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"Think outside the box"-Mr. Alfred Habersberger

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wolfundermoon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It was cute that they incorporated some of the staff in this video, though the final assessments on the so called hacks were all over the place and contradicted some of the footage. Also, I really hope this...”join our Patreon for an extended cut of this video!” doesn’t become the norm. πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‰

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/a_trax84 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I would just like to say that Bowie has the perfect β€œyou have to be kidding me” expression.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/notafanoftheapp πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The chapstick thing was a joke, right?

Tell me it was a joke.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/borgwardB πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
(funny music) - Tiktok hacks, you know 'em, you love 'em, You wonder, do they work? - Right now, I'm going to try to separate egg yolks from egg whites, using this. (plastic bottle sound effect) Look at that. Alright, now here's the real test. Can we get it out? (plastic bottle sound effect) Wow! Look at that. - Today, we're going to put some of the top Tiktok hacks to the test. Let's dive in. (upbeat rock music) - Alright. We're going to start off right here with the Apple drill. - I wish there was knife that wave - Excellent performance from Grandmom. And I have to get Matt to help me with that, cause I am not the power tools man of this house. - Wow! This looks like a blast. (machine hissing) - (laughing) - So he had the benefit of having his grandmother a help. (machine hissing) (upbeat music) - What? It's just sliding right off of it. (machine hissing) It's just like too dull. Maybe it was just a bad apple. Hey! (upbeat rock music) (machine hissing) - Wow! (laughing) (screaming) - Oh my gosh. That was going everywhere. Oh! (machine hissing) - Woah! (laughing) Wow! It worked. - Not the best hack. (epic music) (apple bite crunch) And not the best apple. (upbeat music) - Alright. So clipping dogs' fingernails. Interesting. So for this, you wrap your forehead in plastic wrap and smear it with peanut butter, dog licks the peanut butter and you're able to clip their toenails. Before we get the peanut butter out. I'm going to show you what the pup is like, without the peanut butter as a treat. He hates it. (chuckling) It's okay, bud. (metal clanking) (intense music) - He's just like, "I don't trust you." (upbeat music) Out of peanut butter. Oh! Look, somebody is ready to lick my head. Okay. Here goes nothing. Oh, he already wants it. (upbeat music) - He smell anything? That's my face. He didn't even get the peanut butter. - (laughing) - You really don't like this. Come here. - Kim here, here. Where is it? - He doesn't get the tucker for. (laughing) - He doesn't, no. - This isn't working. (laughing) She's like a little mason (laughing) - It's okay. Pay attention to the peanut butter, not to the man behind the peanut butter. (mysterious music) - Very good. These are my hands. Just my hands. (intense music) (upbeat music) (sobbing) My head. Come meet Daddy's head. Right here, yeah. That was good. It's okay, see? Nothing, eat my head. Eat my head, I beg of you. He's too smart. He's gotten so much peanut butter off of me. - Try this one more time, (orchestral music) sit. Now lick, now paw. I think this actually kind of works. She is fully distracted. Tongue is fully on my eyes now. I'm going to declare this Tiktok hack success (party horn sound) as ridiculous as it is. What do you think of me? - Ah, come on! (orchestral music) - She's got a normal whisk here. Cutting the wires. She's putting hot glue on the tips. I was wondering, cause I thought, yeah it's probably just going to scrape here, scalp apart with those jagged edges. They didn't give me real wire cutters. I have these pliers. I think they will work or they'll my pliers. These aren't actually wire cutters. Definitely is up my pliers. (upbeat music) This is a nightmare. I bent my wire cutter. Before I dented it. Now I feel bad because I've like ruined a perfectly good whisk I could have just had a whisk. This is the most laborius. This is not a hack! Guys, it took forever. But we did it. We got them all separate and as expected they are jagged. So