The Try Guys Bake Gourmet Cookies (ft. Gabbie Hanna)

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- What I love about macaroons is how delicate they are. (yelling) This is gourmet cooking. (yelling) Welcome to the Try Guys make macaroons. (yelling) (upbeat music) - Today we're making fancy, gourmet, expensive cookies. The kinds of cookies you can make into trees, insert shot that helps justify that statement. - Today we are making macarons. Not macaroons. - Macaron? According to the chef it's macaroon, so suck it, Zach. - Macaroons are the things with coconut, macarons are like the little sandwich cookie things that you love. - Yeah, tomato tomato, you can call them both but nobody does. - Our special guest today is Gabbie Hannah, one of my favorite people in the entire world. - A macaroon is a completely different cookie. I bet you say fucking gif. How do you say your name? Why is that? Because your parents named you that. Now if people started calling you Kay-oth or Key-ith, or something, you'd be like that's annoying, because that's not your name. The creators of gif call it a gif, Keith. (soft music) - Welcome, I'm Fabien, I'm the pastry chef for Laduree Los Angeles. So today we'll try to show you how to make the french macaroon. - Could you say that again? - [Fabien] Macaroon. - Oh no. - Macaroon. - He's saying -oon. They say on. - Oh. - [Fabien] I've been making them my whole life with my grandmother. After when I finished school, I started pastry school and I've been doing that for around 15 years now. - How long are you in school until they're like okay, you can handle the macaroon. - It was that macaroons can take a few years, yeah. - A few years?! (laughing) - Oh my god. - This is like advanced level? - To get the perfect macaroon is pretty advanced, yeah. - I like the way macaroon's taste, but I love the way they look. The smell, you can pack them in little tiny boxes and they're like the perfect gift. - I love sweets. I like caramel, I like cheesecake, I like chocolate, I like cake, I like tiramisu, I like it when you can stir it up, I like when you can mix it, I like sweet, healthy things, I like rich things, I like subtle things, I love sweets. (upbeat music) - Chef, I know we haven't earned it, but, may we? - Yes. (gasping) - Oh wow. - Wow! (singing) - Oh my god. - So today we'll make some macaroons or let's try some first. - Oh! - Come on. - You did not. - [Keith] You made them a little triceratops. - So it should be crunchy outside, really soft and creamy inside. - [Zach] What is this flavor? - [Fabien] Orange blossom. - Orange blossom. - I taste the flower. - It seems like there are infinite flavors in the macaroon world. - [Fabien] Yes, there is no limit, as long as you can find a good recipe and make it work, we have over like maybe 500 different recipes. - 500?! - [Fabien] Yeah. - That's a lot of cookie sandwiches. - 160 years. - Today we are all making our very own macaroon. We've all chosen different flavors. I'm not a dessert guy, I like salt. I like fried chicken. I thought if I was going to make a macaroon, I should make it pair with fried chicken, and what goes better with fried chicken than waffles? I'm making maple ones, they're gonna be maple. - [Fabien] A big ingredient is the almonds. Almond and powdered sugar, and I will grind it until I get a thin powder, but I still want some pieces to have a little crunch. - [Zach] Oh yeah, there's like still little chunkies in here. - [Ned] Wow, so is it gluten free 'cause there's no flour? - [Fabien] Yeah. Gluten free. - Whoa. - Shit! - you know, lately I feel there's been too much tea spilling on YouTube, and it's taken us away from the real tea that really matters, tea. I'm gonna make a tea-flavored macaroon. - Okay so I beat up the egg whites until they are nice and foamy, and after, I will pour my simple syrup sugar that we bake into the 120 degrees Celsius and I will pour it over the egg whites and the sugar will cook the egg whites. - Wait the sugar cooks the egg? - Yeah. - [Fabien] Yeah. - Whoa. - [Keith] Oh its merengue-ing. (upbeat music) - So now I will mix the almond flour with a little bit more egg whites and for coloring, depending on the color we want to use. - Well, the first step, I've been dying to know what this feels like all day. - Shaving cream and whipped cream together, must be the perfect thing to pie somebody with. - It's got some resistance to it. Oh yeah. Do you need the egg whites? - Yes. - Okay, here you go chef. - Thank you. Here you go, chef. - Thank you so much, chef. Here you go, chef. - Oh, thank you, here you go, chef. - Thank you. So I'm just mixing the color and the egg whites together. It looks pretty red now, but it will become really nice pink. - I'm Italian, so when I think macaroon, I think pizza, and what's the closest I