The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Cities Skylines, Part 9 | Hubs, Blimps, & Roads (Mass Transit DLC)

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[Music] so [Music] hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are building the ultimate beginner's guide to city skylines by creating the city of tritoria and today we are introducing the mass transit dlc into the build so this was a very exciting dlc but for reasons other than the ones you might suspect so this dlc did introduce a number of modes of mass transportation although they're a little niche in my opinion so the types of transportation that it added were fairies monorails cable cars and blimps and it also added a number of mass transit hubs and uh beyond that it added something a few things that i think are really important to the game it also it added a couple of different road types so let's let's start out we'll go through the transportation options that they added so first of all if you want to access these transportation options you go into the transport menu and the very first one that we'll look at will be right here this will be blimps so these are really niche it's it's a blimp depot you can add this and you will get a blimp i will set one of those up and show you how it works it's something that is in my opinion more of a more of a tourist attraction than an actual method of transportation but it's still neat nonetheless adds a little bit of visual interest to your city we also have ferries so you could add a ferry into your city this is particularly helpful if you have a body of water that you want to cross you don't want to bridge something to keep in mind with these is that there are a couple of issues uh with with these first of all you can't use a ferry to cross city services uh so if you had a ferry and you wanted to be able to you know access an island you didn't want to have trash collection on the island it's not going to work for you like that but it will get people across as pedestrians so it can be pretty useful in certain limited scenarios and then cable cars so if we look at cable cars this again is is pretty niche i use these a lot in left side crossing it can work in situations where you have elevation that you need to be able to get up and down quickly they actually have pretty good utilization so we'll show you how to use those as well but where i'm most excited is two things first we have these transportation hubs so you have an a multi-platform end-of-line train station so this is a 12 all right it's it's an end-of-line train station with 12 platforms and it also has a metro built right into it then we have the instead of the end of line version kind of the middle of the line version so these are excellent downtown areas they look really spectacular i think that they're great assets for the city and then you have a couple of really interesting options so you're the ferry bus exchange so you could have a bus line that actually terminates at a ferry and allows multiple buses to interface there so it can be an interesting way to integrate the ferries into your bus network there's also the monorail mus monorail bus hub which operates the same way except for monorail and then the metro monorail train hub so it's it's kind of a mixture of the three metro monorail and train all coming together at once i use this one in verde beach in the uh louis garden district and it's it's really spectacular and i realized i missed one and that's monorail it's probably the one that most of you are going to be interested in if if you're looking at integrating a new mode of transportation this is one that people really love there are some really interesting case use cases for this um i think that with all of these it helps to take a look at the the attributes so things like pollution and noise obviously no pollution with monorail but it does have 80 uh noise pollution around it so we can compare that to some of our other modes so for instance a train station that's 115 so it's much louder if we look at metro underground is is significantly lower it's 50 instead of 80 but an above ground is the same we look at cable cars also 50 and then traditional buses the busty post 50 so the monorail is going to be a little bit a little bit louder than all of those so just something to keep in mind we look at the fairies the depot is 75 but each stop is 50 so 50 is kind of that sweet spot i guess the fairy pier is a bit bigger that's where you can have two fairies interacting and that's 70. so we're going to dive into all of that but the thing i'm most excited about is the new roadway options so i mentioned this in the dlc video that i think that this is one of the most important things introduced in this particular dlc you get the asymmetrical roads which which can really help put down some traffic issues so this right here is a a three-lane asymmetric road you can change which side the two lanes are on you also get some highway options so you get this bi-directional highway a two-way highway which can be really helpful these have higher speeds so you can see right here the speed is 100 as opposed to a normal road where the speed is 40. so that can that's significantly faster sims will choose to use that and it will get people uh where they need to go quicker and if you have a lower demand for a particular roadway this can be a great way to bypass your city and if you're going through an urban area you can have the sound barriers which will make it a little more palatable to the neighboring buildings it also introduces two lane highways which can be really helpful particularly if you have an area like this where maybe you want to have lane mathematics apply shut out biffa and you can shrink this down and now you'll have a dedicated turn lane right here and you can even jazz this up a bit more and make this a dedicated turn lane by having a you know two-lane highway bump this out now you have a dedicated turn lane you can see that that just makes a really smooth merging movement so i'm gonna keep it here and we will uh just drop a lane off and come back to it but that can be helpful and it can also be helpful in your roundabouts and of course it's gonna give me problems right now because i'm doing it on the fly okay it's not gonna work right here because this roundabout's too small but that's the general idea is you could add a two-lane road here and then you'd have properly in mathematics and then it also introduces a four-lane highway so that if you love highways that might be the road for you coming into the medium roads the collectors it does a couple of things that i love so it introduces this miner collector which is a two-lane large avenue with grass so pedestrians will walk in the center you have the two inner lanes are drive lanes and the outer lanes are parking lines i like to use these in places where maybe i want to have a collector in the future if it's needed but if i if i don't need it at least i have the right of way preserved when i upgrade these i don't have to i don't have to demolish buildings an example is let's say i had this here i've preserved that roadway with and in the future if i want to upgrade it to a four-lane road or a six-lane road i don't have to demolish buildings it's easy to do and then the other thing that's really exciting is it introduces this large avenue with bus lanes so this is your first roadway in the in the game so far that has dedicated bus lanes so this is incredibly valuable if you have a bus corridor and you want to prioritize that or you want to have you know like a quasi brt or something like that you can use this road as uh part of your brt network dedicated lanes uh it acts as you know a higher speed corridor so it also adds roads with monorail tracks and right here which is to be expected both there and here so you can have two or four four lane roads with monorail uh and then obviously you could have a just a dedicated monorail