we are going to have to do a little hot glue. (party horn sound) - Good enough now let's try it. Oh yeah! Oh, (dramatic music) all of the hot glue I think has just come off. That was very painful. - Tricktok. - What a waste of time and energy and I ruined a whisk. (orchestral music) - Putting chapstick under chin so you can eat spicy foods. You take chapstick, you rub it under your chin? - No, hold up. Huh? Why? What's in a chapstick? - There's no way this works, but y'all know. I love bad ideas. (dramatic intense music) - If this works, my life is going to change. Now she used Takis and she said it wasn't spicy at all. So we'll use a Taki and see how spicy it is. (crunching sound) - I don't know man. They bring spicy to me. - It's still hot. (laughing) Did I do it wrong? - Oh my God. Fake, so fake. Is it put enough on. Is it like here? More here? I don't have a very defined chin. (crunching sound) No! Absolutely still hot. I don't think that one works, but just to be sure let's take a bite out of a pure habanero pepper. (crunching sound) (grunting) This one doesn't work. (upbeat music) - It doesn't kill the spice entirely but it definitely brings it down. So either I've been hypnotized or this kind of works, (crunching sound) this can't be real. How does this work? - Maybe it's a Placebo effect, maybe it's something that mentally people think it taste less spicy because they put the chapstick on. I would rather just put the chapstick on my lips. - Let's move on to the next tiktok toktiktok. (upbeat music) - This one claims that I can grow an inch in five minutes using stretches. - I just measure myself. That's my little mark. - Hang somewhere for one minute, moving your hands. I don't have anywhere to hang. - I feel like this door will be strong enough. It hurts! Need like mittens. - Upward dog for about 30 seconds. Fold forward for 45 seconds. Okay, alright. Okay. - I felt nice. - 45 seconds of down dog. Oh my God go away. Stop it. - Neck mobilization. The last step is to have hang again. Wee! - Okay, here we go. - Look at that. Got a quarter of an inch. Quarter of an inch ain't bad. - Wasn't a proper inch. I don't think but that's about half an inch. I'll take that. - That's an inch and a half. Oh wow! My posture is awful. - This hack is (party horn sound) approved. (upbeat music) - Up next is how to do a water bottle flip and land it perfectly every time. Now this is very personal to me. - Let me just try it. I can just do this, right? (plastic bottle flap sound) Come on. Here's a water bottle flip. Here's the flip and here's the flip. Okay. So clearly I can't do it at all. So let's go put some salt in this thing. - This better work cause this is my good Kosher salt. - That is sugar. - Do the water bottle flip Bill. Do it. (plastic bottle flap sound) Yeah! Oh almost. (plastic bottle flap sound) - We're going to go a flip and we go over a flip. One that go at all. (plastic bottle flap) Landed perfectly every time. I think you still have to have some user's skill. - I'm throwing it relatively well (plastic bottle flap sound) because I'm landing it there. Sometimes, (plastic bottle flap sound) it doesn't land. While this doesn't have the salt (plastic bottle flap sound) and that lands fine. So I'm going to say that this hack was - Tricktok! (plastic bottle flap sound) - Hey! Alright! Now let's do it a hundred more times. (plastic bottle flap sound) - Okay. This case in the hack is the one that I'm frankly, most excited for. Cut a little hole and then you got your four quadrants. This (clap) looks (clap) so (clap) good. (clap) (upbeat music) I'm just going to take a leftover taco into one quadrant. Some guacamole. This is going to be a wet boy. I don't really have many groceries right now. I got to go today. So I'm just gonna put some bael. Let's grill this. (grill hiss) It's a little sloppy. because I don't have a panini press. Yeah, this is awesome. So (party horn sound) I'm just going to make my lunch forever. (upbeat music) - All right, getting a cat to sit anywhere you want. Apparently this looks to be that if you make a white box out of tape on the floor, your cat will come sit in it. I tried to do this once actually, but I used black tape. So maybe that's where I went wrong. Alfred, we're going to help him out. Come here. (cat meowing) Oh, what's that? (gentle music) What's this? (laughing) And now he's gone. So let's try one more time. I'm going to put him into the square and see if he stays. (dramatic music) He's specifically not getting into the