can get to pizza is strawberry and basil. Kinda like tomato and basil. I'm gonna make the outside shell pink, 'cause it's close to red. - I would like to make peanut butter and jelly macaroons. I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, so why not bring it to a cookie form? - [Fabien] So I will just pour everything inside. - Whoa, this looks straight up like that crunchy slime that they do on YouTube. - Oh my god! - Oh it's squand! - You haven't added any flavor in yet, right? - [Fabien] No. - Is the flavor in the cookie too or just the filling? - Just the filling, most of the time. - Whoa! Secrets exposed! - We want it to be a little bit liquidy but not too much. - [Ned] You want to keep the fluffiness of the meringue. - [Gabbie] So the flavor of the cookie is essentially almond. - Yes, the flavor of the cookie's almond and what we'll put inside the filling after a few days will infuse the shell from one to three days. - So a fresh macaroon is like a bad thing. - Yeah, it's not that great. - You don't want it fresh. - This is crazy! - You gotta be macaroon-your-game. - Wow. - I'm gonna make my outer cookie green. Chef, you said that the green is very strong, right? - [Fabien] Yes. - One drop, two drop. So you just put it in? - Yeah, I just put it in and I made this porridge. - Here's the thing, I'm a really bad baker, but I really like to win. - Oh I'm competitive too. Also, I don't want to come in third place. Literally anything else, except for fourth. Every time we've done this, I've come in third place. - And third we have Ned. (sighing) - Third place, the apple pie. (sighing) - I got third place. - You definitely got third place. (laughing) - That's cool, that's great. (gasping) It's very upsetting. - Now chef, am I putting this whole cream in? - Yes. (laughing) - Oh, you just went for it. - Yeah. - Gabbie, tell me about your EP. - It's called Two-Way Mirror. - How'd you come up with that name? - I caught my ex cheating on me. - Oh. - Because another girl wrote I love you in the steam of the shower, and then when I took a shower it re-steamed the mirror, and then I love you showed up in the mirror, I was like-- - Oh! What? - Yeah. - Wow. - Uh-huh. - All right, I think mine's pretty well combined. At this point, I'm just knocking more air out of it. - Uh, yeah, a little bit more. It's not shiny enough yet. - [Ned] Until I have a nice and shiny-- - They are fully ready when we pipe them, they won't stay in shape and it will become really flat and look weird. - Oh my thumb, my freaking thumb is getting sore. - Whoo, my grip hand is. - Geez, god. - [Zach] Chef, your hand must be so strong. - How's my consistency chef? - Seems it needs to me mixed. - Mixed. - Oh my hand! - Wah, golly. - Oh my thumb. - I think that's done now. - He said keep going. - You got this, Keith. - How's this looking, chef? - Looking great, yep, you're good to go. - Thank goodness. - Okay, so now I will pipe the macaroon. I will do two different size, a mini macaroon and a little bit larger macaroon so we can fit more stuff inside. So we'll put my macaroon dough in the piping bag and just pipe small round shapes. - [Zach] Oh yeah, oh yeah. - [Ned] Oh yeah. Look at 'em gloob. - Just need to make sure you have two of each of the same size so you can sandwich it. - This is the most exciting. Scoop. - Gloop, gloop, gloop, gloop. Gloop, gloop, gloop, gloop. Gloop, gloop, gloop, gloop. - Gloop, gloop, gloop, gloop. Gloop, gloop, gloop, gloop. Gloop, gloop, gloop, gloop. Gloop, gloop, gloop, gloop. Gloop, gloop, gloop, gloop. ♪ Well I put my batter into a bag ♪ ♪ And I the bag's got a little metal tip on the big ol' pan ♪ ♪ And I let it go drip drip drip ♪ ♪ I put the cookie out to make the cookie bake ♪ ♪ But it's not just a cookie ♪ ♪ It's a macaroon hey ♪ - Squirt! - Mine's ugly as fuck. - What's happening over there? - A disaster. - [Fabien] Don't put them too close to each other. - [Ned] They need to be farther apart? - Yeah, we'll have a big line of macaroons. - That's just back to the drawing board. (laughing) - Okay I get it now, if you put it closer to the ground. - Put it on the ground. (laughing) - I wish I would have made my tray look better, 'cause yours are really nicely spaced. - Ah, that's so kind, Gabbie. You know, I always loved meeting fans (laughing) of my work. - Feel real good about my technique now, but it took me a while to get there. - Mine are sort of abstractly living on the pan now. His were a lot better looking. - Yeah, he's better at this. - It's only because he's dedicated his life to it, Zach. - So I will shake them nice and flat. (Zach laughing) - [Ned] Yeah! - Okay, ready to go into the oven. - Wow, so excited. - [Zach] Keith, wait for me, my god. - Well we can't wack at the same time, there's only one wacking towel. - Yeah, my