The Try Guys High Bob Ross Paint Challenge

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- Hey everyone, I'm gay Bob Ross. - Hello, I'm Bob Ross and I'd like to welcome you to the tenth Joy of Painting series. - Today the Try Guys are going to be following a Bob Ross tutorial while stoned. - This sucks, I'm super upset. - You're going to fast Bob. - Should I just give up? Should I just tag out? - Whoa! (upbeat music) - [Ned] Bonjour, today we'll be following along a Bob Ross tutorial, super high, except for me. Instead, I'll be sipping on a nice cocktail. - Today I'll be playing for Team Inbetween. I will be having a cocktail and I'll be a little high! - High Eugene is very rare, so this is going to be a delight. - I've actually always wanted to do a Bob Ross paint tutorial because he seems like he really makes artists out of everyone. - If you've been with us before, first of all, I'd like to thank you for inviting me back again. - [Keith] Even if it's not perfect, he's like, "It's okay, maybe your trees are a little fat, "maybe yours are a little skinny "but it's all part of the process". - Watch here, you just take the knife and scrape in all kinds of little things and people'll think you spent just days and day workin' but you got one haired brush and put them in. Don't tell them any different, shh! - Painting and sketching and drawing was one of my first loves as a kid, so I'm excited to try this. - I'm very uncomfortable painting. The last time I painted was, like, elementary school paint camps? Yeah, I went to paint camp, bitch! That was for Eugene. He likes calling people bitch, not you. I'm getting weird today maybe it's the beret? (funky trumpet music) - [Bob] Let's have them graphically run all the colors across the screen that you need to do this painting with me. - Titanium white. - What is a Titanium White? - It appears that I'm missing a canvas to paint on. That is a problem, that's a problem. - I don't think we have the same canvas as him. - If my pants are still white by the end of this you should give me, like, a hundred dollars. - You hate this painting, right? Can I paint over this? - Phthalo Green or might just be (beep) - I gotta stop, I gotta pause. - I like painting but I don't like getting paint on my hands. Ah crap! Paint on my hands. - Welcome to my unboxing channel. Oh, there's not too much ball action, okay? I'm gonna sit, like a lady. - This is a double-primed, pre-stretched canvas and I've covered it with a nice thin, even coat of the liquid white which makes it wet, makes it slick. - He's already coated it white? Wait, I have to paint it white first? - Okay, Ariel said this was called "wet technique". - Wow, his voice is beautiful. (warning beeping) - I'm too stoned, (whistling) to care about that, so I'm just gonna do it without that. - [Bob] I'm gonna start off today with a small amount of Phthalo Blue. - I'm not ready, I'm not ready at all! - So I'm not gonna cover it with the liquid white because I don't feel like it. - And we'll use little crisscross strokes. - So I'm supposed to be taking blue and dabbing it. - Which brush is he using? Is he using this one? - This is supposed to be relaxing. - [Bob] Just make little x's. - Crisscross strokes. - [Bob] This Phthalo Blue is very pretty, it's a happy color. - Oh it's too dark. - It doesn't look like this at all. Ah it's not tight enough. - Ah I'm wet, oh I just got it all over me. - We're doing it guys, we're doing it! - It's still all wiggly, I need like a sandbag. - [Becky] Could you weight it? - This is not going well yet, guys, is it? - You have a quick little sky. - Crisscross, crisscross, crisscross, crisscross. - Who the (beep) cares, that's the sky. - Crisscross, crisscross, crisscross. - Now, where are we going to get a weight? - Oh! - Oh, my dumb weight. - Now we're havin' fun and we're gonna feel good about whatever happens. - [Bob] You can just wash your brush now, we wash our brushes with odorless thinner. - Odorless thinner? Are we supposed to have odorless thinner? - Oh, am I not supposed to be using water? I'm supposed to be using paint thinner? Hold the (beep) on, let's pause. - We got this bucket to drain the brushes in but they didn't come with a paint thinner so I took the rest of Becky's acetone, she kindly gave it to me. - Just beat the devil out of it. (brush beating) - Oh it's wet as shit. - I'm getting really stressed out right now, I'm not gonna lie. (paintbrush banging) - I'm too high for this guys, I just really want food now. - Let's make some big fluffy clouds today. - Big fluffy clouds. - And maybe there's these happy little clouds that just, sorta, float around in the sky and have fun. - How in the (beep) does he do that? - You're moving to fast, Bob. - He goes so fast, I sometimes wonder, what am I doing? What am I doing wrong, Bob? - Phthalo! Hi, here's my son, Phthalo. Have you met my daughter, Phthalo? - Isn't that fantastic, that you create a happy little cloud, that easy. - Oh my God, I have paint on my computer, arg! (record scratching) - Was I supposed to paint this first with the oil paint? Oh, yeah, I should have done this at the very beginning. (upbeat classical music) Okay so I wanted to wait for it to dry, to cover it in more liquid white