track as well and that's within the monorail menu so lots of great stuff in this particular dlc and it's really coming at a good time for us because you can see that we're having some traffic issues and we're going to utilize some of these new roads to get traffic moving so i did miss a population milestone in the previous episode uh i i just uh completely forgot about hitting 40. so we're going to still hit 45 today so we're going to expand the downtown and we're going to call a lot of mulligans in the city lots of redevelopment to increase our population and we also are going to fix yumble university get rid of that e now we're good so what i think we're going to do this is backing up here and if you happen to join me on the discord this past weekend after my unsuccessful stream i hopped on there and sandboxed a few things with some of the discord members and what we're going to do is implement some of what we did so i think that the big problem here is that if you look at the city there's one way to get across the city that doesn't have freeway access mixed with it and then we have this which is really the main road this really connects the entire community it's a real direct route sims are deciding to take this and at the same time they're mixing with that highway traffic so that's a recipe for backups and i know that we've paused this but you can see our traffic was down to 82 percent and when we take a look it was backing up on the highway and that is not at all desirable so we're going to use our new tools to improve our traffic and hopefully get this closer to 90. so we're just going to go through go ahead we'll use our basic three-way interchange and we will make some modifications to our network here pull these back and i want to get this highway access away from this main road here so to do that we're just gonna pop this over here i'm trying to make this more or less lined up with our existing highway let's make our connections you can see this is a little bit rougher this is not ideal in fact we're going to call a mulligan on this whole interchange and try to line it up a little bit better we could do some wonky things trying to make the road work but we have enough money let me just give this one more shot we'll line it up on this side because this is the side that we can't really change because it's outside of the city limits there we go and our curved road road tool might have been a more appropriate choice for this so why don't we just see what that does so the reason why this might have been a more appropriate choice is it will give us a perfect connection once we get that guideline unfortunately it's not going to give us the guideline so at that point well actually it will right here so in the wrong direction so we'll need to reverse that but i'm glad that i got the guideline because that means it's a perfect connection there we go look at that that's lovely so we'll do the exact same thing over here we'll pop this back and this one's pretty straight so we don't need to worry too much about our connection and then now that we have that i'm gonna upgrade this back to three lanes and we're gonna need to do something with this so we have some lumpies and bumpies i probably should have checked the terrain here i'm afraid to look yes [Laughter] so that was a bit problematic that said we can live with it but we want to make sure that for the rest of this we are being very deliberate so what we are going to do i'm going to level a pad here we can fix a little bit of craziness that we have with landscaping or we can even reconnect this area just a little bit not concerned about the highway i am concerned about this junction so i will rebuild this one road here flatten this out now that we have a pad we need to figure out where we want to connect up so i'm thinking i've looked at this before and i'm planning on making a significant connection to the downtown area and i want to have a a pretty significant metro terminal down here uh metro and train terminal so we're going to need to free up some land down here so this would be a very challenging thing to deal with in the real world but in the game it's much easier we just use eminent domain so we are going to use a significant amount and what we are going to do is basically look at this area right here and try to find a nice path to get downtown where we won't need to demolish too many buildings or move too many large buildings and what i'm noticing right off the bat is that this is probably our best choice we could do it here but we're gonna interrupt our park and we can pull this one all the way through and maybe pull this back so i'm going to mark this after we look at our terrain you can see that we've got some terrain challenges here so let's go ahead we're going to steal this contour line we'll bring it oh boy i'm i'm reconsidering because of that contour line actually so yeah we'll we'll give it yeah look at that that's pretty significant we're gonna need to we're gonna need to taper this off to make it work so here's how we're gonna do it we'll look over here we're gonna grab that we'll use our right mouse button here with our sloped tool our sloped terrain tool we'll go all the way down here and then we will use our left click button and just pull this up and hopefully we have enough soil for it so this is some significant terraforming so what this is doing is giving us a really nice slope so unfortunately we ran out of soil so i'm stealing it from right there and i'll need to take it from somewhere else so this is going down and we need to gain more soil so what i'm going to do is find a place where i can steal some soil so interesting fun fact the unlimited soil i guess mod i don't know what you would call it that came with this particular dlc we'll steal some from right here we can get away with it so we'll come back we'll try one more time it's pretty darn good right now but if i can get it to be better i'm gonna do it and this has done some things over here some things i don't like but for the time being we're gonna live with it and what i'm gonna do here is send a collector up and we're going to turn this right here at 10 we'll go 10 back i'm going to turn off the road guidelines because i only care about the grid right now and you might not like this right now but i think you'll like it by the end or at least you'll be okay with it you'll understand why i've made this decision now let's give some of this soil back and then we will pop it back out just to do that a couple of times i just i like these edges to feel a bit more gentle and that's what i've been able to do doing that now right here i've created a nice ridge but we know that we can get rid of that same way same thing we'll actually pull and create a ridge right here and then come to the edge and feather that out and that's not perfect but it doesn't have to be it can be good enough and we can be happy with that so i'm gonna just a little bit of soil right there and we'll clean it up try to make it look natural so now that we have this you might wonder well now what we've got this this road right here it's not going anywhere what we're gonna fix that so first of all let's look at our terrain we've got a nice path here but it is it's turning a bit that's okay we're gonna follow our new terrain and send that out and this will break up the really stark grid that we've had for a while and that's totally fine then we'll pull this down then we'll use our curved road tool find our road guideline by turning that back on once we find it we'll click on that guideline and turn it around there we go nice connection but we still need to make a connection to our highway so we'll get a little bit closer and i mentioned that i wanted to fix this if i can and i think that i can so here's what we're going to do we'll come back we'll grab that ramp and we'll connect that up again and it won't like it well we'll need to we'll need to deal with that not the