Making the Ultimate Eggslut Sandwich

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4 fucking Hawaiian sweet rolls- my god. That's a major game changer.

Also, a light bulb went off for me when he compared spam to more or less any other highly processed, nutritionally devoid, but delicious food.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/GrapeJuicePlus 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2015 🗫︎ replies

Looks good. That name is pretty dumb though.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/stanley_twobrick 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2015 🗫︎ replies

This guy is a straight up baller!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TomatoSuede 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2015 🗫︎ replies
Out here because of the restaurant that I've, I've made. Eggslut, I've kind of gotten like the nickname of like the slut guy. The dude who knows how to make eggs and shit. I'm Alvin Cailan chef and owner of Eggslut and my new restaurant Ramen Champ, and I'm here to make the ultimate breakfast sandwich. What I do when I actually have time to make breakfast in the morning is, I don't have time to, like, make it any, anything intricate, and I'm probably hungover, usually hungover. So, these are some of the things that I usually have in my pantry. Always have Hawaiian sweet rolls like a law if you're Filipino. We always have eggs, so I think that chives and eggs have a really great affinity together. I think has a like a really strong onion flavor if you cut it really thin. Then we always have Spam, it looks scary, but it's really, really good, but for those people who don't like Spam, I'll do a version with brine pork chops. This is a pork loin. And then we'll top it off with some shredded scallions and sauce it with a little bit of sriracha mayo. I put that shit on every menu. It's really easy. You have sriracha and you have mayo. Three parts of mayo to one part of sriracha, so you get this all whisked together, and that's a sriracha mayo. When I make Spam, I like doing it like really crispy. Get a scorching hot pan. This is just regular canola oil blended with a little bit of olive oil. I'd say about an ounce, about an ounce and an half. I like to get it really hot and then, then drop it low a little. Say there are about two pieces of Spam, each sandwich will make three sandwiches. Spam is really spiced ham, right? It's, it's like a, an emulsified pork. It's just like pate almost. I don't know. I fucking love it, and if you eat, if you eat, like, Cheetos and shit, and all that stuff, so you might, you know, you might as well eat Spam too. You're missing out if you're not, you know? I like to get to where they're, like, a little bit crispy, but not all the way through. Spam, if you cook it, like, all the way through, it gets really crispy, almost like a, like a, like a crispy meat card, you know what I mean? But I still like having the crunchy texture and then like the, the springiness on, on, in the inside, all right? I'm gonna show you how to make the, the pork chop version, if you don't wanna use spam. Just grab these pork chops, they've been brined in salt water, nothing crazy, just water and salt. What I have here is just regular cornstarch, throwing some salt onto it. So if I was at home, I'd be cooking this on a cast iron skillet. Just drop it in the fryer. We're getting it GDB: golden brown delicious. I'd say about eight to ten minutes. I've always wanted to try this. I've got this bad ass gold knife. I was just being fucking stupid one day, and I was just like, yo, man, you know a big dope is a gold switchblade. You know what I mean? Like, they, we always like, say it's like, drug dealer chic or whatever. I think Hawaii, the Hawaiian street roll's like it's like a, it's almost like cake. It's like a bread cake. I use four of them, right? These are supposed to be four individual ones. You're supposed to break them apart, but, or, individual ones but I use four stuck together so that makes a perfect square. I don't really like it too toasted. I like it just warmed all the way through. I don't like putting any more butter on it or anything that just turns into a greasy, nasty thing. So these are starting to look really pretty. Almost there. It's really important to hit it with a little bit more salt, right out of the fryer, so it's two eggs, just crack them right in. I'm not really a big fan of like eating runny eggs in the morning. And so this is an egg that I came up with hungover on the food truck what I had on. Now it's kind of become an off menu way of ordering an egg at Eggslut. It's called a marbleized egg. As soon as like the whites start to to get solid, like right around there, I break the yolk and then I spin it, the yolk around, like that, kinda like have that marble effect to it. Throw a little bit of chive, a little bit of salt. You just let it cook. You don't even flip it. Just let it go. I'd say about medium-high flame. We cook it for about four minutes. Let's check on our bread. So you see like some of the yolks are starting to cook all the way through, the whites are almost there, and at that point, I'm done. Like, that's, like, that's the egg right there. Ready to build some sandwiches. The components of a shit breakfast sandwich is stale bread, soggy or chewy bacon, overcooked eggs, and, like, no sauce. It has to have a sauce. It has to have some type of, like, wetness to it, you know what I mean? Put a little sriracha mayo, layer it with either the Spam or the pork chop. We'll do the other one with a couple slices of Spam, egg, and then some chopped scallions on top. For me, I like that really good onion bite of scallions. Yeah. So you just slide, like you cut them in quarters le, lengthwise and then you cut like julienne them. Shock it in, in cold water and then it, they curl up. No cheese on the sandwich. I know people might be tripping out on that but you know what, I'm not really a big fan of chee, too much cheese in the morning. Pop the lid on top. Boom, and you got the ultimate breakfast sandwich. Make it for your homies. They'll love you forever. Whenever I build a breakfast sandwich personally, it's always one that's like super easy to make, something that you can do half, half-awake, hung over, but still really tasty. What do you think? How about it? It's the shit man. I went a little, I made love to it, apologize.
Channel: Munchies
Views: 4,336,138
Rating: 4.8350892 out of 5
Keywords: Eggslut, breakfast sandwich, egg sandwich, alvin cailan, alvin cailan burger, How to, how to, cooking, Munchies, Munchiestv, food, drinks, eating, chef, restaurant, VICE, VICE eats, being frank, chef's night out, documentary, documentaries, interview, interviews, culture, wild, world, exclusive, independent, underground, travel, funny, journalism, vice guide, vice presents,, vice, vice mag, vice videos, healthy food, bacon eggs, sriracha mayo, spam, pork chop sandwiches, sauce
Id: PQe9hnkCDTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 21 2015
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