there was like there was like four weeks TV there was four weeks like back toback where like I think this is the only thing anyone [ __ ] car about yeah and and impressive this is the season that uh best rated epis this this is the season that very much okay let's let's see the top rated TV episodes of all time number one breaking B I almost like IMDB's lists more than my anime list they feel Attack on Titan Attack on Titan Attack on Titan yeah both of them from That season in like the top five these two episodes are [ __ ] amazing go down go down I'm what else is there Titan there quite in there yeah I I I get I get I do get chills when I think of that that whole fight that happened it was just amazing and just owin speech and everything like that oh my God the owin speech is so good oh my God the the Vinland Saga episode well I guess we'll get into that later it'll be out there such a good episode yeah I'm I'm I'm glad that uh I'm glad so many t Titan episodes on here I'm glad that anime is getting its Hunter Hunter as well uh that's the nro episode I believe oh God yeah that was that was I'm so glad that's that's K Sumer oh okay Demon Slayer yeah I'm really glad the anime is getting representation in IMD maybe maybe maybe a bit too much little too much maybe a little too much I I don't think all of this anime is better than every single other TV episode of all time I I wish I will say I'm surprised how many anime epis a little much okay a little much all right all right let's go back to my anime list um does it deserve the number five spot I think that attack on Titan does deserve to be up in the top 10 anime this season in particular even even with even with all my comments uh prior on the previous episode I still think I'd be okay with it up there yeah I think a lot of people are going to say that it's overrated yeah I I think that attack I think that attack on Titan say nothing you won't get killed I'm not gonna say anything I think attack Titan is actually perfectly rated it's it's like it's one of those few shows that I feel is really [ __ ] good and actually got the popularity it deserved it's you it's very rare that no one gets angry at the fact that ATT tack on Titan is as popular as it it'll also like never be in your like subconscious it'll never be a show you're like oh yeah attack on you're like oh yeah oh yeah obviously duh you're always it's impossible to get out of your mind as like a as a series and I think yeah even though I said that I kind of fell off a little bit towards right towards the end uh I still think the Jon was [ __ ] amazing and it was still very deserving of that SP yeah it's it's one of those few shows that hit the perfect storm of being appealing enough to the masses and being something like Breaking Bad where it's the complete package things that like one thing I always respect is when a story seems to be planned from the get-go which is which just feels so [ __ ] rare in anime where you kind of have a cool idea and it has like cool ideas one season and then they kind of like go into something else Attack on Titan felt like such a natural progression even though the final season is so different from the first season but it never fell out of place and that to me is [ __ ] incredible and it seemed like you go back to watch the beginning seasons and so much was foreshadow about where this was going to go I do want to rewatch it yeah I should I should it's one of those shows where I think holy [ __ ] it's so worth rewatching because right from I feel like I just need to binge the whole thing right from episode one right from season one you're like holy [ __ ] they're like they're like foreshadowing season 4 and I didn't even we didn't even know what was coming um I think attack on TI is perfectly rated I think should be higher than number five even this episode is sponsored by Mint mobile everyone has a welcome to adulthood moment paying for rent for the first time traumatic choosing your own healthc care provider a PO again getting booted from your parents phone plan Earth shattering It's a cruel world out there paying an entire wireless bill yourself but with M mobile you don't have to go broke over it for a limited time phone plans with M mobile $15 a month when you purchase a 3mon plan that's unlimited talk text and data 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you that for details back to the episode number six is interesting bleach thousand- year blood warock yeah so I'm probably the only one that's watched this I've seen the first four episodes does my anime list always do this is it always write it in the Japanese way but in the English Japanese way I I guess so yeah that's kind of weird why why would they not just call thousand blood arc on the because that's what it's actually called this is dumb though you're talking about the uh the website that won't allow Scott Pilgrim to be listed as an anime even though it was made in Japan they like they like it's like I don't know to me I I've got rant now but I seems just so [ __ ] dumb just why just put it Attack on Titan if if they gave this name for it in English officially why are we not using just call a thousand year blood do does anyone really need it to be it's like on Twitter when you people go like bokano hero Academia it's like bro just call my hero Academia it's literally in the title it's title is my hero yeah and I love how they get like nitpicky with it as well like they'll they'll say that about certain shows and then they'll be like I'm not calling Full Metal Alchemist like I'm calling it full metal it it is it is very frustrating this is double standard with they're like I want to seem like I'm really in touch with it and it's like shut shut the [ __ ] up it's it's called they gave it blood bleach thousand year [ __ ] [ __ ] let's call it that okay so I've only ever I've seen the first four episodes so I can't speak on how good the entire show is I mean you have right yeah I mean there's not much to say about it it just goes hard I mean I say this is not even a fan of bleach the action scenes go I've seen super [ __ ] hard this is like movie level like this is like movie level animation in 13 episodes oh yeah we're hanging out with our friend he was like you have to watch it I was like I'm not going to watch it he calls out his phone starts showing I'm like yeah that looks [ __ ] cool but I I yeah but like can you watch this without watching that's that's the that's the problem where and I think that's why the last St right yeah this is the last and that's why I think this score is so high up because friend only bleach fans would have gotten this far into the story because this is like the Last Arc after about hundreds of episodes in um it the animation out of nowhere just leveled up to a point where it's some of the best action animation you could ask for is it also true that they slightly changed uh some parts of the story in the anime vers I heard that Kubo has been more involved uh this is all speculation so I'm not too sure but might be um but I don't really yeah like I said I don't really have much to say about it aside from if you're a bleach fan this is going to be orgasmic and I do understand why this fans said I want to see some B God damn it and they got it number six but it is not number six it's not number six is it even top 50 bleach is a series no it's such a decisive I I like G say the crazy [ __ ] so then I'm like yeah what he say I I liked a lot of bleach I disliked a lot of bleach um what would you what would you give bleach overall okay here's the hard thing about rating never seen bleach by the way yeah here's okay here's the hard thing about rating any Shonen Jump show right which is I don't think it's fair to rate Shonen Jump shows based on an entire let's say the entire run right because I think I think it's more easier to rate sh and jump shows on arcs yeah I can rate the arcs for arcs are so vastly different and the thing that makes it hard to review a Shonen Jump show in its entire is because of the way sh jump is structured right ideas and focuses can often shift where shows can feel completely different and unlike something like on tack on Tyson where it seemed like completely planned sometimes it can feel like it just keeps going on and it keeps escalating for the sole reason of it being shown in Jump like the my best example of this is Naruto M right where um where you look at the you look at the power scaling and you look at the fight at the beginning of the series and you compare it to the end of the series and they almost feel like two completely different [ __ ] Series right uh whereas you look at something like Attack on Titan where you know not even showing jump but I'm just using that as an example where Titans got less threatening but it didn't feel like it was because it got power scaled it felt like because the more we learned about Titans The More Humans learned how to combat them so they were still a threat by the end of the series but they felt like less of a threat compared to the beginning series and that felt like a more natural progression but would you say bleach is in that same vein because when I compare say the soul Society Arc right the first Arc to the Thousand-Year blood War Arc I don't really see that big of a jump in that sense of like it feeling like two completely different shows right like there's obviously a lot happened in between that time and there were a lot of great arcs lot of [ __ ] arcs but I think overall the Thousand Year blood War Arc still felt like bleach if that makes sense okay so I got to ask you guys when you read a long running Shonen or a long running show do you sometimes get this point where you kind of like mentally check out but you keep you keep you keep like every everyone has this like some people a lot of people have this point when they kind of like they keep reading but they kind of like mentally check out yeah you're like I'm I'm reading this out of obligation yeah I was honestly kind of like that when I was reading warm punchman manga I just kind of checked out after a while but then it go super hype again I was like I'm back in just when I thought I was out they pull me back in yeah I kind of like checked out a little bit but then I was like all right I [ __ ] I'm back yeah to me like I I kind of like checked out bleach Midway through the not what was what was the arc that went on for [ __ ] ages wundo