The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich - Homemade Eggslut Recipe | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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today we make our version of the Osho famous egg breakfast sandwich egg is a is a chain of egg based restaurants and the name egg is is they love everything egg their want to be immersed in egg they want to be immersed in egg deliciousness and I'm a huge fan of eggs this sandwich combines the way I like to make scrambled eggs the way I like to cook bacon so maybe a little different from the way they make it but it'll come together in a super delicious way we start with bacon that will become your new favorite bacon if you haven't already seen me do this and if you have then you're probably doing it because it's that good the only thing different about this bacon than bacon you would normally cook in an oven is that we give it a little dredge in flour first and I know that sounds crazy but where do you see what it does to it it's great once you've got flour on a plate you simply take a piece of bacon lay it down turn it over do it again and put it on your baking rack and I'm a fan of this these racks make almost everything better because they lift them off the deck it doesn't sit in oil a chicken doesn't sit in its grease whatever it is this is great we'll put a link to one at the bottom they're super useful and then just continue and what you end up with is a less greasy beautifully crispy a piece of bacon that is great and I forgot about this the guy came up to me the other day and said we make your bacon only now there's no other way to do it and I had to think for a minute ago what they can you talking about and they'd reminded me you've done this long time ago I completely forgot about it I think you'll like it it's very good it's very good in fact I'll put a couple more of these on and then I'll do a couple slices without so you can see the difference because it's kind of significant it's not like it's a whole lot more work you know it's just flour six okay we'll do one more and then I'll just throw a couple on here without and then we pop these into a 350 oven and lest you think that I'm trying to pass myself off as the originator of the flour dredged bacon I'm not I don't know who told me about this but have a faint recollection that it was like a church cookbook kind of thing from years ago which by the way even though I'm Jewish I'm telling you some of those church synagogue you know a cookbook so they throw together our good source for some old-school like this bacon my next is a chipotle mayo that will go on this sandwich okay scratch that look I mean everything I said about church cookbooks but it turns out it was not a church cookbook that this came from it was of my friend Bob at Evo Bob said this is the way to cook bacon he might have gotten it from a church cookbook I have no idea we start with mayo we add a little sour cream mince sapote lay peppers a squeeze of lemon juice a pinch of salt and remix young the eggs now the most important part of this are the eggs did I say eggs I'm into onions it's time to get the onions ready and we begin with a basic everyday yellow onion onions are an important part of this sandwich and they need to be deeply caramelized then I should have started this earlier and I forgot so never mind so we'll peel it and now we just want thin slices he said using the $30 knife he bought in Germany a few weeks ago it's a $30 Vietnamese knife that I like for the size of it it's a carbon steel blade so it gets colored up but I'm thinking something like this might make a good salmon I've I'm working on it I know people have asked and we're getting there so just be patient okay these are gonna go in a little pan on the heat with some butter the onions go in come on some butter and I do I depends a little harder than I wanted I forgot that it was there and I don't want these to burn up but I do want them to soften beautifully and that doesn't happen with super high heat that happens with low ish gentle medium heat so I'll just hold it off for a second and let it settle down turn down they need a bit put it back in and they'll start to get beautifully deeply golden onions public necks gorgeous cut this is what you want I remember my mother getting onions like this for this kind of kind of a burger thing I don't want to call it Salisbury steak because it wasn't because I hate Salisbury steak but she used to cook onions for a long time so this maybe took me somebody's alarm why is it going off it would have been going off for the next I don't know I don't know what it was but I have to ask her but this is what you want so these guys will now put in a little Bowl cuz we're gonna use this pan for the eggs but before we do we need some chives chopped up to go in the amazing eggs we're about to make so think of chives as the green onion the the what's the owner for granion scallions think of chives as the green onion / scallion younger brother sister cousin it's still in the onion family but light and delicate and really delicious so these guys will be going in now the eggs I say eggs I didn't mean X I meant bacon the Bacon's