shit's circular as fuck. - Oh wow, that one's getting big. - Well I forgot about the wack part and these are gonna get huge and it's just gonna become one giant thing. - This feels weird to just. - [Gabbie] It is fun though, right? - [Ned] Smack it. Come on! - Gah! Ah! - Why don't they call them wack-a-roons? - Wack-a-roons. - Wack-a-roons. - I am adding peanuts to the top of mine because I have a peanut butter and jelly macaroon. Just a little bit more fun texture to it. - Because I'm making maple, they have these little powdered crepes, sprinkle them just nicely atop my shells. - And what's better with tea than a little bit of rose petal? - That's perfect. That is artistry. - Those nuts are gonna burn in the oven. - Yeah. - I got this weird Mickey one. - But maybe this mickey one will work with this almost Mikey one. - Oh, you know what? You're right, if I combine. (gasping) Keith, you're a genius. - Oh Zach! That won't have been wacked! That part of Mickey's head wont' have been wacked! - I did it. - Wow. - I combined them. - Now that we have finished our macaroons, we are going to put them in the oven for 150 degrees Celsius for 13 minutes. (upbeat music) - Okay, so the macaroon shells are out of the oven and they are nice, so I will flip so I can sandwich it. So I have a rose petal buttercream. I will come and pipe just a little bit of rose buttercream in the shell, and just need to close them. Perfect sandwich, so I made them a little bit bigger so I will be able to add more stuff in the macaroon. - [Ned] Oh boy! - Raspberry. I will add also a little bit of sweet so the sweetness of the leche will balance the sourness of the raspberry, so I will just do a little bit of decoration, make it look nice. (upbeat music) - All right, let's check out our finished macaroons in three, two, one. Oh! - Ned! I thought these were examples! These are ours? - [Ned] Look at them babies! - Oh my god! Wow, we actually did a really good job. - Oh look at these, oo. - Yours look great! - I think yours are actually better. - [Zach] Really? - [Keith] Than mine, yeah look they have the little foot ridge. It just shows that it grew and got taller, whereas mine didn't look like-- - Let's see the bottom of yours. - [Fabien] Yeah, the mix was better than yours. - I didn't mix it enough or I mixed it too much? - [Fabien] Little bit too much probably. - Too much? - Wow, so I did it just right. - I'm trying to only pick out the best ones. - Oh my god, there's a hair in this one. - What? Is that your hair, my hair? - That's a cat hair, bro. - And then check this out, this was a mistake, but we made it into a feature. We got Mickey Mouse macaroon, macaroons. Oh Mikey, you're so fine. - Oh I'm dumb. There's supposed to be bottoms of these cookies, but I made them all tops, so they're gonna have to sit on nuts. (laughing) I'm dumb! - That's funny. - So I've got earl gray, matcha, buttercream. No tea is complete without a little bit of honey. - [Keith] That looks awful. - Yeah, it looks straight up like geese poop. - It looks awful. - This looks like some guacamole. - Looks like guacamole that's turning. - Okay so I am going to make my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Vanilla and peanut butter, blueberry, I'm gonna mix those together for part of it. - I'm pretty much just gonna stick with the maple on the inside, but I'm gonna do a little decoration on the outside, some pecan, some berries, really make it feel like it's a Belgian waffle experience. Mm. I think it needs some more maple. Just a dash more. - This is strawberry jam, a little bit of balsamic. - That is a powerful flavor. I've got some fresh basil here and my wife's favorite cheese, mascarpone cheese. - Bro! - You like it? - That is alarmingly delicious. Is this spoiler alert? I'm sorry, but that's diecious. - I mean we're producing the video, we can both be tied for first place. - Work on down, work on down, work on down to flavor town. - Dollop. Dollop. Yeah, heck yeah, all right. Wow it has an interesting matte finish, doesn't it? - [Zach] It really does. - It really looks like wasabi. - [Ned] Whoa, look at that spiral. - Pretty good, right? - [Ned] That's a perfect spiral. - Maybe too much jelly question mark? Probably? - Whoa! - That's a fucking peanut butter and jelly sandwich. - [Zach] Okay now I'm gonna give mine a little dusting of tea, a little finish. - Okay, so I have my strawberry jam and balsamic outside, then I'm going to make a center of mascarpone and basil. It looks like a little pizza! - It does look like a little pizza. - It's like pizza sauce and cheese. - You did a good job. - Wow. - You ready to smush some boys? - Let's smush some boys. (upbeat music) - [Keith] Now we just gotta do the signature finish. I'm just gonna stab it into the cookie. - [Ned] Oh