uh not wo I think it was like at the end of wundo where I was like I am happy with you know I'm happy with everything that I've read yeah and then I was like I'm going to keep reading until they defeat Eisen and then the series is going to be over and then they defeated Eisen and I'm like it's still going all right I'll check it off one more Arc all right it still keeps going and I kind of checked out halfway through the espart arc as well I was just like come on okay I get it yeah where I where I was where I was just like okay I thought it was going to be over I thought it did and they just like kept going and kept going and this was the last Arc where I kind of like they they pulled me back in a little bit just because I knew it was the Last Arc and they pulled me back in just because you know the the action did go [ __ ] hard and some massive things happened um but like at this point I I was kind of like just reading bleach just to see the end of bleach because I want to see the end of bleach um and to me bleach bleach just went on for too long to me that's my opinion yeah I mean I read all the Bleach Manga but I kind of half did it just to like close the book on this chapter of my life to like this has been with me a long time in my life and I'm glad it's over am I satisfied with it not necessarily but at least I can say that I have finished it you know and and it's done I would have to like I I know bleach fans are very very passionate uh I can't wait for comments and I I will have to like I would have to like re read Bleach just to give my proper let's say proper opinion on it uh just because it's been such a long [ __ ] time since I've read Bleach uh so I don't I our G and my memory of Bach is very fragmented cuz it was kind of stretched out in a long period of time obviously so don't take anything we say seriously but six n yeah six but six n uh G time of the final great movie let's move on hant 2011 yes yes okay so I've only read the Manga so I can't comment on the anime probably like my favorite anime I think I've ever watched overall I think I get the hype now that Hunter Hunter anime was the most engaged and like most like I I literally couldn't sleep cuz I had to watch the next episodes uh it was I just loved it everything about hun Hunter I loved so much I love the world so so much oh the World building is incredible yeah and the and this anime was amazing I thought it did a really good job and I you know uh some some of the pacing in the very very start is a little slow but it really picks up right away and then just never drops never let you go I know a lot of people say the anend talk is too long but I really like the an talk I like the Kim an talk I [ __ ] love it yeah yeah I I think the difference between something like the cimera antar and some arcs like when I think when I think of arcs that dragged I think of like Naruto arcs which is like the fourth in raw Arc where I'm like this was cool and then it kind of like went on a bit too long Aon car Arc as well in Bleach the cimera ant Arc I feel like there were so many like it it was very long but there were so many insane developments and insane ideas presented in this one single Arc uh that I feel it justifies just how [ __ ] long it is yeah and I love n N is a system I really [ __ ] with I think it's like my favorite battle system uh in any show most most definitely I feel like the it like nothing feels I like that it's not this guy's more powerful this guy's nen ability is just so good against all of these things but he can get [ __ ] up by this other guy yeah if he's around yeah even the most like powerful characters have certain weaknesses which the characters just need to figure out yeah I'll tell you one of my favorite guys uh in hun Hunter why like I feel like then that was when nen as a power system was like really [ __ ] so to me and and it was actually in the C and Arc but it was like the smoke guy remember do remember the smoke guy the guy with the pipe he has like three fights three or four fights right and he wins them all and I was like surely there's a fight that someone is like going to top him because he goes up against different abilities and I just found it so [ __ ] cool that he was like that that he could make like areas out of smoke right am I crazy Am I Wrong uh yeah he can kind of create like Arenas or like enclosed spaces in smoke or something one of them was like water right no no no he he went up against someone who could create a water and his his ability was so versatile that he could basically find a way to get around whatever other ability that the other guy has the problem with remembering Hunter Hunter characters there's [ __ ] so many just like yeah I think I remember that guy but it showed that with experience bring it up bring it up smoke guy hunter hunter smoke guy H H smoke guy hun Hunter it showed that with experience you could like you could figure out how to beat another guy yeah I remember this guy he was sick I love this guy and and I just love that it showed him in three or four different completely different fights and he was able to with logic deduce how to defeat the other person with with the power system of nen and I thought that was like so [ __ ] cool and so [ __ ] insane it was also it was really refreshing to see a show that that said hey my world is cool enough I don't need to have you be attached to every single character and follow one point of view I'm willing to show you a bunch of this world get you hooked on the world instead of the characters but then you get hooked on the characters as well and then suddenly you have like 50 characters that you really [ __ ] F like enjoy watching and whenever any of them are on screen you're like oh [ __ ] yeah I think that's the most brilliant thing about hun Honda storytelling and how Togashi goes about the World building thing is that like it really does feel like even there are certain Arc or certain elements of the arc or like even entire arcs where like you never see the character it feels like in the back of your mind you still remember them and you're like oh I wonder how he's doing or I wonder how she's doing and you know you want to know and and that's I think that's what makes it so hype when that character finally appears and you're like oh [ __ ] he was here this whole time that's sick you know I mean even it's like it's weakest arcs I think are better than most Shen arcs in general oh def definitely I don't know it was just such a good show and and I I'm the only thing that holds it back is that it's it's never going to be finished well yeah well it's it's I mean making portion of it is finished he's making progress we'll see Morel sometime in the dark but the problem is is that yeah that they the manga is introducing this thing that says by the way this show is like 50 times bigger than you think you've been on a tiny Island this whole time I'm reading it now and the boat the boat to there is so long there's a whole arc on the boat to the new place and it's [ __ ] long this is never getting finished yeah unless you have some kind of gigabrain uh turn back sees you turn on the whole I'm going to be clearly honest remember what I talked about earlier I think I've mentally checked out of Hunter Hunter no well okay see this is why I'm scared this is why I didn't want to start the manga for the longest time because I don't want to get to that point I don't want to get to the point where I'm waiting so and look I totally get it Togashi needs to take care of himself obviously he has own issues it's fine I'll tell you the cuz I do like the idea of like the Dark Continent that seems really cool but the exact moment yeah the it's too ambitious which is the thing the exact moment was in the manga there is a climactic fight between two characters that have been built up and then I read that and I was just like I think that's it I think I'm satisfied I've seen enough now I've seen basically everything I think I know the one you're talking about yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and I was like okay this fight has happened uh everything with the Dark Continent sounds cool but I me I don't even know where this is going to go or when it's going to get to a point that I I'm going to get like pulled back in is this a Togashi ISM cuz I felt the exact same way with you HW show as well which which one was it with you like when after the Togo brother fight no yeah because no what no I don't know what he's saying but no I I I obviously read it till the end but like I I think I mentioned this in a previous podcast episode but like I just don't really I I feel you H show kind of fizzled out and that was just something didn't like yo chap to Black was like the best AR of yaka show no chap to Black is the best AR of you haak show it was it was it had so many insane ideas and one of the best villains in sh had so many insane ideas and then just Togashi just got bored of you H was like I'm going to ride hun Hunter instead yeah he he does cook too hard sometimes he had so many potentially cool ideas and he delivered on some of them and then it was just like I'm done yeah this this this current Arc that Hunter hunters in in the manga actually kind of pissed me off cuz I was like what the [ __ ] why are we spending so much time on this on the boat over there this feels ridiculous it's so long I feel like I'm in berserk again yeah berserk fans like but like but like that's that's long cuz he just didn't release any this one is long cuz it's [ __ ] long it's so long and he's not releasing so yeah it's like I don't know for all one you thing Hunter Hunter deserve to be top 10 honestly yeah 100% I think I we can Age Hunter Hunter when it's at its peak I think it's unrivaled shown in I think it just it has absolute faith in its world and and it knows it I'm so glad I can finally be involved in this Hunter Hunter conversation it's it's it's not a hot take to say hunter hunter has the best power system in Shonen in my opinion but I I do feel that what sets it a League Beyond was when nen was introduced and when that concept was introduced and it made like you it made every fight so compelling and it made everything so much cooler as it made you care enough to know and want to go into the details you know which Togashi does a lot of it's It's a power system which I think was genius because no matter how powerful character is it always felt like there was