end of the world so let's go ahead we'll turn off our road guidelines and our grid and our angle and we'll eyeball this make a nice clean connection in do that on both sides and now hopefully it's a little better about letting me make that connection and it is look at that so you might think it's excellent we've unlocked the two-lane highway why don't we just make our connection and call it a day perfect lane mathematics lines up it does not so if you look at this we sled that ridge there unfortunately i think the only way to fix that would be to significantly improve this why don't we we've got some time we've got some energy let's do it what we're gonna go through and fix this a bit so the lane mathematics there's all wrong uh they're turning back onto the highway which is not what we want so we're gonna need to do something more which is really unfortunate it's there's nothing you can do about it in vanilla you could try all day to make it right and it's not going to be so because of that we're going to need to get creative and you might not like what i'm going to have to do but it is what i have to do to make it work so i will select the elevation step you want it to be a little more gentle than the game wants i don't think that we can just make our connection here we do need to cross this so we can step this down maybe one across a bit and then we'll use our freeform tool to make our connection it's not perfect but i like the height better than the vanilla one and if we went through and fixed all of this i think it would look really great but we're going to accept a little bit of imperfection because truthfully to get this to be totally right we have to basically rebuild it so like i was saying this this actually improved it so before it wanted to loop this lane back around and that was the only option now it is allowing someone to go straight or loop back around still neither of those is ideal so to fix that we would want to upgrade this to three lanes and interestingly it's allowing two two lanes to go left now so maybe we will keep it at two lanes and see how it works so with this this should function now so we're gonna resume this so this has done a couple of things first of all all the highway traffic that was going to the oil district and all these districts over here now it's forced to funnel through the city once we get rid of this interchange or it's forced to prioritize rail depends on your perspective and i think it's totally fine to force them to prioritize rail that's why it's there so we are going to make that adjustment we're also freeing up additional land for redevelopment in the future we keep this running because we have connections across so not overly concerned about them and i'm actually gonna put this on a road diet we're gonna take this down rather than having this overbuilt six-lane road here we can take this down to a four-lane road we'll have a consistent cross-section here and that'll improve it so sometimes having less is more in terms of lanes and it's always something good to keep in mind don't build more than you need it's not going to help you it's going to most likely create traffic jams so right off the bat if we take a look at our traffic we're up to 85 so that's better and this is a really busy junction and it's probably going to remain that way and that's not the end of the world you're going to have some busy junctions from time to time if you wanted to improve this you could certainly go ahead and upgrade this to a six lane at the end what this will do is add some dedicated turning lanes so what you see is that the left lane allows you to turn left now middle lane allows you to go straight this one also you can go straight in and the right lane is dedicated right only so that can help and you can see that the game handles this okay so you see that the vehicles are choosing the appropriate lane for the most part right here they are stopping trying to get over but i'm hoping and it will likely be this way in the future after the rerouting occurs uh things will be just fine so we could do that and that'll improve things the other thing i'm noticing is that we're having some backing up occurring at some of these other junctions so what you can do here is take a look go into your traffic routes menu and see where everyone's going now i'm noticing that there is both a heavy left and a right hand turning movement and that's what i was worried about so we can use our new asymmetric roads through here and if it pops it the wrong way no big deal you just go into your upgrade we're already in upgrade upgrading so we'll right mouse click it and it'll reverse the direction now what that does is give us a dedicated right hand turn lane and a left and straight so that is really going to help us you can already see that cue just disappeared so there is a a bit of an issue right here there's some backing up that's occurring because of this junction they don't want to stop in the middle of the intersection not a big deal you can we can deal with that so that has really helped this out we could also do more dedicated turn lanes if we wanted but i think that some of this is going to clear up over time we'll even speed this up to see how things change look at that that's a really heavy right hand movement which perhaps isn't surprising at this point you have all these vehicles funneling back around interestingly if we look at our traffic we're not doing too bad 84. it's a slight improvement 85 why don't we make a few more adjustments so we've got our rail network here that is slightly problematic so we've got an upgrade connection here and right here we have another at-grade connection on a collector so this one could cause backups and as we start to lean more heavily on our rail network we might want to think about that so what i'm going to do here we have we have extra space we have right away so why don't we elevate this so we'll go through pull this out we're going to pop our grid back on in our road length turn off our guidelines go up 12 bring that up three just cross here and then we will send this back over and we will use our curved road tool we'll have to have our guidelines back on and unfortunately it's not going to give me something i can readily snap juice we'll need to eyeball it a bit and that's no good so it's definitely dropping down a little bit sooner than i would like so why don't we just go for this ourselves so the easiest way will likely be to extend this little bridge segment here so i went to why don't i go another one or two more and then make our bridge connection and interestingly i think it might be this that's kind of messing everything up i see the road guideline there and i can steal it still not long enough so i'm gonna add another small segment over here this is all about getting those bridge heights just right for me anyway you don't have to do this if you're okay with a slightly lumpier bridge you can go for it so i have improved this here i want to see if that power line was necessary even and it looks like it wasn't good for redundancy but not necessary for functionality so i'm going to eliminate it for the time being so we've removed one significant at-grade crossing the other one that we can remove is right here and the way that we're going to do that is simply extending this bridge so back this out a bit our bridge drops down here so this is not something that i would expect to ever see in a million years happen the rail companies are very powerful and they they're not going to build this that said maybe the city is willing to do so it is valuable enough to the community so those two changes should have a significant impact and if we take a look at our traffic and we let this simulate a little bit we're going to see that this red here starts to improve this one here may start to improve although i do think that this could potentially benefit from an asymmetric road as well so let's go in here we'll take