Making Beautiful Rural Landscapes - (Clearwater County #19)

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[Music] so [Music] hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are building clearwater county and in today's episode we are going to focus on developing some of these rural areas that we built in the previous episode uh so this is going to be a really interesting build where we attempt to take some of these towns that we created and make them look alive so we're going to get to that in just a moment but there's a couple of things i've got to mention first of all in the previous episode we were seeing some trash icons all over the place places like this and there is a reason for that our jelly districts mod uh has is creating complications as i created all the towns i put these all in individual districts and as a result they will not be served by trash service so that's a pretty significant issue for us so as a result i have disabled that mod so that should resolve our trash problems that is assuming we actually have capacity which we do not and part of this is one of the mods that we have enabled i'm going to go through that in just a moment but before i do that i want to look at our budget because we're having some significant issues and a lot of this is because of our policies so early on in the build i enabled the recycling policy slightly reduced garbage accumulation slightly reduced tax tax income i think that's really harming us now uh so that is something maybe maybe we should take a look actually into our budget panel to see what's happening here so you can see that our weekly policy expenses are about seven thousand dollars so that is that's a significant amount of money so we are going to look at our policies and see if they make sense anymore so this one first of all i want to disable it and see what it does i'll speed this up to see if it improves things and it doesn't seem to have an impact and because we are dealing with a trash collection issue we're gonna dis we're gonna re-enable that next we have lightning rods now this one i know costs a lot it's 1.6 cells per building so i think if we disable this one that's going to be a significant portion of our expenses wow that was our expense so i i turned the the fire department budget down uh at the start of the previous build uh mainly because uh we're just really uh in a position where we're kind of struggling financially in our fire department is very expensive i did the same thing with the roads budget uh because of all the roads now and no income coming we're paying a lot for the roads and that that's why you don't over build roads because they're expensive but with the money that i saved i could actually boost this back up maybe we'll go 75 for now and see then we'll go we'll go the full hundred and that should put us in a place where our budget's in a better spot and it's more effective for fire coverage so i think that's a good change that said we've still got problems with our trash collection so we have this facility over here and what you'll notice is that one of them is emptying and the other is not so the reason for this if we go into the mods menu we take a look at empty it i have these thresholds to empty the landfill now this was set to end of day i've changed it to end of month and i guess it retains that setting if you if you play with it in between builds so i didn't say but it's still there so that i'm hoping that that improves things but i know that the big issue that we have is we've got only these two recycling centers doing all the work and ultimately what that means for us is that we've got trash all over the place and that's going to impact our health care system that's going to impact everything so we are going to expand our recycling center and for the sake of realism i added this power line back in i was going to add the recycling center onto this road but this is an arterial and i'm not all that excited about loading more traffic onto the arterial than i have to so we will place that over here and kind of have a big complex of these this will eventually be consolidated into a larger waste uh transfer facility and waste processing complex but the time being this will have to do the trick and that puts our processing status back in the green and hopefully that improves things for us so at the end of the last build or maybe it was in the middle of it i asked for some names and i went through the comments and you guys gave me so many great ideas i feel very very blessed that there are so many of you watching these videos willing to provide such great great ideas your ideas make these builds better they inspire me and uh they they give me inspiration for what i'm gonna do next so i'm gonna go through and update some of these names because there are some really good ones in here okay we have a whole bunch of great names uh cape rouge which is a french inspiration kind of owed to the original settlers of the area town of dakota a nod to the native americans that were originally in this area town of clear view a nod to the clear view to the bay and then uh the town of ankerton which could have an interesting backstory someday town of bradford uh the town of uh campus campesca i'm gonna i'm hoping i'm hoping i'm not butchering that but that is a dakota name for a uh a lake or a body of water so that that was a great suggestion as well tono crystal creek i love that uh because it gives a name to the creek a ton of two rivers since this is at the kind of the confluence