a counter to it and you know with there was you know we have St and JoJo but St and JoJo conceptually it just it got to a point where you couldn't really [ __ ] comprehend what the [ __ ] was going on you know yeah it was it was Iraqi just like pulling a fan name out of a hat and he was just like I'll give this guy shrinking abilities yeah yeah to me Hunter Hunter its power system still conceptually makes sense whereas with JoJo there are some powers where I'm just like that's why I like Jojo it's just sick as [ __ ] it's sick it's sick ack sometimes you just need a [ __ ] Physics degree to get on to like understand what the [ __ ] is going on but it's still hun Hunter still makes I think hunt Hunter easily is in my like top five anime of all time I think it's just a good Shonen if you like Shonen and you haven't watched it do yourself favor and do it cuz it's it's the goat yeah kagia summer KAG summer Ultra romantic which is the third season of the ending essentially the rating no it's still going it's still going it's still going but there was a big thought end no it hasn't ended what the [ __ ] the manga is ending right the manga's ending yeah the manga's ending but this was a season where with there a big climactic moment happened in the anime oh yeah and uh yeah I put it at 11 on your list if you had a list would be close to it bit lower bit higher I I think it's an incredibly solid modern romance show for sure because I feel like a lot of problem with like modern romance especially ones after like 2010 I just feel they kind of like got into a formula that was just kind of overdone and even if it was a fresh formula or an interesting formula they didn't really like deliver on it to make it worth sitting around for like call it I person call that the Mia effect where like it's like Mia started off with this like really like unique at the time concept when it came out that was like oh okay this is like kind of a straightforward yet like easy to understand concept I can follow along with it you're not about to come out with the hot and then it just kept [ __ ] dragging on and on and on and there was nothing that happened okay hot okay that is not apparently it's a hot that is that is not kagios Sama though KAG no no I'm not saying I thought I thought you were about I thought you about to say yoar this is why K summer was good because it didn't do that it actually kept you interested because it added so many fresh things throughout the story that is also very easy to understand I I have a question why do we generally tend to hold in higher regard action adventure shows as opposed to romance because I imagine on this list it's very heavily stacked towards Adventure or yeah action show because we have monkey brain we think that's better and uh we want to just see big man punch other big man big man big man punch but like there are there are a lot of romance show I mean I see the treat fruit none of these are in the top 10 yeah yeah that's true I I kagios Sama I am very very glad that it exists uh because I feel like kagios Sama is one of those uh few romances that got a monum of popularity where a lot of romance anime they don't even enter like the echelon of like popular like anime consensus and I feel like K summer yeah definit that um is it my favorite Romance of all time probably not be in top 25 or favorite of best romances no no no of uh anime for you uh I mean this is going into like personal uh I did like I think I've just grown out of high school romances out of everything I think kagos Sama is definitely my High School romance I I'm more of an adult romance kind of guy right now yeah I want adult romance more well I did I did appreciate one thing I did appreciated about this season of KM especially is that the way that they decided to go about the romance was definitely done in a more sensible and mature way where like even mature Watchers of the show could appreciate it whereas I feel like a big like thing with a lot of high school romances is that it's very difficult for I guess older audiences to like really get them themselves into because either the way that the romance is done and is represented is very like synonymous with like that age group or it's just something that they can't really appeal to anymore because they are now older whereas I feel kagama kind of straddled the line between those two fan bases in a pretty tasteful way so yeah I'm I'm pretty happy with this let let me say like this if kagios Sama came out when I started watching anime this would be this would be my favorite Romance of all time like like like that's like straight up this like I know know why people love this and watching the biggest thing that surprised me going into like the second and third season was uh so it starts off and kind of like the the hook is that it's a romance but it's kind of like a Death Note kind of romance right and that's like that's like he he funny death note Mind Games in a romance and you know that hooks you in and then season 2 and season 3 has some amazing [ __ ] character writing and it gives depth these characters where I wasn't watching this to see this much depth and this many development happen which each of the characters and that just kind of like surprised you out of nowhere and then that's what that's why people really really like kagi Su um the only Nerf for it for it for me is that I am now 33 and I'm still watching High School romance and they just do not the same as they used to do and that is not a slight on kagio summer that is just that is a war against the entire genre that that is just a me thing that is just a me thing so personally would I put it in my top 50 no but as it's understandable yeah but like I said if if I if I was 18 years old 16 years old I can't remember how long when when did I start watching anime [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] 15 16 years old this would definitely be up there yeah yeah uh speaking of the most my anime list show ever legendary show legendary show hero this is the uh yes I I do watch anime I'm just not an I'm not just an anime fan I'm anime fan it's an OVA so it never read on TV yeah no oh wow it was it was being released in DVDs and kept Alive by hard fans well look at the earring it started in January 1988 and finished in March 1997 is it fully completed yeah it's fully completed okay um I have not finished watching legend of the galactic heroes I'm going to say the most [ __ ] my anime list anime man thing ever I [ __ ] love this sh God what did you think going to [ __ ] on you you like I'm going to say the most anime man thing ever I just had that [ __ ] Robert Downey Jr like oh my God oh my God thank you Joey's not going to say hot this is an incredibly well written show is there a new version of this yeah yeah I think I vo in a dub oh really I'm pretty sure I voiced in one of the how do you not remember yeah dude it was so fast they were just like can you just be some uh guy who just said something in a bar so I like four lines in a bar but I think that's [ __ ] dope to say you've been in Legend of the I think I'm in Legend I I I I don't know which I have no idea maybe someone can tell me if I am I'm I'm in I'm definitely in one of the dubs though but yeah legend of the galactic yeah but legend of the galactic heroes is by far one of the best space operas ever written I think just does it hold up today oh incredibly should I should I watch it should I okay here's uh here's maybe a hot take from me um I think you should just watch the Remake is it is it good uh it's very good I the Remake it's incredible is it completely finished no that's that's the big problem uh I I it's it's actually funny I watch legends of galactic heroes I go about I think like halfway through or something stopped watching it because I was like ah I I get to watch the Remake caught up to the remakes and it's I it's a it's actually about the same point in the remakes which which is where I sted the original so I don't have any opinions on like the second half of Legends of the galactic heroes but it is it is just incredible writing I don't know what to say but can you say confident that it deserves the 12th spot if you haven't finished it it deserves to be higher what I I would put this in my top 10 damn it's that good it's it's like this just feels like the Citizen Cane of anime it kind of is it is but like everyone says it's good no one can say a bad thing about it I think the one thing I really respect about legend of the galactic heroes is that it's a show that's really not afraid to take its time but in a way where you because there's a lot of characters in this show obviously as well because it's such a long show but like at the end of the show you feel like you know every single detail about every single character and again like in in I I can't I'm going to do this but in the same way as Gintama you it it bro you are literally a my anime Lista bro in the same way as Gintama in the sense of it feels like the most natural progression of how things can go and characters just make sense I you like have to have this on your if you're an if you're a big user of my anime list this is probably like a skill check on your profile oh yeah no I know what I'm talking look I got I got it are you a level one anime fan or level 100 an like gint in the same way I imagine now actually because you said it reference a little of shown jum humor perhaps it's more of a like look look I'm an anime fan gint is absolutely an anime show for anime fans yeah got okay go ahead uh I I feel like the real appeal of like legend of the galactic heroes it might not be something as like cuz it doesn't have like a lot of action it's something that is very political very deep very dense but like it's a very very it's not something you can just casually watch you need to be paying you need to be invested in this yeah you need to be invested in it but no Subway Surface on the side no Subway Surface on the side uh the thing that's incredible to me about Legend of galactic heroes is that when I watch it it almost doesn't feel like I'm watching a fictional story feels real it almost feels like I am watching a history documentary cuz that's what it feels like right that's Co um it feels like that's all you had to say I'll watch it now documentary I watch that exactly it almost feels like you're watching history like unfold of a certain timeline where something happens and