a look a significant left-hand turning movement there it's mainly rights here but there are some lefts occurring so why don't we just pop in some asymmetric roads in both directions both loading towards this collector and that's another fun thing you can have it switch midway through and it'll make a nice clean connection for you there so if you wanted to switch that for whatever reason you could we're just going to add that here and we can even have turning lanes here if we want to because we can see that it's backing up all the way to here now a roundabout would probably be our best solution here but i think we're going to leave this junction behind and the reason why i want to do that is when we get to using tmpe uh traffic manager president edition we are going to do a time traffic signal here and that's going to help out quite a bit for the time being we're going to use our vanilla tools that we have available to us and those tools are basically adding dedicated turning lanes here the other thing we could potentially remove some accesses that are maybe too close like right here it doesn't seem to be causing many issues so i think i'll probably just leave that for the time being and extend this turning lane back so what this does is provide two turning lanes to the right and also two straights and one left so that is a big benefit here where you see this backup occurring unfortunately they're not prioritizing the center lane right now but in the future they will so that'll help a little bit we take a look at our traffic now we're up to 87 i saw it pop up there so this is a very heavy movement on this highway we're getting some backing up occurring here that is not at all unsurprising and part of that is we haven't done anything here the collector just drops off into a bunch of local roads so let's start to upgrade this and work towards implementing our train station so we're gonna have some space occupied issues as we're using eminent domain to get down here i'm actually going to we're gonna drop down we're gonna have a four lane collector coming up to this main collector road and then we're gonna have a two-lane local collector coming up this way and i think we're gonna stop that right about at the high school maybe a little bit after right there so we've got some significant changes to make and we're going to lose population because of this so we're going to need to do something to make up for it i'm just relocating all of this one tile over so that we have enough space to upgrade to our collector road perfect that is perfect so the one thing i did over here that maybe i didn't need to do is we have this planted strip here so the difference in cost is you know we're looking at 80 80 uh uh 80 a cell 80 cents a cell versus 60 and the upkeep is higher so this might be an area because there's no development around it just yet that we look at it and we say we can deal with having a fairly stark transition so we could also make some other connections and i i would recommend that making some more connections off this road far enough back from the highway that it doesn't upset our queuing distances and this right here wouldn't be the worst location for it in fact it might be nice to find a location where we can meet these two and have a complete loop but at the end of the day even if we just meet up with our collector here i'll be happy and i think what we're going to do is meet up with a minor collector so more eminent domain as we pop these through and then we'll make a connection here and i want this to be a nice junction so we will use our curved road tool to make this connection and maybe not and now we have another junction here so what we're going to want to do to fix these is our vanilla traffic management so we want to make sure that we're prioritizing movements on our main roads so this is a minor collector that's meeting up with that other really a collector that's functioning as an arterial and then we have our main drag here we'll put a signal there so now it's a free flow movement through this neighborhood not great for pedestrianism admittedly and then a signal here you can see that there is a heavy movement here we might even want to upgrade this to a three lane through here we'll get to that in a minute and then over here we're gonna want to do the same thing this is gonna immediately improve our traffic flow [Music] we'll do a signal here where these roads meet and then again prioritize our collector and we'll get this upgraded as well so now we've created more of a backbone network through here this project could happen in reality lots of real estate acquisition which is the most painful part of any planning process i am i'm not sure how i feel about this route at this point it is it's getting some heavy utilization so if we take a look it says that there is some utilization of this but all of the freight traffic is heading this way so that's certainly a concern the other thing that we could have done would have been to create some sort of bypass what i think we're going to do to resolve this though is to actually upgrade this so upgrade this to an arterial here and then we'll look at our our desired movements this movement right here is a really heavy movement we're going to accommodate and facilitate that movement and then we're a little bit too close now so we're going to back this out just a bit okay pretty ugly but it's gonna work for us and ultimately that's what we want unfortunately we are gonna lose some of the movements that i had hoped for with that new angle so we might want to improve that i'll upgrade this here downgrade this here for the sake of lane mathematics or as close as we can get to it uh if we were completely adhering this we would probably want to upgrade this we'll make that actually the movement out of town in the other direction is the heavier movement so we will upgrade it here in this direction and that'll work just fine so if we were to change this angle ever so slightly it would improve our directionality because right now it's funneling two back around it's still working somewhat uh the bigger concern is that this potentially isn't a w isn't a high enough classification road so we had a minor arterial and it's screaming out or being a minor collector and it's screaming out for a regular connect a collector road so we're gonna we're gonna go for that even though that's not the direction i wanted to go you can just see that it's absolutely desired this gives us dual right dual left hand turns hopefully that'll clear up if it won't a roundabout will certainly do the trick but this is going to tank our traffic flow and that is not what my intention was we're gonna let this run we'll see how it works and in the meantime let's focus on our future downtown area so if we look at our density you can see that i've created a corridor density here a little bit around here and then around the park a bit we're gonna upgrade around here and we're going to use this as a redevelopment opportunity so let's go ahead and start decommissioning some of these so in reality this would happen one at a time i wouldn't expect that the whole neighborhood comes through you'd have a rezoning process occur uh through comprehensive plan they would they would say something like this is that the desire for this area in the future is high density so that would be in the plan and then people would come in and request rezonings as they want to redevelop redevelopment isn't really a thing in cities skylines so as a result we're gonna go our own way so to accomplish this this new area we're going to basically remove this roadway network we'll reestablish some sort of connectivity in here in the future let's move this temporarily so we don't lose our death care coverage and i'll de-zone some of this stuff over here so it stops popping up whoops that was not what i wanted to do well we've got some population work to do we're gonna we're gonna deal with that we'll