of those two rivers a ton of prospect heights there was a good comment that this could be a mining town so i actually moved that into the mountains a ton of greyhound cog which could have farming at some point in time it's sleepy hollow which i think is self-explanatory so i really i really appreciate the names some great ideas there and i'm happy to implement them so to the meat and potatoes of today's build so i have added a number of assets to this build but they're going to look very familiar so first of all i need to get rid of prop anarchy because i'm gonna mess everything up uh so i added some assets to create farms that are gonna nuts that are that are gonna they're not gonna sap our production and our demand for industry uh so that's my concern is i think that most of this would be rural land however uh as it currently sits if i were to er not rural i think most this would be agricultural land but as it sits if i were to put in a bunch of farms here i will never be able to build an industry for the rest of the build so as a result of that i'm not gonna i'm not gonna go hog wild um no oh de grey hog i'm not gonna go hog wild adding a whole bunch of uh real farms i'm adding prop farms that look like the real farms that we have so this will give me the opportunity to pepper in some of those assets make this look a little bit more legitimate and add some homes to this area which will be a huge help since our biggest need at this point is uh residential zoning so the nice thing about that is it'll bring some life to these roads too so every one of these squares is going to have at least one home maybe two maybe three four we'll have to see um but the first thing i want to do we've got a lot of trees in here i think that we're going to remove basically all of the trees outside of trees along the interstate and along this rail corridor we're going to plant some along the bodies of water where they would naturally occur and would likely be undisturbed because of wetlands so the very first thing that we're going to do is go into here to our tree brush we'll increase the brush size something significant and i'm gonna remove a whole bunch of trees okay i'm gonna get rid of most of the trees i'm gonna add some more back in and uh many of these would just be covered up by farms anyway which is the main reason i wanted to get rid of them so uh at this point what i want to do is go and select some of the trees that we have in our map and we're going to change our brush size and just go along the water banks and add some more trees i don't just want to have one kind of tree so i'm going to select a couple and do the exact same thing okay so i did i was you know pretty liberal with my placement of trees but i think it makes a pretty significant difference you see that the trees are right along the riverbanks and that's where you'd expect to find them you might even want to add some more down the line but uh you know this is this is a good start and i did leave an opening here in clearview considering we want to preserve the clear view so let's get started i think we're going to start out by adding some of our housing in place because that's really going to dictate where everything else goes so we'll be very deliberate with our housing choices thankfully we've divided up all of all of our land already so we're just going to go through and kind of sprinkle some housing in and then i think along the water we might add a couple houses not all that many but when we do add them they're going to be close they're going to be packed in so what i'm trying to do here is space the houses far enough that i could have a dividing line so i want it to be logical like if the house is here they have the entire parcel uh or this is one parcel if i add one here i can add one over here if i want as well and then divide this parcel in half where the road is so that's kind of my the but the method to my madness okay so now we're pretty much set up here for development in terms of where our placement is going to be but we have some work to do for power and water and all of the city services that this area would potentially need so we're gonna get moving on that quickly so i am gonna turn prop anarchy on for this what i'm thinking is i could well actually we've got we've got another issue and that is i can't see where i've zoned so i'll have to turn this off like this and now i should be able to at least draw power lines along the road to these homes okay so now we have most of our most of our power connections made but we don't have any of our water well we have some of our water connections made maybe before i speak i should look because i could be wrong we actually have many of our water connections made so this is a remnant of a of a previous build so you get to see a peek behind the scenes i uh i've clearly already done this and i re-recorded the episode uh unfortunately because of the save issue i had to go ahead and delete things and it looks like i missed the spot [Laughter] so you can see where all my old roads were these were at one point underneath the road where they belong [Music] we're going to call this an easement to the main the water main that's underneath the highway which would probably honestly be parallel to the highway and not underneath it but it is where it is so you can see that even when i practice my builds i do some of the some of the same things i do in the normal builds [Music] okay and now we have water pipes underneath all of our roads right where they belong except for here