then every like this knock on effect on its world makes total [ __ ] sense and you see different storylines of different leaders different dictators different people within the history of this world things the best way I can say is things happen and people make decisions and this affects everything that happens in the timeline of this world kind of like history does you when like you know when you read about hey this guy called genas Khan just appeared and then he decided to do this and then this that not going to it's it kind of feels like that kind of like real life law it's it's in a lot of ways similar to Dune where like the universe yeah the universe surrounding the story is so succinct and so like well thought out it's so well thought out that when one thing as G said it's like a chain reaction when one event happens in the story and these characters react it makes so much sense to the viewer they're like oh of course they would react this way one one of my favorite scenes in okay last thing I'll say one of my favorite scenes in anime is in Legend the galactic heroes where it's just two these two characters have just been that have just been built up for like Seasons upon seasons and then they finally get to meet I know exactly talking they sit down for a coup of I'm like holy [ __ ] this ising Inc and and they just debate philosophy and I'm just like this this is sick this is sick I that's why it's the go all right like in fate you like that scene in fate too oh when where they're walking around in cirle talking uh when they're all sitting down drinking yeah but this is this is like imagine that scene but when you've had like 50 episodes worth of build higher is what we're saying it deserves it this episode is sponsored by Shopify for those of you who don't know I run a drip company nonsense. 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series onto their favorite anime list not not based off of like a star rating or anything like that this is how many people individual people have rated this show as like I guess to them a 10 out of 10 I just realized half of these shows are in fortnite this this is probably where epic games is getting their list from they're just like all right what's the next one we need to add literally half of these are is is one punch man in fortnite is it not I don't think it is yet I'm surprised Titan we got my Academia uh scroll down Sword Art sword Naruto is thereon don't think so yet not yet de Slayer yeah Tokyo Ghoul is number nine Tokyo GH Tokyo Ghoul is number nine all right well let's go from number one one we' we've already talked about this so let's the most popular by 40,000 so not not a lot but uh yeah death note and Attack on Titan yeah which again I think I I've always said this I think Death Note is the perfect like first anime you get into anime and introduced I think attack Titan also rightfully so I think those two are the two shows that I would be like you want to watch anime watch these ATT tag on TI is a perfect starter for action oriented shows and Death Note is the perfect non-action oriented show I think you can look at you can see both sides of what anime has to offer just from these two the only problem I have with recommending Attack on Titan is the first anime is that no other anime is like Attack on Titan if you're like dude can I get more of this like no there is no more of this there's nothing else like this I mean would you say the same thing about death though Death Note kind of yeah but there are Thrillers but not to the same there's a lot of anime like death note like not as but not as good as death think about like f [ __ ] like kaii or like any mind game kind of show problem but problem with shows like liar game or kiji is that like yeah all like one out is that like it's it's not like appealing visually as as Death Note you know like death note is a really pretty show that's very yeah a lot of cool Rel yeah code gas again you know I I've seen some people complaining about their [ __ ] triangular face chin I'm actually shocked that codos isn't higher I I thought in my head that it was like top five in popularity okay is there anything that sticks out here that doesn't deserve to be in the yeah five six five and six five and six five and six but like it's hard to it's hard to explain to an anime fan who gets into anime in the past 5 years just how much of a choke hold sword. online has at at Peak when sword online came out it was like the only show oh yeah it was the only thing anyone [ __ ] spoke about and it dominated online culture because there just wasn't as much anime out there's no shows about the real ones The Gamers out there I think people hey man don't discredit my boy dot hack like that all right the [ __ ] out hack did it first if I wanted to watch a camping anime I'd watch your Camp okay cuz that's what dot hack was it was a it's not a gamer anime a camp it wasn't for the male fantasy Joey and sort online is for the male fantasy you want to log into you want to be the god gamer it's sort out online this show was so [ __ ] popular not so much now thank God but it was in it was ridiculous how popular this show I got to ask it would be in fortnite if it came out today Jo Joe I I got to ask Jo all right personal question yeah did watched SW ass online before it got popular yeah and you had formed your opinion about it yeah as yeah yeah not not based not based on any it's okay it's okay to say you didn't like it no no no no I I I I remember dude this is this is a really like no this is a really well-known meme in my community that when I was writing anime reviews on my website before I even started making videos I gave the first season of sort online a 9 out of 10 did you actually yeah it's it's a and and this is a and this is something that I have owned up to many many times right it wasn't until oh my God the biggest plot TST yeah it wasn't until the second season came out right Al online or I guess the second half of the first season came out that I started to see issues and then it made me rewatch from the beginning to be like was I just being swallowed up by the hype of the show and then I started to pinpoint all the problems and I'm like ah I think I was just blinded by the hype of this show I've never seen a show fumble season 2 so much oh my God yeah alame was the biggest fumble and it fumbled so hard that it made me question if actual like the first half of I distinctly remember watching s online season one and I thought holy [ __ ] it's a show for me it's a show that gets me and my my in my like innate desires okay I will give sord online credit in saying that I think the first two episodes of sld online season one was good no legit I think first two episodes of Saw on line I think had a lot of potential to go in a direction that would have been a lot more interesting I [ __ ] Lov season one I I had a great time with it uh I I still think go go but yeah season 2 was such [ __ ] dog [ __ ] yeah season so yeah I don't know why everyone everyone liked Sword Art Online until they didn't and I just you know the moment I checked out when just when they started making a family I was like what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this I checked out was when yui that [ __ ] small that was the point where I was like you've gone in the wrong direction I was like if I okay if I'm playing this game if I'm in this game I'm selling that thing for XP or or I'm finding a way to make use of this kid I'm not [ __ ] raising it what the [ __ ] that was the moment where like all logic was thrown out the window and it just took the story in a direction like cuz the concept of sort out online could have gone in like a really dark and brooding Direction where like you could actually feel the stakes of like like these characters that were put in place right but it took itself in a direction where it didn't really highlight that like Doom and Gloom that the world was built around and instead focused on like so how the [ __ ] can I RIS up ARA like like no one gives a [ __ ] like you completely forgot about the whole point of the story that you placed your characters in and put in some [ __ ] romance story behind it and it just ruined everything by cuz he he wrote asa's very boring generally and then gave up on ASA and was like let's just introduce new girls [ __ ] all right yeah I mean I think it's it's interesting right because I look back to sword outline season one and I generally think that there were some really cool ideas in season one I think we I think we I think a lot of we again first couple of episodes introduced so many cool ideas that could have been used in so many interesting ways in the story and then Kahari was just like yeah but I really want as K to [ __ ] like that's all he cared about well I I think and that's what all the viewers cared about apparently yeah I mean the boss battles in Sword outs online it's still [ __ ] hype of yes it's [ __ ] power fantasy but I remember seeing Kyo get the [ __ ] second sword out didn't really think too much about how fair this was as a game mechanic that the one person also how much it didn't make sense yeah yeah I I at the point if it was a real game it'd be [ __ ] stupid be like what a [ __ ] dumb mechanic yeah exactly well that guy gets two swords because he has quick reaction times [ __ ] that guy what the [ __ ] yeah that just makes Faker even more [ __ ] op what the [ __ ] man yeah but that's the thing right is that like like you know and when I initially went back to rewatch it and I started to like actually dissect the show for what it was and I realized this could have gone in a direction that I would have really thoroughly enjoyed and you know subsequent shows after sord online came out actually did go in directions that were interesting and actually utilize the story in the way that it was intended to be like Log Horizon for example where as s on line I feel the biggest sin that s online committed was that it just fumbled a really interesting idea I I I think I think Log Horizon fumbled it too you think I feel like it just couldn't figure out what it wanted to do I think it was in a better trajectory than it was though I I did Peak blog Horizon I enjoyed more than than Peak sort out online for me I felt like lyson also kind of was like what do I want this to be now I don't know but but sort out online yeah it was insane when it came out and I'm not surprised that it's