start with a completely fresh palette for the most part so i am going to upgrade this collector over here go a little bit further we'll need to re-establish that path connection through here so some significant changes but i find this to be one of the most fun parts of the game going back in and realizing that your city's never static you don't need to just accept that you built something at one point and that's the way it is forever that's not the way cities work so there we go we've prioritized that now let's work in some of our new assets so we've got a bunch of great ones and the ones that i want to work in first are this multi-platform end of line station so what we're going to do is we'll put this right at the entry point to biffas park so you'll notice right off the bat that underneath the main area there's a line and what that line is actually it is a metro line so if we pop down to our underground view you'll see that i can connect right up with that so that's an opportunity for us we can connect up to our existing network just fine so the other thing that we have is all of these platforms so this is going to be tricky we want to pay attention to our terrain problematic and then we don't really have any places to go with this so there's a couple things that we could do i think the most reasonable thing to do would be to go underground truthfully you could you could go either way i mean you could continue to redevelopment that's your call or continue redevelopment if that's what you want to do what i want to do is just start out with going underground so we are going to come through here and we will take our step make it as low as possible and just go down one pull it out as far as we can that's not going to be very far so if we're looking at reality this is probably not the height of reality if we wanted to improve it we would probably take back another block and we could certainly do that and in fact i think we're going to sometimes you got to call mulligans and this is one of those mulligans we will end our collector right there and we'll pop on through make our connection there and then we'll need to reestablish those paths once again [Music] there we go again not the end of the world so let's remove these buildings get rid of this random zoning that is still there and now we have something that we can work with so what we're gonna do is we'll tear a form out a bit we'll flatten this out because we want this to be as flat as possible the spot itself for the rest of the station is pretty good but right here a bit more problematic get rid of that house and uh we'll start making some movement so there's a couple things you could do here you could just start to consolidate these lines into one or more or you could just start to stub these out and think about what you want to do in the future so i'm going to extend these out as far as i can [Music] i don't love how quickly that drops off you see if there's anything i can do to improve it it might just be a vanilla quirk so if i take it 12 tiles it's at least a bit more gradual [Music] and then we're going to send this underneath our city now where it'll get tricky is when you interface with these other underground assets that you've already got in the city [Music] you might not be going deep enough so we're gonna go through we'll take this down so that's our normal height so we'll take that down one two three see if that's enough that is that is not enough or five six is enough and then i'm gonna pop that back up one two three we're going a long distance there and then i'm gonna get just near the surface we're going to focus on our new rail facilities so we're going to meet those up right here i'm going to back it out from the neighborhood just a little bit and then we'll pop these down and i'm stretching that just about as far as i can to ensure that my connection is as gradual as possible and that is a very tight connection so if we wanted to make this a bit more realistic we would probably take it back we'll go back go to 12 longest connection that we can make and again use our curved road tool find that segment now that we have a longer stretch there it's it's a much nicer connection so now we're back above ground we didn't demolish our whole city to get there so at this point we could do a couple of things first of all we could say we want to establish a connection here with our passenger train line certainly something we could do that's probably not the most efficient way of handling this so what i think i'm going to prioritize is creating a nice smooth connection into our existing network but when you look at this there's something i notice and that is that we could if we mirrored this this connection separate all of our passenger traffic so that's what we're going to do i'm just using my road guidelines to mirror what i've done before and then we will turn this so this is not the most efficient use of land but it will do the trick it'll create an interesting land use pattern in this area because the train is really going to be dictating what's happening and now we're just past this junction i'm going to pull it a little bit further past at least a couple of train lengths and then we'll make our connection nice gentle connection there and if we really wanted to take this up to the next level we would totally separate our passenger network here make a nice connection that's not a nice connection but it's a connection so if we wanted to make it a little nicer it's really tough in vanilla to make a really perfect junction you can see it does some weird bending things so you do the best that you can and that's that's probably the best that you can unfortunately so at least now as we come through here that passenger traffic's gonna come down and it won't enter intermix at all with anything happening over here so it's just a nicer connection it separates our cargo traffic completely from our passenger traffic you see that already happening they're coming down here heading right in so let's get to the downtown area again and for the time being i just want to reserve this land so i'm just going to stub this in interesting so as i make that connection it breaks it i wanted them to all look even but it's changing a bit on me which is unfortunate but it's probably not the end of the world i'm going to try one more time to see if there's anything that i can do to make it not do that no [Laughter] there is nothing that i can do i'm guessing that once i make connections here yeah it does the exact same thing so i'll just extend these out a little bit just for my own sanity we will send those all over the place it's gonna be beautiful so now we've got this really spectacular train station and it has no passengers so we could select and not allow inner city trains but why would we do that we want to maintain some purpose for this and it might actually be beneficial to allow this movement right now you can't get between the stations we could change that the way that we're gonna do it let's be really controlled with it we'll make a a parallel road right there using our road guidelines and then we'll go as far as the game lets us take it that works same thing there and now we could create a new train line going into our our menu with our train tracks clicking on this add a stop here and i'm thinking of something else so now that we have all these lines why don't we dedicate a purpose the outer line will be just specifically for inner city and then we will use this new passenger line we'll send that to the second the second stop there so not very long but it will be helpful and we'll start to see some passengers going back and forth in between these areas so the other connection that we should make well we have the opportunity is our metro so we'll pop into here we will grab that make a connection so i'm just gonna head this i'm gonna parallel these roads over here then we'll use our curved road tool to make a nice gentle