The Ultimate Crafter Leveling Guide (1-90) - FFXIV Guide

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hey in this video i will go over how to level your crafters to level 90 in the most efficient way possible using a variety of methods i'll break everything down and assume you are completely new to crafting before we get started let's go over a few things first of all make sure you have some guilt to spare we will need to buy gear and some materials occasionally and even though i will show you some ways to save gil in the process you do need to spend a little bit something in the range of 1 to 3 million should do the trick for now also you should level your gatherers before starting your crafters ideally this way you'll be able to save gil on materials by gathering them yourself this can be especially useful in the level range from 50 to 80 where some of the materials that we need will be a bit more expensive to make all of this a bit easier on your armory chest space you should also level all crafters together and keep them about in the same level range this way you can use a single gear set for all your crafters and don't run the risk of accidentally deleting gear that you could use for another crafter drop keep in mind that leveling all of these is not an easy task that you can do in a day or two i'm not your dad but i'm still going to tell you to pace yourself on this just watch something on the site and occasionally level your crafters otherwise you'll burn yourself out before you even get to level 90. right let's get started with the first stage this is also called the quick synth stage using this method we're going to get all of your crafters from level 1 to 21 using just basic recipes in this level range your only realistic other option is doing leaf quests however i think doing quicksynth is not only more comfortable it's also faster quicksynth is an alternative to regular crafting in the crafting menu you can see the quick synth button right here this allows you to quickly synthesize a large amount of certain items after you've crafted them once the materials needed for these crafts are extremely cheap and can all be purchased from the vendor inside the respective crafters jobs guild and all we need to get to level 21 is the raw xp that we earn from completing these crafts to speed this process up a little bit there are company issue engineering manuals you can get these from your grand company's quartermaster and they only cost a few storm seals this is useful right now because we are only relying on the xp gain from the crafts however if you don't have your grand company unlocked yet or if you really don't feel like looking for it just do the crafts you know go into the kitchen make some coffee it'll be fine it will just take a little bit longer in the range of a couple minutes so as an example let's say we want to level our culinarian we're going to find a level 1 recipe figure out what materials we need we'll talk to the vendor and just buy a bunch of that material as you can see it's dirt cheap [Music] we'll have to synthesize this item once and after that we can just use quick synthesis to make of many of these as we want this is by far the most comfortable way to get to level 21 and you should do this for every single crafter before you move on to the next step now at this point we'll want to buy our first set of gear and for all gearing from this moment onwards we're going to use a website called final fantasy 14 crafting i wish i'd had this website back in the day because i wasted so much skill leveling up just buying gear pieces that i didn't actually need so to use this website you just select the crafter job that you want to level you enter the level and then just press get my gear at this point you'll get a level range and whenever you're supposed to replace the gear piece it's going to be highlighted in orange like this because we just reached level 21 you're going to have to buy all the items in the 21 bracket or alternatively you can also craft them which would be the cheaper alternative in many cases however if you do decide to go down that route make sure that the materials are actually cheaper than just buying the item from the vendor especially in this early level range the items from the vendor are actually really cheap to check who can craft an item or where to buy an item you're going to want to check below the symbol so for example for culinarian we can see that the initiate skillet can be crafted by an armorer alternatively we can click on this symbol right here and find out where the vendor is that we can get this item from every time you feel like you need a crafting gear upgrade you should check out this website and just upgrade your items accordingly however you don't have to follow the website exactly as sometimes you can skip a certain level range for our next step for example we'll be using a method to craft the same item from level 21 to level 41 and theoretically you won't have to upgrade a single item in that entire level range problems will start coming in if you want to upgrade your gear for the next stage but because you're still sitting on level 21 gear you're not able to craft the gear that you would need for that stage so if you're going to craft your own gear make sure it's always up to date if you're going to simply buy gear then just skip until the next stage before you get to the next stage it's important that you understand a few things about crafting if you're a complete beginner first of all you need to understand what a macro is you can find the macro section in-game by going into user macros here you can see a bunch of macro slots and each one of these slots allows you to input another macro for us this is going to be useful because we're going to use it to automate the crafting process essentially the macros are going to press the buttons for us this way you can get to level 90 without even knowing what any of your abilities do now i do recommend you figure out how to actually craft but it is actually not a requirement because even at the high level outside of perhaps expert recipes you can use this method that i'm about to teach you for everything now this is the point where a lot of people