except for here ah not enough money that is going to be a problem for us and potentially a reason that we turned down that fire budget again okay let's slow this down so one of the things that's gonna be tricky about this entire build is making sure that our power lines are working and you can see right here that what happened is this line i don't know if this has power i do not believe it does we're gonna just extend this out and make the connection right there that should do the trick for us and hopefully it fixes a whole bunch of our problems that does so then there are some other areas like this one where the connection is still not being made which is very curious i guess it's maybe just because it hasn't developed yet so maybe we're okay maybe we're okay okay so what i'm gonna do now is introduce some of our farming assets so i have all of these decal farms and they're really great decals so we can go through here we'll need to take the brush size down and oh we're still not connected over here well that's not going to work [Music] there we go that should do the trick and all of those other buildings that we have open that's kind of an issue that hopefully will uh hopefully will resolve itself it could mean though that that for whatever reason the power is not reaching there yet and that would be something that we would need to be concerned about so like this property in particular i'm curious if i go ahead just draw a power line connection if that if that fixes it it does not so it's a demand thing which is fine okay so we have our props and we have a couple of different ones we have these smaller props then we have some of these odd props that are a little bit longer this is this is a dutch flower prop which is kind of neat and then we've got these props right here i'm not exactly sure what kind of farm field that is but it's one and then we have these looks like wheat and these again some sort of crop but then we also have these [Music] and some of these i have more height to it and they're really detailed so veggies wheat and we've got some bigger ones and this might look familiar this is the exact prop that we used over here or the exact uh farming asset that we use over here but it's it's now a prop which is really helpful for us if we want to cover large areas same thing here got a large cotton we've got our lavender wheat we've got a little bit of everything so you might wonder well how do i make this look okay you know there's a lot there's a lot here well it's it's pretty simple honestly so we're gonna go into a prop line tool and uh so what i figured out is that if you go down to 29 meters you can make a pretty nice length of these just line it up with the road we're going to use move it to get this to be perfectly straight then we can just duplicate this did not mean to take out all of those fields but i did so we're gonna go with it now you might be thinking to yourself oh the edges on this are something else it looks pretty bad and i agree so we do have a fix for that i've added a couple of rural roads as well so we've got country road one and two and they do different things so let's take a look at it looks like i accidentally went over the home with decals which to me means i didn't get power out here again so let's get power it'd be really great if that home were actually built make this a heck of a lot easier to work with [Music] so i'm just going to eliminate the couple of decals around there we'll go back to this road that i was mentioning so we'll go to road one and you see that that adds a whole bunch of trees and if i go ahead and let's say i have anarchy on i can keep clicking that and it gives me different variations of trees which is super cool so these are some kind of country roads so we're gonna we are gonna have some of these paved roads but i think after giving it some thought we're gonna reserve those uh mostly for the main country road through here so think of that as the county highway and we can come through here if we wanted to get really tricky about where we're putting in these road assets we could add some nodes through here and then go ahead and upgrade so that we're not blocking the home with trees so thankfully this is now developed with [Music] uh this property is now developed so it's going to be easier for us to get this filled in and it's not going to be a hundred percent perfect there's going to be some funky overlap in a couple places but this is a a point where i say it's better to not let perfect be the enemy of good here and i think that we accept a couple of oddities and ultimately at the view that we're gonna see it most of the time it's gonna look pretty darn good so one down and a whole bunch to go so we're not going to get to all of these today but i am going to finish this entire area down here and one other thing so you see that as i zoom out uh that there the prop is disappearing one way that we could resolve that as if we go in to ultimate level of detail right now this is our prop decal decal fading if i turn that up to 5000 let's make it a little bit further 10 000 would certainly do the trick i'm afraid of my my fps would drop too so maybe we'll refrain from doing that so uh probably for the best then through here we could do things like this just divide these up and then continue to add different sorts of props through here see that together you can see that they're farming different things i think it looks really nice uh that said we're not gonna go for the small decals for everything those are really