connection we'll head these over here and here's what we're where we will split off send one over here and we'll send one over towards our amusement park so we could do something very significant here where we you know completely restructure our network we can add in more stops i'm going to do something pretty basic for the time being and we will allow people to get to where i think would be the most common destinations we're going to mirror this route here and just come back we'll get to some of the parks that we have set up and that completes the line at this point you really got to start thinking about naming your lines so from this one i might do highway to downtown this is our train line that we just established and for our metro we've got our first line let's take a look at where these go you can change the color here so we could say this is going to be a red line this will be our blue line and it'll be our green line we can just name it that because at the end of the day you just want to be able to make sure that you can tell apart where these lines go okay so we've got some movement there our population has significantly dropped which is going to be problematic because to implement the ferries we're going to need to get a population of approximately 72 000 that's the goal anyway so we are going to need to give that some more thought so i'm just going to reestablish some roadway connectivity in this area and that will at least allow us to to maximize our density now we need to remember this is a loud use so if we take a look at this look at our noise we can see that there's a lot of noise directly adjacent so right here is probably best for office or commercial and then around this we can add in some residential uses and it might be really beneficial to have some path connections made there so we're gonna do that as well and i'm curious where to test something i'm wondering if i just add a pedestrian connection here if it'll actually take it will not so something to be aware of we'll just make a connection all the way down here turn on our grid and our angle and then we'll have another pedestrian connection wherever we can make one over here there we go and now we can jazz this up with some trees to block some of that so let's get to zoning we we need some more of everything basically it's medium for everything which is kind of interesting so part of that might be due to our utility availability it looks like we're okay death care healthcare we're okay with everything except for maybe elder care but as we start building more stuff things will get better i'm going to rezone this we'll have just a bit of a an office district right here we'll look at our our noise again we'll have a little bit more office right there before we transition into some high density residential and i'm really interested in having a ton over here because this would be a transit oriented development meaning that people could potentially utilize transit for all of their trips even though i would think that this would be a fairly bad place to live apparently the game's happy with it that is not i would i guess i would not in a million years look at that as an ideal place for high density residential but if the game allows it i allow it right now so we're gonna get some density it's the last thing we do and i'm going through here and i what i just did is i zoned this first then i d-zoned this area so i can up-zone it and not think too much about where i want to put these particular buildings because it did the work for me and i could increase connectivity through here before the buildings go up make a few more roadway connections and that's that's a valuable connection that's that's that's beneficial so there we go now i've fundamentally changed the character of this area and i want to acknowledge that so what we're gonna do is this will be an area where we take the lid off so far we've had a height restriction throughout the entire city we're going to change that okay so the valley district we're going to rename that downtown victoria and there's one policy that i want in particular and that is we've had a high-rise ban we're going to eliminate that in this area and i want to i'm going to lower taxes in this area to spur development the tax relief for high-density residential high-density commercial and offices and then if we look at our services here we're going to allow free public transportation in this area and there are some other things that you could do throughout the city could have high ticket prices that's something that new that came with this dlc what that would do is essentially deter people from using transit but maybe make it pay for itself uh it's it's it's a little bit of a a tricky thing there uh to to balance there's also educational blimps it was another policy that came with this so you can see that what this is doing is it's going to take the lid off here we'll allow level 5 buildings in this area and what's really nice about that is now that we have this area and i want to look i've included this in into this area i'm gonna increase the density along this corridor all the way around and then we'll get level four buildings transitioning to the other uh level five buildings and it'll create a step back effect that i think will look really nice i'm gonna pause this for a minute so i can change some zoning okay we'll take a look at our districts again so you might wonder why i paused it and the reason for that is if you pause it and then you de-zone the building doesn't demolish so you can quickly change the zoning as long as it's not touching a you know a similar district or you don't de-zone everything all at once so i was able to d-zone just the residential then increase the density on that then d-zone the commercial after i've rezoned the high density residential and create a nice effect there where it's easy for me to make it appear that i'm just rezoning so i'm losing population but i'm going to gain it back just as quickly now let's take us take a look at our district again i'm gonna want to extend that up half a block here as well so let's pause this and same thing we're gonna go into our paint bucket tool and just start deselecting residential and up zoning it now i did get the whole block here which is not what i was intending to do that is one of the pitfalls of this we'll need to be a little bit more careful about this for the rest of the area [Music] okay so i wish there was an easier way to do that but unfortunately this is kind of what we have so there is a strong demand at this point for office type uses or industrial so we're gonna probably need to fulfill that need if we want to go any further so i'm gonna look at this area this is an area of transition and we haven't been transitioning so i'm going to increase the density here i also moved this cemetery or there's a crematorium to kind of an odd location so why don't we relocate that and move that back to an empty piece of land over here don't much mind where it goes this is probably something you'd see in a lower density area but we're working in over here because the coverage will matter a lot to us and then the other thing i want to do is i'm going to add in some smaller office type uses we'll go two tiles back near our library so add a bit here to separate things and then here i want to add some landscaping so this landscaping does a couple of things beyond just making it look a little bit nicer over here it will also act as a bit of sound buffering and hopefully improve things and you see that there aren't really any sound issues over here and i think we can attribute a lot of that to uh the mix of uses and then some of the trees and landscaping in this area and look at the utilization of this through the roof uh the other thing we could do if we did have sound issues that we wanted to take down is upgrade some of these roads looks like we do have some issues and i'm wondering what those uses are they're