Inject Your Donuts - Custom Fillings! | Sorted Food

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wakey-wakey rise and shine what we'll be putting in our mouths today shut up then good morning now it's been bothering me a couple weeks ago I set the ultimate donut battle challenge because I love Donuts we got donut fries donut sliders and ring Donuts what we didn't get was filled Donuts so now we've got it it's donut time and today we're going to show you how to make custom filled Donuts these guys going to make individual donut fillings later we'll inject them but right now I'm going to show you the dope strong white flour into a mixer along with dried active yeast a generous pinch of salt four tablespoons of sugar and then the wet stuff that's an egg melted butter and milk organ enriched our dough I can't say I'm a chef I need to see all the food all the time knead it for a good 5 minutes so it's soft and elastic feels like there's something in my ass it's a basel ii that's not funny leave your soft elastic dough to proof or now while we make something stop squeaking James's attention-seeking has got a really squeaky chair stop moving on now the religious folks SL leave your soft elastic dough to prove for an hour while it makes your feelings listen guys I don't think this is fair why because I don't know if you know but I'm a chef and these guys are not chefs and we've kind of made this into a little little battle and I'm definitely going to win I've chosen blackberry jam with try custard so it's kind of like a blackberry and chai ripple donut you can tell as a chef because tastes real chef to come up with a jam donut yeah that's brilliant this is going to be delicious and here's how you make it so the blackberry jam put a load of blackberries into the saucepan cover with the same quantity of vanilla sugar add a squeeze of lemon and freshly cracked black pepper keeps a bubble and cook it for 10 minutes when it's cool enough let's sit so it's smoother so it'll fit through a syringe for the Thai custard warm up some milk in a pan with some chai tea bags separate six eggs to get the yolk add sugar and corn flour and whisk scoop out the tea bag pour hot milk into egg yolks return to a pan and heat the thicken the filling that I'll be injecting into my donor is an orange and cinnamon curd its name citrus got real back the gunroom he thought about is someone done and here's how you make it zest two oranges into a bowl and squeezing the juice of three dump in a load of sugar for weights and measurements on salted food calm cracking for eggs 2 egg yolks a pinch of cinnamon and whisk it all up heat over a pan of simmering water stirring occasionally until it thickens stirring some butter and then leave to set I'm just going to unscrew his chair because he's been and more now I think you know and I know the best feeling out there for a doughnut is definitely chocolate but I'm taking it to the next level by adding coffee is called the adrenaline shop this day you make it but drizzle in a full tin of condensed milk add plenty of milk chocolate chips and a couple of tablespoons of chicory and coffee essence heat it until it's warm enough to melt the chocolate and then cool it take your proven dough knock it back and roll it into small balls tight balls that are doughnut shape and place them on a floured tray meanwhile preheat a fryer to 165 degrees Celsius after half an hour of your balls proving and you have light fluffy raw donuts you need to fry them for a couple minutes on either side or tossing stock in there no look at it it's going it's going you know how syringes work thank you James yeah you know that guy who commented recently from comment of the week said Barry's got hint charms oh yeah the hint charms are really coming into their own here yeah someone really say with her arms yeah I think they were being sarcastic Oh Oh came out guess we should fill these babies up this that your cavity exploded I'll leave that for you guys because that's a bit messy I'm gonna do one no no no no no no no no no you gave one of your soil donuts how's the chef get on the lemon that looks funny I'm done it's all about the taste I think I think it's all about the combination of flavors do better that's not going to be difficult oh these are great donut slippers thank you don't mess them up citrus job real get citrus just you've got real hey I've got the shakes there we go oh let's just give that a bit of a one off very well done by me I think this set is half I've ever seen James are you sulking yes I yeah you're gonna smell like despair my doughnuts are gonna win take a run up okay okay look at that I really hope mine look good on the inside this is the moment of truth but we're not going to eat them everyone else here is going to eat them donuts they've both gone chocolate not everyone makes the right decision on their first cut not a good one cause it was just a comeback Rock that was the adrenaline rush gone for the ripple is called citrus got real that's quite nice and fruity okay so if you were to could you maybe deliberate and think of lovely them in order of the top three you could break them out of three between you do you want us to give you a minute let's give you a minute take into account innovation and stuff okay you had a minute so in third place hey last or loser founder to me yay I'm a few changed I wish I was a chef light it was still fine number two was the lemon one that is annoying orange cared it was good ah ah it was a tough decision for me yeah it was Katy that swayed me yeah this one is number one it's chocolate coffee it really mostly sunn believable thank you very much for testing we can't argue with that very well done your winner James you're the loser I'm just stuck in the middle please make sure that you visit sorted food calm for the full recipes and bonus content we've only done another three flavours that you can only get on there so make sure you go to soiitary calm and comment below with what you'd fill your doughnuts with feeling all good enough yeah I don't think we should put that video I'm definitely going to win or just normal word how do we get through all of that without a single innuendo I think there are plenty but they were just under the radar make sure that you check out those extra fillings that we made on sorted food comm and we also tried to inject one poor donut with all of the fillings and it was messy that is also a sorted food on so go and check that out as well awesome we've been cooking this way can we then yeah we made a sandwich and the sandwich was awesome a shrimp BLT if you like any of these things you must go watch the video cajun shrimp yummy tomato jam yummy lemon and basil mayor yummy smoked maple bacon yummy whatever wouldn't go get over there and watch it sounds yummy and on Friday we all went vegan we did a vegan ultimate battle you guys have been asking for it we do as we're told it was hilarious I'll go a little caveat right people are questioning the way I conduct myself in these battles and I can't say that I'm proud of it but in my defense Jamie is horrible in those and all of his worst bits are so bad we can't include them in the video and they get cut so it just makes any embarrass that is that is annoyingly true so I suggest this how about we take James worst bits put them all together into one big real and we'll put them on the website or something at the end we may be arrested purely for the reasons of just making me not look so bad come on the link and this coming the week has been thumbed up and like so many times we could not possibly ignore it 649 times to the exact pen thanks Tora and it's from Tyra field you are mate Tyra has commented I can only imagine what you guys would be like if you knew each other as far back as nursery teacher today we're making play-doh Pike model tis playdough around something the teacher lies a technique used to win more affection Jamie on the other hand tries to make something manly a truck a hammer or possibly steak first make something completely different is it playdough is it clay no it's paper mache where is Ben in all of this trying to make a quiche replica in Lego that falls into the constant dilemma that quiche typically isn't a polyhedral resulting in a conglomeration of tears sulking and the no the comment that great color because it is so true your teacher's pet in with these battles I was the opposite of teacher's pet school Jamie just goes big and bold don't need Jones steak and mat you can bury refuses to stick to the rules so true so true I do like king shorter and leggo do you know what I think that fridge cam had everything multiple holes injected it had lots of innuendo I was going to say none but now you've done one so it had innuendos and it had the emergence of James's confidence for the first time which is now actually been crushed and returned back to his former state yeah back to normal as usual see you next week 10 a.m. Sunday bye bye
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 558,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doughnuts, desserts, fried food, sortedfood, sorted, food, recipe, battle, ultimate battle, how to, how to cook, how to make, doughnut fillings, chefs tips, food hacks, pudding, sweet treats, jam, custard, citrus, flavours, sugar, deep frying, dough, cooking advice, cooking tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2016
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