number five however I mean such an easy show to recommend still going to defend Alice's though I'm still going to defend I think the longer time passes the more we'll see sort of online slowly drop down because you know people aren't really I don't think as many people are watching it anymore no no there's people like me trash people watching I feel like it's going to become an old internet meme in like 20 years like oh SW online is so bad uh W pun man being number four though uh I do agree with that I think it I think it [ __ ] season one yeah season one was such a I came out of [ __ ] nowhere and just kind of like it was and it was one of those shows where I could I could easily again recommend it to anyone be like just check it out it's I'm going to be that guy you don't think it's that good I'm going to be that guy uh Mob pyer deserves the spot mob deserves this spot what I think when we're talking about popularity right we have to think if you're a an anime fan who's got five anime to watch and then then you're clocking out of anime you're done you've done your we're not we're not we're not arguing if we understand the popularity cuz I understand the popularity does it deserve this much popularity I'm saying yeah I mean mob definitely deserves it but mob is also a show that you watch after you've already watch like 20 anime I will argue this point once I will argue this point once I figure out what placement mob is in this list can we can we go where is m m where is Mob is Mob even there is Mob even there there it is there it is okay that deserves to be way higher 2 million favorites seven deadly sins it's B make a kill what there is no God in this world okay but wait give it like give it like a year I think I think it'll be out oh my God why is norami so high it's only a few behind well cuz nor norami you I think you that hurts me so much that what is Boku Dake got that's erased erased why the why is erased just call him [ __ ] erased why is do this oh my God that's okay um all right I've never seen Joy this okay let's let's scroll up let's go back to where we let's go back to where we let's go down uh let's not spend too much time on these cuz these are Classics Naruto yeah whatever Demon Slayer Demon Slayer sh Tokyo Tokyo Ghoul at number n Hunter Hunter this is like [ __ ] the manga readers are carrying this a no way the anime is this how much serious question that how much do you think the opening song song has contributed to the success of Tokyo Ghoul like 70% I think it's the only show where the opening has done so much [ __ ] heavy lifting for a show Absolutely it is the the the the intro is M more than anything else but they also have the the classic manga P yeah of course yeah but like but are carrying this show the the yeah the the intro has done so much [ __ ] heavy lifting for this I'm sure there are many people who listen to the opening are like oh what's this from oh I'll check that out sounds cool yeah I think Tok as a concept again insane concept fumbled the bag massively uh yeah anime did anime did really I read the Manga but the [ __ ] anime [ __ ] fumbled it so hard a what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] also also we us should be banned from ever naming a show root something it we should I I the semicolons were pushing it for me root a what the [ __ ] yeah that is a bit weird whatever happened to two was two not good enough for some people I agree is yeah take that Gintama fans I don't know how the [ __ ] you guys name you'll see [ __ ] dumbass hey I never to it gintama's like Gintama Gintama cursive Gintama apostrophe Gintama Circle yeah I think I've never been as annoyed as when I saw okay to be fair as a Gintama fan that [ __ ] is annoying as [ __ ] yeah give give me a tack and Titan season 3 part one episode I'll agree on that that's better I'll I genuinely prefer that at least I have some indication of what the [ __ ] this is what the [ __ ] is a route no my my least favorite is there's like it's slightly different like working season one has one exclamation mark and then season 2 has two exclamation marks it's like I think we should bring back Roman numerals for everything Roman numerals just keep it easy all right uh your name yes yes yes I [ __ ] love your name yeah yeah get the [ __ ] out guys get the [ __ ] out your name I I I godamn love your name wa my her acadamia is number six right yeah second season that's crazy yeah my name is season 1 is 6 and season 2 is what was it 16 that that show that show not only dominated Japan it absolutely dominated the online and like the entire world for 2016 absolutely it just ran it I think it ran online I'm surprised that can we go up to the rating I'm surprised it's rated that lowy the F the low 7.88 7.88 um because I you know this is before everyone kind of like fell out of love with my here Academia and considering that Demon Slayer is 8.49 as well for the season that is crazy to think it's more popular than Demon Slayer well on my anime list definitely not like this is uh this is I mean the rating also speaks a little bit there yeah my anime list is I think a good indicator of the western anime community and also doesn't factor in current popularity very well exactly exactly yeah because if you ask Japanese people kimito is 10 out of 10 actually you know what I am shocked one piece isn't in the top 10 I'm not surprised by that I it's crazy to me to think that more people have watched Tokyo Ghoul Hunter Hunter Naruto I'm not surprised by that just purely because of the sheer length of one piece but hun Hunter is long too I'm surprised people have watched more of Hunter Hunter than than yeah I I'm not surprised either cuz a lot of people get confused when I say hey one piece wasn't that like out of the big three it wasn't that popular and I remember like modern anime fans caught me up being like what the [ __ ] you talking about one piece is like right now it is one of the most popular CU you someone called you out for it and then all the comments were like no no he's right let my boy cook like there was a time when people were clowning on one piece fans I got into it and it was not because one piece fans were insufferable at the times it was because no one was watching one piece at the time yeah the reason why I never even got into one piece I actually knew that it always existed is because no one spoke about it when I was getting into anime which was like 2003 uh to like 200 it was it was a quiet favorite for a lot of people during perod because the four kids dub just ruined so much of One Piece image do you remember that oh yeah my favorite anime opening let's scroll down yeah that that's it's got to be Legacy I I imagine this was a lot higher five years ago and it slowly keeps going as more shows popping up Nar sh No Game No Life at 17 genuinely I I think J Jud kaon is going to get to it's going to get the top five I think I I can't see it with with what's just happened with the current season I can't see this not going in the top five it's going to get higher for sure it's it's I think wait oh there's one piece is there is there a Wayback machine of this page I'd love to see one from like a year ago and see where ji Jitsu kaisen like how much it's grown in one year if you just go by to way back machine uh type in and just type in the copy paste the link uh if you go yeah just copy paste the link from that page and put it in and then there should be a ton of screenshots from dates yeah i' love to see how much it's even gone up in like 3 months um so you can go down to like just go to 2022 yeah go to the end of 2022 so just I still think it was always pretty like it was pretty Popular by 2022 and then click the highlighted yeah that one I wonder how big this image is though sometimes it takes a while to load yeah I mean I still think it was always pretty damn popular J Kon actually got popular pretty fast compared to some other shun wow this list hasn't changed much yeah it hasn't changed much got 16 oh it's not there it's not there G scr oh it's 20 okay so it hasn't change that but wait how much that means it's gone up it's gone up five places oh sorry four places four places Sor I think it's going to keep going up though I think yeah yeah it's going to keep going up uh I feel like this time next year it's going to be very close to the top 10 if not in the top 10 this latest season of J kaon uh season 2 has completely blown its popularity out of the window and it's in fortnite that's the most important that's how we gauge the popularity of a show nowaday uh No Game No Life No Game No Life in 17 is [ __ ] insane to me why it's why yeah what you mean why why is it so up there yeah bro it's another show for gamers yeah what you also also gamers are the most underrepresented group of all time also also I think this show just visually was so appealing to so many people because it is still to this day one of the most like unique in terms of like visuals from popular shows where it's like who this is in this looks insane I remember watching this when it was airing and it was like the only show that anyone cared about at the time there wasn't much though there was there really wasn't no it was really slow year uh I mean it's are you sure you want to say that a [ __ ] year for anime 2014 it it doesn't deserve to be that high up there uh 17th most popular anime of all time uh that's wild season I and I say this as the eai guy um it was a fun show that that was it you know genuinely a mystery how it never got a season two uh given it popular still ask for it today it's crazy it was so popular like what did we give you uh a prequel in a movie form that you never asked for and people like thanks yeah Japan has but I will admit recently Japan's gotten a lot better lately at when a show is popular they will just make a season two but I feel like back then they were like n we're good what what confuses me is that anime is going through a phase right now where they're just digging up any show that had any modum of popularity because they're trying make more anime yeah yeah and now and they're not digging up No Game No Life what the [ __ ] dev's a parttime has a second season like how dude [ __ ] and wolf as a new SP wolf has a remake what's going on with No Game No Life yeah it is weird yeah and then we also got one piece 19 that's only going to keep going up as it has been going up uh silent Voice number 20 I hate my anime