How I Make Gil in FFXIV (Lazy Gil Farming Guide)

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oh yeah it's avicat and for today's video I'll financially ruin myself in a video game you might be wondering why I sound so tired in this video it's because I am it's 5 am as I'm recording this I did not sleep all night and I had two cups of coffee in the last two hours I can smell colors on my hair suspiciously taste like grapes but I'm still gonna log in to check my retainers because I'm responsible in a video game if you're feeling constant existential drag and feeling lazy all the time but still want to make money in game this is the video for you because let's be honest if I could save enough money for a large house with two hours of sleep and novel to live anyone can do it so welcome to AV cat's guide to making gills in the laziest way possible you're welcome most people already know crafting is a really good way of making Gill in Final Fantasy 14. Crafters in this game are the richest players ever but crafting also is a very time consuming thing to do if you're doing it right status I personally don't I'm probably the crafter Mains are gonna give me the side eye for this video truth is I'm lazy I don't have the time or patience to gather all the materials by myself leveling up all my Crafters will take forever and I just don't want to do it getting into crafting in this game can also be very daunting for newer players it's so different from punching a monster until it dies and Gathering the loot there are so many new skills on your hot part that you don't know the names of and it's kind of overwhelming why do any crafting where you can just AFK and limbsa and stare at cat girls on 2B sets sounds like a waste of time and energy but crafting is actually how I make most of my skills nowadays and I don't even have my Crafters maxed out yet I really don't think people realize you don't need your Crafters to be max level to start making deals with them I leveled up most of my Crafters by crafting Furniture to sell in the marketplace and that's what you want to focus on Crafting if you want to make money as a lazy crafter like me housing is so popular in Final Fantasy 14 and we have a huge venue culture we have personal houses nightclubs roleplay Focus free companies you get it we really love getting creative with decorations in this game passing items will always be in demand because girls be decorating and some of these items can sell for absurdly high prices too there's just not enough competition so you can sell it for as expensive as you want what are they gonna do craft it themselves I don't think they will it's a really easy option to buy it from the marketplace so most people will just prefer buying it from the marketplace even though it's super expensive it doesn't really matter never underestimate people's laziness in this game even if you bought all the materials you need it's still gonna be very cheap to craft and most of these housing items don't even require you to be high level you can just craft them even though you're super low level like level 20. okay actually let's calculate how much you'll make if you bought all the materials here to you Lumber oh never mind it usually sells super cheap let's say 500 let's be pessimistic we have 500 here too so let's say it's 3 000. let's see how much it sells for foreign that's not very impressive why is the universe trying to prove me wrong track yay we made money I should probably mention you should always check the prices before you craft anything sometimes I forget to check the prices and stuff like these happen if that happens though don't sell it for cheap just put it in your retainer's inventory the prices will go high eventually and it's still gonna make you profit if you don't feel like ever touching crafting though don't worry you don't have to because I'm about to teach you the scummiest way of making gills in this game reselling NPC items it's definitely been of the most reliable way of making money but if you're not into crafting or don't want to grind anything it's still better than leaving your retainers empty whenever I do that and yes I do that on my old sometimes my go-to items are either these flower vases or the furniture you can buy from your grand company in BC there are so many NPC items you can sell in this game but I suggest choosing the ones not known by many people you're not gonna be the only person selling these items everyone wants the easy money but if you're normally leaving your retainers empty this is actually a good way of taking some extra girl never leave your retainer is empty never how dare you you always have to undercut your enemies in the marketplace this is the real PVP in Final Fantasy 14 undercutting even if I don't feel like doing anything in game that day I log in just to check my retainers if you really want to make money in this game you should turn it into a habit too at least whenever you log into the game and before you log out always check the prices in the marketplace you can easily compare prices by clicking this tiny button here and you're gonna see if anyone undercuts you if they did in which case they did adjust accordingly another way to easily make money in this game is using your tombstones we normally use tombstones to get gear for our character but if you don't need any more items you can use it for crafting materials or other items you can sell so for my project Tom zones I usually come here to idle Shire go to special arms and where is it where is it where is it there you go unidentified viable or this is the best one after you take that you come here and change it or tunnel on top soil and it sells for quite a bit you're welcome for the tombstone of astronomy you have to come to ratatan and talk to the tombstone exchange here prices of these items change from server to server so I suggest checking the prices before you buy them I also see some people selling these items in the party finder so if you want to avoid the market board taxes I think that's a good way if you're following the footsteps of tataru here we're learning we're adapting if you're not a crafter but want a more reliable way of making money I have one word for you maps maps maps maps map particles are kind of like playing gacha you can turn off your brain and just enjoy the ride it's super satisfying whenever you get a good job and it's actually super profitable too it definitely takes some time it's not just do this and you'll get the money kind of thing you have to keep trying it's kind of grindy but it doesn't even feel like it all you need is a few time more maps and a few people you might be thinking I could just sell these Maps but trust me if you use them in a farm party you're gonna make a at least double the amount there are some super rare items that drop only from these Maps there are mounts minions craftable materials and fashion accessories and all these materials are super expensive in the marketplace if you get lucky and roll high on any of these items you're pretty much Rich instantly in a video game and even if you don't get any good jobs that run even if you're so curse you still get some money for doing these dungeons so it's kind of pain for itself unlike gentian there is no way to loosen the sketch again another way of making money by just doing brainless PPU is hunt trains if you're not already in a handling shell or a Discord I suggest you change that immediately actually I don't suggest that I demanded these groups pretty much do all the job for you you just need to join them and kill these monsters in the order they link it it's a super easy way to get materials and if you farm them regularly you're gonna make so much money and it's super cool to fight one big boss with so many people I think everyone in this game should experience it at least once I love hunt trains it gives me the good old MMO feeling you're surrounded by so many people you see all these months fly together it's so good you have to be there if you're struggling to find link shells or discords for these you can pretty much ask it in any shout chat in any big cities and people should help you with it it's a super popular thing the next thing you can do to farm girls is not lazy at all but I want to mention it still whenever I'm bored and looking for something to do you know to keep the brain running I like to join shadowbringers Extreme Trials for materials most of these trials are super easy to clear with the current gear we have and the materials that drop still sell for quite a bit Titania is probably my favorite because it's the easiest you just need to remember to pause at a certain moment and you can clear it pretty much in two to three minutes remember whenever you run these trials never pass on the weapons there is a small chance of getting the craftable material if you desensitize them I never got lucky myself but some of my friends got butterfly from the weapons it's a super good way of making money and of course last but not the least it should be super obvious for everyone but I still want to mention it just in case there are new players watching this video don't forget to extract materials from your gear if you're not extracting materials you're pretty much wasting money don't do that or you'll make tatara cry I hope you enjoy my video if you did please give this video a like And subscribe to my channel I hope my guide was useful to you if you have any other tips and tricks you'd like to share with the others comment down below and as always I'll see you in my next video stay cozy I'll go sleep now
Channel: AvyCatte
Views: 47,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy xiv, ffxiv, final fantasy 14, ffxiv guide, final fantasy 14 guide, final fantasy xiv guide, how to make gil in ffxiv, how to make gil in final fantasy 14, how to make gils in ff14, how to make gils in final fantasy xiv, easy gil faming guide, gil farming guide, ffxiv gil farming guide, how to make money in ffxiv, how to make money in final fantasy 14, easy gil farming, fast gil farming, how to farm gils, how to farm gil in ffxiv, how to farm gil ffxiv, ff14
Id: 8uoQszPc8r0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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