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going to ask you a question does the term crispy egg salad do anything for you cuz it did something for [Music] us it made us go like this what crispy egg salad I've seen this and I've questioned it because I'm not sure that egg salad heated up is necessarily a good thing the internet versions I've seen people are like oh my God best thing ever best thing ever got to make it got to make it got to make it okay fine so we're going to make a really great egg salad stand alone by itself your neighbors will love you your family will love you but now you you do that fry thing to it we'll check that out and Max Su just taking it a little bit further and maybe making it the best egg salad sandwich still fried but a different version you have to stay tuned for that and if you're just joining us now hi welcome hit the Subscribe button give us a like I won't ask you to give us a like yet you don't know if you like us you could subscribe though at the end you could give us a like and all will be well before I go any further let me just say one thing cookie if you're watching we love you okay we've got egg salad to make I'm I'm going to I'm going do it all right here no bowl the bowl no bowl I don't need a bowl I need a s the cooking guy 7 inch ni car knife and I need the ingredients to go like this so let's go well I say let's go Max I mean let's go now we begin with six perfectly peeled hard-boiled eggs perfectly hard-boiled eggs that have been peeled six hard boy legs out of the shell that's what I mean everything's going to get chopped right here this is uh 1 2 3 4 5 six or seven green onions the white and light green parts I'll give these a minor cut put them in there three small celery stocks same thing we'll put these guys in here who likes a little red onion I don't care I like a little red onion so I've got two slices of red onion that will also go in this is going to be a challenge cutting this up I've got about a/4 of a cup of curly parsley that's going in two more things three more things four more things about the same of fresh dill oh what that does to eggs is the best this is a qu of a pound of cooked crispy bacon I feel bad hold on here you can have a piece Max always steals the bacon when he comes into the house third of a cup shredded monterey jack cheese and now our Mayo I'm going to start with about a third of a cup probably could have added that after but it'll help keep things in check and of course a nice hit of BFF and this we're going to chop up with our sand the cooking guys 7 in nury knife go to shop to get yours today and it will come with my name on it I was going to say you can get your name on it but you can't so now perfect eggs crunching you get what's happening here just cut away till you've got one homogeneous mess of [Music] deliciousness all right this is looking beautiful couple things I want a little heat and I want a little Tang so I'm going to use chalula welcome to use anything you want I think a little this will make it really nice I need another little bit more Mayo cuz it's it's not quite there yet so this now I think I can switch from my knife to a bench scraper a very useful tool and now this honestly I think this is actually easier than doing it in a bowl it's perfect let have a taste the red onion and the bacon are key to this super important get a little bite from The Red Onion you get the crisp from the bacon little crunch going on in the background the dill is fantastic this piled up like like that would be amazing and we might get to that point I'm going to clean this up and then we're going to see what this little crispy egg salad thing is all about because I'm not convinced yet no not well there it is beautiful huh I forgot two things of course I forgot two things one's a little garlic powder and the other one's a little smoked paprika now we can mix that's right now you're talking right let's see what this business is like fried all right so I have a pan that's heating up I'm going to put a little oil in and I don't want a lot so I'm going to do that and then do this just a thin little layer and now we can come back with some egg salad and do this I just don't know what to think crispy egg salad what do you think boys good heat changes things doesn't it yeah but I'm not convinced that heat I mean of course I like fried eggs and scrambled eggs and over ezy eggs and all all the eggs like that eggs is one of my favorite things but this is I didn't think about the fact that this is basically just scrambled eggs now I mean is it even going to stick to you're not going to be able to flip flip this I better not with it too much right you know who's not enjoying this who pan your camera up a bit mister I don't like our Bo eggs are not my favorite but if I had to have them probably be this way okay I got to try and flip one you can see it's like it's youever try to pick up a dropped egg on the ground I feel like that's what I'm trying to do here huh well okay better than I imagine I like that it's like a crab cake well boys we got one each we can see what we think all right that was what 2 minutes on that first side two more minutes and then we'll take them off and see what we think well chance you don't have to no I have to for science any chance you'll throw up no all right well let's take these out put them on a plate and we can all try them there's one for chance one for Max one for me all right