small and it's gonna take me forever forever to be able to actually cover any significant ground with that so for some of these we are going to go for instance with these large wheat decals so this is 16 by 16 which means that since we used the appropriate number of tiles we should be able to make these work and let's just upgrade these roads just to see took it right out well we'll have to fix that but i figured there would be some value in just upgrading some of this stuff right now so i think that some of these basically lake shore drive is going to remain for this main road through here we're gonna have to prioritize the movements at some point and maybe even make some connections outside of this area but for the time being we'll just kind of leave it as is [Music] but that would be the kind of project i would absolutely expect to see in an area like this seeing lake shore get upgraded or the movements prioritized rather not upgraded wow look what that did here that is wild big ruddy mess so i guess if i click on these a bit i can create some of those ruts that's kind of neat i don't know that it fits the aesthetic in front of a house but we can we can go for it in a couple places maybe [Music] okay so i'm not i'm trying to not get overly crazy about uh you know i could go through and add nodes for each house but that's not really something i'm incredibly interested in truthfully uh one thing i am interested in is not having trees pop up in my road that has trees next to it so i'm gonna turn off prop anarchy for just a moment because i am setting myself up for disaster at this point and it's curious that house is not developing we'll need to take a look at that okay so now you can kind of see a gradual transition from the city into the countryside we're gonna need to do some work here on farms to get everything working as it should be i think we're moving in a good spot let's get this wheat field done so this is interesting i didn't realize that these were going to be different colors and i'm wondering if when i paste these yeah they remain that way that is very curious well they're all different colors interesting i did not expect that well no uh no worries there i think that we'll just have to deal with a little bit of wonkiness so what we may do is kind of mix this one up a little bit so maybe they have some wheat in the back and some corn in the front [Music] yeah that's nice and then i can go through here and finish this off with corn so that didn't line up as well as i thought it was going to which is disappointing but totally fixable it might just give a nice big yard so that covers a significant chunk of land and i'm not sure which one i like more i i i almost like these decals more and truthfully there might come a point in time where we want to go ahead and actually have some legitimate farms out here but for the time being i do think that this is a good solution so i think at least for this project it does seem a bit easier to go ahead and use the smaller fields kind of contort them to my needs copy them so i'm going to do some of that now and we'll cut away and i'll cut come back when more of this is done okay i'm gonna give myself a little break to clean things up and one thing i'm noticing is that because i have prop oh because i have a prop anarchy on which i need i'm getting trees in some areas where i don't want them so i'm just going to go through and get rid of some of these now another way that i could do this would be to use the i have the better better better delete better bulldozer that's what it is and i can just set it the trees only and i don't think that'll take these out yeah they're just decals so that'll be completely fine and i'm making good progress but we've got we've got work to work to go so we're gonna keep on going on we're not gonna we're not we're not ending this episode until this is finished [Music] noticing i actually put no home over here so we're going to add one of the one right here and we'll need to add a power line for this as well [Music] and i do think that we're going to leave some of these lots wooded as well so we're going to simulate some of that in just a moment and the way that we're going to accomplish that is is going to be pretty simple so first of all let me go ahead i'm going to divide this slot up and we're going to have a couple of wooded lots over here i'm just going to again kind of do what i did on the water banks we'll go ahead increase our brush strength make sure that we have prop anarchy off add some trees through here make sure that we have some variety and then increase our brush strength as we go on and some of these might just have larger lots and maybe have a division between the trees uh to to basically show the where the lot lines are but that's about it so we could certainly do that with some of these as well and now i'm going to go turn prop anarchy off so i can kind of fudge this next to the power line uh that's probably not advisable but we're gonna go with it they want privacy they're gonna get it too and then now that we have some of these done we can go through and just kind of copy the work that we've done so this makes it a ton easier for us so i can go through here and see you know which color haven't we used much of and just steal a large chunk [Music] so you've seen me use move it to copy these a lot and one of the reasons why i'm doing that is even if i'm only copying one let's say i'm just copying this one it's perfectly aligned with my other tiles which is a huge benefit if