list I hate that you do this why just put silent voice we're in English why I don't understand in Japan it's called qu uh and then we got C season one okay do you think codas still deserves the popularity yeah that that I got that I'm I'm honestly kind of shocked that it's not higher it must have fallen recently uh as less people probably get into it yeah yeah I mean it's pretty old right now yeah go to the uh yeah where is it at on this list uh yeah it 19 no no it it went down did it yeah went down go back up yeah it's yeah well yeah because it's an old anime right yeah yeah um I think I'm try I'm trying to think would I how much how much is this Nostalgia talking oh I have I have an un unbridled amount of nostalgia for the show I this oh this show just makes me feel happy when I see it just such a good time it was like it was like Peak like Xbox era 2 and I'm like when I watched I would say I would say if I had to say anything I think the only thing that is not age well with code guas is potentially the visuals and like the character designs it is very mid 2000s I love it I love the [ __ ] that's the thing though it's it's very like U it's very like uh divisive on like some I've heard some people say like the visuals for K yes are amazing I've heard a lot of people say they don't like the visuals for code gas um but in terms of like how the story was written and you know all of the great things that made K such a great story I think it still holds up it was the first time I had to start like checking my doors were shut before I watched it CU there would just be random shots of like also the that was that was uh Season Two Season Two just got randomly way more horny than SE I like hold up why am I also I will say the blatant Pizza Hut ads uh in the middle of each episodes were a bit weird even back then all right all right I I I got to say this okay I'm not sure Cod Gas is as good as we remember it all right 100% 100% I I have I have rewatched it right and you know we we we all Remember That season 2 [ __ ] mess right season one though perfect perfect show in my mind almost perfect show was that one episode with the cat I was going to okay okay there one episode with cat do we do we remember the Cat episode I remember do we remember the whole uh ma Arc yeah that was weird too I don't remember that you wiped it from your M you you WIP I might have wiped it from my m you do you remember when this other random guy with a gas just kidnapped nanal and [ __ ] with I do remember that I was just like that was a thing that happened and oh my God never I think I guess I did wipe that from my memory holy [ __ ] yeah I do remember that yeah I remember rewatching uh code GS with Sydney like a few years ago uh cuz she'd never seen it and she still [ __ ] loves the ending and everything but I think watching it monay you forget that there are maybe filler is not the no I think it is filler there is a lot lot of things lot of Random Encounters a lot of bloat and also there is this point that I don't know why I thought this was like a [ __ ] genius plot twist when I watched this when I was like 17 or whatever um but if you remember the end of there was something that happened at the end of season it's nearly a 20-year-old show I think it's F there is this point where code gas had ended it's it solved all his conflicts like euphemia was going to be like hey it's okay I'm going to give up the throne or whatever I can't remember the exact thing but I remember all of like the conflicts had been solved and then L just goes like if I hypothetically said told you to go murder everyone oh yeah that was so [ __ ] funny if I just hypothetically told you to go murder everyone you do it and then out of like sheer coincident he had awoken a second gas and I'm just like I I remember watching this as an adult I was just like huh that feels kind of of bullshitty doesn't time I must have been like ain't no way but like now I probably like i' watch it like that's [ __ ] dumb he's got two when he said water eia at the perfect time and she starts murdering and now the plot continues and then there's a season two now yeah that is that is kind of weird yeah yeah yeah um so yeah no maybe I I think Nostalgia is carrying this to me one I think I think I like it at I still think it has the best ending in anime period I I just think that if it aired nowadays probably we'd be calling out some of its let's say you inconsistencies inconsistencies even with season one uh Tora yeah I'm happy with Tora at this part I think it's my favorite romance anime I I prefer golden time gold you're a real one you're a real with you guys talking romance shows from the same author golden time I think just like I for I always forget about Golden time golden time is my favorite romance anime of all time episode I think I even said I and I I say this fully acknowledging that uh ghost banry was a thing that I would like to wipe for my memory do you remember ghost banry good let let's I have to rewatch golden time let's keep it that do you know remember so we agree that we like this spot but we swap it with golden time I would swap to with gold you think like 23rd for Golden time is chill wait why do I recognize this show that's golden time golden time oh so ghost banry was a side plot that uh in theime was yes oh my God I do remember this cuz it was so [ __ ] we had just wiped this side plot from all of our memories and this is the one blight that's bringing down golden time for me a what is that Hunter Hunter edit I do remember feeling like I do remember feeling the [ __ ] cult thing was weird but I liked it I don't know I I I think I think part let's continue with the L we like golden time golden this is the violin why y l in April 24 for God's sake you I hit look at this rezero title what the [ __ ] can you can you read that re very good we rezero for short uh okay you're l in April I I have a bias towards this show because I love shows about music and as someone who did classical piano like the soundtrack to it is [ __ ] awesome and I think it did a lot of really good things uh the ending was a bit whack I will say it wasn't the ending it was halfway through halfway through it was halfway through which part it's like episode 14 I think I don't remember okay I I I will I will tell you this Jory because I really really liked your line and April and I thought I I really [ __ ] like the music aspect of that um and then at some point it just felt like it just gave up in that aspect and was just and it was like the writer thought hey this isn't sad enough seeing someone deal with the trauma of rediscovering Music we need we need [ __ ] cancer or some [ __ ] we need a real death yeah and that to me uh after that tonal shift that I I kind of like just checked out because it almost felt I yeah it it almost felt like a little bit too forced where I was really emotionally invested in uh I can't remember his the main character's name of like falling in love or rediscovering his love for music and all the trauma that he went through I was like really emotionally invested in that I felt super sad and super happy when seeing him perform again um and then they just gave when he hears the music again for the first time like that scene is gorgeous that made me cry like a [ __ ] maybe I'll watch it someday probably not cuz it's about music yeah and then uh and then it kind of went a completely different direction about halfway through is this your way of kind of saying maybe it doesn't deserve to be in the top 25 I think it's a little overrated yeah I think I think think it's a top 50 not a top 25 no yeah no not even top I think it did a lot of good things uh but again like sord online I feel like it fumbled the bag okay fair enough which is interesting because I remember reading somewhere that apparently uh Oda the creator of One Piece he's he named y l in April as the one manga he wish he wrote oh [ __ ] yeah and I'm like Ain't No Way ain't no way that would have been a very different show for if you had ridden it next up re season one um I'm kind of impressed how much rezer how much of an impact rezero has had considering not much has happened in the anime yet I feel like we're just at the start of a journey yeah and it's releasing way too slowly I had a really fun time watching season one yeah me too I I really liked it too because it was very It Was a Very Fresh concept and I felt like they explored the uh return uh when you die you return thought they explored it in a really fun way and in such like I feel like other shows would be too scared to do what it did and I really liked it I like it a lot it was fun yeah the side characters uh s to lose me a bit though uh yeah that's about it yeah yeah I mean also he's cringe which is great because he learns to not be cringe that's that's the that he's a true gamer he literally that's the gamer art that we needed where like kto is should always cringe he literally dies from cringe yeah yeah um so I I think oh man it's so tough cuz would you put in 25 I feel like it's it's it's rezero is is still so new almost Rez is cooking uh it's still it's still in the oven I feel like it's not done it's watching season 2 kind of reminded me of watching attack when Titan season 2 where you felt like oh they're cooking something scratching yeah I'm not sure what they're cooking but I'm starting to smell it I'm star even like season three season 3 out no it's not out only season two is it's about to come out that was season two we only have two seasons yeah that's [ __ ] season two felt like it was just buildup it was yeah exactly and I was like and when it ended I was like huh yeah so I think season 3 is going to be the real determiner uh to me but come on man there's only so much R merchandise we can push show and come on bro where where is it where is season 3 uh it's airing next year I think wait really yeah yeah oh yeah right we watched the we watch the trailer together con dude I mean you announced it Conor I know I did I did announce I I mean what's crazy to me is that they must have unlimited money this this show the amount of REM merch they must have sold is dude I appreciate the fact that they're not rushing this [ __ ] out either like they they're cooking and I I will let them cook as long ASU penetration uh in the market is we haven't seen this kind of wfu penetration L uh don't say wfu penetration Wu penetration in the market of wus we have we have