would just give you a bunch of macros to get to the highest level and i'll do that too they will be in the video description however i'll also show you a way to find your own macros in case the one that i give you doesn't work for some reason maybe there's a game update or one of your gear pieces is slightly outdated this will just make sure that you always get a macro that will work for you for this purpose we're going to use the website final fantasy xiv again link in the video description now if you want to find a crafting rotation for an item that you want to create enter the item name [Music] select the job that you want to use and then enter the stats that you currently have on that job [Music] you can find your craftsmanship and your control in the character screen and your cpu is shown next to your hp as the mana replacement then take your current level and whether or not you're using any food we'll talk a little bit about the food that you should be using later on after that click apply stats apply consumables and then on the left side click rotation finder this will show you a bunch of possible rotations that are going to work for the item that you're going to craft with the gear that you currently have click whichever rotation looks fine to you and teamcraft is going to show you a breakdown of the craft now at this point you want to go to the left side again and select generate in-game macro here you don't have to do anything except for copy the text and paste it into the macro screen that we open in game it should look something like this after that just name your macro and drag it to your hotbar to test whether this works just find the item that you want to craft and select trial synthesis click the macro button and you're going to see whether the craft finishes just fine and whether the quality is good enough now starting from level 21 all the way to level 80 we're going to use something called ich guardian restoration we're also going to use a few other methods that i'm going to mention after we're done with the asgardian restoration that will make this entire thing a bit more economical but will take a bit longer because they are time gated the asgardian restoration takes place inside the firmament which is a place that you have to unlock in ishgard to unlock the ishgarden restoration you'll need any class on level 60 and also you need to finish the main scenario quest litany of peace i'll put a link down in the video description to help you find the quest there's actually an official final fantasy 14 page that will describe the details to you in addition to this you'll need to unlock collectables which is a system that you can get by completing the level 50 quest in scrutable tests again another link in the video description once you have the firmament unlocked head over there by using the etherite inside ishgard and then talk to the collectible appraiser on this screen you will see various craftable items these are so called collectables these are different from other items because their only purpose is to be turned into the collectible appraisers you'll be able to see the various items that the job that you're on right now can turn into the collectable appraiser the higher your level the better collectibles you can craft to check the collectibles you can craft right now open the crafting log and then click on level based recipes fish guardian restoration and then whatever the current restoration is in this case it's restoration 4 and here you can see the various items that we'll be able to craft as we level up so at level 20 we're able to craft hemp milk at level 40 sesame cookies and so on the materials required for early levels of this are usually pretty cheap you can buy all of them on the market board however all of these skybuilding materials can also be gathered inside the diadem to head into the diadem you'll need a gatherer at the appropriate level and then you'll have to talk to the mission commander i'll recommend you do this for materials level 50 and above but you can do it for the 20 to 50 materials as well however those are generally so cheap on the market board that it would probably be a good idea to save yourself the time and just buy them from level 21 to 41 you're going to need about 25 crafts per crafter so using the macro this doesn't take very long at all the macros you should be using will be in the video description but again if any of them don't work for you or you want to craft anything else you should use team craft to figure out the rotation for you ideally you should be using food while you're crafting not only for the experience gain but also because crafting food will provide you with valuable stats that are going to make your craft a bit easier or possible in some cases the food that i recommend all the way through for simplicity's sake is saitu vunu this can be bought from the market board relatively cheap you just need to make sure that you buy the high quality version which is indicated by the symbol next to the stack this is because high quality food has better stats than normal quality food to show you how this works we're going to do this process on my culinarian i've got the various items that we need we'll head into the crafting menu find the level 20 craft that we want to do we take the macro from the video description or from team craft and paste it into the macro screen we drag the button to our hotbar and then we start the craft press the macro and that should do the trick in crafting the collectible for collectible items the quality is measured in so-called collectability the higher the collectibility the more xp you're going to get from the collectable appraiser it's not that bad if you can't get the highest collectability rating immediately just make sure you upgrade your gear as you go along afterwards you can talk to the collectible appraiser and turn in the items that you just crafted for turning in items you'll get level ups at a really fast rate and also you get koopa stamps this is basically a little gambling mini game that allows you to make some of the money that you lost back just talk to the lady next to the collectible appraiser and you might be able to make some of your money back