you're trying to make it look uh you know well thought out well planned so that's the primary reason that you see me doing that there's no other reason it's just that it keeps things lined up nicely so the trick i'm using here is i'm holding down the shift button or i'm holding down my mouse button as i delete so i delete the first one that i don't like all my mouse button and then it will only delete the kind of asset that you have selected and i've mentioned this in some of my tutorials but that that's something i really like to be able to do i think it it really makes things a lot quicker we are going to have some undeveloped lots through here so i will just you know really fill them up with trees and then portions of these these lots as well we kind of show that there are some old growth forests that still remain in the area so rural areas are difficult i mean they're they're not simple to put together in the game and you know what makes sense this is a city skylines not cities or town and country life or whatever so it does make sense that this is hard to do but there are ways to accomplish it and i do think that we're making some good progress i'm gonna keep doing a bit more okay and after seeing how nice some of this really dense forest looked i decided to to make a bunch of copies then remove the trees after the fact so we're gonna see if that was a terrible idea or not i'm i'm i'm not a hundred percent sure just yet but we're about to find out so i'm gonna basically remove some trees for yards from some of these really densely forested areas and then we'll leave some fairly forested you figure that some folks would want to clear the land some would not and then one of the other things i wanted to check to see if it would go in the water it will so let me paste it right into the water so we are going to go along the water banks and just make sure we don't have any trees living uh living in the water because that doesn't make any sense i think we're looking pretty darn good now so i think i think we need to take a look at something and i think it's a brief city tour [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right so we've definitely made some progress on bringing part of this to life i don't think that this is the kind of build i'm going to do back to back to back because i think i will go crazy because it's it's a it's a ton of work but but the but the result in my opinion it's worth it this to me when you look at this this looks like farmland uh this looks like rural countryside and this is what i would expect to see but you can see that man it is having a an impact on my performance what that will likely mean is that i need to go through and look at my lut settings uh and my or my load settings rather take things down a bit and hopefully that improves things for me and it does now i feel it feels a lot more smooth and that's that's really what i'm looking for it's it's always finding that balance between things looking good and things looking good so if you if you understand what i mean and really that's a that's a problem in this area so there's lots more detailing that i could do here adding fences removing misplaced trees like these ones and what you'll see is that as i do that i just make more problems so sometimes you gotta know when to not let perfect be the enemy a good because i'll tell you what this looks about a million times better than it did at the start of the day there are things we could do to make it even better i'm not sure maybe just one thing maybe just one thing [Music] at this point it kind of feels like an auto mission to just not have any trees right here uh we do have the clearing there's no longer a clear view though when you go to uh [Music] when you go to take your dogs to the bathroom which is something that we talked about as a priority before so we're gonna have to maintain that view okay and we have saved the view if you are taking your dog out back on a road trip you know it's not perfect because of these we can fix that too one one more thing that we can fix ahaha there we go we have preserved the view and we still have undeveloped properties which is a bummer it tells me that we didn't finish getting all of our power out there but these are the sorts of things that i'd rather fix get those properties online not things like you know is everything a hundred percent perfect because i'm gonna get back to building towns and eventually someday this might develop into a small village or something along those lines but for the time being i'm pretty pleased with where this ended and i hope you are as well if you like this hit the like button if you aren't subscribed please consider doing so and if you want to be notified when i release new videos that notification icon i will see you in the next one take care bye-bye [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 97,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, clearwater county, cities skylines realistic population, cities skylines small town, cities skylines small american town, cities skylines small town layout, cities skylines rural town, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines lets play, cities: skylines, city builder, cities skylines detailing, cities skylines detailed build, cities skylines rural area, cities skylines rural map, zona rural cities skylines
Id: dMBN_3foc9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 6sec (2046 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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