but it takes days to dry so I've just been adding more and more coats of the liquid white. It's gonna stay wet for a long time. It just doesn't dry very quickly. I'm gonna cook dinner 'cause I already started cooking dinner 'cause I'd sorta half given up so I'm gonna cook and eat dinner. Then I'm gonna crush this painting, we're doing this tonight. I'm gonna, like right before I go, get a little more high. - You know I don't care what this painting looks like. Honestly, I just wanna have a good time, you know, try to bring you some peace here in quarantine, so you can have some nice peaceful thoughts, now you can just relax a little bit. (beeping) (laughing) - I got paint all over my computer. (upbeat guitar music) - [Bob] You have to make an almighty decision. Where does your mountain live? I think he's gonna live... (knife scraping) right there. - He's making, like, little mountain shapes. - Just slow down, how does he do it? He's so calm. (loud sneezing) - Bless me! - [Bob] Move it all over the canvas. If this was a dry canvas, you'd be in agony city right now. - There's so much oil on the canvas. Oh God dammit, nothing is gonna make this look good. - This were a dry canvas, you'd be in agony city right now. (laughing) I love him. - I like this mountain part because it's a darker color, so it's showing up better. - I don't, they didn't give us any paint thinner, there's no paint thinner here, I have nothing to thin the paint with. - Man, this is really hard to focus on. Maybe I need more of my cocktail. (cocktail slurping) - There's so much blue paint everywhere. It's just, yeah, yeah dude! - I don't care what I'm doing, I'm just, just going. I don't think this is actually right but... - This is just... I can't win. - Let's go right here, touch with no pressure. Just the weight of the knife, no pressure. - I wonder how Keith and Ned are doing? - How in the--? What the--? How is he doing that? - Where'd you put your mountain? I'm coming with the mountain. Where is it? Zoom out. - You can paint right in front, you can move mountains, you can do anything on this canvas. - That looks kinda nice. It's like the nicest one I've done. - This sucks, I'm super upset. I don't even, I, should I give up? Should I just tag out? Look at his mountain. I don't have, they didn't give us any paint thinner. I blame 2nd Try LLC. I really wanted to have some success and I'm just getting paint on everything in the house. (sad piano music) What else has been going on with me? Gotta cat, it's name is Alfred. Oh shit, he's in the box. He's doing a cat thing, look at him. Exploring, experiencing a box. Yes, you did it. - That's the way you learn. If there's a secret to anything, it's practice, just practice. - He's telling me that you probably aren't very good as yet but if you just do this, everyday, all the time, you'll get good, I believe that. - I get hundreds and hundreds of letters from people, all over the country, just like you and I, and they're painting beautiful pictures. - What am I doing now? Oh! (upbeat guitar music) - [Bob] And I say a little footie hill lives right here. And all I'm doing, is just tapping. Isn't that fantastic, look at all the little things it makes in there. - I'm just gonna like, I'm just gonna make this green cream. - Been watching Lord of the Rings, extended editions lately. (paint brush banging) This reminds me of Fangorn Forest. - Oh shit, this actually looks good, this doesn't look bad. - Primer would be really nice. - Hey, I'll just draw a coupla ants. - Suddenly it doesn't look terrible, it looks like trees. It looks like trees, bitches, hold on. - See daddy's painting happy little trees. I don't really know what I'm doing but I'm trying it anyways. - See how easy that is? Painting does not have to be difficult. - Painting does not have to be difficult, hell yes, Bob Ross! - I'm doing more foothills. - Okay, now we're gonna take the tiny little brush. - You don't have to be blessed by Michelangelo at birth to be able to paint, you can do it. - Ah, this dude is speaking truths. (paintbrush banging) - Let's use different brush today. This is an oval brush. - How do I--? (plastic crinkling) - Maybe there's another little footie hill. As things get closer to you to landscape, they should get darker in value, darker in color. - I'm an artist now! (paintbrush scraping) - You look so cute in your outfit, so cute. Oh my God, it's so brown, oh no. - I'm, like, so zen right now. I thought I would be crazy 'cause I felt really goofy at first but now I'm just kinda chilling. - Hello! - Hello Rebecca. - Are you stoned? - I am stoooooooned! (laughing) Take off your shirt for Becky! So I'm gonna name your future child, okay? What do you think of the name Hotdog? - Um, Hotdog, I don't see that working. - What if Hot is the first name and Dog is the middle name. - So called Hot Habersberger? - Hot Habersberger and then when they ask, "What's your full name?" they go, "Hot Dog". (laughing) All right now I'm gonna name Ned's future children. Um, Half. Half, Half Fulmer. - Half? - Half, Half Fulmer! (laughing) - So it'll be Wesley and Half. - Half. (laughing) - Yeah! - I don't know if Ariel's gonna go for that one. - I dunno he's pretty good, he's gonna be a really positive