ready look so here we are here's the oh here's the traditional bacon and here's the flour one what's interesting is that they were all the same size when we started I'll try and line up their tips that's what she said look here I don't know what but look next you can see so a it shrinks less right has a dryer look nice that's nice bacon but if you take just a little piece now if you take a little piece and try it super bacon me but it's just not hold on it's not it's just better so look I just present it merely as an option make the bacon you want this is delicious you know we do now max now I'm quite positive don't wait hold on sauce check onions check chives check the brioche roll is over there let's go a couple eggs we want to beat down nicely and nicely just means that they're all beautifully beaten let a little pinch of salt and pepper tiny bit more salt pepper is very important to eggs and then we come over here to our nonstick pan that's on very low heat that you know this is how I tell it's not a great way and I don't condone it for anybody but I know how hot my pan is by doing that a little bit of butter we want to cook these very gently that's the point so come along so the butter goes in you do not want it sizzling okay this is things bad sizzling it's way too hot now we can add our eggs they almost shouldn't be setting yet you really want low heat here this is very low very slow slow scrambled eggs you can see that it's just starting to come together and I've got this almost as low as it can go so we'll take our time with this but while we wait we're gonna take this pan here and put it on some heat because we're gonna have a bun that we want to toast and then there's a cheese thing they do that egg that we're gonna try to mimic for the top of the eggs you can tell they're just starting to get to the point of setting when you can drag its spoon or in this case this little spatula through and it doesn't join up right away and that's about the right speed for these by the way this is a high heat a spatula I see back up for max one second I see people making eggs with this inflexible spatula that's not what you want you want to be able to get in the corners like this right that's what this is about it needs to be able to do this this can't do that this is good for certain things pancakes perfect eggs nope and now we want to be Stern you can see the white starting to happen now okay starting to happen starting to happen stir you can leave it for a second if your phone rang you want to go get it just take it off the heat and walk away it won't burn okay we're going fun and you see now it's coming together right you just be patient it's gonna happen much faster now but now let's do this let's take our brioche roll okay push that off for a second I'll put a little butter on my gorgeous brioche roll here brioche brioche okay so here we are let's get some color on these guys get back to our eggs and at this point we can put some chives in look like this a little bit more come on thank you almost we'll put a link to a spatula like this you got to have it I mean I mean you just can't get these corners and edges with a hard spatula buns ready oh let's start to prep these go beautiful we start with our chipotle mayo oh look at this is gonna be nice put some on this top too now we're gonna go full I don't know what they call it but we're gonna add some avocado to the bottom of this guy over here and now my eggs look how gorgeous ready max oh my goodness okay come check this move so they take a piece of cheddar cheese they put it in they start to let it melt a little bit just a bit and then goes right on top you know our onions this oh so important little stuff right here I mean I can smell theirs so great last but not least is our bacon there just go one more back here and then our bye and that ladies and gentlemen is our version of the egg sandwich I hope to call it egg super sleazy the the nobody knows what to call it but the our version of the egg breakfast sandwich you got your beautiful lightly toasted brioche bun on the bottom the chipotle mayo fresh avocado these slow scrambled eggs with nothing but chives the melted piece of cheddar on top the slowly beautifully caramelized onions the bacon and more of the chipotle mayo talked with that the only thing left to do now max is of course admire eat and be happy pick it up and it's gorgeous I think the original is without avocado and bacon but why would you not include those we're excellence yeah we're a go horse we're egg tramps here is what we are [Music] [Music]
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Keywords: eggslut, best breakfast sandwich, egg sandwich, ultimate egg sandwich, eggslut sandwich, eggslut recipe, eggslut fairfax, egg recipe, sandwich recipe, how to make egg sandwich, how to make sandwich, egg sandwich recipes, egg recipes, egg sandwich breakfast, breakfast sandwich, sam the cooking guy sandwich, breakfast recipes, breakfast sandwich recipes, egg breakfast recipes, egg breakfast sandwich, breakfast recipe, recipes for breakfast, sam the cooking guy
Id: A4Xvjv7d3Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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