commercial not the end of the world but if we wanted to improve that we could certainly add a tree-lined street here and you when you have the zoning selected you can click on the noise pollution and actually see which districts are disturbed so that can be really helpful because residential is really sensitive to those noise issues so things are going to keep improving over here let's get a couple more office type uses we're going to extend this out a block turn on all of our snap twos just continue to mirror what we've been doing we'll fill in a couple blocks here and we don't even need to put water pipes in over here our old water pipes are all wrong i'm gonna fix those right now there's no real need to do that but i like to do it just to make myself feel good about things so i do want to see what's happening over here our traffic flow is up to 87 but we do have some problems here this is certainly an area where maybe we look at this and say we need some more local connectivity or we just eliminate this one and just allow this to come directly downtown uh really the problem is we need another freeway access over this area we don't have it we don't really have space to add it at this point in time uh adding more local connections is probably something that would be beneficial and maybe something that we'll pursue in the future but that future's not now we're doing fine so let's take a look at some of our other transit options and i want to take a look at blimps okay so to create a blimp line what you're going to want to do first of all you put your blimp depot somewhere it doesn't necessarily need to be where you're going to place a blimp stop so i'm going to place that over in our industrial park it's nice and flat and this shouldn't disrupt the neighbors at all let's make sure we're using the right kind of roads here add that right there and then we'll add in our blimp depot and this is needed to get blimps running but we so we have blimp stops and then the depot we're gonna need to connect the depot to the stops they'll provide the blimps and these you know again it's kind of a touristy thing so if you're gonna stop it anywhere you could stop it near you know some touristy type things so what i think we're gonna do we'll kind of ham it up over by the university we'll add in a blimp stop over here and then let's see if there's one that we can work in over here it's kind of tough it's not really a good location for this i'd love to put one over here but i would need to terraform a ton just for demonstrations purposes purposes we are going to do it right over here maybe not the most suitable location but it'll do the trick call a mulligan on that idea we're gonna move that over here we will cut off this roadway connection we'll add the blimp depot right here so we're losing some residential and some office we'll need to replace that we've been going in the wrong direction with residential but we're finally crossing the 40 000 threshold and that's making me feel like we're making progress so add our blimp stop right here oh we're gonna lose the rocks or we can move our post office which is what we're gonna do so we'll move our post office [Music] over here and then hopefully we can place our blimp depot without any disruptions outside of some pretty ugly terraforming oh [Music] landscaping issues all right we're gonna go back to the drawing board on that put this back and we're just gonna deal with a bit of wonkiness with this rock we'll add in a rock so the last thing we want is a bunch of terraforming issues at least that's the last thing i want so we're gonna just be okay with it we'll come over here and pretend that everything is fine [Music] there we go nothing to see here we have uh preserved the rocks so we're fine let's uh go ahead we'll we'll adjust the terrain just a bit and see if there's anything that we can do to improve this it's just gonna be a little steep here and that's okay we can have a couple of spots where things are steep okay so now that we have two stops we can go ahead and draw our lines in so wherever i draw these lines they are going to operate so just something to keep in mind so what we're going to do is we're going to try to make this a scenic route for those in the blimp so we've got our connection there but we do need a connection to our blimp depot and for this one we're going to be very utilitarian we'll just head up the side of the city and make a connection over here to our depot and now we can go to our blimp line just make a connection like you do with any other form of transit it'll probably be the only blimp line we have so i'm not overly concerned about the naming of it uh let's fix the terraforming this is again a very steep slope probably not the most ideal location for this but we will uh make it look a little bit better again this is an asset that i i personally i don't use it often in my private builds uh but if it's something you like and this isn't the type of amenity you want your city you can certainly do it there they are let's take a look at what this looks like you see that we get an interesting view of the city unfortunately it's a bit messy [Music] it might be easier to just look at it like this and you see that you can get a nice vantage point of different parts of the community so one thing i want you to notice is the ad you see on the side it's yaks of energy we could change that so we could come through here and we could have educational blimps which will change this to a school advertisement eventually that's a citywide policy at this point i'm not sure that this blimp is going to change but it might be a future blimp that'll advertise education let's see what this says wash your feet wash your teeth wash your feet okay well it'll change that and what these educational blimps will do is switch advertisements be educational and slightly boost education no cost so really no disadvantage of using that unless you like the uh yako energy whatever it's called so there we go and our population starting to really grow we're going to continue to make it take off and the way that we're going to do that is to continue to sprawl out this way not something i love but we're gonna do it anyway we now have some terrain so this came about when we terraformed here this wasn't a problem before but it is now and i say problem it's not there is terrain in the world and you build around it the game doesn't handle it great all the time so that's my main critique so what we're going to do to make this a little bit more palatable is mirror what's happening here we're not going to build up to this road anyway this arterial [Music] so again here just lots of stretching and feathering to make this work and now we can look at our terrain as we lay out our roads in this area we absolutely should i think we can go about a block in and over and that's about it if we want to maintain some sort of reasonable terrain heights here we'll call the sack it out right here and this is going to be really difficult to develop unless we send a road back here we could have some sort of user over here but reasonably you don't need to develop every square inch of your city over here it'll be a little bit easier we can again mirror this we're probably going to want to take this down another four tiles maybe not even four i just want to make sure that we're not going too high and disrupting our terrain heights and then over here we're going to again turn this in and i'm pausing that because i know that we just disconnected our water so we'll get that reestablished and i used the wrong road which is something i often do so we'll just get that upgraded there we go now if you really wanted to maximize density here something i sometimes will do i'll look at this road i never want to develop along here just add a fence and then it takes away your ability to do anything there add a nice use a curved road tool to make that nice connection there and we can continue