kid, 'cause he's always looking at the glass half full-mer. - [Bob] And as a traditional painter, one thing used to drive me crazy was reflections. Watch here, on a wet canvas though, all you do is grab it and pull it down. - Wow, he is a really good painter. - Wow the reflection thing is so cool. - I don't know how he does it. - Push, very finely and just cut in a happy little border line. - Okay, let's try to keep up. Let's go, (beep) what you wanna do Keith, do what he's doing. He's the genius, you're stupid. - His voice is very calming, very soothing. - So we're in the water thing, is so cool. I guess it makes sense when you think about it but I mean, it's just, I guess I never really woulda thought about it. - [Bob] And keep this basically straight and you can go anywhere you wanna go. - [Keith] Let's just put this. - I can see myself doing this to relax, you know. - [Bob] Otherwise your water's gonna look like it's running right out of your painting, get your floor wet and you're gonna be upset with me. - Definitely got some paint on my pants. Well it's fine. - Ah Bob Ross is so nice, what a nice guy. - Doesn't look as good but the joy is there. - [Bob] Man, let's have some fun now, shoot, let's have some fun. - That's fascinating (beep) fun Bob. - Looked away for one second and all of a sudden he's making big ass trees in the foreground. - How? I just don't, I can't get any of this shit off my, shit. - Maybe a happy little evergreen, lives right there. We touch, just the corner of the brush, begin working back and forth. - We like to call those, trees in the foreground. - [Bob] We'll even thrown in some Van Dyke Brown in there. - So just Poop Brown, Bob just said, "Poop Brown". - And this tree looks like, horseshit. - What the heck, we'll just push that little lake way back in the distance. When you have this kind of power you can move lakes anywhere you want 'em. - He does talk like he's actually a doctor. "When you have this type of power, "you can move mountains and lakes". - White and brown, makes a little tree trunk over there. Here's some white. Hi Ariel! - You're doing great. - Thanks. Our toilet's clogged up but it was my fault. Just to clarify for people. - Take the hit! (laughing) - Thank you. - I just, I maybe would not have chosen white pants. - Bonjour to you madam. - That means hello. - Bonjour. - [Bob] Now we have to start making some big decisions. Let's put some leaves on this. This is what begins bringing this painting alive. - I am so focused on this. I have never been more focused on anything, in my life, except for my child. - There's so much paint on this and there's nothing I can do about it, 'cause I have no paint thinner. - I like this red bush, yeah. - Ooh, this one's turning fall. - You can add some yellow ochre to that. - Need some more yellow. - Guys I think fall is my favorite time of year. - Think about little forms here. Don't just throw 'em on at random. - I'm kinda going for a very McDonald's ketchup and mustard tree with this one. - I'm very gently, scraping human sticks and twigs in there. (paintbrush scraping) (paintbrush splatting) (paintbrush beating) (paintbrush banging) - Let's sign this and we'll call it finished. - Call it finished? Ah, doing good. - So I think I'm done. - Whoa! (upbeat classical music) - [Ned] Now it's time to reveal, my finished painting! Da, da, dah! I mean I've been very focused on the minutia of getting every little step right but then just taking a step back, it's like, it's a thing, it's a thing. This might be one of the best paintings I've ever done! - [Keith] Really don't think I did the best job but, you know, I tried and you know, it's not maybe as bad as I thought it was. It's just not what his looks like. It's not actually the worst painting in the world. I mean, some people might like this, some people might think, this is a new art maybe this is a new approach. Like these horrific brown trees. - Well I was really goofy at first and then as I was watching, I was like, "I should try to do okay". - [Rebecca] Did it come out good? Can I see it? - Yeah! - [Rebecca] Holy shit! Oh my God! That looks really good though. - The power of weed. Okay I'm sure I'll talk to you later. I'll leave you nice and high. - Let us know if you wanna have a floor 28 happy hour. - Oh my God! I didn't know those existed. And then I can drink at the same time. What's that called? It's called fire-cross, right? - Crossfaded. - Crossfaded. (laughing) Not fire crossed! (upbeat rock music) - What's your McYang baby gonna be called? - Um, Super Model Scientist. - Yeah. - So you name them what they become. - Yes, middle name Astronaut. (laughing) - Yeah, Super Hero Scientist Astronaut, gang!
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,616,878
Rating: 4.9667768 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, bob ross, bob ross painting, bob ross inc, bob ross marathon, bob ross joy of painting, the joy of painting, joy of painting, tv show, happy trees, happy trails, happy accident, pbs, pastel, snow, brushes, coloring, oil, lake, canvas, mountain, wildlife, landscape, art, painting, paint
Id: GBYvJgrf-Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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