wow, Mickey. - [Zach] Mikey, yeah, he's having a moment. Come on, Mickey, stay together. (Gabbie laughing) - [Gabbie] That's cute as fuck. - [Ned] It's a mommy and me macaroon. - [Gabbie] Cut a strawberry in half. - [Ned] A whole strawberry. - [Gabbie] Cut it in half. - [Ned] A piece of basil. - Oh yeah, I already know exactly how mine will look. Daddy and the champs. - Keith, I need your help here, man. I know we're competitors, but right now I need you to help me get this Mickey onto this plate. - Okay, okay. Hold him, hold him, hold him. It's like Operation dumbo drop but with a Mickey. - [Zach] Oh my god. - Oh. Feel like we're on Cake Boss or something. - All right, we've plated our macaroons and now it's time to judge them, but we're all gonna be winners 'cause we're all gonna eat these at the end. (soft music) - Eugene's gonna be so jealous he wasn't here. - Yeah, screw that guy! - Yeah! - All right, Chef, these are our four macaroons. - Beautiful pronunciation. - Thank you, I thought that was good. - You did great, yeah. - You all did a great job with the shell. There was a lot of different and great idea and so yeah, I'm really excited to try it. - This is my continental breakfast macaroon. Maple buttercream and there's pecans on the big boy but not on the little guys. - They look nice, the shell is little bit thin, can't really taste the maple. - Aw man. - You should have put more little bit at the end. - Fuck! Cut into the big daddy. - Oh it's nice and crunchy outside. This is good. The pecan and everything, it's very good. - Chef, I hope you're ready for some drama, 'cause this is the spilled tea macaroon. Hints of earl gray, matcha, honey. We also have this Mickey one. He's kinda just for funsies. - The macaroon shell looks really nice. I love the sprinkle of the rose on top. - Thank you, Chef. (suspenesful music) - Interesting. - Thank you. (laughing) - Tastes a lot like matcha, but it's good. - So tell me, in France, did you guys eat peanut butter and jelly? - No we don't. - So this isn't as nostalgic as I had hoped, however, welcome to America. (laughing) Very generous with the filling. - Maybe a little bit generous, that's good. - Fun! Yay! - Chef Fabien, this is my strawberry and basil macaroon. It's what I imagine pizza would be if it were a dessert. - Like the plating, maybe a little bit too crunchy. - I'm so intrigued. Bro, bro. Bro. - That balsamic in the strawberry is pretty good. - Nice. Now guys this was really about enjoying the process of baking and appreciation, but now Chef, we do need you to pick a winner. - And the loser, and start with the loser. (laughing) - Okay, so in fourth place I will put this one. - Oh! - [Keith] Very surprised, but perhaps it was because it was the most basic. - The macaroon shell little bit too thin. - So it was basic and bad. - No, no, no no. (laughing) - In third place (suspenesful music) I will go with this one. - Oh my god. - He's never not gotten third place. I can't believe I was here for this moment. It's because Eugene's not here. I'm your lucky charm! - You're my lucky charm! - Can you guys quit celebrating for a moment and let me live in my sorrow? Chef what was wrong with my perfect tea? - Flavor of the matcha was a little bit too strong, so it's not for everyone. - Not for everyone? - Yeah. - But you liked it, just between us? - Yeah. - Who is the winner of the Try Guys plus Gabbie Hannah macaroon contest? - Though they are both good, I like the peanuts on top of this one, but it's a little bit too sweet. - Okay. - This one could have had some stuff on top like sprinkle or want a little bit more color, but the taste is really interesting and I love the idea of everything you put together. So it's pretty hard to judge, but I will go with the strawberry and basil. - Oh my god! Wow! Wow! Thank you, Chef, thank you, thank you! Oh my goodness! - I'm proud of you. I'm really proud of you. - Wow. Wow. - That's amazing to go from perpetually third to first. - My Nana would be proud. - Thank you to Laduree for having us. Thank you, Chef, for teaching us the way of the macaroon and congratulations to Ned who finally didn't get third place. Congratulations, Ned. - Thank you, wow. - You know what, guys? We tried. - You're bad. (upbeat music) (Keith laughing) - Really looks like what you don't want it to look like. - It looks totally like poop.
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 5,669,849
Rating: 4.9176822 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, macarons, macaron, cookie, dessert, food, foodies, paris, france, french, laduree, cookies, sandwich cookies, baking, pastry, viral food, gifts, challenge, competition, yum, delicious, chocolate, sweets, sweet
Id: I-VZZFeg8dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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