square. Let's consider this hack. - Tricktok! - I wanna make sure that these wings come out instantly boneless, which should be a bonus. - You kind of rotate a little bit. And on the end there you'll have like a little cap looks like that, you take it off. - What are you talking about the cap? - And then you grab the bones and you twist them and they slide right out. No meat on them. - Slide right out. Just to start, it feels like more work than just eating the wing. This is so messy. This is a fail. - Tricktok! - I've always wanted to solve a Rubik's cube and just never quite gotten good enough at it. This is like a good Rubik's cube. This is one of those professional ones. - Okay, what is he doing? Left, counter-clockwise, top clockwise. - Over and over again - Okay. - No, I don't believe it. - I want it to be true, but I don't. I don't think it's true. - I guess I just have to keep spinning it to see. - There's something called the sunk cost fallacy where you believe you put too much efforts into something to give up. - Wait a second. I just saw three oranges in a row. - And that's not true just because you've put an effort. Doesn't mean that it's not sometimes the better choice to just walk away. - I don't know you guys. I feel like an idiot. - You can't believe things just because they're on the internet, okay? - I'm going to spend any more time on this Rubik's cube. I'm going to say that was a trick. - Tricktok! (upbeat music) - Converting a bag of chips into a easily sealable container. This is pretty genius, actually. - Diaper wipes, I have a lot of these out there. Easy. All right. We'll put it right in the center. Wow! That's funny. Immediately when I cut open the bag, I can smell the chips (party horn sound) - Yeah, that works pretty well. - All done. - Finally turn regular socks into no-show socks. Another sock favorite. - Oh, hell yeah. This one is for me. - Okay. That's silly. - I don't know why you would not already owned no show socks guys, ladies, people in between. You gotta have your no show socks, okay. It is essential because you got to show off those ankles. - I appear to have socks that are basically ankle socks like this. - You take your sock down and put it over your toes. And then stretch. - Flip it around, now it's a no-show sock. - Am I doing it wrong? Beautiful. - So that actually works if you can get over the fact that you can feel some of the layers of fabric on your foot, then this is a fine successful life hack. (party hat sound) Bam! - No. It's a - Tricktok! - Don't do this just by ankle socks - Turning old underwear into tank tops. - So you, okay. So the underwear band, (upbeat music) well, this is (laughing) - I feel like a magician for my next trick. I shall take this pair of underwear and turn it into (gasps) a tank top. - They dropped this underwear off for me. This is not my underwear. - Who has an ass that long? Are these high-waisted? (uplifting music) - So they just cut the dick right out. - I have effectively cut through the underwear as you can see - I think I did it wrong. - Oh yeah! - Oh no! Mine's more of a tube top then. - The one cool thing is I think the elastic as a B bottom support is very clever. (dramatic music) - You know, look. I know that my friends are succeeding more than me and some of these because we're texting and I could do it again. (upbeat music) - Alright. So I got a pair of my old, under ruse. I frankly have been needing to get rid of these. So this is a blessing. Oh yeah! Wow! Yes! Oh my God. Yo, you know what? Especially with this little like this used to be the dick flap that kind of folded over, it's pretty fashion. (upbeat music) - Well, that was a fun day. Huh? We hit a lot of cool hacks. Some were great, some were fine. - Check out the extended edition with more try team and more hacks at - And we'll see you next time. (upbeat music) - This isn't a hacker. This is just cleaning Sometimes I think kids are like, "I've never cleaned before, oh my gosh! You can clean something. What a hack."
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 1,287,653
Rating: 4.9548988 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, tiktoks, best of tiktok, tiktok cringe, tiktok trend, tiktok memes, tik tok, tiktok compilation, tiktok hack, tiktok hacks, life hacks, viral tiktok hacks, do it yourself, life hack, useful things, testing hacks, reacting, diy activities, diy projects
Id: 9POMGv0tyDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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