at this point you should craft a level 20 item all the way up to level 41 and then switch to the next one whenever you feel like you should upgrade the item that you're currently crafting you should make sure beforehand that you're actually able to craft said item you do this by clicking on trial synthesis and then while running food using whatever macro you want to use to craft that item this will tell you how much collectibility you can get and whether you can actually finish the craft and if you're not there yet you'll likely need some more item upgrades to get some of these item upgrades depending on what final fantasy 14 crafting is telling you you might have to level to awkward level ranges let's say you need a gear piece to craft the level 50 to 60 item but the item that you need is level 53 you'll have to craft the level 40 item until you reach that breakpoint when you're buying materials especially for the later stages i highly recommend you use the website universalis which gives you a breakdown of the market board on other worlds you can use this to find the cheapest deal on whatever material you need using this method you might be able to save a couple hundred thousand girl the guardian restoration will be the main non-time gated tool that you're going to use while leveling up if you want to do it faster however there are other methods that are time-gated that we'll get into now just know that you can always return to the firmament and craft a few items whenever you feel like leveling up your crafters the first method that we're going to use to supplement our isguardian restoration crafting is the tribal daily quests there's always one tribe per expansion that's going to allow you to do daily quests which will have you craft various easy items for ram reborn that's the exile heavensward mughals stormblood namazu and shadowbringers dwarfs for endwalker they will likely add a b-stripe that allows you to level your crafters at some point but as the time of making this video this is not released yet so let's say you are at level 70 and you want to get your crafter to level 80 you could do the shadowbringer dwarf b-stripe quests once a day to level your craft additionally this is a pretty good way of getting some additional xp for free generally the crafts are pretty easy but you do want to make sure your gear is roughly in the right range and then just export a macro or craft it yourself if you know enough about the abilities the good thing here is that some of the items they will ask you to craft do not have to be high quality so it is actually pretty easy to do in many cases additionally all of the b stripes have a mount at the end of the reputation grind so this way you can both level your crafters and make progress towards your mount at the same time you have access to 12 b-stripe quests a day but generally you will only be able to do three for the crafter beast tribe once you have the daily quests unlocked just head there once a day and accept whatever quests they give you you do have to be on a crafter to accept them the quests themselves are pretty easy to do nothing you shouldn't be used to already in addition to daily quests you have the option of doing supply missions for your grand company once per day these can give a ridiculous amount of xp and this was actually the primary way i leveled my crafters from level 60 to level 80. to do them head into your timers page click on next mission allowance and take a look at the items that you can turn into your supply officer you can turn in one item per crafter per day and ideally you want to turn in the high quality version because that will double the xp you gain i'm not kidding when i'm saying i was getting one level per crafter per day using this method the items that you need can be bought from the market board but they are usually extremely overpriced i'm talking 30 000 gil plus for each item in this list this would come out to about a quarter million gil spent on this per day however all of these items can also be crafted the materials are usually very reasonably priced on the market board and i usually ended up spending between ten thousand and thirty thousand gil depending on what materials i already had available that is for all eight items you can easily make the gill back by crafting multiples of whatever item you're supposed to craft that day you put them on the market board and people buy them up doing exactly what i described earlier buying the item from the market board straight up these sell relatively slowly but they do eventually sell this is also a great method to make some guild in the late game so my daily routine regarding supply missions used to be opening the timer page screenshotting this page and then having it up on a second screen and then i would just run to the market board open up my crafting log and then search for one item after another buy whatever materials i needed from the market board and then just craft all items in a row this process takes about 15 to 20 minutes and will advance all of your crafters by approximately one level i highly recommend that you use this method provided you can afford the daily 30 000 year sync but especially at later levels it's actually cheaper to do this rather than using the asgardian restoration because the diadem items end up costing a lot of gill the last method you can use to supplement your crafter leveling is so called custom deliveries these reset once a week and take only a few moments to complete in addition to this they award scripts which you can use to buy gear from the script exchanges custom deliveries are tied to special npcs and they will have their own little quest line attached to them essentially you'll be crafting collectibles just like you already are for the ish guardian restoration the custom delivery npcs available right now are slowing aliapo for heaven's wood nago for stormblood kuranai for stormblood atkiraj for stormblood kaishia for shadowbringers l2 for shadowbringers charlemagne for shadowbringers and finally a millions for endwalker to do the custom deliveries go to your timer page custom deliveries and figure out what item you want to craft to do this click on whatever npc is in the level range of