Useful Keybinds & New Settings That Make FFXIV Better

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there are some hidden settings and lesser known macros in Final Fantasy 14 that I think more players would use if they knew they existed some of them have only recently been added to the game so I think even experienced players could benefit from watching this video the first one that I want to talk about is called Mouse Sona and you can find this under keybinds system so you'll have to bind either a keyboard or a mouse button to it what this lets you do is easily find your cursor on a busy screen it does this by creating a flashing light around the position that your cursor is at which I find to be incredibly useful because I tend to lose my mouse cursor in this game you actually have to move your Martial Art to click on someone in the party list to click on an enemy to move your camera and with all the visual effects going off it's very easy to lose your mouse and I personally have bound this to Middle Mouse button which is easy to reach and remember this next one fixed a massive problem that I had for a long time do you know when you're in an extreme trial or in a raid and you have to resize your chat window to see the massive macros that people are posting to find out your position and whatever strategies people are using you usually have to stretch your chat window to sizes that most people don't really want it to be at especially if you're on Lower resolutions or you use an increased UI size because of poor eyesight well no more because under keybinds system you can find an option called lock window zoom and again this is a keybind that you have to bind to a keyboard or Mouse button this will let you create a large version of your chat in the middle of the screen which is amazing to view macros not only that but it also allows you to view much higher up in the chat to see past messages that you've lost track of without having to scroll up for me this is an absolute must-have and it just makes rating a lot more enjoyable another keybind that I think more people should use is one that lets you set Focus targets by the Press of a button usually you have to click on the target HP bar and then set Focus Target this is a bit iffy to do in the middle of combat and so I've bounded to a keybind you can find the option to set this under keybinds targeting I find this useful to track Buffs and debuffs especially if you're using a limited amount of Buffs and debuffs for the party list alternatively this can also be used on enemies for example it's great to track a second Target's casts while you don't have them selected the next keybind that I recommend everyone use can be found under system and it's called confirm now those of you who watched some of my previous videos might already be familiar with this one because it's incredibly useful basically you can use it to turn in items really quickly at your grand company for example but it's also a must-have keybind whenever there's a patch launch and people are standing around NPCs because this lets you target NPCs without having to click on them with your mouse just walk up to them spam your confirm button and you'll talk to them automatically so this lets you access NPCs without targeting players even during busy patch launches this next one solves another issue that can get really tedious especially if you do a lot of raiding or Extreme Trials what I'm talking about is countdowns which usually you have to open this tiny window full and then press Start every single time fixing this is actually incredibly easy and we're going to do it using a macro but don't worry it won't appear on your screen because we'll hide it in the next step all you have to do to make this work and this is really simple is go into your Macros select any of the free macro slots and type slash countdown and then however many seconds you want the countdown to be I recommend 16 seconds because it's the least likely to make anyone cry although you can always go back and adjust the number if you have a long evening of rating ahead of yourself now go into your hot layout and find a hot bar that you're not using right now these will be marked in blue which means they're currently turned off if you right click it you will enable it and you're able to move your macro button on top of it do that remember the Hotbar number and then just hide it again you can now go into your keybinds and bind the Hotbar button that we just put the macro on just like a regular keybind and we can use it without the hotbot actually being visible and using our countdown macro we're now able to start a countdown with the Press of just one button which just makes everything a bit easier using this trick of hiding a macro on an invisible Hotbar we can also create hot bars that we can toggle on and off I use this to have additional buttons that I don't want on screen all the time such as my drop icons first of all find as many hot bars as you want to use for this and put any actions that you want to hide on top of them move the hot bar in the position that you wanted to appear and disappear at and just keep in mind that you can move it anywhere even in the middle of the screen there's no danger of you clicking on a Hotbar that's hidden next up we're going to create another macro and here it's as simple as typing slash hotbot display the Hotbar number that you want to hide and then in brackets on slash off I will have to start in the video description as well for you to just copy now this macro button just like the previous one we can move on to that one hot bar that we have permanently hidden so if you want to use this go into your hot layout make it visible put your macro button on there and just keybind it to whatever you want it to be I personally have bounded to the button next to one which is super easy to access now you can hide that hot bar again and whenever you press your newly bound button the other hot bars should appear or disappear if nothing else this frees up a lot of hot space that you can use for other things so you can store all the trash actions that you don't want visible all the time without your friends making fun of your terrible UI this next setting was actually introduced recently and that's changing the default recast timer from being in the bottom left and really small to being centered and huge in the middle of the button this makes it way easy for me personally to track whenever abilities are coming off cooldown you can find this under character configuration hot bar settings display and it's called recast timer position you want to change this to centered while we're already here you can also use this opportunity to hide unassigned slots to hide the Hotbar cycling button which I think most people aren't using and also to disable drag and drop positioning which just makes sure that you don't accidentally move your Hotbar around which is much more easily and more accurately done in the HUD layout anyways next up is another setting that they introduce sneakily that I think everyone should have enabled and this is auto targeting now this sounds scarier than it really is basically if you're using an ability and you don't have a Target selected but the ability requires a Target it's going to look in your environment to find the target to cast it on now I want you to imagine the following there are some abilities that are AOE that have to have a specific Target such as machinist scattergun or astrologians gravity if in the middle of combat your target dies and you don't immediately Target another enemy before pressing your spell you now have down time until you realize that you have to select another Target now this happens in a split second but it's technically still a tiny DPS loss during AOE situations and this happened to me quite a bit so this setting has been on for me forever you can find this under a character configuration control settings Target and it's called Auto Target according to Priority I personally am a closest range enjoyer but you can choose the other option as well just experiment with whatever works best for you just enable it and never look back because there's really hardly any reason to not turn this on and that's actually it for this video I hope there was something in here for you that makes your experience in the game a bit better and if there was please consider leaving a like because it really helps me do what I do with this Channel and make more videos like this thanks for watching and I hope I'll see you in the next one peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Jolsn
Views: 52,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy 14, final fantasy xiv, settings, convenient settings, useful settings, endwalker, best settings, quality of life, tips, settings tips, beginner settings guide, gameplay settings
Id: FlyIKc4q16I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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