Bodybuilder Tries Rugby, Gets SMASHED

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I don't think I've been tackled my life [Music] I look like them you do yeah yeah that's why I've got a jumper on thank you guys I'm quitting YouTube I'm joining the Melbourne Rebels so I'm a rugby player now so cool we got Matt hey how you going uh we got Dicky how are you doing and you guys are going to teach them how to throw first yeah so we're gonna do one of our parts of Rugby's uh called a line out so that's gonna be you got a hooker which is what you're going to be today a hooker and you throw it that's not what you think it is okay um and then you've got uh you've got line up jumpers which Matt Phillippe is normally yeah and they're gonna catch the ball and that's going to be the poll that we're going to use today so hands back and the front overhead yeah and then we're just going to release it forward and then they're going to jump high so you're gonna try and get it quite high oh okay so we'll give it a couple of guys and see how you go all right you can hit that well I didn't even do that this isn't part of my job catching guy he's the one that you see this thing this thing yeah that's actually him normally oh okay so he's so obviously I'll lift him and he'll jump up and then uh that would be like sort of that's the target hang around yeah oh I got you got a bit more what's going on yeah dude oh that's good that's all right I got pretty close yeah yeah all right the other thing is awesome stuff no it's possible if I lose that's good give it a crack me and you see okay I'm gonna try to do it before you do yeah oh no what are you serious oh my God that's lucky dude I have a really good break I'm really good at basketball guys yeah you've seen that that's good oh man I want to hit time oh sucks we're gonna pass okay we've passed he says that passing is so important to this game that if you can't pass you get kicked out of the game right yeah well yeah they don't get kicked out you're so good similar to over the head obviously it's going to be just left or right so we're going to test you both ways um there's multiple ways to pass you can keep it together leggy pass if you want to do it that way the tip most typical Parts more accurate is if you spiral it so you hold the ball same a little bit of the back a little bit the front start off your hip and you point point and shoot and that's going to spin so if you just just oh my gosh but not that low I'm passing to them so yeah that's what we're going to do we're going to start on this one yeah obviously keep keep more backwards so you're going to face that way yeah I think this is going to go very well trying to stay Square I'm right-handed am I happy yeah why does this feel so foreign to me catch the board [Laughter] that was unconventional but hey you worked expert all right all right this looks silly it does it feels silly there yeah there that supposed to happen that's supposed to be it yeah have the ball like this yeah so you're sort of almost holding a one hand this hand is just to guide it okay so then you start the ball because you have to be square so you've got your body's going to be facing that way hand over here and then this arm is the power arm so that's just going to go and you're just gonna it's almost like a punch you put the position here this is just guiding oh this is just finesse just finesse so just for this it's the accuracy one oh okay not so good there oh that's it better Matt what's his potential man oh look I'll probably start you out in like the E grades yeah try to laugh that'll be better speed okay Tom just edit out this latter part of this oh this is all in it from the white line if Angus and then you have to hit they have to hit this to win the hundred bucks okay from there unfortunately for you muscles I feel that win there's no hope dude oh wait if it bounced into it does that count no it happened it was pretty close Okay okay it has to hit midair you know oh he's gonna hit it oh Kiki that's nice exactly 20 minutes 20 meters okay yeah [Music] oh no stop being so lucky with this [ __ ] dude this is so stupid oh America America okay yep ball is very different than a soccer ball oh my God oh you're kicking on the end yeah there it is that's it that's wild oh this is fun right yeah it looks like you're keeping your money in your pocket Tom do you want to make a bet on another another event we got to keep trying until we get it right oh really somebody's losing 100 bucks today the wrong foot with my wrong foot you hit it did someone hit it I did get it oh man oh you hit the black yeah so I have to give you money I'll take that USD I don't know it's fine that's fine did you guys did you work for me I didn't record it dude you like it yeah I like it oh okay oh that's the part you get tackled you know maybe it was a little premature that I said I love the sport haven't been tackled yet oh right yeah I don't think I've been tackled my life this is all kind of like the light stuff man yeah I think we should get I think they're gonna do some tackling right didn't do it get money I got like a hundred thousand people that's like 600 bucks for us yeah they're taking us to scrums John is this something yeah what is a scrum sounds oh wow oh my gosh this guy's humongous what's your real name Bonnie they call me bones this one 240 kilograms Stone yeah today was the first day I touched a rugby Bowl where you from what's it called a rugby ball yeah you don't care about balls no we didn't care [Laughter] so it's Crouch Bond sit what and that's it that's it right yeah not two hands just one top two one three five thirty five kilos almost 300 pounds yeah yeah just 300. it's fine all right crap wide set to get underneath your shoulders lower lower yeah yeah yeah okay oh [Laughter] bind set goodbye don't leave me hanging yeah yes boys that tiring that's a leg workout now I know why your legs are so good you're tackling me holding that yeah you're gonna tackle him I'll Attack I'm gonna smash him just hold him in the left hand oh okay you in there yeah you like that yeah it's good oh you hit harder than I thought you were gonna hit whoa with a pad oh God now what am I just keep my arms here yeah scary ball yeah oh yeah I got a ball you ready come on bring it bring it bring it on oh stop he's made of something I think I need a pen you think you need the pad is that normal tackle feels like you guys get tackled like that all the time yeah some players like him would probably make like 20 a game and run around and get tackled like are you okay okay I'll get in trouble he's a bit injured okay yeah is he a better tackle than you all right well this might be the end of my Rugby career you look smaller than you from here don't try this at home a little bit faster wait really all right you ready yeah guy boy run [Applause] oh [ __ ] I feel my teeth thank you okay all right I don't know if I'm gonna thank you but yeah you're gonna go on an angle so he's going to come Square and you're just gonna he's gonna come so it's this shoulder it's gonna be this side yeah get your head on this side of it is that it yeah okay there's a lot of trust in you he does he does all right let's go yep that's the trauma let's go I feel better a little better yeah I don't know how you guys do this all the time well we don't lift 400 pounds every day so it's a little bit easier for us I don't know if I can lift weights now but let me get tackled stay strong [Applause] that was good I appreciate that oh my God yeah no that was good that was fun yeah learn how to do a backflip when I got it yeah a Moment of clarity now you get it now uh yeah Tom you tackle tackle you he's gonna get your shoulders other shoulder leg inside shoulder yeah um [Applause] that's great popular in North Carolina is there any other parts of rugby we have left or what beers yeah oh we usually have a few beers after we win oh okay so let's get group one let's get Dickies 100 USD are you gonna drop everything become a rugby star first American rugby star where'd you go [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Jujimufu
Views: 5,560,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jujimufu, juji, acrobolix, jujimufu rugby, pro rugby, rugby, bodybuilder rugby, fitness, bodybuilding, powerlifting, melbourne rebels, melbourne rebels rugby, rugby 2019, pro rugby hits, rugby hits, rugby league, rugby scrum, australia rugby, best rugby, rugby fitness, rugby bodybuilder, strongman, rugby union, physique, crossfit, all blacks, rugby sevens, rugby world cup, rugby montage, world rugby, rugby try, tackle, tackle montage
Id: mZOPlHOM2r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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