Why No One Play These Jobs | FFXIV

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hey you yeah wake up do you want to learn about the five worst jobs to play in 14 today I'm gonna tell you all about hey don't don't go back to sleep hey with 20 jobs to choose from in 14 you might find it kind of tough well actually Co there's technically only 19 jobs in Final Fantasy 14 since the blue Mage is a limited job so therefore it wouldn't oh oh with 19 jobs to choose from in 14 new players may have a tough time deciding what they want to mean or if you're like me and you have trouble sticking to your main job well we have a word for that commitment issues and we should probably look into a therapist for that today I kogon the legendary no ultimate clearer gray parser a real gameplay expert I know we'll present to you five jobs and 14 that you should avoid playing why these five you may ask because I said so and my word is Law and you don't want to disagree with me I'll be listing out my reasons for these jobs so don't worry I got you covered but also I have one for each role so let me tell you the five jobs I don't advise playing Samurai formerly one of the coolest jobs to play but no longer cool at the moment the other melee jobs are really cool you know you got monks they can punch dragoons have sexy armor Ninjas full of cool utilities also that mug for increased damage is just chef's kiss and Reapers they also have sexy armor as well and what do samurais get to look like the weebiest job ever fellas is it weeb to dress up in traditional Japanese clothing and wheel the samurai sword yes dressing up like a weeb is already part of playing the job so if you're not already looking the part give up besides the appearance of the job let's talk about that one big thing that samurais are currently lacking Kaiten is no longer a skill ah yes back in the olden days samurais had a move called chitin which increases your potency for your next weapon skill by 50 and what it is now is the phantom pain of skills it hurts to press a skill out of memory during my rotation right now go ask any of your friends who main Samurai and they will still have the skill on their hot bar and all these Samurai Mains believe the skill will come back my dad will come back from the store sooner than chitin will if you play Samurai you have to set your language and everything else to Japanese for the sake of immersion and if you're not already playing Japanese you're already missing out the experience start getting your kanji on I already sound so dumb trying to pronounce half these skills names like make yo shiitsui and what you also gotta start playing with Japanese players too because it's a weeb job you're unable to play this job unless you have at least watched 20 animes and you can't say Demon Slayer 20 times over and I know what you're gonna say ninja is technically a weeb job because of the same kind of similarities and you know what on the subject of weeb jobs let's talk about astrologians why do I consider Astros to be a weeb job well let's think about it what other country design things are on card games Yugi has card games on motorcycles and it also has card games on trains yes that last one actually did happen once and now we got card games in raiding is this Yu-Gi-Oh or 14 why I don't suggest people play Astros because you got to do a lot of thinking and I hate thinking and I hate doing anything that requires more than breathing you gotta heal and you also gotta do Buffs with the cards you know why not just be a White Mage and just heal only now I gotta heal up and be responsible for cards my years of collecting cards is coming back to haunt me as most players know healing is the main task of healers and second is doing damage but now I have to think about my cards in advance and know which proper card to give for optimal damage I am going to cry on the bright side at least we have light speed to help with cast times and other cool skills such as Earthly star almost covers the whole entire Arena so you can pretty much heal your whole party if they're not already in Narnia but while it's not a bad job to play it just gives you a lot more work to do and I don't like working hard at least the card backgrounds give you a pretty good indication on what role to give it to sadly I wasn't really there to experience the old cart system where the car system was really unique like we had cards that increase your damage dealt decrease your damage taken and also increasing your target attack speed but like all card games this also has RNG with it this is no exception you'll be pulling out all the right cards if you have lady luck on your side but I can't even pull any ladies so uh you may find yourself struggling to get the right car to your teammates or you might not it depends on how lucky you are if you want a job that keeps you busy then by all means go ahead and play Astro but if you're lazy like me then go play White Mage it'll make your life much more simpler speaking of easy play dancer or machinist but avoid Bard instead of being a dancer or just using a gun bards are out here using bows like what while Barr does come with a lot of utilities to make up for how boring it is I hate to break it to you but you'll never be as cool as Legolas in this game Bard has a lot of skill procking to it your opener as a dancer is kind of guaranteed because of the skills you have but as a Bard you have to just leave it to fate to decide if your stuff actually procs or not did you proc this ability right here then go down