the craft that you want to level for example if i want to get from level 80 to 90 i want to do the amelian's custom deliveries so i would click on her name and i will give you a breakdown of the items that you can turn in search for the item that you need to craft inside your crafting log and figure out what base material you need the materials needed for crafting custom deliveries can always be bought from a vendor that is at least in the same city as the custom delivery npc if you're unsure where to find an item there's a website called garland tools just put the material name in there and it will show you which vendors sell that item [Music] after that craft a collectible with as high of a collectibility as you can and then turn them into the custom delivery npc over time you will increase the npc's satisfaction but once you reach 5 out of 5 hearts you won't suddenly stop being able to turn in items you can just keep going afterwards and get the same amount of xp additionally for getting the satisfaction of l2 to 5 out of 5 will give you a mount as well there's a link to every single custom delivery npc down in the video description depending on what level range you want to do check those out going through every single one of them would simply break the scope of this video and the websites also do a great job of explaining it once you reach level 80 on all of your crafters we're going to enter the last stage during this we're just going to use regular collectibles which we're going to turn into the expansions collectible appraiser you can find this guy in ratsadhan i believe there's a short quest line that you have to complete and after that we'll be using the same method that we've been using for the ish guardian restoration however this will use actual items that you can gather outside of the diadem as well so talk to the collectible appraiser and figure out what item you want to craft look it up in your crafting log and then figure out what items you need a lot of them you'll be able to gather some of them will be relatively cheap on the market board while some of them will be more expensive if you do decide to buy items at this stage this will probably be the most expensive part of leveling your crafter and if you do decide to gather all of the materials it will be a little bit cheaper but it will take quite a while if you don't feel like spending too much kill on this you can just keep going with the custom deliveries the expert deliveries and also the daily quests whenever they get released for end walker in addition to this there's another system between level 80 and 90 called the studium deliveries you might sigh and say oh another system but in this case it's actually pretty simple these are just quest lines where you can turn in collectibles and these actually award a ton of xp simply switch to any crafter and check out charlion you'll see the studium up in the north side provided you've completed the level 81 quest sound the bell schools in during the end walker msq every couple of levels a quest will appear that you can complete and there are three quest lines for crafters there's jute for astronomy which includes carpenters leather workers and weavers de bruy for medicine which includes alchemists and culinarian and boric for archaeology which will include blacksmith armorer and goldsmith i don't recall exactly what the level breakpoints were or how many quests there are but there's quite a few and it's a lot of xp that you don't want to miss out especially to save gil if you're using the collectible method so let's summarize level 1 to 21 you're going to use quick synth from level 21 to 80 you're going to use the ashgardian restoration but especially from 21 to 60 because you can get past this stage really quickly in addition to this you can use the exile mughal namazu and dwarf daily quests as these give a decent amount of xp and also a world amount at the end you should be using all 12 custom deliveries once a week you can track these using the timers page and you should do the expert deliveries with your grand company personnel officer once per day starting at level 80 you can use all the methods i mentioned before except you should replace the ishgardian restoration with the collectible appraiser in ratsadhan and you should make sure to do your studium deliveries in charlie during this whole process you will use final fantasy 14 to figure out what gear you want to use from time to time you may be able to use scripts that you get from doing custom deliveries by talking to a script exchange person and getting a gear piece from there this way you can get some decent gear without having to craft it the gear is available at 50 60 70 and 80 and that's how you get your crafters from level 1 to level 90. i do realize that this was quite a long video but i didn't know how to shorten all of this information in this case crafting is just pretty complicated and it took me a while to wrap my head around all of this as well so just take it slow explore one system at a time and don't rush into it too much spend a lot of guilt on something that you ultimately don't actually need make liberal use of the trial synthesis feature and make sure you get used to team craft if you don't plan on actually learning any of the abilities to generate your own macros as an alternative to this i'm going to start working on a video explaining every single crafter ability and how to make your own rotations so if you're interested in that make sure you subscribe to the channel for now thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Jolsn
Views: 212,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy 14, final fantasy xiv, crafter, leveling, guide, ffxiv crafter leveling guide, leveling crafters quickly, how to level crafters quickly, crafter guide, crafting guide, crafting, a realm reborn, heavensward, stormblood, endwalker, gillionaire, how to make gil, grind, 1-90, ishgardian restoration, collectables, disciple of hand, doh, custom deliveries, studium deliveries, xp, experience, gear progression, crafter gear, leveling guide, crafter leveling, market board
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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