arsena no [ __ ] bodies also uh are you you think so I think REM REM bodies as in terms of like popularity yeah no I think when s online came out was [ __ ] everywhere ARA arsa started the trend REM just wrote that wrote that wave ARA started the boring vanilla thank you thank you and then pered it bro as didn't earn it bro Ran So REM could walk my gosh I will stand by that I I man I don't feel like I feel like it's going to cook so hard like you said that I don't want to put it in 25 because I feel like it's going to it's going to climb but right now I just don't want to put it anywhere I don't think I I would put yeah it's hard to place I don't think I would put it in my top 50 right now it's definitely hard to place oh we are we comparing ASA to R okay well while you do that what's the next one just so we can have a look uh the next one is norami norami at 27 is [ __ ] insane to me I think the opening is opening are amazing the opening is doing a lot of heavy lifting cuz that opening was so goddamn popular and also also it was another one of those shows where it was everyone's thumbnail oh everyone's profile picture [ __ ] the guy the main guy from norigami yeah yeah yeah um it was always you'd go on any online website everyone had norami as their profile picture yeah um I was mostly Tumblr though wasn't it tumblr Tumbl I'm feeling like tumbler seeing Tokyo goul and seeing norami I'm like damn tumbler did a lot of heavy lifting norami like a lot of style and the time it came out I think it was it it it was quite unique at the time it came out I I yeah admittedly I I did I did have a lot of fun watching norami season 1 uh especially uh just because you know it was just such a fun lightharted you know you know really aesthetic show as well but like just it wasn't the most interesting or compelling in terms of story and then norami season 2 just started to [ __ ] drag on was was this popular in Japan uh I believe so yeah this is like I watched norami and I'm like this was a fine show that I almost have no opinion of and then I see it the 27th most popular and I'm like why how did this happen why this show totally why the [ __ ] like what about norami stood out to get this popular I I literally have no idea yeah it it's like it's it's not a bad show but I just it's just uninteresting I don't even remember much about it yeah the only thing I remember wait so that's comparing ASA to Ram what time period is that this is 200 uh past five years past five years yeah I mean ASA fell off yeah ASA did fell off but what like what about when how what what was the peak when Arna just kind kind of launched compared to the peak of when REM I think the peak would have been season one right so like 2011 okay so norami I don't even think I put in my top 100 uh no I wouldn't even put in my another one I wouldn't [ __ ] put anywhere on this goddamn list is erased another incredibly overrated show in my opinion how the hell is this so high it it it is one of the wonders of the universe that this man managed to get a show this high up I it just baffles my mind that there were literally 2 million people on Mal who watched a race got to the ending and went ain't no way like it wasn't the most obvious [ __ ] thing3 for the show is insane high it's insane because 2 million [ __ ] like dude yeah I mean it was pretty popular when it aired back in the day um I think the problem with a you know sometimes you're like oh it's not about the destination it's about the journey problem is the race is when you set up a mystery like a race and that mystery just does not you have to land you know I don't care if I get to the wrong station occasionally but if if my [ __ ] train lands in a [ __ ] crater and I die then that I would consider that you fumbled the back you fumbled the ending you know what I mean it's ASA not ascar it's ascar yeah should be awesome my girl not my girl yeah I mean Ren came Ren came out like uh much so if you do now you got to no way just just Ram just Ram yeah just ram ram and then past past 12 months change that to like all time yeah yeah let's see what it's like uh 2004 should help because then we should see Ashton a higher a no way ain't no way what the [ __ ] wait that it can't be right wait oh no Rand is probably talking about like the band or like ey movement and then search um how do you ram rezero how I don't know oh yeah there you go there you go the bottom at the bottom yeah there we go okay so we should okay oh there we go that makes more sense okay yeah look it never it never passed it never passed Arsenal wow not a single time it pass Arenal all right I was I was like I was like sweating for a second I was like I was like everything I know is supremacy is going to lie this whole time maybe I maybe I am full of [ __ ] okay any let's back anyway anyway let's get back to the list uh another one which baffles my [ __ ] mind we should do most popular wife next time oh my God I can make a kill you guys all [ __ ] on it I'm here to defend it all right all right please enlighten me it's not bad why why is it all bad I kind of liked it uh I also was uh I like did you have a what uh how old were you when you watch it yeah how old were you watch I was like s I've been there how old was I in 2014 July I would have been I would just turned [ __ ] 17 right no sorry what am I saying I can't math bro you're born I would have been 18 18 yeah yeah so I think to me I was like yeah this show is for me I also I also like that he was [ __ ] the main girl it's okay I liked Elfin lead when it came it's the same thing this this is this is the same [ __ ] I think CU it's like it did it did it copied Halo Reach I'm saying and Halo Reach is fine I I the thing about Kam get kill is like I can understand why teenag just [ __ ] I [ __ ] as a te [ __ ] you think this is deep because yo they're killing off characters oh my God this is so deep I can't tell what would happen everyone who's going to die next ain't no way it's that girl it was dumb fun and unfortunately the worst part of the show is aame uh she's [ __ ] boring uh I mean most of the characters are boring in my opinion no I like some of them main characters boring [ __ ] me the main character is hentai main character material I mean if I remember most of the characters I felt were just like I didn't even get enough time to know them before they just got killed off which was like the big thing which was just like oh this is just this person is just a Trope haha sad backstory they're dead admittedly when I when I started watching ARA kill and I didn't know anything about it it was just another seasonal show that I decided to start watching like when they did start killing off the first couple of characters I was like oh okay is cool okay this this might go somewhere and then every second episode they killing off I'm like I get it it was the one weakness of it is that you knew it was coming because they' set it up so that it kept happening got very quickly kind of wish you didn't do that but it was it was it started strong and I I I as much as I like the show cuz I watch him as a teenager I wouldn't put it in top 100 it doesn't deserve to be on this is the show that you go to as a 14 to 18y Old I've outgrown that yeah I can make a kill yeah I can make a Kill Nikki elf and Le they're all the same you know they're all the same they're all the same talking about angel Beats uh I mean in some some senses I think this is a classic but in other senses I think it's rated far too high I think yeah the only re I I mean I have a lot of nostalgia for this show obviously and I have a lot of bias as a maid Jun fan um I personally really liked it do I think it's maid jun's best work no uh but I I mean I don't know number 30 is a tough spot yeah cuz it's kind kind of like it's good but it's good but it's not but it's acknowledging that it's not the best right because it is a solid show solid uh I think I would be okay with it at 30 but I probably would put it lower but I think I'm okay with it at I would put I would put it lower because I think that I think that's uh the ending to me it felt like you had a really good run and then it just ended fumbled and then 13 episode wasn't enough I think it should have been more let's uh speed off a little bit seven at 31 above mob psycho it just gives me an anur that is kind of wild that it's it was that popular seven deadly sins when it when it was aing was so popular that's it was so so popular and season 2 when they introduced escanor it only got even more popular everyone was [ __ ] on board everyone was hyped even though meot is the worst protagonist of all time yeah and then season three they [ __ ] the bed yeah which honestly it feels like a fitting end for motus as a character who is a dog [ __ ] character to be treated as dog [ __ ] by the animators uh it feels fitting I never understood the appeal of seven deadly sins to begin with um that and I have not watched I've not watched the second season but I've watched the first season it took me a lot to get through this first season [ __ ] you know what I'm seeing I'm seeing akam a kill seven deadly sins and now Mirai Nikki and I'm like ah the 14-year-old Army is strong Fair the only that's missing is fairy tale we all we all know that mob psyo should be much higher mob psyo is good and I think it's one of the best modern anime to come out period uh I think it's the best anime maybe of the 20 like of the 20 last decade one of the best animes of the last decade uh Niki above assassination classroom is [ __ ] wild that is a show that uh just did something that no other show did at the time and and you know they cemented the yandere Trope that is true and they they did it so they committed so fully to the yandere Trope before anyone else did and it was kind of like almost revolutionary in that sense but it was a bad Nikki ruined an entire generation of boys oh yeah oh [ __ ] god oh yeah it did convince me that it was like yeah maybe she's worth it maybe I will ruin my life for I think Mira Nikki is like the point zero of the I can fixer like boy Mir Nikki made everybody forget the ageold saying of don't stick your dick in crazy it turned from don't stick your dick in Crazy to I can fix her this is this is this is the turning point this is the cannon event of this like real life law where boys were like I can fix it from a con conceptual level what a [ __ ] cool idea for a show I [ __ ] really liked it