this path oh you didn't well then suffer with less damage on this path oh no your bloodletter didn't proc well then settle for a normal heavy shot no straight shot proc cry you only got one repertoire stack during that whole entire session skill issue dancer is a pretty relatively easy class to learn hard to master but you know pretty easy to learn and Machinists can be kind of easy if you can stand having an identity crisis of not being sure if you want to be a full-blown DPS job or something that has a bit more support than other jobs as a Bard you gotta manage your dots appropriately which isn't too bad but the second you forget to reapply your dot that's a loss on damage and everyone will notice if you didn't reapply managing my dots is like trying to manage dating two different girls in my Japanese dating Sims alright forget the bow now let's talk about something that's a bit more close-up paladins are boring all you have is just a simple sword while the other tank jobs have a big ax a big sword or the gunblade sword sword all they have is just a sword and shield boring how many times have you seen a cool person armed with both a sword and a shield it screams lame and everybody knows that you just gotta use only the sword because you look cool sure your survivability may be reduced down by like 95 but at least you'll look cool when you die if you're still gonna play Paladin I recommend at least you Glam that Shield so it's invisible so you look kinda cool you look awkward when you Gotta Throw That Shield but yeah you know what it works now at the moment the job has a stupidly long rotation that you have to continuously keep reapplying or else the second you mess up you'll be feeling the pain things might actually fall off your rotation so your fight or flight actually might miss some skills needless to say you'll be basically practicing a lot so you can get that muscle memory just right I don't even have muscles we're gonna get somebody to come and saying something like well it doesn't matter if I miss a skill in my rotation because my damage will still be fine for content and in the grand scheme of things it doesn't but have you ever messed up a skill so badly that it just eats away at you slowly as you're progging knowing you could have put the right input in but instead you fat finger appraisal now everything is messed up and everyone saw you making your mistake and now they're laughing at you then your girlfriend Stacy breaks up with you today Evan Evan and everyone shares that same feeling where if you mess up your rotation you just want to you know commit murder I would go deeper into Paladin stuff but soon this job will be changed with an upcoming patch so for now I'll just say if you enjoy being an orchard fun RP or someone who enjoys swords or having a long rotation that keeps you busy then play Paladin but if you want everyone else to love you then play Dark Knight or Warrior because they got the big weapons and you know what they say about big axes and swords right oh well I wouldn't know I'm a Black Mage man so um speaking of which if you enjoy pain then come on down to try out Black Mage once you start casting a spell as a black mage you have to finish those casts or you're not a real Black Mage as a current enjoyer of pain we all know how important it is to get those big numbers off and how do we get those big numbers we cast the big spells and what do big spells require big hands and you know what they say about big hands big numbers what did you think I was getting at Red Mages have that utility and Summoners have a rotation that even my three-year-old nephew can understand with black Mages you see uh we require a degree to play uh a degree in stupidity we love to play the game of how long can I stand in the bad it's kind of like chicken only except you play with your life and if you die and everyone laughs at you as a black mate you'll need to stand still as much as possible which can be a problem if you have cats that jump on your keyboard oh yeah by the way the fun of Black Mage doesn't start until you're at level 90. ironically that is the same amount of years it takes to master Black Mage also there's probably a low reason as to why we have eye patches as black Mages but I'm getting kind of tired of seeing this thing be a thing I am not seeing the fun in this overall you're gonna have a really hard time trying to master Black Mage as you need to learn to fight ahead of time there's a number of reasons I can go over but I made a whole video about this before so go watch that if you haven't are these five jobs the worst of the worst in 14 of course not these are the opinions of a great parser you stole a semper Black Mage ER prove me wrong and play these jobs better than how I could have ever played them and you know what I like to be proven wrong and I like to be yelled at yelled at is that is that a kink or something if you are an enjoyer of these five jobs then go enjoy them being kept busy between Cass is what some people like to enjoy in 14. I salute everyone out there who can play these five jobs because I don't think I could do it me on the other hand well I'll go back to playing my easy jobs where I can just press a skill and then in between each cast I can just simply go take a nap [Music]
Channel: Kougaon
Views: 237,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy, ffxiv, shadowbringers, stormblood, endwalker, heavensward
Id: ucQi6yxnbjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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