see what happens so just let me say before I try this the version I saw online somebody took a couple of these and put them on toast and ate them open face I mean if you got toast why do you have to make these crispy all right let's have a bite one two three it's really [ __ ] good I think I agree and I'm the hardboiled eggs hater so everybody likes it I'm having one more bite I I just I don't know what to think I mean it's just like a hot crispy egg salad which is good what's wrong with that the cheese is melted like it helps that it's a damn fine egg salad to start with and that smoked peppera and garlic powder were important it's very different I like it I'm not sure I would well I don't know if it needs toast but now now here's our other idea that I think we're going to like I know I'm going to like all right here's our bread here's what we're doing this side it's a nice layer of egg salad do you remember we did a chicken toasty a version of a South African store sandwich well we're essentially doing that store sandwich South African Supermarket sandwich South African Woolworth I can't remember how's that is good Max is where I'm going to put too much in which is what I always want to do they looking good not too much not too little turn a bit more in the ends good there by the way chance is now a egg salad fan let me take that back chance is now a crispy egg salad fan turn to the dark side it's not really all that dark it's just egg salad chance but okay we're good now a little cheese but not out the edges right we want this guy sealed up how's that good beautiful you okay with that I know you're the sensitive one and now this [ __ ] all right let me get the other part and here we are egg first then the panko just like this egg you got to do all the edges sorry it's going to be a little messy right this second i' got to get back down here I've got to get in here it's important to get good coverage when you're making a toasty South African or not when you think you got good coverage and we go to our Pano and we push down we want this thing covered I got any more panko I can tell you right now okay good pretty happy with what's going on here Lads that guy's not no he's jealous all right let me just top this up when it's ready we'll take this away get the oil and we're frying and with our oil about 365 in we go oh had no choice so now I got to figure out I'm going to turn this stand it on its end I might have to get some tongs or something oh boy but I'm excited nonetheless we could tell by your line so I don't think it's going to take too long and of course we only want it crispy and brown it's not like we're cooking chicken or or anything so let just have ah it popped come over here Max let's have a little look at the color nice okay nice oh God it's been like a minute maybe we go a minute and a half aside but don't forget I got to get here too and there all the way around so now I'm going to stand it up on its end and we go up oh that's pretty huh wow Zur gentle gentle everything's gentle no sudden movements we don't want to get splashed with oil that's going to be good this might be the world's greatest egg salad sandwich fried egg salad sandwich all right let's stand it up some more try and ow stand by I have tongs right give it that for a second beautiful now can I do this part [Music] guys I'm ready let's take her out put on here let it drain for a minute I'll be back and swing wow that's an egg salad sandwich who's ready for a cut I am straight diagonal you like straight for your picture dial this yeah really didn't see that coming okay here we go Uno do trace and this ladies and gentlemen is what we call the money [Music] [Laughter] shot all right I mean come on I'm going to do this watch so I have a perfect Corner bite like this with lots of stuff I don't want this bread business so right there is my cultivated bite and let's have it jealous I forgot we put cheese in it holy [ __ ] I know it's a little bit of work to shallow fry this but but listen it's the it's the it's the best egg salad sandwich I've ever had I hesitate to say that because you think I might just be puffing it up well it's not like it's in a restaurant you can't pay to buy this I'm not trying to sell more if I said it and it sucked you wouldn't give us a like you'd give us a dislike and that wouldn't be helpful what's helpful is this just make it oh my God start by making the egg salad because it by itself is superb then you could do that little crispy thing that Max and chance really loved I thought it was very good I Wouldn't Die for this I would kill for murder for slay for take hundreds of people out for too strong I think so all right thanks for hanging out with us hey you know what's coming up Mother's Day need an idea Sam the cooking guy cookbooks Sam the cooking in the Holy Grill between the funs intentional leftovers go to cooking they're right there on the homepage click books and you'll see them all or go to shop and get yourself stuff like this see you [Music]
Views: 197,895
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Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, sam the cooking guy best, sam the cooking guy sandwich, sam the cooking guy best sandwich, sam the cooking guy egg salad, best egg salad, best egg salad sandwich, sam the cooking guy best egg salad
Id: xfDe0CwdSBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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