again really cool idea for a show really I enjoyed watching it a lot I had a lot of fun with it I I can see why it's 33 but yeah I mean I just think it was especially in the second half it just got a little bit too try Hardy for me it took itself way too seriously assassination classroom okay I personally pretty happy with assassination classroom being on here because I think this is constantly underrated in terms of a show in show I think not a lot of people think about assassination classroom when they think of shown in shows but I think assassination classroom is a really solid show I'm happy to have it out there I really enjoy watching not seen it so but I've not really heard anyone say anything bad about it or that it's overrated it's line to what the [ __ ] we don't talk don't talk about that highq this is the highest rated Sports Anime I guess or most popular sports anime on yeah yeah I think I think the only modern Sports Anime I prefer over haq not counting pingpong League animation is probably haimo IO but hiq I think okay the difference between hiq and hajim noo is that the characters in hajim are just [ __ ] ugly you know it's just like you boxing bro the C are ugly and it is an older mang as well okay there's that but okay you you compare the characters in haimo IO like the [ __ ] it's like comparing Wayne Rooney to Cristiano Ronaldo you know what I me that's such a British reference it's it's like there's this one man who has been molded with [ __ ] testosterone and then there is like the perfect specimen of like Who had who could probably be like a [ __ ] K-pop Idol if he wanted to be you know that's like haimo versus uh hiq that's true yeah I haven't seen hiq yet so I I can't say anything about it I would like to get into it you know I although I kind of fell out of it I I can understand why very popular and I'm fine with it being there I've only heard good things about it promise Neverland holy [ __ ] dog L promise Neverland dog L dog [ __ ] L bro that's yeah are you serious I did not [ __ ] with it I thought okay wait wait wait wait why uh because they set up this really cool mystery and then it turned out to be stupid and not fun and season 2 was the worst thing I've ever watched in my life okay but this is talking about season one I'm thinking about the show as a whole you watch season two I watched a little bit and I was like oh I mean yeah the show definitely fumbled the bag in season 2 but if we're just talking season 1 which is what this position is I thought the first 12 episodes of Promise Neverland were pretty solid is it is the best written like horror mystery you know Supernatural show no I only had like I think it's pretty [ __ ] damn good my my okay my biggest problem yeah my biggest problem with promis Neverland was never the mystery aspect of it cuz I do think it was a pretty damn good mystery and has one of the best hooks one of the best hooks in episode one I think inime um it was just the fact that it threw my suspension of disbelief to its absolute limit like these kids are 12 yeah these kids are 12 and there is like some plot points at the end of season 1 where I'm like you remember what that's possible it would have worked a little better if they were just like four five years older yeah I think it would have all tied together more same thing with um Tokyo Avengers yeah just yeah uh I feel like season 2 had potential if it didn't skip some of the best arcs in the manga I do think the manga fell off a bit in the ending but for the most part it's pretty damn good all right and we have OG bleach which I guess we've already talked at 40 I'm sure that I'm that I'm happy with that I think I think 40 it' probably be in my top 25 I think I would yeah probably put a little bit higher um season one was [ __ ] awesome and a great introduction to the series blue ex and blue EX but this is again this show was so so popular in the W was it I have never had a I I've saying this I've never had a conversation with anyone about blue exist G I was in the Black Butler fandom all right I'm telling you trust me this show was was was very popular with that same time Tumbl carrying again was this a Tumblr show it was huge on Tumblr yeah this was this was like a really really popular show uh you know way way back but this was also an incredibly popular show in Japan as well oh really this was massive in Japan when it came out uh and I think look I don't hate the show I just think it's the most like okay it's mid I I'll say it is mid yeah it's pretty mid it's not [ __ ] but it's not like number 41 I'm not saying mid in like how do I say I'm not saying mid in derogatory term I'm saying it bog standard average in the middle I mean it's a 7.5 on Mal which is literally the five pretty much for [ __ ] sake just call God's sake okay why would they call it this what's wrong with you a lot of people liked parasite I thought love parasite you love parasite I [ __ ] with it so much sell me on parasite okay first of all dubstep Conor that's music how can you tell how can you yeah but dstep is the most beeps and boops you can have in music I've watched these fights in [ __ ] narrow to one piece I'm [ __ ] that [ __ ] like um the fact that uh I don't know I just [ __ ] with it I thought it was such a cool idea I thought it was so [ __ ] fun I think yeah I think the one thing I appreciate the most about the parasite anime is just how much they decided to deviate from the original manga but still did it in a solid way my favorite part is when he [ __ ] becomes cool and swag when no I I was going to say this this did Tokyo Ghoul before he was cool the [ __ ] all you need to do is just but that's what I appreciate it right cuz in the original manga he starts off cool and swag there's no transformation so like the fact that they in the anime they decided to like kind of start him off as this like wimpy scared confused character to then upon the development get him to be more confident was interesting I remember I just really really enjoyed parasite I remember had a lot of fun with it yes the dubstep was kind of annoying and I wish they had gone with a different direction but I still had so much fun and the concept was cool Al concept was really love the con con was cool well I will say uh I am upset that the anime missed out on my favorite panel in the manga where Miggy turns into a giant [ __ ] so that is that I was looking forward to that and they cut that [ __ ] out I would like it a little bit higher be like my top 30 because to me the opening is Banger oh the opening is Banger b I think I'm like the one person that just didn't [ __ ] with it I I I didn't dislike it I just don't remember there there were like no scenes in that that I really remember or really like hit me and I don't know if I was just in the wrong place to watch it I was just like eh it's fine it's this is like my norami I guess where I was like I don't it's I don't understand I just realized that cow and even gallion are both in the 40s yeah that's crazy and Spirited Away H Spirit Away movies don't get rated as as good on I am so shocked that cowo b and even gion are that low yeah I would have expected them to be at least in the top 20 I'm surprised that parasite is more popular that's wild that is crazy but I guess cuz I think people who watch parasite really [ __ ] fell in love with it whereas people who watch C I feel like almost watch it out of obligation and almost saying again it's a social media website right so saying oh c was one of my favorites it's like okay what else do you like bread you know what I mean I also have eyes uh I actually don't some surprised toky route a is crazy toky route a above death parade and violet everard fairy tale Wild W what is this is such a whack list what the [ __ ] is this you know what maybe Tumblr dying was uh was was the right was the right decision guys cuz then we don't have to deal with [ __ ] like this I can't believe I I never watched ever gotten it just felt like crying bait for me so kind of gorgeous what aor crying bait my hot take about Violet ever Garden is that my favorite parts of violet ever Garden was the stories that didn't have anything to do with the main character um I loved the Side Stories um um and that was my favorite part of V Violet ever Garden I will say death parade should in for me is in the top 20 death parade should be way higher should be way but you know I will count it as a w that death parade somehow beat fairy tale let's go kind of I I had forgotten about fairy tales I'm kind of sad that I had to remember it right now yeah all right well that's uh all of the anime popularity and we rid them I hope you enjoyed that yeah let us know your opinions about anything we said down in the comments below and uh hey look at all these patrons I'm sure they have absolutely appropriate fantastic taste in anime and they'll be more than happy to let us know there great taste wait wait wait wait I just realized JoJo was not in either of those list I'm yeah I'm kind of shocked about that what yeah that's kind of tough wow JoJo fans were like Jojo fans probably like we're above I think may people would put the first season in their favorites so there's so many parts and so I feel like it'd be hard I'm I'm cop cult it's really like a small people don't really know about it people don't really know about it there lot of shows I'm surprised never heard of it but uh Hey if you like to support the show go to our patreon patreon.com trashtaste also follow us on Twitter send us memes on the subred and if you head our face listen to us on Spotify also for you you guys going on to the patreon right now from this month we actually started releasing some official I guess patreon exclusive content fun little gaggy goofy gag we're not just doing like behind the scenes and deleted scenes from episodes like this we actually have some brand new spanking content for you guys over on the patreon so if You' like to support us and check out those exclusive patreon content then again make sure to go to our patreon patreon.com Trak but yeah and with that said we'll see you all next week guys bye [Music] bye [Music] yeah
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,116,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: oduDmZv9iJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 58sec (7258 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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