to all the way down here if we wanted to what would we pause it just for a moment mainly because that fence was going to take out our power line again so we don't want to do that if we can at all avoid it and what this allows us to do is now come out here and maximize our density so i want to get some zoning against that back wall that back fence area and then we'll leave these as large lots we can have some landscaping back there it's got a more suburban development pattern back here as we start to break down from our historic downtown area so we've already got water pipes more or less underneath our roads some of them where they don't belong but we can't no i was gonna live with it but we can't so we won't there we go so now we could do a little bit of work over here and what i'm thinking is we're gonna have some commercial uses along this road here entering the city not great this is a strode but i totally would expect to see something like this the traffic volumes themselves would dictate that someone would have interest in developing something here and my guess is the city would allow it in a utopia we would not again add that fence here add that separation and that gives me the ability to zone a little bit further onto this road and we're gonna get some lumpies and bumpies and we're just gonna overlook those we'll be okay then along the train here we're gonna back that up switch that to some commercial uses that can tolerate the sound a bit better and because we are trying to reach a population threshold i'm gonna get pretty dense with this zoning and just zone everything i can and then along here in the future we'll have some ability to add in some more assets that i think will fit really well but we don't have those just yet so let's speed this up so we continue to gain population we continue to need more office so i oh colossal city there we go that's really important and it's not just because we get the nuclear power plant the floating cafe those are great but the reason why it's important is we get one more area i'm going to make a change here i'm going to buy some tiles right now we're buying this tile on this tile and we'll get into why in the next episode but this is all because of fairies basically so we will uh worry about that in the future for the time being though we're just going to continue to speed along and try to reach a population threshold by meeting the needs of the city and i think that we've done a lot today now granted not all of it is related to transit modes we've done a lot with roads which is part of this whole dlc so i'm just extending some of this out as i as i have the ability to do so and trying to be sensitive to where i know roads will go in the future rather than zoning there needing to demolish buildings in the future let's just think about it give it some thought and only place these buildings where they make sense i missed a little bit of zoning it looks like so thankfully notice that able to get that connection made this right here seems like a missed opportunity in two different spots so there's a great opportunity especially now that we have a really direct connection to that new transit terminal we could increase pedestrian isn't here i wonder if i can trick the game into allow me to make this connection i can there we go and then we're gonna get rid of this one tile building right here we won't touch those but we'll make the connection now we have a very ugly pedestrian connection through here lumpy and bumpy and crazy but it'll work so that is kind of cheesy in the game a little bit but sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do curious we're going to see some pedestrian activity through here and it's not taking it bummer i thought that that normally that'll it'll take try one more thing yeah it's not it's not liking it so we'll just accept our one small win here and uh it'll be okay it'll be okay and again more office so we are going to line an office district along the coast here so let's look at our terrain this is very valuable views i don't know if i could say that with a straight face but there are views of some kind so there would be some level of interest and probably a whole lot of petitioning to move that terrible water treatment facility but for the time being there is some synergy between universities and office so we are going to take advantage of that synergy and add in an office little office area right here again create level pads here as best we can to ensure we don't have steep cliffs going off the edge there'll be some let's make it as as good as we can and just going through here i'm noticing there are a couple of spots where zoning didn't take just make sure that we have those in there we're good and then we could again continue to think about where our grid will go eventually so we could just say we're not going to extend out and make some connections here that's another option and truthfully it'll probably make a more interesting roadway network in the future i might just go that route a bit and the nice thing is this is all already in the water system so we're covered there and we're slowly approaching our population threshold we're going to make it and i think the way that we're going to make it is to follow our university and extend this out just a bit again we'll use our curved road tool to line this up let's find some of our straight segments just make those connections we're going to make this closer than our previous one so in our previous build we made sure that those connections had at least one one tile gap in between them we're not gonna do that this time and again using our curved road tool we can make all of our connections freeform to make some of those trickier ones you can't do with your curved road tool nice connections very nice connections so let's change where our power is connecting this is very temporary but it'll do the trick and allow us to zone some more of this land so we're just going to extend our pattern out that we had before and make our roadway connections in the same area this will serve the university well and it'll make good logical sense now this whole area is covered with water so we should be able to just fill it in a bit we want to add in some commercial uses in here as well and do so in a thoughtful way and there we go we've extended our university and while i was doing that we crossed our population threshold so i think we're going to leave it here but let's recap what we've done we've gone ahead and we've used our multi-platform end station brought transit downtown increased the density down here really rethought our our highway network started to use some of our asymmetric roads and added a blimp in the next one we will cover ferries and cable cars and uh really start to dive into some of those mechanics there as well we'll also play some of the unique buildings that come with this such as the boat museum the locomotive hall and the traffic park and we will create a brt system using the large avenue with buses that we that we looked at at the start of the build so i hope that you like this if you did please hit the like button if you aren't subscribed to my channel please consider doing so and i will see you in the next one here is a brief city tour take care bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 51,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines beginner, cities skylines, how to start a city in cities skylines, cities skylines beginners, cities: skylines, cities skylines xbox one, Cities skylines ps4, cities skylines mass transit, cities skylines mass transit tutorial, cities skylines mass transit dlc, cities skylines mass transit tips, cities skylines mass transit guide, cities skylines train hub, cities skylines blimps, cities skylines blimp tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 32sec (4292 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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